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synced 2025-03-12 12:42:52 +00:00
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359 lines
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//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "hudelement.h"
#include <vgui_controls/Panel.h>
#include <vgui/isurface.h>
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include "c_baseplayer.h"
#include "voice_status.h"
#include "clientmode_shared.h"
#include "c_playerresource.h"
#include "voice_common.h"
#include "bitvec.h"
// NOTE: This has to be the last file included!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
ConVar *sv_alltalk = NULL;
// Icon for the local player using voice
class CHudVoiceSelfStatus : public CHudElement, public vgui::Panel
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CHudVoiceSelfStatus, vgui::Panel );
CHudVoiceSelfStatus( const char *name );
virtual bool ShouldDraw();
virtual void Paint();
virtual void VidInit();
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme *pScheme);
CHudTexture *m_pVoiceIcon;
Color m_clrIcon;
CHudVoiceSelfStatus::CHudVoiceSelfStatus( const char *pName ) :
vgui::Panel( NULL, "HudVoiceSelfStatus" ), CHudElement( pName )
SetParent( GetClientMode()->GetViewport() );
m_pVoiceIcon = NULL;
m_clrIcon = Color(255,255,255,255);
void CHudVoiceSelfStatus::ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme *pScheme)
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
void CHudVoiceSelfStatus::VidInit( void )
m_pVoiceIcon = HudIcons().GetIcon( "voice_self" );
bool CHudVoiceSelfStatus::ShouldDraw()
C_BasePlayer *player = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( !player )
return false;
if ( GetClientVoiceMgr()->IsLocalPlayerSpeaking( player->GetSplitScreenPlayerSlot() ) == false )
return false;
return CHudElement::ShouldDraw();
void CHudVoiceSelfStatus::Paint()
if( !m_pVoiceIcon )
int x, y, w, h;
GetBounds( x, y, w, h );
C_BasePlayer *player = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( player &&
GetClientVoiceMgr()->IsLocalPlayerSpeakingAboveThreshold( player->GetSplitScreenPlayerSlot() ) )
m_clrIcon[3] = 255;
// NOTE: Merge issue. This number should either be 0 or 255, dunno!
m_clrIcon[3] = 0;
m_pVoiceIcon->DrawSelf( 0, 0, w, h, m_clrIcon );
// Icons for other players using voice
class CHudVoiceStatus : public CHudElement, public vgui::Panel
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CHudVoiceStatus, vgui::Panel );
CHudVoiceStatus( const char *name );
virtual bool ShouldDraw();
virtual void Paint();
virtual void VidInit();
virtual void Init();
virtual void OnThink();
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme *pScheme);
CHudTexture *m_pVoiceIcon;
int m_iDeadImageID;
Color m_clrIcon;
CPlayerBitVec m_SpeakingList;
CPanelAnimationVar( vgui::HFont, m_NameFont, "text_font", "Default" );
CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( float, item_tall, "item_tall", "32", "proportional_float" );
CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( float, item_wide, "item_wide", "100", "proportional_float" );
CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( float, item_spacing, "item_spacing", "2", "proportional_float" );
CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( float, icon_ypos, "icon_ypos", "0", "proportional_float" );
CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( float, icon_xpos, "icon_xpos", "0", "proportional_float" );
CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( float, icon_tall, "icon_tall", "32", "proportional_float" );
CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( float, icon_wide, "icon_wide", "32", "proportional_float" );
CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( float, text_ypos, "text_ypos", "4", "proportional_float" );
CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( float, text_xpos, "text_xpos", "32", "proportional_float" );
CPanelAnimationVar( int, m_isInverted, "inverted", "0" );
CHudVoiceStatus::CHudVoiceStatus( const char *pName ) :
vgui::Panel( NULL, "HudVoiceStatus" ), CHudElement( pName )
SetParent( GetClientMode()->GetViewport() );
m_pVoiceIcon = NULL;
m_clrIcon = Color(255,255,255,255);
m_iDeadImageID = surface()->DrawGetTextureId( "hud/leaderboard_dead" );
if ( m_iDeadImageID == -1 ) // we didn't find it, so create a new one
m_iDeadImageID = surface()->CreateNewTextureID();
surface()->DrawSetTextureFile( m_iDeadImageID, "hud/leaderboard_dead", true, false );
void CHudVoiceStatus::ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme *pScheme)
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
void CHudVoiceStatus::Init( void )
void CHudVoiceStatus::VidInit( void )
m_pVoiceIcon = HudIcons().GetIcon( "voice_player" );
void CHudVoiceStatus::OnThink( void )
CVoiceStatus *pVoiceMgr = GetClientVoiceMgr();
for ( int i=0;i<gpGlobals->maxClients;++i )
bool bTalking = pVoiceMgr->IsPlayerSpeaking(i + 1);
m_SpeakingList.Set( i, bTalking );
bool CHudVoiceStatus::ShouldDraw()
return false;
void CHudVoiceStatus::Paint()
if( !m_pVoiceIcon )
int x, y, w, h;
GetBounds( x, y, w, h );
// Heights to draw the current voice item at
int xpos = 0;
int ypos = h - item_tall;
bool bAnySpeakers = !m_SpeakingList.IsAllClear();
int iFontHeight = 0;
if( bAnySpeakers )
surface()->DrawSetTextFont( m_NameFont );
surface()->DrawSetTextColor( Color(255,255,255,255) );
iFontHeight = surface()->GetFontTall( m_NameFont );
if ( !sv_alltalk )
sv_alltalk = cvar->FindVar( "sv_alltalk" );
//draw everyone in the list!
for( int si = 0; si < MAX_PLAYERS; ++si )
if ( !m_SpeakingList.IsBitSet( si ) )
int playerIndex = si + 1;
bool bIsAlive = g_PR->IsAlive( playerIndex );
Color c = g_PR->GetTeamColor( g_PR ? g_PR->GetTeam(playerIndex) : TEAM_UNASSIGNED );
c[3] = 255;
const char *pName = g_PR ? g_PR->GetPlayerName(playerIndex) : "unknown";
wchar_t szconverted[ 64 ];
// Add the location, if any
bool usedLocation = false;
if ( sv_alltalk && !sv_alltalk->GetBool() )
C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( playerIndex );
if ( pPlayer )
const char *asciiLocation = pPlayer->GetLastKnownPlaceName();
if ( asciiLocation && *asciiLocation )
const wchar_t *unicodeLocation = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( asciiLocation );
if ( unicodeLocation && *unicodeLocation )
wchar_t *formatStr = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Voice_UseLocation" );
if ( formatStr )
wchar_t unicodeName[ 64 ];
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( pName, unicodeName, sizeof( unicodeName ) );
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( szconverted, sizeof( szconverted ),
formatStr, 2, unicodeName, unicodeLocation );
usedLocation = true;
if ( !usedLocation )
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( pName, szconverted, sizeof(szconverted) );
// Draw the item background
surface()->DrawSetColor( c );
if ( !m_isInverted )
surface()->DrawFilledRect( xpos, ypos, xpos + item_wide, ypos + item_tall );
int iDeathIconWidth = 0;
if ( bIsAlive == false && m_iDeadImageID != -1 )
Vertex_t vert[4];
float uv1 = 0.0f;
float uv2 = 1.0f;
// Draw the dead material
surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_iDeadImageID );
vert[0].Init( Vector2D( xpos, ypos ), Vector2D( uv1, uv1 ) );
vert[1].Init( Vector2D( xpos + icon_wide, ypos ), Vector2D( uv2, uv1 ) );
vert[2].Init( Vector2D( xpos + icon_wide, ypos + icon_tall ), Vector2D( uv2, uv2 ) );
vert[3].Init( Vector2D( xpos, ypos + icon_tall ), Vector2D( uv1, uv2 ) );
surface()->DrawSetColor( Color(255,255,255,255) );
surface()->DrawTexturedPolygon( 4, vert );
iDeathIconWidth = icon_wide;
// Draw the voice icon
m_pVoiceIcon->DrawSelf( xpos + icon_xpos + iDeathIconWidth, ypos + icon_ypos, icon_wide, icon_tall, m_clrIcon );
// Draw the player's name
surface()->DrawSetTextFont( m_NameFont );
if ( m_isInverted )
surface()->DrawSetTextColor( c );
surface()->DrawSetTextColor( Color(255,255,255,255) );
surface()->DrawSetTextPos( xpos + text_xpos + iDeathIconWidth, ypos + ( item_tall / 2 ) - ( iFontHeight / 2 ) );
int iTextSpace = item_wide - text_xpos;
// write as much of the name as will fit, truncate the rest and add ellipses
int iNameLength = wcslen(szconverted);
const wchar_t *pszconverted = szconverted;
int iTextWidthCounter = 0;
for( int j=0;j<iNameLength;j++ )
iTextWidthCounter += surface()->GetCharacterWidth( m_NameFont, pszconverted[j] );
if( iTextWidthCounter > iTextSpace )
if( j > 3 )
szconverted[j-2] = '.';
szconverted[j-1] = '.';
szconverted[j] = '\0';
surface()->DrawPrintText( szconverted, wcslen(szconverted) );
ypos -= ( item_spacing + item_tall );