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#include "asw_use_area.h"
#include "asw_shareddefs.h"
class CASW_Player;
class CASW_Hack_Computer;
class CASW_Marine;
class CASW_Computer_Area : public CASW_Use_Area
DECLARE_CLASS( CASW_Computer_Area, CASW_Use_Area );
virtual void Spawn( void );
virtual void Precache();
void FindTurretsAndCams();
void ActivateUnlockedComputer(CASW_Marine* pMarine);
bool KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue );
CASW_Hack_Computer* GetCurrentHack();
virtual bool IsLocked() { return m_bIsLocked.Get(); }
virtual bool HasDownloadObjective();
Class_T Classify( void ) { return (Class_T) CLASS_ASW_COMPUTER_AREA; }
static bool WaitingForInputVismonEvaluator( CBaseEntity *pVisibleEntity, CBasePlayer *pViewingPlayer );
static bool WaitingForInputVismonCallback( CBaseEntity *pVisibleEntity, CBasePlayer *pViewingPlayer );
void OnComputerDataDownloaded( CASW_Marine *pMarine );
void Override( CASW_Marine *pMarine );
// viewing mail
void OnViewMail(CASW_Marine *pMarine, int iMail);
bool m_bViewingMail;
virtual void ActivateMultiTrigger(CBaseEntity *pActivator);
CNetworkVar( int, m_iHackLevel );
CNetworkVar( float, m_fDownloadTime );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bIsLocked );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bWaitingForInput );
EHANDLE m_hComputerHack;
string_t m_SecurityCam1Name;
string_t m_SecurityCam2Name;
string_t m_SecurityCam3Name;
string_t m_Turret1Name;
CNetworkString( m_MailFile, 255 );
CNetworkString( m_NewsFile, 255 );
CNetworkString( m_StocksSeed, 255 );
CNetworkString( m_WeatherSeed, 255 );
CNetworkString( m_PlantFile, 255 );
CNetworkString( m_PDAName, 255 );
CNetworkString( m_SecurityCamLabel1, 255 );
CNetworkString( m_SecurityCamLabel2, 255 );
CNetworkString( m_SecurityCamLabel3, 255 );
CNetworkString( m_TurretLabel1, 255 );
CNetworkString( m_TurretLabel2, 255 );
CNetworkString( m_TurretLabel3, 255 );
CNetworkString( m_DownloadObjectiveName, 255 );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bDownloadedDocs );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bSecurityCam1Locked );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bSecurityCam2Locked );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bSecurityCam3Locked );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bTurret1Locked );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bMailFileLocked );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bNewsFileLocked );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bStocksFileLocked );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bWeatherFileLocked );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bPlantFileLocked );
CNetworkHandle( CBaseEntity, m_hSecurityCam1 );
CNetworkHandle( CBaseEntity, m_hTurret1 );
CNetworkVar( int, m_iActiveCam );
// outputs
COutputEvent m_OnComputerHackStarted;
COutputEvent m_OnComputerHackHalfway;
COutputEvent m_OnComputerHackCompleted;
COutputEvent m_OnComputerActivated;
COutputEvent m_OnComputerDataDownloaded;
COutputEvent m_OnComputerViewMail1;
COutputEvent m_OnComputerViewMail2;
COutputEvent m_OnComputerViewMail3;
COutputEvent m_OnComputerViewMail4;
// properties of the tumbler hack
int m_iNumEntriesPerTumbler;
float m_fMoveInterval;
virtual void ActivateUseIcon( CASW_Marine* pMarine, int nHoldType );
virtual void MarineUsing(CASW_Marine* pMarine, float deltatime);
virtual void MarineStartedUsing(CASW_Marine* pMarine);
virtual void MarineStoppedUsing(CASW_Marine* pMarine);
virtual void UnlockFromHack(CASW_Marine* pMarine);
virtual void HackHalfway(CASW_Marine* pMarine);
virtual bool IsWaitingForInput( void ) const { return m_bWaitingForInput; }
virtual int GetNumMenuOptions();
float GetHackProgress() { return m_fHackProgress; }
CNetworkVar(bool, m_bIsInUse);
CNetworkVar(float, m_fHackProgress);
bool m_bWasLocked;
bool m_bUseAfterHack;
float m_fAutoOverrideTime;
float m_fLastButtonUseTime;
int m_iAliensKilledBeforeHack;
float m_flStopUsingTime; // time at which to stop the marine using this computer
// sound related
void StopLoopingSounds();
void PlayPositiveSound(CASW_Player *pHackingPlayer);
void PlayNegativeSound(CASW_Player *pHackingPlayer);
float m_fLastPositiveSoundTime;
bool m_bPlayedHalfwayChatter;
bool m_bDoSecureShout;
float m_fNextSecureShoutCheck;
void StartDownloadingSound();
void StopDownloadingSound();
CSoundPatch *m_pDownloadingSound;
CSoundPatch *m_pComputerInUseSound;
virtual void UpdateWaitingForInput();
virtual void UpdatePanelSkin();