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#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
class CAI_Network;
class CTriggerMultiple;
struct AI_Waypoint_t;
class CAI_Node;
class CASW_Alien;
// The spawn manager can spawn aliens and groups of aliens
class ASW_Alien_Class_Entry
ASW_Alien_Class_Entry( const char *szClass, int nHullType ) { m_pszAlienClass = szClass; m_nHullType = nHullType; }
const char *m_pszAlienClass;
string_t m_iszAlienClass;
int m_nHullType;
class CASW_Open_Area
m_flArea = 0.0f;
m_nTotalLinks = 0;
m_vecOrigin = vec3_origin;
m_pNode = NULL;
float m_flArea;
int m_nTotalLinks;
Vector m_vecOrigin;
CAI_Node *m_pNode;
CUtlVector<CAI_Node*> m_aAreaNodes;
class CASW_Spawn_Manager
void LevelInitPreEntity();
void LevelInitPostEntity();
void Update();
bool AddHorde( int iHordeSize ); // creates a large pack of aliens somewhere near the marines
void AddAlien(); // creates a single alien somewhere near the marines
int SpawnAlienBatch( const char *szAlienClass, int iNumAliens, const Vector &vecPosition, const QAngle &angle, float flMarinesBeyondDist = 0 );
CBaseEntity* SpawnAlienAt(const char* szAlienClass, const Vector& vecPos, const QAngle &angle);
bool ValidSpawnPoint( const Vector &vecPosition, const Vector &vecMins, const Vector &vecMaxs, bool bCheckGround = true, float flMarineNearDistance = 0 );
bool LineBlockedByGeometry( const Vector &vecSrc, const Vector &vecEnd );
bool GetAlienBounds( const char *szAlienClass, Vector &vecMins, Vector &vecMaxs );
bool GetAlienBounds( string_t iszAlienClass, Vector &vecMins, Vector &vecMaxs );
int GetHordeToSpawn() { return m_iHordeToSpawn; }
void OnAlienWokeUp( CASW_Alien *pAlien );
void OnAlienSleeping( CASW_Alien *pAlien );
int GetAwakeAliens() { return m_nAwakeAliens; }
int GetAwakeDrones() { return m_nAwakeDrones; }
int GetNumAlienClasses();
ASW_Alien_Class_Entry* GetAlienClass( int i );
// spawns a shieldbug somewhere randomly in the map
bool SpawnRandomShieldbug();
bool SpawnRandomParasitePack( int nParasites );
void UpdateCandidateNodes();
bool FindHordePosition();
CAI_Network* GetNetwork();
bool SpawnAlientAtRandomNode();
void FindEscapeTriggers();
void DeleteRoute( AI_Waypoint_t *pWaypointList );
// finds an area with good node connectivity. Caller should take ownership of the CASW_Open_Area instance.
CASW_Open_Area* FindNearbyOpenArea( const Vector &vecSearchOrigin, int nSearchHull );
CountdownTimer m_batchInterval;
Vector m_vecHordePosition;
QAngle m_angHordeAngle;
int m_iHordeToSpawn;
int m_iAliensToSpawn;
int m_nAwakeAliens;
int m_nAwakeDrones;
// maintaining a list of possible nodes to spawn aliens from
CUtlVector<int> m_northCandidateNodes;
CUtlVector<int> m_southCandidateNodes;
CountdownTimer m_CandidateUpdateTimer;
typedef CHandle<CTriggerMultiple> TriggerMultiple_t;
CUtlVector<TriggerMultiple_t> m_EscapeTriggers;
extern const int g_nDroneClassEntry;
extern const int g_nDroneJumperClassEntry;
CASW_Spawn_Manager* ASWSpawnManager();