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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "hud_chat.h"
#include "clientmode_commander.h"
#include "vgui_int.h"
#include "ivmodemanager.h"
#include "iinput.h"
#include "kbutton.h"
#include "usercmd.h"
#include "c_basetfplayer.h"
#include "view_shared.h"
#include "in_main.h"
#include "commanderoverlaypanel.h"
#include "iviewrender.h"
#include <vgui/IInput.h>
#include <vgui/IPanel.h>
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern Vector g_vecRenderOrigin;
extern QAngle g_vecRenderAngles;
static ConVar Commander_SlueSpeed( "commander_speed", "800.0", 0 );
static ConVar Commander_MouseSpeed( "commander_mousespeed", "200.0", 0 );
static ConVar Commander_RightMoveSpeedScale( "commander_rightmovespeedscale", "2.0", 0 );
static ConVar Commander_InvertMouse( "commander_invertmouse", "1.0", 0 );
// Public version of the commander mode;
IClientMode *ClientModeCommander()
// TF2 Commander View Mode
static CClientModeCommander g_ClientModeCommander;
return &g_ClientModeCommander;
// Purpose:
// Input : *commander -
void CCommanderViewportPanel::SetCommanderView( CClientModeCommander *commander )
m_pCommanderView = commander;
if ( m_pOverlayPanel )
m_pOverlayPanel->SetCommanderView( m_pCommanderView );
// Purpose:
// Output : CCommanderOverlayPanel
CCommanderOverlayPanel *CCommanderViewportPanel::GetCommanderOverlayPanel( void )
return m_pOverlayPanel;
// Purpose:
CCommanderViewportPanel::CCommanderViewportPanel( void ) :
m_CursorCommander( vgui::dc_arrow ),
m_pOverlayPanel = new CCommanderOverlayPanel();
m_pOverlayPanel->SetParent( this );
SetPaintEnabled( false );
SetPaintBorderEnabled( false );
SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( false );
SetCursor( m_CursorCommander );
// Purpose:
CCommanderViewportPanel::~CCommanderViewportPanel( void )
// call these when commander view is enabled/disabled
void CCommanderViewportPanel::Enable()
vgui::VPANEL pRoot = VGui_GetClientDLLRootPanel();
vgui::surface()->SetCursor( m_CursorCommander );
// Make the viewport fill the root panel.
if ( pRoot)
int wide, tall;
vgui::ipanel()->GetSize(pRoot, wide, tall);
SetBounds(0, 0, wide, tall);
C_BaseEntity *ent = cl_entitylist->GetEnt( 0 );
if ( m_pOverlayPanel && ent )
SetVisible( true );
// Purpose:
void CCommanderViewportPanel::Disable()
if ( m_pOverlayPanel )
SetVisible( false );
void CCommanderViewportPanel::MinimapClicked( const Vector& clickWorldPos )
// Don't use Z... our current z is what we want
Vector actualOrigin, offset;
VectorCopy( clickWorldPos, actualOrigin );
actualOrigin.z = m_pOverlayPanel->TacticalOrigin().z;
m_pOverlayPanel->ActualToVisibleOffset( offset );
VectorSubtract( actualOrigin, offset, actualOrigin );
m_pOverlayPanel->BoundOrigin( actualOrigin );
m_pOverlayPanel->TacticalOrigin() = actualOrigin;
// Purpose:
CClientModeCommander::CClientModeCommander() : BaseClass()
m_pClear = NULL;
m_pSkyBox = NULL;
m_ScaledSlueSpeed = 10;
m_Log_BaseEto2 = 1.4427f; // factor to convert from a logarithm of base E to base 2.
m_pViewport = new CCommanderViewportPanel;
GetCommanderViewport()->SetCommanderView( this );
// Purpose:
CCommanderViewportPanel *CClientModeCommander::GetCommanderViewport()
Assert( m_pViewport );
return static_cast< CCommanderViewportPanel * >( m_pViewport );
// Purpose: Called once at dll load time
void CClientModeCommander::Init( void )
// Purpose:
// Output : vgui::Panel
vgui::Panel *CClientModeCommander::GetMinimapParent( void )
return GetCommanderOverlayPanel();
// Inherited from IMinimapClient
void CClientModeCommander::MinimapClicked( const Vector& clickWorldPos )
if ( GetCommanderViewport() )
GetCommanderViewport()->MinimapClicked( clickWorldPos );
// Purpose:
CCommanderOverlayPanel *CClientModeCommander::GetCommanderOverlayPanel( void )
if ( GetCommanderViewport() )
return GetCommanderViewport()->GetCommanderOverlayPanel();
return NULL;
// Purpose:
void CClientModeCommander::Enable()
// HACK: Find a better place for these
m_pClear = (ConVar *)cvar->FindVar( "gl_clear" );
m_pSkyBox = (ConVar *)cvar->FindVar( "r_drawskybox" );
HudCommanderOverlayMgr()->Enable( true );
// Purpose:
void CClientModeCommander::Disable()
HudCommanderOverlayMgr()->Enable( false );
// Purpose:
void CClientModeCommander::Update()
if ( !engine->IsInGame() )
// Disable commander view
modemanager->SwitchMode( false, false );
Vector mins, maxs;
GetCommanderViewport()->GetCommanderOverlayPanel()->GetVisibleArea( mins, maxs );
MapData().SetVisibleArea( mins, maxs );
HudCommanderOverlayMgr()->Tick( );
// Purpose:
void CClientModeCommander::Layout()
// Force it to recompute it's boundaries
// Purpose: The mode can choose to not draw fog
bool CClientModeCommander::ShouldDrawFog( void )
return false;
// Purpose: Checks map bounds and determines ideal height for tactical view
// Input : fov -
// zoom -
// Output : float
float CClientModeCommander::GetHeightForMap( float zoom )
Vector mins, maxs;
MapData().GetMapBounds( mins, maxs );
return maxs.z + TACTICAL_ZOFFSET;
bool CClientModeCommander::GetOrthoParameters(CViewSetup *pSetup)
Vector vCenter;
float xSize, ySize;
GetCommanderViewport()->GetCommanderOverlayPanel()->GetOrthoRenderBox(vCenter, xSize, ySize);
pSetup->m_bOrtho = true;
pSetup->m_OrthoLeft = -xSize;
pSetup->m_OrthoTop = -ySize;
pSetup->m_OrthoRight = xSize;
pSetup->m_OrthoBottom = ySize;
return true;
// Purpose:
// Input : *angles -
void CClientModeCommander::OverrideView( CViewSetup *pSetup )
// Turn off vis when in commander mode
VectorCopy( GetCommanderViewport()->GetCommanderOverlayPanel()->TacticalAngles(), pSetup->angles );
VectorCopy( GetCommanderViewport()->GetCommanderOverlayPanel()->TacticalOrigin(), pSetup->origin );
// Purpose: Scale commander slue speed based on viewport zoom factor
// Output : float
float CClientModeCommander::GetScaledSlueSpeed( void )
return m_ScaledSlueSpeed;
// Purpose: Convert move to scaled move
// Input : in -
// Output : float
float CClientModeCommander::Commander_ResampleMove( float in )
float sign;
float move;
if ( !in )
return 0.0;
sign = in > 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0;
move = GetScaledSlueSpeed();
return move * sign;
// Purpose: Zero out any movement in the command
// Input : *cmd -
void CClientModeCommander::ResetCommand( CUserCmd *cmd )
cmd->buttons = 0;
cmd->forwardmove = 0;
cmd->sidemove = 0;
cmd->upmove = 0;
// Purpose: TF2 commander mode movement logic
void CClientModeCommander::IsometricMove( CUserCmd *cmd )
int i;
Vector wishvel;
float fmove, smove;
Vector forward, right, up;
AngleVectors ( cmd->viewangles, &forward, &right, &up); // Determine movement angles
// Copy movement amounts
fmove = cmd->forwardmove;
smove = cmd->sidemove;
// No up / down movement
forward.Init(1, 0, 0);
right.Init(0, -1, 0);
// Determine x and y parts of velocity
for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
wishvel[i] = forward[i]*fmove + right[i]*smove;
GetCommanderViewport()->GetCommanderOverlayPanel()->TacticalOrigin() += TICK_INTERVAL * wishvel;
GetCommanderViewport()->GetCommanderOverlayPanel()->BoundOrigin( GetCommanderViewport()->GetCommanderOverlayPanel()->TacticalOrigin() );
// Purpose:
// Input : frametime -
// *cmd -
void CClientModeCommander::CreateMove( float flInputSampleTime, CUserCmd *cmd )
int mx, my;
int realx, realy;
//int sidex, sidey;
cmd->upmove = 0;
// Figure out the speed scale so their perceptual movement speed stays the same.
m_ScaledSlueSpeed = Commander_SlueSpeed.GetFloat() * GetCommanderViewport()->GetCommanderOverlayPanel()->WorldUnitsPerPixel();
m_ScaledMouseSpeed = Commander_MouseSpeed.GetFloat() * GetCommanderViewport()->GetCommanderOverlayPanel()->WorldUnitsPerPixel();
// Translate WASD while in commander mode...
float temp = cmd->forwardmove;
// Swap forward/right
cmd->forwardmove = cmd->sidemove;
// Invert right/left
cmd->sidemove = -temp;
// Normalize nonzero inputs to scaled speed
if ( cmd->forwardmove )
cmd->forwardmove = ( cmd->forwardmove > 0 ) ? GetScaledSlueSpeed() : -GetScaledSlueSpeed();
if ( cmd->sidemove )
cmd->sidemove = ( cmd->sidemove > 0 ) ? GetScaledSlueSpeed() : -GetScaledSlueSpeed();
// Sample mouse
::input->GetFullscreenMousePos( &mx, &my, &realx, &realy );
if( GetCommanderViewport()->GetCommanderOverlayPanel()->IsRightMouseMapMoving() || ( in_commandermousemove.state & 1 ) )
cmd->forwardmove = m_ScaledMouseSpeed * (mx - m_LastMouseX);
cmd->sidemove = m_ScaledMouseSpeed * (my - m_LastMouseY);
if ( Commander_InvertMouse.GetInt() )
cmd->forwardmove *= -1.0f;
cmd->sidemove *= -1.0f;
//input->SetFullscreenMousePos( m_LastMouseX, m_LastMouseY );
mx = m_LastMouseX;
my = m_LastMouseY;
else if ( input->IsFullscreenMouse() )
if ( abs( realx - mx ) < WINDOWED_KEEPMOVING_PIXELS &&
abs( realy - my ) < WINDOWED_KEEPMOVING_PIXELS )
sidex = 2;
sidey = 2;
// Check Size of viewport
if ( mx < sidex )
cmd->forwardmove = -GetScaledSlueSpeed();
else if ( mx > ( ScreenWidth() - sidex ))
cmd->forwardmove = GetScaledSlueSpeed();
if ( my < sidey )
cmd->sidemove = -GetScaledSlueSpeed();
else if ( my > ( ScreenHeight() - sidey ) )
cmd->sidemove = GetScaledSlueSpeed();
m_LastMouseX = mx;
m_LastMouseY = my;
// Look straight down
cmd->viewangles.x = 90; // 45;
cmd->viewangles.y = 90; //45fmod( 3.0* 360 * (gpGlobals->curtime * 0.01), 360 );
cmd->viewangles.z = 0;
GetCommanderViewport()->GetCommanderOverlayPanel()->TacticalAngles() = cmd->viewangles;
IsometricMove( cmd );
// Reset command
ResetCommand( cmd );
// Purpose: Makes sure the mouse is over the same world position as it started
void CClientModeCommander::MoveMouse( Vector& worldPos )
Vector worldCenter;
float wworld, hworld;
GetCommanderViewport()->GetCommanderOverlayPanel()->GetOrthoRenderBox(worldCenter, wworld, hworld);
wworld *= 2; hworld *= 2;
Vector worldDelta;
VectorSubtract( worldPos, worldCenter, worldDelta );
int w, h;
GetCommanderViewport()->GetSize( w, h );
int mx, my;
mx = (worldDelta.x / wworld + 0.5f) * w;
my = (0.5f - worldDelta.y / hworld) * h;
// Clamp
if (mx < 0) mx = 0; else if (mx > w) mx = w;
if (my < 0) my = 0; else if (my > h) my = h;
//input->SetFullscreenMousePos( mx, my );
m_LastMouseX = mx;
m_LastMouseY = my;
// Purpose:
// Input : *newmap -
void CClientModeCommander::LevelInit( const char *newmap )
BaseClass::LevelInit( newmap );
MapData().LevelInit( newmap );
GetCommanderViewport()->GetCommanderOverlayPanel()->LevelInit( newmap );
HudCommanderOverlayMgr()->LevelInit( );
// Purpose:
void CClientModeCommander::LevelShutdown( void )
// returns the viewport panel
vgui::Panel *CClientModeCommander::GetViewport()
return m_pViewport;
// Purpose:
bool CClientModeCommander::ShouldDrawEntity(C_BaseEntity *pEnt)
return MapData().IsEntityVisibleToTactical(pEnt);
bool CClientModeCommander::ShouldDrawDetailObjects( )
return false;
// Purpose: Always draw the local player while in commander mode
bool CClientModeCommander::ShouldDrawLocalPlayer( C_BasePlayer *pPlayer )
return true;
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CClientModeCommander::ShouldDrawViewModel( void )
return false;
// Purpose: Return false to disable crosshair
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CClientModeCommander::ShouldDrawCrosshair( void )
return false;
// Purpose: Adjust engine rendering viewport rectangle if needed
// Input : x -
// y -
// width -
// height -
void CClientModeCommander::AdjustEngineViewport( int& x, int& y, int& width, int& height )
// Should I draw particles
bool CClientModeCommander::ShouldDrawParticles( )
Vector vCenter;
float xSize, ySize;
GetCommanderViewport()->GetCommanderOverlayPanel()->GetOrthoRenderBox(vCenter, xSize, ySize);
// Activate/deactivate particles rendering based on zoom level
float maxSize = MAX( xSize, ySize );
// Purpose: When in commander mode, force gl_clear and don't draw the skybox
void CClientModeCommander::PreRender( CViewSetup *pSetup )
if ( !m_pClear || !m_pSkyBox )
m_fOldClear = m_pClear->GetFloat();
m_pClear->SetValue( 1.0f );
pSetup->clearColor = !!m_pClear->GetInt();
m_fOldSkybox = m_pSkyBox->GetFloat();
m_pSkyBox->SetValue( 0.0f );
render->DrawTopView( true );
Vector2D mins = pSetup->origin.AsVector2D();
Vector2D maxs = pSetup->origin.AsVector2D();
mins.x += pSetup->m_OrthoLeft;
maxs.x += pSetup->m_OrthoRight;
mins.y += pSetup->m_OrthoTop;
maxs.y += pSetup->m_OrthoBottom;
render->TopViewBounds( mins, maxs );
// Activate/deactivate static prop + particles rendering based on zoom level
Vector2D size;
Vector2DSubtract( maxs, mins, size );
float maxSize = MAX( size.x, size.y );
bool showStaticProps = (maxSize < VISIBLE_STATIC_PROP_HEIGHT);
void CClientModeCommander::PostRenderWorld()
render->DrawTopView( false );
// Purpose: Restore cvar values
void CClientModeCommander::PostRender( void )
if ( !m_pClear || !m_pSkyBox )
m_pClear->SetValue( m_fOldClear );
m_pSkyBox->SetValue( m_fOldSkybox );
// Purpose: Swallow mouse wheel when in this view
// Input : down -
// keynum -
// *pszCurrentBinding -
// Output : int
int CClientModeCommander::KeyInput( int down, ButtonCode_t keynum, const char *pszCurrentBinding )
switch ( keynum )
// Swallow
return 0;
// Allow engine to process
return BaseClass::KeyInput( down, keynum, pszCurrentBinding );