FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

829 lines
25 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "collection_crafting_panel.h"
#include "cdll_client_int.h"
#include "ienginevgui.h"
#include "econ_item_tools.h"
#include "econ_ui.h"
#include <vgui_controls/AnimationController.h>
#include "clientmode_tf.h"
#include "softline.h"
#include "drawing_panel.h"
#include "tf_item_inventory.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
// Purpose:
CCollectionCraftingPanel::CCollectionCraftingPanel( vgui::Panel *parent, CItemModelPanelToolTip* pTooltip )
: BaseClass( parent, "CollectionCraftingPanel" )
, m_pKVItemPanels( NULL )
, m_pModelPanel( NULL )
, m_bWaitingForGCResponse( false )
, m_bEnvelopeReadyToSend( false )
, m_pMouseOverTooltip( pTooltip )
, m_bShowing( false )
, m_bShowImmediately( false )
ListenForGameEvent( "gameui_hidden" );
m_pSelectingItemModelPanel = NULL;
m_pTradeUpContainer = new EditablePanel( this, "TradeUpContainer" );
m_pInspectPanel = new CTFItemInspectionPanel( this, "NewItemPanel" );
m_pCosmeticResultItemModelPanel = new CItemModelPanel( m_pInspectPanel, "CosmeticResultItemModelPanel" );
m_pStampPanel = new ImagePanel( this, "Stamp" );
m_pStampButton = new CExButton( this, "ApplyStampButton", "" );
EditablePanel* pPaperContainer = new EditablePanel( m_pTradeUpContainer, "PaperContainer" );
m_pOKButton = new CExButton( pPaperContainer, "OkButton", "" );
m_pNextItemButton = new CExButton( this, "NextItemButton", "" );
m_pDrawingPanel = new CDrawingPanel( this, "drawingpanel" );
// Purpose:
CCollectionCraftingPanel::~CCollectionCraftingPanel( void )
if ( m_hSelectionPanel )
if ( m_pKVItemPanels )
void CCollectionCraftingPanel::SetItemPanelCount( )
// only do this once
if ( m_vecItemContainers.Count() != 0 )
const int nNumItems = GetInputItemCount();
const int nNumOutput = GetOutputItemCount();
EditablePanel* pPaperContainer = dynamic_cast<vgui::EditablePanel*>( m_pTradeUpContainer->FindChildByName( "PaperContainer" ) );
if ( pPaperContainer )
m_vecItemContainers.SetCount( nNumItems );
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecItemContainers, i )
m_vecItemContainers[i] = new EditablePanel( pPaperContainer, "itemcontainer" );
m_vecOutputItemContainers.SetCount( nNumOutput );
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecOutputItemContainers, i )
m_vecOutputItemContainers[i] = new EditablePanel( pPaperContainer, "itemcontainer" );
void CCollectionCraftingPanel::CreateSelectionPanel()
m_hSelectionPanel = new CCollectionCraftingSelectionPanel( this );
// Purpose:
void CCollectionCraftingPanel::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
LoadControlSettings( GetResFile() );
m_pModelPanel = FindControl< CBaseModelPanel >( "ReturnModel" );
if ( m_pModelPanel )
m_pModelPanel->SetLookAtCamera( false );
if ( m_pDrawingPanel )
m_pDrawingPanel->SetType( DRAWING_PANEL_TYPE_CRAFTING );
m_pItemNamePanel = m_pInspectPanel->FindControl< CItemModelPanel >( "ItemName" );
Assert( m_pItemNamePanel );
// Purpose:
void CCollectionCraftingPanel::ApplySettings( KeyValues *inResourceData )
BaseClass::ApplySettings( inResourceData );
KeyValues *pItemKV = inResourceData->FindKey( "ItemContainerKV" );
if ( pItemKV )
if ( m_pKVItemPanels )
m_pKVItemPanels = new KeyValues("ItemContainerKV");
pItemKV->CopySubkeys( m_pKVItemPanels );
KeyValues *pBoxTopsKV = inResourceData->FindKey( "BoxTops" );
if ( pBoxTopsKV )
FOR_EACH_VALUE( pBoxTopsKV, pValue )
m_vecBoxTopNames.AddToTail( pValue->GetString() );
Assert( m_vecBoxTopNames.Count() );
KeyValues *pStampNames = inResourceData->FindKey( "stampimages" );
if ( pStampNames )
FOR_EACH_VALUE( pStampNames, pValue )
m_vecStampNames.AddToTail( pValue->GetString() );
Assert( m_vecStampNames.Count() );
KeyValues *pResulStrings = inResourceData->FindKey( "resultstring" );
if ( pResulStrings )
FOR_EACH_VALUE( pResulStrings, pValue )
m_vecResultStrings.AddToTail( pValue->GetString() );
Assert( m_vecResultStrings.Count() );
KeyValues *pLocalizedPanelNames = inResourceData->FindKey( "localizedpanels" );
if ( pLocalizedPanelNames )
FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pLocalizedPanelNames, pValue )
m_vecLocalizedPanels.AddToTail( { pValue->GetString( "panelname" ), pValue->GetBool( "show_for_english", false ) } );
// Purpose:
void CCollectionCraftingPanel::PerformLayout()
if ( m_pModelPanel )
m_pModelPanel->SetMDL( "models/player/items/crafting/mannco_crate_tradeup.mdl" );
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecItemContainers, i )
m_vecItemContainers[ i ]->SetPos( m_iButtonsStartX + m_iButtonsStepX * ( i % 5 )
, m_iButtonsStartY + m_iButtonsStepY * ( i / 5 ) );
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecOutputItemContainers, i )
m_vecOutputItemContainers[i]->SetPos( m_iOutputItemStartX + m_iOutputItemStepX * ( i % 5 )
, m_iOutputItemStartY + m_iOutputItemStepY * ( i / 5 ) );
if ( steamapicontext && steamapicontext->SteamApps() )
char uilanguage[ 64 ];
uilanguage[0] = 0;
engine->GetUILanguage( uilanguage, sizeof( uilanguage ) );
ELanguage language = PchLanguageToELanguage( uilanguage );
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecLocalizedPanels, i )
bool bShow = language == k_Lang_English && m_vecLocalizedPanels[ i ].m_bShowForEnglish;
Panel* pPanel = m_pTradeUpContainer->FindChildByName( m_vecLocalizedPanels[ i ].m_strPanel, true );
if ( pPanel )
pPanel->SetVisible( bShow );
// Purpose:
void CCollectionCraftingPanel::CreateItemPanels()
m_vecImagePanels.SetCount( m_vecItemContainers.Count() );
m_vecItemPanels.SetCount( m_vecItemContainers.Count() );
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecItemContainers, i )
m_vecItemContainers[ i ]->ApplySettings( m_pKVItemPanels );
m_vecImagePanels[ i ] = m_vecItemContainers[ i ]->FindControl< ImagePanel >( "imagepanel" );
m_vecItemPanels[ i ] = m_vecItemContainers[ i ]->FindControl< CItemModelPanel >( "itempanel" );
m_vecItemPanels[ i ]->SetActAsButton( true, true );
m_vecItemPanels[ i ]->SetTooltip( m_pMouseOverTooltip, "" );
CExButton* pButton = m_vecItemContainers[ i ]->FindControl< CExButton >( "BackgroundButton" );
if ( pButton )
pButton->SetCommand( CFmtStr( "select%d", i ) );
pButton->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
m_vecOutputImagePanels.SetCount( m_vecOutputItemContainers.Count() );
m_vecOutputItemPanels.SetCount( m_vecOutputItemContainers.Count() );
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecOutputItemContainers, i )
m_vecOutputItemContainers[i]->ApplySettings( m_pKVItemPanels );
m_vecOutputImagePanels[i] = m_vecOutputItemContainers[i]->FindControl< ImagePanel >( "imagepanel" );
m_vecOutputItemPanels[i] = m_vecOutputItemContainers[i]->FindControl< CItemModelPanel >( "itempanel" );
m_vecOutputItemPanels[i]->SetTooltip( m_pMouseOverTooltip, "" );
// Purpose:
void CCollectionCraftingPanel::OnCommand( const char *command )
if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "reloadscheme" ) )
InvalidateLayout( false, true );
if ( FStrEq( "doneselectingitems", command ) )
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( this, "CollectionCrafting_LetterStart" );
m_bEnvelopeReadyToSend = false;
if ( m_vecStampNames.Count() )
m_pStampPanel->SetImage( m_vecStampNames[ RandomInt( 0, m_vecStampNames.Count() - 1 ) ] );
else if ( FStrEq( "cancel", command ) )
SetVisible( false );
else if ( Q_strnicmp( "select", command, 6 ) == 0 )
SelectPanel( atoi( command + 6 ) );
else if ( FStrEq( "envelopesend", command ) )
GCSDK::CProtoBufMsg<CMsgCraftCollectionUpgrade> msg( k_EMsgGCCraftCollectionUpgrade );
// Construct message
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecItemPanels, i )
if ( m_vecItemPanels[ i ]->GetItem() == NULL )
msg.Body().add_item_id( m_vecItemPanels[ i ]->GetItem()->GetItemID() );
// Send if off
GCClientSystem()->BSendMessage( msg );
m_bWaitingForGCResponse = true;
m_timerResponse.Start( 5.f );
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( this, "CollectionCrafting_LetterSend" );
else if ( FStrEq( "placestamp", command ) )
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( this, "CollectionCrafting_PlaceStamp" );
else if( Q_strnicmp( "playcratesequence", command, 17 ) == 0 )
m_pModelPanel->SetSequence( atoi( command + 17 ), true );
else if( FStrEq( "itemget", command ) )
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( this, "CollectionCrafting_ItemRecieved" );
wchar_t *pszLocalized = NULL;
if ( m_eEconItemOrigin == kEconItemOrigin_FoundInCrate )
pszLocalized = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#NewItemMethod_FoundInCrate" );
else if ( m_vecResultStrings.Count() )
pszLocalized = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( m_vecResultStrings[ RandomInt( 0, m_vecResultStrings.Count() - 1 ) ] );
m_pInspectPanel->SetDialogVariable( "resultstring", pszLocalized );
else if( Q_strnicmp( "playsound", command, 9 ) == 0 )
vgui::surface()->PlaySound( command + 10 );
else if( FStrEq( "startexplanation1", command ) )
CExplanationPopup *pPopup = dynamic_cast<CExplanationPopup*>( FindChildByName("StartExplanation") );
if ( pPopup )
else if( FStrEq( "startexplanation2", command ) )
CExplanationPopup *pPopup = dynamic_cast<CExplanationPopup*>( FindChildByName("SigningExplanation") );
if ( pPopup )
else if ( FStrEq( "nextitem", command ) )
if ( m_nFoundItemID.Count() > 1 )
// Remove head, reset timer to drop next item
m_nFoundItemID.Remove( 0 );
m_timerResponse.Start( 5.f );
m_bShowImmediately = true;
else if( FStrEq( "reload", command ) )
InvalidateLayout( false, true );
SetVisible( true );
BaseClass::OnCommand( command );
void CCollectionCraftingPanel::SelectPanel( int nPanel )
m_pSelectingItemModelPanel = m_vecItemPanels[ nPanel ];
CCopyableUtlVector< const CEconItemView* > vecCurrentItems;
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecItemPanels, i )
if ( m_vecItemPanels[ i ]->GetItem() )
vecCurrentItems.AddToTail( m_vecItemPanels[ i ]->GetItem() );
if ( !m_hSelectionPanel )
m_hSelectionPanel->SetAutoDelete( false );
if ( m_hSelectionPanel )
// Clicked on an item in the crafting area. Open up the selection panel.
m_hSelectionPanel->SetCorrespondingItems( vecCurrentItems );
m_hSelectionPanel->ShowDuplicateCounts( true );
m_hSelectionPanel->ShowPanel( 0, true );
m_hSelectionPanel->SetCaller( this );
m_hSelectionPanel->SetZPos( GetZPos() + 1 );
void CCollectionCraftingPanel::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event )
if ( FStrEq( event->GetName(), "gameui_hidden" ) )
SetVisible( false );
// Purpose:
void CCollectionCraftingPanel::OnItemPanelMousePressed( vgui::Panel *panel )
CItemModelPanel *pItemPanel = dynamic_cast < CItemModelPanel * > ( panel );
if ( pItemPanel && IsVisible() && !pItemPanel->IsGreyedOut() )
auto idx = m_vecItemPanels.Find( pItemPanel );
if ( idx != m_vecItemPanels.InvalidIndex() )
OnCommand( CFmtStr( "select%d", idx ) );
// Purpose:
void CCollectionCraftingPanel::OnSelectionReturned( KeyValues *data )
Assert( m_pSelectingItemModelPanel );
m_hSelectionPanel->SetVisible( false );
if ( data && m_pSelectingItemModelPanel )
uint64 ulIndex = data->GetUint64( "itemindex", INVALID_ITEM_ID );
CEconItemView* pSelectedItem = InventoryManager()->GetLocalInventory()->GetInventoryItemByItemID( ulIndex );
if ( pSelectedItem )
vgui::surface()->PlaySound( "ui/trade_up_apply_sticker.wav" );
auto idx = m_vecItemPanels.Find( m_pSelectingItemModelPanel );
SetItem( pSelectedItem, idx );
m_pSelectingItemModelPanel = NULL;
// Purpose:
void CCollectionCraftingPanel::UpdateOKButton()
bool bOKEnabled = true;
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecItemPanels, i )
bOKEnabled &= m_vecItemPanels[ i ]->GetItem() != NULL;
m_pOKButton->SetEnabled( bOKEnabled );
if ( bOKEnabled )
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( m_pOKButton->GetParent(), "CollectionCrafting_OKBlink" );
// Purpose:
void CCollectionCraftingPanel::SetVisible( bool bVisible )
BaseClass::SetVisible( bVisible );
if ( bVisible )
m_pInspectPanel->SetVisible( false );
EditablePanel* pDimmer = FindControl< EditablePanel >( "Dimmer" );
if ( pDimmer )
pDimmer->SetAlpha( 0 );
EditablePanel* pBG = FindControl< EditablePanel >( "BG" );
if ( pBG )
pBG->SetPos( pBG->GetXPos(), GetTall() );
m_pTradeUpContainer->SetVisible( true );
m_pTradeUpContainer->SetPos( m_pTradeUpContainer->GetXPos(), -700 );
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( this, "CollectionCrafting_Intro" );
vgui::surface()->PlaySound( "ui/trade_up_panel_slide.wav" );
m_pDrawingPanel->ClearLines( GetLocalPlayerIndex() );
if ( m_hSelectionPanel )
m_hSelectionPanel->SetVisible( false );
if ( m_bShowing )
EconUI()->SetPreventClosure( false );
m_bShowing = false;
// Purpose:
void CCollectionCraftingPanel::SOCreated( const CSteamID & steamIDOwner, const GCSDK::CSharedObject *pObject, GCSDK::ESOCacheEvent eEvent )
if ( m_bWaitingForGCResponse )
if( pObject->GetTypeID() != CEconItem::k_nTypeID )
CEconItem *pItem = (CEconItem *)pObject;
if ( IsUnacknowledged( pItem->GetInventoryToken() ) && ( pItem->GetOrigin() == m_eEconItemOrigin ) )
//Assert( m_nFoundItemID == INVALID_ITEM_ID );
//m_bWaitingForGCResponse = false;
m_nFoundItemID.AddToTail( pItem->GetItemID() );
CEconItemView* pNewEconItemView = InventoryManager()->GetLocalInventory()->GetInventoryItemByItemID( pItem->GetItemID() );
if ( pNewEconItemView )
// Acknowledge the item
InventoryManager()->AcknowledgeItem( pNewEconItemView, true );
// Purpose:
void CCollectionCraftingPanel::Show( CUtlVector< const CEconItemView* >& vecStartingItems )
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecItemPanels, i )
const CEconItemView* pItem = i < vecStartingItems.Count() ? vecStartingItems[ i ] : NULL;
SetItem( pItem, i );
m_bShowing = true;
EconUI()->SetPreventClosure( true );
SetVisible( true );
m_eEconItemOrigin = kEconItemOrigin_TradeUp;
void CCollectionCraftingPanel::SetWaitingForItem( eEconItemOrigin eOrigin )
// Clear Panels
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecItemPanels, i )
SetItem( NULL, i );
m_bShowing = true;
EconUI()->SetPreventClosure( true );
m_pInspectPanel->SetVisible( false );
EditablePanel* pDimmer = FindControl< EditablePanel >( "Dimmer" );
if ( pDimmer )
pDimmer->SetAlpha( 0 );
EditablePanel* pBG = FindControl< EditablePanel >( "BG" );
if ( pBG )
pBG->SetPos( pBG->GetXPos(), GetTall() );
m_pTradeUpContainer->SetVisible( false );
// reset
m_pInspectPanel->SetItemCopy( NULL );
m_pCosmeticResultItemModelPanel->SetItem( NULL );
// Do not use Derived SetVisible since it does extra animations we do not want here
BaseClass::SetVisible( true );
m_eEconItemOrigin = eOrigin;
m_bWaitingForGCResponse = true;
m_timerResponse.Start( 5.f );
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( this, "CollectionCrafting_WaitForItemsOnly" );
// Purpose:
void CCollectionCraftingPanel::SetItem( const CEconItemView* pItem, int nIndex )
if ( nIndex != m_vecItemPanels.InvalidIndex() )
m_vecImagePanels[ nIndex ]->SetVisible( pItem != NULL );
m_vecItemPanels[ nIndex ]->SetVisible( pItem != NULL );
m_vecItemPanels[ nIndex ]->SetItem( pItem );
if ( pItem && m_vecBoxTopNames.Count() )
CUniformRandomStream randomStream;
randomStream.SetSeed( pItem->GetItemID() );
m_vecImagePanels[ nIndex ]->SetImage( m_vecBoxTopNames[ randomStream.RandomInt( 0, m_vecBoxTopNames.Count() - 1 ) ] );
// Purpose:
void CCollectionCraftingPanel::OnThink()
const float flSoonestAirDropTime = 2.f;
if ( m_timerResponse.HasStarted() )
// Elapsed is bad. This means the item server didnt get back to us
if ( m_timerResponse.IsElapsed() )
m_bWaitingForGCResponse = false;
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( this, "CollectionCrafting_HideWaiting" );
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( this, "CollectionCrafting_ShowFailure" );
else if ( m_timerResponse.GetElapsedTime() > flSoonestAirDropTime || m_bShowImmediately )
m_bShowImmediately = false;
// At 2 seconds we want to either show that we're still waiting, or show the item
if ( m_nFoundItemID.Count() > 0 )
OnCommand( "itemget" );
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( this, "CollectionCrafting_HideWaiting" );
// Setup the item in the panel
CEconItemView* pNewEconItemView = InventoryManager()->GetLocalInventory()->GetInventoryItemByItemID( m_nFoundItemID[0] );
if ( pNewEconItemView )
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrib_WeaponAllowInspect( "weapon_allow_inspect" );
if ( pNewEconItemView->FindAttribute( pAttrib_WeaponAllowInspect ) )
m_pInspectPanel->SetItemCopy( pNewEconItemView );
m_pInspectPanel->SetSpecialAttributesOnly( true );
m_pCosmeticResultItemModelPanel->SetItem( NULL );
else //( IsMiscSlot( pNewEconItemView->GetStaticData()->GetDefaultLoadoutSlot() ) )
m_pCosmeticResultItemModelPanel->SetItem( pNewEconItemView );
m_pCosmeticResultItemModelPanel->SetNameOnly( false );
m_pInspectPanel->SetSpecialAttributesOnly( true );
m_pInspectPanel->SetItemCopy( NULL );
// Acknowledge the item
InventoryManager()->AcknowledgeItem( pNewEconItemView, true );
if ( m_pItemNamePanel )
m_pItemNamePanel->SetItem( pNewEconItemView );
m_bWaitingForGCResponse = false;
// only show if more then 1 item in queue
m_pNextItemButton->SetVisible( m_nFoundItemID.Count() > 1 );
// Say that we're waiting
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( this, "CollectionCrafting_ShowWaiting" );
bool bEnvelopReadyToSendThisFrame = true;
// They need to have drawn a little bit
bEnvelopReadyToSendThisFrame &= m_pDrawingPanel->GetLines( GetLocalPlayerIndex() ).Count() > 10;
// And placed a stamp
bEnvelopReadyToSendThisFrame &= m_pStampPanel->IsVisible();
// Show the send button?
if ( bEnvelopReadyToSendThisFrame && !m_bEnvelopeReadyToSend )
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( this, "CollectionCrafting_ShowSendButton" );
m_bEnvelopeReadyToSend = bEnvelopReadyToSendThisFrame;
//* **************************************************************************************************************************************
// Stat Clock Crafting
// Purpose:
CCraftCommonStatClockPanel::CCraftCommonStatClockPanel( vgui::Panel *parent, CItemModelPanelToolTip* pTooltip )
: BaseClass( parent, pTooltip )
// Purpose:
CCraftCommonStatClockPanel::~CCraftCommonStatClockPanel( void )
void CCraftCommonStatClockPanel::Show( CUtlVector< const CEconItemView* >& vecStartingItems )
BaseClass::Show( vecStartingItems );
// Create output
static CSchemaItemDefHandle pItemDef_CommonStatClock( "Common Stat Clock" );
m_outputItem.SetItemDefIndex( pItemDef_CommonStatClock->GetDefinitionIndex() );
m_outputItem.SetItemQuality( AE_UNIQUE ); // Unique by default
m_outputItem.SetItemLevel( 0 ); // Hide this?
m_outputItem.SetItemID( 0 );
m_outputItem.SetInitialized( true );
m_vecOutputImagePanels[0]->SetVisible( true );
m_vecOutputItemPanels[0]->SetVisible( true );
m_vecOutputItemPanels[0]->SetItem( &m_outputItem );
if ( m_vecBoxTopNames.Count() )
CUniformRandomStream randomStream;
randomStream.SetSeed( 0 );
m_vecOutputImagePanels[0]->SetImage( m_vecBoxTopNames[randomStream.RandomInt( 0, m_vecBoxTopNames.Count() - 1 )] );
void CCraftCommonStatClockPanel::CreateSelectionPanel()
CStatClockCraftingSelectionPanel *pSelectionPanel = new CStatClockCraftingSelectionPanel( this );
m_hSelectionPanel = (CCollectionCraftingSelectionPanel*)pSelectionPanel;
// Purpose:
void CCraftCommonStatClockPanel::OnCommand( const char *command )
if ( FStrEq( "envelopesend", command ) )
GCSDK::CProtoBufMsg<CMsgCraftCommonStatClock> msg( k_EMsgGCCraftCommonStatClock );
// Find out if the user owns this item or not and place in the proper bucket
CPlayerInventory *pLocalInv = TFInventoryManager()->GetLocalInventory();
if ( !pLocalInv )
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecItemPanels, i )
if ( m_vecItemPanels[i]->GetItem() == NULL )
msg.Body().add_item_id( m_vecItemPanels[i]->GetItem()->GetItemID() );
// Send if off
GCClientSystem()->BSendMessage( msg );
m_bWaitingForGCResponse = true;
m_timerResponse.Start( 5.f );
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( this, "CollectionCrafting_LetterSend" );
BaseClass::OnCommand( command );