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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Cache for VCDs. PC async loads and uses the datacache to manage.
// 360 uses a baked resident image of aggregated compiled VCDs.
#include "scenefilecache/ISceneFileCache.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "tier1/utldict.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
#include "tier1/lzmaDecoder.h"
#include "scenefilecache/SceneImageFile.h"
#include "choreoscene.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
IFileSystem *filesystem = NULL;
bool IsBufferBinaryVCD( char *pBuffer, int bufferSize )
if ( bufferSize > 4 && *(int *)pBuffer == SCENE_BINARY_TAG )
return true;
return false;
class CSceneFileCache : public CBaseAppSystem< ISceneFileCache >
// IAppSystem
virtual bool Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory );
virtual void Disconnect();
virtual InitReturnVal_t Init();
virtual void Shutdown();
// ISceneFileCache
// Physically reloads image from disk
virtual void Reload();
virtual size_t GetSceneBufferSize( char const *pFilename );
virtual bool GetSceneData( char const *pFilename, byte *buf, size_t bufsize );
// alternate resident image implementation
virtual bool GetSceneCachedData( char const *pFilename, SceneCachedData_t *pData );
virtual short GetSceneCachedSound( int iScene, int iSound );
virtual const char *GetSceneString( short stringId );
// alternate implementation - uses a resident baked image of the file cache, contains all the compiled VCDs
// single i/o read at startup to mount the image
int FindSceneInImage( const char *pSceneName );
bool GetSceneDataFromImage( const char *pSceneName, int iIndex, byte *pData, size_t *pLength );
CUtlBuffer m_SceneImageFile;
bool CSceneFileCache::Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory )
if ( (filesystem = (IFileSystem *)factory( FILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION,NULL )) == NULL )
return false;
return true;
void CSceneFileCache::Disconnect()
InitReturnVal_t CSceneFileCache::Init()
const char *pSceneImageName = IsX360() ? "scenes/scenes.360.image" : "scenes/scenes.image";
if ( m_SceneImageFile.TellMaxPut() == 0 )
if ( filesystem->ReadFile( pSceneImageName, "GAME", m_SceneImageFile ) )
SceneImageHeader_t *pHeader = (SceneImageHeader_t *)m_SceneImageFile.Base();
if ( pHeader->nId != SCENE_IMAGE_ID ||
pHeader->nVersion != SCENE_IMAGE_VERSION )
Error( "CSceneFileCache: Bad scene image file %s\n", pSceneImageName );
if ( IsX360() )
if ( filesystem->GetDVDMode() == DVDMODE_STRICT )
// mandatory
Error( "CSceneFileCache: Failed to load %s\n", pSceneImageName );
// relaxed
Warning( "CSceneFileCache: Failed to load %s, scene playback disabled.\n", pSceneImageName );
return INIT_OK;
return INIT_OK;
void CSceneFileCache::Shutdown()
// Physically reloads image from disk
void CSceneFileCache::Reload()
size_t CSceneFileCache::GetSceneBufferSize( char const *pFilename )
size_t returnSize = 0;
char fn[MAX_PATH];
Q_strncpy( fn, pFilename, sizeof( fn ) );
Q_FixSlashes( fn );
Q_strlower( fn );
GetSceneDataFromImage( pFilename, FindSceneInImage( fn ), NULL, &returnSize );
return returnSize;
bool CSceneFileCache::GetSceneData( char const *pFilename, byte *buf, size_t bufsize )
Assert( pFilename );
Assert( buf );
Assert( bufsize > 0 );
char fn[MAX_PATH];
Q_strncpy( fn, pFilename, sizeof( fn ) );
Q_FixSlashes( fn );
Q_strlower( fn );
size_t nLength = bufsize;
return GetSceneDataFromImage( pFilename, FindSceneInImage( fn ), buf, &nLength );
bool CSceneFileCache::GetSceneCachedData( char const *pFilename, SceneCachedData_t *pData )
int iScene = FindSceneInImage( pFilename );
SceneImageHeader_t *pHeader = (SceneImageHeader_t *)m_SceneImageFile.Base();
if ( !pHeader || iScene < 0 || iScene >= pHeader->nNumScenes )
// not available
pData->sceneId = -1;
pData->msecs = 0;
pData->numSounds = 0;
return false;
// get scene summary
SceneImageEntry_t *pEntries = (SceneImageEntry_t *)( (byte *)pHeader + pHeader->nSceneEntryOffset );
SceneImageSummary_t *pSummary = (SceneImageSummary_t *)( (byte *)pHeader + pEntries[iScene].nSceneSummaryOffset );
pData->sceneId = iScene;
pData->msecs = pSummary->msecs;
pData->numSounds = pSummary->numSounds;
return true;
short CSceneFileCache::GetSceneCachedSound( int iScene, int iSound )
SceneImageHeader_t *pHeader = (SceneImageHeader_t *)m_SceneImageFile.Base();
if ( !pHeader || iScene < 0 || iScene >= pHeader->nNumScenes )
// huh?, image file not present or bad index
return -1;
SceneImageEntry_t *pEntries = (SceneImageEntry_t *)( (byte *)pHeader + pHeader->nSceneEntryOffset );
SceneImageSummary_t *pSummary = (SceneImageSummary_t *)( (byte *)pHeader + pEntries[iScene].nSceneSummaryOffset );
if ( iSound < 0 || iSound >= pSummary->numSounds )
// bad index
Assert( 0 );
return -1;
return pSummary->soundStrings[iSound];
const char *CSceneFileCache::GetSceneString( short stringId )
SceneImageHeader_t *pHeader = (SceneImageHeader_t *)m_SceneImageFile.Base();
if ( !pHeader || stringId < 0 || stringId >= pHeader->nNumStrings )
// huh?, image file not present, or index bad
return NULL;
return pHeader->String( stringId );
// Returns -1 if not found, otherwise [0..n] index.
int CSceneFileCache::FindSceneInImage( const char *pSceneName )
SceneImageHeader_t *pHeader = (SceneImageHeader_t *)m_SceneImageFile.Base();
if ( !pHeader )
return -1;
SceneImageEntry_t *pEntries = (SceneImageEntry_t *)( (byte *)pHeader + pHeader->nSceneEntryOffset );
char szCleanName[MAX_PATH];
V_strncpy( szCleanName, pSceneName, sizeof( szCleanName ) );
V_strlower( szCleanName );
#ifdef POSIX
V_FixSlashes( szCleanName, '\\' );
V_FixSlashes( szCleanName );
V_SetExtension( szCleanName, ".vcd", sizeof( szCleanName ) );
CRC32_t crcFilename = CRC32_ProcessSingleBuffer( szCleanName, strlen( szCleanName ) );
// use binary search, entries are sorted by ascending crc
int nLowerIdx = 1;
int nUpperIdx = pHeader->nNumScenes;
for ( ;; )
if ( nUpperIdx < nLowerIdx )
return -1;
int nMiddleIndex = ( nLowerIdx + nUpperIdx )/2;
CRC32_t nProbe = pEntries[nMiddleIndex-1].crcFilename;
if ( crcFilename < nProbe )
nUpperIdx = nMiddleIndex - 1;
if ( crcFilename > nProbe )
nLowerIdx = nMiddleIndex + 1;
return nMiddleIndex - 1;
return -1;
// Returns true if success, false otherwise. Caller must free ouput scene data
bool CSceneFileCache::GetSceneDataFromImage( const char *pFileName, int iScene, byte *pSceneData, size_t *pSceneLength )
SceneImageHeader_t *pHeader = (SceneImageHeader_t *)m_SceneImageFile.Base();
if ( !pHeader || iScene < 0 || iScene >= pHeader->nNumScenes )
if ( pSceneData )
*pSceneData = NULL;
if ( pSceneLength )
*pSceneLength = 0;
return false;
SceneImageEntry_t *pEntries = (SceneImageEntry_t *)( (byte *)pHeader + pHeader->nSceneEntryOffset );
unsigned char *pData = (unsigned char *)pHeader + pEntries[iScene].nDataOffset;
bool bIsCompressed;
bIsCompressed = CLZMA::IsCompressed( pData );
if ( bIsCompressed )
int originalSize = CLZMA::GetActualSize( pData );
if ( pSceneData )
int nMaxLen = *pSceneLength;
if ( originalSize <= nMaxLen )
CLZMA::Uncompress( pData, pSceneData );
unsigned char *pOutputData = (unsigned char *)malloc( originalSize );
CLZMA::Uncompress( pData, pOutputData );
V_memcpy( pSceneData, pOutputData, nMaxLen );
free( pOutputData );
if ( pSceneLength )
*pSceneLength = originalSize;
if ( pSceneData )
size_t nCountToCopy = min(*pSceneLength, (size_t)pEntries[iScene].nDataLength );
V_memcpy( pSceneData, pData, nCountToCopy );
if ( pSceneLength )
*pSceneLength = (size_t)pEntries[iScene].nDataLength;
return true;
static CSceneFileCache g_SceneFileCache;