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#include "cbase.h"
#include "asw_input.h"
#include "vgui/asw_vgui_ingame_panel.h"
#include "asw_hud_crosshair.h"
#include "c_asw_player.h"
#include "c_asw_marine.h"
#include "c_asw_weapon.h"
#include "c_asw_pickup.h"
#include "kbutton.h"
#include "cdll_int.h"
#include "vgui/isurface.h"
#include "iasw_client_aim_target.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern ConVar asw_controls; // asw: whether to use swarm mouse controls or not
// Purpose: make sure cursor isn't reset to 0 by the accumulation
void CASWInput::ActivateMouse (void)
if ( m_fMouseInitialized )
// asw store mouse pos
int current_posx, current_posy;
GetMousePos(current_posx, current_posy);
// asw - move it back to original position
SetMousePos(current_posx, current_posy);
// Purpose: Don't allow recentering the mouse
void CASWInput::ResetMouse( void )
int x, y;
HACK_GETLOCALPLAYER_GUARD( "Mouse behavior is tied to a specific player's status - splitscreen player would depend on which player (if any) is using mouse control" );
if (MarineControllingTurret() || !asw_controls.GetBool())
GetWindowCenter( x, y );
SetMousePos( x, y );
GetMousePos( x, y ); // asw instead of GetWindowCenter, so mouse doesn't move
SetMousePos( x, y );
// Purpose: AccumulateMouse - asw: stop mouse from being moved back to the centre of the screen
void CASWInput::AccumulateMouse( int nSlot )
// asw store mouse pos
int current_posx, current_posy;
GetMousePos(current_posx, current_posy);
CInput::AccumulateMouse( nSlot );
// asw - move it back to original position
SetMousePos(current_posx, current_posy);
// Purpose: ApplyMouse -- applies mouse deltas to CUserCmd
// Input : viewangles -
// *cmd -
// mouse_x -
// mouse_y -
void CASWInput::ApplyMouse( int nSlot, QAngle& viewangles, CUserCmd *cmd, float mouse_x, float mouse_y )
int current_posx, current_posy;
GetMousePos(current_posx, current_posy);
if ( ASWInput()->ControllerModeActive() )
if ( asw_controls.GetBool() && !MarineControllingTurret() )
TurnTowardMouse( viewangles, cmd );
// Re-center the mouse.
// force the mouse to the center, so there's room to move
SetMousePos( current_posx, current_posy ); // asw - swarm wants it unmoved (have to reset to stop buttons locking)
if ( MarineControllingTurret() )
// accelerate up the mouse intertia
static float mouse_x_accumulated = 0;
static float mouse_y_accumulated = 0;
// decay it
mouse_x_accumulated *= 0.95f;
mouse_y_accumulated *= 0.95f;
mouse_x_accumulated += mouse_x * 0.04f;
mouse_y_accumulated += mouse_y * 0.04f;
// clamp it
mouse_x_accumulated = clamp(mouse_x_accumulated, -500.0f,500.0f);
mouse_y_accumulated = clamp(mouse_y_accumulated, -500.0f,500.0f);
// move with our inertia style
mouse_x = mouse_x_accumulated;
mouse_y = mouse_y_accumulated;
CInput::ApplyMouse( nSlot, viewangles, cmd, mouse_x, mouse_y );
// force the mouse to the center, so there's room to move
void CASWInput::GetFullscreenMousePos( int *mx, int *my, int *unclampedx /*=NULL*/, int *unclampedy /*=NULL*/ )
Assert( mx );
Assert( my );
int x, y;
GetWindowCenter( x, y );
int current_posx, current_posy;
GetMousePos(current_posx, current_posy);
current_posx -= x;
current_posy -= y;
// Now need to add back in mid point of viewport
int w, h;
vgui::surface()->GetScreenSize( w, h );
current_posx += w / 2;
current_posy += h / 2;
if ( unclampedx )
*unclampedx = current_posx;
if ( unclampedy )
*unclampedy = current_posy;
// Clamp
current_posx = MAX( 0, current_posx );
current_posx = MIN( ScreenWidth(), current_posx );
current_posy = MAX( 0, current_posy );
current_posy = MIN( ScreenHeight(), current_posy );
*mx = current_posx;
*my = current_posy;
void CASWInput::SetMouseOverEntity( C_BaseEntity* pEnt )
// highlight the next entity
m_hMouseOverEntity = pEnt;
//m_MouseOverGlowObject.SetEntity( pEnt );
if ( !pEnt )
C_ASW_Marine *pOtherMarine = C_ASW_Marine::AsMarine( pEnt );
if ( pOtherMarine )
C_ASW_Player *pPlayer = C_ASW_Player::GetLocalASWPlayer();
C_ASW_Marine *pMarine = pPlayer ? pPlayer->GetMarine() : NULL;
if ( !pMarine )
IASW_Client_Aim_Target* pAimEnt = dynamic_cast<IASW_Client_Aim_Target*>( pEnt );
if ( pAimEnt )
// check we have LOS to the target
CTraceFilterLOS traceFilter( pMarine, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE );
trace_t tr2;
Vector vecWeaponPos = pMarine->GetRenderOrigin() + Vector( 0,0, ASW_MARINE_GUN_OFFSET_Z );
UTIL_TraceLine( vecWeaponPos, pAimEnt->GetAimTargetRadiusPos( vecWeaponPos ), MASK_OPAQUE, &traceFilter, &tr2 );
//C_BaseEntity *pEnt = pAimEnt->GetEntity();
//bool bHasLOS = (!tr2.startsolid && (tr2.fraction >= 1.0 || tr2.m_pEnt == pEnt));
// we can't shoot it, so skip it
// if ( bHasLOS )
// {
// m_MouseOverGlowObject.SetRenderFlags( true, true );
// m_MouseOverGlowObject.SetColor( Vector( 0.65f, 0.45f, 0.15f ) );
// m_MouseOverGlowObject.SetAlpha( 0.875f );
// }
// else
// {
// m_MouseOverGlowObject.SetRenderFlags( true, true );
// m_MouseOverGlowObject.SetColor( Vector( 0.4f, 0.35f, 0.3f ) );
// m_MouseOverGlowObject.SetAlpha( 0.8f );
// }
void CASWInput::SetHighlightEntity( C_BaseEntity* pEnt, bool bGlow )
// if we're currently highlighting something, stop
if ( m_hHighlightEntity.Get() )
C_BaseAnimating *pAnimating = dynamic_cast<C_BaseAnimating*>( m_hHighlightEntity.Get() );
if (pAnimating)
// ASWTODO - put this back in when we have a material proxy that supports lighting a specific marine
// highlight the next entity
m_hHighlightEntity = pEnt;
m_HighLightGlowObject.SetEntity( pEnt );
if ( m_hHighlightEntity.Get() )
if ( bGlow )
m_HighLightGlowObject.SetColor( Vector( 0.6f, 0.6f, 0.8f ) );
m_HighLightGlowObject.SetAlpha( 0.7f );
m_HighLightGlowObject.SetColor( Vector( 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f ) );
m_HighLightGlowObject.SetAlpha( 0.5f );
C_BaseEntity* CASWInput::GetHighlightEntity() const
return m_hHighlightEntity.Get();
void CASWInput::UpdateHighlightEntity()
// if we're currently brightening any entity, stop
SetHighlightEntity( NULL, false );
// clear any additional cursor icons
CASWHudCrosshair *pCrosshair = GET_HUDELEMENT( CASWHudCrosshair );
if ( pCrosshair )
pCrosshair->SetShowGiveAmmo(false, -1);
pCrosshair->SetShowGiveHealth( false );
C_ASW_Player* pPlayer = C_ASW_Player::GetLocalASWPlayer();
if ( !pPlayer )
C_ASW_Marine* pMarine = pPlayer->GetMarine();
if ( !pMarine )
// see if the marine and his weapons want to highlight the current entity, or something near the cursor
pMarine->MouseOverEntity( GetMouseOverEntity(), GetCrosshairAimingPos() );
void CASWInput::SetUseGlowEntity( C_BaseEntity* pEnt )
// if we're currently highlighting something, stop
if ( m_hUseGlowEntity.Get() )
C_BaseAnimating *pAnimating = dynamic_cast<C_BaseAnimating*>( m_hUseGlowEntity.Get() );
if ( pAnimating )
// ASWTODO - put this back in when we have a material proxy that supports lighting a specific marine
// highlight the next entity
m_hUseGlowEntity = pEnt;
bool bIsAllowed = true;
if ( m_hUseGlowEntity.Get() )
C_ASW_Player* pPlayer = C_ASW_Player::GetLocalASWPlayer();
if ( !pPlayer )
C_ASW_Marine* pMarine = pPlayer->GetMarine();
if ( !pMarine )
C_ASW_Pickup *pPickup = dynamic_cast< C_ASW_Pickup * >( pEnt );
if ( pPickup )
bIsAllowed = pPickup->AllowedToPickup( pMarine );
C_ASW_Weapon *pWeapon = dynamic_cast< C_ASW_Weapon * >( pEnt );
if ( pWeapon )
bIsAllowed = pWeapon->AllowedToPickup( pMarine );
if ( bIsAllowed )
m_UseGlowObject.SetEntity( pEnt );
m_UseGlowObject.SetEntity( NULL );