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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: The Escort's Shield weapon effect
// $Workfile: $
// $Date: $
// $Log: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "sheetsimulator.h"
#include "edict.h"
#include "collisionutils.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// constructor, destructor
CSheetSimulator::CSheetSimulator( TraceLineFunc_t traceline,
TraceHullFunc_t traceHull ) :
m_pFixedPoint(0), m_ControlPoints(0),
m_TraceLine(traceline), m_TraceHull(traceHull)
if (m_pFixedPoint)
delete[] m_pFixedPoint;
delete[] m_ControlPoints;
delete[] m_pCollisionPlanes;
delete[] m_pValidCollisionPlane;
delete[] m_Particle;
// Initialization
void CSheetSimulator::Init( int w, int h, int fixedPointCount )
m_ControlPointOffset.Init( 0, 0, 0 );
m_HorizontalCount = w;
m_VerticalCount = h;
m_Particle = new Particle_t[w * h];
m_FixedPointCount = fixedPointCount;
if (fixedPointCount)
m_pFixedPoint = new Vector[fixedPointCount];
m_ControlPoints = new Vector[fixedPointCount];
m_pCollisionPlanes = new cplane_t[fixedPointCount];
m_pValidCollisionPlane = new bool[fixedPointCount];
// Initialize distances and such
m_Origin = Vector(0, 0, 0);
for ( int i = 0; i < NumParticles(); ++i )
m_Particle[i].m_Mass = 1.0f;
m_Particle[i].m_Collided = false;
m_Particle[i].m_Position = Vector(0,0,0);
m_Particle[i].m_Velocity = Vector(0,0,0);
// adds springs
void CSheetSimulator::AddSpring( int p1, int p2, float restLength )
int spring = m_Springs.AddToTail();
m_Springs[spring].m_Particle1 = p1;
m_Springs[spring].m_Particle2 = p2;
m_Springs[spring].m_RestLength = restLength;
void CSheetSimulator::AddFixedPointSpring( int fixedPoint, int p, float restLength )
assert( fixedPoint < m_FixedPointCount );
int spring = m_Springs.AddToTail();
m_Springs[spring].m_Particle1 = p;
m_Springs[spring].m_Particle2 = -(fixedPoint+1);
m_Springs[spring].m_RestLength = restLength;
// Gravity
void CSheetSimulator::SetGravityConstant( float g )
m_GravityConstant = g;
void CSheetSimulator::AddGravityForce( int particle )
m_Gravity.AddToTail( particle );
// spring constants....
void CSheetSimulator::SetPointSpringConstant( float constant )
m_PointSpringConstant = constant;
void CSheetSimulator::SetFixedSpringConstant( float constant )
m_FixedSpringConstant = constant;
void CSheetSimulator::SetViscousDrag( float drag )
m_ViscousDrag = drag;
void CSheetSimulator::SetSpringDampConstant( float damp )
m_DampConstant = damp;
// Sets the collision group
void CSheetSimulator::SetCollisionGroup( int group )
m_CollisionGroup = group;
// bounding box for collision
void CSheetSimulator::SetBoundingBox( Vector& mins, Vector& maxs )
m_FrustumBoxMin = mins;
m_FrustumBoxMax = maxs;
// bounding box for collision
void CSheetSimulator::ComputeBounds( Vector& mins, Vector& maxs )
VectorCopy( m_Particle[0].m_Position, mins );
VectorCopy( m_Particle[0].m_Position, maxs );
for (int i = 1; i < NumParticles(); ++i)
VectorMin( mins, m_Particle[i].m_Position, mins );
VectorMax( maxs, m_Particle[i].m_Position, maxs );
mins -= m_Origin;
maxs -= m_Origin;
// Set the shield position
void CSheetSimulator::SetPosition( const Vector& origin, const QAngle& angles )
// FIXME: Need a better metric for position reset
if (m_Origin.DistToSqr(origin) > 1e3)
for ( int i = 0; i < NumParticles(); ++i )
m_Particle[i].m_Position = origin;
m_Particle[i].m_Velocity = Vector(0,0,0);
m_Origin = origin;
m_Angles = angles;
// get at the points
int CSheetSimulator::NumHorizontal() const
return m_HorizontalCount;
int CSheetSimulator::NumVertical() const
return m_VerticalCount;
int CSheetSimulator::PointCount() const
return m_HorizontalCount * m_VerticalCount;
const Vector& CSheetSimulator::GetPoint( int x, int y ) const
return m_Particle[y * NumHorizontal() + x].m_Position;
const Vector& CSheetSimulator::GetPoint( int i ) const
return m_Particle[i].m_Position;
// Fixed points
Vector& CSheetSimulator::GetFixedPoint( int i )
assert( i < m_FixedPointCount );
return m_pFixedPoint[i];
// For offseting the control points
void CSheetSimulator::SetControlPointOffset( const Vector& offset )
VectorCopy( offset, m_ControlPointOffset );
// Compute the position of the fixed points
void CSheetSimulator::ComputeControlPoints()
//trace_t tr;
Vector forward, right, up;
AngleVectors(m_Angles, &forward, &right, &up);
for (int i = 0; i < m_FixedPointCount; ++i)
VectorAdd( m_Origin, m_ControlPointOffset, m_ControlPoints[i] );
m_ControlPoints[i] += right * m_pFixedPoint[i].x;
m_ControlPoints[i] += up * m_pFixedPoint[i].z;
m_ControlPoints[i] += forward * m_pFixedPoint[i].y;
// Clear forces + velocities affecting each point
void CSheetSimulator::ClearForces()
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < NumParticles(); ++i)
m_Particle[i].m_Force = Vector(0,0,0);
// Update the shield positions
void CSheetSimulator::ComputeForces()
float springConstant;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < m_Springs.Size(); ++i )
// Hook's law for a damped spring:
// got two particles, a and b with positions xa and xb and velocities va and vb
// and l = xa - xb
// fa = -( ks * (|l| - r) + kd * (va - vb) dot (l) / |l|) * l/|l|
Vector dx, dv, force;
if (m_Springs[i].m_Particle2 < 0)
// Case where we're connected to a control point
dx = m_Particle[m_Springs[i].m_Particle1].m_Position -
m_ControlPoints[- m_Springs[i].m_Particle2 - 1];
dv = m_Particle[m_Springs[i].m_Particle1].m_Velocity;
springConstant = m_FixedSpringConstant;
// Case where we're connected to another part of the shield
dx = m_Particle[m_Springs[i].m_Particle1].m_Position -
dv = m_Particle[m_Springs[i].m_Particle1].m_Velocity -
springConstant = m_PointSpringConstant;
float length = dx.Length();
if (length < 1e-6)
dx /= length;
float springfactor = springConstant * ( length - m_Springs[i].m_RestLength);
float dampfactor = m_DampConstant * DotProduct( dv, dx );
force = dx * -( springfactor + dampfactor );
m_Particle[m_Springs[i].m_Particle1].m_Force += force;
if (m_Springs[i].m_Particle2 >= 0)
m_Particle[m_Springs[i].m_Particle2].m_Force -= force;
assert( IsFinite( m_Particle[m_Springs[i].m_Particle1].m_Force.x ) &&
IsFinite( m_Particle[m_Springs[i].m_Particle1].m_Force.y) &&
IsFinite( m_Particle[m_Springs[i].m_Particle1].m_Force.z) );
// gravity term
for (i = 0; i < m_Gravity.Count(); ++i)
m_Particle[m_Gravity[i]].m_Force.z -= m_Particle[m_Gravity[i]].m_Mass * m_GravityConstant;
// viscous drag term
for (i = 0; i < NumParticles(); ++i)
// Factor out bad forces for surface contact
// Do this before the drag term otherwise the drag will be too large
if ((m_Particle[i].m_CollisionPlane) >= 0)
const Vector& planeNormal = m_pCollisionPlanes[m_Particle[i].m_CollisionPlane].normal;
float perp = DotProduct( m_Particle[i].m_Force, planeNormal );
if (perp < 0)
m_Particle[i].m_Force -= planeNormal * perp;
Vector drag = m_Particle[i].m_Velocity * m_ViscousDrag;
m_Particle[i].m_Force -= drag;
// Used for testing neighbors against a particular plane
void CSheetSimulator::TestVertAgainstPlane( int vert, int plane, bool bFarTest )
if (!m_pValidCollisionPlane[plane])
// Compute distance to the plane under consideration
cplane_t* pPlane = &m_pCollisionPlanes[plane];
Ray_t ray;
ray.Init( m_Origin, m_Particle[vert].m_Position );
float t = IntersectRayWithPlane( ray, *pPlane );
if (!bFarTest || (t <= 1.0f))
if ((t < m_Particle[vert].m_CollisionDist) && (t >= 0.0f))
m_Particle[vert].m_CollisionDist = t;
m_Particle[vert].m_CollisionPlane = plane;
// Collision detect
void CSheetSimulator::InitPosition( int i )
// Collision test...
// Check a line that goes farther out than our current point...
// This will let us check for resting contact
trace_t tr;
m_TraceHull(m_Origin, m_ControlPoints[i], m_FrustumBoxMin, m_FrustumBoxMax,
MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, m_CollisionGroup, &tr );
if ( tr.fraction - 1.0 < 0 )
memcpy( &m_pCollisionPlanes[i], &tr.plane, sizeof(cplane_t) );
m_pCollisionPlanes[i].dist += COLLISION_PLANE_OFFSET;
// The trace endpos represents where the center of the box
// ends up being. We actually want to choose a point which is on the
// collision plane
Vector delta;
VectorSubtract( m_ControlPoints[i], m_Origin, delta );
int maxdist = VectorNormalize( delta );
float dist = (m_pCollisionPlanes[i].dist - DotProduct( m_Origin, m_pCollisionPlanes[i].normal )) /
DotProduct( delta, m_pCollisionPlanes[i].normal );
if (dist > maxdist)
dist = maxdist;
VectorMA( m_Origin, dist, delta, m_Particle[i].m_Position );
m_pValidCollisionPlane[i] = true;
else if (tr.allsolid || tr.startsolid)
m_pValidCollisionPlane[i] = true;
VectorSubtract( m_Origin, m_ControlPoints[i], m_pCollisionPlanes[i].normal );
VectorNormalize( m_pCollisionPlanes[i].normal );
m_pCollisionPlanes[i].dist = DotProduct( m_Origin, m_pCollisionPlanes[i].normal ) - COLLISION_PLANE_OFFSET;
m_pCollisionPlanes[i].type = 3;
VectorCopy( m_ControlPoints[i], m_Particle[i].m_Position );
m_pValidCollisionPlane[i] = false;
// Collision detect
void CSheetSimulator::DetectCollision( int i, float flPlaneOffset )
// Collision test...
// Check a line that goes farther out than our current point...
// This will let us check for resting contact
// Vector endpt = m_Particle[i].m_Position;
trace_t tr;
m_TraceHull(m_Origin, m_ControlPoints[i], m_FrustumBoxMin, m_FrustumBoxMax,
MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, m_CollisionGroup, &tr );
if ( tr.fraction - 1.0 < 0 )
m_pValidCollisionPlane[i] = true;
memcpy( &m_pCollisionPlanes[i], &tr.plane, sizeof(cplane_t) );
m_pCollisionPlanes[i].dist += flPlaneOffset;
else if (tr.allsolid || tr.startsolid)
m_pValidCollisionPlane[i] = true;
VectorSubtract( m_Origin, m_ControlPoints[i], m_pCollisionPlanes[i].normal );
VectorNormalize( m_pCollisionPlanes[i].normal );
m_pCollisionPlanes[i].dist = DotProduct( m_Origin, m_pCollisionPlanes[i].normal ) - flPlaneOffset;
m_pCollisionPlanes[i].type = 3;
m_pValidCollisionPlane[i] = false;
// Collision plane fixup
void CSheetSimulator::DetermineBestCollisionPlane( bool bFarTest )
// Check neighbors for violation of collision plane constraints
for ( int i = 0; i < NumVertical(); ++i)
for ( int j = 0; j < NumHorizontal(); ++j)
// Here's the particle we're making springs for
int idx = i * NumHorizontal() + j;
// Now that we've seen all collisions, find the best collision plane
// to use (look at myself and all neighbors). The best plane
// is the one that comes closest to the origin.
m_Particle[idx].m_CollisionDist = FLT_MAX;
m_Particle[idx].m_CollisionPlane = -1;
TestVertAgainstPlane( idx, idx, bFarTest );
if (j > 0)
TestVertAgainstPlane( idx, idx-1, bFarTest );
if (j < NumHorizontal() - 1)
TestVertAgainstPlane( idx, idx+1, bFarTest );
if (i > 0)
TestVertAgainstPlane( idx, idx-NumHorizontal(), bFarTest );
if (i < NumVertical() - 1)
TestVertAgainstPlane( idx, idx+NumHorizontal(), bFarTest );
// satify collision constraints
void CSheetSimulator::SatisfyCollisionConstraints()
// Eliminate velocity perp to a collision plane
for ( int i = 0; i < NumParticles(); ++i )
// The actual collision plane
if (m_Particle[i].m_CollisionPlane >= 0)
cplane_t* pPlane = &m_pCollisionPlanes[m_Particle[i].m_CollisionPlane];
// Fix up position so it lies on the plane
Vector delta = m_Particle[i].m_Position - m_Origin;
m_Particle[i].m_Position = m_Origin + delta * m_Particle[i].m_CollisionDist;
float perp = DotProduct( m_Particle[i].m_Velocity, pPlane->normal );
if (perp < 0)
m_Particle[i].m_Velocity -= pPlane->normal * perp;
// integrator
void CSheetSimulator::EulerStep( float dt )
// Update positions and velocities
for ( int i = 0; i < NumParticles(); ++i)
m_Particle[i].m_Position += m_Particle[i].m_Velocity * dt;
m_Particle[i].m_Velocity += m_Particle[i].m_Force * dt / m_Particle[i].m_Mass;
assert( IsFinite( m_Particle[i].m_Velocity.x ) &&
IsFinite( m_Particle[i].m_Velocity.y) &&
IsFinite( m_Particle[i].m_Velocity.z) );
// clamp for stability
float lensq = m_Particle[i].m_Velocity.LengthSqr();
if (lensq > 1e6)
m_Particle[i].m_Velocity *= 1e3 / sqrt(lensq);
// Update the shield position:
void CSheetSimulator::Simulate( float dt )
// Initialize positions if necessary
void CSheetSimulator::Simulate( float dt, int steps )
// Initialize positions if necessary
dt /= steps;
for (int i = 0; i < steps; ++i)
// Each step, we want to re-select the best collision planes to constrain
// the movement by
#define CLAMP_DIST 6.0
void CSheetSimulator::ClampPointsToCollisionPlanes()
// Find collision planes to clamp to
DetermineBestCollisionPlane( false );
// Eliminate velocity perp to a collision plane
for ( int i = 0; i < NumParticles(); ++i )
// The actual collision plane
if (m_Particle[i].m_CollisionPlane >= 0)
cplane_t* pPlane = &m_pCollisionPlanes[m_Particle[i].m_CollisionPlane];
// Make sure we have a close enough perpendicular distance to the plane...
float flPerpDist = fabs ( DotProduct( m_Particle[i].m_Position, pPlane->normal ) - pPlane->dist );
if (flPerpDist >= CLAMP_DIST)
// Drop it along the perp
VectorMA( m_Particle[i].m_Position, -flPerpDist, pPlane->normal, m_Particle[i].m_Position );
// Class to help dealing with the iterative computation
CIterativeSheetSimulator::CIterativeSheetSimulator( TraceLineFunc_t traceline, TraceHullFunc_t traceHull ) :
CSheetSimulator( traceline, traceHull ),
void CIterativeSheetSimulator::BeginSimulation( float dt, int steps, int substeps, int collisionCount )
m_CurrentCollisionPt = 0;
m_TimeStep = dt;
m_SimulationSteps = steps;
m_TotalSteps = steps;
m_SubSteps = substeps;
m_InitialPass = true;
m_CollisionCount = collisionCount;
bool CIterativeSheetSimulator::Think( )
assert( m_SimulationSteps >= 0 );
// Need to iteratively perform collision detection
if (m_CurrentCollisionPt >= 0)
return false;
// Simulate it a bunch of times
Simulate(m_TimeStep, m_SubSteps);
// Reset the collision point for collision detect
m_CurrentCollisionPt = 0;
if ( m_SimulationSteps == 0 )
return true;
// Iterative collision detection
void CIterativeSheetSimulator::DetectCollisions( void )
for ( int i = 0; i < m_CollisionCount; ++i )
if (m_InitialPass)
InitPosition( m_CurrentCollisionPt );
float flOffset = COLLISION_PLANE_OFFSET * ( (float)(m_SimulationSteps - 1) / (float)(m_TotalSteps - 1) );
DetectCollision( m_CurrentCollisionPt, flOffset );
if (++m_CurrentCollisionPt >= NumParticles())
m_CurrentCollisionPt = -1;
m_InitialPass = false;