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synced 2025-03-12 12:42:52 +00:00
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196 lines
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//====== Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "foundryhelpers_client.h"
#include "c_basetempentity.h"
#include "tier2/beamsegdraw.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
static CUtlVector<EHANDLE> g_EntityHighlightEffects;
static ConVar cl_foundry_ShowEntityHighlights( "cl_foundry_ShowEntityHighlights", "1" );
void AddCoolLine( const Vector &v1, const Vector &v2, unsigned long iExtraFadeOffset, bool bNegateMovementDir )
float flLineSectionLength = 3; // How many inches each line travels. Each line is a solid color and alpha.
int nLineSectionsToFade = 2; // How many lines to fade from translucent to opaque.
int baseColor[3] = { 216, 183, 67 }; // gold
float flTimeBetweenUpdates = 0.2f;
unsigned long iLineFadeOffset = iExtraFadeOffset + (int)(gpGlobals->curtime / flTimeBetweenUpdates);
if ( bNegateMovementDir )
iLineFadeOffset = 0xFFFFFFFF - iLineFadeOffset;
Vector vDelta = v2 - v1;
float flLineLen = vDelta.Length();
vDelta /= flLineLen;
int nMaxLines = (int)(flLineLen / flLineSectionLength) + 1;
static IMaterial *pWireframeMaterial = NULL;
if ( !pWireframeMaterial )
pWireframeMaterial = materials->FindMaterial( "debug/debugwireframevertexcolor", TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER );
static IMaterial *pBeamMaterial = NULL;
if ( !pBeamMaterial )
pBeamMaterial = materials->FindMaterial( "effects/laser1", TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER );
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
// Draw the solid underlying lines.
IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( true, NULL, NULL, pWireframeMaterial );
CMeshBuilder meshBuilder;
meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_LINES, 1 );
meshBuilder.Position3fv( v1.Base() );
meshBuilder.Color4ub( baseColor[0], baseColor[1], baseColor[2], 255 );
meshBuilder.Position3fv( v2.Base() );
meshBuilder.Color4ub( baseColor[0], baseColor[1], baseColor[2], 255 );
meshBuilder.End( false, true );
// Draw the additive beams.
float flCurDist = 0;
Vector vStartPos = v1;
for ( int i=0; i < nMaxLines; i++ )
float flEndDist = MIN( flCurDist + flLineSectionLength, flLineLen );
Vector vEndPos = v1 + vDelta * flEndDist;
int alpha;
int iFadeAmt = (iLineFadeOffset+i) % (nLineSectionsToFade * 2);
if ( iFadeAmt < nLineSectionsToFade )
alpha = (iFadeAmt * 255) / nLineSectionsToFade;
alpha = (255 * (nLineSectionsToFade - (iFadeAmt - nLineSectionsToFade))) / nLineSectionsToFade;
float flAlpha = Bias( alpha / 255.0f, 0.6 );
CBeamSegDraw beamDraw;
beamDraw.Start( pRenderContext, 2, pBeamMaterial );
BeamSeg_t beamSeg;
beamSeg.SetColor( baseColor[0] * flAlpha / 255.0f, baseColor[1] * flAlpha / 255.0f, baseColor[2] * flAlpha / 255.0f, 1.0f );
beamSeg.m_flTexCoord = 0;
beamSeg.m_flWidth = 6;
beamSeg.m_vPos = vStartPos;
beamDraw.NextSeg( &beamSeg );
beamSeg.m_vPos = vEndPos;
beamDraw.NextSeg( &beamSeg );
flCurDist = flEndDist;
vStartPos = vEndPos;
void FoundryHelpers_DrawEntityHighlightEffect( C_BaseEntity *pEnt )
CCollisionProperty *pCollision = pEnt->CollisionProp();
// Transform the OBB corners into world space.
const Vector &vMins = pCollision->OBBMins();
const Vector &vMaxs = pCollision->OBBMaxs();
Vector vPoints[8] =
Vector( vMins.x, vMins.y, vMins.z ),
Vector( vMaxs.x, vMins.y, vMins.z ),
Vector( vMaxs.x, vMaxs.y, vMins.z ),
Vector( vMins.x, vMaxs.y, vMins.z ),
Vector( vMins.x, vMins.y, vMaxs.z ),
Vector( vMaxs.x, vMins.y, vMaxs.z ),
Vector( vMaxs.x, vMaxs.y, vMaxs.z ),
Vector( vMins.x, vMaxs.y, vMaxs.z )
for ( int i=0; i < 8; i++ )
Vector vTmp;
vPoints[i] = pCollision->CollisionToWorldSpace( vPoints[i], &vTmp );
// Draw lines connecting them up...
for ( int i=0; i < 4; i++ )
AddCoolLine( vPoints[i], vPoints[(i+1)%4], 0, false );
AddCoolLine( vPoints[i+4], vPoints[(i+1)%4 + 4], 4, true );
AddCoolLine( vPoints[i], vPoints[i+4], i*2+4, (i%1) == 0 );
void FoundryHelpers_DrawAll()
if ( cl_foundry_ShowEntityHighlights.GetBool() )
for ( int i=0; i < g_EntityHighlightEffects.Count(); i++ )
C_BaseEntity *pEnt = g_EntityHighlightEffects[i];
if ( !pEnt )
FoundryHelpers_DrawEntityHighlightEffect( pEnt );
void FoundryHelpers_ClearEntityHighlightEffects()
void FoundryHelpers_AddEntityHighlightEffect( int iEntity )
EHANDLE hEnt = cl_entitylist->GetBaseEntity( iEntity );
if ( hEnt.IsValid() )
g_EntityHighlightEffects.AddToTail( hEnt );
// Purpose: This marshalls calls from the server to the client.
class C_TEFoundryHelpers : public C_BaseTempEntity
DECLARE_CLASS( C_TEFoundryHelpers, C_BaseTempEntity );
virtual void PostDataUpdate( DataUpdateType_t updateType );
int m_iEntity;
void C_TEFoundryHelpers::PostDataUpdate( DataUpdateType_t updateType )
if ( m_iEntity == -1 )
FoundryHelpers_AddEntityHighlightEffect( m_iEntity );
IMPLEMENT_CLIENTCLASS_EVENT_DT( C_TEFoundryHelpers, DT_TEFoundryHelpers, CTEFoundryHelpers )
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_iEntity) )