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174 lines
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#pragma once
#include "asw_marine.h"
#include "asw_vphysics_npc.h"
#include "asw_shareddefs.h"
class CAI_Hint;
class HintData_t;
/*! Aggregates state about all marines assigned to a squad,
eg, AI marines following a leader in formation.
class CASW_SquadFormation : protected CAutoGameSystem
typedef CAutoGameSystem BaseClass;
/// local compiler constants
MAX_SQUAD_SIZE = 3, ///< NOT including the leader.
virtual void LevelInitPostEntity();
inline CHandle<CASW_Marine> Leader() const { return m_hLeader; }
inline void Leader(CHandle<CASW_Marine> val) { m_hLeader = val; }
inline int Count() const ; ///< number of followers
inline CASW_Marine *Squaddie( unsigned int slotnum ) const ;
inline CASW_Marine *operator[]( unsigned int slotnum ) const { return Squaddie(slotnum); }
/// return the slot number for a particular marine.
/// Return INVALID_SQUADDIE ( or some number > MAX_SQUAD_SIZE ) if the marine is not in this squad.
unsigned int Find( CASW_Marine *pMarine ) const;
inline static bool IsValid( unsigned slotnum );
float GetYaw( unsigned slotnum );
inline const Vector &GetIdealPosition( unsigned slotnum ) const;
unsigned int Add( CASW_Marine *pMarine );
bool Remove( CASW_Marine *pMarine, bool bIgnoreAssert = false ); // ret true if this marine was actually found and removed
bool Remove( unsigned int slotnum ); // ret true if this marine was actually found and removed
void ChangeLeader( CASW_Marine *pNewLeader, bool bUpdateLeaderPos = false );
/// reorganize the follower slots so that each follower has the least distance to move
void RecomputeFollowerOrder( const Vector &vProjectedLeaderPos, QAngle qLeaderAim ) ;
/// recompute the array of positions that squaddies should head towards.
void UpdateFollowPositions();
/// should the squaddie positions be recomputed -- assumed this function is called from a marine's Think
bool ShouldUpdateFollowPositions() const ;
/// Current notion of "forward", is updated/cached in calls to GetLdrAnglMatrix
inline const Vector &Forward() const;
// disallow inadvertent construction
explicit CASW_SquadFormation() : m_flLastSquadUpdateTime(0), CAutoGameSystem( "asw_squadformation" ) {Reset();};
bool SanityCheck() const ;
void FindFollowHintNodes();
void Reset();
#ifdef HL2_HINTS
static int FollowHintSortFunc( CAI_Hint* const *pHint1, CAI_Hint* const *pHint2 );
static int FollowHintSortFunc( HintData_t* const *pHint1, HintData_t* const *pHint2 );
void DrawDebugGeometryOverlays();
CHandle<CASW_Marine> m_hLeader;
CHandle<CASW_Marine> m_hSquad[MAX_SQUAD_SIZE];
// the location in world where each squaddie is supposed
// to be standing this frame.
Vector m_vFollowPositions[MAX_SQUAD_SIZE];
// hint nodes for use in combat
#ifdef HL2_HINTS
CHandle<CAI_Hint> m_hFollowHint[MAX_SQUAD_SIZE];
int m_nMarineHintIndex[MAX_SQUAD_SIZE];
bool m_bRearGuard[MAX_SQUAD_SIZE]; // is this hint the rearmost? if so, marine faces backwards
bool m_bStandingInBeacon[MAX_SQUAD_SIZE];
bool m_bFleeingBoomerBombs[MAX_SQUAD_SIZE];
// clumsy holdovers from old system, should be replaced
// with proper movement histories with prediction
float m_flLastLeaderYaw;
Vector m_vLastLeaderPos;
Vector m_vLastLeaderVelocity; ///< velocity leader had at last update. If it changes radically, we reupdate immediately.
Vector m_vCachedForward;
float m_flCurrentForwardAbsoluteEulerYaw;
float m_flLastSquadUpdateTime;
int m_iLastHealBeaconCount;
#pragma region STATICS
const static Vector s_MarineFollowOffset[MAX_SQUAD_SIZE];
const static float s_MarineFollowDirection[MAX_SQUAD_SIZE];
const static Vector s_MarineBeaconOffset[MAX_SQUAD_SIZE];
const static float s_MarineBeaconDirection[MAX_SQUAD_SIZE];
#pragma endregion
Vector GetLdrAnglMatrix( const Vector &origin, const QAngle &ang, matrix3x4_t *pout );
#pragma region From IGameSystem
virtual void LevelInitPreEntity();
#pragma endregion
bool m_bLevelHasFollowHints;
// thou shalt not copy
CASW_SquadFormation( const CASW_SquadFormation & );
extern CASW_SquadFormation g_ASWSquadFormation;
inline CASW_Marine *CASW_SquadFormation::Squaddie( unsigned int slotnum ) const
Assert( IsValid(slotnum) );
return m_hSquad[slotnum];
inline const Vector &CASW_SquadFormation::Forward() const
return m_vCachedForward;
inline bool CASW_SquadFormation::IsValid( unsigned slotnum )
return slotnum < MAX_SQUAD_SIZE;
inline const Vector &CASW_SquadFormation::GetIdealPosition( unsigned slotnum ) const
return m_vFollowPositions[slotnum];
inline int CASW_SquadFormation::Count() const
int ret = 0;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MAX_SQUAD_SIZE; ++i )
if ( !!m_hSquad[i] )
return ret;