FluorescentCIAAfricanAmerican 3bf9df6b27 1
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00

1635 lines
56 KiB

//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Draws CSPort's death notices
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "hudelement.h"
#include "hud_macros.h"
#include "c_playerresource.h"
#include "iclientmode.h"
#include <vgui_controls/Controls.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Panel.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include "vgui_controls/TextImage.h"
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include "c_baseplayer.h"
#include "c_team.h"
#include "gcsdk/gcclientsdk.h"
#include "tf_gcmessages.h"
#include "tf_item_inventory.h"
#include "hud_basedeathnotice.h"
#include "tf_shareddefs.h"
#include "clientmode_tf.h"
#include "c_tf_player.h"
#include "c_tf_playerresource.h"
#include "tf_hud_freezepanel.h"
#include "engine/IEngineSound.h"
#include "tf_controls.h"
#include "tf_gamerules.h"
#include "econ_notifications.h"
//#include "econ/econ_controls.h"
#include "passtime_game_events.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
using namespace vgui;
// Must match resource/tf_objects.txt!!!
const char *szLocalizedObjectNames[OBJ_LAST] =
ConVar cl_hud_killstreak_display_time( "cl_hud_killstreak_display_time", "3", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "How long a killstreak notice stays on the screen (in seconds). Range is from 0 to 100." );
ConVar cl_hud_killstreak_display_fontsize( "cl_hud_killstreak_display_fontsize", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Adjusts font size of killstreak notices. Range is from 0 to 2 (default is 1)." );
ConVar cl_hud_killstreak_display_alpha( "cl_hud_killstreak_display_alpha", "120", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Adjusts font alpha value of killstreak notices. Range is from 0 to 255 (default is 200)." );
const int STREAK_MIN = 5;
const int STREAK_MIN_MVM = 20;
const int STREAK_MIN_DUCKS = 10;
static int MinStreakForType( CTFPlayerShared::ETFStreak eStreakType )
bool bIsMvM = TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsMannVsMachineMode();
if ( eStreakType == CTFPlayerShared::kTFStreak_Ducks )
if ( eStreakType == CTFPlayerShared::kTFStreak_Duck_levelup )
return 1;
if ( bIsMvM )
return STREAK_MIN;
// CTFStreakNotice
class CTFStreakNotice : public CHudElement, public vgui::EditablePanel
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CTFStreakNotice, vgui::EditablePanel );
CTFStreakNotice( const char *pName );
virtual bool ShouldDraw( void ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void Paint( void ) OVERRIDE;
void StreakEnded( CTFPlayerShared::ETFStreak eStreakType, int iKillerID, int iVictimID, int iStreak );
void StreakUpdated( CTFPlayerShared::ETFStreak eStreakType, int iPlayerID, int iStreak, int iStreakIncrement );
bool IsCurrentStreakHigherPriority( CTFPlayerShared::ETFStreak eStreakType, int iStreak );
HFont GetStreakFont( void );
CExLabel *m_pLabel;
EditablePanel *m_pBackground;
float m_flLastMessageTime;
int m_nCurrStreakCount;
CTFPlayerShared::ETFStreak m_nCurrStreakType;
int m_nLabelXPos;
int m_nLabelYPos;
CHudTexture *m_iconKillStreak;
CHudTexture *m_iconDuckStreak;
CTFStreakNotice::CTFStreakNotice( const char *pName ) : CHudElement( pName ), vgui::EditablePanel( NULL, pName )
SetParent( g_pClientMode->GetViewport() );
m_pBackground = new EditablePanel( this, "Background" );
m_pLabel = new CExLabel( this, "SplashLabel", "" );
m_flLastMessageTime = -10.0f;
m_nCurrStreakCount = 0;
m_nCurrStreakType = (CTFPlayerShared::ETFStreak)0;
m_iconKillStreak = gHUD.GetIcon( "leaderboard_streak" );
m_iconDuckStreak = gHUD.GetIcon( "eotl_duck" );
// Purpose:
bool CTFStreakNotice::ShouldDraw( void )
if ( !CHudElement::ShouldDraw() )
return false;
C_TFPlayer *pPlayer = CTFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer();
if ( !pPlayer )
return false;
if ( IsTakingAFreezecamScreenshot() )
return false;
return m_nCurrStreakCount > 0;
void CTFStreakNotice::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
LoadControlSettings( "resource/UI/HudKillStreakNotice.res" );
m_pLabel->GetPos( m_nLabelXPos, m_nLabelYPos );
SetSize( XRES(640), YRES(480) );
void CTFStreakNotice::Paint( void )
int nDisplayTime = clamp( cl_hud_killstreak_display_time.GetInt(), 1, 100 );
if ( m_flLastMessageTime + nDisplayTime < gpGlobals->realtime )
SetVisible( false );
m_nCurrStreakCount = 0;
float flFadeTime = 1.5f;
float flTimeRemaining = (float)nDisplayTime - ( gpGlobals->realtime - m_flLastMessageTime );
SetVisible( true );
if ( flTimeRemaining > flFadeTime )
SetAlpha( 255 );
float flAlpha = RemapValClamped( flTimeRemaining, flFadeTime, 0.f, 255.f, 0.f );
SetAlpha( flAlpha );
// Move labels down when in spectator
C_TFPlayer *pPlayer = CTFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer();
CHudTexture *pIcon = ( m_nCurrStreakType == CTFPlayerShared::kTFStreak_Ducks || m_nCurrStreakType == CTFPlayerShared::kTFStreak_Duck_levelup ) ? m_iconDuckStreak : m_iconKillStreak;
if ( pPlayer && pIcon )
int nYOffset = ( pPlayer->GetObserverMode() > OBS_MODE_FREEZECAM ? YRES(40) : 0 );
int iWide, iTall;
m_pLabel->GetContentSize( iWide, iTall );
m_pLabel->SetPos( XRES(320) - iWide / 2, m_nLabelYPos + nYOffset );
m_pBackground->SetSize( iWide + iTall / 2, iTall ); // add in icon width
m_pBackground->SetPos( XRES(315) - iWide / 2, m_nLabelYPos + nYOffset);
wchar_t szTitle[256];
m_pLabel->GetText( szTitle, 256 );
HFont hFont = GetStreakFont();
int iTextWide= UTIL_ComputeStringWidth( hFont, szTitle );
pIcon->DrawSelf( XRES(320) - (iWide / 2) + iTextWide, m_nLabelYPos + nYOffset, iTall, iTall, Color(235, 226, 202, GetAlpha() ) );
void CTFStreakNotice::StreakEnded( CTFPlayerShared::ETFStreak eStreakType, int iKillerID, int iVictimID, int iStreak )
if ( iStreak < 10 )
if ( IsCurrentStreakHigherPriority( eStreakType, iStreak ) )
// Temp override all messages
// Add New message
m_flLastMessageTime = gpGlobals->realtime;
// Generate the String
const wchar_t *wzMsg = NULL;
bool bSelfKill = false;
if ( iKillerID == iVictimID )
wzMsg = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( ( eStreakType == CTFPlayerShared::kTFStreak_Ducks ) ? "#Msg_DuckStreakEndSelf" : "#Msg_KillStreakEndSelf" );
bSelfKill = true;
wzMsg = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( ( eStreakType == CTFPlayerShared::kTFStreak_Ducks ) ? "#Msg_DuckStreakEnd" : "#Msg_KillStreakEnd" );
if ( !wzMsg )
// m_nCurrStreakCount = iStreak;
// Killer Name
wchar_t wszKillerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH / 2];
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( g_PR->GetPlayerName( iKillerID ), wszKillerName, sizeof(wszKillerName) );
// Victim Name
wchar_t wszVictimName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH / 2];
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( g_PR->GetPlayerName( iVictimID ), wszVictimName, sizeof(wszVictimName) );
// Count
wchar_t wzCount[10];
_snwprintf( wzCount, ARRAYSIZE( wzCount ), L"%d", iStreak );
wchar_t wTemp[256];
if ( bSelfKill )
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString_safe( wTemp, wzMsg, 2, wszKillerName, wzCount );
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString_safe( wTemp, wzMsg, 3, wszKillerName, wszVictimName, wzCount );
HFont hFont = GetStreakFont();
if ( m_pLabel->GetFont() != hFont )
m_pLabel->SetFont( hFont );
m_pLabel->SetText( wTemp );
// Get player Team for color
Color cKillerColor(235, 226, 202, 255);
if ( g_PR->GetTeam( iKillerID ) == TF_TEAM_RED )
cKillerColor = COLOR_RED;
else if ( g_PR->GetTeam( iKillerID ) == TF_TEAM_BLUE )
cKillerColor = COLOR_BLUE;
Color cVictimColor(235, 226, 202, 255);
if ( g_PR->GetTeam( iVictimID ) == TF_TEAM_RED )
cVictimColor = COLOR_RED;
else if ( g_PR->GetTeam( iVictimID ) == TF_TEAM_BLUE )
cVictimColor = COLOR_BLUE;
// We change the title's text color to match the colors of the matching model panel backgrounds
wchar_t *txt = wTemp;
int iWChars = 0;
while ( txt && *txt )
switch ( *txt )
case 0x01: // Normal color
m_pLabel->GetTextImage()->AddColorChange( Color(235, 226, 202, cl_hud_killstreak_display_alpha.GetInt() ), iWChars );
case 0x02: // Team color
m_pLabel->GetTextImage()->AddColorChange( Color( cKillerColor.r(), cKillerColor.g(), cKillerColor.b(), cl_hud_killstreak_display_alpha.GetInt() ), iWChars );
case 0x03: // Item 2 color
m_pLabel->GetTextImage()->AddColorChange( Color( cVictimColor.r(), cVictimColor.g(), cVictimColor.b(), cl_hud_killstreak_display_alpha.GetInt() ), iWChars );
m_flLastMessageTime = gpGlobals->realtime;
SetVisible( true );
void CTFStreakNotice::StreakUpdated( CTFPlayerShared::ETFStreak eStreakType, int iKillerID, int iStreak, int iStreakIncrement )
// Temp override all messages
// Add New message
bool bIsMvM = TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsMannVsMachineMode();
int iStreakMin = MinStreakForType( eStreakType );
if ( IsCurrentStreakHigherPriority( eStreakType, iStreak ) )
// Is this message worth responding to
int iStreakTier = 0;
if ( eStreakType == CTFPlayerShared::kTFStreak_Ducks)
// Notices at 15, 30, then increments of 50. We may increment by multiple ducks per kill, so check if we passed over a milestone.
if ( iStreak >= 15 && ( iStreak - iStreakIncrement < 15 ) )
iStreakTier = 1;
iStreak = 15;
else if ( iStreak >= 30 && ( iStreak - iStreakIncrement <30 ) )
iStreakTier = 2;
iStreak = 30;
else if ( iStreak > 50 && iStreak % 50 < iStreakIncrement )
iStreakTier = Min( 2 + ( iStreak / 50 ), 5 );
iStreak -= iStreak % 50;
else if ( eStreakType == CTFPlayerShared::kTFStreak_Duck_levelup )
iStreakTier = 5;
else if ( bIsMvM )
if ( iStreak % iStreakMin != 0 )
iStreakTier = iStreak / iStreakMin;
if ( iStreak == 5 )
iStreakTier = 1;
else if ( iStreak == 10 )
iStreakTier = 2;
else if ( iStreak == 15 )
iStreakTier = 3;
else if ( iStreak == 20 )
iStreakTier = 4;
else if ( iStreak % 10 == 0 || iStreak % 10 == 5 )
iStreakTier = 5;
m_nCurrStreakCount = iStreak;
m_nCurrStreakType = eStreakType;
const wchar_t *wzMsg = NULL;
const char *pszSoundName = "Game.KillStreak";
Color cCustomColor(235, 226, 202, 255);
if ( eStreakType == CTFPlayerShared::kTFStreak_Ducks )
// Duckstreak tiers
switch ( iStreakTier )
case 1:
// TODO duckier colors?
cCustomColor = Color( 112, 176, 74, 255); // Green
wzMsg = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Msg_DuckStreak1" );
//pszSoundName = "Announcer.DuckStreak_Level1";
case 2:
cCustomColor = Color( 207, 106, 50, 255); // Orange
wzMsg = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Msg_DuckStreak2" );
//pszSoundName = "Announcer.DuckStreak_Level2";
case 3:
cCustomColor = Color( 134, 80, 172, 255); // Purple
wzMsg = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Msg_DuckStreak3" );
//pszSoundName = "Announcer.DuckStreak_Level3";
case 4:
cCustomColor = Color(255, 215, 0, 255); // Gold
wzMsg = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Msg_DuckStreak4" );
//pszSoundName = "Announcer.DuckStreak_Level4";
cCustomColor = Color(255, 215, 0, 255); // Still Gold
wzMsg = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Msg_DuckStreak5" );
//pszSoundName = "Announcer.DuckStreak_Level4";
else if ( eStreakType == CTFPlayerShared::kTFStreak_Duck_levelup )
cCustomColor = Color( 255, 215, 0, 255 ); // Gold
switch ( RandomInt( 1, 3 ) )
case 1: wzMsg = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Msg_DuckLevelup1" ); break;
case 2: wzMsg = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Msg_DuckLevelup2" ); break;
default: wzMsg = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Msg_DuckLevelup3" ); break;
// Killstreak tiers
switch ( iStreakTier )
case 1:
cCustomColor = Color( 112, 176, 74, 255); // Green
wzMsg = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Msg_KillStreak1" );
//pszSoundName = "Announcer.KillStreak_Level1";
case 2:
cCustomColor = Color( 207, 106, 50, 255); // Orange
wzMsg = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Msg_KillStreak2" );
//pszSoundName = "Announcer.KillStreak_Level2";
case 3:
cCustomColor = Color( 134, 80, 172, 255); // Purple
wzMsg = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Msg_KillStreak3" );
//pszSoundName = "Announcer.KillStreak_Level3";
case 4:
cCustomColor = Color(255, 215, 0, 255); // Gold
wzMsg = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Msg_KillStreak4" );
//pszSoundName = "Announcer.KillStreak_Level4";
cCustomColor = Color(255, 215, 0, 255); // Still Gold
wzMsg = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Msg_KillStreak5" );
//pszSoundName = "Announcer.KillStreak_Level4";
if ( !wzMsg )
// Get player Team for color
Color cTeamColor(235, 226, 202, 255);
if ( g_PR->GetTeam( iKillerID ) == TF_TEAM_RED )
cTeamColor = COLOR_RED;
else if ( g_PR->GetTeam( iKillerID ) == TF_TEAM_BLUE )
cTeamColor = COLOR_BLUE;
// Generate the String
// Count
wchar_t wzCount[10];
_snwprintf( wzCount, ARRAYSIZE( wzCount ), L"%d", iStreak );
// Name
wchar_t wszPlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH / 2];
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( g_PR->GetPlayerName( iKillerID ), wszPlayerName, sizeof(wszPlayerName) );
wchar_t wTemp[256];
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString_safe( wTemp, wzMsg, 2, wszPlayerName, wzCount );
HFont hFont = GetStreakFont();
if ( m_pLabel->GetFont() != hFont )
m_pLabel->SetFont( hFont );
m_pLabel->SetText( wTemp );
// Now go through the string and find the escape characters telling us where the color changes are
// We change the title's text color to match the colors of the matching model panel backgrounds
wchar_t *txt = wTemp;
int iWChars = 0;
while ( txt && *txt )
switch ( *txt )
case 0x01: // Normal color
m_pLabel->GetTextImage()->AddColorChange( Color(235,226,202,cl_hud_killstreak_display_alpha.GetInt() ), iWChars );
case 0x02: // Team color
m_pLabel->GetTextImage()->AddColorChange( Color( cTeamColor.r(), cTeamColor.g(), cTeamColor.b(), cl_hud_killstreak_display_alpha.GetInt() ), iWChars );
case 0x03: // Item 2 color
m_pLabel->GetTextImage()->AddColorChange( Color( cCustomColor.r(), cCustomColor.g(), cCustomColor.b(), cl_hud_killstreak_display_alpha.GetInt() ), iWChars );
// Play Local Sound
int iLocalPlayerIndex = GetLocalPlayerIndex();
if ( iLocalPlayerIndex == iKillerID && pszSoundName )
CLocalPlayerFilter filter;
C_BaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, SOUND_FROM_LOCAL_PLAYER, pszSoundName );
m_flLastMessageTime = gpGlobals->realtime + (float)iStreakTier / 2.0;
SetVisible( true );
bool CTFStreakNotice::IsCurrentStreakHigherPriority( CTFPlayerShared::ETFStreak eStreakType, int iStreak )
// duck level ups are highest priority
if ( eStreakType == CTFPlayerShared::kTFStreak_Duck_levelup )
return false;
if ( !m_nCurrStreakCount )
return false;
// Ducks never override kills
if ( m_nCurrStreakType == CTFPlayerShared::kTFStreak_Kills && eStreakType == CTFPlayerShared::kTFStreak_Ducks )
return true;
// But kills always override ducks
if ( m_nCurrStreakType == CTFPlayerShared::kTFStreak_Ducks && eStreakType == CTFPlayerShared::kTFStreak_Kills )
return false;
// Don't stomp a higher streak with a lower, unless it's been around long enough
float flElapsedTime = gpGlobals->realtime - m_flLastMessageTime;
float flDisplayMinTime = Max( ( cl_hud_killstreak_display_time.GetFloat() / 3.f ), 1.f );
return ( iStreak < m_nCurrStreakCount && flElapsedTime < flDisplayMinTime );
HFont CTFStreakNotice::GetStreakFont( void )
vgui::IScheme *pScheme = vgui::scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );
const char *pszFontName = "HudFontSmallestBold";
int nFontSize = cl_hud_killstreak_display_fontsize.GetInt(); // Default is 1: HudFontSmallBold
if ( nFontSize == 1 )
pszFontName = "HudFontSmallBold";
else if ( nFontSize == 2 )
pszFontName = "HudFontMediumSmallBold";
return pScheme->GetFont( pszFontName, true );
// TFDeathNotice
class CTFHudDeathNotice : public CHudBaseDeathNotice
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CTFHudDeathNotice, CHudBaseDeathNotice );
CTFHudDeathNotice( const char *pElementName ) : CHudBaseDeathNotice( pElementName ) {};
virtual void Init( void );
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *scheme );
virtual bool IsVisible( void );
virtual bool ShouldDraw( void );
virtual void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event );
void PlayRivalrySounds( int iKillerIndex, int iVictimIndex, int iType );
virtual bool ShouldShowDeathNotice( IGameEvent *event );
virtual void OnGameEvent( IGameEvent *event, int iDeathNoticeMsg );
virtual Color GetTeamColor( int iTeamNumber, bool bLocalPlayerInvolved = false );
virtual Color GetInfoTextColor( int iDeathNoticeMsg );
virtual Color GetBackgroundColor ( int iDeathNoticeMsg );
virtual bool EventIsPlayerDeath( const char *eventName );
virtual int UseExistingNotice( IGameEvent *event );
void AddAdditionalMsg( int iKillerID, int iVictimID, const char *pMsgKey );
void AddStreakMsg( CTFPlayerShared::ETFStreak eStreakType, int iKillerID, int iKillerStreak, int iStreakIncrement, int iVictimID, int iDeathNoticeMsg );
void AddStreakEndedMsg( CTFPlayerShared::ETFStreak eStreakType, int iKillerID, int iVictimID, int iVictimStreak, int iDeathNoticeMsg );
CHudTexture* GetMannPowerIcon( RuneTypes_t tRuneType, bool bRedTeam );
CHudTexture *m_iconDomination;
CHudTexture *m_iconKillStreak;
CHudTexture *m_iconDuckStreak;
CHudTexture *m_iconDuckStreakDNeg;
CHudTexture *m_iconKillStreakDNeg;
CPanelAnimationVar( Color, m_clrBlueText, "TeamBlue", "153 204 255 255" );
CPanelAnimationVar( Color, m_clrRedText, "TeamRed", "255 64 64 255" );
CPanelAnimationVar( Color, m_clrPurpleText, "PurpleText", "134 80 172 255" );
CPanelAnimationVar( Color, m_clrGreenText, "GreenText", "112 176 74 255" );
CPanelAnimationVar( Color, m_clrLocalPlayerText, "LocalPlayerColor", "65 65 65 255" );
CTFStreakNotice *m_pStreakNotice;
bool m_bShowItemOnKill;
void CTFHudDeathNotice::Init()
ListenForGameEvent( "fish_notice" );
ListenForGameEvent( "fish_notice__arm" );
ListenForGameEvent( "duck_xp_level_up" );
//ListenForGameEvent( "throwable_hit" );
m_bShowItemOnKill = true;
// PASSTIME if this is called at level load or something we should check mode before this block
ListenForGameEvent( PasstimeGameEvents::BallGet::s_eventName );
ListenForGameEvent( PasstimeGameEvents::BallStolen::s_eventName );
ListenForGameEvent( PasstimeGameEvents::Score::s_eventName );
ListenForGameEvent( PasstimeGameEvents::PassCaught::s_eventName );
ListenForGameEvent( PasstimeGameEvents::BallBlocked::s_eventName );
void CTFHudDeathNotice::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *scheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( scheme );
m_iconDomination = gHUD.GetIcon( "leaderboard_dominated" );
m_iconKillStreak = gHUD.GetIcon( "leaderboard_streak" );
m_iconKillStreakDNeg = gHUD.GetIcon( "leaderboard_streak_dneg" );
m_iconDuckStreak = gHUD.GetIcon( "eotl_duck" );
m_iconDuckStreakDNeg = gHUD.GetIcon( "eotl_duck_dneg" );
m_pStreakNotice = new CTFStreakNotice( "KillStreakNotice" );
bool CTFHudDeathNotice::IsVisible( void )
if ( IsTakingAFreezecamScreenshot() )
return false;
return BaseClass::IsVisible();
bool CTFHudDeathNotice::ShouldDraw( void )
return true;
bool CTFHudDeathNotice::ShouldShowDeathNotice( IGameEvent *event )
if ( event->GetBool( "silent_kill" ) )
// Don't show a kill event for the team of the silent kill victim.
int iVictimID = engine->GetPlayerForUserID( event->GetInt( "userid" ) );
C_TFPlayer* pVictim = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iVictimID ) );
if ( pVictim && pVictim->GetTeamNumber() == GetLocalPlayerTeam() && iVictimID != GetLocalPlayerIndex() )
return false;
if ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsMannVsMachineMode() && ( event->GetInt( "death_flags" ) & TF_DEATH_MINIBOSS ) == 0 )
int iLocalPlayerIndex = GetLocalPlayerIndex();
if ( iLocalPlayerIndex != engine->GetPlayerForUserID( event->GetInt( "attacker" ) ) &&
iLocalPlayerIndex != engine->GetPlayerForUserID( event->GetInt( "assister" ) ) )
C_TFPlayer* pVictim = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( engine->GetPlayerForUserID( event->GetInt( "userid" ) ) ) );
if ( pVictim && pVictim->GetTeamNumber() == TF_TEAM_PVE_INVADERS )
return false;
return true;
void CTFHudDeathNotice::PlayRivalrySounds( int iKillerIndex, int iVictimIndex, int iType )
int iLocalPlayerIndex = GetLocalPlayerIndex();
//We're not involved in this kill
if ( iKillerIndex != iLocalPlayerIndex && iVictimIndex != iLocalPlayerIndex )
const char *pszSoundName = NULL;
if ( iKillerIndex == iLocalPlayerIndex )
pszSoundName = "Game.Domination";
else if ( iVictimIndex == iLocalPlayerIndex )
pszSoundName = "Game.Nemesis";
else if ( iType == TF_DEATH_REVENGE )
pszSoundName = "Game.Revenge";
CLocalPlayerFilter filter;
C_BaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, SOUND_FROM_LOCAL_PLAYER, pszSoundName );
// Purpose: Server's told us that someone's died
void CTFHudDeathNotice::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event )
const char * pszEventName = event->GetName();
if ( FStrEq( "duck_xp_level_up", pszEventName ) )
int level = event->GetInt( "level" );
AddStreakMsg( CTFPlayerShared::kTFStreak_Duck_levelup, GetLocalPlayerIndex(), level, 1, -1, 0 );
BaseClass::FireGameEvent( event );
// Purpose:
bool CTFHudDeathNotice::EventIsPlayerDeath( const char* eventName )
return FStrEq( eventName, "fish_notice" )
|| FStrEq( eventName, "fish_notice__arm" )
//|| FStrEq( eventName, "throwable_hit" )
|| BaseClass::EventIsPlayerDeath( eventName );
// Purpose: Called when a game event happens and a death notice is about to be
// displayed. This method can examine the event and death notice and
// make game-specific tweaks to it before it is displayed
void CTFHudDeathNotice::OnGameEvent( IGameEvent *event, int iDeathNoticeMsg )
const bool bIsSillyPyroVision = IsLocalPlayerUsingVisionFilterFlags( TF_VISION_FILTER_PYRO );
const char *pszEventName = event->GetName();
if ( FStrEq( pszEventName, "player_death" ) || FStrEq( pszEventName, "object_destroyed" ) )
bool bIsObjectDestroyed = FStrEq( pszEventName, "object_destroyed" );
int iCustomDamage = event->GetInt( "customkill" );
int iLocalPlayerIndex = GetLocalPlayerIndex();
const int iKillerID = engine->GetPlayerForUserID( event->GetInt( "attacker" ) );
const int iVictimID = engine->GetPlayerForUserID( event->GetInt( "userid" ) );
// if there was an assister, put both the killer's and assister's names in the death message
int iAssisterID = engine->GetPlayerForUserID( event->GetInt( "assister" ) );
EHorriblePyroVisionHack ePyroVisionHack = kHorriblePyroVisionHack_KillAssisterType_Default;
CUtlConstString sAssisterNameScratch;
const char *assister_name = ( iAssisterID > 0 ? g_PR->GetPlayerName( iAssisterID ) : NULL );
// If we don't have a real assister (would have been passed in to us as a player index) and
// we're in crazy pyrovision mode and we got a dummy assister, than fall back and display
// that just for giggles. We use this so the Balloonicorn and friends can get the assist
// credit they so rightly deserve.
if ( !assister_name && bIsSillyPyroVision )
// Ignore this for self-kills.
if ( bIsObjectDestroyed || (iKillerID != iVictimID) )
const char *pszMaybeFallbackAssisterName = event->GetString( "assister_fallback" );
if ( pszMaybeFallbackAssisterName && pszMaybeFallbackAssisterName[0] )
// We store the type of silly assist in the first byte of the string because we
// are terrible people.
ePyroVisionHack = (EHorriblePyroVisionHack)pszMaybeFallbackAssisterName[0];
Assert( ePyroVisionHack != kHorriblePyroVisionHack_KillAssisterType_Default );
pszMaybeFallbackAssisterName = &pszMaybeFallbackAssisterName[1];
// If we pass in a localization string, we need to convert it back to ANSI temporarily.
// This won't localize "The" Balloonicorn because we don't have a real item with a real
// quality, etc., just a single localization token.
switch ( ePyroVisionHack )
case kHorriblePyroVisionHack_KillAssisterType_LocalizationString:
case kHorriblePyroVisionHack_KillAssisterType_LocalizationString_First:
wchar_t *wszLocalizedItemName = GLocalizationProvider()->Find( pszMaybeFallbackAssisterName );
char szANSIConvertedItemName[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH ];
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( wszLocalizedItemName, szANSIConvertedItemName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH );
sAssisterNameScratch = szANSIConvertedItemName;
assister_name = sAssisterNameScratch.Get();
case kHorriblePyroVisionHack_KillAssisterType_CustomName:
case kHorriblePyroVisionHack_KillAssisterType_CustomName_First:
sAssisterNameScratch = pszMaybeFallbackAssisterName;
assister_name = sAssisterNameScratch.Get();
assert( !"Unknown pyro item hack type! Something has gone horribly, horribly worse." );
bool bMultipleKillers = false;
if ( assister_name )
DeathNoticeItem &msg = m_DeathNotices[ iDeathNoticeMsg ];
const char *pszKillerName = msg.Killer.szName;
const char *pszAssisterName = assister_name;
// Check to see if we're swapping the killer and the assister. We use this so the brain slug can get the kill
// credit for the HUD death notices, with the player being the assister.
if ( pszAssisterName && (ePyroVisionHack == kHorriblePyroVisionHack_KillAssisterType_CustomName_First ||
ePyroVisionHack == kHorriblePyroVisionHack_KillAssisterType_LocalizationString_First) )
std::swap( pszKillerName, pszAssisterName );
char szKillerBuf[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH*2];
Q_snprintf( szKillerBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szKillerBuf), "%s + %s", pszKillerName, pszAssisterName );
Q_strncpy( msg.Killer.szName, szKillerBuf, ARRAYSIZE( msg.Killer.szName ) );
if ( iLocalPlayerIndex == iAssisterID )
msg.bLocalPlayerInvolved = true;
bMultipleKillers = true;
// play an exciting sound if a sniper pulls off any sort of penetration kill
const int iPlayerPenetrationCount = !event->IsEmpty( "playerpenetratecount" ) ? event->GetInt( "playerpenetratecount" ) : 0;
bool bPenetrateSound = iPlayerPenetrationCount > 0;
// This happens too frequently in Coop/TD
if ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsMannVsMachineMode() )
bPenetrateSound = false;
if ( bPenetrateSound )
CLocalPlayerFilter filter;
C_BaseEntity::EmitSound( filter, SOUND_FROM_LOCAL_PLAYER, "Game.PenetrationKill" );
int deathFlags = event->GetInt( "death_flags" );
if ( !bIsObjectDestroyed )
// if this death involved a player dominating another player or getting revenge on another player, add an additional message
// mentioning that
// WARNING: AddAdditionalMsg will grow and potentially realloc the m_DeathNotices array. So be careful
// using pointers to m_DeathNotices elements...
if ( deathFlags & TF_DEATH_DOMINATION )
AddAdditionalMsg( iKillerID, iVictimID, bIsSillyPyroVision ? "#Msg_Dominating_What" : "#Msg_Dominating" );
PlayRivalrySounds( iKillerID, iVictimID, TF_DEATH_DOMINATION );
if ( deathFlags & TF_DEATH_ASSISTER_DOMINATION && ( iAssisterID > 0 ) )
AddAdditionalMsg( iAssisterID, iVictimID, bIsSillyPyroVision ? "#Msg_Dominating_What" : "#Msg_Dominating" );
PlayRivalrySounds( iAssisterID, iVictimID, TF_DEATH_DOMINATION );
if ( deathFlags & TF_DEATH_REVENGE )
AddAdditionalMsg( iKillerID, iVictimID, bIsSillyPyroVision ? "#Msg_Revenge_What" : "#Msg_Revenge" );
PlayRivalrySounds( iKillerID, iVictimID, TF_DEATH_REVENGE );
if ( deathFlags & TF_DEATH_ASSISTER_REVENGE && ( iAssisterID > 0 ) )
AddAdditionalMsg( iAssisterID, iVictimID, bIsSillyPyroVision ? "#Msg_Revenge_What" : "#Msg_Revenge" );
PlayRivalrySounds( iAssisterID, iVictimID, TF_DEATH_REVENGE );
// if this is an object destroyed message, set the victim name to "<object type> (<owner>)"
int iObjectType = event->GetInt( "objecttype" );
if ( iObjectType >= 0 && iObjectType < OBJ_LAST )
// get the localized name for the object
char szLocalizedObjectName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH];
szLocalizedObjectName[ 0 ] = 0;
const wchar_t *wszLocalizedObjectName = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( szLocalizedObjectNames[iObjectType] );
if ( wszLocalizedObjectName )
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( wszLocalizedObjectName, szLocalizedObjectName, ARRAYSIZE( szLocalizedObjectName ) );
Warning( "Couldn't find localized object name for '%s'\n", szLocalizedObjectNames[iObjectType] );
Q_strncpy( szLocalizedObjectName, szLocalizedObjectNames[iObjectType], sizeof( szLocalizedObjectName ) );
// compose the string
DeathNoticeItem &msg = m_DeathNotices[ iDeathNoticeMsg ];
if ( msg.Victim.szName[0] )
char szVictimBuf[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH*2];
Q_snprintf( szVictimBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szVictimBuf), "%s (%s)", szLocalizedObjectName, msg.Victim.szName );
Q_strncpy( msg.Victim.szName, szVictimBuf, ARRAYSIZE( msg.Victim.szName ) );
Q_strncpy( msg.Victim.szName, szLocalizedObjectName, ARRAYSIZE( msg.Victim.szName ) );
Assert( false ); // invalid object type
const wchar_t *pMsg = NULL;
DeathNoticeItem &msg = m_DeathNotices[ iDeathNoticeMsg ];
switch ( iCustomDamage )
if ( FStrEq( msg.szIcon, "d_sharp_dresser" ) )
Q_strncpy( msg.szIcon, "d_sharp_dresser_backstab", ARRAYSIZE( msg.szIcon ) );
Q_strncpy( msg.szIcon, "d_backstab", ARRAYSIZE( msg.szIcon ) );
if ( FStrEq( event->GetString( "weapon" ), "ambassador" ) )
Q_strncpy( msg.szIcon, "d_ambassador_headshot", ARRAYSIZE( msg.szIcon ) );
else if ( FStrEq( event->GetString( "weapon" ), "huntsman" ) )
Q_strncpy( msg.szIcon, "d_huntsman_headshot", ARRAYSIZE( msg.szIcon ) );
// Did this headshot penetrate something before the kill? If so, show a fancy icon
// so the player feels proud.
if ( iPlayerPenetrationCount > 0 )
Q_strncpy( msg.szIcon, "d_headshot_player_penetration", ARRAYSIZE( msg.szIcon ) );
Q_strncpy( msg.szIcon, "d_headshot", ARRAYSIZE( msg.szIcon ) );
if ( event->GetInt( "attacker" ) == event->GetInt( "userid" ) )
// suicide by fire
Q_strncpy( msg.szIcon, "d_firedeath", ARRAYSIZE( msg.szIcon ) );
msg.wzInfoText[0] = 0;
// special-case if the player is killed from a burning arrow after it has already landed
Q_strncpy( msg.szIcon, "d_huntsman_burning", ARRAYSIZE( msg.szIcon ) );
msg.wzInfoText[0] = 0;
// special-case if the player is killed from a burning arrow as the killing blow
Q_strncpy( msg.szIcon, "d_huntsman_flyingburn", ARRAYSIZE( msg.szIcon ) );
msg.wzInfoText[0] = 0;
// special-case if the player is killed by a pumpkin bomb
Q_strncpy( msg.szIcon, "d_pumpkindeath", ARRAYSIZE( msg.szIcon ) );
msg.wzInfoText[0] = 0;
// display a different message if this was suicide, or assisted suicide (suicide w/recent damage, kill awarded to damager)
bool bAssistedSuicide = event->GetInt( "userid" ) != event->GetInt( "attacker" );
pMsg = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( ( bAssistedSuicide ) ? ( bMultipleKillers ? "#DeathMsg_AssistedSuicide_Multiple" : "#DeathMsg_AssistedSuicide" ) : ( "#DeathMsg_Suicide" ) );
if ( pMsg )
V_wcsncpy( msg.wzInfoText, pMsg, sizeof( msg.wzInfoText ) );
if ( msg.Killer.iTeam == TEAM_UNASSIGNED )
char szLocalizedName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH];
szLocalizedName[ 0 ] = 0;
const wchar_t *wszLocalizedName = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#TF_HALLOWEEN_EYEBALL_BOSS_DEATHCAM_NAME" );
if ( wszLocalizedName )
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( wszLocalizedName, szLocalizedName, ARRAYSIZE( szLocalizedName ) );
Q_strncpy( msg.Killer.szName, szLocalizedName, ARRAYSIZE( msg.Killer.szName ) );
msg.Killer.iTeam = TF_TEAM_HALLOWEEN; // This will set the name to purple for MONOCULUS!
if ( msg.Killer.iTeam == TEAM_UNASSIGNED )
char szLocalizedName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH];
szLocalizedName[ 0 ] = 0;
const wchar_t *wszLocalizedName = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#TF_HALLOWEEN_MERASMUS_DEATHCAM_NAME" );
if ( wszLocalizedName )
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( wszLocalizedName, szLocalizedName, ARRAYSIZE( szLocalizedName ) );
Q_strncpy( msg.Killer.szName, szLocalizedName, ARRAYSIZE( msg.Killer.szName ) );
msg.Killer.iTeam = TF_TEAM_HALLOWEEN; // This will set the name to green for MERASMUS!
if ( msg.Killer.iTeam == TEAM_UNASSIGNED )
char szLocalizedName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH];
szLocalizedName[ 0 ] = 0;
const wchar_t *wszLocalizedName = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#TF_HALLOWEEN_SKELETON_DEATHCAM_NAME" );
if ( wszLocalizedName )
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( wszLocalizedName, szLocalizedName, ARRAYSIZE( szLocalizedName ) );
Q_strncpy( msg.Killer.szName, szLocalizedName, ARRAYSIZE( msg.Killer.szName ) );
msg.Killer.iTeam = TF_TEAM_HALLOWEEN; // This will set the name to green for THE UNDEAD!
// special-case if the player is pushed by kart
Q_strncpy( msg.szIcon, "d_bumper_kart", ARRAYSIZE( msg.szIcon ) );
msg.wzInfoText[0] = 0;
// special-case Giant hammer
Q_strncpy( msg.szIcon, "d_necro_smasher", ARRAYSIZE( msg.szIcon ) );
msg.wzInfoText[0] = 0;
if ( ( event->GetInt( "damagebits" ) & DMG_NERVEGAS ) )
// special case icon for hit-by-vehicle death
Q_strncpy( msg.szIcon, "d_saw_kill", ARRAYSIZE( msg.szIcon ) );
int iKillStreakTotal = event->GetInt( "kill_streak_total" );
int iKillStreakWep = event->GetInt( "kill_streak_wep" );
int iDuckStreakTotal = event->GetInt( "duck_streak_total" );
int iDucksThisKill = event->GetInt( "ducks_streaked" );
// if the active weapon is kill streak
C_TFPlayer* pKiller = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iKillerID ) );
C_TFPlayer* pVictim = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iVictimID ) );
C_TFPlayer* pAssister = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( iAssisterID ) );
// Mannpower runes
if ( pKiller && pKiller->m_Shared.IsCarryingRune() )
msg.iconPreKillerName = GetMannPowerIcon( pKiller->m_Shared.GetCarryingRuneType(), pKiller->GetTeamNumber() == TF_TEAM_RED );
if ( pVictim && pVictim->m_Shared.IsCarryingRune() )
msg.iconPostVictimName = GetMannPowerIcon( pVictim->m_Shared.GetCarryingRuneType(), pVictim->GetTeamNumber() == TF_TEAM_RED );
if ( iKillStreakWep > 0 )
// append kill streak count to this notification
wchar_t wzCount[10];
_snwprintf( wzCount, ARRAYSIZE( wzCount ), L"%d", iKillStreakWep );
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString_safe( msg.wzPreKillerText, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("#Kill_Streak"), 1, wzCount );
if ( msg.bLocalPlayerInvolved )
msg.iconPostKillerName = m_iconKillStreakDNeg;
msg.iconPostKillerName = m_iconKillStreak;
else if ( iDuckStreakTotal > 0 && iDucksThisKill )
// Duckstreak icon (always lower priority)
wchar_t wzCount[10];
_snwprintf( wzCount, ARRAYSIZE( wzCount ), L"%d", iDuckStreakTotal );
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString_safe( msg.wzPreKillerText, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("#Duck_Streak"), 1, wzCount );
msg.iconPostKillerName = msg.bLocalPlayerInvolved ? m_iconDuckStreakDNeg : m_iconDuckStreak;
// Check to see if we want a extra notification
// Attempt to display these in order of descending priority
// Check Assister for Additional Messages
int iKillStreakAssist = event->GetInt( "kill_streak_assist" );
int iKillStreakVictim = event->GetInt( "kill_streak_victim" );
// Kills
AddStreakMsg( CTFPlayerShared::kTFStreak_Kills, iKillerID, iKillStreakTotal, 1, iVictimID, iDeathNoticeMsg );
if ( pAssister && iKillStreakAssist > 1 )
AddStreakMsg( CTFPlayerShared::kTFStreak_Kills, iAssisterID, iKillStreakAssist, 1, iVictimID, iDeathNoticeMsg );
if ( pVictim && iKillStreakVictim > 2 )
AddStreakEndedMsg( CTFPlayerShared::kTFStreak_Kills, iKillerID, iVictimID, iKillStreakVictim, iDeathNoticeMsg );
// Ducks
int iDuckStreakAssist = event->GetInt( "duck_streak_assist" );
int iDuckStreakVictim = event->GetInt( "duck_streak_victim" );
int iDuckStreakIncrement = event->GetInt( "ducks_streaked" );
AddStreakMsg( CTFPlayerShared::kTFStreak_Ducks, iKillerID, iDuckStreakTotal, iDuckStreakIncrement, iVictimID, iDeathNoticeMsg );
if ( pAssister && iDuckStreakAssist > 0 && iDucksThisKill )
AddStreakMsg( CTFPlayerShared::kTFStreak_Ducks, iAssisterID, iDuckStreakAssist, iDuckStreakIncrement, iVictimID, iDeathNoticeMsg );
if ( pVictim && iDuckStreakVictim > 2 )
AddStreakEndedMsg( CTFPlayerShared::kTFStreak_Ducks, iKillerID, iVictimID, iDuckStreakVictim, iDeathNoticeMsg );
// If Local Player killed someone and they have an item waiting, let them know
//if ( iLocalPlayerIndex == iKillerID && m_bShowItemOnKill )
// if ( CEconNotification_HasNewItemsOnKill::HasUnacknowledgedItems() )
// {
// CEconNotification_HasNewItemsOnKill *pNotification = new CEconNotification_HasNewItemsOnKill( iVictimID );
// NotificationQueue_Add( pNotification );
// m_bShowItemOnKill = false;
// }
//if ( iLocalPlayerIndex == iVictimID )
// m_bShowItemOnKill = true;
else if ( FStrEq( "teamplay_point_captured", pszEventName ) ||
FStrEq( "teamplay_capture_blocked", pszEventName ) ||
FStrEq( "teamplay_flag_event", pszEventName ) )
bool bDefense = ( FStrEq( "teamplay_capture_blocked", pszEventName ) || ( FStrEq( "teamplay_flag_event", pszEventName ) &&
TF_FLAGEVENT_DEFEND == event->GetInt( "eventtype" ) ) );
DeathNoticeItem &msg = m_DeathNotices[ iDeathNoticeMsg ];
const char *szCaptureIcons[] = { "d_redcapture", "d_bluecapture" };
const char *szDefenseIcons[] = { "d_reddefend", "d_bluedefend" };
int iTeam = msg.Killer.iTeam;
Assert( iTeam >= FIRST_GAME_TEAM );
int iIndex = msg.Killer.iTeam - FIRST_GAME_TEAM;
Assert( iIndex < ARRAYSIZE( szCaptureIcons ) );
Q_strncpy( msg.szIcon, bDefense ? szDefenseIcons[iIndex] : szCaptureIcons[iIndex], ARRAYSIZE( msg.szIcon ) );
else if ( FStrEq( "fish_notice", pszEventName ) || FStrEq( "fish_notice__arm", pszEventName ) )
DeathNoticeItem &msg = m_DeathNotices[ iDeathNoticeMsg ];
int deathFlags = event->GetInt( "death_flags" );
int iCustomDamage = event->GetInt( "customkill" );
if ( ( iCustomDamage == TF_DMG_CUSTOM_FISH_KILL ) || ( deathFlags & TF_DEATH_FEIGN_DEATH ) )
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString_safe( msg.wzInfoText, FStrEq( "fish_notice", pszEventName ) ? g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("#Humiliation_Kill") : g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("#Humiliation_Kill_Arm"), 0 );
wchar_t wzCount[10];
_snwprintf( wzCount, ARRAYSIZE( wzCount ), L"%d", ++msg.iCount );
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString_safe( msg.wzInfoText, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("#Humiliation_Count"), 1, wzCount );
// if there was an assister, put both the killer's and assister's names in the death message
int iAssisterID = engine->GetPlayerForUserID( event->GetInt( "assister" ) );
const char *assister_name = ( iAssisterID > 0 ? g_PR->GetPlayerName( iAssisterID ) : NULL );
if ( assister_name )
char szKillerBuf[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH*2];
Q_snprintf( szKillerBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szKillerBuf), "%s + %s", msg.Killer.szName, assister_name );
Q_strncpy( msg.Killer.szName, szKillerBuf, ARRAYSIZE( msg.Killer.szName ) );
//else if ( FStrEq( "throwable_hit", pszEventName ) )
// DeathNoticeItem &msg = m_DeathNotices[ iDeathNoticeMsg ];
// int deathFlags = event->GetInt( "death_flags" );
// int iCustomDamage = event->GetInt( "customkill" );
// // Make sure the icon is up to date
// m_DeathNotices[iDeathNoticeMsg].iconDeath = GetIcon( m_DeathNotices[ iDeathNoticeMsg ].szIcon, m_DeathNotices[iDeathNoticeMsg].bLocalPlayerInvolved ? kDeathNoticeIcon_Inverted : kDeathNoticeIcon_Standard );
// if ( ( iCustomDamage == TF_DMG_CUSTOM_THROWABLE_KILL ) || ( deathFlags & TF_DEATH_FEIGN_DEATH ) )
// {
// g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString_safe( msg.wzInfoText, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("#Throwable_Kill"), 0 );
// }
// else
// {
// wchar_t wzCount[10];
// _snwprintf( wzCount, ARRAYSIZE( wzCount ), L"%d", event->GetInt( "totalhits" ) );
// g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString_safe( msg.wzInfoText, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("#Humiliation_Count"), 1, wzCount );
// }
// // if there was an assister, put both the killer's and assister's names in the death message
// int iAssisterID = engine->GetPlayerForUserID( event->GetInt( "assister" ) );
// const char *assister_name = ( iAssisterID > 0 ? g_PR->GetPlayerName( iAssisterID ) : NULL );
// if ( assister_name )
// {
// char szKillerBuf[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH*2];
// Q_snprintf( szKillerBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szKillerBuf), "%s + %s", msg.Killer.szName, assister_name );
// Q_strncpy( msg.Killer.szName, szKillerBuf, ARRAYSIZE( msg.Killer.szName ) );
// }
else if ( FStrEq( "rd_robot_killed", pszEventName ) )
DeathNoticeItem &msg = m_DeathNotices[ iDeathNoticeMsg ];
int killer = engine->GetPlayerForUserID( event->GetInt( "attacker" ) );
const char *killedwith = event->GetString( "weapon" );
msg.Killer.iTeam = g_PR->GetTeam( killer );
Q_strncpy( msg.Killer.szName, g_PR->GetPlayerName( killer ), ARRAYSIZE( msg.Killer.szName ) );
Q_strncpy( msg.Victim.szName, g_PR->GetTeam( killer ) == TF_TEAM_RED ? "BLUE ROBOT" : "RED ROBOT", ARRAYSIZE( msg.Victim.szName ) );
msg.Victim.iTeam = g_PR->GetTeam( killer ) == TF_TEAM_RED ? TF_TEAM_BLUE : TF_TEAM_RED;
Q_snprintf( msg.szIcon, sizeof(msg.szIcon), "d_%s", killedwith );
else if ( FStrEq( PasstimeGameEvents::BallGet::s_eventName, pszEventName ) ) // passtime ball get
PasstimeGameEvents::BallGet ev( event );
DeathNoticeItem &msg = m_DeathNotices[ iDeathNoticeMsg ];
// info
V_wcsncpy( msg.wzInfoText, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("#Msg_PasstimeBallGet"), sizeof( msg.wzInfoText ) );
// killer
const char *szPlayerName = g_PR->GetPlayerName( ev.ownerIndex);
Q_strncpy( msg.Killer.szName, szPlayerName, ARRAYSIZE( msg.Killer.szName ) );
msg.Killer.iTeam = g_PR->GetTeam( ev.ownerIndex );
// flags
if ( GetLocalPlayerIndex() == ev.ownerIndex )
msg.bLocalPlayerInvolved = true;
// icon
const char *const icon = "d_passtime_pass";
Q_strncpy( msg.szIcon, icon, ARRAYSIZE( msg.szIcon ) );
else if ( FStrEq( PasstimeGameEvents::BallStolen::s_eventName, pszEventName ) ) // passtime ball stolen
PasstimeGameEvents::BallStolen ev( event );
DeathNoticeItem &msg = m_DeathNotices[ iDeathNoticeMsg ];
int attackerTeam = g_PR->GetTeam( ev.attackerIndex );
int victimTeam = g_PR->GetTeam( ev.victimIndex );
// attacker
const char *szPlayerName = g_PR->GetPlayerName( ev.attackerIndex );
Q_strncpy( msg.Killer.szName, szPlayerName, ARRAYSIZE( msg.Killer.szName ) );
msg.Killer.iTeam = attackerTeam;
// victim
szPlayerName = g_PR->GetPlayerName( ev.victimIndex );
Q_strncpy( msg.Victim.szName, szPlayerName, ARRAYSIZE( msg.Victim.szName ) );
msg.Victim.iTeam = victimTeam;
V_wcsncpy( msg.wzInfoText, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("#Msg_PasstimeSteal"), sizeof( msg.wzInfoText ) );
// flags
int localPlayerIndex = GetLocalPlayerIndex();
msg.bLocalPlayerInvolved = (localPlayerIndex == ev.attackerIndex)
|| (localPlayerIndex == ev.victimIndex);
// icon
Q_strncpy( msg.szIcon, "d_passtime_steal", ARRAYSIZE(msg.szIcon) );
else if ( FStrEq( PasstimeGameEvents::Score::s_eventName, pszEventName ) ) // passtime score
PasstimeGameEvents::Score ev( event );
DeathNoticeItem &msg = m_DeathNotices[ iDeathNoticeMsg ];
// info
if ( ev.numPoints > 1 )
wchar_t wzCount[10];
_snwprintf( wzCount, ARRAYSIZE( wzCount ), L"%d", ev.numPoints );
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString_safe( msg.wzInfoText, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("#Msg_PasstimeScoreCount"), 1, wzCount );
V_wcsncpy( msg.wzInfoText, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("#Msg_PasstimeScore"), sizeof( msg.wzInfoText ) );
// killer
const char *szPlayerName = g_PR->GetPlayerName( ev.scorerIndex );
Q_strncpy( msg.Killer.szName, szPlayerName, ARRAYSIZE( msg.Killer.szName ) );
msg.Killer.iTeam = g_PR->GetTeam( ev.scorerIndex );
// flags
if ( GetLocalPlayerIndex() == ev.scorerIndex )
msg.bLocalPlayerInvolved = true;
// icon
const char *const icon = (msg.Killer.iTeam == TF_TEAM_RED)
? "d_passtime_score_red"
: "d_passtime_score_blue";
Q_strncpy( msg.szIcon, icon, ARRAYSIZE( msg.szIcon ) );
else if ( FStrEq( PasstimeGameEvents::PassCaught::s_eventName, pszEventName ) ) // passtime pass
PasstimeGameEvents::PassCaught ev( event );
DeathNoticeItem &msg = m_DeathNotices[ iDeathNoticeMsg ];
int passerTeam = g_PR->GetTeam( ev.passerIndex );
int catcherTeam = g_PR->GetTeam( ev.catcherIndex );
// Pass or interception?
int killerIndex, victimIndex, killerTeam, victimTeam;
const char *pszDesc;
if ( passerTeam == catcherTeam )
// pass
killerIndex = ev.passerIndex;
killerTeam = passerTeam;
victimIndex = ev.catcherIndex;
victimTeam = catcherTeam;
pszDesc = "#Msg_PasstimePassComplete";
Q_strncpy( msg.szIcon, "d_passtime_pass", ARRAYSIZE(msg.szIcon) );
// interception
victimIndex = ev.passerIndex;
victimTeam = passerTeam;
killerIndex = ev.catcherIndex;
killerTeam = catcherTeam;
pszDesc = "#Msg_PasstimeInterception";
Q_strncpy( msg.szIcon, "d_passtime_intercept", ARRAYSIZE(msg.szIcon) );
// killer
const char *szPlayerName = g_PR->GetPlayerName( killerIndex );
Q_strncpy( msg.Killer.szName, szPlayerName, ARRAYSIZE( msg.Killer.szName ) );
msg.Killer.iTeam = killerTeam;
// victim
szPlayerName = g_PR->GetPlayerName( victimIndex );
Q_strncpy( msg.Victim.szName, szPlayerName, ARRAYSIZE( msg.Victim.szName ) );
msg.Victim.iTeam = victimTeam;
V_wcsncpy( msg.wzInfoText, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pszDesc ), sizeof( msg.wzInfoText ) );
// flags
int localPlayerIndex = GetLocalPlayerIndex();
msg.bLocalPlayerInvolved = (localPlayerIndex == ev.catcherIndex)
|| (localPlayerIndex == ev.passerIndex);
else if ( FStrEq( PasstimeGameEvents::BallBlocked::s_eventName, pszEventName ) ) // passtime ball stolen
PasstimeGameEvents::BallBlocked ev( event );
DeathNoticeItem &msg = m_DeathNotices[ iDeathNoticeMsg ];
// blocker
const char *szPlayerName = g_PR->GetPlayerName( ev.blockerIndex );
Q_strncpy( msg.Killer.szName, szPlayerName, ARRAYSIZE( msg.Killer.szName ) );
msg.Killer.iTeam = g_PR->GetTeam( ev.blockerIndex );
// owner
szPlayerName = g_PR->GetPlayerName( ev.ownerIndex );
Q_strncpy( msg.Victim.szName, szPlayerName, ARRAYSIZE( msg.Victim.szName ) );
msg.Victim.iTeam = g_PR->GetTeam( ev.ownerIndex );
V_wcsncpy( msg.wzInfoText, g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("#Msg_PasstimeBlock"), sizeof( msg.wzInfoText ) );
// flags
int localPlayerIndex = GetLocalPlayerIndex();
msg.bLocalPlayerInvolved = (localPlayerIndex == ev.blockerIndex)
|| (localPlayerIndex == ev.ownerIndex);
// icon
Q_strncpy( msg.szIcon, "d_ball", ARRAYSIZE(msg.szIcon) );
// Purpose: Adds an additional death message
void CTFHudDeathNotice::AddAdditionalMsg( int iKillerID, int iVictimID, const char *pMsgKey )
DeathNoticeItem &msg2 = m_DeathNotices[AddDeathNoticeItem()];
Q_strncpy( msg2.Killer.szName, g_PR->GetPlayerName( iKillerID ), ARRAYSIZE( msg2.Killer.szName ) );
msg2.Killer.iTeam = g_PR->GetTeam( iKillerID );
Q_strncpy( msg2.Victim.szName, g_PR->GetPlayerName( iVictimID ), ARRAYSIZE( msg2.Victim.szName ) );
msg2.Victim.iTeam = g_PR->GetTeam( iVictimID );
const wchar_t *wzMsg = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pMsgKey );
if ( wzMsg )
V_wcsncpy( msg2.wzInfoText, wzMsg, sizeof( msg2.wzInfoText ) );
msg2.iconDeath = m_iconDomination;
int iLocalPlayerIndex = GetLocalPlayerIndex();
if ( iLocalPlayerIndex == iVictimID || iLocalPlayerIndex == iKillerID )
msg2.bLocalPlayerInvolved = true;
void CTFHudDeathNotice::AddStreakMsg( CTFPlayerShared::ETFStreak eStreakType, int iKillerID, int iKillerStreak, int iStreakIncrement, int iVictimID, int iDeathNoticeMsg )
int nMinStreak = MinStreakForType( eStreakType );
if ( iKillerStreak < nMinStreak )
if ( !m_pStreakNotice )
if ( cl_hud_killstreak_display_time.GetInt() <= 0 )
m_pStreakNotice->StreakUpdated( eStreakType, iKillerID, iKillerStreak, iStreakIncrement );
void CTFHudDeathNotice::AddStreakEndedMsg( CTFPlayerShared::ETFStreak eStreakType, int iKillerID, int iVictimID, int iVictimStreak, int iDeathNoticeMsg )
int nMinStreak = MinStreakForType( eStreakType );
if ( iVictimStreak < nMinStreak )
if ( !m_pStreakNotice )
if ( cl_hud_killstreak_display_time.GetInt() <= 0 )
m_pStreakNotice->StreakEnded( eStreakType, iKillerID, iVictimID, iVictimStreak );
// Purpose: returns the color to draw text in for this team.
Color CTFHudDeathNotice::GetTeamColor( int iTeamNumber, bool bLocalPlayerInvolved /* = false */ )
switch ( iTeamNumber )
return m_clrBlueText;
return m_clrRedText;
if ( bLocalPlayerInvolved )
return m_clrLocalPlayerText;
return Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
if ( TFGameRules() && ( TFGameRules()->IsHalloweenScenario( CTFGameRules::HALLOWEEN_SCENARIO_LAKESIDE ) || TFGameRules()->IsHalloweenScenario( CTFGameRules::HALLOWEEN_SCENARIO_HIGHTOWER ) ) )
return m_clrGreenText;
return m_clrPurpleText;
AssertOnce( false ); // invalid team
return Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
// Purpose:
Color CTFHudDeathNotice::GetInfoTextColor( int iDeathNoticeMsg )
DeathNoticeItem &msg = m_DeathNotices[ iDeathNoticeMsg ];
if ( msg.bLocalPlayerInvolved )
return m_clrLocalPlayerText;
return Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
Color CTFHudDeathNotice::GetBackgroundColor ( int iDeathNoticeMsg )
DeathNoticeItem &msg = m_DeathNotices[ iDeathNoticeMsg ];
return msg.bLocalPlayerInvolved ? m_clrLocalBGColor : m_clrBaseBGColor;
// Purpose:
int CTFHudDeathNotice::UseExistingNotice( IGameEvent *event )
// Fish Notices and Throwables
// Add check for all throwables
int iTarget = event->GetInt( "weaponid" );
// Look for a matching pre-existing notice.
for ( int i=0; i<m_DeathNotices.Count(); ++i )
DeathNoticeItem &msg = m_DeathNotices[i];
if ( msg.iWeaponID != iTarget )
if ( msg.iKillerID != event->GetInt( "attacker" ) )
if ( msg.iVictimID != event->GetInt( "userid" ) )
return i;
return BaseClass::UseExistingNotice( event );
CHudTexture* CTFHudDeathNotice::GetMannPowerIcon( RuneTypes_t tRuneType, bool bIsRedTeam )
// Red team is normal file and blue is dNeg file
switch ( tRuneType )
case RUNE_STRENGTH: return bIsRedTeam ? gHUD.GetIcon( "d_mannpower_strength" ) : gHUD.GetIcon( "dneg_mannpower_strength" );
case RUNE_HASTE: return bIsRedTeam ? gHUD.GetIcon( "d_mannpower_haste" ) : gHUD.GetIcon( "dneg_mannpower_haste" );
case RUNE_REGEN: return bIsRedTeam ? gHUD.GetIcon( "d_mannpower_regen" ) : gHUD.GetIcon( "dneg_mannpower_regen" );
case RUNE_RESIST: return bIsRedTeam ? gHUD.GetIcon( "d_mannpower_resist" ) : gHUD.GetIcon( "dneg_mannpower_resist" );
case RUNE_VAMPIRE: return bIsRedTeam ? gHUD.GetIcon( "d_mannpower_vamp" ) : gHUD.GetIcon( "dneg_mannpower_vamp" );
case RUNE_REFLECT: return bIsRedTeam ? gHUD.GetIcon( "d_mannpower_reflect" ) : gHUD.GetIcon( "dneg_mannpower_reflect" );
case RUNE_PRECISION: return bIsRedTeam ? gHUD.GetIcon( "d_mannpower_precision" ) : gHUD.GetIcon( "dneg_mannpower_precision" );
case RUNE_AGILITY: return bIsRedTeam ? gHUD.GetIcon( "d_mannpower_agility" ) : gHUD.GetIcon( "dneg_mannpower_agility" );
case RUNE_KNOCKOUT: return bIsRedTeam ? gHUD.GetIcon( "d_mannpower_fist" ) : gHUD.GetIcon( "dneg_mannpower_fist" );
case RUNE_KING: return bIsRedTeam ? gHUD.GetIcon( "d_mannpower_king" ) : gHUD.GetIcon( "dneg_mannpower_king" );
case RUNE_PLAGUE: return bIsRedTeam ? gHUD.GetIcon( "d_mannpower_plague" ) : gHUD.GetIcon( "dneg_mannpower_plague" );
case RUNE_SUPERNOVA: return bIsRedTeam ? gHUD.GetIcon( "d_mannpower_supernova" ) : gHUD.GetIcon( "dneg_mannpower_supernova" );
default: return NULL;
return NULL;