2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
# ifdef _WIN32
# pragma once
# endif
# include "vphysics_interface.h"
class IVP_Real_Object ;
class IVP_Environment ;
class IVP_U_Float_Point ;
class IVP_SurfaceManager ;
class IVP_Controller ;
class CPhysicsEnvironment ;
struct vphysics_save_cphysicsobject_t
const CPhysCollide * pCollide ;
const char * pName ;
float sphereRadius ;
bool isStatic ;
bool collisionEnabled ;
bool gravityEnabled ;
bool dragEnabled ;
bool motionEnabled ;
bool isAsleep ;
bool isTrigger ;
bool asleepSinceCreation ; // has this been asleep since creation?
bool hasTouchedDynamic ;
bool hasShadowController ;
short collideType ;
unsigned short gameIndex ;
int hingeAxis ;
int materialIndex ;
float mass ;
Vector rotInertia ;
float speedDamping ;
float rotSpeedDamping ;
Vector massCenterOverride ;
unsigned int callbacks ;
unsigned int gameFlags ;
unsigned int contentsMask ;
float volume ;
float dragCoefficient ;
float angDragCoefficient ;
IPhysicsShadowController * pShadow ;
//bool m_shadowTempGravityDisable;
Vector origin ;
QAngle angles ;
Vector velocity ;
AngularImpulse angVelocity ;
} ;
OBJ_AWAKE = 0 , // awake, simulating
OBJ_STARTSLEEP = 1 , // going to sleep, but not queried yet
OBJ_SLEEP = 2 , // sleeping, no state changes since last query
} ;
class CPhysicsObject : public IPhysicsObject
public :
CPhysicsObject ( void ) ;
virtual ~ CPhysicsObject ( void ) ;
void Init ( const CPhysCollide * pCollisionModel , IVP_Real_Object * pObject , int materialIndex , float volume , float drag , float angDrag ) ;
// IPhysicsObject functions
bool IsStatic ( ) const ;
bool IsAsleep ( ) const ;
bool IsTrigger ( ) const ;
bool IsFluid ( ) const ;
bool IsHinged ( ) const { return ( m_hingedAxis ! = 0 ) ? true : false ; }
bool IsCollisionEnabled ( ) const ;
bool IsGravityEnabled ( ) const ;
bool IsDragEnabled ( ) const ;
bool IsMotionEnabled ( ) const ;
bool IsMoveable ( ) const ;
bool IsAttachedToConstraint ( bool bExternalOnly ) const ;
void EnableCollisions ( bool enable ) ;
// Enable / disable gravity for this object
void EnableGravity ( bool enable ) ;
// Enable / disable air friction / drag for this object
void EnableDrag ( bool enable ) ;
void EnableMotion ( bool enable ) ;
void SetGameData ( void * pAppData ) ;
void * GetGameData ( void ) const ;
void SetCallbackFlags ( unsigned short callbackflags ) ;
unsigned short GetCallbackFlags ( void ) const ;
void SetGameFlags ( unsigned short userFlags ) ;
unsigned short GetGameFlags ( void ) const ;
void SetGameIndex ( unsigned short gameIndex ) ;
unsigned short GetGameIndex ( void ) const ;
void Wake ( ) ;
2022-04-16 07:07:38 +00:00
void WakeNow ( ) ;
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void Sleep ( ) ;
void RecheckCollisionFilter ( ) ;
void RecheckContactPoints ( ) ;
void SetMass ( float mass ) ;
float GetMass ( void ) const ;
float GetInvMass ( void ) const ;
void SetInertia ( const Vector & inertia ) ;
Vector GetInertia ( void ) const ;
Vector GetInvInertia ( void ) const ;
void GetDamping ( float * speed , float * rot ) const ;
void SetDamping ( const float * speed , const float * rot ) ;
void SetDragCoefficient ( float * pDrag , float * pAngularDrag ) ;
void SetBuoyancyRatio ( float ratio ) ;
int GetMaterialIndex ( ) const { return GetMaterialIndexInternal ( ) ; }
void SetMaterialIndex ( int materialIndex ) ;
inline int GetMaterialIndexInternal ( void ) const { return m_materialIndex ; }
unsigned int GetContents ( ) const { return m_contentsMask ; }
void SetContents ( unsigned int contents ) ;
float GetSphereRadius ( ) const ;
Vector GetMassCenterLocalSpace ( ) const ;
float GetEnergy ( ) const ;
void SetPosition ( const Vector & worldPosition , const QAngle & angles , bool isTeleport = false ) ;
void SetPositionMatrix ( const matrix3x4_t & matrix , bool isTeleport = false ) ;
void GetPosition ( Vector * worldPosition , QAngle * angles ) const ;
void GetPositionMatrix ( matrix3x4_t * positionMatrix ) const ;
void SetVelocity ( const Vector * velocity , const AngularImpulse * angularVelocity ) ;
void SetVelocityInstantaneous ( const Vector * velocity , const AngularImpulse * angularVelocity ) ;
void AddVelocity ( const Vector * velocity , const AngularImpulse * angularVelocity ) ;
void GetVelocity ( Vector * velocity , AngularImpulse * angularVelocity ) const ;
void GetImplicitVelocity ( Vector * velocity , AngularImpulse * angularVelocity ) const ;
void GetVelocityAtPoint ( const Vector & worldPosition , Vector * pVelocity ) const ;
void LocalToWorld ( Vector * worldPosition , const Vector & localPosition ) const ;
void WorldToLocal ( Vector * localPosition , const Vector & worldPosition ) const ;
void LocalToWorldVector ( Vector * worldVector , const Vector & localVector ) const ;
void WorldToLocalVector ( Vector * localVector , const Vector & worldVector ) const ;
void ApplyForceCenter ( const Vector & forceVector ) ;
void ApplyForceOffset ( const Vector & forceVector , const Vector & worldPosition ) ;
void ApplyTorqueCenter ( const AngularImpulse & ) ;
void CalculateForceOffset ( const Vector & forceVector , const Vector & worldPosition , Vector * centerForce , AngularImpulse * centerTorque ) const ;
void CalculateVelocityOffset ( const Vector & forceVector , const Vector & worldPosition , Vector * centerVelocity , AngularImpulse * centerAngularVelocity ) const ;
float CalculateLinearDrag ( const Vector & unitDirection ) const ;
float CalculateAngularDrag ( const Vector & objectSpaceRotationAxis ) const ;
bool GetContactPoint ( Vector * contactPoint , IPhysicsObject * * contactObject ) const ;
void SetShadow ( float maxSpeed , float maxAngularSpeed , bool allowPhysicsMovement , bool allowPhysicsRotation ) ;
void UpdateShadow ( const Vector & targetPosition , const QAngle & targetAngles , bool tempDisableGravity , float timeOffset ) ;
void RemoveShadowController ( ) ;
int GetShadowPosition ( Vector * position , QAngle * angles ) const ;
IPhysicsShadowController * GetShadowController ( void ) const ;
float ComputeShadowControl ( const hlshadowcontrol_params_t & params , float secondsToArrival , float dt ) ;
const CPhysCollide * GetCollide ( void ) const ;
char const * GetName ( ) const ;
float GetDragInDirection ( const IVP_U_Float_Point & dir ) const ;
float GetAngularDragInDirection ( const IVP_U_Float_Point & angVelocity ) const ;
void BecomeTrigger ( ) ;
void RemoveTrigger ( ) ;
void BecomeHinged ( int localAxis ) ;
void RemoveHinged ( ) ;
IPhysicsFrictionSnapshot * CreateFrictionSnapshot ( ) ;
void DestroyFrictionSnapshot ( IPhysicsFrictionSnapshot * pSnapshot ) ;
void OutputDebugInfo ( ) const ;
// local functions
inline IVP_Real_Object * GetObject ( void ) const { return m_pObject ; }
inline int CallbackFlags ( void ) const { return m_callbacks ; }
inline void AddCallbackFlags ( unsigned short flags ) { m_callbacks | = flags ; }
inline void RemoveCallbackFlags ( unsigned short flags ) { m_callbacks & = ~ flags ; }
inline bool HasTouchedDynamic ( ) ;
inline void SetTouchedDynamic ( ) ;
void NotifySleep ( void ) ;
void NotifyWake ( void ) ;
int GetSleepState ( void ) const { return m_sleepState ; }
inline void ForceSilentDelete ( ) { m_forceSilentDelete = true ; }
inline int GetActiveIndex ( void ) const { return m_activeIndex ; }
inline void SetActiveIndex ( int index ) { m_activeIndex = index ; }
inline float GetBuoyancyRatio ( void ) const { return m_buoyancyRatio ; }
// returns true if the mass center is set to the default for the collision model
bool IsMassCenterAtDefault ( ) const ;
// is this object simulated, or controlled by game logic?
bool IsControlledByGame ( ) const ;
IVP_SurfaceManager * GetSurfaceManager ( void ) const ;
void WriteToTemplate ( vphysics_save_cphysicsobject_t & objectTemplate ) ;
void InitFromTemplate ( CPhysicsEnvironment * pEnvironment , void * pGameData , const vphysics_save_cphysicsobject_t & objectTemplate ) ;
CPhysicsEnvironment * GetVPhysicsEnvironment ( ) ;
const CPhysicsEnvironment * GetVPhysicsEnvironment ( ) const ;
private :
// NOTE: Local to vphysics, used to save/restore shadow controller
void RestoreShadowController ( IPhysicsShadowController * pShadowController ) ;
friend bool RestorePhysicsObject ( const physrestoreparams_t & params , CPhysicsObject * * ppObject ) ;
bool IsControlling ( const IVP_Controller * pController ) const ;
float GetVolume ( ) const ;
void SetVolume ( float volume ) ;
// the mass has changed, recompute the drag information
void RecomputeDragBases ( ) ;
void ClampVelocity ( ) ;
// NOTE: If m_pGameData is not the first member, the constructor debug code must be modified
void * m_pGameData ;
IVP_Real_Object * m_pObject ;
const CPhysCollide * m_pCollide ;
IPhysicsShadowController * m_pShadow ;
Vector m_dragBasis ;
Vector m_angDragBasis ;
// these 5 should pack into a short
// pack new bools here
bool m_shadowTempGravityDisable : 5 ;
bool m_hasTouchedDynamic : 1 ;
bool m_asleepSinceCreation : 1 ;
bool m_forceSilentDelete : 1 ;
unsigned char m_sleepState : 2 ;
unsigned char m_hingedAxis : 3 ;
unsigned char m_collideType : 3 ;
unsigned short m_gameIndex ;
private :
unsigned short m_materialIndex ;
unsigned short m_activeIndex ;
unsigned short m_callbacks ;
unsigned short m_gameFlags ;
unsigned int m_contentsMask ;
float m_volume ;
float m_buoyancyRatio ;
float m_dragCoefficient ;
float m_angDragCoefficient ;
friend CPhysicsObject * CreatePhysicsObject ( CPhysicsEnvironment * pEnvironment , const CPhysCollide * pCollisionModel , int materialIndex , const Vector & position , const QAngle & angles , objectparams_t * pParams , bool isStatic ) ;
friend bool CPhysicsEnvironment : : TransferObject ( IPhysicsObject * pObject , IPhysicsEnvironment * pDestinationEnvironment ) ; //need direct access to m_pShadow for Portal mod's physics object transfer system
} ;
// If you haven't ever touched a dynamic object, there's no need to search for contacting objects to
// wakeup when you are deleted. So cache a bit here when contacts are generated
inline bool CPhysicsObject : : HasTouchedDynamic ( )
return m_hasTouchedDynamic ;
inline void CPhysicsObject : : SetTouchedDynamic ( )
m_hasTouchedDynamic = true ;
extern CPhysicsObject * CreatePhysicsObject ( CPhysicsEnvironment * pEnvironment , const CPhysCollide * pCollisionModel , int materialIndex , const Vector & position , const QAngle & angles , objectparams_t * pParams , bool isStatic ) ;
extern CPhysicsObject * CreatePhysicsSphere ( CPhysicsEnvironment * pEnvironment , float radius , int materialIndex , const Vector & position , const QAngle & angles , objectparams_t * pParams , bool isStatic ) ;
extern void PostRestorePhysicsObject ( ) ;
extern IPhysicsObject * CreateObjectFromBuffer ( CPhysicsEnvironment * pEnvironment , void * pGameData , unsigned char * pBuffer , unsigned int bufferSize , bool enableCollisions ) ;
extern IPhysicsObject * CreateObjectFromBuffer_UseExistingMemory ( CPhysicsEnvironment * pEnvironment , void * pGameData , unsigned char * pBuffer , unsigned int bufferSize , CPhysicsObject * pExistingMemory ) ;