2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00

320 lines
11 KiB

#ifndef C_ASW_PLAYER_H
#define C_ASW_PLAYER_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "asw_shareddefs.h"
#include "asw_player_shared.h"
#include "asw_playeranimstate.h"
#include "c_baseplayer.h"
#include "c_asw_playerlocaldata.h"
#include "baseparticleentity.h"
#include "asw_info_message_shared.h"
#include "steam/steam_api.h"
#include <vgui_controls/PHandle.h>
class C_ASW_Game_Resource;
namespace vgui
class Frame;
class C_ASW_Marine;
class IASW_Client_Vehicle;
class C_ASW_PointCamera;
class C_ASW_Voting_Missions;
class C_ASW_Marine_Resource;
class C_EnvAmbientLight;
class CASW_Map_Builder;
class C_ASW_Player : public C_BasePlayer, public IASWPlayerAnimStateHelpers
DECLARE_CLASS( C_ASW_Player, C_BasePlayer );
virtual ~C_ASW_Player();
virtual void Precache();
virtual void UpdateOnRemove();
static C_ASW_Player* GetLocalASWPlayer( int nSlot = -1 );
virtual const QAngle& GetRenderAngles();
virtual void UpdateClientSideAnimation();
virtual void PostDataUpdate( DataUpdateType_t updateType );
void DriveMarineMovement( CUserCmd *ucmd, IMoveHelper *moveHelper );
virtual void AvoidPhysicsProps( CUserCmd *pCmd );
virtual Vector EyePosition(void);
virtual Vector EarPosition( void );
Vector m_vecLastMarineOrigin; // remember last known position to keep camera there when gibbing
virtual void SmoothCameraZ(Vector &CameraPos); // smooth the Z motion of the camera;
virtual void SmoothCameraYaw(float &yaw); // smooth the yaw angle of the camera when controlling a vehicle
virtual bool SmoothMarineChangeCamera(Vector &CameraPos); // slide the camera from one marine to another when we change
virtual float ASW_ClampYaw( float yawSpeedPerSec, float current, float target, float time );
void SmoothAimingFloorZ(float &FloorZ);
virtual const QAngle& GetPunchAngle() { return vec3_angle; }
virtual fogparams_t *GetFogParams( void );
virtual bool ShouldRegenerateOriginFromCellBits() const;
float m_fLastFloorZ;
CHandle<C_ASW_Marine> m_hLastMarine;
CHandle<C_ASW_Marine> m_hLastTurningMarine;
CHandle<C_ASW_Marine> m_hLastAimingFloorZMarine;
float m_fLastVehicleYaw;
bool m_bLastInVehicle;
float m_fMarineChangeSmooth;
Vector m_vecMarineChangeCameraPos;
// Camera data.
int m_nLastCameraFrame;
Vector m_vecLastCameraPosition;
QAngle m_angLastCamera;
// briefing
void LaunchBriefingFrame();
void LaunchCampaignFrame();
void LaunchOutroFrame();
void LaunchMissionCompleteFrame(bool bSuccess);
void CloseBriefingFrame();
// contacting the server for briefing stuff
void StartReady(); // player is ready to start the mission
virtual void SendRosterSelectCommand( const char *command, int index, int nPreferredSlot=-1 );
virtual void RosterSelectMarine(int index);
virtual void RosterSelectSingleMarine(int index);
virtual void RosterSelectMarineForSlot( int index, int nPreferredSlot );
virtual void RosterDeselectMarine(int iProfileIndex);
virtual void LoadoutSelectEquip(int iMarineIndex, int iInvSlot, int iEquipIndex);
virtual void LoadoutSendStored(C_ASW_Marine_Resource *pMR);
virtual void RosterSpendSkillPoint(int iProfileIndex, int iSkillIndex);
// campaign
virtual void CampaignLaunchMission(int iTargetMission);
virtual void NextCampaignMission(int iTargetMission);
virtual void CampaignSaveAndShow();
void LaunchCredits( vgui::Panel *pParent = NULL );
void LaunchCainMail(); // cain mail message to show in outro
virtual void PreThink( void );
virtual void ClientThink();
virtual void OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType );
void MarinePerformClientSideObstacleAvoidance( float flFrameTime, CUserCmd *pCmd );
void MarineStopMoveIfBlocked(float flFrameTime, CUserCmd *pCmd, C_ASW_Marine* pMarine);
virtual bool CreateMove( float flInputSampleTime, CUserCmd *pCmd );
virtual bool ShouldDraw();
virtual C_BaseCombatCharacter *ActivePlayerCombatCharacter( void );
// inventory stuff
void ActivateInventoryItem(int slot);
bool ShouldAutoReload();
virtual C_BaseCombatWeapon *GetActiveWeapon( void ) const;
virtual C_BaseCombatWeapon *GetWeapon( int i ) const;
virtual bool Weapon_CanUse( CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon );
virtual CBaseCombatWeapon* Weapon_OwnsThisType( const char *pszWeapon, int iSubType = 0 ) const; // True if already owns a weapon of this class
virtual int Weapon_GetSlot( const char *pszWeapon, int iSubType = 0 ) const; // Returns -1 if they don't have one
virtual void UpdateClientData( void ) { } // asw player doesn't carry weapons, so this is not needed
virtual int GetHealth() const;
virtual int GetMaxHealth() const;
// Called by shared code.
void ItemPostFrame();
void DoAnimationEvent( PlayerAnimEvent_t event );
IPlayerAnimState *m_PlayerAnimState;
virtual const QAngle &EyeAngles(); // Direction of eyes
virtual const QAngle& EyeAnglesWithCursorRoll();
QAngle m_angEyeAngles;
CInterpolatedVar< QAngle > m_iv_angEyeAngles;
CNetworkHandle( C_ASW_Marine, m_hMarine ); // our currently controlled marine
CNetworkHandle( C_ASW_Marine, m_hSpectatingMarine ); // the marine we're spectating when dead
const Vector& GetCrosshairTracePos() { return m_vecCrosshairTracePos; }
void SetCrosshairTracePos( const Vector &vecPos ) { m_vecCrosshairTracePos = vecPos; }
Vector m_vecCrosshairTracePos; // the world location directly beneath the player's crosshair
bool IsSniperScopeActive();
C_ASW_Marine* GetMarine();
C_ASW_Marine* GetMarine() const;
C_ASW_Marine* GetSpectatingMarine();
bool HasLiveMarines();
virtual bool IsAlive( void );
// anim state helper
CBaseCombatWeapon* ASWAnim_GetActiveWeapon();
bool ASWAnim_CanMove();
virtual Vector GetAutoaimVectorForMarine( C_ASW_Marine* marine, float flDelta, float flNearMissDelta );
// searches for nearby entities that we can use (pickups, buttons, etc)
virtual void PlayerUse();
virtual void FindUseEntities();
void SortUsePair( CBaseEntity **pEnt1, CBaseEntity **pEnt2, int *pnFirstPriority, int *pnSecondPriority );
int GetUsePriority(CBaseEntity* pEnt);
//void SendUseIconMessage(int UseEntityIndex, int UseIconType); // send a client cmd to the server
CBaseEntity* GetUseEntity(int i) { return m_hUseEntities[i].Get(); }
virtual C_BaseEntity* GetUseEntity( void ) const;
virtual C_BaseEntity* GetPotentialUseEntity( void ) const;
int GetNumUseEntities() { return m_iUseEntities; }
int m_iUseEntities;
CNetworkVar( float, m_flUseKeyDownTime );
CNetworkVar( EHANDLE, m_hUseKeyDownEnt );
// the HUD fills in these arrays based on the use entities above
EHANDLE UseIconTarget[3];
void ASWSelectWeapon(C_BaseCombatWeapon* pWeapon, int subtype); // for switching weapons on the current marine
// viewing info messages
void ShowPreviousInfoMessage(C_ASW_Info_Message *pMessage);
void ShowMessageLog();
CNetworkHandle(C_ASW_Info_Message, m_pCurrentInfoMessage);
virtual void SetAnimation( PLAYER_ANIM playerAnim );
virtual void OnMissionRestart();
float GetLastRestartTime() { return m_fLastRestartTime; }
float m_fLastRestartTime;
virtual void RequestMissionRestart(); // sends the server a request to restart the mission
virtual void RequestSkillUp();
virtual void RequestSkillDown();
virtual void SendBlipSpeech(int iMarine);
void CreateStimCamera();
C_ASW_PointCamera* GetStimCam() { return m_pStimCam; }
C_ASW_PointCamera* m_pStimCam;
float m_fStimYaw;
bool m_bPlayingSingleBreathSound, m_bStartedStimMusic;
void StopStimSound();
virtual CBaseEntity *GetSoundscapeListener();
void UpdateRoomDetails();
// hacking
virtual void SelectHackOption(int iHackOption);
virtual void StopUsing(); // stop using a computer
virtual void SelectTumbler(int iTumblerImpulse); // sending impulse command to flip tumblers
C_ASW_Marine* FindMarineToHoldOrder(const Vector &pos);
C_ASW_Marine* FindMarineToFollowOrder(const Vector &pos);
CNetworkHandle(C_ASW_Marine, m_hOrderingMarine);
// voting
CNetworkVar(int, m_iLeaderVoteIndex); // entindex of the player we want to be leader
CNetworkVar(int, m_iKickVoteIndex); // entindex of the player we want to be kicked
CNetworkVar(int, m_iMapVoted); // my yes/no vote status during a map vote
// music
void StartStimMusic();
void StopStimMusic(bool bInstantly = false);
void ClearStimMusic();
CSoundPatch *m_pStimMusic;
C_ASWPlayerLocalData m_ASWLocal;
// Walking
void StartWalking( void );
void StopWalking( void );
bool IsWalking( void ) { return m_fIsWalking; }
void HandleSpeedChanges( void );
bool m_fIsWalking;
float m_fMapGenerationProgress; // how far this player is through generating their local copy of the next random map
// entity this player is highlighting with his mouse cursor
void SetHighlightEntity( C_BaseEntity* pEnt ) { m_hHighlightEntity = pEnt; }
C_BaseEntity* GetHighlightEntity() const { return m_hHighlightEntity.Get(); }
EHANDLE m_hHighlightEntity;
// status of selecting marine/weapons in the briefing
CNetworkVar( int, m_nChangingSlot );
bool m_bCheckedLevel; // have we checked the level name to see if this is a tutorial yet?
float m_fNextThinkPushAway;
bool m_bGuidingMarine; // are we overriding the player's movement direction to guide him around an NPC?
Vector m_vecGuiding;
CNetworkHandle(C_ASW_Voting_Missions, m_hVotingMissions);
float m_flStepSoundTime;
void UpdateLocalMarineGlow();
dlight_t* m_pLocalMarineGlow;
// Marine avoidance.
void AvoidMarines( CUserCmd *pCmd );
// setting soundscape per room in randomly generated maps
char m_szSoundscape[64];
CountdownTimer m_roomDetailsCheckTimer;
CHandle<C_EnvAmbientLight> m_hAmbientLight;
CSteamID GetSteamID();
// experience
int GetLevel();
int GetLevelBeforeDebrief();
int GetExperience();
int GetExperienceBeforeDebrief() { return m_iExperienceBeforeDebrief; }
int GetPromotion();
void AcceptPromotion();
int GetEarnedXP( CASW_Earned_XP_t nType ) { return m_iEarnedXP[ nType ]; }
int GetStatNumXP( CASW_Earned_XP_t nType ) { return m_iStatNumXP[ nType ]; }
void CalculateEarnedXP();
void RequestExperience(); // asks Steam for your current XP
void AwardExperience(); // award experience for this mission
bool IsWeaponUnlocked( const char *szWeaponClass );
int GetWeaponLevelRequirement( const char *szWeaponClass );
const char* GetNextWeaponClassUnlocked();
const char* GetWeaponUnlockedAtLevel( int nLevel );
int32 m_iExperience;
int32 m_iExperienceBeforeDebrief;
int32 m_iPromotion;
int32 m_iEarnedXP[ ASW_NUM_XP_TYPES ];
int32 m_iStatNumXP[ ASW_NUM_XP_TYPES ];
CNetworkVar( int, m_iNetworkedXP );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iNetworkedPromotion );
bool m_bPendingSteamStats;
float m_flPendingSteamStatsStart;
CUtlVector<int> m_aNonLocalPlayerAchievementsEarned; // list of achievements earned by this non-local player
#if !defined(NO_STEAM)
STEAM_CALLBACK( C_ASW_Player, Steam_OnUserStatsReceived, UserStatsReceived_t, m_CallbackUserStatsReceived );
STEAM_CALLBACK( C_ASW_Player, Steam_OnUserStatsStored, UserStatsStored_t, m_CallbackUserStatsStored );
C_ASW_Player( const C_ASW_Player & );
inline C_ASW_Player* ToASW_Player( CBaseEntity *pEntity )
if ( !pEntity )
return NULL;
Assert( dynamic_cast< C_ASW_Player* >( pEntity ) != NULL );
return static_cast< C_ASW_Player* >( pEntity );
#endif // C_ASW_PLAYER_H