2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00

747 lines
22 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// TODO:
// - Use a mempool
// - Need to be able to gracefully turn replay ragdolls on/off
#include "cbase.h"
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
#include "replay_ragdoll.h"
#include "tier1/mempool.h"
#include "debugoverlay_shared.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
static matrix3x4_t gs_BoneCache[ MAXSTUDIOBONES ];
static int gs_nBytesAllocated = 0;
void OnReplayCacheClientRagdollsCvarChange( IConVar *pVar, const char *pOldValue, float flOldValue )
// TODO: need to be able to gracefully turn replay ragdolls on/off
static ConVar replay_ragdoll_dbg( "replay_ragdoll_dbg", "0", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL, "Display replay ragdoll debugging information." );
static ConVar replay_cache_client_ragdolls( "replay_cache_client_ragdolls", "0", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL, "Record ragdolls on the client during.", OnReplayCacheClientRagdollsCvarChange );
void DrawBones( matrix3x4_t const* pBones, int nNumBones, ragdoll_t const* pRagdoll,
int nRed, int nGreen, int nBlue, C_BaseAnimating* pBaseAnimating )
Assert( pBones );
Assert( pRagdoll );
Assert( pBaseAnimating );
Vector from, to;
for ( int i = 0; i < nNumBones; ++i )
// debugoverlay->AddCoordFrameOverlay( pBones[ i ], 3.0f );
int const iRagdollParentIndex = pRagdoll->list[ i ].parentIndex;
if ( iRagdollParentIndex < 0 )
int iBoneIndex = pRagdoll->boneIndex[ i ];
int iParentIndex = pRagdoll->boneIndex[ iRagdollParentIndex ];
MatrixPosition( pBones[ iParentIndex ], from );
MatrixPosition( pBones[ iBoneIndex ], to );
debugoverlay->AddLineOverlay( from, to, nRed, nGreen, nBlue, true, 0.0f );
inline int GetServerTickCount()
int nTick = TIME_TO_TICKS( engine->GetLastTimeStamp() );
return nTick;
/*static*/ RagdollSimulationFrame_t* RagdollSimulationFrame_t::Alloc( int nNumBones )
// TODO: use a mempool
RagdollSimulationFrame_t* pNew = new RagdollSimulationFrame_t();
pNew->pPositions = new Vector[ nNumBones ];
pNew->pAngles = new QAngle[ nNumBones ];
gs_nBytesAllocated += sizeof( pNew ) + nNumBones * ( sizeof( Vector ) + sizeof( QAngle ) );
return pNew;
RagdollSimulationData_t::RagdollSimulationData_t( C_BaseAnimating* pEntity, int nStartTick, int nNumBones )
: m_pEntity( pEntity ),
m_nEntityIndex( -1 ),
m_nStartTick( nStartTick ),
m_nNumBones( nNumBones ),
m_nDuration( -1 )
if ( pEntity )
m_nEntityIndex = pEntity->entindex();
Assert( nNumBones >= 0 && nNumBones < MAXSTUDIOBONES );
bool _ComputeRagdollBones( const ragdoll_t *pRagdoll, matrix3x4_t &parentTransform, matrix3x4_t *pBones, Vector *pPositions, QAngle *pAngles )
matrix3x4_t inverted, output;
#ifdef _DEBUG
CBitVec<MAXSTUDIOBONES> vBonesComputed;
for ( int i = 0; i < pRagdoll->listCount; ++i )
const ragdollelement_t& element = pRagdoll->list[ i ];
// during restore if a model has changed since the file was saved, this could be NULL
if ( !element.pObject )
return false;
int const boneIndex = pRagdoll->boneIndex[ i ];
if ( boneIndex < 0 )
AssertMsg( 0, "Replay: No mapping for ragdoll bone\n" );
return false;
// Get global transform and put it into the bone cache
element.pObject->GetPositionMatrix( &pBones[ boneIndex ] );
// Ensure a fixed translation from the parent (no stretching)
if ( element.parentIndex >= 0 && !pRagdoll->allowStretch )
int parentIndex = pRagdoll->boneIndex[ element.parentIndex ];
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Make sure we computed the parent already
Assert( vBonesComputed.IsBitSet(parentIndex) );
// overwrite the position from physics to force rigid attachment
// NOTE: On the client we actually override this with the proper parent bone in each LOD
Vector out;
VectorTransform( element.originParentSpace, pBones[ parentIndex ], out );
MatrixSetColumn( out, 3, pBones[ boneIndex ] );
MatrixInvert( pBones[ parentIndex ], inverted );
else if ( element.parentIndex == - 1 )
// Decompose into parent space
MatrixInvert( parentTransform, inverted );
#ifdef _DEBUG
vBonesComputed.Set( boneIndex, true );
// Compute local transform and put into 'output'
ConcatTransforms( inverted, pBones[ boneIndex ], output );
// Cache as Euler/position
MatrixAngles( output, pAngles[ i ], pPositions[ i ] );
return true;
void RagdollSimulationData_t::Record()
Assert( m_pEntity->m_pRagdoll );
// Allocate a frame
RagdollSimulationFrame_t* pNewFrame = RagdollSimulationFrame_t::Alloc( m_nNumBones );
if ( !pNewFrame )
// Set the current tick
pNewFrame->nTick = GetServerTickCount();
// Add new frame to list of frames
m_lstFrames.AddToTail( pNewFrame );
// Compute parent transform
matrix3x4_t parentTransform;
Vector vRootPosition = m_pEntity->GetRenderOrigin();
QAngle angRootAngles = m_pEntity->GetRenderAngles();
AngleMatrix( angRootAngles, vRootPosition, parentTransform );
// debugoverlay->AddCoordFrameOverlay( parentTransform, 100 );
// Cache off root position/orientation
pNewFrame->vRootPosition = vRootPosition;
pNewFrame->angRootAngles = angRootAngles;
// Compute actual ragdoll bones
matrix3x4_t* pBones = gs_BoneCache;
_ComputeRagdollBones( m_pEntity->m_pRagdoll->GetRagdoll(), parentTransform, pBones, pNewFrame->pPositions, pNewFrame->pAngles );
// Draw bones
if ( replay_ragdoll_dbg.GetBool() )
DrawBones( pBones, m_pEntity->m_pRagdoll->RagdollBoneCount(), m_pEntity->m_pRagdoll->GetRagdoll(), 255, 0, 0, m_pEntity );
: m_bIsRecording(false)
/*static*/ CReplayRagdollRecorder& CReplayRagdollRecorder::Instance()
static CReplayRagdollRecorder s_instance;
return s_instance;
void CReplayRagdollRecorder::Init()
Assert( !m_bIsRecording );
m_bIsRecording = true;
gs_nBytesAllocated = 0;
void CReplayRagdollRecorder::Shutdown()
if ( !m_bIsRecording )
gs_nBytesAllocated = 0;
// RemoveAll() purges, and there is no UnlinkAll() - is there an easier way to do this?
Iterator_t i = m_lstRagdollsToRecord.Head();
while ( i != m_lstRagdollsToRecord.InvalidIndex() )
m_lstRagdollsToRecord.Unlink( i );
i = m_lstRagdollsToRecord.Head();
Assert( m_bIsRecording );
m_bIsRecording = false;
void CReplayRagdollRecorder::AddEntry( C_BaseAnimating* pEntity, int nStartTick, int nNumBones )
DevMsg( "Replay: Processing Ragdoll at time %d\n", nStartTick );
Assert( pEntity );
RagdollSimulationData_t* pNewEntry = new RagdollSimulationData_t( pEntity, nStartTick, nNumBones );
gs_nBytesAllocated += sizeof( RagdollSimulationData_t );
m_lstRagdolls.AddToTail( pNewEntry );
// Also add to list of ragdolls to record
m_lstRagdollsToRecord.AddToTail( pNewEntry );
void CReplayRagdollRecorder::StopRecordingRagdoll( C_BaseAnimating* pEntity )
Assert( pEntity );
// Find the entry in the recording list
Iterator_t nIndex;
if ( !FindEntryInRecordingList( pEntity, nIndex ) )
StopRecordingRagdollAtIndex( nIndex );
void CReplayRagdollRecorder::StopRecordingRagdollAtIndex( Iterator_t nIndex )
// No longer recording - compute duration
RagdollSimulationData_t* pData = m_lstRagdollsToRecord[ nIndex ];
// Does duration need to be set?
if ( pData->m_nDuration < 0 )
pData->m_nDuration = GetServerTickCount() - pData->m_nStartTick; Assert( pData->m_nDuration > 0 );
// Remove it from the recording list
m_lstRagdollsToRecord.Unlink( nIndex );
void CReplayRagdollRecorder::StopRecordingSleepingRagdolls()
Iterator_t i = m_lstRagdollsToRecord.Head();
while ( i != m_lstRagdollsToRecord.InvalidIndex() )
if ( RagdollIsAsleep( *m_lstRagdollsToRecord[ i ]->m_pEntity->m_pRagdoll->GetRagdoll() ) )
DevMsg( "entity %d: Removing sleeping ragdoll\n", m_lstRagdollsToRecord[ i ]->m_nEntityIndex );
StopRecordingRagdollAtIndex( i );
i = m_lstRagdollsToRecord.Head();
i = m_lstRagdollsToRecord.Next( i );
bool CReplayRagdollRecorder::FindEntryInRecordingList( C_BaseAnimating* pEntity,
CReplayRagdollRecorder::Iterator_t& nOutIndex )
// Find the entry
FOR_EACH_LL( m_lstRagdollsToRecord, i )
if ( m_lstRagdollsToRecord[ i ]->m_pEntity == pEntity )
nOutIndex = i;
return true;
nOutIndex = m_lstRagdollsToRecord.InvalidIndex();
return false;
void CReplayRagdollRecorder::Record()
static ConVar* pReplayEnable = NULL;
static bool bLookedForConvar = false;
if ( bLookedForConvar )
pReplayEnable = (ConVar*)cvar->FindVar( "replay_enable" );
bLookedForConvar = true;
if ( !pReplayEnable || !pReplayEnable->GetInt() )
if ( !replay_cache_client_ragdolls.GetInt() )
FOR_EACH_LL( m_lstRagdollsToRecord, i )
Assert( m_lstRagdollsToRecord[ i ]->m_pEntity->IsRagdoll() );
m_lstRagdollsToRecord[ i ]->Record();
void CReplayRagdollRecorder::Think()
if ( !IsRecording() )
void CReplayRagdollRecorder::PrintDebug()
if ( !replay_ragdoll_dbg.GetInt() )
int nLine = 0;
// Print memory usage
engine->Con_NPrintf( nLine++, "ragdolls: %.2f MB", gs_nBytesAllocated / 1048576.0f );
// Print server time
engine->Con_NPrintf( nLine++, "server time: %d", GetServerTickCount() );
++nLine; // Blank line
// Print info about each ragdoll
FOR_EACH_LL( m_lstRagdolls, i )
engine->Con_NPrintf( nLine++, "entity %d: start time=%d duration=%d num bones=%d", m_lstRagdolls[i]->m_nEntityIndex, m_lstRagdolls[i]->m_nStartTick, m_lstRagdolls[i]->m_nDuration, m_lstRagdolls[i]->m_nNumBones );
void CReplayRagdollRecorder::CleanupStartupTicksAndDurations( int nStartTick )
FOR_EACH_LL( m_lstRagdolls, i )
RagdollSimulationData_t* pRagdollData = m_lstRagdolls[ i ];
// Offset start tick with start tick, sent over from server
pRagdollData->m_nStartTick -= nStartTick; Assert( pRagdollData->m_nStartTick >= 0 );
// Setup duration
pRagdollData->m_nDuration = GetServerTickCount() - nStartTick; Assert( pRagdollData->m_nDuration > 0 );
// Go through all frames and subtract the start tick
FOR_EACH_LL( pRagdollData->m_lstFrames, j )
pRagdollData->m_lstFrames[ j ]->nTick -= nStartTick;
BEGIN_DMXELEMENT_UNPACK( RagdollSimulationData_t )
DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD( "nEntityIndex", "0", int, m_nEntityIndex )
DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD( "nStartTick", "0", int, m_nStartTick )
DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD( "nDuration", "0", int, m_nDuration )
DMXELEMENT_UNPACK_FIELD( "nNumBones", "0", int, m_nNumBones )
END_DMXELEMENT_UNPACK( RagdollSimulationData_t, s_RagdollSimulationDataUnpack )
bool CReplayRagdollRecorder::DumpRagdollsToDisk( char const* pFilename ) const
CDmxElement* pSimulations = CreateDmxElement( "Simulations" );
CDmxElementModifyScope modify( pSimulations );
int const nNumRagdolls = m_lstRagdolls.Count();
pSimulations->SetValue( "iNumRagdolls", nNumRagdolls );
CDmxAttribute* pRagdolls = pSimulations->AddAttribute( "ragdolls" );
CUtlVector< CDmxElement* >& ragdolls = pRagdolls->GetArrayForEdit< CDmxElement* >();
char name[32];
FOR_EACH_LL( m_lstRagdolls, i )
RagdollSimulationData_t const* pData = m_lstRagdolls[ i ];
// Make sure we've setup all durations properly
Assert( pData->m_nDuration >= 0 );
CDmxElement* pRagdoll = CreateDmxElement( "ragdoll" );
ragdolls.AddToTail( pRagdoll );
V_snprintf( name, sizeof(name), "ragdoll %d", i );
pRagdoll->SetValue( "name", name );
CDmxElementModifyScope modifyClass( pRagdoll );
pRagdoll->AddAttributesFromStructure( pData, s_RagdollSimulationDataUnpack );
CDmxAttribute* pFrames = pRagdoll->AddAttribute( "frames" );
CUtlVector< CDmxElement* >& frames = pFrames->GetArrayForEdit< CDmxElement* >();
FOR_EACH_LL( pData->m_lstFrames, j )
CDmxElement* pFrame = CreateDmxElement( "frame" );
frames.AddToTail( pFrame );
V_snprintf( name, sizeof(name), "frame %d", j );
pFrame->SetValue( "name", name );
// Store tick
pFrame->SetValue( "tick", pData->m_lstFrames[ j ]->nTick );
// Store root pos/orientation
pFrame->SetValue( "root_pos" , pData->m_lstFrames[ j ]->vRootPosition );
pFrame->SetValue( "root_angles", pData->m_lstFrames[ j ]->angRootAngles );
for ( int k = 0; k < pData->m_nNumBones; ++k )
CDmxAttribute* pPositions = pFrame->AddAttribute( "positions" );
CUtlVector< Vector >& positions = pPositions->GetArrayForEdit< Vector >();
CDmxAttribute* pAngles = pFrame->AddAttribute( "angles" );
CUtlVector< QAngle >& angles = pAngles->GetArrayForEdit< QAngle >();
positions.AddToTail( pData->m_lstFrames[ j ]->pPositions[ k ] );
angles.AddToTail( pData->m_lstFrames[ j ]->pAngles[ k ] );
CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
if ( !SerializeDMX( buf, pSimulations, pFilename ) )
Warning( "Replay: Failed to write ragdoll cache, %s.\n", pFilename );
return false;
// Write the file
filesystem->WriteFile( pFilename, "MOD", buf );
CleanupDMX( pSimulations );
Msg( "Replay: Cached ragdoll data.\n" );
return true;
: m_bInit( false )
/*static*/ CReplayRagdollCache& CReplayRagdollCache::Instance()
static CReplayRagdollCache s_instance;
return s_instance;
bool CReplayRagdollCache::Init( char const* pFilename )
Assert( !m_bInit );
// Make sure valid filename
if ( !pFilename || pFilename[0] == 0 )
return false;
// Attempt to read from disk
CDmxElement* pRagdolls = NULL;
if ( !UnserializeDMX( pFilename, "MOD", true, &pRagdolls ) )
// if ( !UnserializeDMX( pFilename, "GAME", false, &pRagdolls ) )
return false;
CUtlVector< CDmxElement* > const& ragdolls = pRagdolls->GetArray< CDmxElement* >( "ragdolls" );
for ( int i = 0; i < ragdolls.Count(); ++i )
CDmxElement* pCurRagdollInput = ragdolls[ i ];
// Create a new ragdoll entry and add to list
RagdollSimulationData_t* pNewSimData = new RagdollSimulationData_t();
m_lstRagdolls.AddToTail( pNewSimData );
// Read
pCurRagdollInput->UnpackIntoStructure( pNewSimData, sizeof( *pNewSimData ), s_RagdollSimulationDataUnpack );
// NOTE: Entity ptr doesn't get linked up here because it doesn't necessarily exist at this point
// Read frames
CUtlVector< CDmxElement* > const& frames = pCurRagdollInput->GetArray< CDmxElement* >( "frames" );
for ( int j = 0; j < frames.Count(); ++j )
CDmxElement* pCurFrameInput = frames[ j ];
// Create a new frame and add it to list of frames
RagdollSimulationFrame_t* pNewFrame = RagdollSimulationFrame_t::Alloc( pNewSimData->m_nNumBones );
pNewSimData->m_lstFrames.AddToTail( pNewFrame );
// Read tick
pNewFrame->nTick = pCurFrameInput->GetValue( "tick", -1 ); Assert( pNewFrame->nTick != -1 );
// Read root pos/orientation
pNewFrame->vRootPosition = pCurFrameInput->GetValue( "root_pos" , vec3_origin );
pNewFrame->angRootAngles = pCurFrameInput->GetValue( "root_angles", vec3_angle );
CUtlVector< Vector > const& positions = pCurFrameInput->GetArray< Vector >( "positions" );
CUtlVector< QAngle > const& angles = pCurFrameInput->GetArray< QAngle >( "angles" );
for ( int k = 0; k < pNewSimData->m_nNumBones; ++k )
pNewFrame->pPositions[ k ] = positions[ k ];
pNewFrame->pAngles[ k ] = angles[ k ];
// Cleanup
CleanupDMX( pRagdolls );
m_bInit = true;
return true;
void CReplayRagdollCache::Shutdown()
if ( !m_bInit )
m_bInit = false;
ConVar replay_ragdoll_blending( "replay_ragdoll_blending", "1", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY );
ConVar replay_ragdoll_tickoffset( "replay_ragdoll_tickoffset", "0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY );
bool CReplayRagdollCache::GetFrame( C_BaseAnimating* pEntity, int nTick, bool* pBoneSimulated, CBoneAccessor* pBoneAccessor ) const
nTick += replay_ragdoll_tickoffset.GetInt();
Assert( pEntity );
Assert( pBoneSimulated );
Assert( pEntity->m_pRagdoll );
// Find ragdoll for the given entity - will return NULL if nTick is out of the entry's time window
const RagdollSimulationData_t* pRagdollEntry = FindRagdollEntry( pEntity, nTick );
if ( !pRagdollEntry )
return false;
// Find frame for the given tick
RagdollSimulationFrame_t* pFrame;
RagdollSimulationFrame_t* pNextFrame;
if ( !FindFrame( pFrame, pNextFrame, pRagdollEntry, nTick ) )
return false;
// Compute root transform
matrix3x4_t rootTransform;
float flInterpAmount = gpGlobals->interpolation_amount;
if ( pNextFrame )
(const QAngle &)Lerp( flInterpAmount, pFrame->angRootAngles, pNextFrame->angRootAngles ), // Actually does a slerp
Lerp( flInterpAmount, pFrame->vRootPosition, pNextFrame->vRootPosition ),
AngleMatrix( pFrame->angRootAngles, pFrame->vRootPosition, rootTransform );
// Compute each bone
ragdoll_t* pRagdoll = pEntity->m_pRagdoll->GetRagdoll(); Assert( pRagdoll );
for ( int k = 0; k < pRagdoll->listCount; ++k )
int objectIndex = k;
const ragdollelement_t& element = pRagdoll->list[ objectIndex ];
int const boneIndex = pRagdoll->boneIndex[ objectIndex ]; Assert( boneIndex >= 0 );
// Compute blended transform if possible
matrix3x4_t localTransform;
if ( pNextFrame && replay_ragdoll_blending.GetInt() )
// Get blended Eular angles - NOTE: The Lerp() here actually calls Lerp<QAngle>() which converts to quats and back
float flInterpAmount = gpGlobals->interpolation_amount; Assert( flInterpAmount >= 0.0f && flInterpAmount <= 1.0f );
(const QAngle &)Lerp( flInterpAmount, pFrame->pAngles [ objectIndex ], pNextFrame->pAngles [ objectIndex ] ),
Lerp( flInterpAmount, pFrame->pPositions[ objectIndex ], pNextFrame->pPositions[ objectIndex ] ),
// Last frame
AngleMatrix( pFrame->pAngles[ objectIndex ], pFrame->pPositions[ objectIndex ], localTransform );
matrix3x4_t& boneMatrix = pBoneAccessor->GetBoneForWrite( boneIndex );
if ( element.parentIndex < 0 )
ConcatTransforms( rootTransform, localTransform, boneMatrix );
int parentBoneIndex = pRagdoll->boneIndex[ element.parentIndex ]; Assert( parentBoneIndex >= 0 );
Assert( pBoneSimulated[ parentBoneIndex ] );
matrix3x4_t const& parentMatrix = pBoneAccessor->GetBone( parentBoneIndex );
ConcatTransforms( parentMatrix, localTransform, boneMatrix );
// Simulated this bone
pBoneSimulated[ boneIndex ] = true;
if ( replay_ragdoll_dbg.GetBool() )
DrawBones( pBoneAccessor->GetBoneArrayForWrite(), pRagdollEntry->m_nNumBones, pRagdoll, 0, 0, 255, pEntity );
return true;
RagdollSimulationData_t* CReplayRagdollCache::FindRagdollEntry( C_BaseAnimating* pEntity, int nTick )
Assert( pEntity );
int const nEntIndex = pEntity->entindex();
FOR_EACH_LL( m_lstRagdolls, i )
RagdollSimulationData_t* pRagdollData = m_lstRagdolls[ i ];
// If not the right entity or the tick is out range, continue.
if ( pRagdollData->m_nEntityIndex != nEntIndex )
// We've got the ragdoll, but only return it if nTick is in the window
if ( nTick < pRagdollData->m_nStartTick ||
nTick > pRagdollData->m_nStartTick + pRagdollData->m_nDuration )
return NULL;
return pRagdollData;
return NULL;
bool CReplayRagdollCache::FindFrame( RagdollSimulationFrame_t*& pFrameOut, RagdollSimulationFrame_t*& pNextFrameOut,
const RagdollSimulationData_t* pRagdollEntry, int nTick )
// Look for the appropriate frame
FOR_EACH_LL( pRagdollEntry->m_lstFrames, j )
RagdollSimulationFrame_t* pFrame = pRagdollEntry->m_lstFrames[ j ];
// Get next frame if possible
int const nNext = pRagdollEntry->m_lstFrames.Next( j );
RagdollSimulationFrame_t* pNextFrame =
nNext == pRagdollEntry->m_lstFrames.InvalidIndex() ? NULL : pRagdollEntry->m_lstFrames[ nNext ];
// Use this frame?
if ( nTick >= pFrame->nTick &&
( (pNextFrame && nTick <= pNextFrame->nTick) || !pNextFrame ) ) // Use the last frame if the tick is past the range of frames -
{ // this is the "sleeping" ragdoll frame
pFrameOut = pFrame;
pNextFrameOut = pNextFrame;
return true;
pFrameOut = NULL;
pNextFrameOut = NULL;
return false;
void CReplayRagdollCache::Think()
// TODO: Add IsPlayingReplayDemo() to engine interface
engine->Con_NPrintf( 8, "time: %d", engine->GetDemoPlaybackTick() );
FOR_EACH_LL( m_lstRagdolls, i )
engine->Con_NPrintf( 10 + i, "entity %d: start time=%d duration=%d num bones=%d", m_lstRagdolls[i]->m_nEntityIndex, m_lstRagdolls[i]->m_nStartTick, m_lstRagdolls[i]->m_nDuration, m_lstRagdolls[i]->m_nNumBones );
bool Replay_CacheRagdolls( const char* pFilename, int nStartTick )
CReplayRagdollRecorder::Instance().CleanupStartupTicksAndDurations( nStartTick );
return CReplayRagdollRecorder::Instance().DumpRagdollsToDisk( pFilename );