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//====== Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "const.h"
#include "toolframework/itoolentity.h"
#include "entitylist.h"
#include "toolframework/itoolsystem.h"
#include "KeyValues.h"
#include "icliententity.h"
#include "iserverentity.h"
#include "sceneentity.h"
#include "particles/particles.h"
#include "mapentities_shared.h"
#include "TemplateEntities.h"
#include "mapentities.h"
#include "point_template.h"
// NOTE: This has to be the last file included!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
class CFoundryEntitySpawnRecord
CUtlVector<char> m_VMFText;
int m_iEntityIndex;
int m_iHammerID;
int m_iSerialNumber;
int m_debugOverlays;
static CUtlLinkedList<CFoundryEntitySpawnRecord*,int> g_FoundryEntitySpawnRecords;
// Interface from engine to tools for manipulating entities
class CServerTools : public IServerTools
// Inherited from IServerTools
virtual IServerEntity *GetIServerEntity( IClientEntity *pClientEntity );
virtual bool GetPlayerPosition( Vector &org, QAngle &ang, IClientEntity *pClientPlayer = NULL );
virtual bool SnapPlayerToPosition( const Vector &org, const QAngle &ang, IClientEntity *pClientPlayer = NULL );
virtual int GetPlayerFOV( IClientEntity *pClientPlayer = NULL );
virtual bool SetPlayerFOV( int fov, IClientEntity *pClientPlayer = NULL );
virtual bool IsInNoClipMode( IClientEntity *pClientPlayer = NULL );
virtual void *FirstEntity( void );
virtual void *NextEntity( void *pEntity );
virtual void *FindEntityByHammerID( int iHammerID );
virtual bool GetKeyValue( void *pEntity, const char *szField, char *szValue, int iMaxLen );
virtual bool SetKeyValue( void *pEntity, const char *szField, const char *szValue );
virtual bool SetKeyValue( void *pEntity, const char *szField, float flValue );
virtual bool SetKeyValue( void *pEntity, const char *szField, const Vector &vecValue );
virtual void *CreateEntityByName( const char *szClassName );
virtual void DispatchSpawn( void *pEntity );
virtual void ReloadParticleDefintions( const char *pFileName, const void *pBufData, int nLen );
virtual void AddOriginToPVS( const Vector &org );
virtual bool DestroyEntityByHammerId( int iHammerID );
virtual bool RespawnEntitiesWithEdits( CEntityRespawnInfo *pInfos, int nInfos );
virtual void MoveEngineViewTo( const Vector &vPos, const QAngle &vAngles );
virtual void RemoveEntity( int nHammerID );
// Singleton
static CServerTools g_ServerTools;
IServerTools *g_pServerTools = &g_ServerTools;
IServerEntity *CServerTools::GetIServerEntity( IClientEntity *pClientEntity )
if ( pClientEntity == NULL )
return NULL;
CBaseHandle ehandle = pClientEntity->GetRefEHandle();
if ( ehandle.GetEntryIndex() >= MAX_EDICTS )
return NULL; // the first MAX_EDICTS entities are networked, the rest are client or server only
#if 0
// this fails, since the server entities have extra bits in their serial numbers,
// since 20 bits are reserved for serial numbers, except for networked entities, which are restricted to 10
// Brian believes that everything should just restrict itself to 10 to make things simpler,
// so if/when he changes NUM_SERIAL_NUM_BITS to 10, we can switch back to this simpler code
IServerNetworkable *pNet = gEntList.GetServerNetworkable( ehandle );
if ( pNet == NULL )
return NULL;
CBaseEntity *pServerEnt = pNet->GetBaseEntity();
return pServerEnt;
IHandleEntity *pEnt = gEntList.LookupEntityByNetworkIndex( ehandle.GetEntryIndex() );
if ( pEnt == NULL )
return NULL;
CBaseHandle h = gEntList.GetNetworkableHandle( ehandle.GetEntryIndex() );
const int mask = ( 1 << NUM_NETWORKED_EHANDLE_SERIAL_NUMBER_BITS ) - 1;
if ( !h.IsValid() || ( ( h.GetSerialNumber() & mask ) != ( ehandle.GetSerialNumber() & mask ) ) )
return NULL;
IServerUnknown *pUnk = static_cast< IServerUnknown* >( pEnt );
return pUnk->GetBaseEntity();
bool CServerTools::GetPlayerPosition( Vector &org, QAngle &ang, IClientEntity *pClientPlayer )
IServerEntity *pServerPlayer = GetIServerEntity( pClientPlayer );
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = pServerPlayer ? ( CBasePlayer* )pServerPlayer : UTIL_GetLocalPlayer();
if ( pPlayer == NULL )
return false;
org = pPlayer->EyePosition();
ang = pPlayer->EyeAngles();
return true;
bool CServerTools::SnapPlayerToPosition( const Vector &org, const QAngle &ang, IClientEntity *pClientPlayer )
IServerEntity *pServerPlayer = GetIServerEntity( pClientPlayer );
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = pServerPlayer ? ( CBasePlayer* )pServerPlayer : UTIL_GetLocalPlayer();
if ( pPlayer == NULL )
return false;
pPlayer->SetAbsOrigin( org - pPlayer->GetViewOffset() );
pPlayer->SnapEyeAngles( ang );
// Disengage from hierarchy
pPlayer->SetParent( NULL );
return true;
int CServerTools::GetPlayerFOV( IClientEntity *pClientPlayer )
IServerEntity *pServerPlayer = GetIServerEntity( pClientPlayer );
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = pServerPlayer ? ( CBasePlayer* )pServerPlayer : UTIL_GetLocalPlayer();
if ( pPlayer == NULL )
return 0;
return pPlayer->GetFOV();
bool CServerTools::SetPlayerFOV( int fov, IClientEntity *pClientPlayer )
IServerEntity *pServerPlayer = GetIServerEntity( pClientPlayer );
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = pServerPlayer ? ( CBasePlayer* )pServerPlayer : UTIL_GetLocalPlayer();
if ( pPlayer == NULL )
return false;
pPlayer->SetDefaultFOV( fov );
CBaseEntity *pFOVOwner = pPlayer->GetFOVOwner();
return pPlayer->SetFOV( pFOVOwner ? pFOVOwner : pPlayer, fov );
bool CServerTools::IsInNoClipMode( IClientEntity *pClientPlayer )
IServerEntity *pServerPlayer = GetIServerEntity( pClientPlayer );
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = pServerPlayer ? ( CBasePlayer* )pServerPlayer : UTIL_GetLocalPlayer();
if ( pPlayer == NULL )
return true;
return pPlayer->GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
void *CServerTools::FirstEntity( void )
return (void *)gEntList.FirstEnt();
void *CServerTools::NextEntity( void *pEntity )
CBaseEntity *pEnt;
if ( pEntity == NULL )
pEnt = gEntList.FirstEnt();
pEnt = gEntList.NextEnt( (CBaseEntity *)pEntity );
return (void *)pEnt;
void *CServerTools::FindEntityByHammerID( int iHammerID )
CBaseEntity *pEntity = gEntList.FirstEnt();
while (pEntity)
if (pEntity->m_iHammerID == iHammerID)
return (void *)pEntity;
pEntity = gEntList.NextEnt( pEntity );
return NULL;
bool CServerTools::GetKeyValue( void *pEntity, const char *szField, char *szValue, int iMaxLen )
CBaseEntity *pEnt = (CBaseEntity *)pEntity;
return pEnt->GetKeyValue( szField, szValue, iMaxLen );
bool CServerTools::SetKeyValue( void *pEntity, const char *szField, const char *szValue )
CBaseEntity *pEnt = (CBaseEntity *)pEntity;
return pEnt->KeyValue( szField, szValue );
bool CServerTools::SetKeyValue( void *pEntity, const char *szField, float flValue )
CBaseEntity *pEnt = (CBaseEntity *)pEntity;
return pEnt->KeyValue( szField, flValue );
bool CServerTools::SetKeyValue( void *pEntity, const char *szField, const Vector &vecValue )
CBaseEntity *pEnt = (CBaseEntity *)pEntity;
return pEnt->KeyValue( szField, vecValue );
// entity spawning
void *CServerTools::CreateEntityByName( const char *szClassName )
return ::CreateEntityByName( szClassName );
void CServerTools::DispatchSpawn( void *pEntity )
::DispatchSpawn( (CBaseEntity *)pEntity );
bool CServerTools::DestroyEntityByHammerId( int iHammerID )
CBaseEntity *pEntity = (CBaseEntity*)FindEntityByHammerID( iHammerID );
if ( !pEntity )
return false;
UTIL_Remove( pEntity );
return true;
void HandleFoundryEntitySpawnRecords()
if ( g_FoundryEntitySpawnRecords.Count() == 0 )
// Create all the entities.
CUtlVector<CBaseEntity*> newEnts;
CMapEntitySpawner spawner;
spawner.m_bFoundryMode = true;
FOR_EACH_LL( g_FoundryEntitySpawnRecords, i )
CFoundryEntitySpawnRecord *pRecord = g_FoundryEntitySpawnRecords[i];
if ( pRecord->m_iEntityIndex > 0 )
gEntList.ForceEntSerialNumber( pRecord->m_iEntityIndex, pRecord->m_iSerialNumber );
engine->ForceFlushEntity( pRecord->m_iEntityIndex );
// Figure out the class name.
CEntityMapData entData( pRecord->m_VMFText.Base() );
char szClassName[MAPKEY_MAXLENGTH];
if ( !entData.ExtractValue( "classname", szClassName ) )
Assert( false );
// Respawn it in the same slot.
int nIndexToSpawn = pRecord->m_iEntityIndex;
if ( nIndexToSpawn == 0 )
nIndexToSpawn = -1;
CBaseEntity *pNewEntity = ::CreateEntityByName( szClassName, nIndexToSpawn );
if ( !pNewEntity )
Warning( "HandleFoundryEntitySpawnRecords - CreateEntityByName( %s, %d ) failed\n", szClassName, pRecord->m_iEntityIndex );
const char *pBaseMapDataForThisEntity = entData.CurrentBufferPosition();
pNewEntity->ParseMapData( &entData );
if ( pRecord->m_debugOverlays != -1 )
pNewEntity->m_debugOverlays = pRecord->m_debugOverlays;
pNewEntity->m_iHammerID = pRecord->m_iHammerID;
spawner.AddEntity( pNewEntity, pBaseMapDataForThisEntity, (entData.CurrentBufferPosition() - pBaseMapDataForThisEntity) + 2 );
spawner.SpawnAndActivate( true );
// Now that all of the active entities have been loaded in, precache any entities who need point_template parameters
// to be parsed (the above code has loaded all point_template entities)
// Sometimes an ent will Remove() itself during its precache, so RemoveImmediate won't happen.
// This makes sure those ents get cleaned up.
bool CServerTools::RespawnEntitiesWithEdits( CEntityRespawnInfo *pInfos, int nInfos )
// Create a spawn record so it'll respawn the entity next frame.
for ( int i=0; i < nInfos; i++ )
CFoundryEntitySpawnRecord *pRecord = new CFoundryEntitySpawnRecord;
CEntityRespawnInfo *pInfo = &pInfos[i];
pRecord->m_VMFText.SetSize( V_strlen( pInfo->m_pEntText ) + 1 );
V_strncpy( pRecord->m_VMFText.Base(), pInfo->m_pEntText, pRecord->m_VMFText.Count() );
pRecord->m_iHammerID = pInfo->m_nHammerID;
CBaseEntity *pOldEntity = (CBaseEntity*)FindEntityByHammerID( pInfo->m_nHammerID );
if ( pOldEntity )
// This is a respawn.
pRecord->m_iEntityIndex = pOldEntity->entindex();
pRecord->m_iSerialNumber = pOldEntity->GetRefEHandle().GetSerialNumber();
pRecord->m_debugOverlays = pOldEntity->m_debugOverlays;
UTIL_Remove( pOldEntity );
// This is a new spawn.
pRecord->m_iEntityIndex = -1;
pRecord->m_iSerialNumber = -1;
pRecord->m_debugOverlays = -1;
g_FoundryEntitySpawnRecords.AddToTail( pRecord );
return true;
// Reload particle definitions
void CServerTools::ReloadParticleDefintions( const char *pFileName, const void *pBufData, int nLen )
// FIXME: Use file name to determine if we care about this data
CUtlBuffer buf( pBufData, nLen, CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY );
g_pParticleSystemMgr->ReadParticleConfigFile( buf, true );
void CServerTools::AddOriginToPVS( const Vector &org )
engine->AddOriginToPVS( org );
void CServerTools::MoveEngineViewTo( const Vector &vPos, const QAngle &vAngles )
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_GetListenServerHost();
if ( !pPlayer )
extern void EnableNoClip( CBasePlayer *pPlayer );
EnableNoClip( pPlayer );
Vector zOffset = pPlayer->EyePosition() - pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin();
pPlayer->SetAbsOrigin( vPos - zOffset );
pPlayer->SnapEyeAngles( vAngles );
void CServerTools::RemoveEntity( int nHammerID )
CBaseEntity *pOldEntity = (CBaseEntity*)FindEntityByHammerID( nHammerID );
if ( pOldEntity )
UTIL_Remove( pOldEntity );
// Applies keyvalues to the entity by hammer ID.
void CC_Ent_Keyvalue( const CCommand &args )
// Must have an odd number of arguments.
if ( ( args.ArgC() < 4 ) || ( args.ArgC() & 1 ) )
Msg( "Format: ent_keyvalue <entity id> \"key1\"=\"value1\" \"key2\" \"value2\" ... \"keyN\" \"valueN\"\n" );
int nID = atoi( args[1] );
void *pEnt = g_ServerTools.FindEntityByHammerID( nID );
if ( !pEnt )
Msg( "Entity ID %d not found.\n" );
int nArg = 2;
while ( nArg < args.ArgC() )
const char *pszKey = args[ nArg ];
const char *pszValue = args[ nArg + 1 ];
nArg += 2;
g_ServerTools.SetKeyValue( pEnt, pszKey, pszValue );
static ConCommand ent_keyvalue("ent_keyvalue", CC_Ent_Keyvalue, "Applies the comma delimited key=value pairs to the entity with the given Hammer ID.\n\tFormat: ent_keyvalue <entity id> <key1>=<value1>,<key2>=<value2>,...,<keyN>=<valueN>\n", FCVAR_CHEAT);