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synced 2025-03-12 04:32:48 +00:00
818 lines
23 KiB
818 lines
23 KiB
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <sys/mount.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <vgui/VGUI.h>
#include <vgui/ISystem.h>
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include <vgui/IInputInternal.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include "tier0/vcrmode.h"
#include "tier1/fmtstr.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "vgui_internal.h"
#include "filesystem_helpers.h"
#include "vgui_key_translation.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#ifdef OSX
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/mount.h>
#elif defined(LINUX)
#include <sys/vfs.h>
#ifdef USE_SDL
#include "SDL_clipboard.h"
#include "SDL_error.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
using namespace vgui;
uint16 System_GetKeyState( int virtualKeyCode )
#ifndef _XBOX
return g_pVCR->Hook_GetKeyState(virtualKeyCode);
return 0;
class CSystem : public ISystem
virtual void Shutdown();
virtual void RunFrame();
virtual long GetTimeMillis();
// returns the time at the start of the frame
virtual double GetFrameTime();
// returns the current time
virtual double GetCurrentTime();
virtual void ShellExecute(const char *command, const char *file);
virtual int GetClipboardTextCount();
virtual void SetClipboardText(const char *text, int textLen);
virtual void SetClipboardText(const wchar_t *text, int textLen);
virtual int GetClipboardText(int offset, char *buf, int bufLen);
virtual int GetClipboardText(int offset, wchar_t *buf, int bufLen);
virtual void SetClipboardImage( void *pWnd, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 );
virtual bool SetRegistryString(const char *key, const char *value);
virtual bool GetRegistryString(const char *key, char *value, int valueLen);
virtual bool SetRegistryInteger(const char *key, int value);
virtual bool GetRegistryInteger(const char *key, int &value);
virtual bool DeleteRegistryKey(const char *keyName);
virtual bool SetWatchForComputerUse(bool state);
virtual double GetTimeSinceLastUse();
virtual int GetAvailableDrives(char *buf, int bufLen);
virtual double GetFreeDiskSpace(const char *path);
virtual KeyValues *GetUserConfigFileData(const char *dialogName, int dialogID);
virtual void SetUserConfigFile(const char *fileName, const char *pathName);
virtual void SaveUserConfigFile();
virtual bool CommandLineParamExists(const char *commandName);
virtual bool GetCommandLineParamValue(const char *paramName, char *value, int valueBufferSize);
virtual const char *GetFullCommandLine();
virtual bool GetCurrentTimeAndDate(int *year, int *month, int *dayOfWeek, int *day, int *hour, int *minute, int *second);
// shortcut (.lnk) modification functions
virtual bool CreateShortcut(const char *linkFileName, const char *targetPath, const char *arguments, const char *workingDirectory, const char *iconFile);
virtual bool GetShortcutTarget(const char *linkFileName, char *targetPath, char *arguments, int destBufferSizes);
virtual bool ModifyShortcutTarget(const char *linkFileName, const char *targetPath, const char *arguments, const char *workingDirectory);
virtual KeyCode KeyCode_VirtualKeyToVGUI( int keyCode );
virtual int KeyCode_VGUIToVirtualKey( KeyCode keyCode );
// virtual MouseCode MouseCode_VirtualKeyToVGUI( int keyCode );
// virtual int MouseCode_VGUIToVirtualKey( MouseCode keyCode );
virtual const char *GetDesktopFolderPath();
virtual const char *GetStartMenuFolderPath();
virtual const char *GetAllUserDesktopFolderPath();
virtual const char *GetAllUserStartMenuFolderPath();
virtual void ShellExecuteEx( const char *command, const char *file, const char *pParams );
virtual void Validate( CValidator &validator, char *pchName );
void SaveRegistryToFile( bool bForce = false );
bool m_bStaticWatchForComputerUse;
double m_StaticLastComputerUseTime;
int m_iStaticMouseOldX, m_iStaticMouseOldY;
// timer data
double m_flFrameTime;
KeyValues *m_pUserConfigData;
char m_szFileName[MAX_PATH];
char m_szPathID[MAX_PATH];
KeyValues *m_pRegistry;
double m_flRegistrySaveTime;
bool m_bRegistryDirty;
char m_szRegistryPath[ MAX_PATH ];
#ifdef OSX
PasteboardRef m_PasteBoardRef;
CSystem g_System;
namespace vgui
vgui::ISystem *g_pSystem = &g_System;
#define REGISTRY_NAME "cfg/registry.vdf"
// Purpose: Constructor
m_bStaticWatchForComputerUse = false;
m_flFrameTime = 0.0;
m_flRegistrySaveTime = 0.0;
m_bRegistryDirty = false;
m_pUserConfigData = NULL;
#ifdef OSX
PasteboardCreate( kPasteboardClipboard, &m_PasteBoardRef );
Q_snprintf( m_szRegistryPath, sizeof(m_szRegistryPath), "%s", REGISTRY_NAME );
m_pRegistry = new KeyValues( "registry" );
// Purpose: Destructor
SaveRegistryToFile( true );
#ifdef OSX
CFRelease( m_PasteBoardRef );
void CSystem::SaveRegistryToFile( bool bForce )
/*if ( m_pRegistry && ( m_bRegistryDirty || bForce ) && g_pFullFileSystem )
m_pRegistry->SaveToFile( g_pFullFileSystem, m_szRegistryPath, "MOD" );
m_bRegistryDirty = false;
// Purpose:
void CSystem::Shutdown()
if (m_pUserConfigData)
SaveRegistryToFile( true );
if ( m_pRegistry )
m_pRegistry = NULL;
// Purpose: Handles all the per frame actions
void CSystem::RunFrame()
// record the current frame time
m_flFrameTime = GetCurrentTime();
if (m_bStaticWatchForComputerUse)
// check for mouse movement
int x, y;
g_pInput->GetCursorPos(x, y);
// allow a little slack for jittery mice, don't reset until it's moved more than fifty pixels
if (abs((x + y) - (m_iStaticMouseOldX + m_iStaticMouseOldY)) > 50)
m_StaticLastComputerUseTime = Plat_MSTime();
m_iStaticMouseOldX = x;
m_iStaticMouseOldY = y;
if ( m_flFrameTime - m_flRegistrySaveTime > REGISTRY_SAVE_INTERVAL )
m_flRegistrySaveTime = m_flFrameTime;
// Registry_RunFrame();
// Purpose: returns the time at the start of the frame
double CSystem::GetFrameTime()
return m_flFrameTime;
// Purpose: returns the current time
double CSystem::GetCurrentTime()
return Plat_FloatTime();
// Purpose: returns the current time in milliseconds
long CSystem::GetTimeMillis()
return (long)(Plat_MSTime() );
// Purpose: Legacy stub to allow ShellExecute( "open", "file" ) -- doesn't otherwise work
void CSystem::ShellExecute(const char *command, const char *file)
if ( V_strcmp( command, "open" ) != 0 )
// Nope
Assert( !"This legacy command is only supported in the form of open <foo>" );
#ifdef OSX
const char *szCommand = "open";
const char *szCommand = "xdg-open";
pid_t pid = fork();
if ( pid == 0 )
// Child
#ifdef LINUX
// Escape steam runtime if necessary
const char *szSteamRuntime = getenv( "STEAM_RUNTIME" );
if ( szSteamRuntime )
unsetenv( "STEAM_RUNTIME" );
const char *szSystemLibraryPath = getenv( "SYSTEM_LD_LIBRARY_PATH" );
const char *szSystemPath = getenv( "SYSTEM_PATH" );
if ( szSystemLibraryPath )
setenv( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH", szSystemLibraryPath, 1 );
if ( szSystemPath )
setenv( "PATH", szSystemPath, 1 );
execlp( szCommand, szCommand, file, (char *)0 );
Assert( !"execlp failed" );
void CSystem::ShellExecuteEx( const char *command, const char *file, const char *pParams )
NOTE_UNUSED( pParams );
ShellExecute( command, file );
void CSystem::SetClipboardText(const char *text, int textLen)
#ifdef OSX
PasteboardSynchronize( m_PasteBoardRef );
PasteboardClear( m_PasteBoardRef );
CFDataRef theData = CFDataCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, (const UInt8*)text, textLen );
PasteboardPutItemFlavor( m_PasteBoardRef, (PasteboardItemID)1, CFSTR("public.utf8-plain-text"), theData, 0 );
CFRelease( theData );
#elif defined( USE_SDL )
if ( Q_strlen( text ) <= textLen )
if ( SDL_SetClipboardText( text ) )
Msg( "SDL_SetClipboardText failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError() );
char *ClipText = ( char *)malloc( textLen + 1 );
if ( ClipText )
Q_strncpy( ClipText, text, textLen + 1 );
if ( SDL_SetClipboardText( ClipText ) )
Msg( "SDL_SetClipboardText failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError() );
free( ClipText );
void CSystem::SetClipboardImage( void *pWnd, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 )
Assert( false );
// Purpose: Puts unicode text into the clipboard
void CSystem::SetClipboardText(const wchar_t *text, int textLen)
char *charStr = (char *)malloc( textLen * 4 );
Q_UnicodeToUTF8( text, charStr, textLen*4 );
#ifdef OSX
PasteboardSynchronize( m_PasteBoardRef );
PasteboardClear( m_PasteBoardRef );
CFDataRef theData = CFDataCreate( kCFAllocatorDefault, (const UInt8*)charStr, Q_strlen(charStr) );
PasteboardPutItemFlavor( m_PasteBoardRef, (PasteboardItemID)1, CFSTR("public.utf8-plain-text"), theData, 0 );
CFRelease( theData );
#elif defined( USE_SDL )
SetClipboardText( charStr, Q_strlen( charStr ) );
free( charStr );
int CSystem::GetClipboardTextCount()
#ifdef OSX
ItemCount count;
PasteboardSynchronize( m_PasteBoardRef );
OSStatus err = PasteboardGetItemCount( m_PasteBoardRef, &count );
if ( err != noErr )
return 0;
if ( count <= 0 )
return 0;
PasteboardItemID ItemID;
// always use the last item on the clipboard for any cut and paste data
err = PasteboardGetItemIdentifier( m_PasteBoardRef, count, &ItemID );
if ( err != noErr )
return 0;
CFDataRef outData;
err = PasteboardCopyItemFlavorData ( m_PasteBoardRef, ItemID, CFSTR ("public.utf8-plain-text"), &outData);
if ( err != noErr )
return 0;
int copyLen = CFDataGetLength( outData );
CFRelease( outData );
return (int)copyLen + 1;
#elif defined( USE_SDL )
int Count = 0;
if ( SDL_HasClipboardText() )
char *text = SDL_GetClipboardText();
if ( text )
Count = Q_strlen( text ) + 1;
SDL_free( text );
return Count;
return 0;
int CSystem::GetClipboardText(int offset, char *buf, int bufLen)
Assert( !offset );
#ifdef OSX
ItemCount count;
PasteboardSynchronize( m_PasteBoardRef );
OSStatus err = PasteboardGetItemCount( m_PasteBoardRef, &count );
if ( err != noErr )
return 0;
char *pchOutData;
PasteboardItemID ItemID;
// pull the last item from the clipboard
err = PasteboardGetItemIdentifier( m_PasteBoardRef, count, &ItemID );
if ( err != noErr )
return 0;
CFDataRef outData;
err = PasteboardCopyItemFlavorData ( m_PasteBoardRef, ItemID, CFSTR ("public.utf8-plain-text"), &outData);
if ( err != noErr )
return 0;
pchOutData = (char *)CFDataGetBytePtr(outData );
int copyLen = MIN( CFDataGetLength( outData ), bufLen ) ;
if ( pchOutData )
memcpy( buf, pchOutData, copyLen );
CFRelease( outData );
return copyLen;
#elif defined( USE_SDL )
if( SDL_HasClipboardText() )
char *text = SDL_GetClipboardText();
if ( text )
Q_strncpy( buf, text, bufLen );
SDL_free( text );
return Q_strlen( buf );
return 0;
return 0;
// Purpose: Retrieves unicode text from the clipboard
int CSystem::GetClipboardText(int offset, wchar_t *buf, int bufLen)
Assert( !offset );
char *outputUTF8 = (char *)malloc( bufLen*4 );
int ret = GetClipboardText( offset, outputUTF8, bufLen );
if ( ret )
Q_UTF8ToUnicode( outputUTF8, buf, bufLen );
else if( bufLen > 0 )
buf[ 0 ] = 0;
free( outputUTF8 );
return ret;
bool CSystem::SetRegistryString(const char *key, const char *value)
m_bRegistryDirty = true;
m_pRegistry->SetString( key, value );
return true;
bool CSystem::GetRegistryString(const char *key, char *value, int valueLen)
const char *pchVal = m_pRegistry->GetString( key );
if ( pchVal )
Q_strncpy( value, pchVal, valueLen );
return pchVal != NULL;
bool CSystem::SetRegistryInteger(const char *key, int value)
m_bRegistryDirty = true;
m_pRegistry->SetInt( key, value );
return false;
bool CSystem::GetRegistryInteger(const char *key, int &value)
value = m_pRegistry->GetInt( key );
return value != 0;
// Purpose: recursively deletes a registry key and all it's subkeys
bool CSystem::DeleteRegistryKey(const char *key)
Assert( false );
return false;
// Purpose: sets whether or not the app watches for global computer use
bool CSystem::SetWatchForComputerUse(bool state)
if (state == m_bStaticWatchForComputerUse)
return true;
m_bStaticWatchForComputerUse = state;
if (m_bStaticWatchForComputerUse)
// enable watching
// disable watching
return true;
// Purpose: returns the time, in seconds, since the last computer use.
double CSystem::GetTimeSinceLastUse()
if (m_bStaticWatchForComputerUse)
return ( Plat_MSTime() - m_StaticLastComputerUseTime ) / 1000.0f;
return 0.0f;
// Purpose: Get the drives a user has available on thier system
int CSystem::GetAvailableDrives(char *buf, int bufLen)
Assert( false );
return 0;
// Purpose: returns the amount of available disk space, in bytes, on the specified path
double CSystem::GetFreeDiskSpace(const char *path)
// MoeMod: newer macOS only support 64bit, so no statfs64 is provided
struct statfs buf;
int ret = statfs( path, &buf );
struct statfs64 buf;
int ret = statfs64( path, &buf );
if ( ret < 0 )
return 0.0;
return (double) ( buf.f_bsize * buf.f_bfree );
// Purpose: user config
KeyValues *CSystem::GetUserConfigFileData(const char *dialogName, int dialogID)
if (!m_pUserConfigData)
return NULL;
Assert(dialogName && *dialogName);
if (dialogID)
char buf[256];
Q_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s_%d", dialogName, dialogID);
dialogName = buf;
return m_pUserConfigData->FindKey(dialogName, true);
// Purpose: sets the name of the config file to save/restore from. Settings are loaded immediately.
void CSystem::SetUserConfigFile(const char *fileName, const char *pathName)
//m_pRegistry->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, m_szRegistryPath, NULL );
if (!m_pUserConfigData)
m_pUserConfigData = new KeyValues("UserConfigData");
// delete all the existing keys so when we reload from the new file we don't
// get duplicate entries in our key value
Q_strncpy(m_szFileName, fileName, sizeof(m_szFileName));
Q_strncpy(m_szPathID, pathName, sizeof(m_szPathID));
// open
m_pUserConfigData->UsesEscapeSequences( true ); // VGUI may use this
m_pUserConfigData->LoadFromFile(g_pFullFileSystem, m_szFileName, m_szPathID);
// Purpose: saves all the current settings to the user config file
void CSystem::SaveUserConfigFile()
if (m_pUserConfigData)
m_pUserConfigData->SaveToFile(g_pFullFileSystem, m_szFileName, m_szPathID);
// Purpose: returns whether or not the parameter was on the command line
bool CSystem::CommandLineParamExists(const char *paramName)
if ( Q_strstr( Plat_GetCommandLine(), paramName ) )
return true;
return false;
// Purpose: gets the string following a command line param
bool CSystem::GetCommandLineParamValue(const char *paramName, char *value, int valueBufferSize)
Assert( false );
return true;
// Purpose: returns the name of the currently running exe
const char *CSystem::GetFullCommandLine()
return VCRHook_GetCommandLine();
KeyCode CSystem::KeyCode_VirtualKeyToVGUI( int keyCode )
return ::KeyCode_VirtualKeyToVGUI( keyCode );
int CSystem::KeyCode_VGUIToVirtualKey( KeyCode keyCode )
return ::KeyCode_VGUIToVirtualKey( keyCode );
/*MouseCode CSystem::MouseCode_VirtualKeyToVGUI( int keyCode )
return ::MouseCode_VirtualKeyToVGUI( keyCode );
int CSystem::MouseCode_VGUIToVirtualKey( MouseCode mouseCode )
return ::MouseCode_VGUIToVirtualKey( mouseCode );
// Purpose: returns the current local time and date
bool CSystem::GetCurrentTimeAndDate(int *year, int *month, int *dayOfWeek, int *day, int *hour, int *minute, int *second)
time_t t = time( NULL );
struct tm *now = localtime( &t );
if ( now )
if ( year ) *year = now->tm_year + 1900;
if ( month ) *month = now->tm_mon + 1;
if ( dayOfWeek ) *dayOfWeek = now->tm_wday;
if ( day ) *day = now->tm_mday;
if ( hour ) *hour = now->tm_hour;
if ( minute ) *minute = now->tm_min;
if ( second ) *second = now->tm_sec;
return true;
return false;
// Purpose: Creates a shortcut file
bool CSystem::CreateShortcut(const char *linkFileName, const char *targetPath, const char *arguments, const char *workingDirectory, const char *iconFile)
Assert( false );
return false;
// Purpose: retrieves shortcut (.lnk) information
bool CSystem::GetShortcutTarget(const char *linkFileName, char *targetPath, char *arguments, int destBufferSizes)
Assert( false );
return false;
// Purpose: sets shortcut (.lnk) information
bool CSystem::ModifyShortcutTarget(const char *linkFileName, const char *targetPath, const char *arguments, const char *workingDirectory)
Assert( false );
return false;
// Purpose: returns the full path of the current user's desktop folder
const char *CSystem::GetDesktopFolderPath()
Assert( false );
return NULL;
// Purpose: returns the full path of the all user's desktop folder
const char *CSystem::GetAllUserDesktopFolderPath()
Assert( false );
return NULL;
// Purpose: returns the full path of the current user's start->program files
const char *CSystem::GetStartMenuFolderPath()
Assert( false );
return NULL;
// Purpose: returns the full path of the all user's start->program files
const char *CSystem::GetAllUserStartMenuFolderPath()
Assert( false );
return NULL;
// Purpose: Ensure that all of our internal structures are consistent, and
// account for all memory that we've allocated.
// Input: validator - Our global validator object
// pchName - Our name (typically a member var in our container)
void CSystem::Validate( CValidator &validator, char *pchName )
ValidatePtr( m_pUserConfigData );
void Validate_System( CValidator &validator )
ValidateObj( g_System );