mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 20:52:50 +00:00
829 lines
31 KiB
829 lines
31 KiB
#include "cbase.h"
#include "c_asw_steamstats.h"
#include "c_asw_debrief_stats.h"
#include "asw_gamerules.h"
#include "c_asw_game_resource.h"
#include "fmtstr.h"
#include "asw_equipment_list.h"
#include "string_t.h"
#include "asw_util_shared.h"
#include "asw_marine_profile.h"
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include "asw_shareddefs.h"
#include "c_asw_marine_resource.h"
#include "c_asw_campaign_save.h"
CASW_Steamstats g_ASW_Steamstats;
#define FETCH_STEAM_STATS( apiname, membername ) \
{ const char * szApiName = apiname; \
if( !steamapicontext->SteamUserStats()->GetUserStat( playerSteamID, szApiName, &membername ) ) \
{ \
bOK = false; \
Msg( "STEAMSTATS: Failed to retrieve stat %s.\n", szApiName ); \
} }
#define SEND_STEAM_STATS( apiname, membername ) \
{ const char * szApiName = apiname; \
steamapicontext->SteamUserStats()->SetStat( szApiName, membername ); }
// Define some strings used by the stats API
const char* szGamesTotal = ".games.total";
const char* szGamesSuccess = ".games.success";
const char* szGamesSuccessPercent = ".games.success.percent";
const char* szKillsTotal = ".kills.total";
const char* szDamageTotal = ".damage.total";
const char* szFFTotal = ".ff.total";
const char* szAccuracy = ".accuracy.avg";
const char* szShotsTotal = ".shotsfired.total";
const char* szShotsHit = ".shotshit.total";
const char* szHealingTotal = ".healing.total";
const char* szTimeTotal = ".time.total";
const char* szKillsAvg = ".kills.avg";
const char* szDamageAvg = ".damage.avg";
const char* szFFAvg = ".ff.avg";
const char* szTimeAvg = ".time.avg";
const char* szBestDifficulty = ".difficulty.best";
const char* szBestTime = ".time.best";
const char* szBestSpeedrunDifficulty = ".time.best.difficulty";
// difficulty names used when fetching steam stats
const char* g_szDifficulties[] =
const char *g_OfficialMaps[] =
bool IsOfficialCampaign()
if( !ASWGameRules()->IsCampaignGame() )
return false;
CASW_Campaign_Save *pCampaign = ASWGameRules()->GetCampaignSave();
const char *szMapName = engine->GetLevelNameShort();
const char *szCampaignName = pCampaign->GetCampaignName();
if( FStrEq( szCampaignName, "jacob" ) )
for( int i=0; i < ARRAYSIZE( g_OfficialMaps ); ++i )
if( FStrEq( szMapName, g_OfficialMaps[i] ) )
return true;
return false;
bool IsDamagingWeapon( const char* szWeaponName, bool bIsExtraEquip )
if( bIsExtraEquip )
// Check for the few damaging weapons
if( !Q_strcmp( szWeaponName, "asw_weapon_laser_mines" ) ||
!Q_strcmp( szWeaponName, "asw_weapon_hornet_barrage" ) ||
!Q_strcmp( szWeaponName, "asw_weapon_mines" ) ||
!Q_strcmp( szWeaponName, "asw_weapon_grenades" ) ||
!Q_strcmp( szWeaponName, "asw_weapon_smart_bomb" ) )
return true;
return false;
// Check for the few non-damaging weapons
if( !Q_strcmp( szWeaponName, "asw_weapon_heal_grenade" ) ||
!Q_strcmp( szWeaponName, "asw_weapon_ammo_satchel" ) ||
!Q_strcmp( szWeaponName, "asw_weapon_heal_gun" ) ||
!Q_strcmp( szWeaponName, "asw_weapon_fire_extinguisher" ) ||
!Q_strcmp( szWeaponName, "asw_weapon_t75" ) )
return false;
return true;
Class_T GetDamagingWeaponClassFromName( const char *szClassName )
if( FStrEq( szClassName, "asw_weapon_rifle") )
return (Class_T)CLASS_ASW_RIFLE;
else if( FStrEq( szClassName, "asw_weapon_prifle") )
return (Class_T)CLASS_ASW_PRIFLE;
else if( FStrEq( szClassName, "asw_weapon_autogun") )
return (Class_T)CLASS_ASW_AUTOGUN;
else if( FStrEq( szClassName, "asw_weapon_vindicator") )
else if( FStrEq( szClassName, "asw_weapon_pistol") )
return (Class_T)CLASS_ASW_PISTOL;
else if( FStrEq( szClassName, "asw_weapon_sentry") )
else if( FStrEq( szClassName, "asw_weapon_shotgun") )
return (Class_T)CLASS_ASW_SHOTGUN;
else if( FStrEq( szClassName, "asw_weapon_tesla_gun") )
return (Class_T)CLASS_ASW_TESLA_GUN;
else if( FStrEq( szClassName, "asw_weapon_railgun") )
return (Class_T)CLASS_ASW_RAILGUN;
else if( FStrEq( szClassName, "asw_weapon_pdw") )
return (Class_T)CLASS_ASW_PDW;
else if( FStrEq( szClassName, "asw_weapon_flamer") )
return (Class_T)CLASS_ASW_FLAMER;
else if( FStrEq( szClassName, "asw_weapon_sentry_freeze") )
else if( FStrEq( szClassName, "asw_weapon_minigun") )
return (Class_T)CLASS_ASW_MINIGUN;
else if( FStrEq( szClassName, "asw_weapon_sniper_rifle") )
else if( FStrEq( szClassName, "asw_weapon_sentry_flamer") )
else if( FStrEq( szClassName, "asw_weapon_chainsaw") )
else if( FStrEq( szClassName, "asw_weapon_sentry_cannon") )
else if( FStrEq( szClassName, "asw_weapon_grenade_launcher") )
else if( FStrEq( szClassName, "asw_weapon_mining_laser") )
else if( FStrEq( szClassName, "asw_weapon_laser_mines") )
else if( FStrEq( szClassName, "asw_weapon_hornet_barrage") )
else if( FStrEq( szClassName, "asw_weapon_mines") )
return (Class_T)CLASS_ASW_MINES;
else if( FStrEq( szClassName, "asw_weapon_grenades") )
else if( FStrEq( szClassName, "asw_weapon_smart_bomb") )
else if( FStrEq( szClassName, "asw_rifle_grenade") )
return (Class_T)( 255 - CLASS_ASW_RIFLE );
else if( FStrEq( szClassName, "asw_vindicator_grenade") )
return (Class_T)( 255 - CLASS_ASW_ASSAULT_SHOTGUN );
return (Class_T)CLASS_ASW_UNKNOWN;
bool CASW_Steamstats::FetchStats( CSteamID playerSteamID, CASW_Player *pPlayer )
bool bOK = true;
// Returns true so we don't re-fetch stats
if( !IsOfficialCampaign() )
return true;
// Fetch the player's overall stats
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "iTotalKills", m_iTotalKills );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "fAccuracy", m_fAccuracy );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "iFriendlyFire", m_iFriendlyFire );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "iDamage", m_iDamage );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "iShotsFired", m_iShotsFired );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "iShotsHit", m_iShotsHit );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "iAliensBurned", m_iAliensBurned );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "iHealing", m_iHealing );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "iFastHacks", m_iFastHacks );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "iGamesTotal", m_iGamesTotal );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "iGamesSuccess", m_iGamesSuccess );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "fGamesSuccessPercent", m_fGamesSuccessPercent );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "ammo_deployed", m_iAmmoDeployed );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "sentryguns_deployed", m_iSentryGunsDeployed );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "sentry_flamers_deployed", m_iSentryFlamerDeployed );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "sentry_freeze_deployed", m_iSentryFreezeDeployed );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "sentry_cannon_deployed", m_iSentryCannonDeployed );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "medkits_used", m_iMedkitsUsed );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "flares_used", m_iFlaresUsed );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "adrenaline_used", m_iAdrenalineUsed );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "tesla_traps_deployed", m_iTeslaTrapsDeployed );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "freeze_grenades_thrown", m_iFreezeGrenadesThrown );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "electric_armor_used", m_iElectricArmorUsed );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "healgun_heals", m_iHealGunHeals );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "healbeacon_heals", m_iHealBeaconHeals );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "healgun_heals_self", m_iHealGunHeals_Self );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "healbeacon_heals_self", m_iHealBeaconHeals_Self );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "damage_amps_used", m_iDamageAmpsUsed );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "healbeacons_deployed", m_iHealBeaconsDeployed );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( "playtime.total", m_iTotalPlayTime );
// Fetch starting equip information
int i=0;
while( ASWEquipmentList()->GetRegular( i ) )
// Get weapon information
if( IsDamagingWeapon( ASWEquipmentList()->GetRegular( i )->m_EquipClass, false ) )
int weaponIndex = m_WeaponStats.AddToTail();
const char *szClassname = ASWEquipmentList()->GetRegular( i )->m_EquipClass;
m_WeaponStats[weaponIndex].FetchWeaponStats( steamapicontext, playerSteamID, szClassname );
m_WeaponStats[weaponIndex].m_iWeaponIndex = GetDamagingWeaponClassFromName( szClassname );
m_WeaponStats[weaponIndex].m_bIsExtra = false;
m_WeaponStats[weaponIndex].m_szClassName = const_cast<char*>( szClassname );
// For primary equips
int32 iTempCount;
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "equips.%s.primary", ASWEquipmentList()->GetRegular( i )->m_EquipClass ), iTempCount );
m_PrimaryEquipCounts.AddToTail( iTempCount );
// For secondary equips
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "equips.%s.secondary", ASWEquipmentList()->GetRegular( i++ )->m_EquipClass ), iTempCount );
m_SecondaryEquipCounts.AddToTail( iTempCount );
while( ASWEquipmentList()->GetExtra( i ) )
// Get weapon information
if( IsDamagingWeapon( ASWEquipmentList()->GetExtra( i )->m_EquipClass, true ) )
int weaponIndex = m_WeaponStats.AddToTail();
const char *szClassname = ASWEquipmentList()->GetExtra( i )->m_EquipClass;
m_WeaponStats[weaponIndex].FetchWeaponStats( steamapicontext, playerSteamID, szClassname );
m_WeaponStats[weaponIndex].m_iWeaponIndex = GetDamagingWeaponClassFromName( szClassname );
m_WeaponStats[weaponIndex].m_bIsExtra = true;
m_WeaponStats[weaponIndex].m_szClassName = const_cast<char*>( szClassname );
int32 iTempCount;
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "equips.%s.total", ASWEquipmentList()->GetExtra( i++ )->m_EquipClass ), iTempCount );
m_ExtraEquipCounts.AddToTail( iTempCount );
// Get weapon stats for rifle grenade and vindicator grenade
int weaponIndex = m_WeaponStats.AddToTail();
char *szClassname = "asw_rifle_grenade";
m_WeaponStats[weaponIndex].FetchWeaponStats( steamapicontext, playerSteamID, szClassname );
m_WeaponStats[weaponIndex].m_iWeaponIndex = GetDamagingWeaponClassFromName( szClassname );
m_WeaponStats[weaponIndex].m_bIsExtra = false;
m_WeaponStats[weaponIndex].m_szClassName = szClassname;
weaponIndex = m_WeaponStats.AddToTail();
szClassname = "asw_vindicator_grenade";
m_WeaponStats[weaponIndex].FetchWeaponStats( steamapicontext, playerSteamID, szClassname );
m_WeaponStats[weaponIndex].m_iWeaponIndex = GetDamagingWeaponClassFromName( szClassname );
m_WeaponStats[weaponIndex].m_bIsExtra = false;
m_WeaponStats[weaponIndex].m_szClassName = szClassname;
// Fetch marine counts
while( MarineProfileList()->GetProfile( i ) )
int32 iTempCount;
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "marines.%i.total", i++ ), iTempCount );
m_MarineSelectionCounts.AddToTail( iTempCount );
// Get difficulty counts
for( int i=0; i < 5; ++i )
int32 iTempCount;
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s.games.total", g_szDifficulties[ i ] ), iTempCount );
m_DifficultyCounts.AddToTail( iTempCount );
// Fetch all stats for that difficulty
bOK &= m_DifficultyStats[i].FetchDifficultyStats( steamapicontext, playerSteamID, i + 1 );
// Get stats for this mission/difficulty/marine
bOK &= m_MissionStats.FetchMissionStats( steamapicontext, playerSteamID );
return bOK;
void CASW_Steamstats::PrepStatsForSend( CASW_Player *pPlayer )
if( !steamapicontext )
// Update stats from the briefing screen
if( !GetDebriefStats()
|| !ASWGameResource()
|| !IsOfficialCampaign()
#ifndef DEBUG
|| ASWGameRules()->m_bCheated
if( m_MarineSelectionCounts.Count() == 0 ||
m_DifficultyCounts.Count() == 0 ||
m_PrimaryEquipCounts.Count() == 0 ||
m_SecondaryEquipCounts.Count() == 0 ||
m_ExtraEquipCounts.Count() == 0 )
CASW_Marine_Resource *pMR = ASWGameResource()->GetFirstMarineResourceForPlayer( pPlayer );
if ( !pMR )
int iMarineIndex = ASWGameResource()->GetMarineResourceIndex( pMR );
if ( iMarineIndex == -1 )
int iMarineProfileIndex = pMR->m_MarineProfileIndex;
m_iTotalKills += GetDebriefStats()->GetKills( iMarineIndex );
m_iFriendlyFire += GetDebriefStats()->GetFriendlyFire( iMarineIndex );
m_iDamage += GetDebriefStats()->GetDamageTaken( iMarineIndex );
m_iShotsFired += GetDebriefStats()->GetShotsFired( iMarineIndex );
m_iShotsHit += GetDebriefStats()->GetShotsHit( iMarineIndex );
m_fAccuracy = ( m_iShotsFired > 0 ) ? ( m_iShotsHit / (float)m_iShotsFired * 100.0f ) : 0;
m_iAliensBurned += GetDebriefStats()->GetAliensBurned( iMarineIndex );
m_iHealing += GetDebriefStats()->GetHealthHealed( iMarineIndex );
m_iFastHacks += GetDebriefStats()->GetFastHacks( iMarineIndex );
if( m_DifficultyCounts.IsValidIndex( ASWGameRules()->GetSkillLevel() - 1 ) )
m_DifficultyCounts[ ASWGameRules()->GetSkillLevel() - 1 ] += 1;
m_iGamesSuccess += ASWGameRules()->GetMissionSuccess() ? 1 : 0;
m_fGamesSuccessPercent = m_iGamesSuccess / m_iGamesTotal * 100.0f;
if( m_MarineSelectionCounts.IsValidIndex( iMarineProfileIndex ) )
m_MarineSelectionCounts[iMarineProfileIndex] += 1;
m_iAmmoDeployed += GetDebriefStats()->GetAmmoDeployed( iMarineIndex );
m_iSentryGunsDeployed += GetDebriefStats()->GetSentrygunsDeployed( iMarineIndex );
m_iSentryFlamerDeployed += GetDebriefStats()->GetSentryFlamersDeployed( iMarineIndex );
m_iSentryFreezeDeployed += GetDebriefStats()->GetSentryFreezeDeployed( iMarineIndex );
m_iSentryCannonDeployed += GetDebriefStats()->GetSentryCannonDeployed( iMarineIndex );
m_iMedkitsUsed += GetDebriefStats()->GetMedkitsUsed( iMarineIndex );
m_iFlaresUsed += GetDebriefStats()->GetFlaresUsed( iMarineIndex );
m_iAdrenalineUsed += GetDebriefStats()->GetAdrenalineUsed( iMarineIndex );
m_iTeslaTrapsDeployed += GetDebriefStats()->GetTeslaTrapsDeployed( iMarineIndex );
m_iFreezeGrenadesThrown += GetDebriefStats()->GetFreezeGrenadesThrown( iMarineIndex );
m_iElectricArmorUsed += GetDebriefStats()->GetElectricArmorUsed( iMarineIndex );
m_iHealGunHeals += GetDebriefStats()->GetHealgunHeals( iMarineIndex );
m_iHealBeaconHeals += GetDebriefStats()->GetHealbeaconHeals( iMarineIndex );
m_iHealGunHeals_Self += GetDebriefStats()->GetHealgunHeals_Self( iMarineIndex );
m_iHealBeaconHeals_Self += GetDebriefStats()->GetHealbeaconHeals_self( iMarineIndex );
m_iDamageAmpsUsed += GetDebriefStats()->GetDamageAmpsUsed( iMarineIndex );
m_iHealBeaconsDeployed += GetDebriefStats()->GetHealbeaconsDeployed( iMarineIndex );
m_iTotalPlayTime += (int)GetDebriefStats()->m_fTimeTaken;
// Get starting equips
int iPrimaryIndex = GetDebriefStats()->GetStartingPrimaryEquip( iMarineIndex );
int iSecondaryIndex = GetDebriefStats()->GetStartingSecondaryEquip( iMarineIndex );
int iExtraIndex = GetDebriefStats()->GetStartingExtraEquip( iMarineIndex );
CASW_EquipItem *pPrimary = ASWEquipmentList()->GetRegular( iPrimaryIndex );
CASW_EquipItem *pSecondary = ASWEquipmentList()->GetRegular( iSecondaryIndex );
CASW_EquipItem *pExtra = ASWEquipmentList()->GetExtra( iExtraIndex );
Assert( pPrimary && pSecondary && pExtra );
m_DifficultyStats[ASWGameRules()->GetSkillLevel() - 1].PrepStatsForSend( pPlayer );
m_MissionStats.PrepStatsForSend( pPlayer );
// Send player's overall stats
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "iTotalKills", m_iTotalKills );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "fAccuracy", m_fAccuracy );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "iFriendlyFire", m_iFriendlyFire );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "iDamage", m_iDamage );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "iShotsFired", m_iShotsFired );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "iShotsHit", m_iShotsHit );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "iAliensBurned", m_iAliensBurned );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "iHealing", m_iHealing );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "iFastHacks", m_iFastHacks );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "iGamesTotal", m_iGamesTotal );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "iGamesSuccess", m_iGamesSuccess );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "fGamesSuccessPercent", m_fGamesSuccessPercent );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "ammo_deployed", m_iAmmoDeployed );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "sentryguns_deployed", m_iSentryGunsDeployed );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "sentry_flamers_deployed", m_iSentryFlamerDeployed );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "sentry_freeze_deployed", m_iSentryFreezeDeployed );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "sentry_cannon_deployed", m_iSentryCannonDeployed );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "medkits_used", m_iMedkitsUsed );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "flares_used", m_iFlaresUsed );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "adrenaline_used", m_iAdrenalineUsed );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "tesla_traps_deployed", m_iTeslaTrapsDeployed );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "freeze_grenades_thrown", m_iFreezeGrenadesThrown );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "electric_armor_used", m_iElectricArmorUsed );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "healgun_heals", m_iHealGunHeals );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "healbeacon_heals", m_iHealBeaconHeals );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "healgun_heals_self", m_iHealGunHeals_Self );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "healbeacon_heals_self", m_iHealBeaconHeals_Self );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "damage_amps_used", m_iDamageAmpsUsed );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "healbeacons_deployed", m_iHealBeaconsDeployed );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "playtime.total", m_iTotalPlayTime );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "equips.%s.primary", pPrimary->m_EquipClass), m_PrimaryEquipCounts[iPrimaryIndex] );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "equips.%s.secondary", pSecondary->m_EquipClass), m_SecondaryEquipCounts[iSecondaryIndex] );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "equips.%s.total", pExtra->m_EquipClass), m_ExtraEquipCounts[iExtraIndex] );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "marines.%i.total", iMarineProfileIndex ), m_MarineSelectionCounts[iMarineProfileIndex] );
int iLevel = pPlayer->GetLevel();
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "level", iLevel );
int iPromotion = pPlayer->GetPromotion();
float flXPRequired = ( iLevel == NELEMS( g_iLevelExperience ) ) ? 0 : g_iLevelExperience[ iLevel ];
flXPRequired *= g_flPromotionXPScale[ iPromotion ];
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "level.xprequired", (int) flXPRequired );
// Send favorite equip info
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "equips.primary.fav", GetFavoriteEquip(0) );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "equips.secondary.fav", GetFavoriteEquip(1) );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "equips.extra.fav", GetFavoriteEquip(2) );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "equips.primary.fav.pct", GetFavoriteEquipPercent(0) );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "equips.secondary.fav.pct", GetFavoriteEquipPercent(1) );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "equips.extra.fav.pct", GetFavoriteEquipPercent(2) );
// Send favorite marine info
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "marines.fav", GetFavoriteMarine() );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "marines.class.fav", GetFavoriteMarineClass() );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "marines.fav.pct", GetFavoriteMarinePercent() );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "marines.class.fav.pct", GetFavoriteMarineClassPercent() );
// Send favorite difficulty info
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "difficulty.fav", GetFavoriteDifficulty() );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( "difficulty.fav.pct", GetFavoriteDifficultyPercent() );
// Send weapon stats
for( int i=0; i<m_WeaponStats.Count(); ++i )
m_WeaponStats[i].PrepStatsForSend( pPlayer );
int CASW_Steamstats::GetFavoriteEquip( int iSlot )
Assert( iSlot < ASW_MAX_EQUIP_SLOTS );
StatList_Int_t *pList = NULL;
if( iSlot == 0 )
pList = &m_PrimaryEquipCounts;
else if( iSlot == 1 )
pList = &m_SecondaryEquipCounts;
pList = &m_ExtraEquipCounts;
int iFav = 0;
for( int i=0; i<pList->Count(); ++i )
if( pList->operator []( iFav ) < pList->operator [](i) )
iFav = i;
return iFav;
int CASW_Steamstats::GetFavoriteMarine( void )
int iFav = 0;
for( int i=0; i<m_MarineSelectionCounts.Count(); ++i )
if( m_MarineSelectionCounts[ iFav ] < m_MarineSelectionCounts[i] )
iFav = i;
return iFav;
int CASW_Steamstats::GetFavoriteMarineClass( void )
// Find the marine's class
CASW_Marine_Profile *pProfile = MarineProfileList()->GetProfile( GetFavoriteMarine() );
Assert( pProfile );
return pProfile ? pProfile->GetMarineClass() : 0;
int CASW_Steamstats::GetFavoriteDifficulty( void )
int iFav = 0;
for( int i=0; i<m_DifficultyCounts.Count(); ++i )
if( m_DifficultyCounts[ iFav ] < m_DifficultyCounts[i] )
iFav = i;
return iFav + 1;
float CASW_Steamstats::GetFavoriteEquipPercent( int iSlot )
Assert( iSlot < ASW_MAX_EQUIP_SLOTS );
StatList_Int_t *pList = NULL;
if( iSlot == 0 )
pList = &m_PrimaryEquipCounts;
else if( iSlot == 1 )
pList = &m_SecondaryEquipCounts;
pList = &m_ExtraEquipCounts;
int iFav = 0;
float fTotal = 0;
for( int i=0; i<pList->Count(); ++i )
fTotal += pList->operator [](i);
if( iFav < pList->operator [](i) )
iFav = pList->operator [](i);
return ( fTotal > 0.0f ) ? ( iFav / fTotal * 100.0f ) : 0.0f;
float CASW_Steamstats::GetFavoriteMarinePercent( void )
int iFav = 0;
float fTotal = 0;
for( int i=0; i<m_MarineSelectionCounts.Count(); ++i )
fTotal += m_MarineSelectionCounts[i];
if( m_MarineSelectionCounts[iFav] < m_MarineSelectionCounts[i] )
iFav = i;
return ( fTotal > 0.0f ) ? ( m_MarineSelectionCounts[iFav] / fTotal * 100.0f ) : 0.0f;
float CASW_Steamstats::GetFavoriteMarineClassPercent( void )
int iFav = 0;
float fTotal = 0;
int iClassCounts[NUM_MARINE_CLASSES] = {0};
for( int i=0; i<m_MarineSelectionCounts.Count(); ++i )
// Find the marine's class
CASW_Marine_Profile *pProfile = MarineProfileList()->GetProfile( i );
Assert( pProfile );
if( !pProfile )
int iProfileClass = pProfile->GetMarineClass();
iClassCounts[iProfileClass] += m_MarineSelectionCounts[i];
fTotal += m_MarineSelectionCounts[i];
if( iClassCounts[iFav] < iClassCounts[iProfileClass] )
iFav = iProfileClass;
return ( fTotal > 0.0f ) ? ( iClassCounts[iFav] / fTotal * 100.0f ) : 0.0f;
float CASW_Steamstats::GetFavoriteDifficultyPercent( void )
int iFav = 0;
float fTotal = 0;
for( int i=0; i<m_DifficultyCounts.Count(); ++i )
fTotal += m_DifficultyCounts[i];
if( iFav < m_DifficultyCounts[i] )
iFav = m_DifficultyCounts[i];
return ( fTotal > 0.0f ) ? ( iFav / fTotal * 100.0f ) : 0.0f;
bool DifficultyStats_t::FetchDifficultyStats( CSteamAPIContext * pSteamContext, CSteamID playerSteamID, int iDifficulty )
if( !ASWGameRules() )
return false;
bool bOK = true;
char* szDifficulty = NULL;
switch( iDifficulty )
case 1: szDifficulty = "easy";
case 2: szDifficulty = "normal";
case 3: szDifficulty = "hard";
case 4: szDifficulty = "insane";
case 5: szDifficulty = "imba";
if( szDifficulty )
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szDifficulty, szGamesTotal ), m_iGamesTotal );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szDifficulty, szGamesSuccess ), m_iGamesSuccess );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szDifficulty, szGamesSuccessPercent ), m_fGamesSuccessPercent );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szDifficulty, szKillsTotal ), m_iKillsTotal );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szDifficulty, szDamageTotal ), m_iDamageTotal );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szDifficulty, szFFTotal ), m_iFFTotal );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szDifficulty, szAccuracy ), m_fAccuracyAvg );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szDifficulty, szShotsHit ), m_iShotsHitTotal );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szDifficulty, szShotsTotal ), m_iShotsFiredTotal );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szDifficulty, szHealingTotal ), m_iHealingTotal );
return bOK;
void DifficultyStats_t::PrepStatsForSend( CASW_Player *pPlayer )
if( !steamapicontext )
// Update stats from the briefing screen
if( !GetDebriefStats() || !ASWGameResource() )
CASW_Marine_Resource *pMR = ASWGameResource()->GetFirstMarineResourceForPlayer( pPlayer );
if ( pMR )
int iMarineIndex = ASWGameResource()->GetMarineResourceIndex( pMR );
if ( iMarineIndex != -1 )
m_iKillsTotal += GetDebriefStats()->GetKills( iMarineIndex );
m_iFFTotal += GetDebriefStats()->GetFriendlyFire( iMarineIndex );
m_iDamageTotal += GetDebriefStats()->GetDamageTaken( iMarineIndex );
m_iShotsFiredTotal += GetDebriefStats()->GetShotsFired( iMarineIndex );
m_iHealingTotal += GetDebriefStats()->GetHealthHealed( iMarineIndex );
m_iShotsHitTotal += GetDebriefStats()->GetShotsHit( iMarineIndex );
m_fAccuracyAvg = ( m_iShotsFiredTotal > 0 ) ? ( m_iShotsHitTotal / (float)m_iShotsFiredTotal * 100.0f ) : 0;
m_iGamesSuccess += ASWGameRules()->GetMissionSuccess() ? 1 : 0;
m_fGamesSuccessPercent = m_iGamesSuccess / (float)m_iGamesTotal * 100.0f;
char* szDifficulty = NULL;
int iDifficulty = ASWGameRules()->GetSkillLevel();
switch( iDifficulty )
case 1: szDifficulty = "easy";
case 2: szDifficulty = "normal";
case 3: szDifficulty = "hard";
case 4: szDifficulty = "insane";
case 5: szDifficulty = "imba";
if( szDifficulty )
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szDifficulty, szGamesTotal ), m_iGamesTotal );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szDifficulty, szGamesSuccess ), m_iGamesSuccess );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szDifficulty, szGamesSuccessPercent ), m_fGamesSuccessPercent );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szDifficulty, szKillsTotal ), m_iKillsTotal );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szDifficulty, szDamageTotal ), m_iDamageTotal );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szDifficulty, szFFTotal ), m_iFFTotal );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szDifficulty, szAccuracy ), m_fAccuracyAvg );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szDifficulty, szShotsHit ), m_iShotsHitTotal );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szDifficulty, szShotsTotal ), m_iShotsFiredTotal );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szDifficulty, szHealingTotal ), m_iHealingTotal );
bool MissionStats_t::FetchMissionStats( CSteamAPIContext * pSteamContext, CSteamID playerSteamID )
bool bOK = true;
const char* szLevelName = NULL;
if( !engine )
return false;
szLevelName = engine->GetLevelNameShort();
if( !szLevelName )
return false;
// Fetch stats. Skip the averages, they're write only
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szLevelName, szGamesTotal ), m_iGamesTotal );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szLevelName, szGamesSuccess ), m_iGamesSuccess );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szLevelName, szGamesSuccessPercent ), m_fGamesSuccessPercent );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szLevelName, szKillsTotal ), m_iKillsTotal );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szLevelName, szDamageTotal ), m_iDamageTotal );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szLevelName, szFFTotal ), m_iFFTotal );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szLevelName, szTimeTotal ), m_iTimeTotal );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szLevelName, szBestDifficulty ), m_iHighestDifficulty );
for( int i=0; i<5; ++i )
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s.%s", szLevelName, szBestTime, g_szDifficulties[i] ), m_iBestSpeedrunTimes[i] );
return bOK;
void MissionStats_t::PrepStatsForSend( CASW_Player *pPlayer )
// Update stats from the briefing screen
if( !GetDebriefStats() || !ASWGameResource() )
CASW_Marine_Resource *pMR = ASWGameResource()->GetFirstMarineResourceForPlayer( pPlayer );
int iDifficulty = ASWGameRules()->GetSkillLevel();
if ( pMR )
int iMarineIndex = ASWGameResource()->GetMarineResourceIndex( pMR );
if ( iMarineIndex != -1 )
m_iKillsTotal += GetDebriefStats()->GetKills( iMarineIndex );
m_iFFTotal += GetDebriefStats()->GetFriendlyFire( iMarineIndex );
m_iDamageTotal += GetDebriefStats()->GetDamageTaken( iMarineIndex );
m_iGamesSuccess += ASWGameRules()->GetMissionSuccess() ? 1 : 0;
m_fGamesSuccessPercent = m_iGamesSuccess / (float)m_iGamesTotal * 100.0f;
m_iTimeTotal += GetDebriefStats()->m_fTimeTaken;
if( ASWGameRules()->GetMissionSuccess() )
if( iDifficulty > m_iHighestDifficulty )
m_iHighestDifficulty = iDifficulty;
if( (unsigned int)m_iBestSpeedrunTimes[ iDifficulty - 1 ] > GetDebriefStats()->m_fTimeTaken )
m_iBestSpeedrunTimes[ iDifficulty - 1 ] = GetDebriefStats()->m_fTimeTaken;
// Safely compute averages
m_fKillsAvg = m_iKillsTotal / (float)m_iGamesTotal;
m_fFFAvg = m_iFFTotal / (float)m_iGamesTotal;
m_fDamageAvg = m_iDamageTotal / (float)m_iGamesTotal;
m_iTimeAvg = m_iTimeTotal / (float)m_iGamesTotal;
const char* szLevelName = NULL;
if( !engine )
szLevelName = engine->GetLevelNameShort();
if( !szLevelName )
// Send stats
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szLevelName, szGamesTotal ), m_iGamesTotal );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szLevelName, szGamesSuccess ), m_iGamesSuccess );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szLevelName, szGamesSuccessPercent ), m_fGamesSuccessPercent );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szLevelName, szKillsTotal ), m_iKillsTotal );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szLevelName, szDamageTotal ), m_iDamageTotal );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szLevelName, szFFTotal ), m_iFFTotal );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szLevelName, szTimeTotal ), m_iTimeTotal );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szLevelName, szKillsAvg ), m_fKillsAvg );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szLevelName, szDamageAvg ), m_fDamageAvg );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szLevelName, szFFAvg ), m_fFFAvg );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szLevelName, szTimeAvg ), m_iTimeAvg );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s", szLevelName, szBestDifficulty ), m_iHighestDifficulty );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "%s%s.%s", szLevelName, szBestTime, g_szDifficulties[ iDifficulty - 1 ] ), m_iBestSpeedrunTimes[ iDifficulty - 1 ] );
bool WeaponStats_t::FetchWeaponStats( CSteamAPIContext * pSteamContext, CSteamID playerSteamID, const char *szClassName )
bool bOK = true;
// Fetch stats. Skip the averages, they're write only
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "equips.%s.damage", szClassName ), m_iDamage );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "equips.%s.ff_damage", szClassName ), m_iFFDamage );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "equips.%s.shots_fired", szClassName ), m_iShotsFired );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "equips.%s.shots_hit", szClassName ), m_iShotsHit );
FETCH_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "equips.%s.kills", szClassName ), m_iKills );
return bOK;
void WeaponStats_t::PrepStatsForSend( CASW_Player *pPlayer )
if( !GetDebriefStats() || !ASWGameResource() || !ASWEquipmentList() )
// Check to see if the weapon is in the debrief stats
CASW_Marine_Resource *pMR = ASWGameResource()->GetFirstMarineResourceForPlayer( pPlayer );
if ( !pMR )
int iMarineIndex = ASWGameResource()->GetMarineResourceIndex( pMR );
if ( iMarineIndex == -1 )
if( !m_szClassName )
int iDamage, iFFDamage, iShotsFired, iShotsHit, iKills = 0;
if( GetDebriefStats()->GetWeaponStats( iMarineIndex, m_iWeaponIndex, iDamage, iFFDamage, iShotsFired, iShotsHit, iKills ) )
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "equips.%s.damage", m_szClassName ), m_iDamage + iDamage );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "equips.%s.ff_damage", m_szClassName ), m_iFFDamage + iFFDamage );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "equips.%s.shots_fired", m_szClassName ), m_iShotsFired + iShotsFired );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "equips.%s.shots_hit", m_szClassName ), m_iShotsHit + iShotsHit );
SEND_STEAM_STATS( CFmtStr( "equips.%s.kills", m_szClassName ), m_iKills + iKills );
} |