mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 14:47:39 +00:00
1166 lines
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1166 lines
27 KiB
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
#include <server_class.h>
#include <inetmessage.h>
#include <tier0/vprof.h>
#include <tier0/vcrmode.h>
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include <edict.h>
#include <eiface.h>
#include <PlayerState.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "replayserver.h"
#include "sv_client.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "sv_main.h"
#include "framesnapshot.h"
#include "networkstringtable.h"
#include "cmodel_engine.h"
#include "dt_recv_eng.h"
#include "cdll_engine_int.h"
#include "GameEventManager.h"
#include "host.h"
#include "proto_version.h"
#include "dt_common_eng.h"
#include "baseautocompletefilelist.h"
#include "sv_steamauth.h"
#include "con_nprint.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "client_class.h"
#include "replay_internal.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern CNetworkStringTableContainer *networkStringTableContainerClient;
// Construction/Destruction
CReplayServer *replay = NULL;
Q_memset( m_Cache, 0, sizeof(m_Cache) );
m_nTick = 0;
m_nMaxEntities = 0;
m_nCacheSize = 0;
void CReplayDeltaEntityCache::Flush()
if ( m_nMaxEntities != 0 )
// at least one entity was set
for ( int i=0; i<m_nMaxEntities; i++ )
if ( m_Cache[i] != NULL )
free( m_Cache[i] );
m_Cache[i] = NULL;
m_nMaxEntities = 0;
m_nCacheSize = 0;
void CReplayDeltaEntityCache::SetTick( int nTick, int nMaxEntities )
if ( nTick == m_nTick )
m_nCacheSize = 2 * 1024;
if ( m_nCacheSize <= 0 )
m_nMaxEntities = MIN(nMaxEntities,MAX_EDICTS);
m_nTick = nTick;
unsigned char* CReplayDeltaEntityCache::FindDeltaBits( int nEntityIndex, int nDeltaTick, int &nBits )
nBits = -1;
if ( nEntityIndex < 0 || nEntityIndex >= m_nMaxEntities )
return NULL;
DeltaEntityEntry_s *pEntry = m_Cache[nEntityIndex];
while ( pEntry )
if ( pEntry->nDeltaTick == nDeltaTick )
nBits = pEntry->nBits;
return (unsigned char*)(pEntry) + sizeof(DeltaEntityEntry_s);
// keep searching entry list
pEntry = pEntry->pNext;
return NULL;
void CReplayDeltaEntityCache::AddDeltaBits( int nEntityIndex, int nDeltaTick, int nBits, bf_write *pBuffer )
if ( nEntityIndex < 0 || nEntityIndex >= m_nMaxEntities || m_nCacheSize <= 0 )
int nBufferSize = PAD_NUMBER( Bits2Bytes(nBits), 4);
DeltaEntityEntry_s *pEntry = m_Cache[nEntityIndex];
if ( pEntry == NULL )
if ( (int)(nBufferSize+sizeof(DeltaEntityEntry_s)) > m_nCacheSize )
return; // way too big, don't even create an entry
pEntry = m_Cache[nEntityIndex] = (DeltaEntityEntry_s *) malloc( m_nCacheSize );
char *pEnd = (char*)(pEntry) + m_nCacheSize; // end marker
while( pEntry->pNext )
pEntry = pEntry->pNext;
int entrySize = sizeof(DeltaEntityEntry_s) + PAD_NUMBER( Bits2Bytes(pEntry->nBits), 4);
DeltaEntityEntry_s *pNew = (DeltaEntityEntry_s*)((char*)(pEntry) + entrySize);
if ( ((char*)(pNew) + sizeof(DeltaEntityEntry_s) + nBufferSize) > pEnd )
return; // data wouldn't fit into cache anymore, don't add new entries
pEntry = pNew;
pEntry->pNext = pEntry;
pEntry->pNext = NULL; // link to next
pEntry->nDeltaTick = nDeltaTick;
pEntry->nBits = nBits;
if ( nBits > 0 )
bf_read inBuffer;
inBuffer.StartReading( pBuffer->GetData(), pBuffer->m_nDataBytes, pBuffer->GetNumBitsWritten() );
bf_write outBuffer( (char*)(pEntry) + sizeof(DeltaEntityEntry_s), nBufferSize );
outBuffer.WriteBitsFromBuffer( &inBuffer, nBits );
static RecvTable* FindRecvTable( const char *pName, RecvTable **pRecvTables, int nRecvTables )
for ( int i=0; i< nRecvTables; i++ )
if ( !Q_strcmp( pName, pRecvTables[i]->GetName() ) )
return pRecvTables[i];
return NULL;
static RecvTable* AddRecvTableR( SendTable *sendt, RecvTable **pRecvTables, int &nRecvTables )
RecvTable *recvt = FindRecvTable( sendt->m_pNetTableName, pRecvTables, nRecvTables );
if ( recvt )
return recvt; // already in list
if ( sendt->m_nProps > 0 )
RecvProp *receiveProps = new RecvProp[sendt->m_nProps];
for ( int i=0; i < sendt->m_nProps; i++ )
// copy property data
SendProp * sp = sendt->GetProp( i );
RecvProp * rp = &receiveProps[i];
rp->m_pVarName = sp->m_pVarName;
rp->m_RecvType = sp->m_Type;
if ( sp->IsExcludeProp() )
// if prop is excluded, give different name
rp->m_pVarName = "IsExcludedProp";
if ( sp->IsInsideArray() )
rp->m_pVarName = "InsideArrayProp"; // give different name
if ( sp->GetType() == DPT_Array )
Assert ( sp->GetArrayProp() == sendt->GetProp( i-1 ) );
Assert( receiveProps[i-1].IsInsideArray() );
rp->SetArrayProp( &receiveProps[i-1] );
rp->InitArray( sp->m_nElements, sp->m_ElementStride );
if ( sp->GetType() == DPT_DataTable )
// recursive create
Assert ( sp->GetDataTable() );
RecvTable *subTable = AddRecvTableR( sp->GetDataTable(), pRecvTables, nRecvTables );
rp->SetDataTable( subTable );
recvt = new RecvTable( receiveProps, sendt->m_nProps, sendt->m_pNetTableName );
// table with no properties
recvt = new RecvTable( NULL, 0, sendt->m_pNetTableName );
pRecvTables[nRecvTables] = recvt;
return recvt;
void CReplayServer::FreeClientRecvTables()
for ( int i=0; i< m_nRecvTables; i++ )
RecvTable *rt = m_pRecvTables[i];
// delete recv table props
if ( rt->m_pProps )
Assert( rt->m_nProps > 0 );
delete [] rt->m_pProps;
// delete the table itself
delete rt;
Q_memset( m_pRecvTables, 0, sizeof( m_pRecvTables ) );
m_nRecvTables = 0;
// creates client receive tables from server send tables
void CReplayServer::InitClientRecvTables()
ServerClass* pCur = NULL;
if ( ClientDLL_GetAllClasses() != NULL )
return; //already initialized
// first create all SendTables
for ( pCur = serverGameDLL->GetAllServerClasses(); pCur; pCur=pCur->m_pNext )
// create receive table from send table.
AddRecvTableR( pCur->m_pTable, m_pRecvTables, m_nRecvTables );
m_nRecvTables < ARRAYSIZE( m_pRecvTables ),
("AddRecvTableR: overflowed MAX_DATATABLES")
// now register client classes
for ( pCur = serverGameDLL->GetAllServerClasses(); pCur; pCur=pCur->m_pNext )
m_nRecvTables < ARRAYSIZE( m_pRecvTables ),
("ClientDLL_InitRecvTableMgr: overflowed MAX_DATATABLES")
// find top receive table for class
RecvTable * recvt = FindRecvTable( pCur->m_pTable->GetName(), m_pRecvTables, m_nRecvTables );
Assert ( recvt );
// register class, constructor addes clientClass to g_pClientClassHead list
ClientClass * clientclass = new ClientClass( pCur->m_pNetworkName, NULL, NULL, recvt );
if ( !clientclass )
Msg("REPLAY_InitRecvTableMgr: failed to allocate client class %s.\n", pCur->m_pNetworkName );
RecvTable_Init( m_pRecvTables, m_nRecvTables );
void CReplayFrame::Reset( void )
for ( int i=0; i<REPLAY_BUFFER_MAX; i++ )
bool CReplayFrame::HasData( void )
for ( int i=0; i<REPLAY_BUFFER_MAX; i++ )
if ( m_Messages[i].GetNumBitsWritten() > 0 )
return true;
return false;
void CReplayFrame::CopyReplayData( CReplayFrame &frame )
// copy reliable messages
int bits = frame.m_Messages[REPLAY_BUFFER_RELIABLE].GetNumBitsWritten();
if ( bits > 0 )
int bytes = PAD_NUMBER( Bits2Bytes(bits), 4 );
m_Messages[REPLAY_BUFFER_RELIABLE].StartWriting( new char[ bytes ], bytes, bits );
Q_memcpy( m_Messages[REPLAY_BUFFER_RELIABLE].GetBasePointer(), frame.m_Messages[REPLAY_BUFFER_RELIABLE].GetBasePointer(), bytes );
// copy unreliable messages
bits = frame.m_Messages[REPLAY_BUFFER_UNRELIABLE].GetNumBitsWritten();
bits += frame.m_Messages[REPLAY_BUFFER_TEMPENTS].GetNumBitsWritten();
bits += frame.m_Messages[REPLAY_BUFFER_SOUNDS].GetNumBitsWritten();
bits += frame.m_Messages[REPLAY_BUFFER_VOICE].GetNumBitsWritten();
if ( bits > 0 )
// collapse all unreliable buffers in one
int bytes = PAD_NUMBER( Bits2Bytes(bits), 4 );
m_Messages[REPLAY_BUFFER_UNRELIABLE].StartWriting( new char[ bytes ], bytes );
m_Messages[REPLAY_BUFFER_UNRELIABLE].WriteBits( frame.m_Messages[REPLAY_BUFFER_UNRELIABLE].GetData(), frame.m_Messages[REPLAY_BUFFER_UNRELIABLE].GetNumBitsWritten() );
m_Messages[REPLAY_BUFFER_UNRELIABLE].WriteBits( frame.m_Messages[REPLAY_BUFFER_TEMPENTS].GetData(), frame.m_Messages[REPLAY_BUFFER_TEMPENTS].GetNumBitsWritten() );
m_Messages[REPLAY_BUFFER_UNRELIABLE].WriteBits( frame.m_Messages[REPLAY_BUFFER_SOUNDS].GetData(), frame.m_Messages[REPLAY_BUFFER_SOUNDS].GetNumBitsWritten() );
m_Messages[REPLAY_BUFFER_UNRELIABLE].WriteBits( frame.m_Messages[REPLAY_BUFFER_VOICE].GetData(), frame.m_Messages[REPLAY_BUFFER_VOICE].GetNumBitsWritten() );
void CReplayFrame::AllocBuffers( void )
// allocate buffers for input frame
for ( int i=0; i < REPLAY_BUFFER_MAX; i++ )
Assert( m_Messages[i].GetBasePointer() == NULL );
m_Messages[i].StartWriting( new char[NET_MAX_PAYLOAD], NET_MAX_PAYLOAD);
void CReplayFrame::FreeBuffers( void )
for ( int i=0; i<REPLAY_BUFFER_MAX; i++ )
bf_write &msg = m_Messages[i];
if ( msg.GetBasePointer() )
delete[] msg.GetBasePointer();
msg.StartWriting( NULL, 0 );
: m_DemoRecorder( this )
m_flTickInterval = 0.03;
m_MasterClient = NULL;
m_Server = NULL;
m_nFirstTick = -1;
m_nLastTick = 0;
m_CurrentFrame = NULL;
m_nViewEntity = 0;
m_nPlayerSlot = 0;
m_bSignonState = false;
m_flStartTime = 0;
m_flFPS = 0;
m_nGameServerMaxClients = 0;
m_fNextSendUpdateTime = 0;
Q_memset( m_pRecvTables, 0, sizeof( m_pRecvTables ) );
m_nRecvTables = 0;
m_bMasterOnlyMode = false;
m_nGlobalSlots = 0;
m_nGlobalClients = 0;
m_nGlobalProxies = 0;
m_flStartRecordTime = 0.0f;
m_flStopRecordTime = 0.0f;
if ( m_nRecvTables > 0 )
// make sure everything was destroyed
Assert( m_CurrentFrame == NULL );
Assert( CountClientFrames() == 0 );
void CReplayServer::SetMaxClients( int number )
// allow max clients 0 in Replay
m_nMaxclients = clamp( number, 0, ABSOLUTE_PLAYER_LIMIT );
void CReplayServer::StartMaster(CGameClient *client)
Clear(); // clear old settings & buffers
if ( !client )
ConMsg("Replay client not found.\n");
m_MasterClient = client;
m_MasterClient->m_bIsHLTV = false;
m_MasterClient->m_bIsReplay = true;
// let game.dll know that we are the Replay client
Assert( serverGameClients );
CPlayerState *player = serverGameClients->GetPlayerState( m_MasterClient->edict );
player->replay = true;
m_Server = (CGameServer*)m_MasterClient->GetServer();
// set default user settings
ConVarRef replay_name( "replay_name" );
m_MasterClient->m_ConVars->SetString( "name", replay_name.GetString() );
m_MasterClient->m_ConVars->SetString( "cl_team", "1" );
m_MasterClient->m_ConVars->SetString( "rate", "30000" );
m_MasterClient->m_ConVars->SetString( "cl_updaterate", "22" );
m_MasterClient->m_ConVars->SetString( "cl_interp_ratio", "1.0" );
m_MasterClient->m_ConVars->SetString( "cl_predict", "0" );
m_nViewEntity = m_MasterClient->GetPlayerSlot() + 1;
m_nPlayerSlot = m_MasterClient->GetPlayerSlot();
// copy server settings from m_Server
m_nGameServerMaxClients = m_Server->GetMaxClients(); // maxclients is different on proxy (128)
serverclasses = m_Server->serverclasses;
serverclassbits = m_Server->serverclassbits;
worldmapMD5 = m_Server->worldmapMD5;
m_flTickInterval= m_Server->GetTickInterval();
// allocate buffers for input frame
// copy signon buffers
m_Signon.StartWriting( m_Server->m_Signon.GetBasePointer(), m_Server->m_Signon.m_nDataBytes,
m_Server->m_Signon.GetNumBitsWritten() );
Q_strncpy( m_szMapname, m_Server->m_szMapname, sizeof(m_szMapname) );
Q_strncpy( m_szSkyname, m_Server->m_szSkyname, sizeof(m_szSkyname) );
m_MasterClient->ExecuteStringCommand( "spectate" ); // become a spectator
m_MasterClient->UpdateUserSettings(); // make sure UserInfo is correct
// hack reduce signontick by one to catch changes made in the current tick
SetMaxClients( 0 );
m_bSignonState = false; //master proxy is instantly connected
m_flStartTime = net_time;
m_State = ss_active;
// stop any previous recordings
int CReplayServer::GetReplaySlot( void )
return m_nPlayerSlot;
float CReplayServer::GetOnlineTime( void )
return MAX(0, net_time - m_flStartTime);
void CReplayServer::FireGameEvent(IGameEvent *event)
if ( !IsActive() )
char buffer_data[MAX_EVENT_BYTES];
SVC_GameEvent eventMsg;
eventMsg.m_DataOut.StartWriting( buffer_data, sizeof(buffer_data) );
// create bit stream from KeyValues
if ( g_GameEventManager.SerializeEvent( event, &eventMsg.m_DataOut ) )
SendNetMsg( eventMsg );
DevMsg("CReplayServer::FireGameEvent: failed to serialize event '%s'.\n", event->GetName() );
int CReplayServer::GetEventDebugID()
return m_nDebugID;
bool CReplayServer::ShouldUpdateMasterServer()
// The replay server should never do this work
return false;
void CReplayServer::InstallStringTables( void )
int numTables = m_Server->m_StringTables->GetNumTables();
m_StringTables = &m_NetworkStringTables;
Assert( m_StringTables->GetNumTables() == 0); // must be empty
m_StringTables->AllowCreation( true );
// master replay needs to keep a list of changes for all table items
m_StringTables->EnableRollback( true );
for ( int i =0; i<numTables; i++)
// iterate through server tables
CNetworkStringTable *serverTable =
(CNetworkStringTable*)m_Server->m_StringTables->GetTable( i );
if ( !serverTable )
// get matching client table
CNetworkStringTable *replayTable =
if ( !replayTable )
DevMsg("SV_InstallReplayStringTableMirrors! Missing client table \"%s\".\n ", serverTable->GetTableName() );
// make replay table an exact copy of server table
replayTable->CopyStringTable( serverTable );
// link replay table to server table
serverTable->SetMirrorTable( replayTable );
m_StringTables->AllowCreation( false );
void CReplayServer::RestoreTick( int tick )
int numTables = m_StringTables->GetNumTables();
for ( int i =0; i<numTables; i++)
// iterate through server tables
CNetworkStringTable *pTable = (CNetworkStringTable*) m_StringTables->GetTable( i );
pTable->RestoreTick( tick );
void CReplayServer::UserInfoChanged( int nClientIndex )
// don't change UserInfo table, it keeps the infos of the original players
void CReplayServer::LinkInstanceBaselines( void )
// Forces to update m_pInstanceBaselineTable.
AUTO_LOCK( g_svInstanceBaselineMutex );
Assert( m_pInstanceBaselineTable );
// update all found server classes
for ( ServerClass *pClass = serverGameDLL->GetAllServerClasses(); pClass; pClass=pClass->m_pNext )
char idString[32];
Q_snprintf( idString, sizeof( idString ), "%d", pClass->m_ClassID );
// Ok, make a new instance baseline so they can reference it.
int index = m_pInstanceBaselineTable->FindStringIndex( idString );
if ( index != -1 )
pClass->m_InstanceBaselineIndex = index;
pClass->m_InstanceBaselineIndex = INVALID_STRING_INDEX;
/* CReplayServer::GetOriginFromPackedEntity is such a bad, bad hack.
extern float DecodeFloat(SendProp const *pProp, bf_read *pIn);
Vector CReplayServer::GetOriginFromPackedEntity(PackedEntity* pe)
Vector origin; origin.Init();
SendTable *pSendTable = pe->m_pSendTable;
// recursively go down until BaseEntity sendtable
while ( Q_strcmp( pSendTable->GetName(), "DT_BaseEntity") )
SendProp *pProp = pSendTable->GetProp( 0 ); // 0 = baseclass
pSendTable = pProp->GetDataTable();
for ( int i=0; i < pSendTable->GetNumProps(); i++ )
SendProp *pProp = pSendTable->GetProp( i );
if ( Q_strcmp( pProp->GetName(), "m_vecOrigin" ) == 0 )
Assert( pProp->GetType() == DPT_Vector );
bf_read buf( pe->LockData(), Bits2Bytes(pe->GetNumBits()), pProp->GetOffset() );
origin[0] = DecodeFloat(pProp, &buf);
origin[1] = DecodeFloat(pProp, &buf);
origin[2] = DecodeFloat(pProp, &buf);
return origin;
} */
CReplayEntityData *FindReplayDataInSnapshot( CFrameSnapshot * pSnapshot, int iEntIndex )
int a = 0;
int z = pSnapshot->m_nValidEntities-1;
if ( iEntIndex < pSnapshot->m_pValidEntities[a] ||
iEntIndex > pSnapshot->m_pValidEntities[z] )
return NULL;
while ( a < z )
int m = (a+z)/2;
int index = pSnapshot->m_pValidEntities[m];
if ( index == iEntIndex )
return &pSnapshot->m_pReplayEntityData[m];
if ( iEntIndex > index )
if ( pSnapshot->m_pValidEntities[z] == iEntIndex )
return &pSnapshot->m_pReplayEntityData[z];
if ( a == m )
return NULL;
a = m;
if ( pSnapshot->m_pValidEntities[a] == iEntIndex )
return &pSnapshot->m_pReplayEntityData[a];
if ( z == m )
return NULL;
z = m;
return NULL;
void CReplayServer::EntityPVSCheck( CClientFrame *pFrame )
int nPVSSize = (GetCollisionBSPData()->numclusters + 7) / 8;
// setup engine PVS
SV_ResetPVS( PVS, nPVSSize );
CFrameSnapshot * pSnapshot = pFrame->GetSnapshot();
Assert ( pSnapshot->m_pReplayEntityData != NULL );
SV_AddOriginToPVS( m_vPVSOrigin );
// know remove all entities that aren't in PVS
int entindex = -1;
while ( true )
entindex = pFrame->transmit_entity.FindNextSetBit( entindex+1 );
if ( entindex < 0 )
// is transmit_always is set -> no PVS check
if ( pFrame->transmit_always->Get(entindex) )
pFrame->last_entity = entindex;
CReplayEntityData *pReplayData = FindReplayDataInSnapshot( pSnapshot, entindex );
if ( !pReplayData )
unsigned int nNodeCluster = pReplayData->m_nNodeCluster;
// check if node or cluster is in PVS
if ( nNodeCluster & (1<<31) )
// it's a node SLOW
nNodeCluster &= ~(1<<31);
if ( CM_HeadnodeVisible( nNodeCluster, PVS, nPVSSize ) )
pFrame->last_entity = entindex;
// it's a cluster QUICK
if ( PVS[nNodeCluster >> 3] & (1 << (nNodeCluster & 7)) )
pFrame->last_entity = entindex;
// entity is not in PVS, remove from transmit_entity list
pFrame->transmit_entity.Clear( entindex );
CClientFrame *CReplayServer::AddNewFrame( CClientFrame *clientFrame )
VPROF_BUDGET( "CReplayServer::AddNewFrame", "Replay" );
Assert ( clientFrame );
Assert( clientFrame->tick_count > m_nLastTick );
m_nLastTick = clientFrame->tick_count;
m_ReplayFrame.SetSnapshot( clientFrame->GetSnapshot() );
m_ReplayFrame.tick_count = clientFrame->tick_count;
m_ReplayFrame.last_entity = clientFrame->last_entity;
m_ReplayFrame.transmit_entity = clientFrame->transmit_entity;
// remember tick of first valid frame
if ( m_nFirstTick < 0 )
m_nFirstTick = clientFrame->tick_count;
m_nTickCount = m_nFirstTick;
CReplayFrame *replayFrame = new CReplayFrame;
// copy tickcount & entities from client frame
replayFrame->CopyFrame( *clientFrame );
//copy rest (messages, tempents) from current Replay frame
replayFrame->CopyReplayData( m_ReplayFrame );
// add frame to Replay server
AddClientFrame( replayFrame );
if ( m_DemoRecorder.IsRecording() )
m_DemoRecorder.WriteFrame( &m_ReplayFrame );
// reset Replay frame for recording next messages etc.
m_ReplayFrame.SetSnapshot( NULL );
return replayFrame;
bool CReplayServer::SendNetMsg( INetMessage &msg, bool bForceReliable )
if ( m_bSignonState )
return msg.WriteToBuffer( m_Signon );
int buffer = REPLAY_BUFFER_UNRELIABLE; // default destination
if ( msg.IsReliable() )
else if ( msg.GetType() == svc_Sounds )
else if ( msg.GetType() == svc_VoiceData )
else if ( msg.GetType() == svc_TempEntities )
// anything else goes to the unreliable bin
return msg.WriteToBuffer( m_ReplayFrame.m_Messages[buffer] );
bf_write *CReplayServer::GetBuffer( int nBuffer )
if ( nBuffer < 0 || nBuffer >= REPLAY_BUFFER_MAX )
return NULL;
return &m_ReplayFrame.m_Messages[nBuffer];
IServer *CReplayServer::GetBaseServer()
return (IServer*)this;
CClientFrame *CReplayServer::GetDeltaFrame( int nTick )
// TODO make that a utlmap
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_FrameCache, iFrame )
if ( m_FrameCache[iFrame].nTick == nTick )
return m_FrameCache[iFrame].pFrame;
int i = m_FrameCache.AddToTail();
CReplayFrameCacheEntry_s &entry = m_FrameCache[i];
entry.nTick = nTick;
entry.pFrame = GetClientFrame( nTick ); //expensive
return entry.pFrame;
void CReplayServer::RunFrame()
VPROF_BUDGET( "CReplayServer::RunFrame", "Replay" );
// update network time etc
NET_RunFrame( Plat_FloatTime() );
// check if Replay server if active
if ( !IsActive() )
if ( host_frametime > 0 )
m_flFPS = m_flFPS * 0.99f + 0.01f/host_frametime;
// get current tick time for director module and restore
// world (stringtables, framebuffers) as they were at this time
// Update the Steam server if we're running a relay.
if ( !sv.IsActive() )
void CReplayServer::UpdateTick( void )
VPROF_BUDGET( "CReplayServer::UpdateTick", "Replay" );
if ( m_nFirstTick < 0 )
m_nTickCount = 0;
m_CurrentFrame = NULL;
// set tick time to last frame added
int nNewTick = MAX( m_nLastTick, 0 );
// the the closest available frame
CReplayFrame *newFrame = (CReplayFrame*) GetClientFrame( nNewTick, false );
if ( newFrame == NULL )
return; // we dont have a new frame
if ( m_CurrentFrame == newFrame )
return; // current frame didn't change
m_CurrentFrame = newFrame;
m_nTickCount = m_CurrentFrame->tick_count;
// restore string tables for this time
RestoreTick( m_nTickCount );
int removeTick = m_nTickCount - 16.0f/m_flTickInterval; // keep 16 second buffer
if ( removeTick > 0 )
DeleteClientFrames( removeTick );
const char *CReplayServer::GetName( void ) const
ConVarRef replay_name( "replay_name" );
return replay_name.GetString();
void CReplayServer::FillServerInfo(SVC_ServerInfo &serverinfo)
CBaseServer::FillServerInfo( serverinfo );
serverinfo.m_nPlayerSlot = m_nPlayerSlot; // all spectators think they're the Replay client
serverinfo.m_nMaxClients = m_nGameServerMaxClients;
void CReplayServer::Clear( void )
m_MasterClient = NULL;
m_Server = NULL;
m_nFirstTick = -1;
m_nLastTick = 0;
m_nTickCount = 0;
m_CurrentFrame = NULL;
m_nPlayerSlot = 0;
m_flStartTime = 0.0f;
m_nViewEntity = 1;
m_nGameServerMaxClients = 0;
m_fNextSendUpdateTime = 0.0f;
DeleteClientFrames( -1 );
void CReplayServer::Init(bool bIsDedicated)
CBaseServer::Init( bIsDedicated );
// No broadcasting
m_bMasterOnlyMode = true;
void CReplayServer::Changelevel()
if ( g_pReplay->IsRecording() )
m_CurrentFrame = NULL;
void CReplayServer::GetNetStats( float &avgIn, float &avgOut )
CBaseServer::GetNetStats( avgIn, avgOut );
void CReplayServer::Shutdown()
StopRecording(); // if recording, stop now
if ( m_MasterClient )
m_MasterClient->Disconnect( "Replay stop." );
g_GameEventManager.RemoveListener( this );
// Delete the temp replay if it exists
if ( g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( TMP_REPLAY_FILENAME ) )
g_pFullFileSystem->RemoveFile( TMP_REPLAY_FILENAME );
int CReplayServer::GetChallengeType ( netadr_t &adr )
return PROTOCOL_HASHEDCDKEY; // Replay doesn't need Steam authentication
const char *CReplayServer::GetPassword() const
return NULL;
IClient *CReplayServer::ConnectClient ( netadr_t &adr, int protocol, int challenge, int clientChallenge, int authProtocol,
const char *name, const char *password, const char *hashedCDkey, int cdKeyLen )
// Don't let anyone connect to the replay server
return NULL;
void CReplayServer::ReplyChallenge(netadr_t &adr, int clientChallenge )
// No reply for replay.
void CReplayServer::ReplyServerChallenge(netadr_t &adr)
void CReplayServer::RejectConnection( const netadr_t &adr, int clientChallenge, const char *s )
CBaseClient *CReplayServer::CreateFakeClient(const char *name)
return NULL;
void CReplayServer::StartRecording()
if ( m_DemoRecorder.IsRecording() )
extern ConVar replay_debug;
if ( replay_debug.GetBool() ) Msg( "CReplayServer::StartRecording() now, %f\n", host_time );
m_flStartRecordTime = host_time;
void CReplayServer::StopRecording()
if ( !m_DemoRecorder.IsRecording() )
m_flStopRecordTime = host_time;
void CReplayServer::SendPendingEvents()
// Did we recently stop recording?
if ( m_flStopRecordTime != 0.0f )
// Let clients know the server has stopped recording replays
g_pReplay->SV_SendReplayEvent( "replay_endrecord", -1 );
// Reset stop record time
m_flStopRecordTime = 0.0f;
// Did we recently begin recording?
if ( m_flStartRecordTime != 0.0f )
// Send start record event to everyone
g_pReplay->SV_SendReplayEvent( "replay_startrecord", -1 );
// Send recording session info to everyone
IGameEvent *pSessionInfoEvent = g_pServerReplayContext->CreateReplaySessionInfoEvent();
if ( pSessionInfoEvent )
// Let clients know the server is ready to capture replays
g_pReplay->SV_SendReplayEvent( pSessionInfoEvent, -1 );
AssertMsg( 0, "Failed to create replay_sessioninfo event!" );
// Reset the start record timer
m_flStartRecordTime = 0.0f;
#endif |