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//===== Copyright <20> 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "basetypes.h"
#include "tier1/convar.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include "tier1/characterset.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
#include "tier1/tier1.h"
#include "tier1/convar_serverbounded.h"
#include "icvar.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#if defined( _X360 )
#include "xbox/xbox_console.h"
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Comment this out when we release.
// This enables the l4d style of culling all cvars that are not marked FCVAR_RELEASE :
// Statically constructed list of ConCommandBases,
// used for registering them with the ICVar interface
ConCommandBase *ConCommandBase::s_pConCommandBases = NULL;
IConCommandBaseAccessor *ConCommandBase::s_pAccessor = NULL;
static int s_nCVarFlag = 0;
static int s_nDLLIdentifier = -1; // A unique identifier indicating which DLL this convar came from
static bool s_bRegistered = false;
class CDefaultAccessor : public IConCommandBaseAccessor
virtual bool RegisterConCommandBase( ConCommandBase *pVar )
// Link to engine's list instead
g_pCVar->RegisterConCommand( pVar );
return true;
static CDefaultAccessor s_DefaultAccessor;
// Called by the framework to register ConCommandBases with the ICVar
void ConVar_Register( int nCVarFlag, IConCommandBaseAccessor *pAccessor )
if ( !g_pCVar || s_bRegistered )
Assert( s_nDLLIdentifier < 0 );
s_bRegistered = true;
s_nCVarFlag = nCVarFlag;
s_nDLLIdentifier = g_pCVar->AllocateDLLIdentifier();
ConCommandBase *pCur, *pNext;
ConCommandBase::s_pAccessor = pAccessor ? pAccessor : &s_DefaultAccessor;
pCur = ConCommandBase::s_pConCommandBases;
while ( pCur )
pNext = pCur->m_pNext;
pCur->AddFlags( s_nCVarFlag );
pCur = pNext;
ConCommandBase::s_pConCommandBases = NULL;
void ConVar_Unregister( )
if ( !g_pCVar || !s_bRegistered )
Assert( s_nDLLIdentifier >= 0 );
// Do this after unregister!!!
g_pCVar->RemoveSplitScreenConVars( s_nDLLIdentifier );
g_pCVar->UnregisterConCommands( s_nDLLIdentifier );
s_nDLLIdentifier = -1;
s_bRegistered = false;
// Purpose: Default constructor
ConCommandBase::ConCommandBase( void )
m_bRegistered = false;
m_pszName = NULL;
m_pszHelpString = NULL;
m_nFlags = 0;
m_pNext = NULL;
// Purpose: The base console invoked command/cvar interface
// Input : *pName - name of variable/command
// *pHelpString - help text
// flags - flags
ConCommandBase::ConCommandBase( const char *pName, const char *pHelpString /*=0*/, int flags /*= 0*/ )
Create( pName, pHelpString, flags );
// Purpose:
ConCommandBase::~ConCommandBase( void )
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool ConCommandBase::IsCommand( void ) const
// Assert( 0 ); This can't assert. . causes a recursive assert in Sys_Printf, etc.
return true;
// Returns the DLL identifier
CVarDLLIdentifier_t ConCommandBase::GetDLLIdentifier() const
return s_nDLLIdentifier;
// Purpose:
// Input : *pName -
// callback -
// *pHelpString -
// flags -
void ConCommandBase::Create( const char *pName, const char *pHelpString /*= 0*/, int flags /*= 0*/ )
static char *empty_string = "";
m_bRegistered = false;
// Name should be static data
Assert( pName );
m_pszName = pName;
m_pszHelpString = pHelpString ? pHelpString : empty_string;
m_nFlags = flags;
if ( !( m_nFlags & FCVAR_UNREGISTERED ) )
m_pNext = s_pConCommandBases;
s_pConCommandBases = this;
// It's unregistered
m_pNext = NULL;
// If s_pAccessor is already set (this ConVar is not a global variable),
// register it.
if ( s_pAccessor )
// Purpose: Used internally by OneTimeInit to initialize.
void ConCommandBase::Init()
if ( s_pAccessor )
s_pAccessor->RegisterConCommandBase( this );
void ConCommandBase::Shutdown()
if ( g_pCVar )
g_pCVar->UnregisterConCommand( this );
// Purpose: Return name of the command/var
// Output : const char
const char *ConCommandBase::GetName( void ) const
return m_pszName;
// Purpose:
// Input : flag -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool ConCommandBase::IsFlagSet( int flag ) const
return ( flag & m_nFlags ) ? true : false;
// Purpose:
// Input : flags -
void ConCommandBase::AddFlags( int flags )
m_nFlags |= flags;
// Purpose: removes specified flags
void ConCommandBase::RemoveFlags( int flags )
m_nFlags &= ~flags;
// Returns current flags
int ConCommandBase::GetFlags() const
return m_nFlags;
// Purpose:
// Output : const ConCommandBase
const ConCommandBase *ConCommandBase::GetNext( void ) const
return m_pNext;
ConCommandBase *ConCommandBase::GetNext( void )
return m_pNext;
// Purpose: Copies string using local new/delete operators
// Input : *from -
// Output : char
char *ConCommandBase::CopyString( const char *from )
int len;
char *to;
len = strlen( from );
if ( len <= 0 )
to = new char[1];
to[0] = 0;
to = new char[len+1];
V_strncpy( to, from, len+1 );
return to;
// Purpose:
// Output : const char
const char *ConCommandBase::GetHelpText( void ) const
return m_pszHelpString;
// Purpose: Has this cvar been registered
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool ConCommandBase::IsRegistered( void ) const
return m_bRegistered;
// Con Commands start here
// Global methods
static characterset_t s_BreakSet;
static bool s_bBuiltBreakSet = false;
// Tokenizer class
if ( !s_bBuiltBreakSet )
s_bBuiltBreakSet = true;
CharacterSetBuild( &s_BreakSet, "{}()':" );
CCommand::CCommand( int nArgC, const char **ppArgV )
Assert( nArgC > 0 );
if ( !s_bBuiltBreakSet )
s_bBuiltBreakSet = true;
CharacterSetBuild( &s_BreakSet, "{}()':" );
char *pBuf = m_pArgvBuffer;
char *pSBuf = m_pArgSBuffer;
m_nArgc = nArgC;
for ( int i = 0; i < nArgC; ++i )
m_ppArgv[i] = pBuf;
int nLen = V_strlen( ppArgV[i] );
memcpy( pBuf, ppArgV[i], nLen+1 );
if ( i == 0 )
m_nArgv0Size = nLen;
pBuf += nLen+1;
bool bContainsSpace = strchr( ppArgV[i], ' ' ) != NULL;
if ( bContainsSpace )
*pSBuf++ = '\"';
memcpy( pSBuf, ppArgV[i], nLen );
pSBuf += nLen;
if ( bContainsSpace )
*pSBuf++ = '\"';
if ( i != nArgC - 1 )
*pSBuf++ = ' ';
void CCommand::Reset()
m_nArgc = 0;
m_nArgv0Size = 0;
m_pArgSBuffer[0] = 0;
characterset_t* CCommand::DefaultBreakSet()
return &s_BreakSet;
bool CCommand::Tokenize( const char *pCommand, characterset_t *pBreakSet )
if ( !pCommand )
return false;
// Use default break set
if ( !pBreakSet )
pBreakSet = &s_BreakSet;
// Copy the current command into a temp buffer
// NOTE: This is here to avoid the pointers returned by DequeueNextCommand
// to become invalid by calling AddText. Is there a way we can avoid the memcpy?
int nLen = V_strlen( pCommand );
if ( nLen >= COMMAND_MAX_LENGTH - 1 )
Warning( "CCommand::Tokenize: Encountered command which overflows the tokenizer buffer.. Skipping!\n" );
return false;
memcpy( m_pArgSBuffer, pCommand, nLen + 1 );
// Parse the current command into the current command buffer
CUtlBuffer bufParse( m_pArgSBuffer, nLen, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER | CUtlBuffer::READ_ONLY );
int nArgvBufferSize = 0;
while ( bufParse.IsValid() && ( m_nArgc < COMMAND_MAX_ARGC ) )
char *pArgvBuf = &m_pArgvBuffer[nArgvBufferSize];
int nMaxLen = COMMAND_MAX_LENGTH - nArgvBufferSize;
int nStartGet = bufParse.TellGet();
int nSize = bufParse.ParseToken( pBreakSet, pArgvBuf, nMaxLen );
if ( nSize < 0 )
// Check for overflow condition
if ( nMaxLen == nSize )
return false;
if ( m_nArgc == 1 )
// Deal with the case where the arguments were quoted
m_nArgv0Size = bufParse.TellGet();
bool bFoundEndQuote = m_pArgSBuffer[m_nArgv0Size-1] == '\"';
if ( bFoundEndQuote )
m_nArgv0Size -= nSize;
Assert( m_nArgv0Size != 0 );
// The StartGet check is to handle this case: "foo"bar
// which will parse into 2 different args. ArgS should point to bar.
bool bFoundStartQuote = ( m_nArgv0Size > nStartGet ) && ( m_pArgSBuffer[m_nArgv0Size-1] == '\"' );
Assert( bFoundEndQuote == bFoundStartQuote );
if ( bFoundStartQuote )
m_ppArgv[ m_nArgc++ ] = pArgvBuf;
if( m_nArgc >= COMMAND_MAX_ARGC )
Warning( "CCommand::Tokenize: Encountered command which overflows the argument buffer.. Clamped!\n" );
nArgvBufferSize += nSize + 1;
Assert( nArgvBufferSize <= COMMAND_MAX_LENGTH );
return true;
// Helper function to parse arguments to commands.
const char* CCommand::FindArg( const char *pName ) const
int nArgC = ArgC();
for ( int i = 1; i < nArgC; i++ )
if ( !V_stricmp( Arg(i), pName ) )
return (i+1) < nArgC ? Arg( i+1 ) : "";
return 0;
int CCommand::FindArgInt( const char *pName, int nDefaultVal ) const
const char *pVal = FindArg( pName );
if ( pVal )
return atoi( pVal );
return nDefaultVal;
// Default console command autocompletion function
int DefaultCompletionFunc( const char *partial, char commands[ COMMAND_COMPLETION_MAXITEMS ][ COMMAND_COMPLETION_ITEM_LENGTH ] )
return 0;
// Purpose: Constructs a console command
// m_bIsNewConCommand = true;
ConCommand::ConCommand( const char *pName, FnCommandCallbackV1_t callback, const char *pHelpString /*= 0*/, int flags /*= 0*/, FnCommandCompletionCallback completionFunc /*= 0*/ )
// Set the callback
m_fnCommandCallbackV1 = callback;
m_bUsingNewCommandCallback = false;
m_bUsingCommandCallbackInterface = false;
m_fnCompletionCallback = completionFunc ? completionFunc : DefaultCompletionFunc;
m_bHasCompletionCallback = completionFunc != 0 ? true : false;
// Setup the rest
BaseClass::Create( pName, pHelpString, flags );
ConCommand::ConCommand( const char *pName, FnCommandCallback_t callback, const char *pHelpString /*= 0*/, int flags /*= 0*/, FnCommandCompletionCallback completionFunc /*= 0*/ )
// Set the callback
m_fnCommandCallback = callback;
m_bUsingNewCommandCallback = true;
m_fnCompletionCallback = completionFunc ? completionFunc : DefaultCompletionFunc;
m_bHasCompletionCallback = completionFunc != 0 ? true : false;
m_bUsingCommandCallbackInterface = false;
// Setup the rest
BaseClass::Create( pName, pHelpString, flags );
ConCommand::ConCommand( const char *pName, ICommandCallback *pCallback, const char *pHelpString /*= 0*/, int flags /*= 0*/, ICommandCompletionCallback *pCompletionCallback /*= 0*/ )
// Set the callback
m_pCommandCallback = pCallback;
m_bUsingNewCommandCallback = false;
m_pCommandCompletionCallback = pCompletionCallback;
m_bHasCompletionCallback = ( pCompletionCallback != 0 );
m_bUsingCommandCallbackInterface = true;
// Setup the rest
BaseClass::Create( pName, pHelpString, flags );
// Destructor
ConCommand::~ConCommand( void )
// Purpose: Returns true if this is a command
bool ConCommand::IsCommand( void ) const
return true;
// Purpose: Invoke the function if there is one
void ConCommand::Dispatch( const CCommand &command )
if ( m_bUsingNewCommandCallback )
if ( m_fnCommandCallback )
( *m_fnCommandCallback )( command );
else if ( m_bUsingCommandCallbackInterface )
if ( m_pCommandCallback )
m_pCommandCallback->CommandCallback( command );
if ( m_fnCommandCallbackV1 )
( *m_fnCommandCallbackV1 )();
// Command without callback!!!
AssertMsg1( 0, "Encountered ConCommand '%s' without a callback!\n", GetName() );
// Purpose: Calls the autocompletion method to get autocompletion suggestions
int ConCommand::AutoCompleteSuggest( const char *partial, CUtlVector< CUtlString > &commands )
if ( m_bUsingCommandCallbackInterface )
if ( !m_pCommandCompletionCallback )
return 0;
return m_pCommandCompletionCallback->CommandCompletionCallback( partial, commands );
Assert( m_fnCompletionCallback );
if ( !m_fnCompletionCallback )
return 0;
int iret = ( m_fnCompletionCallback )( partial, rgpchCommands );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < iret; ++i )
CUtlString str = rgpchCommands[ i ];
commands.AddToTail( str );
return iret;
// Returns true if the console command can autocomplete
bool ConCommand::CanAutoComplete( void )
return m_bHasCompletionCallback;
// Console Variables
// Various constructors
ConVar::ConVar( const char *pName, const char *pDefaultValue, int flags /* = 0 */ )
Create( pName, pDefaultValue, flags );
ConVar::ConVar( const char *pName, const char *pDefaultValue, int flags, const char *pHelpString )
Create( pName, pDefaultValue, flags, pHelpString );
ConVar::ConVar( const char *pName, const char *pDefaultValue, int flags, const char *pHelpString, bool bMin, float fMin, bool bMax, float fMax )
Create( pName, pDefaultValue, flags, pHelpString, bMin, fMin, bMax, fMax );
ConVar::ConVar( const char *pName, const char *pDefaultValue, int flags, const char *pHelpString, FnChangeCallback_t callback )
Create( pName, pDefaultValue, flags, pHelpString, false, 0.0, false, 0.0, callback );
ConVar::ConVar( const char *pName, const char *pDefaultValue, int flags, const char *pHelpString, bool bMin, float fMin, bool bMax, float fMax, FnChangeCallback_t callback )
Create( pName, pDefaultValue, flags, pHelpString, bMin, fMin, bMax, fMax, callback );
// Destructor
ConVar::~ConVar( void )
if ( m_Value.m_pszString )
delete[] m_Value.m_pszString;
m_Value.m_pszString = NULL;
// Install a change callback (there shouldn't already be one....)
void ConVar::InstallChangeCallback( FnChangeCallback_t callback, bool bInvoke /*=true*/ )
if ( !callback )
Warning( "InstallChangeCallback called with NULL callback, ignoring!!!\n" );
if ( m_pParent->m_fnChangeCallbacks.Find( callback ) != m_pParent->m_fnChangeCallbacks.InvalidIndex() )
// Same ptr added twice, sigh...
Warning( "InstallChangeCallback ignoring duplicate change callback!!!\n" );
m_pParent->m_fnChangeCallbacks.AddToTail( callback );
// Call it immediately to set the initial value...
if ( bInvoke )
callback( this, m_Value.m_pszString, m_Value.m_fValue );
void ConVar::RemoveChangeCallback( FnChangeCallback_t callback )
m_pParent->m_fnChangeCallbacks.FindAndRemove( callback );
bool ConVar::IsFlagSet( int flag ) const
return ( flag & m_pParent->m_nFlags ) ? true : false;
int ConVar::GetFlags() const
return m_pParent->m_nFlags;
const char *ConVar::GetHelpText( void ) const
return m_pParent->m_pszHelpString;
void ConVar::AddFlags( int flags )
m_pParent->m_nFlags |= flags;
m_pParent->m_nFlags &= ~FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY;
bool ConVar::IsRegistered( void ) const
return m_pParent->m_bRegistered;
const char *ConVar::GetName( void ) const
return m_pParent->m_pszName;
const char *ConVar::GetBaseName( void ) const
return m_pParent->m_pszName;
int ConVar::GetSplitScreenPlayerSlot( void ) const
// Default implementation (certain FCVAR_USERINFO derive a new type of convar and set this)
return 0;
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool ConVar::IsCommand( void ) const
return false;
// Purpose:
// Input :
void ConVar::Init()
bool ConVar::InternalSetColorFromString( const char *value )
bool bColor = false;
// Try pulling RGBA color values out of the string
int nRGBA[4];
int nParamsRead = sscanf( value, "%i %i %i %i", &(nRGBA[0]), &(nRGBA[1]), &(nRGBA[2]), &(nRGBA[3]) );
if ( nParamsRead >= 3 )
// This is probably a color!
if ( nParamsRead == 3 )
// Assume they wanted full alpha
nRGBA[3] = 255;
if ( nRGBA[0] >= 0 && nRGBA[0] <= 255 &&
nRGBA[1] >= 0 && nRGBA[1] <= 255 &&
nRGBA[2] >= 0 && nRGBA[2] <= 255 &&
nRGBA[3] >= 0 && nRGBA[3] <= 255 )
// This is definitely a color!
bColor = true;
// Stuff all the values into each byte of our int
unsigned char *pColorElement = ((unsigned char*)&m_Value.m_nValue);
pColorElement[0] = nRGBA[0];
pColorElement[1] = nRGBA[1];
pColorElement[2] = nRGBA[2];
pColorElement[3] = nRGBA[3];
// Copy that value into a float (even though this has little meaning)
m_Value.m_fValue = ( float )( m_Value.m_nValue );
return bColor;
// Purpose:
// Input : *value -
void ConVar::InternalSetValue( const char *value )
if ( g_pCVar && !g_pCVar->IsMaterialThreadSetAllowed() )
g_pCVar->QueueMaterialThreadSetValue( this, value );
char tempVal[ 32 ];
char *val;
Assert(m_pParent == this); // Only valid for root convars.
float flOldValue = m_Value.m_fValue;
val = (char *)value;
if ( !val )
val = "";
if ( !InternalSetColorFromString( value ) )
// Not a color, do the standard thing
float fNewValue = ( float )atof( value );
if ( !IsFinite( fNewValue ) )
Warning( "Warning: %s = '%s' is infinite, clamping value.\n", GetName(), value );
fNewValue = FLT_MAX;
if ( ClampValue( fNewValue ) )
V_snprintf( tempVal,sizeof(tempVal), "%f", fNewValue );
val = tempVal;
// Redetermine value
m_Value.m_fValue = fNewValue;
m_Value.m_nValue = ( int )( m_Value.m_fValue );
if ( !( m_nFlags & FCVAR_NEVER_AS_STRING ) )
ChangeStringValue( val, flOldValue );
// Purpose:
// Input : *tempVal -
void ConVar::ChangeStringValue( const char *tempVal, float flOldValue )
Assert( !( m_nFlags & FCVAR_NEVER_AS_STRING ) );
char* pszOldValue = (char*)stackalloc( m_Value.m_StringLength );
memcpy( pszOldValue, m_Value.m_pszString, m_Value.m_StringLength );
int len = V_strlen(tempVal) + 1;
if ( len > m_Value.m_StringLength)
if (m_Value.m_pszString)
delete[] m_Value.m_pszString;
m_Value.m_pszString = new char[len];
m_Value.m_StringLength = len;
memcpy( m_Value.m_pszString, tempVal, len );
// Invoke any necessary callback function
for ( int i = 0; i < m_fnChangeCallbacks.Count(); ++i )
m_fnChangeCallbacks[ i ]( this, pszOldValue, flOldValue );
if ( g_pCVar )
g_pCVar->CallGlobalChangeCallbacks( this, pszOldValue, flOldValue );
stackfree( pszOldValue );
// Purpose: Check whether to clamp and then perform clamp
// Input : value -
// Output : Returns true if value changed
bool ConVar::ClampValue( float& value )
if ( m_bHasMin && ( value < m_fMinVal ) )
value = m_fMinVal;
return true;
if ( m_bHasMax && ( value > m_fMaxVal ) )
value = m_fMaxVal;
return true;
return false;
// Purpose:
// Input : *value -
void ConVar::InternalSetFloatValue( float fNewValue )
if ( fNewValue == m_Value.m_fValue )
if ( g_pCVar && !g_pCVar->IsMaterialThreadSetAllowed() )
g_pCVar->QueueMaterialThreadSetValue( this, fNewValue );
Assert( m_pParent == this ); // Only valid for root convars.
// Check bounds
ClampValue( fNewValue );
// Redetermine value
float flOldValue = m_Value.m_fValue;
m_Value.m_fValue = fNewValue;
m_Value.m_nValue = ( int )m_Value.m_fValue;
if ( !( m_nFlags & FCVAR_NEVER_AS_STRING ) )
char tempVal[ 32 ];
V_snprintf( tempVal, sizeof( tempVal), "%f", m_Value.m_fValue );
ChangeStringValue( tempVal, flOldValue );
Assert( m_fnChangeCallbacks.Count() == 0 );
// Purpose:
// Input : *value -
void ConVar::InternalSetIntValue( int nValue )
if ( nValue == m_Value.m_nValue )
if ( g_pCVar && !g_pCVar->IsMaterialThreadSetAllowed() )
g_pCVar->QueueMaterialThreadSetValue( this, nValue );
Assert( m_pParent == this ); // Only valid for root convars.
float fValue = (float)nValue;
if ( ClampValue( fValue ) )
nValue = ( int )( fValue );
// Redetermine value
float flOldValue = m_Value.m_fValue;
m_Value.m_fValue = fValue;
m_Value.m_nValue = nValue;
if ( !( m_nFlags & FCVAR_NEVER_AS_STRING ) )
char tempVal[ 32 ];
V_snprintf( tempVal, sizeof( tempVal ), "%d", m_Value.m_nValue );
ChangeStringValue( tempVal, flOldValue );
Assert( m_fnChangeCallbacks.Count() == 0 );
// Purpose:
// Input : *value -
void ConVar::InternalSetColorValue( Color value )
// Stuff color values into an int
int nValue;
unsigned char *pColorElement = ((unsigned char*)&nValue);
pColorElement[0] = value[0];
pColorElement[1] = value[1];
pColorElement[2] = value[2];
pColorElement[3] = value[3];
// Call the int internal set
InternalSetIntValue( nValue );
// Purpose: Private creation
void ConVar::Create( const char *pName, const char *pDefaultValue, int flags /*= 0*/,
const char *pHelpString /*= NULL*/, bool bMin /*= false*/, float fMin /*= 0.0*/,
bool bMax /*= false*/, float fMax /*= false*/, FnChangeCallback_t callback /*= NULL*/ )
static char *empty_string = "";
m_pParent = this;
// Name should be static data
m_pszDefaultValue = pDefaultValue ? pDefaultValue : empty_string;
Assert( m_pszDefaultValue );
m_bHasMin = bMin;
m_fMinVal = fMin;
m_bHasMax = bMax;
m_fMaxVal = fMax;
if ( callback )
m_fnChangeCallbacks.AddToTail( callback );
m_Value.m_StringLength = strlen( m_pszDefaultValue ) + 1;
m_Value.m_pszString = new char[m_Value.m_StringLength];
memcpy( m_Value.m_pszString, m_pszDefaultValue, m_Value.m_StringLength );
if ( !InternalSetColorFromString( m_Value.m_pszString ) )
m_Value.m_fValue = ( float )atof( m_Value.m_pszString );
if ( !IsFinite( m_Value.m_fValue ) )
Warning( "ConVar(%s) defined with infinite float value (%s)\n", pName, m_Value.m_pszString );
m_Value.m_fValue = FLT_MAX;
Assert( 0 );
// Bounds Check, should never happen, if it does, no big deal
if ( m_bHasMin && ( m_Value.m_fValue < m_fMinVal ) )
Assert( 0 );
if ( m_bHasMax && ( m_Value.m_fValue > m_fMaxVal ) )
Assert( 0 );
m_Value.m_nValue = ( int )m_Value.m_fValue;
//If we're not tagged as cheat, archive or release then hide us.
// FIXMEL4DTOMAINMERGE: will need to assess if this hides too many convars for TF and other projects in main
BaseClass::Create( pName, pHelpString, flags );
// Purpose:
// Input : *value -
void ConVar::SetValue(const char *value)
ConVar *var = ( ConVar * )m_pParent;
var->InternalSetValue( value );
// Purpose:
// Input : value -
void ConVar::SetValue( float value )
ConVar *var = ( ConVar * )m_pParent;
var->InternalSetFloatValue( value );
// Purpose:
// Input : value -
void ConVar::SetValue( int value )
ConVar *var = ( ConVar * )m_pParent;
var->InternalSetIntValue( value );
// Purpose:
// Input : value -
void ConVar::SetValue( Color value )
ConVar *var = ( ConVar * )m_pParent;
var->InternalSetColorValue( value );
// Purpose: Reset to default value
void ConVar::Revert( void )
// Force default value again
ConVar *var = ( ConVar * )m_pParent;
var->SetValue( var->m_pszDefaultValue );
// Purpose:
// Input : minVal -
// Output : true if there is a min set
bool ConVar::GetMin( float& minVal ) const
minVal = m_pParent->m_fMinVal;
return m_pParent->m_bHasMin;
// Purpose:
// Input : maxVal -
bool ConVar::GetMax( float& maxVal ) const
maxVal = m_pParent->m_fMaxVal;
return m_pParent->m_bHasMax;
float ConVar::GetMinValue() const
return m_pParent->m_fMinVal;
float ConVar::GetMaxValue() const
return m_pParent->m_fMaxVal;;
bool ConVar::HasMin() const
return m_pParent->m_bHasMin;
bool ConVar::HasMax() const
return m_pParent->m_bHasMax;
// Purpose:
// Output : const char
const char *ConVar::GetDefault( void ) const
return m_pParent->m_pszDefaultValue;
void ConVar::SetDefault( const char *pszDefault )
static char *empty_string = "";
m_pszDefaultValue = pszDefault ? pszDefault : empty_string;
Assert( m_pszDefaultValue );
// This version is simply used to make reading convars simpler.
// Writing convars isn't allowed in this mode
class CEmptyConVar : public ConVar
CEmptyConVar() : ConVar( "", "0" ) {}
// Used for optimal read access
virtual void SetValue( const char *pValue ) {}
virtual void SetValue( float flValue ) {}
virtual void SetValue( int nValue ) {}
virtual const char *GetName( void ) const { return ""; }
virtual bool IsFlagSet( int nFlags ) const { return false; }
static CEmptyConVar s_EmptyConVar;
ConVarRef::ConVarRef( const char *pName )
Init( pName, false );
ConVarRef::ConVarRef( const char *pName, bool bIgnoreMissing )
Init( pName, bIgnoreMissing );
void ConVarRef::Init( const char *pName, bool bIgnoreMissing )
m_pConVar = g_pCVar ? g_pCVar->FindVar( pName ) : &s_EmptyConVar;
if ( !m_pConVar )
m_pConVar = &s_EmptyConVar;
m_pConVarState = static_cast< ConVar * >( m_pConVar );
if( !IsValid() )
static bool bFirst = true;
if ( g_pCVar || bFirst )
if ( !bIgnoreMissing )
Warning( "ConVarRef %s doesn't point to an existing ConVar\n", pName );
bFirst = false;
ConVarRef::ConVarRef( IConVar *pConVar )
m_pConVar = pConVar ? pConVar : &s_EmptyConVar;
m_pConVarState = static_cast< ConVar * >( m_pConVar );
bool ConVarRef::IsValid() const
return m_pConVar != &s_EmptyConVar;
// Helper for splitscreen ConVars
SplitScreenConVarRef::SplitScreenConVarRef( const char *pName )
Init( pName, false );
SplitScreenConVarRef::SplitScreenConVarRef( const char *pName, bool bIgnoreMissing )
Init( pName, bIgnoreMissing );
void SplitScreenConVarRef::Init( const char *pName, bool bIgnoreMissing )
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_SPLITSCREEN_CLIENTS; ++i )
cv_t &info = m_Info[ i ];
char pchName[ 256 ];
if ( i != 0 )
V_snprintf( pchName, sizeof( pchName ), "%s%d", pName, i + 1 );
V_strncpy( pchName, pName, sizeof( pchName ) );
info.m_pConVar = g_pCVar ? g_pCVar->FindVar( pchName ) : &s_EmptyConVar;
if ( !info.m_pConVar )
info.m_pConVar = &s_EmptyConVar;
if ( i > 0 )
// Point at slot zero instead, in case we got in here with a non FCVAR_SS var...
info.m_pConVar = m_Info[ 0 ].m_pConVar;
info.m_pConVarState = static_cast< ConVar * >( info.m_pConVar );
if ( !IsValid() )
static bool bFirst = true;
if ( g_pCVar || bFirst )
if ( !bIgnoreMissing )
Warning( "ConVarRef %s doesn't point to an existing ConVar\n", pName );
bFirst = false;
SplitScreenConVarRef::SplitScreenConVarRef( IConVar *pConVar )
cv_t &info = m_Info[ 0 ];
info.m_pConVar = pConVar ? pConVar : &s_EmptyConVar;
info.m_pConVarState = static_cast< ConVar * >( info.m_pConVar );
for ( int i = 1; i < MAX_SPLITSCREEN_CLIENTS; ++i )
info = m_Info[ i ];
char pchName[ 256 ];
V_snprintf( pchName, sizeof( pchName ), "%s%d", pConVar->GetName(), i + 1 );
info.m_pConVar = g_pCVar ? g_pCVar->FindVar( pchName ) : &s_EmptyConVar;
if ( !info.m_pConVar )
info.m_pConVar = &s_EmptyConVar;
if ( i > 0 )
// Point at slot zero instead, in case we got in here with a non FCVAR_SS var...
info.m_pConVar = m_Info[ 0 ].m_pConVar;
info.m_pConVarState = static_cast< ConVar * >( info.m_pConVar );
bool SplitScreenConVarRef::IsValid() const
return m_Info[ 0 ].m_pConVar != &s_EmptyConVar;
struct PrintConVarFlags_t
int flag;
const char *desc;
static PrintConVarFlags_t g_PrintConVarFlags[] =
{ FCVAR_GAMEDLL, "game" },
{ FCVAR_CLIENTDLL, "client" },
{ FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "archive" },
{ FCVAR_NOTIFY, "notify" },
{ FCVAR_SPONLY, "singleplayer" },
{ FCVAR_NOT_CONNECTED, "notconnected" },
{ FCVAR_CHEAT, "cheat" },
{ FCVAR_REPLICATED, "replicated" },
{ FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE, "server_can_execute" },
{ FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE, "clientcmd_can_execute" },
{ FCVAR_USERINFO, "user" },
{ FCVAR_SS, "ss" },
{ FCVAR_SS_ADDED, "ss_added" },
// Purpose:
void ConVar_AppendFlags( const ConCommandBase *var, char *buf, size_t bufsize )
for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( g_PrintConVarFlags ) ; ++i )
const PrintConVarFlags_t &info = g_PrintConVarFlags[ i ];
if ( var->IsFlagSet( info.flag ) )
char append[ 128 ];
V_snprintf( append, sizeof( append ), " %s", info.desc );
V_strncat( buf, append, bufsize, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
static void AppendPrintf( char *buf, size_t bufsize, char const *fmt, ... )
char scratch[ 1024 ];
va_list argptr;
va_start( argptr, fmt );
_vsnprintf( scratch, sizeof( scratch ) - 1, fmt, argptr );
va_end( argptr );
scratch[ sizeof( scratch ) - 1 ] = 0;
V_strncat( buf, scratch, bufsize, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
// Purpose:
void ConVar_PrintDescription( const ConCommandBase *pVar )
bool bMin, bMax;
float fMin, fMax;
const char *pStr;
Assert( pVar );
Color clr;
clr.SetColor( 255, 100, 100, 255 );
char outstr[ 4096 ];
outstr[ 0 ] = 0;
if ( !pVar->IsCommand() )
ConVar *var = ( ConVar * )pVar;
const ConVar_ServerBounded *pBounded = dynamic_cast<const ConVar_ServerBounded*>( var );
bMin = var->GetMin( fMin );
bMax = var->GetMax( fMax );
const char *value = NULL;
char tempVal[ 32 ];
if ( pBounded || var->IsFlagSet( FCVAR_NEVER_AS_STRING ) )
value = tempVal;
int intVal = pBounded ? pBounded->GetInt() : var->GetInt();
float floatVal = pBounded ? pBounded->GetFloat() : var->GetFloat();
if ( fabs( (float)intVal - floatVal ) < 0.000001 )
V_snprintf( tempVal, sizeof( tempVal ), "%d", intVal );
V_snprintf( tempVal, sizeof( tempVal ), "%f", floatVal );
value = var->GetString();
if ( value )
AppendPrintf( outstr, sizeof( outstr ), "\"%s\" = \"%s\"", var->GetName(), value );
if ( V_stricmp( value, var->GetDefault() ) )
AppendPrintf( outstr, sizeof( outstr ), " ( def. \"%s\" )", var->GetDefault() );
if ( bMin )
AppendPrintf( outstr, sizeof( outstr ), " min. %f", fMin );
if ( bMax )
AppendPrintf( outstr, sizeof( outstr ), " max. %f", fMax );
// Handle virtualized cvars.
if ( pBounded && fabs( pBounded->GetFloat() - var->GetFloat() ) > 0.0001f )
AppendPrintf( outstr, sizeof( outstr ), " [%.3f server clamped to %.3f]",
var->GetFloat(), pBounded->GetFloat() );
ConCommand *var = ( ConCommand * )pVar;
AppendPrintf( outstr, sizeof( outstr ), "\"%s\" ", var->GetName() );
ConVar_AppendFlags( pVar, outstr, sizeof( outstr ) );
pStr = pVar->GetHelpText();
if ( pStr && *pStr )
ConMsg( "%-80s - %.80s\n", outstr, pStr );
ConMsg( "%-80s\n", outstr );