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362 lines
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//=========== Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ===============//
// Purpose:
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "panel2d.h"
#include "panorama/text/iuitextlayout.h"
#include "panorama/textinput/textinput.h"
#include "panorama/textinput/textinput_settings.h"
#if !defined(SOURCE2_PANORAMA)
#include "../common/globals.h"
#include "../common/reliabletimer.h"
#include "../common/framefunction.h"
#include "panorama/uischeduleddel.h"
#include "imesystem/imeuiinterface.h"
namespace panorama
class CLabel;
class CTextEntryAutocomplete;
#if defined( SOURCE2_PANORAMA )
class CTextEntryIMEControls;
#endif // defined( SOURCE2_PANORAMA )
DECLARE_PANEL_EVENT1( TextEntrySubmit, const char * ); // always raised when user is done submitting text
DECLARE_PANEL_EVENT0( TextEntryChanged ); // call CTextEntry::RaiseChangeEvents() to enable
DECLARE_PANEL_EVENT0( TextEntryShowTextInputHandler );
DECLARE_PANEL_EVENT0( TextEntryHideTextInputHandler );
DECLARE_PANEL_EVENT0( TextEntryInsertFromClipboard );
DECLARE_PANEL_EVENT0( TextEntryCopyToClipboard );
DECLARE_PANEL_EVENT0( TextEntryCutToClipboard );
// Purpose: text entry
class CTextEntry : public CPanel2D, public ITextInputControl
#if defined( SOURCE2_PANORAMA )
, public IIMEUITextField
#endif // defined( SOURCE2_PANORAMA )
DECLARE_PANEL2D( CTextEntry, CPanel2D );
CTextEntry( CPanel2D *parent, const char * pchPanelID );
virtual ~CTextEntry();
virtual void SetupJavascriptObjectTemplate() OVERRIDE;
void SetUndoHistoryEnabled( bool bEnabled );
void ClearUndoHistory();
virtual bool OnKeyDown( const KeyData_t &code );
virtual bool OnKeyTyped( const KeyData_t &unichar );
virtual bool OnKeyUp( const KeyData_t & code ) { return BaseClass::OnKeyUp( code ); }
virtual void Paint();
virtual bool BSetProperty( CPanoramaSymbol symName, const char *pchValue ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnInitializedFromLayout();
virtual void OnStylesChanged();
virtual void OnMouseMove( float flMouseX, float flMouseY );
virtual bool OnMouseButtonDown( const MouseData_t &code );
virtual bool OnMouseButtonUp( const MouseData_t &code );
virtual bool OnMouseButtonDoubleClick( const MouseData_t &code );
virtual bool OnMouseButtonTripleClick( const MouseData_t &code );
virtual void OnLayoutTraverse( float flFinalWidth, float flFinalHeight );
virtual void GetDebugPropertyInfo( CUtlVector< DebugPropertyOutput_t *> *pvecProperties ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool BRequiresContentClipLayer() { return m_bMayDrawOutsideBounds; }
void SetMode( ETextInputMode_t mode );
ETextInputMode_t GetMode() { return m_modeInput; }
void SetText( const char *pchValue );
const char *PchGetText() const;
const wchar_t *PwchGetText() const;
void SetPlaceholderText( const char *pchValue );
const char *PchGetPlaceholderText() const;
void SetMaxChars( uint unMaxChars );
uint GetCharCount() const { return m_vecWCharData.Count() - 1; } // m_vecWCharData is terminated, so remove extra char count
uint GetMaxCharCount() const { return m_unMaxChars; }
int32 GetCursorOffset() const { return m_nCursorOffset; }
void SetCursorOffset( int32 nCursoroffset );
bool BSupportsImmediateTextReturn() { return true; }
void RequestControlString() { Assert( false ); } // no op, we already have the string
// Insert clipboard contents into text entry
void InsertFromClipboard();
// Cut selected text to clipboard
void CutToClipboard();
// Copy selected text to clipboard
void CopyToClipboard();
bool OnInsertFromClipboard( const CPanelPtr< IUIPanel > &pPanel );
bool OnCutToClipboard( const CPanelPtr< IUIPanel > &pPanel );
bool OnCopyToClipboard( const CPanelPtr< IUIPanel > &pPanel );
void SetAlwaysRenderCaret( bool bAlwaysRenderCaret );
// Delete currently selected text
void DeleteSelection( bool bDontPushUndoHistory );
// Clear selection region, leaving nothing selected
void ClearSelection();
// select all the text in the control
void SelectAll();
// Lock the selection in place; it can only be unlocked or deleted
void LockSelection( bool bLockSelection ) { m_bSelectionLocked = bLockSelection; }
// Insert characters at cursor
void InsertCharacterAtCursor( const wchar_t &unichar );
void InsertCharactersAtCursor( const wchar_t *pwch, size_t cwch );
bool BIsValidCharacter( const wchar_t wch );
void RaiseChangeEvents( bool bEnable ) { m_bRaiseChangeEvents = bEnable; }
virtual EMouseCursors GetMouseCursor();
// ITextInputControl helpers
virtual CPanel2D *GetAssociatedPanel() { return this; }
panorama::CTextInputHandler *GetTextInputHandler() { return m_pTextInputHandler.Get(); }
void SetTextInputHandler( panorama::CTextInputHandler *pTextInputHandler );
virtual bool BRequiresFocus() OVERRIDE { return true; }
// Autocomplete
void ClearAutocomplete( void );
void AddAutocomplete( const char *pszOption );
virtual void ValidateClientPanel( CValidator &validator, const tchar *pchName );
int32 GetSelectionStart() { return m_nSelectionStartIndex; }
int32 GetSelectionEnd() { return m_nSelectionEndIndex; }
// Interface for IIMEUITextField
#if defined( SOURCE2_PANORAMA )
virtual void IME_SetLoggingChannel( LoggingChannelID_t loggingChannel ) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IME_IsEnabled() OVERRIDE;
virtual IMEUIObjectType IME_GetObjectType() OVERRIDE;
virtual wchar_t *IME_GetCompositionString() OVERRIDE;
virtual void IME_CreateCompositionString() OVERRIDE;
virtual void IME_ClearCompositionString() OVERRIDE;
virtual void IME_CommitCompositionString( const wchar_t *pString ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void IME_SetCompositionStringText( const wchar_t *pString ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void IME_SetCompositionStringPosition( uint32 nPos ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void IME_SetCursorInCompositionString( uint32 nPos ) OVERRIDE;
virtual uint32 IME_GetCaretIndex() OVERRIDE;
virtual uint32 IME_GetBeginIndex() OVERRIDE;
virtual uint32 IME_GetEndIndex() OVERRIDE;
virtual void IME_ReplaceCharacters( const wchar_t *pString, uint32 nStart, uint32 nEnd ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void IME_SetSelection( uint32 nStart, uint32 nEnd ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void IME_SetWideCursor( bool bWide ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void IME_HighlightCompositionStringText( uint32 nPos, uint32 nLen, IMETextHighlightStyle highlightStyle ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void IME_DeleteSelection() OVERRIDE;
virtual void IME_RemoveInputWindow() OVERRIDE;
virtual void IME_DisplayInputWindow( const wchar_t *pReadingString, const IMERectF *pPosition ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void IME_RepositionInputWindow( const IMERectF *pPosition ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void IME_CreateList( int nPageSize, int nListStartsAt1 ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void IME_RemoveList() OVERRIDE;
virtual void IME_ClearList() OVERRIDE;
virtual void IME_ShowList( bool bShow ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void IME_RepositionCandidateList( const IMERectF *pPosition ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void IME_SelectItemInList( int32 nItemToSelect ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void IME_AddToList( const wchar_t *pCandidateString ) OVERRIDE;
#endif // defined( SOURCE2_PANORAMA )
virtual void OnContentSizeTraverse( float *pflContentWidth, float *pflContentHeight, float flMaxWidth, float flMaxHeight, bool bFinalDimensions );
virtual bool BIsClientPanelEvent( CPanoramaSymbol symProperty ) OVERRIDE;
bool OnTextEntryShowTextInputHandler( const panorama::CPanelPtr< panorama::IUIPanel > &ptrPanel );
bool OnTextEntryHideTextInputHandler( const panorama::CPanelPtr< panorama::IUIPanel > &ptrPanel );
bool EventActivated ( const CPanelPtr< IUIPanel > &pPanel, EPanelEventSource_t eSource );
bool OnTextEntryScrollToCursor( const panorama::CPanelPtr< panorama::IUIPanel > &ptrPanel );
bool EventInputFocusTopLevelChanged( CPanelPtr< CPanel2D > ptrPanel );
bool HandleTextInputFinished( const panorama::CPanelPtr< panorama::IUIPanel > &pPanel, bool bFinished, char const *pchText );
bool EventInputFocusSet( const CPanelPtr< IUIPanel > &ptrPanel );
bool EventInputFocusLost( const CPanelPtr< IUIPanel > &ptrPanel );
IUITextLayout *CreateTextLayout( float flWidth, float flHeight );
void RemoveCharacter( int32 offset );
void RaiseTextChangedEvent();
void UpdateSelectionToInclude( int32 unPreviousCursor, int32 unNewCursorPos );
void Undo();
void Redo();
void PushUndoStack();
void PushRedoStack();
void UpdateCapsLockWarning();
void OnScheduledCapsLockCheck();
void MoveCaretToEnd( bool bIsShiftHeld );
const wchar_t *PwchGetTextDisplay(); // honors password-entry mode
bool m_bUndoHistoryEnabled;
bool m_bContentSizeDirty; // content size is dirty - text has changed
float m_flMaxWidthLastContentSize;
float m_flMaxHeightLastContentSize;
bool m_bCaretPositionDirty;
bool m_bAlwaysRenderCaret;
bool m_bMayDrawOutsideBounds;
bool m_bShowTextInputHandlerOnLeftMouseUp;
bool m_bSelectionLocked;
bool m_bMultiline; // used to determine whether to swallow multiline-only characters (\n, etc.)
Vector2D m_LastMousePos;
CUtlVector<wchar_t> m_vecWCharData;
CUtlVector<wchar_t> m_vecWCharDataPasswordDisplay;
mutable CUtlString m_UTF8String;
mutable bool m_bUTF8StringInvalid;
uint32 m_unMaxChars;
int32 m_nCursorOffset;
Vector2D m_CaretCoords;
float m_flCaretHeight;
bool m_bLeftMouseIsDown;
bool m_bSelectionRectDirty;
int32 m_nSelectionStartIndex;
int32 m_nSelectionEndIndex;
bool m_bScrollableSizeDirty;
float m_flLastFinalWidthToScrollable;
float m_flLastFinalHeightToScrollable;
// Translation of text in single line entries to scroll to show where the cursor is
float m_flTextXTranslate;
CPanelPtr< CTextInputHandler > m_pTextInputHandler;
CUtlVector<IUITextLayout::HitTestRegionRect_t> m_vecSelectionRects;
panorama::CTextInputHandlerSettings m_settingsTextInput;
CUtlVector< wchar_t * > m_vecUndoStack;
CUtlVector< wchar_t * > m_vecRedoStack;
double m_flFocusTime;
// only raise text changed events when requested, as we have to convert every character to UTF8 from unicode
bool m_bRaiseChangeEvents;
ETextInputMode_t m_modeInput;
bool m_bDisplayInput;
bool m_bWarnOnCapsLock;
panorama::CUIScheduledDel m_scheduledCapsLockCheck;
CLabel *m_pPlaceholderText;
CPanelPtr< CTextEntryAutocomplete > m_pAutocompleteMenu;
#if defined( SOURCE2_PANORAMA )
// IME State
bool m_bIMEWideCursor;
CUtlVector< wchar_t > m_IMECompositionString;
int32 m_nIMECompositionCursor;
int32 m_nIMEStartingCursorInsertionOffset;
int32 m_nIMEEndingCursorInsertionOffset;
bool m_bIMERejectBackspace;
CPanelPtr< CTextEntryIMEControls > m_pIMEControls;
LoggingChannelID_t m_IMELoggingChannel;
#endif // defined( SOURCE2_PANORAMA )
class CTextEntryAutocomplete : public CPanel2D
DECLARE_PANEL2D( CTextEntryAutocomplete, CPanel2D );
CTextEntryAutocomplete( CTextEntry *pParent, const char *pchPanelID );
virtual ~CTextEntryAutocomplete();
void DeleteSelf( bool bSetFocusToTarget = true );
void AddOption( const char *pszOption );
// forward keys, arrows back to my parent
virtual bool OnKeyDown( const KeyData_t &code );
virtual bool OnKeyUp( const KeyData_t & code );
virtual bool OnKeyTyped( const KeyData_t &unichar );
void PositionNearParent();
virtual void OnLayoutTraverse( float flFinalWidth, float flFinalHeight );
// events
bool EventPanelActivated( const CPanelPtr< IUIPanel > &pPanel, EPanelEventSource_t eSource );
bool EventInputFocusSet( const CPanelPtr< IUIPanel > &pPanel );
void SuggestionSelected( CLabel *pLabel );
CPanelPtr< CTextEntry > m_pTextEntryParent;
bool m_bClosing;
#if defined( SOURCE2_PANORAMA )
class CTextEntryIMEControls : public CPanel2D
DECLARE_PANEL2D( CTextEntryIMEControls, CPanel2D );
CTextEntryIMEControls( CTextEntry *pParent, const char *pchPanelID );
virtual ~CTextEntryIMEControls();
void ClearCandidateList();
void CreateCandidateList( int nPageSize, int nListStartsAt1 );
void AddCandidate( const wchar_t *pszCandidateString );
void SetSelectedCandidate( int nItemToSelect );
void ShowCandidateList( bool bShow );
void SetReadingString( const wchar_t *pReadingString );
void PositionNearParent();
virtual void OnLayoutTraverse( float flFinalWidth, float flFinalHeight );
CPanelPtr< CTextEntry > m_pTextEntryParent;
CPanelPtr< CLabel > m_pReadingStringLabel;
CPanelPtr< CPanel2D > m_pCandidateList;
int m_nCandidateListPageSize;
int m_nCandidateListSelectedIndex;
bool m_bShowCandidateList;
#endif // defined( SOURCE2_PANORAMA )
} // namespace panorama