2023-10-03 17:23:56 +03:00

404 lines
11 KiB

//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include <cdll_client_int.h>
#include "teammenu.h"
#include <vgui/IScheme.h>
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ImageList.h>
#include <FileSystem.h>
#include <vgui_controls/RichText.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Label.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Button.h>
#include <vgui_controls/HTML.h>
#include "IGameUIFuncs.h" // for key bindings
#include <igameresources.h>
#include <game/client/iviewport.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // MAX_PATH define
#include <stdio.h>
#include "byteswap.h"
#include "vgui_int.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern IGameUIFuncs *gameuifuncs; // for key binding details
using namespace vgui;
void UpdateCursorState();
// void DuckMessage(const char *str);
// helper function
const char *GetStringTeamColor( int i )
switch( i )
case 0:
return "team0";
case 1:
return "team1";
case 2:
return "team2";
case 3:
return "team3";
case 4:
return "team4";
// Purpose: Constructor
CTeamMenu::CTeamMenu(IViewPort *pViewPort) : BaseClass(NULL, PANEL_TEAM)
m_pViewPort = pViewPort;
m_iJumpKey = BUTTON_CODE_INVALID; // this is looked up in Activate()
m_iScoreBoardKey = BUTTON_CODE_INVALID; // this is looked up in Activate()
// initialize dialog
SetTitle("", true);
// load the new scheme early!!
// hide the system buttons
SetTitleBarVisible( false );
// info window about this map
m_pMapInfo = new RichText( this, "MapInfo" );
#if defined( ENABLE_HTML_WINDOW )
m_pMapInfoHTML = new HTML( this, "MapInfoHTML");
m_pMapInfoHTML = NULL;
m_szMapName[0] = 0;
// Purpose: Destructor
// Purpose: sets the text color of the map description field
void CTeamMenu::ApplySchemeSettings(IScheme *pScheme)
m_pMapInfo->SetFgColor( pScheme->GetColor("MapDescriptionText", Color(255, 255, 255, 0)) );
if ( *m_szMapName )
LoadMapPage( m_szMapName ); // reload the map description to pick up the color
// Purpose: makes the user choose the auto assign option
void CTeamMenu::AutoAssign()
engine->ClientCmd("jointeam 0");
// Purpose: shows the team menu
void CTeamMenu::ShowPanel(bool bShow)
if ( BaseClass::IsVisible() == bShow )
if ( bShow )
SetMouseInputEnabled( true );
// get key bindings if shown
if( m_iJumpKey == BUTTON_CODE_INVALID ) // you need to lookup the jump key AFTER the engine has loaded
m_iJumpKey = gameuifuncs->GetButtonCodeForBind( "jump" );
if ( m_iScoreBoardKey == BUTTON_CODE_INVALID )
m_iScoreBoardKey = gameuifuncs->GetButtonCodeForBind( "showscores" );
SetVisible( false );
SetMouseInputEnabled( false );
m_pViewPort->ShowBackGround( bShow );
// Purpose: updates the UI with a new map name and map html page, and sets up the team buttons
void CTeamMenu::Update()
char mapname[MAX_MAP_NAME];
Q_FileBase( engine->GetLevelName(), mapname, sizeof(mapname) );
SetLabelText( "mapname", mapname );
LoadMapPage( mapname );
// Purpose: chooses and loads the text page to display that describes mapName map
void CTeamMenu::LoadMapPage( const char *mapName )
// Save off the map name so we can re-load the page in ApplySchemeSettings().
Q_strncpy( m_szMapName, mapName, strlen( mapName ) + 1 );
char mapRES[ MAX_PATH ];
char uilanguage[ 64 ];
engine->GetUILanguage( uilanguage, sizeof( uilanguage ) );
Q_snprintf( mapRES, sizeof( mapRES ), "resource/maphtml/%s_%s.html", mapName, uilanguage );
bool bFoundHTML = false;
if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( mapRES ) )
// try english
Q_snprintf( mapRES, sizeof( mapRES ), "resource/maphtml/%s_english.html", mapName );
bFoundHTML = true;
if( bFoundHTML || g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( mapRES ) )
// it's a local HTML file
char localURL[ _MAX_PATH + 7 ];
Q_strncpy( localURL, "file://", sizeof( localURL ) );
char pPathData[ _MAX_PATH ];
g_pFullFileSystem->GetLocalPath( mapRES, pPathData, sizeof(pPathData) );
Q_strncat( localURL, pPathData, sizeof( localURL ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
// force steam to dump a local copy
g_pFullFileSystem->GetLocalCopy( pPathData );
m_pMapInfo->SetVisible( false );
#if defined( ENABLE_HTML_WINDOW )
m_pMapInfoHTML->SetVisible( true );
m_pMapInfoHTML->OpenURL( localURL );
m_pMapInfo->SetVisible( true );
#if defined( ENABLE_HTML_WINDOW )
m_pMapInfoHTML->SetVisible( false );
Q_snprintf( mapRES, sizeof( mapRES ), "maps/%s.txt", mapName);
// if no map specific description exists, load default text
if( !g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( mapRES ) )
if ( g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( "maps/default.txt" ) )
Q_snprintf ( mapRES, sizeof( mapRES ), "maps/default.txt");
m_pMapInfo->SetText( "" );
FileHandle_t f = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( mapRES, "r" );
// read into a memory block
int fileSize = g_pFullFileSystem->Size(f);
int dataSize = fileSize + sizeof( wchar_t );
if ( dataSize % 2 )
wchar_t *memBlock = (wchar_t *)malloc(dataSize);
memset( memBlock, 0x0, dataSize);
int bytesRead = g_pFullFileSystem->Read(memBlock, fileSize, f);
if ( bytesRead < fileSize )
// NULL-terminate based on the length read in, since Read() can transform \r\n to \n and
// return fewer bytes than we were expecting.
char *data = reinterpret_cast<char *>( memBlock );
data[ bytesRead ] = 0;
data[ bytesRead+1 ] = 0;
// null-terminate the stream (redundant, since we memset & then trimmed the transformed buffer already)
memBlock[dataSize / sizeof(wchar_t) - 1] = 0x0000;
// ensure little-endian unicode reads correctly on all platforms
CByteswap byteSwap;
byteSwap.SetTargetBigEndian( false );
byteSwap.SwapBufferToTargetEndian( memBlock, memBlock, dataSize/sizeof(wchar_t) );
// check the first character, make sure this a little-endian unicode file
if ( memBlock[0] != 0xFEFF )
// its a ascii char file
m_pMapInfo->SetText( reinterpret_cast<char *>( memBlock ) );
m_pMapInfo->SetText( memBlock+1 );
// go back to the top of the text buffer
g_pFullFileSystem->Close( f );
// Purpose: sets the text on and displays the team buttons
void CTeamMenu::MakeTeamButtons(void)
int i = 0;
for( i = 0; i< m_pTeamButtons.Count(); i++ )
i = 0;
while( true )
const char *teamname = GameResources()->GetTeamName( i );
if ( !teamname || !teamname[0] )
return; // no more teams
char buttonText[32];
Q_snprintf( buttonText, sizeof(buttonText), "&%i %s", i +1, teamname );
m_pTeamButtons[i]->SetText( buttonText );
m_pTeamButtons[i]->SetCommand( new KeyValues("TeamButton", "team", i ) );
IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );
m_pTeamButtons[i]->SetArmedColor(pScheme->GetColor(GetStringTeamColor(i), Color(255, 255, 255, 255)) , pScheme->GetColor("SelectionBG", Color(255, 255, 255, 0)) );
m_pTeamButtons[i]->SetDepressedColor( pScheme->GetColor(GetStringTeamColor(i), Color(255, 255, 255, 255)), pScheme->GetColor("ButtonArmedBgColor", Color(255, 255, 255, 0)) );
m_pTeamButtons[i]->SetDefaultColor( pScheme->GetColor(GetStringTeamColor(i), Color(255, 255, 255, 255)), pScheme->GetColor("ButtonDepressedBgColor", Color(255, 255, 255, 0)) );
// Purpose: When a team button is pressed it triggers this function to cause the player to join a team
void CTeamMenu::OnTeamButton( int team )
char cmd[64];
if( team >= m_iNumTeams ) // its a special button
if( team == m_iNumTeams ) // first extra team is auto assign
Q_snprintf( cmd, sizeof( cmd ), "jointeam 5" );
else // next is spectate
// DuckMessage( "#Spec_Duck" );
GetViewPortInterface()->ShowBackGround( false );
Q_snprintf( cmd, sizeof( cmd ), "jointeam %i", team + 1 );
//g_iTeamNumber = team + 1;
SetVisible( false );
} */
// Purpose: Sets the text of a control by name
void CTeamMenu::SetLabelText(const char *textEntryName, const char *text)
Label *entry = dynamic_cast<Label *>(FindChildByName(textEntryName));
if (entry)
void CTeamMenu::OnKeyCodePressed(KeyCode code)
if( m_iJumpKey != BUTTON_CODE_INVALID && m_iJumpKey == code )
else if ( m_iScoreBoardKey != BUTTON_CODE_INVALID && m_iScoreBoardKey == code )
GetViewPortInterface()->ShowPanel( PANEL_SCOREBOARD, true );
GetViewPortInterface()->PostMessageToPanel( PANEL_SCOREBOARD, new KeyValues( "PollHideCode", "code", code ) );
BaseClass::OnKeyCodePressed( code );