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synced 2025-03-27 18:42:38 +00:00
375 lines
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375 lines
9.7 KiB
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#include "replay/replay.h"
#include "replay/iclientreplaycontext.h"
#include "replay/ireplaymanager.h"
#include "replay/replayutils.h"
#include "replay/screenshot.h"
#include "replay/shared_defs.h"
#include "replay/ireplayscreenshotmanager.h"
#include "replay/ireplayperformancemanager.h"
#include "replay/performance.h"
#include "KeyValues.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "vgui/ILocalize.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern IClientReplayContext *g_pClientReplayContext;
extern vgui::ILocalize *g_pVGuiLocalize;
: m_pDownloadEventHandler( NULL ),
m_pUserData( NULL ),
m_bComplete( false ),
m_bRequestedByUser( false ),
m_bSaved( false ),
m_bRendered( false ),
m_bDirty( false ),
m_bSavedDuringThisSession( true ),
m_flLength( 0 ),
m_nPlayerSlot( -1 ),
m_nSpawnTick( -1 ),
m_nDeathTick( -1 ),
m_iMaxSessionBlockRequired( 0 ),
m_pFileURL( NULL ),
m_nPostDeathRecordTime( 0 ),
m_flStartTime( 0.0f ),
m_flNextUpdateTime( 0.0f )
m_wszTitle[0] = L'\0';
m_szMapName[0] = 0;
bool CReplay::IsDownloaded() const
const CReplayPerformance *CReplay::GetPerformance( int i ) const
return const_cast< CReplay * >( this )->GetPerformance( i );
CReplayPerformance *CReplay::GetPerformance( int i )
if ( i < 0 || i >= m_vecPerformances.Count() )
return NULL;
return m_vecPerformances[ i ];
bool CReplay::FindPerformance( CReplayPerformance *pPerformance, int &iResult )
const int it = m_vecPerformances.Find( pPerformance );
if ( it == m_vecPerformances.InvalidIndex() )
iResult = -1;
return false;
iResult = it;
return true;
CReplayPerformance *CReplay::GetPerformanceWithTitle( const wchar_t *pTitle )
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecPerformances, i )
CReplayPerformance *pCurPerformance = m_vecPerformances[ i ];
if ( !V_wcscmp( pTitle, pCurPerformance->m_wszTitle ) )
return pCurPerformance;
return NULL;
CReplayPerformance *CReplay::AddNewPerformance( bool bGenTitle/*=true*/, bool bGenFilename/*=true*/ )
// Create a performance
IReplayPerformanceManager *pPerformanceManager = g_pClientReplayContext->GetPerformanceManager();
CReplayPerformance *pPerformance = pPerformanceManager->CreatePerformance( this );
if ( bGenTitle )
// Give the performance a name
pPerformance->AutoNameIfHasNoTitle( m_szMapName );
if ( bGenFilename )
// Generate a filename for the new performance
pPerformance->SetFilename( pPerformanceManager->GeneratePerformanceFilename( this ) );
// Cache
m_vecPerformances.AddToTail( pPerformance );
return pPerformance;
void CReplay::AddPerformance( KeyValues *pIn )
// Create a performance
IReplayPerformanceManager *pPerformanceManager = g_pClientReplayContext->GetPerformanceManager();
CReplayPerformance *pPerformance = pPerformanceManager->CreatePerformance( this );
// Read
pPerformance->Read( pIn );
// Cache
m_vecPerformances.AddToTail( pPerformance );
void CReplay::AddPerformance( CReplayPerformance *pPerformance )
Assert( pPerformance );
m_vecPerformances.AddToTail( pPerformance );
const CReplayTime &CReplay::GetItemDate() const
return m_RecordTime;
bool CReplay::IsItemRendered() const
return m_bRendered;
CReplay *CReplay::GetItemReplay()
return this;
ReplayHandle_t CReplay::GetItemReplayHandle() const
return GetHandle();
QueryableReplayItemHandle_t CReplay::GetItemHandle() const
return GetHandle();
const wchar_t *CReplay::GetItemTitle() const
return m_wszTitle;
void CReplay::SetItemTitle( const wchar_t *pTitle )
V_wcsncpy( m_wszTitle, pTitle, sizeof( m_wszTitle ) );
float CReplay::GetItemLength() const
return m_flLength;
void *CReplay::GetUserData()
return m_pUserData;
void CReplay::SetUserData( void* pUserData )
m_pUserData = pUserData;
bool CReplay::IsItemAMovie() const
return false;
void CReplay::AddScreenshot( int nWidth, int nHeight, const char *pBaseFilename )
m_vecScreenshots.AddToTail( new CReplayScreenshot( nWidth, nHeight, pBaseFilename ) );
void CReplay::AutoNameTitleIfEmpty()
// Autoname it
if ( !m_wszTitle[0] )
Replay_GetAutoName( m_wszTitle, sizeof( m_wszTitle ), m_szMapName );
const char *CReplay::GetSubKeyTitle() const
return Replay_va( "replay_%i", GetHandle() );
const char *CReplay::GetPath() const
return Replay_va( "%s%s%c", g_pClientReplayContext->GetBaseDir(), SUBDIR_REPLAYS, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR );
void CReplay::OnDelete()
// Delete reconstructed replay if one exists
if ( HasReconstructedReplay() )
g_pFullFileSystem->RemoveFile( m_strReconstructedFilename.Get() );
// Delete screenshots
g_pClientReplayContext->GetScreenshotManager()->DeleteScreenshotsForReplay( this );
// TODO: Delete performance(s)
bool CReplay::Read( KeyValues *pIn )
if ( !BaseClass::Read( pIn ) )
return false;
m_hSession = (ReplayHandle_t)pIn->GetInt( "session", REPLAY_HANDLE_INVALID );
V_strcpy_safe( m_szMapName, pIn->GetString( "map", "" ) );
m_nSpawnTick = pIn->GetInt( "spawn_tick", -1 );
m_nDeathTick = pIn->GetInt( "death_tick", -1 );
m_nStatus = static_cast< CReplay::ReplayStatus_t >( pIn->GetInt( "status", (int)CReplay::REPLAYSTATUS_INVALID ) );
m_bComplete = pIn->GetInt( "complete" ) != 0;
m_flLength = pIn->GetFloat( "length" );
m_nPostDeathRecordTime = pIn->GetInt( "postdeathrecordtime" );
m_bRendered = pIn->GetInt( "rendered" ) != 0;
m_nPlayerSlot = pIn->GetInt( "player_slot", -1 );
m_iMaxSessionBlockRequired = pIn->GetInt( "max_block", 0 ); Assert( m_iMaxSessionBlockRequired >= 0 );
m_flStartTime = pIn->GetFloat( "start_time", -1.0f ); Assert( m_flStartTime >= 0.0f );
V_wcsncpy( m_wszTitle, pIn->GetWString( "title" ), sizeof( m_wszTitle ) );
// Read reconstructed filename and infer path
const char *pReplaysDir = g_pClientReplayContext->GetReplayManager()->GetReplaysDir();
const char *pReconFilename = pIn->GetString( "recon_filename" );
if ( pReconFilename[0] != 0 )
m_strReconstructedFilename = Replay_va( "%s%s", pReplaysDir, pReconFilename );
// Read screenshots
KeyValues *pScreenshots = pIn->FindKey( "screenshots" );
if ( pScreenshots )
FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pScreenshots, pScreenshot )
int nWidth = pScreenshot->GetInt( "width" );
int nHeight = pScreenshot->GetInt( "height" );
const char *pBaseFilename = pScreenshot->GetString( "base_filename" );
AddScreenshot( nWidth, nHeight, pBaseFilename );
// Read performances
KeyValues *pPerformances = pIn->FindKey( "edits" );
if ( pPerformances )
FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pPerformances, pPerformance )
AddPerformance( pPerformance );
// Record time
KeyValues *pRecordTimeSubKey = pIn->FindKey( "record_time" );
if ( pRecordTimeSubKey )
m_RecordTime.Read( pRecordTimeSubKey );
// Mark replay as saved, since it was just loaded from disk
m_bSaved = true;
return true;
void CReplay::Write( KeyValues *pOut )
BaseClass::Write( pOut );
pOut->SetString( "map", m_szMapName );
pOut->SetInt( "session", m_hSession );
pOut->SetInt( "spawn_tick", m_nSpawnTick );
pOut->SetInt( "death_tick", m_nDeathTick );
pOut->SetInt( "status", static_cast< int >( m_nStatus ) );
pOut->SetInt( "complete", static_cast< int >( m_bComplete ) );
pOut->SetFloat( "length", m_flLength );
pOut->SetInt( "postdeathrecordtime", m_nPostDeathRecordTime );
pOut->SetInt( "rendered", m_bRendered );
pOut->SetInt( "player_slot", m_nPlayerSlot );
pOut->SetInt( "max_block", m_iMaxSessionBlockRequired );
pOut->SetFloat( "start_time", m_flStartTime );
pOut->SetWString( "title", m_wszTitle );
// Store only filename for reconstructed .dem
if ( !m_strReconstructedFilename.IsEmpty() )
const char *pReconFilename = V_UnqualifiedFileName( m_strReconstructedFilename.Get() );
if ( pReconFilename[0] )
pOut->SetString( "recon_filename", pReconFilename );
// Write screenshots
KeyValues *pScreenshots = new KeyValues( "screenshots" );
pOut->AddSubKey( pScreenshots );
for ( int i = 0; i < m_vecScreenshots.Count(); ++i )
KeyValues *pScreenshotOut = new KeyValues( "screenshot" );
CReplayScreenshot *pScreenshot = m_vecScreenshots[ i ];
pScreenshotOut->SetInt( "width", pScreenshot->m_nWidth );
pScreenshotOut->SetInt( "height", pScreenshot->m_nHeight );
pScreenshotOut->SetString( "base_filename", pScreenshot->m_szBaseFilename );
pScreenshots->AddSubKey( pScreenshotOut );
// Write performances
KeyValues *pPerformances = new KeyValues( "edits" );
pOut->AddSubKey( pPerformances );
for ( int i = 0; i < m_vecPerformances.Count(); ++i )
KeyValues *pPerfOut = new KeyValues( "edit" );
CReplayPerformance *pPerformance = m_vecPerformances[ i ];
pPerformance->Write( pPerfOut );
pPerformances->AddSubKey( pPerfOut );
KeyValues *pRecordTime = new KeyValues( "record_time" );
pOut->AddSubKey( pRecordTime );
m_RecordTime.Write( pRecordTime );
// Mark as saved
m_bSaved = true;
bool CReplay::HasReconstructedReplay() const
return !m_strReconstructedFilename.IsEmpty() &&
g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( m_strReconstructedFilename.Get() );
bool CReplay::IsSignificantBlock( int iBlockReconstruction ) const
return iBlockReconstruction <= m_iMaxSessionBlockRequired;
void CReplay::OnComplete()