FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

256 lines
6.5 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "baseentity.h"
#include "entityoutput.h"
#include "simtimer.h"
#include "ai_npcstate.h"
#if defined( _WIN32 )
#pragma once
class CAI_ProxTester
: m_distSq( 0 ),
m_fInside( false )
void Init( float dist )
m_fInside = ( dist > 0 );
m_distSq = dist * dist;
bool Check( CBaseEntity *pEntity1, CBaseEntity *pEntity2 )
if ( m_distSq != 0 )
float distSq = ( pEntity1->GetAbsOrigin() - pEntity2->GetAbsOrigin() ).LengthSqr();
bool fInside = ( distSq < m_distSq );
return ( m_fInside == fInside );
return true;
float m_distSq;
bool m_fInside;
class CAI_ScriptConditionsElement
void SetActor( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { m_hActor = pEntity; }
CBaseEntity *GetActor( void ){ return m_hActor.Get(); }
void SetTimer( CSimTimer timer ) { m_Timer = timer; }
CSimTimer *GetTimer( void ) { return &m_Timer; }
void SetTimeOut( CSimTimer timeout) { m_Timeout = timeout; }
CSimTimer *GetTimeOut( void ) { return &m_Timeout; }
EHANDLE m_hActor;
CSimTimer m_Timer;
CSimTimer m_Timeout;
// class CAI_ScriptConditions
// Purpose: Watches a set of conditions relative to a given NPC, and when they
// are all satisfied, fires the relevant output
class CAI_ScriptConditions : public CBaseEntity, public IEntityListener
DECLARE_CLASS( CAI_ScriptConditions, CBaseEntity );
: m_fDisabled( true ),
m_flRequiredTime( 0 ),
m_fMinState( NPC_STATE_IDLE ),
m_fMaxState( NPC_STATE_IDLE ),
m_fScriptStatus( TRS_NONE ),
m_fActorSeePlayer( TRS_NONE ),
m_flPlayerActorProximity( 0 ),
m_flPlayerActorFOV( -1 ),
m_fPlayerActorLOS( TRS_NONE ),
m_fActorSeeTarget( TRS_NONE ),
m_flActorTargetProximity( 0 ),
m_flPlayerTargetProximity( 0 ),
m_flPlayerTargetFOV( 0 ),
m_fPlayerTargetLOS( TRS_NONE ),
m_fPlayerBlockingActor( TRS_NONE ),
m_flMinTimeout( 0 ),
m_flMaxTimeout( 0 ),
m_fActorInPVS( TRS_NONE ),
m_fActorInVehicle( TRS_NONE ),
m_fPlayerInVehicle( TRS_NONE )
#ifndef HL2_EPISODIC
m_hActor = NULL;
void Spawn();
void Activate();
void EvaluationThink();
void Enable();
void Disable();
void SetThinkTime() { SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.250 ); }
// Evaluators
struct EvalArgs_t
CBaseEntity *pActor;
CBasePlayer *pPlayer;
CBaseEntity *pTarget;
bool EvalState( const EvalArgs_t &args );
bool EvalActorSeePlayer( const EvalArgs_t &args );
bool EvalPlayerActorLook( const EvalArgs_t &args );
bool EvalPlayerTargetLook( const EvalArgs_t &args );
bool EvalPlayerActorProximity( const EvalArgs_t &args );
bool EvalPlayerTargetProximity( const EvalArgs_t &args );
bool EvalActorTargetProximity( const EvalArgs_t &args );
bool EvalActorSeeTarget( const EvalArgs_t &args );
bool EvalPlayerActorLOS( const EvalArgs_t &args );
bool EvalPlayerTargetLOS( const EvalArgs_t &args );
bool EvalPlayerBlockingActor( const EvalArgs_t &args );
bool EvalActorInPVS( const EvalArgs_t &args );
bool EvalPlayerInVehicle( const EvalArgs_t &args );
bool EvalActorInVehicle( const EvalArgs_t &args );
void OnEntitySpawned( CBaseEntity *pEntity );
int AddNewElement( CBaseEntity *pActor );
bool ActorInList( CBaseEntity *pActor );
void UpdateOnRemove( void );
// Input handlers
void InputEnable( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputDisable( inputdata_t &inputdata );
// Output handlers
COutputEvent m_OnConditionsSatisfied;
COutputEvent m_OnConditionsTimeout;
COutputEvent m_NoValidActors;
#ifndef HL2_EPISODIC
CBaseEntity *GetActor() { return m_hActor.Get(); }
CBasePlayer *GetPlayer() { return UTIL_GetLocalPlayer(); }
// @Note (toml 07-17-02): At some point, it may be desireable to switch to using function objects instead of functions. Probably
// if support for NPCs addiing custom conditions becomes necessary
typedef bool (CAI_ScriptConditions::*EvaluationFunc_t)( const EvalArgs_t &args );
struct EvaluatorInfo_t
EvaluationFunc_t pfnEvaluator;
const char *pszName;
static EvaluatorInfo_t gm_Evaluators[];
// Evaluation helpers
static bool IsInFOV( CBaseEntity *pViewer, CBaseEntity *pViewed, float fov, bool bTrueCone );
static bool PlayerHasLineOfSight( CBaseEntity *pViewer, CBaseEntity *pViewed, bool fNot );
static bool ActorInPlayersPVS( CBaseEntity *pActor, bool bNot );
virtual void OnRestore( void );
// General conditions info
bool m_fDisabled;
bool m_bLeaveAsleep;
EHANDLE m_hTarget;
float m_flRequiredTime; // How long should the conditions me true
#ifndef HL2_EPISODIC
EHANDLE m_hActor;
CSimTimer m_Timer; // @TODO (toml 07-16-02): save/load of timer once Jay has save/load of contained objects
CSimTimer m_Timeout;
// Specific conditions data
NPC_STATE m_fMinState;
NPC_STATE m_fMaxState;
ThreeState_t m_fScriptStatus;
ThreeState_t m_fActorSeePlayer;
string_t m_Actor;
float m_flPlayerActorProximity;
CAI_ProxTester m_PlayerActorProxTester;
float m_flPlayerActorFOV;
bool m_bPlayerActorFOVTrueCone;
ThreeState_t m_fPlayerActorLOS;
ThreeState_t m_fActorSeeTarget;
float m_flActorTargetProximity;
CAI_ProxTester m_ActorTargetProxTester;
float m_flPlayerTargetProximity;
CAI_ProxTester m_PlayerTargetProxTester;
float m_flPlayerTargetFOV;
bool m_bPlayerTargetFOVTrueCone;
ThreeState_t m_fPlayerTargetLOS;
ThreeState_t m_fPlayerBlockingActor;
ThreeState_t m_fActorInPVS;
float m_flMinTimeout;
float m_flMaxTimeout;
ThreeState_t m_fActorInVehicle;
ThreeState_t m_fPlayerInVehicle;
CUtlVector< CAI_ScriptConditionsElement > m_ElementList;