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#pragma once
#define CBaseEntity C_BaseEntity
#include "asw_rifle_grenade.h"
class CASW_Grenade_Vindicator : public CASW_Rifle_Grenade
DECLARE_CLASS( CASW_Grenade_Vindicator, CASW_Rifle_Grenade );
#if !defined( CLIENT_DLL )
virtual ~CASW_Grenade_Vindicator( void );
void Spawn();
void Precache();
virtual void Detonate();
virtual bool AllowedToIgnite( void ) { return true; }
void VGrenadeTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther );
static CASW_Grenade_Vindicator *Vindicator_Grenade_Create( float flDamage, float fRadius, const Vector &position, const QAngle &angles, const Vector &velocity, const AngularImpulse &angVelocity, CBaseEntity *pOwner, CBaseEntity *pCreatorWeapon );
virtual void CreateEffects();
virtual void KillEffects();
virtual float GetEarliestTouchDetonationTime();
virtual void SetFuseLength(float fSeconds);
virtual void SetClusters(int iClusters, bool bMaster = false) { m_iClusters = iClusters; m_bMaster = bMaster;}
virtual int OnTakeDamage_Dying( const CTakeDamageInfo &info );
virtual int OnTakeDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info );
virtual void BurntAlien(CBaseEntity *pAlien);
void SetExplodeOnWorldContact( bool bExplode ) { m_bExplodeOnWorldContact = bExplode; } // if set, grenade will explode on the first thing it touches
int m_iClusters;
bool m_bMaster;
float m_fEarliestTouchDetonationTime;
EHANDLE m_hFirer;
bool m_bKicked;
bool m_bExplodeOnWorldContact;
CHandle<CSprite> m_pMainGlow;
CHandle<CSpriteTrail> m_pGlowTrail;
// Classification
virtual Class_T Classify( void ) { return (Class_T)CLASS_ASW_GRENADE_VINDICATOR; }