2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
// @TODO: The features and implementation of these class classes require overly
// broad mutexing. Needs to be addressed. (toml 3-20-06)
# include "mathlib/vector.h"
# include "utlhash.h"
# include "utllinkedlist.h"
# include "utllinkedlist.h"
# include "ispatialpartitioninternal.h"
# include "bsptreedata.h"
# include "worldsize.h"
# include "cmodel.h"
# include "sys_dll.h"
# include "collisionutils.h"
# include "debugoverlay.h"
# include "tier0/vprof.h"
# include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
# include "filesystem_engine.h"
# include "filesystem.h"
# include "tier1/convar.h"
# include "tier1/memstack.h"
# include "enginethreads.h"
# include "datacache/imdlcache.h"
# include "tier2/renderutils.h"
# include "bitvec.h"
# include "tier1/mempool.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
# include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
class CVoxelTree ;
class CIntersectSweptBox ;
# define SPHASH_VOXEL_SIZE 256 // must power of 2
# define SPHASH_VOXEL_SHIFT 8 // shift for voxel size
# define SPHASH_VOXEL_LARGE 65536.0f
# define SPHASH_EPS 0.03125f
enum PartitionTrees_t
} ;
class CPartitionVisitor ;
# if defined( _X360 )
# pragma bitfield_order( push, lsb_to_msb )
# endif
union Voxel_t
unsigned int x : 11 ;
unsigned int y : 11 ;
unsigned int z : 10 ;
} bitsVoxel ;
unsigned int uiVoxel ;
} ;
# if defined( _X360 )
# pragma bitfield_order( pop )
# endif
enum EntityInfoFlags_t
ENTITY_HIDDEN = ( 1 < < 0 ) ,
IN_CLIENT_TREE = ( 1 < < 1 ) ,
IN_SERVER_TREE = ( 1 < < 2 ) ,
} ;
struct EntityInfo_t
Vector m_vecMin ; // Min/Max of entity
Vector m_vecMax ;
IHandleEntity * m_pHandleEntity ; // Entity handle.
unsigned short m_fList ; // Which lists is it in?
uint8 m_flags ;
char m_nLevel [ NUM_TREES ] ; // Which level voxel tree is it in?
unsigned short m_nVisitBit [ NUM_TREES ] ;
2022-02-23 12:10:25 +00:00
intp m_iLeafList [ NUM_TREES ] ; // Index into the leaf pool - leaf list for entity (m_aLeafList).
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} ;
struct LeafListData_t
UtlHashFastHandle_t m_hVoxel ; // Voxel handle the entity is in.
2022-02-23 12:10:25 +00:00
intp m_iEntity ; // Entity list index for voxel
2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
} ;
typedef CUtlFixedLinkedList < LeafListData_t > CLeafList ;
typedef CVarBitVec CPartitionVisits ;
// Used when rendering the various levels of the voxel hash
static Color s_pVoxelColor [ 9 ] =
Color ( 255 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) ,
Color ( 0 , 255 , 0 , 255 ) ,
Color ( 0 , 0 , 255 , 255 ) ,
Color ( 255 , 0 , 255 , 255 ) ,
Color ( 255 , 255 , 0 , 255 ) ,
Color ( 0 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) ,
Color ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) ,
Color ( 192 , 192 , 0 , 255 ) ,
Color ( 128 , 128 , 128 , 255 ) ,
} ;
// bounds of the spatial partition
static Vector s_PartitionMin ( MIN_COORD_FLOAT , MIN_COORD_FLOAT , MIN_COORD_FLOAT ) ;
static Vector s_PartitionMax ( MAX_COORD_FLOAT , MAX_COORD_FLOAT , MAX_COORD_FLOAT ) ;
// Divide voxel coordinates by 2
inline Voxel_t ConvertToNextLevel ( Voxel_t v )
// Just need to divide by 2 and eliminate the low bits of y and z that shifted
// into the x and y fields
Voxel_t res ;
res . uiVoxel = ( ( v . uiVoxel > > SPHASH_LEVEL_SKIP ) & 0xFFCFF9FF ) ;
return res ;
// A single voxel hash
class CVoxelHash
public :
// Constructor, destructor
CVoxelHash ( ) ;
~ CVoxelHash ( ) ;
// Call this to clear out the spatial partition and to re-initialize it given a particular world size (ISpatialPartitionInternal)
void Init ( CVoxelTree * pPartition , const Vector & worldmin , const Vector & worldmax , int nLevel ) ;
void Shutdown ( ) ;
// Gets all entities in a particular volume...
// returns false if the enumerator broke early
bool EnumerateElementsInBox ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , Voxel_t vmin , Voxel_t vmax , const Vector & mins , const Vector & maxs , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator ) ;
bool EnumerateElementsAlongRay ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , const Ray_t & ray , const Vector & vecInvDelta , const Vector & vecEnd , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator ) ;
bool EnumerateElementsAtPoint ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , Voxel_t v , const Vector & pt , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator ) ;
// Inserts/Removes a handle from the tree.
void InsertIntoTree ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition , const Vector & vecMin , const Vector & vecMax ) ;
void RemoveFromTree ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition ) ;
// Debug!
void RenderAllObjectsInTree ( float flTime ) ;
void RenderObjectsInPlayerLeafs ( const Vector & vecPlayerMin , const Vector & vecPlayerMax , float flTime ) ;
void RenderVoxel ( Voxel_t voxel , float flTime ) ;
void RenderObjectInVoxel ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition , CPartitionVisitor * pVisitor , float flTime ) ;
void RenderObjectsInVoxel ( Voxel_t voxel , CPartitionVisitor * pVisitor , bool bRenderVoxel , float flTime ) ;
// Computes the voxel count in 1 dimension at a particular level of the tree
static int ComputeVoxelCountAtLevel ( int nLevel ) ;
// Gets the voxel size for this hash
int VoxelSize ( ) const ;
int EntityCount ( ) ;
// Rendering methods
void RenderGrid ( ) ;
// Converts point into voxel index
inline Voxel_t VoxelIndexFromPoint ( const Vector & vecWorldPoint ) ;
inline void VoxelIndexFromPoint ( const Vector & vecWorldPoint , int pPoint [ 3 ] ) ;
// Setup ray for iteration
void LeafListRaySetup ( const Ray_t & ray , const Vector & vecEnd , const Vector & vecInvDelta , Voxel_t voxel , int * pStep , float * pMax , float * pDelta ) ;
void LeafListExtrudedRaySetup ( const Ray_t & ray , const Vector & vecInvDelta , const Vector & vecMin , const Vector & vecMax , int iVoxelMin [ 3 ] , int iVoxelMax [ 3 ] , int * pStep , float * pMin , float * pMax , float * pDelta ) ;
// Main enumeration method
template < class T > bool EnumerateElementsInVoxel ( Voxel_t voxel , const T & intersectTest , SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator ) ;
// Enumeration method when only 1 voxel is ever visited
template < class T > bool EnumerateElementsInSingleVoxel ( Voxel_t voxel , const T & intersectTest , SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator ) ;
bool EnumerateElementsAlongRay_ExtrudedRaySlice ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator , const CIntersectSweptBox & intersectSweptBox , int voxelMin [ 3 ] , int voxelMax [ 3 ] , int iAxis , int * pStep ) ;
private :
bool EnumerateElementsAlongRay_Ray ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , const Ray_t & ray , const Vector & vecInvDelta , const Vector & vecEnd , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator ) ;
bool EnumerateElementsAlongRay_ExtrudedRay ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , const Ray_t & ray , const Vector & vecInvDelta , const Vector & vecEnd , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator ) ;
inline void PackVoxel ( int iX , int iY , int iZ , Voxel_t & voxel ) ;
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typedef CUtlHashFixed < intp , SPHASH_BUCKET_COUNT , CUtlHashFixedGenericHash < SPHASH_BUCKET_COUNT > > CHashTable ;
2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
Vector m_vecVoxelOrigin ; // Voxel space (hash) origin.
CHashTable m_aVoxelHash ; // Voxel tree (hash) - data = entity list head handle (m_aEntityList)
int m_nVoxelDelta [ 3 ] ; // Voxel world - width(Dx), height(Dy), depth(Dz)
CUtlFixedLinkedList < SpatialPartitionHandle_t > m_aEntityList ; // Pool - Linked list(multilist) of entities per leaf.
CVoxelTree * m_pTree ;
int m_nLevel ;
} ;
class CSpatialPartition ;
class CVoxelTree
public :
// constructor, destructor
CVoxelTree ( ) ;
virtual ~ CVoxelTree ( ) ;
// Inherited from ISpatialPartition
virtual void Init ( CSpatialPartition * pOwner , int iTree , const Vector & worldmin , const Vector & worldmax ) ;
virtual void ElementMoved ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t handle , const Vector & mins , const Vector & maxs ) ;
virtual void EnumerateElementsInBox ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , const Vector & mins , const Vector & maxs , bool coarseTest , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator ) ;
virtual void EnumerateElementsInSphere ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , const Vector & origin , float radius , bool coarseTest , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator ) ;
virtual void EnumerateElementsAlongRay ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , const Ray_t & ray , bool coarseTest , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator ) ;
virtual void EnumerateElementsAtPoint ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , const Vector & pt , bool coarseTest , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator ) ;
virtual void RenderAllObjectsInTree ( float flTime ) ;
virtual void RenderObjectsInPlayerLeafs ( const Vector & vecPlayerMin , const Vector & vecPlayerMax , float flTime ) ;
virtual void ReportStats ( const char * pFileName ) ;
virtual void DrawDebugOverlays ( ) ;
EntityInfo_t & EntityInfo ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition ) ;
CLeafList & LeafList ( ) ;
int GetTreeId ( ) const ;
CPartitionVisits * BeginVisit ( ) ;
CPartitionVisits * GetVisits ( ) ;
void EndVisit ( CPartitionVisits * ) ;
// Shut down the allocated memory
void Shutdown ( void ) ;
// Insert into the appropriate tree
void InsertIntoTree ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition , const Vector & mins , const Vector & maxs ) ;
// Remove from appropriate tree
void RemoveFromTree ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition ) ;
void LockForWrite ( ) { m_lock . LockForWrite ( ) ; }
void UnlockWrite ( ) { m_lock . UnlockWrite ( ) ; }
void LockForRead ( ) { m_lock . LockForRead ( ) ; }
void UnlockRead ( ) { m_lock . UnlockRead ( ) ; }
// Ray casting
bool EnumerateElementsAlongRay_Ray ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , const Ray_t & ray , const Vector & vecInvDelta , const Vector & vecEnd , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator ) ;
bool EnumerateElementsAlongRay_ExtrudedRay ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask ,
const Ray_t & ray , const Vector & vecInvDelta , const Vector & vecEnd , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator ) ;
// Purpose:
void ComputeSweptRayBounds ( const Ray_t & ray , const Vector & vecStartMin , const Vector & vecStartMax , Vector * pVecMin , Vector * pVecMax ) ;
private :
int m_nLevelCount ;
CVoxelHash * m_pVoxelHash ;
CLeafList m_aLeafList ; // Pool - Linked list(multilist) of leaves per entity.
int m_TreeId ;
2022-06-04 22:44:42 +00:00
CTHREADLOCALPTR ( CPartitionVisits ) m_pVisits ;
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CSpatialPartition * m_pOwner ;
CUtlVector < unsigned short > m_AvailableVisitBits ;
unsigned short m_nNextVisitBit ;
CTSPool < CPartitionVisits > m_FreeVisits ;
# else
CObjectPool < CPartitionVisits , 2 > m_FreeVisits ;
# endif
CThreadSpinRWLock m_lock ;
} ;
// The spatial partition
class CSpatialPartition : public ISpatialPartitionInternal
public :
CSpatialPartition ( ) ;
~ CSpatialPartition ( ) ;
} ;
// Inherited from ISpatialPartition
virtual void Init ( const Vector & worldmin , const Vector & worldmax ) ;
void Shutdown ( void ) ;
virtual SpatialPartitionHandle_t CreateHandle ( IHandleEntity * pHandleEntity ) ;
virtual SpatialPartitionHandle_t CreateHandle ( IHandleEntity * pHandleEntity , SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , const Vector & mins , const Vector & maxs ) ;
virtual void DestroyHandle ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t handle ) ;
virtual void Insert ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , SpatialPartitionHandle_t handle ) ;
virtual void Remove ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , SpatialPartitionHandle_t handle ) ;
virtual void RemoveAndInsert ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t removeMask , SpatialPartitionListMask_t insertMask , SpatialPartitionHandle_t handle ) ;
virtual void Remove ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t handle ) ;
virtual SpatialTempHandle_t HideElement ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t handle ) ;
virtual void UnhideElement ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t handle , SpatialTempHandle_t tempHandle ) ;
virtual void InstallQueryCallback ( IPartitionQueryCallback * pCallback ) ;
virtual void InstallQueryCallback_V1 ( IPartitionQueryCallback * pCallback ) ;
virtual void RemoveQueryCallback ( IPartitionQueryCallback * pCallback ) ;
virtual void SuppressLists ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t nListMask , bool bSuppress ) ;
virtual SpatialPartitionListMask_t GetSuppressedLists ( void ) ;
virtual void RenderLeafsForRayTraceStart ( float flTime ) { }
virtual void RenderLeafsForRayTraceEnd ( void ) { }
virtual void RenderLeafsForHullTraceStart ( float flTime ) { }
virtual void RenderLeafsForHullTraceEnd ( void ) { }
virtual void RenderLeafsForBoxStart ( float flTime ) { }
virtual void RenderLeafsForBoxEnd ( void ) { }
virtual void RenderLeafsForSphereStart ( float flTime ) { }
virtual void RenderLeafsForSphereEnd ( void ) { }
virtual void RenderObjectsInBox ( const Vector & vecMin , const Vector & vecMax , float flTime ) ;
virtual void RenderObjectsInSphere ( const Vector & vecCenter , float flRadius , float flTime ) ;
virtual void RenderObjectsAlongRay ( const Ray_t & ray , float flTime ) ;
virtual void ElementMoved ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t handle , const Vector & mins , const Vector & maxs ) ;
virtual void EnumerateElementsInBox ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , const Vector & mins , const Vector & maxs , bool coarseTest , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator ) ;
virtual void EnumerateElementsInSphere ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , const Vector & origin , float radius , bool coarseTest , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator ) ;
virtual void EnumerateElementsAlongRay ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , const Ray_t & ray , bool coarseTest , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator ) ;
virtual void EnumerateElementsAtPoint ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , const Vector & pt , bool coarseTest , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator ) ;
virtual void RenderAllObjectsInTree ( float flTime ) ;
virtual void RenderObjectsInPlayerLeafs ( const Vector & vecPlayerMin , const Vector & vecPlayerMax , float flTime ) ;
virtual void ReportStats ( const char * pFileName ) ;
virtual void DrawDebugOverlays ( ) ;
// Gets entity info (for enumerations).
EntityInfo_t & EntityInfo ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition ) ;
virtual void InsertIntoTree ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition , const Vector & mins , const Vector & maxs ) ;
virtual void RemoveFromTree ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition ) ;
CVoxelTree * VoxelTree ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask ) ;
CVoxelTree * VoxelTreeForHandle ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t handle ) ;
protected :
// Invokes the pre-query callbacks.
void InvokeQueryCallbacks ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , bool = false ) ;
typedef CUtlLinkedList < EntityInfo_t , SpatialPartitionHandle_t , false , SpatialPartitionHandle_t , CUtlMemoryStack < UtlLinkedListElem_t < EntityInfo_t , SpatialPartitionHandle_t > , SpatialPartitionHandle_t , 0xffff , 1024 > > CHandleList ;
private :
CHandleList m_aHandles ; // Stores all unique elements (1 per entity in tree).
CThreadFastMutex m_HandlesMutex ;
CVoxelTree m_VoxelTrees [ NUM_TREES ] ;
IPartitionQueryCallback * m_pQueryCallback [ MAX_QUERY_CALLBACK ] ; // Query callbacks.
bool m_bUseOldQueryCallback [ MAX_QUERY_CALLBACK ] ;
int m_nQueryCallbackCount ; // Number of query callbacks.
// Debug!
SpatialPartitionListMask_t m_nSuppressedListMask ;
} ;
// Spatial partition inline methods
// Gets entity info (for enumerations).
inline EntityInfo_t & CSpatialPartition : : EntityInfo ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition )
return m_aHandles [ hPartition ] ;
inline EntityInfo_t & CVoxelTree : : EntityInfo ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition )
return m_pOwner - > EntityInfo ( hPartition ) ;
inline CLeafList & CVoxelTree : : LeafList ( )
return m_aLeafList ;
inline int CVoxelTree : : GetTreeId ( ) const
return m_TreeId ;
inline CPartitionVisits * CVoxelTree : : GetVisits ( )
return m_pVisits ;
inline CPartitionVisits * CVoxelTree : : BeginVisit ( )
CPartitionVisits * pPrev = m_pVisits ;
CPartitionVisits * pVisits = m_FreeVisits . GetObject ( ) ;
pVisits - > Resize ( m_nNextVisitBit , true ) ;
m_pVisits = pVisits ;
return pPrev ;
inline void CVoxelTree : : EndVisit ( CPartitionVisits * pPrev )
m_FreeVisits . PutObject ( m_pVisits ) ;
m_pVisits = pPrev ;
inline CVoxelTree * CSpatialPartition : : VoxelTree ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask )
int iTree = ( ( listMask & PARTITION_ALL_CLIENT_EDICTS ) = = 0 ) ? SERVER_TREE : CLIENT_TREE ;
return & m_VoxelTrees [ iTree ] ;
inline CVoxelTree * CSpatialPartition : : VoxelTreeForHandle ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t handle )
return VoxelTree ( m_aHandles [ handle ] . m_fList ) ;
// Constructor, destructor
CVoxelHash : : CVoxelHash ( )
CVoxelHash : : ~ CVoxelHash ( )
Shutdown ( ) ;
// Purpose: Create a voxel index from a world point - is the hash key.
// Input: vecWorldPoint - world point to get voxel index for
// Output: voxel index
inline void CVoxelHash : : VoxelIndexFromPoint ( const Vector & vecWorldPoint , int pPoint [ 3 ] )
pPoint [ 0 ] = static_cast < int > ( vecWorldPoint . x - m_vecVoxelOrigin . x ) > > ( SPHASH_VOXEL_SHIFT + SPHASH_LEVEL_SKIP * m_nLevel ) ;
pPoint [ 1 ] = static_cast < int > ( vecWorldPoint . y - m_vecVoxelOrigin . y ) > > ( SPHASH_VOXEL_SHIFT + SPHASH_LEVEL_SKIP * m_nLevel ) ;
pPoint [ 2 ] = static_cast < int > ( vecWorldPoint . z - m_vecVoxelOrigin . z ) > > ( SPHASH_VOXEL_SHIFT + SPHASH_LEVEL_SKIP * m_nLevel ) ;
inline void CVoxelHash : : PackVoxel ( int iX , int iY , int iZ , Voxel_t & voxel )
Assert ( ( iX > = - ( 1 < < 10 ) ) & & ( iX < = ( 1 < < 10 ) ) ) ;
Assert ( ( iY > = - ( 1 < < 10 ) ) & & ( iY < = ( 1 < < 10 ) ) ) ;
Assert ( ( iZ > = - ( 1 < < 9 ) ) & & ( iZ < = ( 1 < < 9 ) ) ) ;
voxel . bitsVoxel . x = iX ;
voxel . bitsVoxel . y = iY ;
voxel . bitsVoxel . z = iZ ;
inline Voxel_t CVoxelHash : : VoxelIndexFromPoint ( const Vector & vecWorldPoint )
Voxel_t voxel ;
voxel . bitsVoxel . x = static_cast < int > ( vecWorldPoint . x - m_vecVoxelOrigin . x ) > > ( SPHASH_VOXEL_SHIFT + SPHASH_LEVEL_SKIP * m_nLevel ) ;
voxel . bitsVoxel . y = static_cast < int > ( vecWorldPoint . y - m_vecVoxelOrigin . y ) > > ( SPHASH_VOXEL_SHIFT + SPHASH_LEVEL_SKIP * m_nLevel ) ;
voxel . bitsVoxel . z = static_cast < int > ( vecWorldPoint . z - m_vecVoxelOrigin . z ) > > ( SPHASH_VOXEL_SHIFT + SPHASH_LEVEL_SKIP * m_nLevel ) ;
return voxel ;
// Purpose: Computes the voxel count at a particular level of the tree
int CVoxelHash : : ComputeVoxelCountAtLevel ( int nLevel )
nVoxelCount > > = ( SPHASH_LEVEL_SKIP * nLevel ) ;
return ( nVoxelCount > 0 ) ? nVoxelCount : 1 ;
// Gets the voxel size for this hash
inline int CVoxelHash : : VoxelSize ( ) const
return SPHASH_VOXEL_SIZE < < ( SPHASH_LEVEL_SKIP * m_nLevel ) ;
// Purpose:
// Input: worldmin -
// worldmax -
void CVoxelHash : : Init ( CVoxelTree * pPartition , const Vector & worldmin , const Vector & worldmax , int nLevel )
m_pTree = pPartition ;
m_nLevel = nLevel ;
// Setup the hash.
int nVoxelCount = ComputeVoxelCountAtLevel ( nLevel ) ;
int nHashBucketCount = SPHASH_BUCKET_COUNT > > nLevel ;
if ( nHashBucketCount < 16 )
nHashBucketCount = 16 ;
m_nVoxelDelta [ 0 ] = nVoxelCount ;
m_nVoxelDelta [ 1 ] = nVoxelCount ;
m_nVoxelDelta [ 2 ] = nVoxelCount ;
Assert ( ( m_nVoxelDelta [ 0 ] > = 0 ) & & ( m_nVoxelDelta [ 0 ] < = ( 1 < < 10 ) ) ) ;
Assert ( ( m_nVoxelDelta [ 1 ] > = 0 ) & & ( m_nVoxelDelta [ 1 ] < = ( 1 < < 10 ) ) ) ;
Assert ( ( m_nVoxelDelta [ 2 ] > = 0 ) & & ( m_nVoxelDelta [ 2 ] < = ( 1 < < 9 ) ) ) ;
m_aVoxelHash . RemoveAll ( ) ;
// Setup the entity list pool.
int nGrowSize = SPHASH_ENTITYLIST_BLOCK > > nLevel ;
if ( nGrowSize < 16 )
nGrowSize = 16 ;
m_aEntityList . Purge ( ) ;
m_aEntityList . SetGrowSize ( nGrowSize ) ;
// Shutdown
void CVoxelHash : : Shutdown ( void )
m_aEntityList . Purge ( ) ;
m_aVoxelHash . Purge ( ) ;
// Purpose: Insert the object into the voxel hash.
void CVoxelHash : : InsertIntoTree ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition , const Vector & vecMin , const Vector & vecMax )
EntityInfo_t & info = m_pTree - > EntityInfo ( hPartition ) ;
CLeafList & leafList = m_pTree - > LeafList ( ) ;
int treeId = m_pTree - > GetTreeId ( ) ;
// Set the entity bounding box.
info . m_vecMin = vecMin ;
info . m_vecMax = vecMax ;
// Set the voxel level
info . m_nLevel [ m_pTree - > GetTreeId ( ) ] = m_nLevel ;
// Add the object to the tree.
Voxel_t voxelMin , voxelMax ;
voxelMin = VoxelIndexFromPoint ( vecMin ) ;
voxelMax = VoxelIndexFromPoint ( vecMax ) ;
Assert ( ( m_nLevel = = 4 ) | |
( ( voxelMax . bitsVoxel . x - voxelMin . bitsVoxel . x < = 1 ) & &
( voxelMax . bitsVoxel . y - voxelMin . bitsVoxel . y < = 1 ) & &
( voxelMax . bitsVoxel . z - voxelMin . bitsVoxel . z < = 1 ) ) ) ;
// Add the object to all the voxels it intersects.
Voxel_t voxel ;
unsigned int iX , iY , iZ ;
for ( iX = voxelMin . bitsVoxel . x ; iX < = voxelMax . bitsVoxel . x ; + + iX )
voxel . bitsVoxel . x = iX ;
for ( iY = voxelMin . bitsVoxel . y ; iY < = voxelMax . bitsVoxel . y ; + + iY )
voxel . bitsVoxel . y = iY ;
for ( iZ = voxelMin . bitsVoxel . z ; iZ < = voxelMax . bitsVoxel . z ; + + iZ )
voxel . bitsVoxel . z = iZ ;
#if 0
// Debug!
RenderVoxel ( voxel ) ;
# endif
// Entity list.
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intp iEntity = m_aEntityList . Alloc ( true ) ;
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m_aEntityList [ iEntity ] = hPartition ;
UtlHashFastHandle_t hHash = m_aVoxelHash . Find ( voxel . uiVoxel ) ;
if ( hHash = = m_aVoxelHash . InvalidHandle ( ) )
// Add voxel(leaf) to hash.
hHash = m_aVoxelHash . FastInsert ( voxel . uiVoxel , iEntity ) ;
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intp iHead = m_aVoxelHash . Element ( hHash ) ;
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m_aEntityList . LinkBefore ( iHead , iEntity ) ;
m_aVoxelHash [ hHash ] = iEntity ;
// Leaf list.
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intp iLeafList = leafList . Alloc ( true ) ;
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leafList [ iLeafList ] . m_hVoxel = hHash ;
leafList [ iLeafList ] . m_iEntity = iEntity ;
if ( info . m_iLeafList [ treeId ] = = leafList . InvalidIndex ( ) )
info . m_iLeafList [ treeId ] = iLeafList ;
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intp iHead = info . m_iLeafList [ treeId ] ;
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leafList . LinkBefore ( iHead , iLeafList ) ;
info . m_iLeafList [ treeId ] = iLeafList ;
// Purpose: Removes the object into the voxel hash.
void CVoxelHash : : RemoveFromTree ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition )
EntityInfo_t & data = m_pTree - > EntityInfo ( hPartition ) ;
CLeafList & leafList = m_pTree - > LeafList ( ) ;
int treeId = m_pTree - > GetTreeId ( ) ;
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intp iLeaf = data . m_iLeafList [ treeId ] ;
intp iNext ;
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while ( iLeaf ! = leafList . InvalidIndex ( ) )
// Get the next voxel - if any.
iNext = leafList . Next ( iLeaf ) ;
UtlHashFastHandle_t hHash = leafList [ iLeaf ] . m_hVoxel ;
if ( hHash = = m_aVoxelHash . InvalidHandle ( ) )
iLeaf = iNext ;
continue ;
// Get the head of the entity list for the voxel.
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intp iEntity = leafList [ iLeaf ] . m_iEntity ;
intp iEntityHead = m_aVoxelHash [ hHash ] ;
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if ( iEntityHead = = iEntity )
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intp iEntityNext = m_aEntityList . Next ( iEntityHead ) ;
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if ( iEntityNext = = m_aEntityList . InvalidIndex ( ) )
m_aVoxelHash . Remove ( hHash ) ;
m_aVoxelHash [ hHash ] = iEntityNext ;
// Remove the entity from the entity list for the voxel.
m_aEntityList . Remove ( iEntity ) ;
// Remove from the leaf list.
leafList . Remove ( iLeaf ) ;
iLeaf = iNext ;
data . m_iLeafList [ treeId ] = leafList . InvalidIndex ( ) ;
// Purpose:
inline void ClampStartPoint ( Ray_t & ray , const Vector & vecEnd )
float flDistStart , flT ;
for ( int iAxis = 0 ; iAxis < 3 ; + + iAxis )
if ( fabs ( ray . m_Delta [ iAxis ] ) < 1e-10 )
continue ;
if ( ray . m_Delta [ iAxis ] > 0.0f )
if ( ray . m_Start [ iAxis ] < MIN_COORD_FLOAT )
// Add some bloat inward.
flDistStart = ( MIN_COORD_FLOAT + 5.0f ) - ray . m_Start [ iAxis ] ;
flT = flDistStart / ray . m_Delta [ iAxis ] ;
VectorMA ( ray . m_Start , flT , ray . m_Delta , ray . m_Start ) ;
if ( ray . m_Start [ iAxis ] > MAX_COORD_FLOAT )
// Add some bloat inward.
flDistStart = ray . m_Start [ iAxis ] - ( MAX_COORD_FLOAT - 5.0f ) ;
flT = flDistStart / - ray . m_Delta [ iAxis ] ;
VectorMA ( ray . m_Start , flT , ray . m_Delta , ray . m_Start ) ;
VectorSubtract ( vecEnd , ray . m_Start , ray . m_Delta ) ;
// Purpose:
inline void ClampEndPoint ( Ray_t & ray , Vector & vecEnd )
float flDistStart , flT ;
for ( int iAxis = 0 ; iAxis < 3 ; + + iAxis )
if ( fabs ( ray . m_Delta [ iAxis ] ) < 1e-10 )
continue ;
if ( ray . m_Delta [ iAxis ] < 0.0f )
if ( vecEnd [ iAxis ] < MIN_COORD_FLOAT )
// Add some bloat inward.
flDistStart = ray . m_Start [ iAxis ] - ( MIN_COORD_FLOAT + 5.0f ) ;
flT = flDistStart / - ray . m_Delta [ iAxis ] ;
VectorMA ( ray . m_Start , flT , ray . m_Delta , vecEnd ) ;
if ( vecEnd [ iAxis ] > MAX_COORD_FLOAT )
// Add some bloat inward.
flDistStart = ray . m_Start [ iAxis ] - ( - MAX_COORD_FLOAT + 5.0f ) ;
flT = flDistStart / ray . m_Delta [ iAxis ] ;
VectorMA ( ray . m_Start , flT , ray . m_Delta , vecEnd ) ;
VectorSubtract ( vecEnd , ray . m_Start , ray . m_Delta ) ;
// Intersection classes
class CPartitionVisitor
public :
CPartitionVisitor ( CVoxelTree * pPartition )
m_pVisits = pPartition - > GetVisits ( ) ;
m_iTree = pPartition - > GetTreeId ( ) ;
~ CPartitionVisitor ( )
bool Visit ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition , EntityInfo_t & hInfo ) const
int nVisitBit = hInfo . m_nVisitBit [ m_iTree ] ;
if ( m_pVisits - > IsBitSet ( nVisitBit ) )
return false ;
m_pVisits - > Set ( nVisitBit ) ;
return true ;
private :
CPartitionVisits * m_pVisits ;
int m_iTree ;
} ;
class CIntersectPoint : public CPartitionVisitor
public :
CIntersectPoint ( CVoxelTree * pPartition , const Vector & pt ) : CPartitionVisitor ( pPartition ) , m_vecPoint ( pt )
bool Intersects ( const Vector & vecMins , const Vector & vecMaxs ) const
// Ray intersection test
Assert ( vecMins . x < = vecMaxs . x ) ;
Assert ( vecMins . y < = vecMaxs . y ) ;
Assert ( vecMins . z < = vecMaxs . z ) ;
// Does the ray intersect the box?
return IsPointInBox ( m_vecPoint , vecMins , vecMaxs ) ;
private :
const Vector & m_vecPoint ;
} ;
class CIntersectBox : public CPartitionVisitor
public :
CIntersectBox ( CVoxelTree * pPartition , const Vector & vecMins , const Vector & vecMaxs ) : CPartitionVisitor ( pPartition ) , m_vecMins ( vecMins ) , m_vecMaxs ( vecMaxs )
bool Intersects ( const Vector & vecMins , const Vector & vecMaxs ) const
// Box intersection test
Assert ( vecMins . x < = vecMaxs . x ) ;
Assert ( vecMins . y < = vecMaxs . y ) ;
Assert ( vecMins . z < = vecMaxs . z ) ;
return ( vecMins . x < = m_vecMaxs . x ) & & ( vecMaxs . x > = m_vecMins . x ) & &
( vecMins . y < = m_vecMaxs . y ) & & ( vecMaxs . y > = m_vecMins . y ) & &
( vecMins . z < = m_vecMaxs . z ) & & ( vecMaxs . z > = m_vecMins . z ) ;
private :
const Vector & m_vecMins ;
const Vector & m_vecMaxs ;
} ;
class CIntersectRay : public CPartitionVisitor
public :
CIntersectRay ( CVoxelTree * pPartition , const Ray_t & ray , const Vector & vecInvDelta ) : CPartitionVisitor ( pPartition ) , m_Ray ( ray ) , m_vecInvDelta ( vecInvDelta )
bool Intersects ( const Vector & vecMins , const Vector & vecMaxs ) const
// Ray intersection test
Assert ( vecMins . x < = vecMaxs . x ) ;
Assert ( vecMins . y < = vecMaxs . y ) ;
Assert ( vecMins . z < = vecMaxs . z ) ;
// Does the ray intersect the box?
return IsBoxIntersectingRay ( vecMins , vecMaxs , m_Ray . m_Start , m_Ray . m_Delta , m_vecInvDelta ) ;
private :
const Ray_t & m_Ray ;
const Vector & m_vecInvDelta ;
} ;
class CIntersectSweptBox : public CPartitionVisitor
public :
CIntersectSweptBox ( CVoxelTree * pPartition , const Ray_t & ray , const Vector & vecInvDelta ) : CPartitionVisitor ( pPartition ) , m_Ray ( ray ) , m_vecInvDelta ( vecInvDelta )
bool Intersects ( const Vector & vecMins , const Vector & vecMaxs ) const
// Swept box intersection test
Assert ( vecMins . x < = vecMaxs . x ) ;
Assert ( vecMins . y < = vecMaxs . y ) ;
Assert ( vecMins . z < = vecMaxs . z ) ;
Vector vecTestMin , vecTestMax ;
VectorSubtract ( vecMins , m_Ray . m_Extents , vecTestMin ) ;
VectorAdd ( vecMaxs , m_Ray . m_Extents , vecTestMax ) ;
// Does the ray intersect the box?
return IsBoxIntersectingRay ( vecTestMin , vecTestMax , m_Ray . m_Start , m_Ray . m_Delta , m_vecInvDelta ) ;
private :
const Ray_t & m_Ray ;
const Vector & m_vecInvDelta ;
} ;
// Purpose:
template < class T >
bool CVoxelHash : : EnumerateElementsInVoxel ( Voxel_t voxel , const T & intersectTest , SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator )
// If the voxel doesn't exist, nothing to iterate over
UtlHashFastHandle_t hHash = m_aVoxelHash . Find ( voxel . uiVoxel ) ;
if ( hHash = = m_aVoxelHash . InvalidHandle ( ) )
return true ;
SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition ;
2022-02-23 12:10:25 +00:00
for ( intp i = m_aVoxelHash . Element ( hHash ) ; i ! = m_aEntityList . InvalidIndex ( ) ; i = m_aEntityList . Next ( i ) )
2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
hPartition = m_aEntityList [ i ] ;
if ( hPartition = = PARTITION_INVALID_HANDLE )
continue ;
EntityInfo_t & hInfo = m_pTree - > EntityInfo ( hPartition ) ;
// Keep going if this dude isn't in the list
if ( ! ( listMask & hInfo . m_fList ) )
continue ;
if ( hInfo . m_flags & ENTITY_HIDDEN )
continue ;
// Has this handle already been visited?
if ( ! intersectTest . Visit ( hPartition , hInfo ) )
continue ;
// Intersection test
if ( ! intersectTest . Intersects ( hInfo . m_vecMin , hInfo . m_vecMax ) )
continue ;
// Okay, this one is good...
if ( pIterator - > EnumElement ( hInfo . m_pHandleEntity ) = = ITERATION_STOP )
return false ;
return true ;
// Enumeration method when only 1 voxel is ever visited
template < class T >
bool CVoxelHash : : EnumerateElementsInSingleVoxel ( Voxel_t voxel , const T & intersectTest ,
SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator )
// NOTE: We don't have to do the enum id checking, nor do we have to up the
// nesting level, since this only visits 1 voxel.
2022-02-23 12:10:25 +00:00
intp iEntityList ;
2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
UtlHashFastHandle_t hHash = m_aVoxelHash . Find ( voxel . uiVoxel ) ;
if ( hHash ! = m_aVoxelHash . InvalidHandle ( ) )
iEntityList = m_aVoxelHash . Element ( hHash ) ;
while ( iEntityList ! = m_aEntityList . InvalidIndex ( ) )
SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition = m_aEntityList [ iEntityList ] ;
iEntityList = m_aEntityList . Next ( iEntityList ) ;
if ( hPartition = = PARTITION_INVALID_HANDLE )
continue ;
EntityInfo_t & hInfo = m_pTree - > EntityInfo ( hPartition ) ;
// Keep going if this dude isn't in the list
if ( ! ( listMask & hInfo . m_fList ) )
continue ;
if ( hInfo . m_flags & ENTITY_HIDDEN )
continue ;
// Keep going if there's no collision
if ( ! intersectTest . Intersects ( hInfo . m_vecMin , hInfo . m_vecMax ) )
continue ;
// Okay, this one is good...
if ( pIterator - > EnumElement ( hInfo . m_pHandleEntity ) = = ITERATION_STOP )
return false ;
return true ;
// Purpose:
bool CVoxelHash : : EnumerateElementsInBox ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask ,
Voxel_t vmin , Voxel_t vmax , const Vector & mins , const Vector & maxs , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator )
VPROF ( " BoxTest/SphereTest " ) ;
Assert ( mins . x < = maxs . x ) ;
Assert ( mins . y < = maxs . y ) ;
Assert ( mins . z < = maxs . z ) ;
// Create the intersection object
bool bSingleVoxel = ( vmin . uiVoxel = = vmax . uiVoxel ) ;
CIntersectBox rect ( m_pTree , mins , maxs ) ;
// In the same voxel
if ( bSingleVoxel )
return EnumerateElementsInSingleVoxel ( vmin , rect , listMask , pIterator ) ;
// Iterate over all voxels
Voxel_t vdelta ;
vdelta . uiVoxel = vmax . uiVoxel - vmin . uiVoxel ;
int cx = vdelta . bitsVoxel . x ;
int cy = vdelta . bitsVoxel . y ;
int cz = vdelta . bitsVoxel . z ;
Voxel_t voxel ;
voxel . bitsVoxel . x = vmin . bitsVoxel . x ;
for ( int iX = 0 ; iX < = cx ; + + iX , + + voxel . bitsVoxel . x )
voxel . bitsVoxel . y = vmin . bitsVoxel . y ;
for ( int iY = 0 ; iY < = cy ; + + iY , + + voxel . bitsVoxel . y )
voxel . bitsVoxel . z = vmin . bitsVoxel . z ;
for ( int iZ = 0 ; iZ < = cz ; + + iZ , + + voxel . bitsVoxel . z )
if ( ! EnumerateElementsInVoxel ( voxel , rect , listMask , pIterator ) )
return false ;
return true ;
// Purpose:
bool CVoxelHash : : EnumerateElementsAlongRay ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask ,
const Ray_t & ray , const Vector & vecInvDelta , const Vector & vecEnd , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator )
Assert ( ray . m_IsSwept ) ;
// Two different methods
if ( ray . m_IsRay )
return EnumerateElementsAlongRay_Ray ( listMask , ray , vecInvDelta , vecEnd , pIterator ) ;
return EnumerateElementsAlongRay_ExtrudedRay ( listMask , ray , vecInvDelta , vecEnd , pIterator ) ;
// Purpose:
bool CVoxelHash : : EnumerateElementsAlongRay_Ray ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask ,
const Ray_t & ray , const Vector & vecInvDelta , const Vector & vecEnd , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator )
# ifdef _DEBUG
// For drawing debug objects.
static int nRenderRayEnumId = 4 ;
# endif
// Find the voxel start + end
Voxel_t voxelStart = VoxelIndexFromPoint ( ray . m_Start ) ;
Voxel_t voxelEnd = VoxelIndexFromPoint ( vecEnd ) ;
bool bSingleVoxel = ( voxelStart . uiVoxel = = voxelEnd . uiVoxel ) ;
CIntersectRay intersectRay ( m_pTree , ray , vecInvDelta ) ;
// Optimization: Look for single voxel rays
if ( bSingleVoxel )
return EnumerateElementsInSingleVoxel ( voxelStart , intersectRay , listMask , pIterator ) ;
Voxel_t voxelCurrent ;
voxelCurrent . uiVoxel = voxelStart . uiVoxel ;
// Setup.
int nStep [ 3 ] ;
float tMax [ 3 ] ;
float tDelta [ 3 ] ;
LeafListRaySetup ( ray , vecEnd , vecInvDelta , voxelStart , nStep , tMax , tDelta ) ;
// Walk the voxels and visit all elements in each voxel
while ( 1 )
if ( ! EnumerateElementsInVoxel ( voxelCurrent , intersectRay , listMask , pIterator ) )
return false ;
if ( tMax [ 0 ] > = 1.0f & & tMax [ 1 ] > = 1.0f & & tMax [ 2 ] > = 1.0f )
break ;
if ( tMax [ 0 ] < tMax [ 1 ] )
if ( tMax [ 0 ] < tMax [ 2 ] )
voxelCurrent . bitsVoxel . x + = nStep [ 0 ] ;
tMax [ 0 ] + = tDelta [ 0 ] ;
voxelCurrent . bitsVoxel . z + = nStep [ 2 ] ;
tMax [ 2 ] + = tDelta [ 2 ] ;
if ( tMax [ 1 ] < tMax [ 2 ] )
voxelCurrent . bitsVoxel . y + = nStep [ 1 ] ;
tMax [ 1 ] + = tDelta [ 1 ] ;
voxelCurrent . bitsVoxel . z + = nStep [ 2 ] ;
tMax [ 2 ] + = tDelta [ 2 ] ;
return true ;
// Purpose:
void CVoxelHash : : LeafListRaySetup ( const Ray_t & ray , const Vector & vecEnd ,
const Vector & vecInvDelta , Voxel_t voxel , int * pStep , float * pMax , float * pDelta )
int iVoxel [ 3 ] ;
iVoxel [ 0 ] = voxel . bitsVoxel . x ;
iVoxel [ 1 ] = voxel . bitsVoxel . y ;
iVoxel [ 2 ] = voxel . bitsVoxel . z ;
// Setup.
float flDist , flDistStart , flDistEnd , flRecipDist ;
Vector vecVoxelStart , vecVoxelEnd ;
VectorSubtract ( ray . m_Start , m_vecVoxelOrigin , vecVoxelStart ) ;
VectorSubtract ( vecEnd , m_vecVoxelOrigin , vecVoxelEnd ) ;
for ( int iAxis = 0 ; iAxis < 3 ; + + iAxis )
if ( vecVoxelStart [ iAxis ] = = vecVoxelEnd [ iAxis ] )
pStep [ iAxis ] = 0 ;
pMax [ iAxis ] = SPHASH_VOXEL_LARGE ;
pDelta [ iAxis ] = SPHASH_VOXEL_LARGE ;
continue ;
if ( ray . m_Delta [ iAxis ] < 0.0f )
pStep [ iAxis ] = - 1 ;
flDist = ( iVoxel [ iAxis ] ) * VoxelSize ( ) ;
flDistStart = vecVoxelStart [ iAxis ] - flDist ;
flDistEnd = vecVoxelEnd [ iAxis ] - flDist ;
flRecipDist = - vecInvDelta [ iAxis ] ;
pStep [ iAxis ] = 1 ;
flDist = ( iVoxel [ iAxis ] + 1 ) * - VoxelSize ( ) ;
flDistStart = - vecVoxelStart [ iAxis ] - flDist ;
flDistEnd = - vecVoxelEnd [ iAxis ] - flDist ;
flRecipDist = vecInvDelta [ iAxis ] ;
if ( ( flDistStart > 0.0f ) & & ( flDistEnd > 0.0f ) )
pMax [ iAxis ] = SPHASH_VOXEL_LARGE ;
pDelta [ iAxis ] = SPHASH_VOXEL_LARGE ;
pMax [ iAxis ] = flDistStart * flRecipDist ;
pDelta [ iAxis ] = VoxelSize ( ) * flRecipDist ;
// Computes the min index of 3 numbers
inline int MinIndex ( float v1 , float v2 , float v3 )
if ( v1 < v2 )
return ( v1 < v3 ) ? 0 : 2 ;
return ( v2 < v3 ) ? 1 : 2 ;
// Purpose:
bool CVoxelHash : : EnumerateElementsAlongRay_ExtrudedRay ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask ,
const Ray_t & ray , const Vector & vecInvDelta , const Vector & vecEnd , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator )
// Check the starting position, then proceed with the sweep.
Vector vecMin , vecMax ;
VectorSubtract ( ray . m_Start , ray . m_Extents , vecMin ) ;
VectorAdd ( ray . m_Start , ray . m_Extents , vecMax ) ;
// Visit each voxel in the box and enumerate its elements.
int voxelMin [ 3 ] , voxelMax [ 3 ] ;
VoxelIndexFromPoint ( vecMin , voxelMin ) ;
VoxelIndexFromPoint ( vecMax , voxelMax ) ;
CIntersectSweptBox intersectSweptBox ( m_pTree , ray , vecInvDelta ) ;
// Iterate over all voxels that intersect the box around the starting ray point
Voxel_t voxel ;
int iX , iY , iZ ;
for ( iX = voxelMin [ 0 ] ; iX < = voxelMax [ 0 ] ; + + iX )
voxel . bitsVoxel . x = iX ;
for ( iY = voxelMin [ 1 ] ; iY < = voxelMax [ 1 ] ; + + iY )
voxel . bitsVoxel . y = iY ;
for ( iZ = voxelMin [ 2 ] ; iZ < = voxelMax [ 2 ] ; + + iZ )
voxel . bitsVoxel . z = iZ ;
if ( ! EnumerateElementsInVoxel ( voxel , intersectSweptBox , listMask , pIterator ) )
return false ;
// Early out: Check to see if the range of voxels at the endpoint
// is the same as the range at the start point. If so, we're done.
Vector vecEndMin , vecEndMax ;
VectorSubtract ( vecEnd , ray . m_Extents , vecEndMin ) ;
VectorAdd ( vecEnd , ray . m_Extents , vecEndMax ) ;
int endVoxelMin [ 3 ] , endVoxelMax [ 3 ] ;
VoxelIndexFromPoint ( vecEndMin , endVoxelMin ) ;
VoxelIndexFromPoint ( vecEndMax , endVoxelMax ) ;
if ( ( endVoxelMin [ 0 ] > = voxelMin [ 0 ] ) & & ( endVoxelMin [ 1 ] > = voxelMin [ 1 ] ) & & ( endVoxelMin [ 2 ] > = voxelMin [ 2 ] ) & &
( endVoxelMax [ 0 ] < = voxelMax [ 0 ] ) & & ( endVoxelMax [ 1 ] < = voxelMax [ 1 ] ) & & ( endVoxelMax [ 2 ] < = voxelMax [ 2 ] ) )
return true ;
// Setup.
int nStep [ 3 ] ;
float tMax [ 3 ] ; // amount of change in t along ray until we hit the next new voxel
float tMin [ 3 ] ; // amount of change in t along ray until we leave the last voxel
float tDelta [ 3 ] ;
LeafListExtrudedRaySetup ( ray , vecInvDelta , vecMin , vecMax , voxelMin , voxelMax , nStep , tMin , tMax , tDelta ) ;
// Walk the voxels and create the leaf list.
int iAxis , iMinAxis ;
while ( tMax [ 0 ] < 1.0f | | tMax [ 1 ] < 1.0f | | tMax [ 2 ] < 1.0f )
iAxis = MinIndex ( tMax [ 0 ] , tMax [ 1 ] , tMax [ 2 ] ) ;
iMinAxis = MinIndex ( tMin [ 0 ] , tMin [ 1 ] , tMin [ 2 ] ) ;
if ( tMin [ iMinAxis ] < tMax [ iAxis ] )
tMin [ iMinAxis ] + = tDelta [ iMinAxis ] ;
if ( nStep [ iMinAxis ] > 0 )
voxelMin [ iMinAxis ] + = nStep [ iMinAxis ] ;
voxelMax [ iMinAxis ] + = nStep [ iMinAxis ] ;
tMax [ iAxis ] + = tDelta [ iAxis ] ;
if ( nStep [ iAxis ] > 0 )
voxelMax [ iAxis ] + = nStep [ iAxis ] ;
voxelMin [ iAxis ] + = nStep [ iAxis ] ;
if ( ! EnumerateElementsAlongRay_ExtrudedRaySlice ( listMask , pIterator , intersectSweptBox , voxelMin , voxelMax , iAxis , nStep ) )
return false ;
return true ;
// Purpose:
void CVoxelHash : : LeafListExtrudedRaySetup ( const Ray_t & ray , const Vector & vecInvDelta ,
const Vector & vecMin , const Vector & vecMax ,
int iVoxelMin [ 3 ] , int iVoxelMax [ 3 ] ,
int * pStep , float * pMin , float * pMax , float * pDelta )
float flDist , flDistStart , flRecipDist , flDistMinStart ;
Vector vecVoxelMin , vecVoxelMax ;
VectorSubtract ( vecMin , m_vecVoxelOrigin , vecVoxelMin ) ;
VectorSubtract ( vecMax , m_vecVoxelOrigin , vecVoxelMax ) ;
for ( int iAxis = 0 ; iAxis < 3 ; + + iAxis )
if ( ray . m_Delta [ iAxis ] = = 0.0f )
pMax [ iAxis ] = SPHASH_VOXEL_LARGE ;
pMin [ iAxis ] = SPHASH_VOXEL_LARGE ;
pDelta [ iAxis ] = SPHASH_VOXEL_LARGE ;
continue ;
if ( ray . m_Delta [ iAxis ] < 0.0f )
pStep [ iAxis ] = - 1 ;
flDistStart = vecVoxelMin [ iAxis ] - ( ( iVoxelMin [ iAxis ] ) * VoxelSize ( ) ) ;
flDistMinStart = vecVoxelMax [ iAxis ] - ( ( iVoxelMax [ iAxis ] ) * VoxelSize ( ) ) ;
flDist = - ray . m_Delta [ iAxis ] ;
flRecipDist = - vecInvDelta [ iAxis ] ;
pStep [ iAxis ] = 1 ;
flDistStart = - vecVoxelMax [ iAxis ] - ( ( iVoxelMax [ iAxis ] + 1 ) * - VoxelSize ( ) ) ;
flDistMinStart = - vecVoxelMin [ iAxis ] - ( ( iVoxelMin [ iAxis ] + 1 ) * - VoxelSize ( ) ) ;
flDist = ray . m_Delta [ iAxis ] ;
flRecipDist = vecInvDelta [ iAxis ] ;
if ( flDistStart > flDist )
pMax [ iAxis ] = SPHASH_VOXEL_LARGE ;
pDelta [ iAxis ] = SPHASH_VOXEL_LARGE ;
pMax [ iAxis ] = flDistStart * flRecipDist ;
pDelta [ iAxis ] = VoxelSize ( ) * flRecipDist ;
if ( flDistMinStart > flDist )
pMin [ iAxis ] = SPHASH_VOXEL_LARGE ;
pMin [ iAxis ] = flDistMinStart * flRecipDist ;
// Purpose:
bool CVoxelHash : : EnumerateElementsAlongRay_ExtrudedRaySlice ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask ,
IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator , const CIntersectSweptBox & intersectSweptBox ,
int voxelMin [ 3 ] , int voxelMax [ 3 ] , int iAxis , int * pStep )
int mins [ 3 ] = { voxelMin [ 0 ] , voxelMin [ 1 ] , voxelMin [ 2 ] } ;
int maxs [ 3 ] = { voxelMax [ 0 ] , voxelMax [ 1 ] , voxelMax [ 2 ] } ;
if ( pStep [ iAxis ] < 0.0f )
maxs [ iAxis ] = mins [ iAxis ] ;
mins [ iAxis ] = maxs [ iAxis ] ;
// Create leaf cache.
Voxel_t voxel ;
int iX , iY , iZ ;
for ( iX = mins [ 0 ] ; iX < = maxs [ 0 ] ; + + iX )
voxel . bitsVoxel . x = iX ;
for ( iY = mins [ 1 ] ; iY < = maxs [ 1 ] ; + + iY )
voxel . bitsVoxel . y = iY ;
for ( iZ = mins [ 2 ] ; iZ < = maxs [ 2 ] ; + + iZ )
voxel . bitsVoxel . z = iZ ;
if ( ! EnumerateElementsInVoxel ( voxel , intersectSweptBox , listMask , pIterator ) )
return false ;
return true ;
// Purpose:
bool CVoxelHash : : EnumerateElementsAtPoint ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask ,
Voxel_t v , const Vector & pt , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator )
// NOTE: We don't have to do the enum id checking, nor do we have to up the
// nesting level, since this only visits 1 voxel.
2022-02-23 12:10:25 +00:00
intp iEntityList ;
2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
UtlHashFastHandle_t hHash = m_aVoxelHash . Find ( v . uiVoxel ) ;
if ( hHash ! = m_aVoxelHash . InvalidHandle ( ) )
iEntityList = m_aVoxelHash . Element ( hHash ) ;
while ( iEntityList ! = m_aEntityList . InvalidIndex ( ) )
SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition = m_aEntityList [ iEntityList ] ;
iEntityList = m_aEntityList . Next ( iEntityList ) ;
if ( hPartition = = PARTITION_INVALID_HANDLE )
continue ;
EntityInfo_t & hInfo = m_pTree - > EntityInfo ( hPartition ) ;
// Keep going if this dude isn't in the list
if ( ! ( listMask & hInfo . m_fList ) )
continue ;
if ( hInfo . m_flags & ENTITY_HIDDEN )
continue ;
// Keep going if there's no collision
if ( ! IsPointInBox ( pt , hInfo . m_vecMin , hInfo . m_vecMax ) )
continue ;
// Okay, this one is good...
if ( pIterator - > EnumElement ( hInfo . m_pHandleEntity ) = = ITERATION_STOP )
return false ;
return true ;
// Purpose: Debug! Render a voxel - blue.
void CVoxelHash : : RenderVoxel ( Voxel_t voxel , float flTime )
# ifndef SWDS
Vector vecMin , vecMax ;
vecMin . x = ( voxel . bitsVoxel . x * VoxelSize ( ) ) + m_vecVoxelOrigin . x ;
vecMin . y = ( voxel . bitsVoxel . y * VoxelSize ( ) ) + m_vecVoxelOrigin . y ;
vecMin . z = ( voxel . bitsVoxel . z * VoxelSize ( ) ) + m_vecVoxelOrigin . z ;
vecMax . x = ( ( voxel . bitsVoxel . x + 1 ) * VoxelSize ( ) ) + m_vecVoxelOrigin . x ;
vecMax . y = ( ( voxel . bitsVoxel . y + 1 ) * VoxelSize ( ) ) + m_vecVoxelOrigin . y ;
vecMax . z = ( ( voxel . bitsVoxel . z + 1 ) * VoxelSize ( ) ) + m_vecVoxelOrigin . z ;
CDebugOverlay : : AddBoxOverlay ( vec3_origin , vecMin , vecMax , vec3_angle , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 2 ] , 30 , flTime ) ;
// Add outline.
Vector vecPoints [ 8 ] ;
vecPoints [ 0 ] . Init ( vecMin . x , vecMin . y , vecMin . z ) ;
vecPoints [ 1 ] . Init ( vecMin . x , vecMax . y , vecMin . z ) ;
vecPoints [ 2 ] . Init ( vecMax . x , vecMax . y , vecMin . z ) ;
vecPoints [ 3 ] . Init ( vecMax . x , vecMin . y , vecMin . z ) ;
vecPoints [ 4 ] . Init ( vecMin . x , vecMin . y , vecMax . z ) ;
vecPoints [ 5 ] . Init ( vecMin . x , vecMax . y , vecMax . z ) ;
vecPoints [ 6 ] . Init ( vecMax . x , vecMax . y , vecMax . z ) ;
vecPoints [ 7 ] . Init ( vecMax . x , vecMin . y , vecMax . z ) ;
CDebugOverlay : : AddLineOverlay ( vecPoints [ 0 ] , vecPoints [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 2 ] , 255 , true , flTime ) ;
CDebugOverlay : : AddLineOverlay ( vecPoints [ 1 ] , vecPoints [ 2 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 2 ] , 255 , true , flTime ) ;
CDebugOverlay : : AddLineOverlay ( vecPoints [ 2 ] , vecPoints [ 3 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 2 ] , 255 , true , flTime ) ;
CDebugOverlay : : AddLineOverlay ( vecPoints [ 3 ] , vecPoints [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 2 ] , 255 , true , flTime ) ;
CDebugOverlay : : AddLineOverlay ( vecPoints [ 4 ] , vecPoints [ 5 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 2 ] , 255 , true , flTime ) ;
CDebugOverlay : : AddLineOverlay ( vecPoints [ 5 ] , vecPoints [ 6 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 2 ] , 255 , true , flTime ) ;
CDebugOverlay : : AddLineOverlay ( vecPoints [ 6 ] , vecPoints [ 7 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 2 ] , 255 , true , flTime ) ;
CDebugOverlay : : AddLineOverlay ( vecPoints [ 7 ] , vecPoints [ 4 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 2 ] , 255 , true , flTime ) ;
CDebugOverlay : : AddLineOverlay ( vecPoints [ 0 ] , vecPoints [ 4 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 2 ] , 255 , true , flTime ) ;
CDebugOverlay : : AddLineOverlay ( vecPoints [ 3 ] , vecPoints [ 7 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 2 ] , 255 , true , flTime ) ;
CDebugOverlay : : AddLineOverlay ( vecPoints [ 1 ] , vecPoints [ 5 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 2 ] , 255 , true , flTime ) ;
CDebugOverlay : : AddLineOverlay ( vecPoints [ 2 ] , vecPoints [ 6 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 2 ] , 255 , true , flTime ) ;
# endif
// Purpose: Debug! Render an object in a voxel - green.
void CVoxelHash : : RenderObjectInVoxel ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition , CPartitionVisitor * pVisitor , float flTime )
# ifndef SWDS
// Add outline.
if ( hPartition = = PARTITION_INVALID_HANDLE )
return ;
EntityInfo_t & info = m_pTree - > EntityInfo ( hPartition ) ;
if ( ! pVisitor - > Visit ( hPartition , info ) )
return ;
CDebugOverlay : : AddBoxOverlay ( vec3_origin , info . m_vecMin , info . m_vecMax , vec3_angle , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 2 ] , 75 , flTime ) ;
// Add outline.
Vector vecMin , vecMax ;
vecMin = info . m_vecMin ;
vecMax = info . m_vecMax ;
Vector vecPoints [ 8 ] ;
vecPoints [ 0 ] . Init ( vecMin . x , vecMin . y , vecMin . z ) ;
vecPoints [ 1 ] . Init ( vecMin . x , vecMax . y , vecMin . z ) ;
vecPoints [ 2 ] . Init ( vecMax . x , vecMax . y , vecMin . z ) ;
vecPoints [ 3 ] . Init ( vecMax . x , vecMin . y , vecMin . z ) ;
vecPoints [ 4 ] . Init ( vecMin . x , vecMin . y , vecMax . z ) ;
vecPoints [ 5 ] . Init ( vecMin . x , vecMax . y , vecMax . z ) ;
vecPoints [ 6 ] . Init ( vecMax . x , vecMax . y , vecMax . z ) ;
vecPoints [ 7 ] . Init ( vecMax . x , vecMin . y , vecMax . z ) ;
CDebugOverlay : : AddLineOverlay ( vecPoints [ 0 ] , vecPoints [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 2 ] , 255 , true , flTime ) ;
CDebugOverlay : : AddLineOverlay ( vecPoints [ 1 ] , vecPoints [ 2 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 2 ] , 255 , true , flTime ) ;
CDebugOverlay : : AddLineOverlay ( vecPoints [ 2 ] , vecPoints [ 3 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 2 ] , 255 , true , flTime ) ;
CDebugOverlay : : AddLineOverlay ( vecPoints [ 3 ] , vecPoints [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 2 ] , 255 , true , flTime ) ;
CDebugOverlay : : AddLineOverlay ( vecPoints [ 4 ] , vecPoints [ 5 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 2 ] , 255 , true , flTime ) ;
CDebugOverlay : : AddLineOverlay ( vecPoints [ 5 ] , vecPoints [ 6 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 2 ] , 255 , true , flTime ) ;
CDebugOverlay : : AddLineOverlay ( vecPoints [ 6 ] , vecPoints [ 7 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 2 ] , 255 , true , flTime ) ;
CDebugOverlay : : AddLineOverlay ( vecPoints [ 7 ] , vecPoints [ 4 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 2 ] , 255 , true , flTime ) ;
CDebugOverlay : : AddLineOverlay ( vecPoints [ 0 ] , vecPoints [ 4 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 2 ] , 255 , true , flTime ) ;
CDebugOverlay : : AddLineOverlay ( vecPoints [ 3 ] , vecPoints [ 7 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 2 ] , 255 , true , flTime ) ;
CDebugOverlay : : AddLineOverlay ( vecPoints [ 1 ] , vecPoints [ 5 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 2 ] , 255 , true , flTime ) ;
CDebugOverlay : : AddLineOverlay ( vecPoints [ 2 ] , vecPoints [ 6 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 0 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 1 ] , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] [ 2 ] , 255 , true , flTime ) ;
# endif
// Purpose: Debug! Render the objects in a voxel (optionally, render the voxel!).
void CVoxelHash : : RenderObjectsInVoxel ( Voxel_t voxel , CPartitionVisitor * pVisitor , bool bRenderVoxel , float flTime )
UtlHashFastHandle_t hHash = m_aVoxelHash . Find ( voxel . uiVoxel ) ;
if ( hHash = = m_aVoxelHash . InvalidHandle ( ) )
return ;
2022-02-23 12:10:25 +00:00
intp iEntityList = m_aVoxelHash . Element ( hHash ) ;
2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
while ( iEntityList ! = m_aEntityList . InvalidIndex ( ) )
SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition = m_aEntityList [ iEntityList ] ;
RenderObjectInVoxel ( hPartition , pVisitor , flTime ) ;
iEntityList = m_aEntityList . Next ( iEntityList ) ;
if ( bRenderVoxel )
RenderVoxel ( voxel , flTime ) ;
// Returns number of entities in the hash
int CVoxelHash : : EntityCount ( )
int nCount = 0 ;
int nBucketCount = SPHASH_BUCKET_COUNT ;
for ( int iBucket = 0 ; iBucket < nBucketCount ; + + iBucket )
if ( m_aVoxelHash . m_aBuckets [ iBucket ] . Count ( ) = = 0 )
continue ;
UtlPtrLinkedListIndex_t hHash = m_aVoxelHash . m_aBuckets [ iBucket ] . Head ( ) ;
while ( hHash ! = m_aVoxelHash . m_aBuckets [ iBucket ] . InvalidIndex ( ) )
2022-02-23 12:10:25 +00:00
intp iEntity = m_aVoxelHash . m_aBuckets [ iBucket ] [ hHash ] . m_Data ;
2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
while ( iEntity ! = m_aEntityList . InvalidIndex ( ) )
+ + nCount ;
iEntity = m_aEntityList . Next ( iEntity ) ;
hHash = m_aVoxelHash . m_aBuckets [ iBucket ] . Next ( hHash ) ;
return nCount ;
// Rendering methods
void CVoxelHash : : RenderGrid ( )
# ifndef SWDS
Vector vecStart , vecEnd ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_nVoxelDelta [ 0 ] ; + + i )
vecStart . x = vecEnd . x = i * VoxelSize ( ) + m_vecVoxelOrigin . x ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < m_nVoxelDelta [ 1 ] ; + + j )
vecStart . y = vecEnd . y = j * VoxelSize ( ) + m_vecVoxelOrigin . y ;
vecStart . z = m_vecVoxelOrigin . z ;
vecEnd . z = m_nVoxelDelta [ 2 ] * VoxelSize ( ) + m_vecVoxelOrigin . z ;
RenderLine ( vecStart , vecEnd , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] , true ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_nVoxelDelta [ 0 ] ; + + i )
vecStart . x = vecEnd . x = i * VoxelSize ( ) + m_vecVoxelOrigin . x ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < m_nVoxelDelta [ 2 ] ; + + j )
vecStart . z = vecEnd . z = j * VoxelSize ( ) + m_vecVoxelOrigin . z ;
vecStart . y = m_vecVoxelOrigin . y ;
vecEnd . y = m_nVoxelDelta [ 2 ] * VoxelSize ( ) + m_vecVoxelOrigin . y ;
RenderLine ( vecStart , vecEnd , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] , true ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_nVoxelDelta [ 1 ] ; + + i )
vecStart . y = vecEnd . y = i * VoxelSize ( ) + m_vecVoxelOrigin . y ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < m_nVoxelDelta [ 2 ] ; + + j )
vecStart . z = vecEnd . z = j * VoxelSize ( ) + m_vecVoxelOrigin . z ;
vecStart . x = m_vecVoxelOrigin . z ;
vecEnd . x = m_nVoxelDelta [ 2 ] * VoxelSize ( ) + m_vecVoxelOrigin . x ;
RenderLine ( vecStart , vecEnd , s_pVoxelColor [ m_nLevel ] , true ) ;
# endif
// Purpose: Debug! Render boxes around objects in tree.
void CVoxelHash : : RenderAllObjectsInTree ( float flTime )
int nBucketCount = SPHASH_BUCKET_COUNT ;
CPartitionVisits * pPrevVisits = m_pTree - > BeginVisit ( ) ;
CPartitionVisitor visitor ( m_pTree ) ;
for ( int iBucket = 0 ; iBucket < nBucketCount ; + + iBucket )
if ( m_aVoxelHash . m_aBuckets [ iBucket ] . Count ( ) = = 0 )
continue ;
UtlPtrLinkedListIndex_t hHash = m_aVoxelHash . m_aBuckets [ iBucket ] . Head ( ) ;
while ( hHash ! = m_aVoxelHash . m_aBuckets [ iBucket ] . InvalidIndex ( ) )
2022-02-23 12:10:25 +00:00
intp iEntity = m_aVoxelHash . m_aBuckets [ iBucket ] [ hHash ] . m_Data ;
2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
while ( iEntity ! = m_aEntityList . InvalidIndex ( ) )
SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition = m_aEntityList [ iEntity ] ;
RenderObjectInVoxel ( hPartition , & visitor , flTime ) ;
iEntity = m_aEntityList . Next ( iEntity ) ;
hHash = m_aVoxelHash . m_aBuckets [ iBucket ] . Next ( hHash ) ;
m_pTree - > EndVisit ( pPrevVisits ) ;
// Purpose:
void CVoxelHash : : RenderObjectsInPlayerLeafs ( const Vector & vecPlayerMin , const Vector & vecPlayerMax , float flTime )
// Visit each voxel in the box and enumerate its elements.
Voxel_t voxelMin , voxelMax ;
voxelMin = VoxelIndexFromPoint ( vecPlayerMin ) ;
voxelMax = VoxelIndexFromPoint ( vecPlayerMax ) ;
CPartitionVisits * pPrevVisits = m_pTree - > BeginVisit ( ) ;
// Create leaf cache.
Voxel_t voxel ;
unsigned int iX , iY , iZ ;
CPartitionVisitor visitor ( m_pTree ) ;
for ( iX = voxelMin . bitsVoxel . x ; iX < = voxelMax . bitsVoxel . x ; + + iX )
for ( iY = voxelMin . bitsVoxel . y ; iY < = voxelMax . bitsVoxel . y ; + + iY )
for ( iZ = voxelMin . bitsVoxel . z ; iZ < = voxelMax . bitsVoxel . z ; + + iZ )
voxel . bitsVoxel . x = iX ;
voxel . bitsVoxel . y = iY ;
voxel . bitsVoxel . z = iZ ;
RenderObjectsInVoxel ( voxel , & visitor , false , flTime ) ;
m_pTree - > EndVisit ( pPrevVisits ) ;
// Purpose: Constructor
CVoxelTree : : CVoxelTree ( ) : m_pVoxelHash ( NULL ) , m_pOwner ( NULL ) , m_nNextVisitBit ( 0 )
// Compute max number of levels
m_nLevelCount = 0 ;
while ( CVoxelHash : : ComputeVoxelCountAtLevel ( m_nLevelCount ) > 2 )
+ + m_nLevelCount ;
+ + m_nLevelCount ; // Account for the level where count = 2;
// Various optimizations I've made require 4 levels
Assert ( m_nLevelCount = = 4 ) ;
m_pVoxelHash = new CVoxelHash [ m_nLevelCount ] ;
m_AvailableVisitBits . EnsureCapacity ( 2048 ) ;
CVoxelTree : : ~ CVoxelTree ( )
delete [ ] m_pVoxelHash ;
void ClampVector ( Vector & out , const Vector & mins , const Vector & maxs )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i + + )
out [ i ] = clamp ( out [ i ] , mins [ i ] , maxs [ i ] ) ;
// Purpose:
// Input: worldmin -
// worldmax -
void CVoxelTree : : Init ( CSpatialPartition * pOwner , int iTree , const Vector & worldmin , const Vector & worldmax )
m_pOwner = pOwner ;
m_TreeId = iTree ;
// Reset the enumeration id.
m_pVisits = NULL ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_nLevelCount ; + + i )
m_pVoxelHash [ i ] . Init ( this , worldmin , worldmax , i ) ;
// Setup the leaf list pool.
m_aLeafList . Purge ( ) ;
m_aLeafList . SetGrowSize ( SPHASH_LEAFLIST_BLOCK ) ;
// Purpose:
void CVoxelTree : : Shutdown ( void )
m_aLeafList . Purge ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_nLevelCount ; + + i )
m_pVoxelHash [ i ] . Shutdown ( ) ;
// Insert into the appropriate tree
void CVoxelTree : : InsertIntoTree ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition , const Vector & mins , const Vector & maxs )
2022-06-04 22:44:42 +00:00
bool bWasReading = ( m_pVisits ! = static_cast < void * > ( nullptr ) ) ;
2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
if ( bWasReading )
// If we're recursing in this thread, need to release our read lock to allow ourselves to write
UnlockRead ( ) ;
m_lock . LockForWrite ( ) ;
Assert ( hPartition ! = PARTITION_INVALID_HANDLE ) ;
EntityInfo_t & info = EntityInfo ( hPartition ) ;
if ( m_AvailableVisitBits . Count ( ) )
info . m_nVisitBit [ m_TreeId ] = m_AvailableVisitBits . Tail ( ) ;
m_AvailableVisitBits . Remove ( m_AvailableVisitBits . Count ( ) - 1 ) ;
info . m_nVisitBit [ m_TreeId ] = m_nNextVisitBit + + ;
// Bloat by an eps before inserting the object into the tree.
Vector vecMin ( mins . x - SPHASH_EPS , mins . y - SPHASH_EPS , mins . z - SPHASH_EPS ) ;
Vector vecMax ( maxs . x + SPHASH_EPS , maxs . y + SPHASH_EPS , maxs . z + SPHASH_EPS ) ;
ClampVector ( vecMin , s_PartitionMin , s_PartitionMax ) ;
ClampVector ( vecMax , s_PartitionMin , s_PartitionMax ) ;
Vector vecSize ;
VectorSubtract ( vecMax , vecMin , vecSize ) ;
int nLevel ;
for ( nLevel = 0 ; nLevel < m_nLevelCount - 1 ; + + nLevel )
int nVoxelSize = m_pVoxelHash [ nLevel ] . VoxelSize ( ) ;
if ( ( nVoxelSize > vecSize . x ) & & ( nVoxelSize > vecSize . y ) & & ( nVoxelSize > vecSize . z ) )
break ;
m_pVoxelHash [ nLevel ] . InsertIntoTree ( hPartition , vecMin , vecMax ) ;
m_lock . UnlockWrite ( ) ;
if ( bWasReading )
LockForRead ( ) ;
// Remove from appropriate tree
void CVoxelTree : : RemoveFromTree ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition )
Assert ( hPartition ! = PARTITION_INVALID_HANDLE ) ;
EntityInfo_t & info = EntityInfo ( hPartition ) ;
int nLevel = info . m_nLevel [ GetTreeId ( ) ] ;
if ( nLevel > = 0 )
2022-06-04 22:44:42 +00:00
bool bWasReading = ( m_pVisits ! = static_cast < void * > ( nullptr ) ) ;
2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
if ( bWasReading )
// If we're recursing in this thread, need to release our read lock to allow ourselves to write
UnlockRead ( ) ;
m_lock . LockForWrite ( ) ;
m_pVoxelHash [ nLevel ] . RemoveFromTree ( hPartition ) ;
m_AvailableVisitBits . AddToTail ( info . m_nVisitBit [ m_TreeId ] ) ;
info . m_nVisitBit [ m_TreeId ] = ( unsigned short ) - 1 ;
m_lock . UnlockWrite ( ) ;
if ( bWasReading )
LockForRead ( ) ;
// Called when an element moves
void CVoxelTree : : ElementMoved ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition , const Vector & mins , const Vector & maxs )
if ( hPartition ! = PARTITION_INVALID_HANDLE )
// If it doesn't already exist in the tree - add it.
EntityInfo_t & info = EntityInfo ( hPartition ) ;
if ( info . m_iLeafList [ GetTreeId ( ) ] = = CLeafList : : InvalidIndex ( ) )
InsertIntoTree ( hPartition , mins , maxs ) ;
return ;
// Bloat by an eps before inserting the object into the tree.
// Need to do this here to get the test to work
Vector vecEpsMin ( mins . x - SPHASH_EPS , mins . y - SPHASH_EPS , mins . z - SPHASH_EPS ) ;
Vector vecEpsMax ( maxs . x + SPHASH_EPS , maxs . y + SPHASH_EPS , maxs . z + SPHASH_EPS ) ;
if ( ( info . m_vecMin = = vecEpsMin ) & & ( info . m_vecMax = = vecEpsMax ) )
return ;
// Remove entity from voxel hash.
RemoveFromTree ( hPartition ) ;
// Re-insert entity into voxel hash.
InsertIntoTree ( hPartition , mins , maxs ) ;
// Purpose:
void CVoxelTree : : EnumerateElementsInBox ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask ,
const Vector & vecMins , const Vector & vecMaxs ,
bool coarseTest , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator )
VPROF ( " BoxTest/SphereTest " ) ;
// If this assertion fails, you're using a list at a point where the spatial partition elements aren't set up!
// Assert( ( listMask & m_nSuppressedListMask ) == 0 );
// Early-out.
if ( listMask = = 0 )
return ;
// Clamp bounds to extant space
Vector mins , maxs ;
VectorMax ( vecMins , s_PartitionMin , mins ) ;
VectorMin ( mins , s_PartitionMax , mins ) ;
VectorMax ( vecMaxs , s_PartitionMin , maxs ) ;
VectorMin ( maxs , s_PartitionMax , maxs ) ;
// Callbacks.
CPartitionVisits * pPrevVisits = BeginVisit ( ) ;
m_lock . LockForRead ( ) ;
Voxel_t vs = m_pVoxelHash [ 0 ] . VoxelIndexFromPoint ( mins ) ;
Voxel_t ve = m_pVoxelHash [ 0 ] . VoxelIndexFromPoint ( maxs ) ;
if ( ! m_pVoxelHash [ 0 ] . EnumerateElementsInBox ( listMask , vs , ve , mins , maxs , pIterator ) )
m_lock . UnlockRead ( ) ;
EndVisit ( pPrevVisits ) ;
return ;
vs = ConvertToNextLevel ( vs ) ;
ve = ConvertToNextLevel ( ve ) ;
if ( ! m_pVoxelHash [ 1 ] . EnumerateElementsInBox ( listMask , vs , ve , mins , maxs , pIterator ) )
m_lock . UnlockRead ( ) ;
EndVisit ( pPrevVisits ) ;
return ;
vs = ConvertToNextLevel ( vs ) ;
ve = ConvertToNextLevel ( ve ) ;
if ( ! m_pVoxelHash [ 2 ] . EnumerateElementsInBox ( listMask , vs , ve , mins , maxs , pIterator ) )
m_lock . UnlockRead ( ) ;
EndVisit ( pPrevVisits ) ;
return ;
vs = ConvertToNextLevel ( vs ) ;
ve = ConvertToNextLevel ( ve ) ;
m_pVoxelHash [ 3 ] . EnumerateElementsInBox ( listMask , vs , ve , mins , maxs , pIterator ) ;
m_lock . UnlockRead ( ) ;
EndVisit ( pPrevVisits ) ;
// Purpose:
void CVoxelTree : : EnumerateElementsInSphere ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask ,
const Vector & origin , float radius , bool coarseTest , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator )
// Otherwise they might as well just walk the entire ent list!!!
Assert ( radius < = MAX_COORD_FLOAT ) ;
// If the box test is fast enough - forget about the sphere test?
Vector vecMin ( origin . x - radius , origin . y - radius , origin . z - radius ) ;
Vector vecMax ( origin . x + radius , origin . y + radius , origin . z + radius ) ;
return EnumerateElementsInBox ( listMask , vecMin , vecMax , coarseTest , pIterator ) ;
// Purpose:
bool CVoxelTree : : EnumerateElementsAlongRay_Ray ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask ,
const Ray_t & ray , const Vector & vecInvDelta , const Vector & vecEnd , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator )
// Find the voxel start + end
Voxel_t voxelStart = m_pVoxelHash [ 0 ] . VoxelIndexFromPoint ( ray . m_Start ) ;
Voxel_t voxelEnd = m_pVoxelHash [ 0 ] . VoxelIndexFromPoint ( vecEnd ) ;
bool bSingleVoxel = ( voxelStart . uiVoxel = = voxelEnd . uiVoxel ) ;
CIntersectRay intersectRay ( this , ray , vecInvDelta ) ;
// Optimization: Look for single voxel rays
if ( bSingleVoxel )
if ( ! m_pVoxelHash [ 0 ] . EnumerateElementsInSingleVoxel ( voxelStart , intersectRay , listMask , pIterator ) )
return false ;
voxelStart = ConvertToNextLevel ( voxelStart ) ;
if ( ! m_pVoxelHash [ 1 ] . EnumerateElementsInSingleVoxel ( voxelStart , intersectRay , listMask , pIterator ) )
return false ;
voxelStart = ConvertToNextLevel ( voxelStart ) ;
if ( ! m_pVoxelHash [ 2 ] . EnumerateElementsInSingleVoxel ( voxelStart , intersectRay , listMask , pIterator ) )
return false ;
voxelStart = ConvertToNextLevel ( voxelStart ) ;
return m_pVoxelHash [ 3 ] . EnumerateElementsInSingleVoxel ( voxelStart , intersectRay , listMask , pIterator ) ;
Voxel_t voxelCurrent ;
voxelCurrent . uiVoxel = voxelStart . uiVoxel ;
// Setup.
int nStep [ 3 ] ;
float tMax [ 3 ] ;
float tDelta [ 3 ] ;
m_pVoxelHash [ 0 ] . LeafListRaySetup ( ray , vecEnd , vecInvDelta , voxelStart , nStep , tMax , tDelta ) ;
// Walk the voxels and visit all elements in each voxel
// Deal with all levels
Voxel_t ov1 , ov2 , ov3 ;
ov1 . uiVoxel = ov2 . uiVoxel = ov3 . uiVoxel = 0xFFFFFFFF ;
Voxel_t v1 = ConvertToNextLevel ( voxelCurrent ) ;
Voxel_t v2 = ConvertToNextLevel ( v1 ) ;
Voxel_t v3 = ConvertToNextLevel ( v2 ) ;
while ( 1 )
if ( ! m_pVoxelHash [ 0 ] . EnumerateElementsInVoxel ( voxelCurrent , intersectRay , listMask , pIterator ) )
return false ;
if ( v1 . uiVoxel ! = ov1 . uiVoxel )
if ( ! m_pVoxelHash [ 1 ] . EnumerateElementsInVoxel ( v1 , intersectRay , listMask , pIterator ) )
return false ;
if ( v2 . uiVoxel ! = ov2 . uiVoxel )
if ( ! m_pVoxelHash [ 2 ] . EnumerateElementsInVoxel ( v2 , intersectRay , listMask , pIterator ) )
return false ;
if ( v3 . uiVoxel ! = ov3 . uiVoxel )
if ( ! m_pVoxelHash [ 3 ] . EnumerateElementsInVoxel ( v3 , intersectRay , listMask , pIterator ) )
return false ;
if ( tMax [ 0 ] > = 1.0f & & tMax [ 1 ] > = 1.0f & & tMax [ 2 ] > = 1.0f )
break ;
if ( tMax [ 0 ] < tMax [ 1 ] )
if ( tMax [ 0 ] < tMax [ 2 ] )
voxelCurrent . bitsVoxel . x + = nStep [ 0 ] ;
tMax [ 0 ] + = tDelta [ 0 ] ;
voxelCurrent . bitsVoxel . z + = nStep [ 2 ] ;
tMax [ 2 ] + = tDelta [ 2 ] ;
if ( tMax [ 1 ] < tMax [ 2 ] )
voxelCurrent . bitsVoxel . y + = nStep [ 1 ] ;
tMax [ 1 ] + = tDelta [ 1 ] ;
voxelCurrent . bitsVoxel . z + = nStep [ 2 ] ;
tMax [ 2 ] + = tDelta [ 2 ] ;
ov1 = v1 ; ov2 = v2 ; ov3 = v3 ;
v1 = ConvertToNextLevel ( voxelCurrent ) ;
v2 = ConvertToNextLevel ( v1 ) ;
v3 = ConvertToNextLevel ( v2 ) ;
return true ;
// Purpose:
void CVoxelTree : : ComputeSweptRayBounds ( const Ray_t & ray , const Vector & vecStartMin , const Vector & vecStartMax , Vector * pVecMin , Vector * pVecMax )
if ( ray . m_Delta . x < 0 )
pVecMin - > x = vecStartMin . x + ray . m_Delta . x ;
pVecMax - > x = vecStartMax . x ;
pVecMin - > x = vecStartMin . x ;
pVecMax - > x = vecStartMax . x + ray . m_Delta . x ;
if ( ray . m_Delta . y < 0 )
pVecMin - > y = vecStartMin . y + ray . m_Delta . y ;
pVecMax - > y = vecStartMax . y ;
pVecMin - > y = vecStartMin . y ;
pVecMax - > y = vecStartMax . y + ray . m_Delta . y ;
if ( ray . m_Delta . z < 0 )
pVecMin - > z = vecStartMin . z + ray . m_Delta . z ;
pVecMax - > z = vecStartMax . z ;
pVecMin - > z = vecStartMin . z ;
pVecMax - > z = vecStartMax . z + ray . m_Delta . z ;
// Purpose:
bool CVoxelTree : : EnumerateElementsAlongRay_ExtrudedRay ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask ,
const Ray_t & ray , const Vector & vecInvDelta , const Vector & vecEnd , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator )
// Check the starting position, then proceed with the sweep.
Vector vecMin , vecMax ;
VectorSubtract ( ray . m_Start , ray . m_Extents , vecMin ) ;
VectorAdd ( ray . m_Start , ray . m_Extents , vecMax ) ;
// Visit each voxel in the box and enumerate its elements.
// Indexed as voxelBounds[level][min/max][x/y/z]
int voxelBounds [ 4 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ;
m_pVoxelHash [ 0 ] . VoxelIndexFromPoint ( vecMin , voxelBounds [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
m_pVoxelHash [ 0 ] . VoxelIndexFromPoint ( vecMax , voxelBounds [ 0 ] [ 1 ] ) ;
CIntersectSweptBox intersectSweptBox ( this , ray , vecInvDelta ) ;
// Iterate over all voxels that intersect the box around the starting ray point
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_nLevelCount ; + + i )
voxelBounds [ i ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = voxelBounds [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] > > ( i * SPHASH_LEVEL_SKIP ) ;
voxelBounds [ i ] [ 0 ] [ 1 ] = voxelBounds [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 1 ] > > ( i * SPHASH_LEVEL_SKIP ) ;
voxelBounds [ i ] [ 0 ] [ 2 ] = voxelBounds [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 2 ] > > ( i * SPHASH_LEVEL_SKIP ) ;
voxelBounds [ i ] [ 1 ] [ 0 ] = voxelBounds [ 0 ] [ 1 ] [ 0 ] > > ( i * SPHASH_LEVEL_SKIP ) ;
voxelBounds [ i ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] = voxelBounds [ 0 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] > > ( i * SPHASH_LEVEL_SKIP ) ;
voxelBounds [ i ] [ 1 ] [ 2 ] = voxelBounds [ 0 ] [ 1 ] [ 2 ] > > ( i * SPHASH_LEVEL_SKIP ) ;
Voxel_t voxel ;
int iX , iY , iZ ;
for ( iX = voxelBounds [ i ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ; iX < = voxelBounds [ i ] [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ; + + iX )
voxel . bitsVoxel . x = iX ;
for ( iY = voxelBounds [ i ] [ 0 ] [ 1 ] ; iY < = voxelBounds [ i ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] ; + + iY )
voxel . bitsVoxel . y = iY ;
for ( iZ = voxelBounds [ i ] [ 0 ] [ 2 ] ; iZ < = voxelBounds [ i ] [ 1 ] [ 2 ] ; + + iZ )
voxel . bitsVoxel . z = iZ ;
if ( ! m_pVoxelHash [ i ] . EnumerateElementsInVoxel ( voxel , intersectSweptBox , listMask , pIterator ) )
return false ;
// Early out: Check to see if the range of voxels at the endpoint
// is the same as the range at the start point. If so, we're done.
Vector vecEndMin , vecEndMax ;
VectorSubtract ( vecEnd , ray . m_Extents , vecEndMin ) ;
VectorAdd ( vecEnd , ray . m_Extents , vecEndMax ) ;
int endVoxelMin [ 3 ] , endVoxelMax [ 3 ] ;
m_pVoxelHash [ 0 ] . VoxelIndexFromPoint ( vecEndMin , endVoxelMin ) ;
m_pVoxelHash [ 0 ] . VoxelIndexFromPoint ( vecEndMax , endVoxelMax ) ;
if ( ( endVoxelMin [ 0 ] > = voxelBounds [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) & & ( endVoxelMin [ 1 ] > = voxelBounds [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 1 ] ) & & ( endVoxelMin [ 2 ] > = voxelBounds [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 2 ] ) & &
( endVoxelMax [ 0 ] < = voxelBounds [ 0 ] [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ) & & ( endVoxelMax [ 1 ] < = voxelBounds [ 0 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] ) & & ( endVoxelMax [ 2 ] < = voxelBounds [ 0 ] [ 1 ] [ 2 ] ) )
return true ;
// Setup.
int nStep [ 3 ] ;
float tMax [ 3 ] ; // amount of change in t along ray until we hit the next new voxel
float tMin [ 3 ] ; // amount of change in t along ray until we leave the last voxel
float tDelta [ 3 ] ;
m_pVoxelHash [ 0 ] . LeafListExtrudedRaySetup ( ray , vecInvDelta , vecMin , vecMax , voxelBounds [ 0 ] [ 0 ] , voxelBounds [ 0 ] [ 1 ] , nStep , tMin , tMax , tDelta ) ;
int nLastVoxel1 [ 3 ] ;
int nLastVoxel2 [ 3 ] ;
int nLastVoxel3 [ 3 ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; + + i )
int nIndex = ( nStep [ i ] > 0 ) ? 1 : 0 ;
nLastVoxel1 [ i ] = voxelBounds [ 1 ] [ nIndex ] [ i ] ;
nLastVoxel2 [ i ] = voxelBounds [ 2 ] [ nIndex ] [ i ] ;
nLastVoxel3 [ i ] = voxelBounds [ 3 ] [ nIndex ] [ i ] ;
// Walk the voxels and create the leaf list.
int iAxis , iMinAxis ;
while ( tMax [ 0 ] < 1.0f | | tMax [ 1 ] < 1.0f | | tMax [ 2 ] < 1.0f )
iAxis = MinIndex ( tMax [ 0 ] , tMax [ 1 ] , tMax [ 2 ] ) ;
iMinAxis = MinIndex ( tMin [ 0 ] , tMin [ 1 ] , tMin [ 2 ] ) ;
if ( tMin [ iMinAxis ] < tMax [ iAxis ] )
tMin [ iMinAxis ] + = tDelta [ iMinAxis ] ;
int nIndex = ( nStep [ iMinAxis ] > 0 ) ? 0 : 1 ;
voxelBounds [ 0 ] [ nIndex ] [ iMinAxis ] + = nStep [ iMinAxis ] ;
voxelBounds [ 1 ] [ nIndex ] [ iMinAxis ] = voxelBounds [ 0 ] [ nIndex ] [ iMinAxis ] > > SPHASH_LEVEL_SKIP ;
voxelBounds [ 2 ] [ nIndex ] [ iMinAxis ] = voxelBounds [ 0 ] [ nIndex ] [ iMinAxis ] > > ( 2 * SPHASH_LEVEL_SKIP ) ;
voxelBounds [ 3 ] [ nIndex ] [ iMinAxis ] = voxelBounds [ 0 ] [ nIndex ] [ iMinAxis ] > > ( 3 * SPHASH_LEVEL_SKIP ) ;
tMax [ iAxis ] + = tDelta [ iAxis ] ;
int nIndex = ( nStep [ iAxis ] > 0 ) ? 1 : 0 ;
voxelBounds [ 0 ] [ nIndex ] [ iAxis ] + = nStep [ iAxis ] ;
voxelBounds [ 1 ] [ nIndex ] [ iAxis ] = voxelBounds [ 0 ] [ nIndex ] [ iAxis ] > > SPHASH_LEVEL_SKIP ;
voxelBounds [ 2 ] [ nIndex ] [ iAxis ] = voxelBounds [ 0 ] [ nIndex ] [ iAxis ] > > ( 2 * SPHASH_LEVEL_SKIP ) ;
voxelBounds [ 3 ] [ nIndex ] [ iAxis ] = voxelBounds [ 0 ] [ nIndex ] [ iAxis ] > > ( 3 * SPHASH_LEVEL_SKIP ) ;
if ( ! m_pVoxelHash [ 0 ] . EnumerateElementsAlongRay_ExtrudedRaySlice ( listMask , pIterator , intersectSweptBox , voxelBounds [ 0 ] [ 0 ] , voxelBounds [ 0 ] [ 1 ] , iAxis , nStep ) )
return false ;
if ( nLastVoxel1 [ iAxis ] ! = voxelBounds [ 1 ] [ nIndex ] [ iAxis ] )
nLastVoxel1 [ iAxis ] = voxelBounds [ 1 ] [ nIndex ] [ iAxis ] ;
if ( ! m_pVoxelHash [ 1 ] . EnumerateElementsAlongRay_ExtrudedRaySlice ( listMask , pIterator , intersectSweptBox , voxelBounds [ 1 ] [ 0 ] , voxelBounds [ 1 ] [ 1 ] , iAxis , nStep ) )
return false ;
if ( nLastVoxel2 [ iAxis ] ! = voxelBounds [ 2 ] [ nIndex ] [ iAxis ] )
nLastVoxel2 [ iAxis ] = voxelBounds [ 2 ] [ nIndex ] [ iAxis ] ;
if ( ! m_pVoxelHash [ 2 ] . EnumerateElementsAlongRay_ExtrudedRaySlice ( listMask , pIterator , intersectSweptBox , voxelBounds [ 2 ] [ 0 ] , voxelBounds [ 2 ] [ 1 ] , iAxis , nStep ) )
return false ;
if ( nLastVoxel3 [ iAxis ] ! = voxelBounds [ 3 ] [ nIndex ] [ iAxis ] )
nLastVoxel3 [ iAxis ] = voxelBounds [ 3 ] [ nIndex ] [ iAxis ] ;
if ( ! m_pVoxelHash [ 3 ] . EnumerateElementsAlongRay_ExtrudedRaySlice ( listMask , pIterator , intersectSweptBox , voxelBounds [ 3 ] [ 0 ] , voxelBounds [ 3 ] [ 1 ] , iAxis , nStep ) )
return false ;
return true ;
// Purpose:
void CVoxelTree : : EnumerateElementsAlongRay ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask ,
const Ray_t & ray , bool coarseTest , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator )
VPROF ( " EnumerateElementsAlongRay " ) ;
if ( ! ray . m_IsSwept )
Vector vecMin , vecMax ;
VectorSubtract ( ray . m_Start , ray . m_Extents , vecMin ) ;
VectorAdd ( ray . m_Start , ray . m_Extents , vecMax ) ;
return EnumerateElementsInBox ( listMask , vecMin , vecMax , coarseTest , pIterator ) ;
// If this assertion fails, you're using a list at a point where the spatial partition elements aren't set up!
// Assert( ( listMask & m_nSuppressedListMask ) == 0 );
// Early-out.
if ( listMask = = 0 )
return ;
// Calculate the end of the ray
Vector vecEnd ;
Vector vecInvDelta ;
Ray_t clippedRay = ray ;
VectorAdd ( clippedRay . m_Start , clippedRay . m_Delta , vecEnd ) ;
bool bStartIn = IsPointInBox ( ray . m_Start , s_PartitionMin , s_PartitionMax ) ;
bool bEndIn = IsPointInBox ( vecEnd , s_PartitionMin , s_PartitionMax ) ;
if ( ! bStartIn & & ! bEndIn )
return ;
// Callbacks.
if ( ! bStartIn )
ClampStartPoint ( clippedRay , vecEnd ) ;
else if ( ! bEndIn )
ClampEndPoint ( clippedRay , vecEnd ) ;
vecInvDelta [ 0 ] = ( clippedRay . m_Delta [ 0 ] ! = 0.0f ) ? 1.0f / clippedRay . m_Delta [ 0 ] : FLT_MAX ;
vecInvDelta [ 1 ] = ( clippedRay . m_Delta [ 1 ] ! = 0.0f ) ? 1.0f / clippedRay . m_Delta [ 1 ] : FLT_MAX ;
vecInvDelta [ 2 ] = ( clippedRay . m_Delta [ 2 ] ! = 0.0f ) ? 1.0f / clippedRay . m_Delta [ 2 ] : FLT_MAX ;
m_lock . LockForRead ( ) ;
2022-04-25 14:21:00 +00:00
CPartitionVisits * pPrevVisits = BeginVisit ( ) ;
2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
if ( ray . m_IsRay )
EnumerateElementsAlongRay_Ray ( listMask , clippedRay , vecInvDelta , vecEnd , pIterator ) ;
EnumerateElementsAlongRay_ExtrudedRay ( listMask , clippedRay , vecInvDelta , vecEnd , pIterator ) ;
m_lock . UnlockRead ( ) ;
EndVisit ( pPrevVisits ) ;
// Purpose:
void CVoxelTree : : EnumerateElementsAtPoint ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask ,
const Vector & pt , bool coarseTest , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator )
// If this assertion fails, you're using a list at a point where the spatial partition elements aren't set up!
// Assert( ( listMask & m_nSuppressedListMask ) == 0 );
// Early-out.
if ( listMask = = 0 )
return ;
m_lock . LockForRead ( ) ;
// Callbacks.
Voxel_t v = m_pVoxelHash [ 0 ] . VoxelIndexFromPoint ( pt ) ;
if ( ! m_pVoxelHash [ 0 ] . EnumerateElementsAtPoint ( listMask , v , pt , pIterator ) )
m_lock . UnlockRead ( ) ;
return ;
v = ConvertToNextLevel ( v ) ;
if ( ! m_pVoxelHash [ 1 ] . EnumerateElementsAtPoint ( listMask , v , pt , pIterator ) )
m_lock . UnlockRead ( ) ;
return ;
v = ConvertToNextLevel ( v ) ;
if ( ! m_pVoxelHash [ 2 ] . EnumerateElementsAtPoint ( listMask , v , pt , pIterator ) )
m_lock . UnlockRead ( ) ;
return ;
v = ConvertToNextLevel ( v ) ;
m_pVoxelHash [ 3 ] . EnumerateElementsAtPoint ( listMask , v , pt , pIterator ) ;
m_lock . UnlockRead ( ) ;
// Purpose: Debug! Render boxes around objects in tree.
void CVoxelTree : : RenderAllObjectsInTree ( float flTime )
m_lock . LockForRead ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_nLevelCount ; + + i )
m_pVoxelHash [ i ] . RenderAllObjectsInTree ( flTime ) ;
m_lock . UnlockRead ( ) ;
// Purpose:
void CVoxelTree : : RenderObjectsInPlayerLeafs ( const Vector & vecPlayerMin , const Vector & vecPlayerMax , float flTime )
m_lock . LockForRead ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_nLevelCount ; + + i )
m_pVoxelHash [ i ] . RenderObjectsInPlayerLeafs ( vecPlayerMin , vecPlayerMax , flTime ) ;
m_lock . UnlockRead ( ) ;
// Expose CSpatialPartition to the game + client DLL.
static CSpatialPartition g_SpatialPartition ;
// Expose ISpatialPartitionInternal to the engine.
ISpatialPartitionInternal * SpatialPartition ( )
return & g_SpatialPartition ;
// Purpose: Constructor
CSpatialPartition : : CSpatialPartition ( )
m_nQueryCallbackCount = 0 ;
CSpatialPartition : : ~ CSpatialPartition ( )
Shutdown ( ) ;
// Purpose:
// Input: worldmin -
// worldmax -
void CSpatialPartition : : Init ( const Vector & worldmin , const Vector & worldmax )
// Clear the handle list and ensure some new memory.
m_aHandles . Purge ( ) ;
m_aHandles . EnsureCapacity ( SPHASH_HANDLELIST_BLOCK ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_TREES ; i + + )
m_VoxelTrees [ i ] . Init ( this , i , worldmin , worldmax ) ;
// Purpose:
void CSpatialPartition : : Shutdown ( void )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_TREES ; i + + )
m_VoxelTrees [ i ] . Shutdown ( ) ;
m_aHandles . Purge ( ) ;
// Purpose: Add a callback to the query callback list. Functions get called
// right before a query occurs.
// Input: pCallback - pointer to the callback function to add
void CSpatialPartition : : InstallQueryCallback ( IPartitionQueryCallback * pCallback )
// Verify data.
Assert ( pCallback & & m_nQueryCallbackCount < MAX_QUERY_CALLBACK ) ;
if ( ! pCallback | | ( m_nQueryCallbackCount > = MAX_QUERY_CALLBACK ) )
return ;
m_pQueryCallback [ m_nQueryCallbackCount ] = pCallback ;
m_bUseOldQueryCallback [ m_nQueryCallbackCount ] = false ;
+ + m_nQueryCallbackCount ;
// Purpose: Add a callback to the query callback list. Functions get called
// right before a query occurs.
// Input: pCallback - pointer to the callback function to add
void CSpatialPartition : : InstallQueryCallback_V1 ( IPartitionQueryCallback * pCallback )
// Verify data.
Assert ( pCallback & & m_nQueryCallbackCount < MAX_QUERY_CALLBACK ) ;
if ( ! pCallback | | ( m_nQueryCallbackCount > = MAX_QUERY_CALLBACK ) )
return ;
// NOTE: the query callbacks are not mutexed. Only add and remove when threads are joined
m_pQueryCallback [ m_nQueryCallbackCount ] = pCallback ;
m_bUseOldQueryCallback [ m_nQueryCallbackCount ] = true ;
+ + m_nQueryCallbackCount ;
// Purpose: Remove a callback from the query callback list.
// Input: pCallback - pointer to the callback function to remove
void CSpatialPartition : : RemoveQueryCallback ( IPartitionQueryCallback * pCallback )
// Verify data.
if ( ! pCallback )
return ;
for ( int iQuery = m_nQueryCallbackCount ; - - iQuery > = 0 ; )
if ( m_pQueryCallback [ iQuery ] = = pCallback )
- - m_nQueryCallbackCount ;
m_pQueryCallback [ iQuery ] = m_pQueryCallback [ m_nQueryCallbackCount ] ;
return ;
// Purpose: Invokes the pre-query callbacks.
void CSpatialPartition : : InvokeQueryCallbacks ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , bool bDone )
for ( int iQuery = 0 ; iQuery < m_nQueryCallbackCount ; + + iQuery )
if ( ! bDone )
if ( m_bUseOldQueryCallback [ iQuery ] )
m_pQueryCallback [ iQuery ] - > OnPreQuery_V1 ( ) ;
m_pQueryCallback [ iQuery ] - > OnPreQuery ( listMask ) ;
if ( ! m_bUseOldQueryCallback [ iQuery ] )
m_pQueryCallback [ iQuery ] - > OnPostQuery ( listMask ) ;
// Purpose: Create spatial partition object handle.
// Input: pHandleEntity - entity handle of the object to create a spatial partition handle for
SpatialPartitionHandle_t CSpatialPartition : : CreateHandle ( IHandleEntity * pHandleEntity )
m_HandlesMutex . Lock ( ) ;
SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition = m_aHandles . AddToTail ( ) ;
m_HandlesMutex . Unlock ( ) ;
m_aHandles [ hPartition ] . m_pHandleEntity = pHandleEntity ;
m_aHandles [ hPartition ] . m_vecMin . Init ( FLT_MAX , FLT_MAX , FLT_MAX ) ;
m_aHandles [ hPartition ] . m_vecMax . Init ( FLT_MIN , FLT_MIN , FLT_MIN ) ;
m_aHandles [ hPartition ] . m_fList = 0 ;
m_aHandles [ hPartition ] . m_flags = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_TREES ; i + + )
m_aHandles [ hPartition ] . m_nVisitBit [ i ] = 0xffff ;
m_aHandles [ hPartition ] . m_nLevel [ i ] = ( uint8 ) - 1 ;
m_aHandles [ hPartition ] . m_iLeafList [ i ] = CLeafList : : InvalidIndex ( ) ;
return hPartition ;
// Purpose: Destroy spatial partition object handle.
// Input: handle - handle of the spatial partition object handle to destroy
void CSpatialPartition : : DestroyHandle ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition )
if ( hPartition ! = PARTITION_INVALID_HANDLE )
RemoveFromTree ( hPartition ) ;
m_HandlesMutex . Lock ( ) ;
// memset( &m_aHandles[hPartition], 0xcd, sizeof(EntityInfo_t) );
m_aHandles . Remove ( hPartition ) ;
m_HandlesMutex . Unlock ( ) ;
// Purpose: Create spatial partition object handle and insert it into the tree.
// Input: pHandleEntity - entity handle of the object to create a spatial partition handle for
// listMask -
// mins -
// maxs -
SpatialPartitionHandle_t CSpatialPartition : : CreateHandle ( IHandleEntity * pHandleEntity ,
SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask ,
const Vector & mins , const Vector & maxs )
// CDebugOverlay::AddBoxOverlay( vec3_origin, mins, maxs, vec3_angle, 0, 255, 0, 75, 3600 );
SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition = CreateHandle ( pHandleEntity ) ;
Insert ( listMask , hPartition ) ;
InsertIntoTree ( hPartition , mins , maxs ) ;
return hPartition ;
// Purpose: Insert object handle into group(s).
// Input: listId - list(s) to insert the object handle into
// handle - object handle to be inserted into list
void CSpatialPartition : : Insert ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listId , SpatialPartitionHandle_t handle )
Assert ( m_aHandles . IsValidIndex ( handle ) ) ;
Assert ( listId < = USHRT_MAX ) ;
m_aHandles [ handle ] . m_fList | = listId ;
// Purpose: Remove object handle from group(s).
// Input: listId - list(s) to remove the object handle from
// handle - object handle to be removed from list
void CSpatialPartition : : Remove ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listId , SpatialPartitionHandle_t handle )
Assert ( m_aHandles . IsValidIndex ( handle ) ) ;
Assert ( listId < = USHRT_MAX ) ;
m_aHandles [ handle ] . m_fList & = ~ listId ;
// Purpose:
void CSpatialPartition : : RemoveAndInsert ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t removeMask , SpatialPartitionListMask_t insertMask ,
SpatialPartitionHandle_t handle )
Assert ( m_aHandles . IsValidIndex ( handle ) ) ;
Assert ( removeMask < = USHRT_MAX ) ;
Assert ( insertMask < = USHRT_MAX ) ;
m_aHandles [ handle ] . m_fList & = ~ removeMask ;
m_aHandles [ handle ] . m_fList | = insertMask ;
// Purpose: Remove object handle from all groups.
// Input: handle - object handle to be removed from all lists
void CSpatialPartition : : Remove ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t handle )
Assert ( m_aHandles . IsValidIndex ( handle ) ) ;
m_aHandles [ handle ] . m_fList = 0 ;
// Purpose: Fast way to re-add (set) a group that was removed (and saved) via the
// HideElement call.
void CSpatialPartition : : UnhideElement ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t handle , SpatialTempHandle_t tempHandle )
Assert ( m_aHandles . IsValidIndex ( handle ) ) ;
m_HandlesMutex . Lock ( ) ;
m_aHandles [ handle ] . m_flags & = ~ ENTITY_HIDDEN ;
m_HandlesMutex . Unlock ( ) ;
// Purpose: Remove handle quickly saving the old list data, to be restored later
// via the UnhideElement call.
SpatialTempHandle_t CSpatialPartition : : HideElement ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t handle )
Assert ( m_aHandles . IsValidIndex ( handle ) ) ;
m_HandlesMutex . Lock ( ) ;
m_aHandles [ handle ] . m_flags | = ENTITY_HIDDEN ;
m_HandlesMutex . Unlock ( ) ;
return 1 ;
// Purpose: (Debugging) Suppress queries on particular lists.
// Input: nListMask - lists to suppress/unsuppress
// bSuppress - (true/false) suppress/unsuppress
void CSpatialPartition : : SuppressLists ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t nListMask , bool bSuppress )
if ( bSuppress )
m_nSuppressedListMask | = nListMask ;
m_nSuppressedListMask & = ~ nListMask ;
// Purpose: (Debugging) Get the suppression list.
// Output: spatial partition suppression list
SpatialPartitionListMask_t CSpatialPartition : : GetSuppressedLists ( void )
return m_nSuppressedListMask ;
// Purpose:
void CSpatialPartition : : ElementMoved ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t handle , const Vector & mins , const Vector & maxs )
EntityInfo_t & entityInfo = EntityInfo ( handle ) ;
SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask = entityInfo . m_fList ;
m_VoxelTrees [ CLIENT_TREE ] . ElementMoved ( handle , mins , maxs ) ;
entityInfo . m_flags | = IN_CLIENT_TREE ;
m_VoxelTrees [ SERVER_TREE ] . ElementMoved ( handle , mins , maxs ) ;
entityInfo . m_flags | = IN_SERVER_TREE ;
m_VoxelTrees [ CLIENT_TREE ] . ElementMoved ( handle , mins , maxs ) ;
entityInfo . m_flags | = IN_CLIENT_TREE ;
// Purpose:
void CSpatialPartition : : EnumerateElementsInBox ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , const Vector & mins , const Vector & maxs , bool coarseTest , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator )
CVoxelTree * pTree = VoxelTree ( listMask ) ;
InvokeQueryCallbacks ( listMask ) ;
pTree - > EnumerateElementsInBox ( listMask , mins , maxs , coarseTest , pIterator ) ;
InvokeQueryCallbacks ( listMask , true ) ;
// Purpose:
void CSpatialPartition : : EnumerateElementsInSphere ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , const Vector & origin , float radius , bool coarseTest , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator )
CVoxelTree * pTree = VoxelTree ( listMask ) ;
InvokeQueryCallbacks ( listMask ) ;
pTree - > EnumerateElementsInSphere ( listMask , origin , radius , coarseTest , pIterator ) ;
InvokeQueryCallbacks ( listMask , true ) ;
// Purpose:
void CSpatialPartition : : EnumerateElementsAlongRay ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , const Ray_t & ray , bool coarseTest , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator )
CVoxelTree * pTree = VoxelTree ( listMask ) ;
InvokeQueryCallbacks ( listMask ) ;
pTree - > EnumerateElementsAlongRay ( listMask , ray , coarseTest , pIterator ) ;
InvokeQueryCallbacks ( listMask , true ) ;
// Purpose:
void CSpatialPartition : : EnumerateElementsAtPoint ( SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask , const Vector & pt , bool coarseTest , IPartitionEnumerator * pIterator )
CVoxelTree * pTree = VoxelTree ( listMask ) ;
InvokeQueryCallbacks ( listMask ) ;
pTree - > EnumerateElementsAtPoint ( listMask , pt , coarseTest , pIterator ) ;
InvokeQueryCallbacks ( listMask , true ) ;
// Purpose:
void CSpatialPartition : : InsertIntoTree ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition , const Vector & mins , const Vector & maxs )
EntityInfo_t & entityInfo = EntityInfo ( hPartition ) ;
SpatialPartitionListMask_t listMask = entityInfo . m_fList ;
if ( ( listMask & PARTITION_ALL_CLIENT_EDICTS ) & & ! ( entityInfo . m_flags & IN_CLIENT_TREE ) )
m_VoxelTrees [ CLIENT_TREE ] . InsertIntoTree ( hPartition , mins , maxs ) ;
entityInfo . m_flags | = IN_CLIENT_TREE ;
if ( ( listMask & ~ PARTITION_ALL_CLIENT_EDICTS ) & & ! ( entityInfo . m_flags & IN_SERVER_TREE ) )
m_VoxelTrees [ SERVER_TREE ] . InsertIntoTree ( hPartition , mins , maxs ) ;
entityInfo . m_flags | = IN_SERVER_TREE ;
else if ( ! ( entityInfo . m_flags & IN_CLIENT_TREE ) )
m_VoxelTrees [ CLIENT_TREE ] . InsertIntoTree ( hPartition , mins , maxs ) ;
entityInfo . m_flags | = IN_CLIENT_TREE ;
// Purpose:
void CSpatialPartition : : RemoveFromTree ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t hPartition )
EntityInfo_t & entityInfo = EntityInfo ( hPartition ) ;
if ( entityInfo . m_flags & IN_CLIENT_TREE )
m_VoxelTrees [ CLIENT_TREE ] . RemoveFromTree ( hPartition ) ;
entityInfo . m_flags & = ~ IN_CLIENT_TREE ;
if ( entityInfo . m_flags & IN_SERVER_TREE )
m_VoxelTrees [ SERVER_TREE ] . RemoveFromTree ( hPartition ) ;
entityInfo . m_flags & = ~ IN_SERVER_TREE ;
// Purpose:
void CSpatialPartition : : RenderObjectsInBox ( const Vector & vecMin , const Vector & vecMax , float flTime )
// Purpose:
void CSpatialPartition : : RenderObjectsInSphere ( const Vector & vecCenter , float flRadius , float flTime )
void CSpatialPartition : : RenderObjectsAlongRay ( const Ray_t & ray , float flTime )
// Report stats
void CSpatialPartition : : RenderAllObjectsInTree ( float flTime )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_TREES ; i + + )
m_VoxelTrees [ i ] . RenderAllObjectsInTree ( flTime ) ;
void CSpatialPartition : : RenderObjectsInPlayerLeafs ( const Vector & vecPlayerMin , const Vector & vecPlayerMax , float flTime )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_TREES ; i + + )
m_VoxelTrees [ i ] . RenderObjectsInPlayerLeafs ( vecPlayerMin , vecPlayerMax , flTime ) ;
// Report stats
void CVoxelTree : : ReportStats ( const char * pFileName )
Msg ( " Histogram : Entities per level \n " ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_nLevelCount ; + + i )
Msg ( " \t %d - %d \n " , i , m_pVoxelHash [ i ] . EntityCount ( ) ) ;
void CSpatialPartition : : ReportStats ( const char * pFileName )
Msg ( " Handle Count %d (%llu bytes) \n " , m_aHandles . Count ( ) , ( uint64 ) ( m_aHandles . Count ( ) * ( sizeof ( EntityInfo_t ) + 2 * sizeof ( SpatialPartitionHandle_t ) ) ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_TREES ; i + + )
m_VoxelTrees [ i ] . ReportStats ( pFileName ) ;
static ConVar r_partition_level ( " r_partition_level " , " -1 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Displays a particular level of the spatial partition system. Use -1 to disable it. " ) ;
void CVoxelTree : : DrawDebugOverlays ( )
int nLevel = r_partition_level . GetInt ( ) ;
if ( nLevel < 0 )
return ;
m_lock . LockForRead ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_nLevelCount ; + + i )
if ( ( nLevel > = 0 ) & & ( nLevel ! = i ) )
continue ;
m_pVoxelHash [ i ] . RenderGrid ( ) ;
m_pVoxelHash [ i ] . RenderAllObjectsInTree ( 0.01f ) ;
m_lock . UnlockRead ( ) ;
void CSpatialPartition : : DrawDebugOverlays ( )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_TREES ; i + + )
m_VoxelTrees [ i ] . DrawDebugOverlays ( ) ;
ISpatialPartition * CreateSpatialPartition ( const Vector & worldmin , const Vector & worldmax )
CSpatialPartition * pResult = new CSpatialPartition ;
pResult - > Init ( worldmin , worldmax ) ;
return pResult ;
void DestroySpatialPartition ( ISpatialPartition * pPartition )
Assert ( pPartition ! = ( ISpatialPartition * ) & g_SpatialPartition ) ;
delete pPartition ;