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//===== Copyright (c) 1996-2006, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose: ExprSimplifier builds a binary tree from an infix expression (in the
// form of a character array).
#include "vpc.h"
static ExprTree mExprTree; // Tree representation of the expression
static char mCurToken; // Current token read from the input expression
static const char *mExpression; // Array of the expression characters
static int mCurPosition; // Current position in the input expression
static char mIdentifier[MAX_IDENTIFIER_LEN]; // Stores the identifier string
static GetSymbolProc_t g_pGetSymbolProc;
// Sets mCurToken to the next token in the input string. Skips all whitespace.
static char GetNextToken( void )
// while whitespace, Increment CurrentPosition
while( mExpression[mCurPosition] == ' ' )
// CurrentToken = Expression[CurrentPosition]
mCurToken = mExpression[mCurPosition++];
return mCurToken;
// Utility funcs
static void FreeNode( ExprNode *node )
delete node;
static ExprNode *AllocateNode( void )
return new ExprNode;
static void FreeTree( ExprTree& node )
node = 0;
static bool IsConditional( const char token )
char nextchar = ' ';
if ( token == OR_OP || token == AND_OP )
nextchar = mExpression[mCurPosition++];
if ( (token & nextchar) == token )
return true;
g_pVPC->VPCSyntaxError( "Bad expression token: %c %c", token, nextchar );
return false;
static bool IsNotOp( const char token )
if ( token == NOT_OP )
return true;
return false;
static bool IsIdentifierOrConstant( const char token )
bool success = false;
if ( token == '$' )
// store the entire identifier
int i = 0;
mIdentifier[i++] = token;
while( (isalnum( mExpression[mCurPosition] ) || mExpression[mCurPosition] == '_') && i < MAX_IDENTIFIER_LEN )
mIdentifier[i] = mExpression[mCurPosition];
if ( i < MAX_IDENTIFIER_LEN - 1 )
mIdentifier[i] = '\0';
success = true;
if ( isdigit( token ) )
int i = 0;
mIdentifier[i++] = token;
while( isdigit( mExpression[mCurPosition] ) && ( i < MAX_IDENTIFIER_LEN ) )
mIdentifier[i] = mExpression[mCurPosition];
if ( i < MAX_IDENTIFIER_LEN - 1 )
mIdentifier[i] = '\0';
success = true;
return success;
static void MakeExprNode( ExprTree &tree, char token, Kind kind, ExprTree left, ExprTree right )
tree = AllocateNode();
tree->left = left;
tree->right = right;
tree->kind = kind;
switch ( kind )
tree->data.cond = token;
if ( isdigit( mIdentifier[0] ) )
tree->data.value = atoi( mIdentifier ) != 0;
tree->data.value = g_pGetSymbolProc( mIdentifier );
case NOT:
g_pVPC->VPCError( "Error in ExpTree" );
static void MakeExpression( ExprTree& tree );
// Makes a factor :: { <expression> } | <identifier>.
static void MakeFactor( ExprTree& tree )
if ( mCurToken == '(' )
// Get the next token
// Make an expression, setting Tree to point to it
MakeExpression( tree );
else if ( IsIdentifierOrConstant( mCurToken ) )
// Make a literal node, set Tree to point to it, set left/right children to NULL.
MakeExprNode( tree, mCurToken, LITERAL, NULL, NULL );
else if ( IsNotOp( mCurToken ) )
// do nothing
// This must be a bad token
g_pVPC->VPCSyntaxError( "Bad expression token: %c", mCurToken );
// Get the next token
// Makes a term :: <factor> { <not> }.
static void MakeTerm( ExprTree& tree )
// Make a factor, setting Tree to point to it
MakeFactor( tree );
// while the next token is !
while( IsNotOp( mCurToken ) )
// Make an operator node, setting left child to Tree and right to NULL. (Tree points to new node)
MakeExprNode( tree, mCurToken, NOT, tree, NULL );
// Get the next token.
// Make a factor, setting the right child of Tree to point to it.
// Makes a complete expression :: <term> { <cond> <term> }.
static void MakeExpression( ExprTree& tree )
// Make a term, setting Tree to point to it
MakeTerm( tree );
// while the next token is a conditional
while ( IsConditional( mCurToken ) )
// Make a conditional node, setting left child to Tree and right to NULL. (Tree points to new node)
MakeExprNode( tree, mCurToken, CONDITIONAL, tree, NULL );
// Get the next token.
// Make a term, setting the right child of Tree to point to it.
MakeTerm( tree->right );
// returns true for success, false for failure
static bool BuildExpression( void )
// Get the first token, and build the tree.
MakeExpression( mExprTree );
return true;
// returns the value of the node after resolving all children
static bool SimplifyNode( ExprTree& node )
if( !node )
return false;
// Simplify the left and right children of this node
bool leftVal = SimplifyNode(node->left);
bool rightVal = SimplifyNode(node->right);
// Simplify this node
switch( node->kind )
case NOT:
// the child of '!' is always to the right
node->data.value = !rightVal;
if ( node->data.cond == AND_OP )
node->data.value = leftVal && rightVal;
else // OR_OP
node->data.value = leftVal || rightVal;
default: // LITERAL
// This node has beed resolved
node->kind = LITERAL;
return node->data.value;
// Interface to solve a conditional expression. Returns false on failure.
bool EvaluateExpression( bool &result, const char *InfixExpression, GetSymbolProc_t pGetSymbolProc )
if ( !InfixExpression )
return false;
g_pGetSymbolProc = pGetSymbolProc;
bool success = false;
mExpression = InfixExpression;
mExprTree = 0;
mCurPosition = 0;
// Building the expression tree will fail on bad syntax
if ( BuildExpression() )
success = true;
result = SimplifyNode( mExprTree );
FreeTree( mExprTree );
return success;