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#include "entityblocker.h"
#include "BasePropDoor.h"
#include "asw_shareddefs.h"
class CASW_Player;
class CASW_Marine;
class CASW_Door_Padding;
enum ASW_DoorSpawnPos_t
// how dented the door is
enum ASW_DoorDent_t
ASWDD_NONE, // not dented at all, it's fine
ASWDD_PARTIAL, // partially dented, can open, jerkily, with a grinding noise
ASWDD_COMPLETE, // very dented, unable to open
// This is our sliding door class
class CASW_Door : public CBasePropDoor
DECLARE_CLASS( CASW_Door, CBasePropDoor );
virtual ~CASW_Door();
int DrawDebugTextOverlays(void);
void Spawn( void );
static bool DestroyVismonEvaluator( CBaseEntity *pVisibleEntity, CBasePlayer *pViewingPlayer );
static bool DestroyVismonCallback( CBaseEntity *pVisibleEntity, CBasePlayer *pViewingPlayer );
static bool WeldedVismonCallback( CBaseEntity *pVisibleEntity, CBasePlayer *pViewingPlayer );
int ShouldTransmit( const CCheckTransmitInfo *pInfo );
virtual void Precache();
Class_T Classify( void ) { return (Class_T) CLASS_ASW_DOOR; }
void MoveDone( void );
void BeginOpening(CBaseEntity *pOpenAwayFrom);
void BeginClosing( void );
void OnRestore( void );
virtual void ComputeDoorExtent( Extent *extent, unsigned int extentType );
void DoorTeleportToSpawnPosition();
void GetNPCOpenData(CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC, opendata_t &opendata);
void DoorClose( void );
bool DoorCanClose( bool bAutoClose );
void DoorOpen( CBaseEntity *pOpenAwayFrom );
void OnDoorOpened();
void OnDoorClosed();
virtual bool IsDoorLocked();
void DoorResume( void );
void DoorStop( void );
float GetOpenInterval();
bool OverridePropdata() { return true; }
// input
void InputNPCNear( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputEnableAutoOpen( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputDisableAutoOpen( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputRecommendWeld( inputdata_t &inputdata );
// auto opening
bool IsAutoOpen() { return m_bAutoOpen; }
void AutoOpen(CBaseEntity* pMarine);
// welding shut/cutting open
float GetSealAmount(); // returns how sealed this door is, from 0 to 1.0
float GetCurrentSealTime() { return m_flCurrentSealTime; }
void SetCurrentSealTime(float fTime);
float GetTotalSealTime() { return m_flTotalSealTime; }
void SetTotalSealTime(float fTime);
void WeldDoor(bool bSeal, float fAmount, CASW_Marine* pMarine); // welder weapon calls this repeatedly when the marine is sealing/cutting the door
Vector GetWeldFacingPoint(CBaseEntity* pOther); // the point a marine should look to weld this door
bool CloseForWeld(CASW_Marine* PMarine); // player requests the door to shut so he can weld it
bool IsRecommendedSeal( void ) { return m_bRecommendedSeal; }
bool CanWeld( void ) { return m_bCanCloseToWeld; }
float m_fClosingToWeldTime; // door won't autoopen before this curtime
bool m_bHasBeenWelded;
bool m_bDoCutShout; // should a marine shout out 'cut this door!' when he encounters this door and a marine with a welder is nearby?
virtual void CheckForDoorShootChatter( const CTakeDamageInfo &info );
virtual void DoAutoDoorShootChatter(CASW_Marine *pMarine);
float m_fLastMarineShootTime;
float m_fMarineShootCounter;
bool m_bDoneDoorShout;
bool m_bDoBreachedShout;
bool m_bDoAutoShootChatter;
bool m_bRotateOnFlip;
// SCARY NOTE: a float defined here was taking on strange values
float m_fSkillMarineHelping; // last time an engineering marine was nearby helping a weld
CNetworkVar(bool, m_bSkillMarineHelping); // is an engineer helping a weld on this door currently?
// player has hit a use icon which manipulates this door
virtual void ActivateUseIcon( CASW_Marine* pMarine, int nHoldType );
bool IsOpen( void );
bool IsMoving();
int OnTakeDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info );
void DoorSmoke();
bool KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue );
virtual void SetDentSequence();
virtual void SetDoorDamage();
virtual bool DoorNeedsFlip( void );
inline const Vector &GetClosedPosition(); ///< the door's origin when closed (coz it slides back and forth)
CNetworkVar( float, m_fLastMomentFlipDamage );
Vector m_vLastDamageDir;
virtual void RunAnimation();
virtual void HandleAnimEvent(animevent_t *pEvent);
virtual void Event_Killed( const CTakeDamageInfo &info );
// physics stuff
bool ASWCreateVPhysics();
void VPhysicsUpdate( IPhysicsObject *pPhysics );
void GetMassCenter( Vector *pMassCenter );
float GetMass() const;
// toggles the door between normal mesh and the flipped one
void FlipDoor();
// kill anyone in front of the falling door
void FallCrush();
int m_iFallingStage;
IPhysicsObject *VPhysicsInitFallenShadow( bool allowPhysicsMovement, bool allowPhysicsRotation, solid_t *pSolid = NULL);
// is the door currently using the flipped mesh?
bool m_bFlipped;
// should this door show as a blip on the marine's scanner?
bool m_bShowsOnScanner;
bool m_bDoorFallen;
float m_fLastFullyWeldedSound;
void SlideMove(const Vector &vecDestPosition, float flSpeed);
void CalculateDoorVolume( Vector OpenPosition, Vector ClosedPosition, Vector *destMins, Vector *destMaxs );
bool CheckDoorClear();
float m_flDistance; // How far to slide
QAngle m_angSlideAngle; // The angle the door slides in relative to its own angle
ASW_DoorSpawnPos_t m_eSpawnPosition;
Vector m_vecOpenPosition;
CNetworkVar( Vector, m_vecClosedPosition );
Vector m_vecGoal;
Vector m_vecBoundsMin;
Vector m_vecBoundsMax;
CNetworkVar( float, m_flTotalSealTime );
CNetworkVar( float, m_flCurrentSealTime );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iDoorType );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iDoorStrength );
//CNetworkVar( bool, m_bShowsOnScanner );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bAutoOpen );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bBashable );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bShootable );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bCanCloseToWeld );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bRecommendedSeal );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bWasWeldedByMarine );
ASW_DoorDent_t m_DentAmount;
bool m_bSetSide;
bool m_bDoneChatter;
float m_fChatterCounter;
CHandle<CEntityBlocker> m_hDoorBlocker;
CHandle<CASW_Door_Padding> m_hDoorPadding;
COutputEvent m_OnFullySealed;
COutputEvent m_OnFullyCut;
COutputEvent m_OnDestroyed;
inline const Vector &CASW_Door::GetClosedPosition()
return m_vecClosedPosition.Get();
#endif /* _DEFINED_ASW_DOOR_H */