2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
# include "cbase.h"
# ifdef _WIN32
# include "winerror.h"
# endif
# include "achievementmgr.h"
# include "icommandline.h"
# include "KeyValues.h"
# include "filesystem.h"
# include "inputsystem/InputEnums.h"
# include "usermessages.h"
# include "fmtstr.h"
# include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
# ifdef CLIENT_DLL
# include "achievement_notification_panel.h"
# include "c_playerresource.h"
# include "gamestats.h"
# include "econ_item_inventory.h"
# endif //TF_CLIENT_DLL
# else
# include "enginecallback.h"
# endif // CLIENT_DLL
# ifndef _X360
# include "steam/isteamuserstats.h"
# include "steam/isteamfriends.h"
# include "steam/isteamutils.h"
# include "steam/steam_api.h"
# include "steam/isteamremotestorage.h"
# else
# include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h"
# endif
# include "tier3/tier3.h"
# include "vgui/ILocalize.h"
# ifdef _X360
# include "ixboxsystem.h"
# endif // _X360
# include "engine/imatchmaking.h"
# include "tier0/vprof.h"
# if defined(TF_DLL) || defined(TF_CLIENT_DLL)
# include "tf_gamerules.h"
# endif
ConVar cc_achievement_debug ( " achievement_debug " , " 0 " , FCVAR_CHEAT | FCVAR_REPLICATED , " Turn on achievement debug msgs. " ) ;
// [Forrest] Allow achievements/stats to be turned off for a server
ConVar sv_nostats ( " sv_nostats " , " 0 " , FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_NOTIFY , " Disable collecting statistics and awarding achievements. " ) ;
# endif // CSTRIKE_DLL
const char * COM_GetModDirectory ( ) ;
extern ConVar developer ;
# ifdef SWDS
// Hack this for now until we get steam_api recompiling in the Steam codebase.
ISteamUserStats * SteamUserStats ( )
return NULL ;
# endif
// Purpose: Write helper
// [dwenger] Steam Cloud Support
static void WriteAchievementGlobalState ( KeyValues * pKV , bool bPersistToSteamCloud = false )
# ifdef _X360
if ( XBX_GetStorageDeviceId ( ) = = XBX_INVALID_STORAGE_ID | | XBX_GetStorageDeviceId ( ) = = XBX_STORAGE_DECLINED )
return ;
# endif
char szFilename [ _MAX_PATH ] ;
if ( IsX360 ( ) )
Q_snprintf ( szFilename , sizeof ( szFilename ) , " cfg:/%s_GameState.txt " , COM_GetModDirectory ( ) ) ;
Q_snprintf ( szFilename , sizeof ( szFilename ) , " GameState.txt " ) ;
// Never call pKV->SaveToFile!!!!
// Save to a buffer instead.
CUtlBuffer buf ( 0 , 0 , CUtlBuffer : : TEXT_BUFFER ) ;
pKV - > RecursiveSaveToFile ( buf , 0 ) ;
filesystem - > WriteFile ( szFilename , NULL , buf ) ;
pKV - > deleteThis ( ) ;
// [dwenger] Steam Cloud Support
if ( bPersistToSteamCloud )
# ifndef NO_STEAM
if ( IsX360 ( ) )
Q_snprintf ( szFilename , sizeof ( szFilename ) , " cfg:/%s_GameState.txt " , COM_GetModDirectory ( ) ) ;
Q_snprintf ( szFilename , sizeof ( szFilename ) , " GameState.txt " ) ;
ISteamRemoteStorage * pRemoteStorage = SteamClient ( ) ? ( ISteamRemoteStorage * ) SteamClient ( ) - > GetISteamGenericInterface (
if ( pRemoteStorage )
int32 availableBytes = 0 ;
int32 totalBytes = 0 ;
if ( pRemoteStorage - > GetQuota ( & totalBytes , & availableBytes ) )
if ( totalBytes > 0 )
int32 filesize = ( int32 ) filesystem - > Size ( szFilename ) ;
if ( filesize > 0 )
char * pData = new char [ filesize ] ;
if ( pData )
// Read in the data from the file system GameState.txt file
FileHandle_t handle = filesystem - > Open ( szFilename , " r " ) ;
if ( handle )
int32 nRead = filesystem - > Read ( pData , filesize , handle ) ;
filesystem - > Close ( handle ) ;
if ( nRead = = filesize )
// Write out the data to steam cloud
pRemoteStorage - > FileWrite ( szFilename , pData , filesize ) ;
// Delete the data array
delete [ ] pData ;
# endif
# ifdef _X360
if ( xboxsystem )
xboxsystem - > FinishContainerWrites ( ) ;
# endif
// Purpose: Async save thread
class CAchievementSaveThread : public CWorkerThread
public :
CAchievementSaveThread ( ) :
m_pKV ( NULL )
SetName ( " AchievementSaveThread " ) ;
~ CAchievementSaveThread ( )
} ;
void WriteAchievementGlobalState ( KeyValues * pKV )
Assert ( ! m_pKV ) ;
m_pKV = pKV ;
CallWorker ( CALL_FUNC ) ;
Assert ( ! m_pKV ) ;
int Run ( )
unsigned nCall ;
while ( WaitForCall ( & nCall ) )
if ( nCall = = EXIT )
Reply ( 1 ) ;
break ;
KeyValues * pKV = m_pKV ;
m_pKV = NULL ;
Reply ( 1 ) ;
: : WriteAchievementGlobalState ( pKV ) ;
return 0 ;
private :
KeyValues * m_pKV ;
} ;
static CAchievementSaveThread g_AchievementSaveThread ;
// Purpose: constructor
// [dwenger] Steam Cloud Support
CAchievementMgr : : CAchievementMgr ( SteamCloudPersisting ePersistToSteamCloud ) : CAutoGameSystemPerFrame ( " CAchievementMgr " )
# if !defined(NO_STEAM)
, m_CallbackUserStatsReceived ( this , & CAchievementMgr : : Steam_OnUserStatsReceived ) ,
m_CallbackUserStatsStored ( this , & CAchievementMgr : : Steam_OnUserStatsStored )
# endif
SetDefLessFunc ( m_mapAchievement ) ;
SetDefLessFunc ( m_mapMetaAchievement ) ;
m_flLastClassChangeTime = 0 ;
m_flTeamplayStartTime = 0 ;
m_iMiniroundsCompleted = 0 ;
m_szMap [ 0 ] = 0 ;
m_bSteamDataDirty = false ;
m_bGlobalStateDirty = false ;
m_bGlobalStateLoaded = false ;
m_bCheatsEverOn = false ;
m_flTimeLastSaved = 0 ;
// [dwenger] Steam Cloud Support
if ( ePersistToSteamCloud = = SteamCloudPersist_Off )
m_bPersistToSteamCloud = false ;
m_bPersistToSteamCloud = true ;
m_AchievementsAwarded . RemoveAll ( ) ;
// Purpose: Initializer
bool CAchievementMgr : : Init ( )
// We can be created on either client (for multiplayer games) or server
// (for single player), so register ourselves with the engine so UI has a uniform place
// to go get the pointer to us
# ifdef _DEBUG
// There can be only one achievement manager instance; no one else should be registered
IAchievementMgr * pAchievementMgr = engine - > GetAchievementMgr ( ) ;
Assert ( NULL = = pAchievementMgr ) ;
# endif // _DEBUG
// register ourselves
engine - > SetAchievementMgr ( this ) ;
// register for events
# ifdef GAME_DLL
ListenForGameEvent ( " entity_killed " ) ;
ListenForGameEvent ( " game_init " ) ;
# else
ListenForGameEvent ( " player_death " ) ;
ListenForGameEvent ( " player_stats_updated " ) ;
usermessages - > HookMessage ( " AchievementEvent " , MsgFunc_AchievementEvent ) ;
# endif // CLIENT_DLL
ListenForGameEvent ( " localplayer_changeclass " ) ;
ListenForGameEvent ( " localplayer_changeteam " ) ;
ListenForGameEvent ( " teamplay_round_start " ) ;
ListenForGameEvent ( " teamplay_round_win " ) ;
# endif // TF_CLIENT_DLL
return true ;
// Purpose: called at init time after all systems are init'd. We have to
// do this in PostInit because the Steam app ID is not available earlier
void CAchievementMgr : : PostInit ( )
if ( ! g_AchievementSaveThread . IsAlive ( ) )
g_AchievementSaveThread . Start ( ) ;
# ifdef WIN32
if ( IsX360 ( ) )
ThreadSetAffinity ( ( ThreadHandle_t ) g_AchievementSaveThread . GetThreadHandle ( ) , XBOX_PROCESSOR_3 ) ;
# endif // WIN32
// get current game dir
const char * pGameDir = COM_GetModDirectory ( ) ;
CBaseAchievementHelper * pAchievementHelper = CBaseAchievementHelper : : s_pFirst ;
while ( pAchievementHelper )
// create and initialize all achievements and insert them in our map
CBaseAchievement * pAchievement = pAchievementHelper - > m_pfnCreate ( ) ;
pAchievement - > m_pAchievementMgr = this ;
pAchievement - > Init ( ) ;
pAchievement - > CalcProgressMsgIncrement ( ) ;
// only add an achievement if it does not have a game filter (only compiled into the game it
// applies to, or truly cross-game) or, if it does have a game filter, the filter matches current game.
// (e.g. EP 1/2/... achievements are in shared binary but are game specific, they have a game filter for runtime check.)
const char * pGameDirFilter = pAchievement - > m_pGameDirFilter ;
if ( ! pGameDirFilter | | ( 0 = = Q_strcmp ( pGameDir , pGameDirFilter ) ) )
m_mapAchievement . Insert ( pAchievement - > GetAchievementID ( ) , pAchievement ) ;
if ( pAchievement - > IsMetaAchievement ( ) )
m_mapMetaAchievement . Insert ( pAchievement - > GetAchievementID ( ) , dynamic_cast < CAchievement_AchievedCount * > ( pAchievement ) ) ;
// achievement is not for this game, don't use it
delete pAchievement ;
pAchievementHelper = pAchievementHelper - > m_pNext ;
FOR_EACH_MAP ( m_mapAchievement , iter )
m_vecAchievement . AddToTail ( m_mapAchievement [ iter ] ) ;
// load global state from file
LoadGlobalState ( ) ;
// download achievements/stats from Steam/XBox Live
DownloadUserData ( ) ;
// Purpose: Shuts down the achievement manager
void CAchievementMgr : : Shutdown ( )
g_AchievementSaveThread . CallWorker ( CAchievementSaveThread : : EXIT ) ;
SaveGlobalState ( false ) ; // we just told the thread to shutdown so don't try an async save here
FOR_EACH_MAP ( m_mapAchievement , iter )
delete m_mapAchievement [ iter ] ;
m_mapAchievement . RemoveAll ( ) ;
m_mapMetaAchievement . RemoveAll ( ) ;
m_vecAchievement . RemoveAll ( ) ;
m_vecKillEventListeners . RemoveAll ( ) ;
m_vecMapEventListeners . RemoveAll ( ) ;
m_vecComponentListeners . RemoveAll ( ) ;
m_AchievementsAwarded . RemoveAll ( ) ;
m_bGlobalStateLoaded = false ;
// Purpose: Cleans up all achievements and then re-initializes them
void CAchievementMgr : : InitializeAchievements ( )
Shutdown ( ) ;
PostInit ( ) ;
# ifdef CLIENT_DLL
extern const ConVar * sv_cheats ;
# endif
# ifdef GAME_DLL
void CAchievementMgr : : FrameUpdatePostEntityThink ( )
Update ( 0.0f ) ;
# endif
// Purpose: Do per-frame handling
void CAchievementMgr : : Update ( float frametime )
# ifdef CLIENT_DLL
if ( ! sv_cheats )
sv_cheats = cvar - > FindVar ( " sv_cheats " ) ;
# endif
# ifndef _DEBUG
// keep track if cheats have ever been turned on during this level
if ( ! WereCheatsEverOn ( ) )
if ( sv_cheats & & sv_cheats - > GetBool ( ) )
m_bCheatsEverOn = true ;
# endif
// Call think functions. Work backwards, because we may remove achievements from the list.
int iCount = m_vecThinkListeners . Count ( ) ;
for ( int i = iCount - 1 ; i > = 0 ; i - - )
if ( m_vecThinkListeners [ i ] . m_flThinkTime < gpGlobals - > curtime )
m_vecThinkListeners [ i ] . pAchievement - > Think ( ) ;
// The think function may have pushed out the think time. If not, remove ourselves from the list.
if ( m_vecThinkListeners [ i ] . pAchievement - > IsAchieved ( ) | | m_vecThinkListeners [ i ] . m_flThinkTime < gpGlobals - > curtime )
m_vecThinkListeners . Remove ( i ) ;
if ( m_bSteamDataDirty )
UploadUserData ( ) ;
// Purpose: called on level init
void CAchievementMgr : : LevelInitPreEntity ( )
m_bCheatsEverOn = false ;
// load global state if we haven't already; X360 users may not have had a storage device available or selected at boot time
EnsureGlobalStateLoaded ( ) ;
# ifdef GAME_DLL
// For single-player games, achievement mgr must live on the server. (Only the server has detailed knowledge of game state.)
Assert ( ! GameRules ( ) - > IsMultiplayer ( ) ) ;
# else
// For multiplayer games, achievement mgr must live on the client. (Only the client can read/write player state from Steam/XBox Live.)
Assert ( GameRules ( ) - > IsMultiplayer ( ) ) ;
# endif
// clear list of achievements listening for events
m_vecKillEventListeners . RemoveAll ( ) ;
m_vecMapEventListeners . RemoveAll ( ) ;
m_vecComponentListeners . RemoveAll ( ) ;
m_AchievementsAwarded . RemoveAll ( ) ;
m_flLastClassChangeTime = 0 ;
m_flTeamplayStartTime = 0 ;
m_iMiniroundsCompleted = 0 ;
// client and server have map names available in different forms (full path on client, just file base name on server),
// cache it in base file name form here so we don't have to have different code paths each time we access it
# ifdef CLIENT_DLL
Q_FileBase ( engine - > GetLevelName ( ) , m_szMap , ARRAYSIZE ( m_szMap ) ) ;
# else
Q_strncpy ( m_szMap , gpGlobals - > mapname . ToCStr ( ) , ARRAYSIZE ( m_szMap ) ) ;
# endif // CLIENT_DLL
if ( IsX360 ( ) )
// need to remove the .360 extension on the end of the map name
char * pExt = Q_stristr ( m_szMap , " .360 " ) ;
if ( pExt )
* pExt = ' \0 ' ;
// look through all achievements, see which ones we want to have listen for events
FOR_EACH_MAP ( m_mapAchievement , iAchievement )
CBaseAchievement * pAchievement = m_mapAchievement [ iAchievement ] ;
// if the achievement only applies to a specific map, and it's not the current map, skip it
const char * pMapNameFilter = pAchievement - > m_pMapNameFilter ;
if ( pMapNameFilter & & ( 0 ! = Q_strcmp ( m_szMap , pMapNameFilter ) ) )
continue ;
// if the achievement needs kill events, add it as a listener
if ( pAchievement - > GetFlags ( ) & ACH_LISTEN_KILL_EVENTS )
m_vecKillEventListeners . AddToTail ( pAchievement ) ;
// if the achievement needs map events, add it as a listener
if ( pAchievement - > GetFlags ( ) & ACH_LISTEN_MAP_EVENTS )
m_vecMapEventListeners . AddToTail ( pAchievement ) ;
// if the achievement needs map events, add it as a listener
if ( pAchievement - > GetFlags ( ) & ACH_LISTEN_COMPONENT_EVENTS )
m_vecComponentListeners . AddToTail ( pAchievement ) ;
if ( pAchievement - > IsActive ( ) )
pAchievement - > ListenForEvents ( ) ;
m_flLevelInitTime = gpGlobals - > curtime ;
// Purpose: called on level shutdown
void CAchievementMgr : : LevelShutdownPreEntity ( )
// make all achievements stop listening for events
FOR_EACH_MAP ( m_mapAchievement , iAchievement )
CBaseAchievement * pAchievement = m_mapAchievement [ iAchievement ] ;
if ( ! pAchievement - > AlwaysListen ( ) )
pAchievement - > StopListeningForAllEvents ( ) ;
// save global state if we have any changes
SaveGlobalStateIfDirty ( ) ;
UploadUserData ( ) ;
// Purpose: returns achievement for specified ID
CBaseAchievement * CAchievementMgr : : GetAchievementByID ( int iAchievementID )
int iAchievement = m_mapAchievement . Find ( iAchievementID ) ;
if ( iAchievement ! = m_mapAchievement . InvalidIndex ( ) )
return m_mapAchievement [ iAchievement ] ;
return NULL ;
// Purpose: returns achievement with specified name. NOTE: this iterates through
// all achievements to find the name, intended for debugging purposes.
// Use GetAchievementByID for fast lookup.
CBaseAchievement * CAchievementMgr : : GetAchievementByName ( const char * pchName )
VPROF ( " GetAchievementByName " ) ;
FOR_EACH_MAP_FAST ( m_mapAchievement , i )
CBaseAchievement * pAchievement = m_mapAchievement [ i ] ;
if ( pAchievement & & 0 = = ( Q_stricmp ( pchName , pAchievement - > GetName ( ) ) ) )
return pAchievement ;
return NULL ;
// Purpose: Returns true if the achievement with the specified name has been achieved
bool CAchievementMgr : : HasAchieved ( const char * pchName )
CBaseAchievement * pAchievement = GetAchievementByName ( pchName ) ;
if ( pAchievement )
return pAchievement - > IsAchieved ( ) ;
return false ;
// Purpose: downloads user data from Steam or XBox Live
void CAchievementMgr : : DownloadUserData ( )
if ( IsPC ( ) )
# ifndef NO_STEAM
if ( steamapicontext - > SteamUserStats ( ) )
// request stat download; will get called back at OnUserStatsReceived when complete
steamapicontext - > SteamUserStats ( ) - > RequestCurrentStats ( ) ;
# endif
else if ( IsX360 ( ) )
# if defined( _X360 )
if ( XBX_GetPrimaryUserId ( ) = = INVALID_USER_ID )
return ;
// Download achievements from XBox Live
bool bDownloadSuccessful = true ;
int nTotalAchievements = 99 ;
uint bytes ;
int ret = xboxsystem - > EnumerateAchievements ( XBX_GetPrimaryUserId ( ) , 0 , 0 , nTotalAchievements , & bytes , 0 , false ) ;
if ( ret ! = ERROR_SUCCESS )
Warning ( " Enumerate Achievements failed! Error %d " , ret ) ;
bDownloadSuccessful = false ;
// Enumerate the achievements from Live
void * pBuffer = new byte [ bytes ] ;
if ( bDownloadSuccessful )
ret = xboxsystem - > EnumerateAchievements ( XBX_GetPrimaryUserId ( ) , 0 , 0 , nTotalAchievements , pBuffer , bytes , false ) ;
if ( ret ! = nTotalAchievements )
Warning ( " Enumerate Achievements failed! Error %d " , ret ) ;
bDownloadSuccessful = false ;
if ( bDownloadSuccessful )
// Give live a chance to mark achievements as unlocked, in case the achievement manager
// wasn't able to get that data (storage device missing, read failure, etc)
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nTotalAchievements ; + + i )
CBaseAchievement * pAchievement = GetAchievementByID ( pXboxAchievements [ i ] . dwId ) ;
if ( ! pAchievement )
continue ;
// Give Live a chance to claim the achievement as unlocked
if ( AchievementEarned ( pXboxAchievements [ i ] . dwFlags ) )
pAchievement - > SetAchieved ( true ) ;
delete pBuffer ;
# endif // X360
const char * COM_GetModDirectory ( )
static char modDir [ MAX_PATH ] ;
if ( Q_strlen ( modDir ) = = 0 )
const char * gamedir = CommandLine ( ) - > ParmValue ( " -game " , CommandLine ( ) - > ParmValue ( " -defaultgamedir " , " hl2 " ) ) ;
Q_strncpy ( modDir , gamedir , sizeof ( modDir ) ) ;
if ( strchr ( modDir , ' / ' ) | | strchr ( modDir , ' \\ ' ) )
Q_StripLastDir ( modDir , sizeof ( modDir ) ) ;
int dirlen = Q_strlen ( modDir ) ;
Q_strncpy ( modDir , gamedir + dirlen , sizeof ( modDir ) - dirlen ) ;
return modDir ;
// Purpose: uploads user data to steam
void CAchievementMgr : : UploadUserData ( )
if ( IsPC ( ) )
# ifndef NO_STEAM
if ( steamapicontext - > SteamUserStats ( ) )
// Upload current Steam client achievements & stats state to Steam. Will get called back at OnUserStatsStored when complete.
// Only values previously set via SteamUserStats() get uploaded
steamapicontext - > SteamUserStats ( ) - > StoreStats ( ) ;
m_bSteamDataDirty = false ;
# endif
// Purpose: loads global state from file
void CAchievementMgr : : LoadGlobalState ( )
if ( IsX360 ( ) )
# ifdef _X360
if ( XBX_GetStorageDeviceId ( ) = = XBX_INVALID_STORAGE_ID | | XBX_GetStorageDeviceId ( ) = = XBX_STORAGE_DECLINED )
return ;
# endif
char szFilename [ _MAX_PATH ] ;
if ( IsX360 ( ) )
Q_snprintf ( szFilename , sizeof ( szFilename ) , " cfg:/%s_GameState.txt " , COM_GetModDirectory ( ) ) ;
Q_snprintf ( szFilename , sizeof ( szFilename ) , " GameState.txt " ) ;
// [dwenger] Steam Cloud Support
if ( m_bPersistToSteamCloud )
# ifndef NO_STEAM
ISteamRemoteStorage * pRemoteStorage = SteamClient ( ) ? ( ISteamRemoteStorage * ) SteamClient ( ) - > GetISteamGenericInterface (
if ( pRemoteStorage )
if ( pRemoteStorage - > FileExists ( szFilename ) )
int32 fileSize = pRemoteStorage - > GetFileSize ( szFilename ) ;
if ( fileSize > 0 )
// Allocate space for the file data
char * pData = new char [ fileSize ] ;
if ( pData )
int32 sizeRead = pRemoteStorage - > FileRead ( szFilename , pData , fileSize ) ;
if ( sizeRead = = fileSize )
// Write out data to a filesystem GameState file that can be read by the original code below
FileHandle_t handle = filesystem - > Open ( szFilename , " w " ) ;
if ( handle )
filesystem - > Write ( pData , fileSize , handle ) ;
filesystem - > Close ( handle ) ;
// Delete the data array
delete [ ] pData ;
# endif
KeyValues * pKV = new KeyValues ( " GameState " ) ;
if ( pKV - > LoadFromFile ( filesystem , szFilename , " MOD " ) )
KeyValues * pNode = pKV - > GetFirstSubKey ( ) ;
while ( pNode )
// look up this achievement
int iAchievementID = pNode - > GetInt ( " id " , 0 ) ;
if ( iAchievementID > 0 )
CBaseAchievement * pAchievement = GetAchievementByID ( iAchievementID ) ;
if ( pAchievement )
pAchievement - > ApplySettings ( pNode ) ;
pNode = pNode - > GetNextKey ( ) ;
m_bGlobalStateLoaded = true ;
// Purpose: saves global state to file
void CAchievementMgr : : SaveGlobalState ( bool bAsync )
VPROF_BUDGET ( " CAchievementMgr::SaveGlobalState " , " Achievements " ) ;
KeyValues * pKV = new KeyValues ( " GameState " ) ;
FOR_EACH_MAP ( m_mapAchievement , i )
CBaseAchievement * pAchievement = m_mapAchievement [ i ] ;
if ( pAchievement - > ShouldSaveGlobal ( ) )
KeyValues * pNode = pKV - > CreateNewKey ( ) ;
pNode - > SetInt ( " id " , pAchievement - > GetAchievementID ( ) ) ;
pAchievement - > GetSettings ( pNode ) ;
if ( ! bAsync )
WriteAchievementGlobalState ( pKV , m_bPersistToSteamCloud ) ;
g_AchievementSaveThread . WriteAchievementGlobalState ( pKV ) ;
m_flTimeLastSaved = Plat_FloatTime ( ) ;
m_bGlobalStateDirty = false ;
// Purpose: loads global state if we have not already successfully loaded it
void CAchievementMgr : : EnsureGlobalStateLoaded ( )
if ( ! m_bGlobalStateLoaded )
LoadGlobalState ( ) ;
// Purpose: saves global state to file if there have been any changes
void CAchievementMgr : : SaveGlobalStateIfDirty ( bool bAsync )
if ( m_bGlobalStateDirty )
SaveGlobalState ( bAsync ) ;
// Purpose: awards specified achievement
void CAchievementMgr : : AwardAchievement ( int iAchievementID )
CBaseAchievement * pAchievement = GetAchievementByID ( iAchievementID ) ;
Assert ( pAchievement ) ;
if ( ! pAchievement )
return ;
if ( ! pAchievement - > AlwaysEnabled ( ) & & ! CheckAchievementsEnabled ( ) )
Msg ( " Achievements disabled, ignoring achievement unlock for %s \n " , pAchievement - > GetName ( ) ) ;
return ;
if ( pAchievement - > IsAchieved ( ) )
if ( cc_achievement_debug . GetInt ( ) > 0 )
Msg ( " Achievement award called but already achieved: %s \n " , pAchievement - > GetName ( ) ) ;
return ;
pAchievement - > SetAchieved ( true ) ;
# ifdef CLIENT_DLL
if ( gamestats )
gamestats - > Event_AchievementProgress ( pAchievement - > GetAchievementID ( ) , pAchievement - > GetName ( ) ) ;
# endif
// [dwenger] Necessary for sorting achievements by award time
pAchievement - > OnAchieved ( ) ;
// [tj]
2022-03-01 20:00:42 +00:00
IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager - > CreateEvent ( " achievement_earned_local " ) ;
2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
if ( event )
event - > SetInt ( " achievement " , pAchievement - > GetAchievementID ( ) ) ;
gameeventmanager - > FireEventClientSide ( event ) ;
if ( cc_achievement_debug . GetInt ( ) > 0 )
Msg ( " Achievement awarded: %s \n " , pAchievement - > GetName ( ) ) ;
// save state at next good opportunity. (Don't do it immediately, may hitch at bad time.)
SetDirty ( true ) ;
if ( IsPC ( ) )
2022-04-16 10:08:46 +00:00
2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
if ( steamapicontext - > SteamUserStats ( ) )
// set this achieved in the Steam client
bool bRet = steamapicontext - > SteamUserStats ( ) - > SetAchievement ( pAchievement - > GetName ( ) ) ;
// Assert( bRet );
if ( bRet )
m_AchievementsAwarded . AddToTail ( iAchievementID ) ;
2022-04-16 10:08:46 +00:00
m_AchievementsAwarded . AddToTail ( iAchievementID ) ;
2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
# endif
2022-04-16 10:08:46 +00:00
2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
else if ( IsX360 ( ) )
# ifdef _X360
if ( xboxsystem )
xboxsystem - > AwardAchievement ( XBX_GetPrimaryUserId ( ) , iAchievementID ) ;
# endif
// Purpose: updates specified achievement
void CAchievementMgr : : UpdateAchievement ( int iAchievementID , int nData )
CBaseAchievement * pAchievement = GetAchievementByID ( iAchievementID ) ;
Assert ( pAchievement ) ;
if ( ! pAchievement )
return ;
if ( ! pAchievement - > AlwaysEnabled ( ) & & ! CheckAchievementsEnabled ( ) )
Msg ( " Achievements disabled, ignoring achievement update for %s \n " , pAchievement - > GetName ( ) ) ;
return ;
if ( pAchievement - > IsAchieved ( ) )
if ( cc_achievement_debug . GetInt ( ) > 0 )
Msg ( " Achievement update called but already achieved: %s \n " , pAchievement - > GetName ( ) ) ;
return ;
pAchievement - > UpdateAchievement ( nData ) ;
// Purpose: clears state for all achievements
void CAchievementMgr : : PreRestoreSavedGame ( )
// load global state if we haven't already; X360 users may not have had a storage device available or selected at boot time
EnsureGlobalStateLoaded ( ) ;
FOR_EACH_MAP ( m_mapAchievement , i )
m_mapAchievement [ i ] - > PreRestoreSavedGame ( ) ;
// Purpose: clears state for all achievements
void CAchievementMgr : : PostRestoreSavedGame ( )
FOR_EACH_MAP ( m_mapAchievement , i )
m_mapAchievement [ i ] - > PostRestoreSavedGame ( ) ;
extern bool IsInCommentaryMode ( void ) ;
// Purpose: checks if achievements are enabled
bool CAchievementMgr : : CheckAchievementsEnabled ( )
2022-04-16 10:08:46 +00:00
return true ;
2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
// if PC, Steam must be running and user logged in
2022-04-16 10:08:46 +00:00
2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
if ( IsPC ( ) & & ! LoggedIntoSteam ( ) )
Msg ( " Achievements disabled: Steam not running. \n " ) ;
return false ;
2022-04-16 10:08:46 +00:00
# endif
2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
# if defined( _X360 )
uint state = XUserGetSigninState ( XBX_GetPrimaryUserId ( ) ) ;
if ( state = = eXUserSigninState_NotSignedIn )
Msg ( " Achievements disabled: not signed in to XBox user account. \n " ) ;
return false ;
# endif
// can't be in commentary mode, user is invincible
if ( IsInCommentaryMode ( ) )
Msg ( " Achievements disabled: in commentary mode. \n " ) ;
return false ;
# ifdef CLIENT_DLL
// achievements disabled if playing demo
if ( engine - > IsPlayingDemo ( ) )
Msg ( " Achievements disabled: demo playing. \n " ) ;
return false ;
# endif // CLIENT_DLL
// [Forrest] Allow achievements/stats to be turned off for a server
if ( sv_nostats . GetBool ( ) )
// prevent message spam
const float fNotificationCooldown = 60.0f ;
static float fNextNotification = 0.0f ;
if ( gpGlobals - > curtime > = fNextNotification )
Msg ( " Achievements and stats disabled: sv_nostats is set. \n " ) ;
fNextNotification = gpGlobals - > curtime + fNotificationCooldown ;
return false ;
# endif // CSTRIKE_DLL
# if defined(TF_DLL) || defined(TF_CLIENT_DLL)
// no achievements for now in training
if ( TFGameRules ( ) & & TFGameRules ( ) - > IsInTraining ( ) & & TFGameRules ( ) - > AllowTrainingAchievements ( ) = = false )
return false ;
ConVarRef tf_bot_offline_practice ( " tf_bot_offline_practice " ) ;
// no achievements for offline practice
if ( tf_bot_offline_practice . GetInt ( ) ! = 0 )
return false ;
# endif
return true ;
# endif
if ( IsPC ( ) )
// Don't award achievements if cheats are turned on.
if ( WereCheatsEverOn ( ) )
# ifndef NO_STEAM
// Cheats get turned on automatically if you run with -dev which many people do internally, so allow cheats if developer is turned on and we're not running
// on Steam public
2022-03-01 20:00:42 +00:00
if ( developer . GetInt ( ) = = 0 | | ! steamapicontext - > SteamUtils ( ) | | ( k_EUniversePublic = = steamapicontext - > SteamUtils ( ) - > GetConnectedUniverse ( ) ) )
2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
Msg ( " Achievements disabled: cheats turned on in this app session. \n " ) ;
return false ;
# endif
return true ;
# ifdef CLIENT_DLL
// Purpose: Returns the whether all of the local player's team mates are
// on her friends list, and if there are at least the specified # of
// teammates. Involves cross-process calls to Steam so this is mildly
// expensive, don't call this every frame.
bool CalcPlayersOnFriendsList ( int iMinFriends )
// Got message during connection
if ( ! g_PR )
return false ;
Assert ( g_pGameRules - > IsMultiplayer ( ) ) ;
// Do a cheap rejection: check teammate count first to see if we even need to bother checking w/Steam
// Subtract 1 for the local player.
if ( CalcPlayerCount ( ) - 1 < iMinFriends )
return false ;
// determine local player team
int iLocalPlayerIndex = GetLocalPlayerIndex ( ) ;
uint64 XPlayerUid = 0 ;
if ( IsPC ( ) )
# ifndef NO_STEAM
if ( ! steamapicontext - > SteamFriends ( ) | | ! steamapicontext - > SteamUtils ( ) | | ! g_pGameRules - > IsMultiplayer ( ) )
# endif
return false ;
else if ( IsX360 ( ) )
if ( ! matchmaking )
return false ;
XPlayerUid = XBX_GetPrimaryUserId ( ) ;
// other platforms...?
return false ;
// Loop through the players
int iTotalFriends = 0 ;
for ( int iPlayerIndex = 1 ; iPlayerIndex < = MAX_PLAYERS ; iPlayerIndex + + )
// find all players who are on the local player's team
if ( ( iPlayerIndex ! = iLocalPlayerIndex ) & & ( g_PR - > IsConnected ( iPlayerIndex ) ) )
if ( IsPC ( ) )
player_info_t pi ;
if ( ! engine - > GetPlayerInfo ( iPlayerIndex , & pi ) )
continue ;
if ( ! pi . friendsID )
continue ;
# ifndef NO_STEAM
// check and see if they're on the local player's friends list
2022-03-01 20:00:42 +00:00
CSteamID steamID ( pi . friendsID , 1 , steamapicontext - > SteamUtils ( ) - > GetConnectedUniverse ( ) , k_EAccountTypeIndividual ) ;
2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
if ( ! steamapicontext - > SteamFriends ( ) - > HasFriend ( steamID , /*k_EFriendFlagImmediate*/ 0x04 ) )
continue ;
# endif
else if ( IsX360 ( ) )
uint64 XUid [ 1 ] ;
XUid [ 0 ] = matchmaking - > PlayerIdToXuid ( iPlayerIndex ) ;
BOOL bFriend ;
# ifdef _X360
XUserAreUsersFriends ( XPlayerUid , XUid , 1 , & bFriend , NULL ) ;
# endif // _X360
if ( ! bFriend )
continue ;
iTotalFriends + + ;
return ( iTotalFriends > = iMinFriends ) ;
// Purpose: Returns whether there are a specified # of teammates who all belong
// to same clan as local player. Involves cross-process calls to Steam
// so this is mildly expensive, don't call this every frame.
bool CalcHasNumClanPlayers ( int iClanTeammates )
Assert ( g_pGameRules - > IsMultiplayer ( ) ) ;
if ( IsPC ( ) )
# ifndef _X360
// Do a cheap rejection: check teammate count first to see if we even need to bother checking w/Steam
// Subtract 1 for the local player.
if ( CalcPlayerCount ( ) - 1 < iClanTeammates )
return false ;
if ( ! steamapicontext - > SteamFriends ( ) | | ! steamapicontext - > SteamUtils ( ) | | ! g_pGameRules - > IsMultiplayer ( ) )
return false ;
// determine local player team
int iLocalPlayerIndex = GetLocalPlayerIndex ( ) ;
for ( int iClan = 0 ; iClan < steamapicontext - > SteamFriends ( ) - > GetClanCount ( ) ; iClan + + )
int iClanMembersOnTeam = 0 ;
CSteamID clanID = steamapicontext - > SteamFriends ( ) - > GetClanByIndex ( iClan ) ;
// enumerate all players
for ( int iPlayerIndex = 1 ; iPlayerIndex < = MAX_PLAYERS ; iPlayerIndex + + )
if ( ( iPlayerIndex ! = iLocalPlayerIndex ) & & ( g_PR - > IsConnected ( iPlayerIndex ) ) )
player_info_t pi ;
if ( engine - > GetPlayerInfo ( iPlayerIndex , & pi ) & & ( pi . friendsID ) )
// check and see if they're on the local player's friends list
2022-03-01 20:00:42 +00:00
CSteamID steamID ( pi . friendsID , 1 , steamapicontext - > SteamUtils ( ) - > GetConnectedUniverse ( ) , k_EAccountTypeIndividual ) ;
2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
if ( steamapicontext - > SteamFriends ( ) - > IsUserInSource ( steamID , clanID ) )
iClanMembersOnTeam + + ;
if ( iClanMembersOnTeam = = iClanTeammates )
return true ;
# endif
return false ;
else if ( IsX360 ( ) )
// TODO: implement for 360
return false ;
// other platforms...?
return false ;
// Purpose: Returns the # of teammates of the local player
int CalcTeammateCount ( )
Assert ( g_pGameRules - > IsMultiplayer ( ) ) ;
// determine local player team
int iLocalPlayerIndex = GetLocalPlayerIndex ( ) ;
int iLocalPlayerTeam = g_PR - > GetTeam ( iLocalPlayerIndex ) ;
int iNumTeammates = 0 ;
for ( int iPlayerIndex = 1 ; iPlayerIndex < = MAX_PLAYERS ; iPlayerIndex + + )
// find all players who are on the local player's team
if ( ( iPlayerIndex ! = iLocalPlayerIndex ) & & ( g_PR - > IsConnected ( iPlayerIndex ) ) & & ( g_PR - > GetTeam ( iPlayerIndex ) = = iLocalPlayerTeam ) )
iNumTeammates + + ;
return iNumTeammates ;
// Purpose:
int CalcPlayerCount ( )
int iCount = 0 ;
for ( int iPlayerIndex = 1 ; iPlayerIndex < = MAX_PLAYERS ; iPlayerIndex + + )
// find all players who are on the local player's team
if ( g_PR - > IsConnected ( iPlayerIndex ) )
iCount + + ;
return iCount ;
# endif // CLIENT_DLL
// Purpose: Resets all achievements. For debugging purposes only
void CAchievementMgr : : ResetAchievements ( )
if ( ! IsPC ( ) )
DevMsg ( " Only available on PC \n " ) ;
return ;
if ( ! LoggedIntoSteam ( ) )
Msg ( " Steam not running, achievements disabled. Cannot reset achievements. \n " ) ;
return ;
FOR_EACH_MAP ( m_mapAchievement , i )
CBaseAchievement * pAchievement = m_mapAchievement [ i ] ;
ResetAchievement_Internal ( pAchievement ) ;
# ifndef NO_STEAM
if ( steamapicontext - > SteamUserStats ( ) )
steamapicontext - > SteamUserStats ( ) - > StoreStats ( ) ;
# endif
if ( cc_achievement_debug . GetInt ( ) > 0 )
Msg ( " All achievements reset. \n " ) ;
void CAchievementMgr : : ResetAchievement ( int iAchievementID )
if ( ! IsPC ( ) )
DevMsg ( " Only available on PC \n " ) ;
return ;
if ( ! LoggedIntoSteam ( ) )
Msg ( " Steam not running, achievements disabled. Cannot reset achievements. \n " ) ;
return ;
CBaseAchievement * pAchievement = GetAchievementByID ( iAchievementID ) ;
Assert ( pAchievement ) ;
if ( pAchievement )
ResetAchievement_Internal ( pAchievement ) ;
# ifndef NO_STEAM
if ( steamapicontext - > SteamUserStats ( ) )
steamapicontext - > SteamUserStats ( ) - > StoreStats ( ) ;
# endif
if ( cc_achievement_debug . GetInt ( ) > 0 )
Msg ( " Achievement %s reset. \n " , pAchievement - > GetName ( ) ) ;
// Purpose: Resets all achievements. For debugging purposes only
void CAchievementMgr : : PrintAchievementStatus ( )
if ( IsPC ( ) & & ! LoggedIntoSteam ( ) )
Msg ( " Steam not running, achievements disabled. Cannot view or unlock achievements. \n " ) ;
return ;
Msg ( " %42s %-20s %s \n " , " Name: " , " Status: " , " Point value: " ) ;
int iTotalAchievements = 0 , iTotalPoints = 0 ;
FOR_EACH_MAP ( m_mapAchievement , i )
CBaseAchievement * pAchievement = m_mapAchievement [ i ] ;
Msg ( " %42s " , pAchievement - > GetName ( ) ) ;
CFailableAchievement * pFailableAchievement = dynamic_cast < CFailableAchievement * > ( pAchievement ) ;
if ( pAchievement - > IsAchieved ( ) )
Msg ( " %-20s " , " ACHIEVED " ) ;
else if ( pFailableAchievement & & pFailableAchievement - > IsFailed ( ) )
Msg ( " %-20s " , " FAILED " ) ;
char szBuf [ 255 ] ;
Q_snprintf ( szBuf , ARRAYSIZE ( szBuf ) , " (%d/%d)%s " , pAchievement - > GetCount ( ) , pAchievement - > GetGoal ( ) ,
pAchievement - > IsActive ( ) ? " " : " (inactive) " ) ;
Msg ( " %-20s " , szBuf ) ;
Msg ( " %d " , pAchievement - > GetPointValue ( ) ) ;
pAchievement - > PrintAdditionalStatus ( ) ;
Msg ( " \n " ) ;
iTotalAchievements + + ;
iTotalPoints + = pAchievement - > GetPointValue ( ) ;
Msg ( " Total achievements: %d Total possible points: %d \n " , iTotalAchievements , iTotalPoints ) ;
// Purpose: called when a game event is fired
void CAchievementMgr : : FireGameEvent ( IGameEvent * event )
VPROF_ ( " CAchievementMgr::FireGameEvent " , 1 , VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_STEAM , false , 0 ) ;
const char * name = event - > GetName ( ) ;
if ( name = = NULL ) { return ; }
if ( 0 = = Q_strcmp ( name , " entity_killed " ) )
# ifdef GAME_DLL
CBaseEntity * pVictim = UTIL_EntityByIndex ( event - > GetInt ( " entindex_killed " , 0 ) ) ;
CBaseEntity * pAttacker = UTIL_EntityByIndex ( event - > GetInt ( " entindex_attacker " , 0 ) ) ;
CBaseEntity * pInflictor = UTIL_EntityByIndex ( event - > GetInt ( " entindex_inflictor " , 0 ) ) ;
OnKillEvent ( pVictim , pAttacker , pInflictor , event ) ;
# endif // GAME_DLL
else if ( 0 = = Q_strcmp ( name , " game_init " ) )
# ifdef GAME_DLL
// clear all state as though we were loading a saved game, but without loading the game
PreRestoreSavedGame ( ) ;
PostRestoreSavedGame ( ) ;
# endif // GAME_DLL
# ifdef CLIENT_DLL
else if ( 0 = = Q_strcmp ( name , " player_death " ) )
CBaseEntity * pVictim = ClientEntityList ( ) . GetEnt ( engine - > GetPlayerForUserID ( event - > GetInt ( " userid " ) ) ) ;
CBaseEntity * pAttacker = ClientEntityList ( ) . GetEnt ( engine - > GetPlayerForUserID ( event - > GetInt ( " attacker " ) ) ) ;
OnKillEvent ( pVictim , pAttacker , NULL , event ) ;
else if ( 0 = = Q_strcmp ( name , " localplayer_changeclass " ) )
// keep track of when the player last changed class
m_flLastClassChangeTime = gpGlobals - > curtime ;
else if ( 0 = = Q_strcmp ( name , " localplayer_changeteam " ) )
// keep track of the time of transitions to and from a game team
C_BasePlayer * pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer : : GetLocalPlayer ( ) ;
if ( pLocalPlayer )
int iTeam = pLocalPlayer - > GetTeamNumber ( ) ;
if ( iTeam > TEAM_SPECTATOR )
if ( 0 = = m_flTeamplayStartTime )
// player transitioned from no/spectator team to a game team, mark the time
m_flTeamplayStartTime = gpGlobals - > curtime ;
// player transitioned to no/spectator team, clear the teamplay start time
m_flTeamplayStartTime = 0 ;
else if ( 0 = = Q_strcmp ( name , " teamplay_round_start " ) )
if ( event - > GetBool ( " full_reset " ) )
// we're starting a full round, clear miniround count
m_iMiniroundsCompleted = 0 ;
else if ( 0 = = Q_strcmp ( name , " teamplay_round_win " ) )
if ( false = = event - > GetBool ( " full_round " , true ) )
// we just finished a miniround but the round is continuing, increment miniround count
m_iMiniroundsCompleted + + ;
else if ( 0 = = Q_strcmp ( name , " player_stats_updated " ) )
FOR_EACH_MAP ( m_mapAchievement , i )
CBaseAchievement * pAchievement = m_mapAchievement [ i ] ;
pAchievement - > OnPlayerStatsUpdate ( ) ;
# endif // CLIENT_DLL
// Purpose: called when a player or character has been killed
void CAchievementMgr : : OnKillEvent ( CBaseEntity * pVictim , CBaseEntity * pAttacker , CBaseEntity * pInflictor , IGameEvent * event )
// can have a NULL victim on client if victim has never entered local player's PVS
if ( ! pVictim )
return ;
// if single-player game, calculate if the attacker is the local player and if the victim is the player enemy
bool bAttackerIsPlayer = false ;
bool bVictimIsPlayerEnemy = false ;
# ifdef GAME_DLL
if ( ! g_pGameRules - > IsMultiplayer ( ) )
CBasePlayer * pLocalPlayer = UTIL_GetLocalPlayer ( ) ;
if ( pLocalPlayer )
if ( pAttacker = = pLocalPlayer )
bAttackerIsPlayer = true ;
CBaseCombatCharacter * pBCC = dynamic_cast < CBaseCombatCharacter * > ( pVictim ) ;
if ( pBCC & & ( D_HT = = pBCC - > IRelationType ( pLocalPlayer ) ) )
bVictimIsPlayerEnemy = true ;
# else
C_BasePlayer * pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer : : GetLocalPlayer ( ) ;
bVictimIsPlayerEnemy = ! pLocalPlayer - > InSameTeam ( pVictim ) ;
if ( pAttacker = = pLocalPlayer )
bAttackerIsPlayer = true ;
# endif // GAME_DLL
// look through all the kill event listeners and notify any achievements whose filters we pass
FOR_EACH_VEC ( m_vecKillEventListeners , iAchievement )
CBaseAchievement * pAchievement = m_vecKillEventListeners [ iAchievement ] ;
if ( ! pAchievement - > IsActive ( ) )
continue ;
# ifdef CLIENT_DLL
// Swallow kill events that can't be earned right now
if ( ! pAchievement - > LocalPlayerCanEarn ( ) )
continue ;
# endif
// if this achievement only looks for kills where attacker is player and that is not the case here, skip this achievement
if ( ( pAchievement - > GetFlags ( ) & ACH_FILTER_ATTACKER_IS_PLAYER ) & & ! bAttackerIsPlayer )
continue ;
// if this achievement only looks for kills where victim is killer enemy and that is not the case here, skip this achievement
if ( ( pAchievement - > GetFlags ( ) & ACH_FILTER_VICTIM_IS_PLAYER_ENEMY ) & & ! bVictimIsPlayerEnemy )
continue ;
// if this achievement only looks for a particular victim class name and this victim is a different class, skip this achievement
const char * pVictimClassNameFilter = pAchievement - > m_pVictimClassNameFilter ;
if ( pVictimClassNameFilter & & ! pVictim - > ClassMatches ( pVictimClassNameFilter ) )
continue ;
// if this achievement only looks for a particular inflictor class name and this inflictor is a different class, skip this achievement
const char * pInflictorClassNameFilter = pAchievement - > m_pInflictorClassNameFilter ;
if ( pInflictorClassNameFilter & & ( ( NULL = = pInflictor ) | | ! pInflictor - > ClassMatches ( pInflictorClassNameFilter ) ) )
continue ;
// if this achievement only looks for a particular attacker class name and this attacker is a different class, skip this achievement
const char * pAttackerClassNameFilter = pAchievement - > m_pAttackerClassNameFilter ;
if ( pAttackerClassNameFilter & & ( ( NULL = = pAttacker ) | | ! pAttacker - > ClassMatches ( pAttackerClassNameFilter ) ) )
continue ;
// if this achievement only looks for a particular inflictor entity name and this inflictor has a different name, skip this achievement
const char * pInflictorEntityNameFilter = pAchievement - > m_pInflictorEntityNameFilter ;
if ( pInflictorEntityNameFilter & & ( ( NULL = = pInflictor ) | | ! pInflictor - > NameMatches ( pInflictorEntityNameFilter ) ) )
continue ;
# endif // GAME_DLL
// we pass all filters for this achievement, notify the achievement of the kill
pAchievement - > Event_EntityKilled ( pVictim , pAttacker , pInflictor , event ) ;
void CAchievementMgr : : OnAchievementEvent ( int iAchievementID , int iCount )
// have we loaded the achievements yet?
if ( m_mapAchievement . Count ( ) )
// handle event for specific achievement
CBaseAchievement * pAchievement = GetAchievementByID ( iAchievementID ) ;
Assert ( pAchievement ) ;
if ( pAchievement )
if ( ! pAchievement - > IsAchieved ( ) )
pAchievement - > IncrementCount ( iCount ) ;
// Purpose: called when a map-fired achievement event occurs
void CAchievementMgr : : OnMapEvent ( const char * pchEventName )
Assert ( pchEventName & & * pchEventName ) ;
if ( ! pchEventName | | ! * pchEventName )
return ;
// see if this event matches the prefix for an achievement component
FOR_EACH_VEC ( m_vecComponentListeners , iAchievement )
CBaseAchievement * pAchievement = m_vecComponentListeners [ iAchievement ] ;
Assert ( pAchievement - > m_pszComponentPrefix ) ;
if ( 0 = = Q_strncmp ( pchEventName , pAchievement - > m_pszComponentPrefix , pAchievement - > m_iComponentPrefixLen ) )
// prefix matches, tell the achievement a component was found
pAchievement - > OnComponentEvent ( pchEventName ) ;
return ;
// look through all the map event listeners
FOR_EACH_VEC ( m_vecMapEventListeners , iAchievement )
CBaseAchievement * pAchievement = m_vecMapEventListeners [ iAchievement ] ;
pAchievement - > OnMapEvent ( pchEventName ) ;
// Purpose: Returns an achievement as it's abstract object. This interface is used by gameui.dll for getting achievement info.
// Input : index -
// Output : IBaseAchievement*
IAchievement * CAchievementMgr : : GetAchievementByIndex ( int index )
Assert ( m_vecAchievement . IsValidIndex ( index ) ) ;
return ( IAchievement * ) m_vecAchievement [ index ] ;
// Purpose: Returns total achievement count. This interface is used by gameui.dll for getting achievement info.
// Input : -
// Output : Count of achievements in manager's vector.
int CAchievementMgr : : GetAchievementCount ( )
return m_vecAchievement . Count ( ) ;
# if !defined(NO_STEAM)
// Purpose: called when stat download is complete
void CAchievementMgr : : Steam_OnUserStatsReceived ( UserStatsReceived_t * pUserStatsReceived )
Assert ( steamapicontext - > SteamUserStats ( ) ) ;
if ( ! steamapicontext - > SteamUserStats ( ) )
return ;
if ( cc_achievement_debug . GetInt ( ) > 0 )
Msg ( " CAchievementMgr::Steam_OnUserStatsReceived: result = %i \n " , pUserStatsReceived - > m_eResult ) ;
if ( pUserStatsReceived - > m_eResult ! = k_EResultOK )
DevMsg ( " CTFSteamStats: failed to download stats from Steam, EResult %d \n " , pUserStatsReceived - > m_eResult ) ;
return ;
UpdateStateFromSteam_Internal ( ) ;
// Purpose: called when stat upload is complete
void CAchievementMgr : : Steam_OnUserStatsStored ( UserStatsStored_t * pUserStatsStored )
if ( cc_achievement_debug . GetInt ( ) > 0 )
Msg ( " CAchievementMgr::Steam_OnUserStatsStored: result = %i \n " , pUserStatsStored - > m_eResult ) ;
if ( k_EResultOK ! = pUserStatsStored - > m_eResult & & k_EResultInvalidParam ! = pUserStatsStored - > m_eResult )
// We had some failure (like not connected or timeout) that means the stats were not stored. Redirty to try again
SetDirty ( true ) ;
if ( k_EResultInvalidParam = = pUserStatsStored - > m_eResult )
// for whatever reason, stats and achievements were rejected by Steam. In order to remain in
// synch, we get the current values/state from Steam.
UpdateStateFromSteam_Internal ( ) ;
// In the case of k_EResultInvalidParam, some of the stats may have been stored, so we should still fall through to
// fire events related to achievements being awarded.
while ( m_AchievementsAwarded . Count ( ) > 0 )
# ifndef GAME_DLL
// send a message to the server about our achievement
if ( g_pGameRules & & g_pGameRules - > IsMultiplayer ( ) )
C_BasePlayer * pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer : : GetLocalPlayer ( ) ;
if ( pLocalPlayer )
int nAchievementID = m_AchievementsAwarded [ 0 ] ;
CBaseAchievement * pAchievement = GetAchievementByID ( nAchievementID ) ;
// verify that it is still achieved (it could have been rejected by Steam)
if ( pAchievement - > IsAchieved ( ) )
// Get the unlocked time from Steam
uint32 unlockTime ;
bool bAchieved ;
bool bRet = steamapicontext - > SteamUserStats ( ) - > GetAchievementAndUnlockTime ( pAchievement - > GetName ( ) , & bAchieved , & unlockTime ) ;
if ( bRet & & bAchieved )
// set the unlock time
pAchievement - > SetUnlockTime ( unlockTime ) ;
KeyValues * kv = new KeyValues ( " AchievementEarned " ) ;
kv - > SetInt ( " achievementID " , nAchievementID ) ;
engine - > ServerCmdKeyValues ( kv ) ;
# endif
m_AchievementsAwarded . Remove ( 0 ) ;
CheckMetaAchievements ( ) ;
# endif // !defined(NO_STEAM)
void CAchievementMgr : : CheckMetaAchievements ( void )
// Check the meta completion achievements.
// Only one iteration over the achievements set is necessary.
FOR_EACH_MAP ( m_mapMetaAchievement , iAchievement )
CAchievement_AchievedCount * pMetaAchievement = m_mapMetaAchievement [ iAchievement ] ;
if ( ! pMetaAchievement | | pMetaAchievement - > IsAchieved ( ) )
continue ;
int iAchieved = 0 ;
for ( int i = pMetaAchievement - > GetLowRange ( ) ; i < = pMetaAchievement - > GetHighRange ( ) ; i + + )
CBaseAchievement * pAchievement = GetAchievementByID ( i ) ;
if ( pAchievement & & pAchievement - > IsAchieved ( ) )
iAchieved + + ;
if ( iAchieved > = pMetaAchievement - > GetNumRequired ( ) )
pMetaAchievement - > IncrementCount ( ) ;
void CAchievementMgr : : ResetAchievement_Internal ( CBaseAchievement * pAchievement )
Assert ( pAchievement ) ;
# ifndef NO_STEAM
if ( steamapicontext - > SteamUserStats ( ) )
steamapicontext - > SteamUserStats ( ) - > ClearAchievement ( pAchievement - > GetName ( ) ) ;
# endif
pAchievement - > SetAchieved ( false ) ;
pAchievement - > SetCount ( 0 ) ;
if ( pAchievement - > HasComponents ( ) )
pAchievement - > SetComponentBits ( 0 ) ;
pAchievement - > SetProgressShown ( 0 ) ;
pAchievement - > StopListeningForAllEvents ( ) ;
if ( pAchievement - > IsActive ( ) )
pAchievement - > ListenForEvents ( ) ;
void CAchievementMgr : : SetAchievementThink ( CBaseAchievement * pAchievement , float flThinkTime )
// Is the achievement already in the think list?
int iCount = m_vecThinkListeners . Count ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < iCount ; i + + )
if ( m_vecThinkListeners [ i ] . pAchievement = = pAchievement )
if ( flThinkTime = = THINK_CLEAR )
m_vecThinkListeners . Remove ( i ) ;
return ;
m_vecThinkListeners [ i ] . m_flThinkTime = gpGlobals - > curtime + flThinkTime ;
return ;
if ( flThinkTime = = THINK_CLEAR )
return ;
// Otherwise, add it to the list
int iIdx = m_vecThinkListeners . AddToTail ( ) ;
m_vecThinkListeners [ iIdx ] . pAchievement = pAchievement ;
m_vecThinkListeners [ iIdx ] . m_flThinkTime = gpGlobals - > curtime + flThinkTime ;
void CAchievementMgr : : UpdateStateFromSteam_Internal ( )
# ifndef NO_STEAM
// run through the achievements and set their achieved state according to Steam data
FOR_EACH_MAP ( m_mapAchievement , i )
CBaseAchievement * pAchievement = m_mapAchievement [ i ] ;
bool bAchieved = false ;
uint32 unlockTime ;
// Get the achievement status, and the time it was unlocked if unlocked.
// If the return value is true, but the unlock time is zero, that means it was unlocked before Steam
// began tracking achievement unlock times (December 2009). Time is seconds since January 1, 1970.
bool bRet = steamapicontext - > SteamUserStats ( ) - > GetAchievementAndUnlockTime ( pAchievement - > GetName ( ) , & bAchieved , & unlockTime ) ;
if ( bRet )
// set local achievement state
pAchievement - > SetAchieved ( bAchieved ) ;
pAchievement - > SetUnlockTime ( unlockTime ) ;
DevMsg ( " ISteamUserStats::GetAchievement failed for %s \n " , pAchievement - > GetName ( ) ) ;
if ( pAchievement - > StoreProgressInSteam ( ) )
int iValue ;
char pszProgressName [ 1024 ] ;
Q_snprintf ( pszProgressName , 1024 , " %s_STAT " , pAchievement - > GetStat ( ) ) ;
bRet = steamapicontext - > SteamUserStats ( ) - > GetStat ( pszProgressName , & iValue ) ;
if ( bRet )
pAchievement - > SetCount ( iValue ) ;
pAchievement - > EvaluateNewAchievement ( ) ;
DevMsg ( " ISteamUserStats::GetStat failed to get progress value from Steam for achievement %s \n " , pszProgressName ) ;
// send an event to anyone else who needs Steam user stat data
IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager - > CreateEvent ( " user_data_downloaded " ) ;
if ( event )
# ifdef GAME_DLL
gameeventmanager - > FireEvent ( event ) ;
# else
gameeventmanager - > FireEventClientSide ( event ) ;
# endif
# endif
# ifdef CLIENT_DLL
void MsgFunc_AchievementEvent ( bf_read & msg )
int iAchievementID = ( int ) msg . ReadShort ( ) ;
int iCount = ( int ) msg . ReadShort ( ) ;
CAchievementMgr * pAchievementMgr = dynamic_cast < CAchievementMgr * > ( engine - > GetAchievementMgr ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pAchievementMgr )
return ;
pAchievementMgr - > OnAchievementEvent ( iAchievementID , iCount ) ;
CON_COMMAND_F ( achievement_reset_all , " Clears all achievements " , FCVAR_CHEAT )
CAchievementMgr * pAchievementMgr = dynamic_cast < CAchievementMgr * > ( engine - > GetAchievementMgr ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pAchievementMgr )
return ;
pAchievementMgr - > ResetAchievements ( ) ;
CON_COMMAND_F ( achievement_reset , " <internal name> Clears specified achievement " , FCVAR_CHEAT )
CAchievementMgr * pAchievementMgr = dynamic_cast < CAchievementMgr * > ( engine - > GetAchievementMgr ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pAchievementMgr )
return ;
if ( 2 ! = args . ArgC ( ) )
Msg ( " Usage: achievement_reset <internal name> \n " ) ;
return ;
CBaseAchievement * pAchievement = pAchievementMgr - > GetAchievementByName ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( ! pAchievement )
Msg ( " Achievement %s not found \n " , args [ 1 ] ) ;
return ;
pAchievementMgr - > ResetAchievement ( pAchievement - > GetAchievementID ( ) ) ;
CON_COMMAND_F ( achievement_status , " Shows status of all achievement " , FCVAR_CHEAT )
CAchievementMgr * pAchievementMgr = dynamic_cast < CAchievementMgr * > ( engine - > GetAchievementMgr ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pAchievementMgr )
return ;
pAchievementMgr - > PrintAchievementStatus ( ) ;
CON_COMMAND_F ( achievement_unlock , " <internal name> Unlocks achievement " , FCVAR_CHEAT )
CAchievementMgr * pAchievementMgr = dynamic_cast < CAchievementMgr * > ( engine - > GetAchievementMgr ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pAchievementMgr )
return ;
if ( 2 ! = args . ArgC ( ) )
Msg ( " Usage: achievement_unlock <internal name> \n " ) ;
return ;
CBaseAchievement * pAchievement = pAchievementMgr - > GetAchievementByName ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( ! pAchievement )
Msg ( " Achievement %s not found \n " , args [ 1 ] ) ;
return ;
pAchievementMgr - > AwardAchievement ( pAchievement - > GetAchievementID ( ) ) ;
CON_COMMAND_F ( achievement_unlock_all , " Unlocks all achievements " , FCVAR_CHEAT )
CAchievementMgr * pAchievementMgr = dynamic_cast < CAchievementMgr * > ( engine - > GetAchievementMgr ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pAchievementMgr )
return ;
int iCount = pAchievementMgr - > GetAchievementCount ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < iCount ; i + + )
IAchievement * pAchievement = pAchievementMgr - > GetAchievementByIndex ( i ) ;
if ( ! pAchievement - > IsAchieved ( ) )
pAchievementMgr - > AwardAchievement ( pAchievement - > GetAchievementID ( ) ) ;
CON_COMMAND_F ( achievement_evaluate , " <internal name> Causes failable achievement to be evaluated " , FCVAR_CHEAT )
CAchievementMgr * pAchievementMgr = dynamic_cast < CAchievementMgr * > ( engine - > GetAchievementMgr ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pAchievementMgr )
return ;
if ( 2 ! = args . ArgC ( ) )
Msg ( " Usage: achievement_evaluate <internal name> \n " ) ;
return ;
CBaseAchievement * pAchievement = pAchievementMgr - > GetAchievementByName ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( ! pAchievement )
Msg ( " Achievement %s not found \n " , args [ 1 ] ) ;
return ;
CFailableAchievement * pFailableAchievement = dynamic_cast < CFailableAchievement * > ( pAchievement ) ;
if ( ! pFailableAchievement )
Msg ( " Achievement %s is not failable \n " , args [ 1 ] ) ;
return ;
pFailableAchievement - > OnEvaluationEvent ( ) ;
CON_COMMAND_F ( achievement_test_friend_count , " Counts the # of teammates on local player's friends list " , FCVAR_CHEAT )
CAchievementMgr * pAchievementMgr = dynamic_cast < CAchievementMgr * > ( engine - > GetAchievementMgr ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pAchievementMgr )
return ;
if ( 2 ! = args . ArgC ( ) )
Msg ( " Usage: achievement_test_friend_count <min # of teammates> \n " ) ;
return ;
int iMinFriends = atoi ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
bool bRet = CalcPlayersOnFriendsList ( iMinFriends ) ;
Msg ( " You %s have at least %d friends in the game. \n " , bRet ? " do " : " do not " , iMinFriends ) ;
CON_COMMAND_F ( achievement_test_clan_count , " Determines if specified # of teammates belong to same clan w/local player " , FCVAR_CHEAT )
CAchievementMgr * pAchievementMgr = dynamic_cast < CAchievementMgr * > ( engine - > GetAchievementMgr ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pAchievementMgr )
return ;
if ( 2 ! = args . ArgC ( ) )
Msg ( " Usage: achievement_test_clan_count <# of clan teammates> \n " ) ;
return ;
int iClanPlayers = atoi ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
bool bRet = CalcHasNumClanPlayers ( iClanPlayers ) ;
Msg ( " There %s %d players who you're in a Steam group with. \n " , bRet ? " are " : " are not " , iClanPlayers ) ;
CON_COMMAND_F ( achievement_mark_dirty , " Mark achievement data as dirty " , FCVAR_CHEAT )
CAchievementMgr * pAchievementMgr = dynamic_cast < CAchievementMgr * > ( engine - > GetAchievementMgr ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pAchievementMgr )
return ;
pAchievementMgr - > SetDirty ( true ) ;
# endif // _DEBUG
# endif // CLIENT_DLL
// Purpose: helper function to get entity model name
const char * GetModelName ( CBaseEntity * pBaseEntity )
CBaseAnimating * pBaseAnimating = dynamic_cast < CBaseAnimating * > ( pBaseEntity ) ;
if ( pBaseAnimating )
CStudioHdr * pStudioHdr = pBaseAnimating - > GetModelPtr ( ) ;
if ( pStudioHdr )
return pStudioHdr - > pszName ( ) ;
return " " ;