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synced 2025-03-19 14:47:39 +00:00
684 lines
22 KiB
684 lines
22 KiB
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "portal_gamestats.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
#include "portal_player.h"
#define PORTALSTATS_TRIMEVENT( varName, varType )\
if( varName->Count() > varType::TRIMSIZE )\
varName->RemoveMultiple( 0, (varName->Count() - varType::TRIMSIZE) );
#define PORTALSTATS_PREPCHUNK( structType, bufName, SizePositionVarNameToUse )\
SaveBuffer.PutUnsignedShort( structType::CHUNKID );\
int SizePositionVarNameToUse = bufName.TellPut();\
bufName.PutUnsignedInt( 0 );
#define PORTALSTATS_WRITECHUNKSIZE( bufName, SizePositionVariable ) \
int SizePositionVariable ## _askdjbhas = bufName.TellPut() - SizePositionVariable;\
bufName.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, SizePositionVariable );\
bufName.PutUnsignedInt( SizePositionVariable ## _askdjbhas );\
bufName.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_TAIL, 0 );\
static Portal_Gamestats_LevelStats_t s_DummyStats;
CPortalGameStats g_PortalGameStats;
class CPortalGameStatsSingleton //used to remove the constructor destructor from the general class
CPortalGameStatsSingleton( void )
gamestats = (CBaseGameStats *)&g_PortalGameStats;
CreateLevelStatPointers( &s_DummyStats );
~CPortalGameStatsSingleton( void )
AssertMsg( (CBaseGameStats::StatTrackingAllowed() == false) ||
((s_DummyStats.m_pDeaths->Count() == 0) &&
(s_DummyStats.m_pPlacements->Count() == 0) &&
(s_DummyStats.m_pUseEvents->Count() == 0) &&
(s_DummyStats.m_pStuckSpots->Count() == 0) &&
(s_DummyStats.m_pJumps->Count() == 0) &&
(s_DummyStats.m_pTimeSpentInVisLeafs->Count() == 0)),
"Some stats were deferred to the dummy entry." );
DestroyLevelStatPointers( &s_DummyStats );
CPortalGameStatsSingleton s_CPGSS_ThisJustSitsInMemory;
CPortalGameStats::CPortalGameStats( void )
: m_pCurrentMapStats( &s_DummyStats )
CPortalGameStats::~CPortalGameStats( void )
void Portal_Gamestats_LevelStats_t::AppendSubChunksToBuffer( CUtlBuffer &SaveBuffer )
if( m_pDeaths->Count() != 0 )
PORTALSTATS_TRIMEVENT( m_pDeaths, PlayerDeaths_t );
PORTALSTATS_PREPCHUNK( PlayerDeaths_t, SaveBuffer, iSubChunkSizePosition );
int iDeathStatsCount = m_pDeaths->Count();
SaveBuffer.PutUnsignedInt( iDeathStatsCount );
for( int i = 0; i != iDeathStatsCount; ++i )
PlayerDeaths_t &DeathStat = m_pDeaths->Element( i );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( DeathStat.ptPositionOfDeath.x );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( DeathStat.ptPositionOfDeath.y );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( DeathStat.ptPositionOfDeath.z );
SaveBuffer.PutInt( DeathStat.iDamageType );
SaveBuffer.PutString( DeathStat.szAttackerClassName );
PORTALSTATS_WRITECHUNKSIZE( SaveBuffer, iSubChunkSizePosition );
if( m_pPlacements->Count() != 0 )
PORTALSTATS_TRIMEVENT( m_pPlacements, PortalPlacement_t );
PORTALSTATS_PREPCHUNK( PortalPlacement_t, SaveBuffer, iSubChunkSizePosition );
int iPlacementStatsCount = m_pPlacements->Count();
SaveBuffer.PutUnsignedInt( iPlacementStatsCount );
for( int i = 0; i != iPlacementStatsCount; ++i )
PortalPlacement_t &PortalPlacementStat = m_pPlacements->Element( i );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( PortalPlacementStat.ptPlayerFiredFrom.x );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( PortalPlacementStat.ptPlayerFiredFrom.y );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( PortalPlacementStat.ptPlayerFiredFrom.z );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( PortalPlacementStat.ptPlacementPosition.x );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( PortalPlacementStat.ptPlacementPosition.y );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( PortalPlacementStat.ptPlacementPosition.z );
SaveBuffer.PutChar( PortalPlacementStat.iSuccessCode );
PORTALSTATS_WRITECHUNKSIZE( SaveBuffer, iSubChunkSizePosition );
if( m_pUseEvents->Count() != 0 )
PORTALSTATS_TRIMEVENT( m_pUseEvents, PlayerUse_t );
PORTALSTATS_PREPCHUNK( PlayerUse_t, SaveBuffer, iSubChunkSizePosition );
int iUseEventCount = m_pUseEvents->Count();
SaveBuffer.PutUnsignedInt( iUseEventCount );
for( int i = 0; i != iUseEventCount; ++i )
PlayerUse_t &UseEvent = m_pUseEvents->Element( i );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( UseEvent.ptTraceStart.x );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( UseEvent.ptTraceStart.y );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( UseEvent.ptTraceStart.z );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( UseEvent.vTraceDelta.x );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( UseEvent.vTraceDelta.y );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( UseEvent.vTraceDelta.z );
SaveBuffer.PutString( UseEvent.szUseEntityClassName );
PORTALSTATS_WRITECHUNKSIZE( SaveBuffer, iSubChunkSizePosition );
if( m_pStuckSpots->Count() != 0 )
PORTALSTATS_TRIMEVENT( m_pStuckSpots, StuckEvent_t );
PORTALSTATS_PREPCHUNK( StuckEvent_t, SaveBuffer, iSubChunkSizePosition );
int iStuckStatsCount = m_pStuckSpots->Count();
SaveBuffer.PutUnsignedInt( iStuckStatsCount );
for( int i = 0; i != iStuckStatsCount; ++i )
StuckEvent_t &StuckStat = m_pStuckSpots->Element( i );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( StuckStat.ptPlayerPosition.x );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( StuckStat.ptPlayerPosition.y );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( StuckStat.ptPlayerPosition.z );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( StuckStat.qPlayerAngles.x );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( StuckStat.qPlayerAngles.y );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( StuckStat.qPlayerAngles.z );
unsigned char bitFlags = 0;
if( StuckStat.bNearPortal )
bitFlags |= (1 << 0);
if( StuckStat.bDucking )
bitFlags |= (1 << 1);
SaveBuffer.PutUnsignedChar( bitFlags );
PORTALSTATS_WRITECHUNKSIZE( SaveBuffer, iSubChunkSizePosition );
if( m_pJumps->Count() != 0 )
PORTALSTATS_TRIMEVENT( m_pJumps, JumpEvent_t );
PORTALSTATS_PREPCHUNK( JumpEvent_t, SaveBuffer, iSubChunkSizePosition );
int iJumpStatsCount = m_pJumps->Count();
SaveBuffer.PutUnsignedInt( iJumpStatsCount );
for( int i = 0; i != iJumpStatsCount; ++i )
JumpEvent_t &JumpStat = m_pJumps->Element( i );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( JumpStat.ptPlayerPositionAtJumpStart.x );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( JumpStat.ptPlayerPositionAtJumpStart.y );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( JumpStat.ptPlayerPositionAtJumpStart.z );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( JumpStat.vPlayerVelocityAtJumpStart.x );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( JumpStat.vPlayerVelocityAtJumpStart.y );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( JumpStat.vPlayerVelocityAtJumpStart.z );
PORTALSTATS_WRITECHUNKSIZE( SaveBuffer, iSubChunkSizePosition );
if( m_pTimeSpentInVisLeafs->Count() != 0 )
PORTALSTATS_TRIMEVENT( m_pTimeSpentInVisLeafs, LeafTimes_t );
PORTALSTATS_PREPCHUNK( LeafTimes_t, SaveBuffer, iSubChunkSizePosition );
int iLeafTimeStatsCount = m_pTimeSpentInVisLeafs->Count();
SaveBuffer.PutUnsignedInt( iLeafTimeStatsCount );
for( int i = 0; i != iLeafTimeStatsCount; ++i )
LeafTimes_t &LeafTimeStat = m_pTimeSpentInVisLeafs->Element( i );
SaveBuffer.PutFloat( LeafTimeStat.fTimeSpentInVisLeaf ); //assumes visleafs will be the same when this data is loaded again, or that there will be a way to invalidate the data
PORTALSTATS_WRITECHUNKSIZE( SaveBuffer, iSubChunkSizePosition );
void Portal_Gamestats_LevelStats_t::LoadSubChunksFromBuffer( CUtlBuffer &LoadBuffer, unsigned int iChunkEndPosition )
while( ((unsigned int)LoadBuffer.TellGet()) != iChunkEndPosition )
Assert( (iChunkEndPosition - LoadBuffer.TellGet()) > (sizeof( unsigned short ) + sizeof( unsigned int )) ); //at least an empty chunk left
unsigned short iChunkID = LoadBuffer.GetUnsignedShort();
unsigned int iChunkSize = LoadBuffer.GetUnsignedInt() - sizeof( unsigned int ); //chunk size includes the chunk size data itself
#ifdef _DEBUG
unsigned int iChunkEndPosition = LoadBuffer.TellGet() + iChunkSize; //used in an assert later
switch( iChunkID )
#ifdef PORTAL_GAMESTATS_VERBOSE //don't bother loading verbose chunks if we're not going to save them back out
case PlayerDeaths_t::CHUNKID:
unsigned int iDeathStatCount = LoadBuffer.GetUnsignedInt();
for( unsigned int i = 0; i != iDeathStatCount; ++i )
int index = m_pDeaths->AddToTail();
PlayerDeaths_t &DeathStat = m_pDeaths->Element( index );
DeathStat.ptPositionOfDeath.x = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
DeathStat.ptPositionOfDeath.y = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
DeathStat.ptPositionOfDeath.z = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
DeathStat.iDamageType = LoadBuffer.GetInt();
LoadBuffer.GetString( DeathStat.szAttackerClassName );
case PortalPlacement_t::CHUNKID:
unsigned int iPlacementStatCount = LoadBuffer.GetUnsignedInt();
for( unsigned int i = 0; i != iPlacementStatCount; ++i )
int index = m_pPlacements->AddToTail();
PortalPlacement_t &PlacementStat = m_pPlacements->Element( index );
PlacementStat.ptPlayerFiredFrom.x = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
PlacementStat.ptPlayerFiredFrom.y = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
PlacementStat.ptPlayerFiredFrom.z = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
PlacementStat.ptPlacementPosition.x = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
PlacementStat.ptPlacementPosition.y = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
PlacementStat.ptPlacementPosition.z = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
PlacementStat.iSuccessCode = LoadBuffer.GetChar();
case PlayerUse_t::CHUNKID:
int iUseEventCount = LoadBuffer.GetUnsignedInt();
for( int i = 0; i != iUseEventCount; ++i )
int index = m_pUseEvents->AddToTail();
PlayerUse_t &UseEvent = m_pUseEvents->Element( index );
UseEvent.ptTraceStart.x = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
UseEvent.ptTraceStart.y = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
UseEvent.ptTraceStart.z = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
UseEvent.vTraceDelta.x = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
UseEvent.vTraceDelta.y = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
UseEvent.vTraceDelta.z = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
LoadBuffer.GetString( UseEvent.szUseEntityClassName );
case StuckEvent_t::CHUNKID:
unsigned int iStuckEventCount = LoadBuffer.GetUnsignedInt();
for( unsigned int i = 0; i != iStuckEventCount; ++i )
int index = m_pStuckSpots->AddToTail();
StuckEvent_t &StuckEvent = m_pStuckSpots->Element( index );
StuckEvent.ptPlayerPosition.x = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
StuckEvent.ptPlayerPosition.y = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
StuckEvent.ptPlayerPosition.z = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
StuckEvent.qPlayerAngles.x = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
StuckEvent.qPlayerAngles.y = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
StuckEvent.qPlayerAngles.z = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
unsigned char bitFlags = LoadBuffer.GetUnsignedChar();
StuckEvent.bNearPortal = ( (bitFlags & (1 << 0)) != 0 );
StuckEvent.bDucking = ( (bitFlags & (1 << 1)) != 0 );
case JumpEvent_t::CHUNKID:
unsigned int iJumpEventCount = LoadBuffer.GetUnsignedInt();
for( unsigned int i = 0; i != iJumpEventCount; ++i )
int index = m_pJumps->AddToTail();
JumpEvent_t &JumpEvent = m_pJumps->Element( index );
JumpEvent.ptPlayerPositionAtJumpStart.x = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
JumpEvent.ptPlayerPositionAtJumpStart.y = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
JumpEvent.ptPlayerPositionAtJumpStart.z = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
JumpEvent.vPlayerVelocityAtJumpStart.x = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
JumpEvent.vPlayerVelocityAtJumpStart.y = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
JumpEvent.vPlayerVelocityAtJumpStart.z = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
case LeafTimes_t::CHUNKID:
//TODO: Detect if the leaves have changed and invalidate these counts
unsigned int iLeafCount = LoadBuffer.GetUnsignedInt();
for( unsigned int i = 0; i != iLeafCount; ++i )
int index = m_pTimeSpentInVisLeafs->AddToTail();
LeafTimes_t &LeafTime = m_pTimeSpentInVisLeafs->Element( index );
LeafTime.fTimeSpentInVisLeaf = LoadBuffer.GetFloat();
case PlayerDeaths_t::CHUNKID: //warning workaround
//an unknown chunk, skip it
LoadBuffer.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, iChunkSize );
Assert( ((unsigned int)LoadBuffer.TellGet()) == iChunkEndPosition );
void Portal_Gamestats_LevelStats_t::Clear( void )
void CPortalGameStats::AppendCustomDataToSaveBuffer( CUtlBuffer &SaveBuffer )
#ifdef PORTAL_GAMESTATS_VERBOSE //we only have verbose chunks for now, so only write custom data if we're verbosely tracking
SaveBuffer.PutUnsignedShort( PORTAL_GAMESTATS_VERSION );
//no headers allowed, chunks were chosen for their flexibility in loading even when parts of the data are unknown
//you can simulate a header by enclosing the entirety of the custom data in a chunk that starts with a header, but you'll kill loading in old versions
if( m_CustomMapStats.Count() != 0 ) //we have some map stats
//put out a map chunk for each map
for ( int i = m_CustomMapStats.First(); i != m_CustomMapStats.InvalidIndex(); i = m_CustomMapStats.Next( i ) )
SaveBuffer.PutShort( Portal_Gamestats_LevelStats_t::CHUNKID );
//we can trivially find the chunk size after the chunk is written, but chunk size needs to be at the beginning, reserve the space for chunk size now
int iChunkSizePosition = SaveBuffer.TellPut();
SaveBuffer.PutUnsignedInt( 0 );
char const *szMapName = m_CustomMapStats.GetElementName( i );
Portal_Gamestats_LevelStats_t &mapStats = m_CustomMapStats[ i ];
SaveBuffer.PutString( szMapName );
mapStats.AppendSubChunksToBuffer( SaveBuffer );
//write out the map stats chunk size
int iChunkSize = SaveBuffer.TellPut() - iChunkSizePosition;
Assert( iChunkSize >= sizeof( int ) ); //minimum sizeof( int )
#ifdef _DEBUG
int iOldTellPut = SaveBuffer.TellPut(); //needed for an assert below
SaveBuffer.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, iChunkSizePosition );
SaveBuffer.PutUnsignedInt( iChunkSize );
SaveBuffer.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_TAIL, 0 );
Assert( iOldTellPut == SaveBuffer.TellPut() ); //writing the chunk size should have overwritten, not inserted
void CPortalGameStats::LoadCustomDataFromBuffer( CUtlBuffer &LoadBuffer )
#ifdef _DEBUG
unsigned short iSaveStatsVersion = LoadBuffer.GetUnsignedShort();
AssertOnce( iSaveStatsVersion <= PORTAL_GAMESTATS_VERSION ); //useful to know, but shouldn't be a failure case
LoadBuffer.GetUnsignedShort(); //don't really need the version
int iEndPosition = LoadBuffer.TellPut();
while( LoadBuffer.TellGet() != iEndPosition )
Assert( (iEndPosition - LoadBuffer.TellGet()) > (sizeof( unsigned short ) + sizeof( unsigned int )) ); //at least an empty chunk left
unsigned short iChunkID = LoadBuffer.GetUnsignedShort();
unsigned int iChunkSize = LoadBuffer.GetUnsignedInt() - sizeof( unsigned int ); //chunk size includes the chunk size data itself
unsigned int iChunkEndPosition = LoadBuffer.TellGet() + iChunkSize; //used in an assert later
switch( iChunkID )
#ifdef PORTAL_GAMESTATS_VERBOSE //levelstats only have verbose data for the time being, so only bother to load verboseness if we're still tracking it
case Portal_Gamestats_LevelStats_t::CHUNKID:
//map chunk
char szMapName[256];
LoadBuffer.GetString( szMapName );
Portal_Gamestats_LevelStats_t *mapStats = FindOrAddMapStats( szMapName );
mapStats->LoadSubChunksFromBuffer( LoadBuffer, iChunkEndPosition );
case Portal_Gamestats_LevelStats_t::CHUNKID: //warning workaround
//an unknown chunk, skip it
LoadBuffer.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, iChunkSize );
Assert( ((unsigned int)LoadBuffer.TellGet()) == iChunkEndPosition );
void CPortalGameStats::Event_PlayerKilled( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, const CTakeDamageInfo &info )
if( CBaseGameStats::StatTrackingAllowed() == false )
int index = m_pCurrentMapStats->m_pDeaths->AddToTail();
Portal_Gamestats_LevelStats_t::PlayerDeaths_t &DeathStat = m_pCurrentMapStats->m_pDeaths->Element( index );
DeathStat.ptPositionOfDeath = pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin();
DeathStat.iDamageType = info.GetDamageType();
DeathStat.szAttackerClassName[0] = '\0';
CBaseEntity *pInflictor = info.GetInflictor();
if( pInflictor )
Q_strncpy( DeathStat.szAttackerClassName, pInflictor->GetClassname(), sizeof( DeathStat.szAttackerClassName ) );
void CPortalGameStats::Event_PlayerJump( const Vector &ptStartPosition, const Vector &vStartVelocity )
if( CBaseGameStats::StatTrackingAllowed() == false )
int index = m_pCurrentMapStats->m_pJumps->AddToTail();
Portal_Gamestats_LevelStats_t::JumpEvent_t &JumpStat = m_pCurrentMapStats->m_pJumps->Element( index );
JumpStat.ptPlayerPositionAtJumpStart = ptStartPosition;
JumpStat.vPlayerVelocityAtJumpStart = vStartVelocity;
void CPortalGameStats::Event_PortalPlacement( const Vector &ptPlayerFiredFrom, const Vector &ptAttemptedPosition, char iSuccessCode )
if( CBaseGameStats::StatTrackingAllowed() == false )
int index = m_pCurrentMapStats->m_pPlacements->AddToTail();
Portal_Gamestats_LevelStats_t::PortalPlacement_t &PlacementStat = m_pCurrentMapStats->m_pPlacements->Element( index );
PlacementStat.ptPlacementPosition = ptAttemptedPosition;
PlacementStat.ptPlayerFiredFrom = ptPlayerFiredFrom;
PlacementStat.iSuccessCode = iSuccessCode;
void CPortalGameStats::Event_PlayerUsed( const Vector &ptTraceStart, const Vector &vTraceDelta, CBaseEntity *pUsedEntity )
if( CBaseGameStats::StatTrackingAllowed() == false )
static float fLastUseTime = 0.0f;
if( fLastUseTime > gpGlobals->curtime ) //I'm not positive, but I think curtime resets between levels, cheap to do this
fLastUseTime = 0.0f;
if( (gpGlobals->curtime - fLastUseTime) < 0.25f ) //use events cluster
fLastUseTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
int index = m_pCurrentMapStats->m_pUseEvents->AddToTail();
Portal_Gamestats_LevelStats_t::PlayerUse_t &UseEvent = m_pCurrentMapStats->m_pUseEvents->Element( index );
UseEvent.ptTraceStart = ptTraceStart;
UseEvent.vTraceDelta = vTraceDelta;
UseEvent.szUseEntityClassName[0] = '\0';
if( pUsedEntity )
Q_strncpy( UseEvent.szUseEntityClassName, pUsedEntity->GetClassname(), sizeof( UseEvent.szUseEntityClassName ) );
void CPortalGameStats::Event_PlayerStuck( CPortal_Player *pPlayer )
if( CBaseGameStats::StatTrackingAllowed() == false )
static float fLastStuckTime = 0.0f;
if( fLastStuckTime > gpGlobals->curtime ) //I'm not positive, but I think curtime resets between levels, cheap to do this
fLastStuckTime = 0.0f;
if( (gpGlobals->curtime - fLastStuckTime) < 10.0f ) //only log one stuck spot per 10 second interval (in case it oscillates)
fLastStuckTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
int index = m_pCurrentMapStats->m_pStuckSpots->AddToTail();
Portal_Gamestats_LevelStats_t::StuckEvent_t &StuckSpot = m_pCurrentMapStats->m_pStuckSpots->Element( index );
StuckSpot.ptPlayerPosition = pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin();
StuckSpot.qPlayerAngles = pPlayer->GetAbsAngles();
StuckSpot.bNearPortal = (pPlayer->m_hPortalEnvironment.Get() != NULL);
StuckSpot.bDucking = ((pPlayer->m_nButtons & IN_DUCK) != 0);
void CPortalGameStats::Event_LevelInit( void )
m_pCurrentMapStats = FindOrAddMapStats( STRING( gpGlobals->mapname ) );
void CPortalGameStats::Event_MapChange( const char *szOldMapName, const char *szNewMapName )
BaseClass::Event_MapChange( szOldMapName, szNewMapName );
m_pCurrentMapStats = FindOrAddMapStats( szNewMapName );
void CPortalGameStats::Clear( void )
for( int i = m_CustomMapStats.First(); i != m_CustomMapStats.InvalidIndex(); i = m_CustomMapStats.Next( i ) )
DestroyLevelStatPointers( &m_CustomMapStats[i] );
Portal_Gamestats_LevelStats_t *CPortalGameStats::FindOrAddMapStats( const char *szMapName )
int idx = m_CustomMapStats.Find( szMapName );
if( idx == m_CustomMapStats.InvalidIndex() )
idx = m_CustomMapStats.Insert( szMapName );
CreateLevelStatPointers( &m_CustomMapStats[idx] );
return &m_CustomMapStats[ idx ];
void CreateLevelStatPointers( Portal_Gamestats_LevelStats_t *pFillIn )
pFillIn->m_pDeaths = new CUtlVector<Portal_Gamestats_LevelStats_t::PlayerDeaths_t>;
pFillIn->m_pPlacements = new CUtlVector<Portal_Gamestats_LevelStats_t::PortalPlacement_t>;
pFillIn->m_pUseEvents = new CUtlVector<Portal_Gamestats_LevelStats_t::PlayerUse_t>;
pFillIn->m_pStuckSpots = new CUtlVector<Portal_Gamestats_LevelStats_t::StuckEvent_t>;
pFillIn->m_pJumps = new CUtlVector<Portal_Gamestats_LevelStats_t::JumpEvent_t>;
pFillIn->m_pTimeSpentInVisLeafs = new CUtlVector<Portal_Gamestats_LevelStats_t::LeafTimes_t>;
void DestroyLevelStatPointers( Portal_Gamestats_LevelStats_t *pDestroyFrom )
delete pDestroyFrom->m_pDeaths;
delete pDestroyFrom->m_pPlacements;
delete pDestroyFrom->m_pUseEvents;
delete pDestroyFrom->m_pStuckSpots;
delete pDestroyFrom->m_pJumps;
delete pDestroyFrom->m_pTimeSpentInVisLeafs;
static char const *portalMaps[] =
//"testchmb_a_12", //12 got deleted/skipped
bool CPortalGameStats::UserPlayedAllTheMaps( void )
int c = ARRAYSIZE( portalMaps );
for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i )
int idx = m_BasicStats.m_MapTotals.Find( portalMaps[ i ] );
if( idx == m_BasicStats.m_MapTotals.InvalidIndex() )
return false;
return true;