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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// tf_nav_mesh.h
// TF specific nav mesh
// Michael Booth, February 2009
#ifndef TF_NAV_MESH_H
#define TF_NAV_MESH_H
#include "nav_mesh.h"
#include "tf_nav_area.h"
#include "tf_obj_teleporter.h"
#define TF_PLAYER_JUMP_HEIGHT 45.0f // non crouch-jumping
class CBaseObject;
class CObjectTeleporter;
class CTFPlayer;
// General purpose collector class for ForAllArea-style functor methods
class CTFAreaCollector
bool operator() ( CNavArea *area )
m_vector.AddToTail( (CTFNavArea *)area );
return true;
CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > m_vector;
class CTFNavMesh : public CNavMesh
CTFNavMesh( void );
virtual CTFNavArea *CreateArea( void ) const; // CNavArea factory
virtual void Update( void ); // invoked on each game frame
virtual unsigned int GetSubVersionNumber( void ) const; // returns sub-version number of data format used by derived classes
virtual void SaveCustomData( CUtlBuffer &fileBuffer ) const; // store custom mesh data for derived classes
virtual void LoadCustomData( CUtlBuffer &fileBuffer, unsigned int subVersion ); // load custom mesh data for derived classes
virtual void OnServerActivate( void ); // (EXTEND) invoked when server loads a new map
virtual void OnRoundRestart( void ); // invoked when a game round restarts
virtual void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event );
* Return true if nav mesh can be trusted for all climbing/jumping decisions because game environment is fairly simple.
* Authoritative meshes mean path followers can skip CPU intesive realtime scanning of unpredictable geometry.
virtual bool IsAuthoritative( void ) const { return true; } // TF2 has nice clean environments
virtual unsigned int GetGenerationTraceMask( void ) const; // return the mask used by traces when generating the mesh
void OnObjectChanged();
bool IsSentryGunHere( CTFNavArea *area ) const; // return true if a Sentry Gun has been built in the given area
void CollectBuiltObjects( CUtlVector< CBaseObject * > *collectionVector, int team = TEAM_ANY ); // fill given vector will all objects on the given team
struct BallisticLaunchInfo
Vector m_launchSpot; // where to stand
float m_aimYaw; // how to aim
float m_aimPitch; // how to aim
float m_chargeTime; // how long to charge weapon
// populate the given vector with ways to launch grenades to hit the given building
void CollectBallisticAttackInfo( CBaseObject *building, CUtlVector< BallisticLaunchInfo > *infoVector ) const;
void ResetMeshAttributes( bool bScheduleRecomputation );
void CollectControlPointAreas( void );
void DecorateMesh( void );
void DecorateMeshTacticalHints( void );
void RemoveAllMeshDecoration( void );
// populate the given "ambushVector" with good areas to lurk in ambush for the invading enemy team
void CollectAmbushAreas( CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > *ambushVector, CTFNavArea *startArea, int teamToAmbush, float searchRadius, float incursionTolerance = 300.0f ) const;
// populate the given vector with areas that are just outside of the given team's spawn room(s)
void CollectSpawnRoomThresholdAreas( CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > *spawnExitAreaVector, int team ) const;
// populate the given vector with areas that have a bomb travel distance within the given range
void CollectAreaWithinBombTravelRange( CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > *spawnExitAreaVector, float minTravel, float maxTravel ) const;
const CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > *GetSetupGateDefenseAreas( void ) const; // return vector of areas that are good for defending enemies coming out of the blue setup gates
const CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > *GetControlPointAreas( int pointIndex ) const; // return vector of areas overlapping the given control point
CTFNavArea *GetControlPointCenterArea( int pointIndex ) const; // return area overlapping the center of the given control point
const CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > *GetSpawnRoomAreas( int team ) const; // return vector of areas within the given team spawn room(s)
const CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > *GetSpawnRoomExitAreas( int team ) const; // return vector of areas where the given team exits their spawn room(s)
enum RecomputeReasonType
void ScheduleRecomputationOfInternalData( RecomputeReasonType reason, int whichPoint );
virtual void BeginCustomAnalysis( bool bIncremental );
virtual void PostCustomAnalysis( void ); // invoked when custom analysis step is complete
virtual void EndCustomAnalysis();
void ComputeIncursionDistances( void ); // recompute travel distance from each team's spawn room for each nav area
void ComputeIncursionDistances( CTFNavArea *spawnArea, int team );
void ComputeInvasionAreas( void );
void ComputeLegalBombDropAreas( void );
void ComputeBombTargetDistance();
void UpdateDebugDisplay( void ) const;
void OnBlockedAreasChanged( void );
void ComputeBlockedAreas( void );
CountdownTimer m_recomputeInternalDataTimer; // if started, when counts down recompute internal data to give various map logic time to complete
RecomputeReasonType m_recomputeReason;
int m_recomputeReasonWhichPoint;
void RecomputeInternalData( void );
// Array of areas with sentry danger attributes set.
CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > m_sentryAreas;
CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > m_setupGateDefenseAreaVector;
CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > m_controlPointAreaVector[ MAX_CONTROL_POINTS ];
CTFNavArea *m_controlPointCenterAreaVector[ MAX_CONTROL_POINTS ];
CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > m_redSpawnRoomAreaVector;
CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > m_blueSpawnRoomAreaVector;
CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > m_redSpawnRoomExitAreaVector;
CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > m_blueSpawnRoomExitAreaVector;
void CollectAndMarkSpawnRoomExits( CTFNavArea *area, CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > *exitAreaVector );
CountdownTimer m_watchCartTimer;
int m_priorBotCount;
inline void CTFNavMesh::ScheduleRecomputationOfInternalData( CTFNavMesh::RecomputeReasonType reason, int whichPoint = 0 )
m_recomputeInternalDataTimer.Start( 2.0f );
m_recomputeReason = reason;
m_recomputeReasonWhichPoint = whichPoint;
inline const CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > *CTFNavMesh::GetSpawnRoomAreas( int team ) const
if ( team == TF_TEAM_RED )
return &m_redSpawnRoomAreaVector;
if ( team == TF_TEAM_BLUE )
return &m_blueSpawnRoomAreaVector;
return NULL;
inline const CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > *CTFNavMesh::GetSpawnRoomExitAreas( int team ) const
if ( team == TF_TEAM_RED )
return &m_redSpawnRoomExitAreaVector;
if ( team == TF_TEAM_BLUE )
return &m_blueSpawnRoomExitAreaVector;
return NULL;
inline const CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > *CTFNavMesh::GetControlPointAreas( int pointIndex ) const
if ( pointIndex < 0 || pointIndex >= MAX_CONTROL_POINTS )
return NULL;
return &m_controlPointAreaVector[ pointIndex ];
inline CTFNavArea *CTFNavMesh::GetControlPointCenterArea( int pointIndex ) const
if ( pointIndex < 0 || pointIndex >= MAX_CONTROL_POINTS )
return NULL;
return m_controlPointCenterAreaVector[ pointIndex ];
inline const CUtlVector< CTFNavArea * > *CTFNavMesh::GetSetupGateDefenseAreas( void ) const
return &m_setupGateDefenseAreaVector;
inline unsigned int CTFNavMesh::GetGenerationTraceMask( void ) const
inline CTFNavMesh *TheTFNavMesh( void )
return reinterpret_cast< CTFNavMesh * >( TheNavMesh );
extern TFNavAttributeType NameToTFAttribute( const char *name );
extern const char *TFAttributeToName( TFNavAttributeType attribute );
#endif // TF_NAV_MESH_H