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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "utlvector.h"
#pragma warning( disable: 4355 )
// Flags for the SetSuggestions call.
#define SETSUGGESTIONS_SELECTFIRST 0x0001 // Select the first item in the list.
#define SETSUGGESTIONS_CALLBACK 0x0002 // Calls OnTextChanged for whatever it winds up selecting.
// CFilteredComboBox is a glorified EDIT control.
// The user can type stuff into the edit control, and it will provide autocomplete suggestions
// in its combo box. The user of this class provides those suggestions.
// To use this class:
// 1. Implement CFilteredComboBox::ICallbacks
// 2. Call SetSuggestions to set the list of autocomplete suggestions.
// 3. Call SetOnlyProvideSuggestions to tell it how to behave.
// NOTE: Use CComboBox functions with caution! You could screw up the CFilteredComboBox's operation.
class CFilteredComboBox : public CComboBox
typedef CComboBox BaseClass;
// Implement this to get updates about the state.
class ICallbacks
// Called when the text in the box changes.
virtual void OnTextChanged( const char *pText ) = 0;
// This is sort of a backdoor for "only provide suggestions" mode. Normally, it'll only call
// OnTextChanged with entries that are in the suggestions list. But, it will call OnUnknownEntry
// if they type in something that's not in your suggestion list first. If you return TRUE, it
// will add that entry to the suggestions list. If you return FALSE (the default behavior),
// it will find the closest match to what the user typed and use that.
virtual bool OnUnknownEntry( const char *pText ) { return false; }
CFilteredComboBox( CFilteredComboBox::ICallbacks *pCallbacks );
// The main functions to operate the filtered combo box are here.
// This is the list of strings that is filtered into the dropdown combo box.
// flags is a combination of the SETSUGGESTIONS_ flags.
void SetSuggestions( CUtlVector<CString> &suggestions, int flags=SETSUGGESTIONS_SELECTFIRST|SETSUGGESTIONS_CALLBACK );
// Add a single suggestion (if it's unique).
void AddSuggestion( const CString &suggestion );
// This clears all items from the combo and its textbox.
void Clear();
// This will force the edit control text. It won't call OnTextChanged.
void ForceEditControlText( const char *pStr );
// This sets the main mode that the box runs in.
// If you pass true, then it will only ever call ICallbacks::OnTextChanged with values that are in your suggestions,
// and it does its best to autocomplete to those suggestions (so if the user types a partial string and closes
// the box, it will find the first possible substring match OR it will revert to the last valid suggestion it was on).
// If you pass false, then it will call OnTextChanged for anything that gets entered into the textbox. This is used
// for the entity properties targetname box, and the entity name changes right along as you type.
// When the user presses enter, it does NOT automatically select the first suggestion. They have to use the arrow keys for that.
void SetOnlyProvideSuggestions( bool bOnlyProvideSuggestions );
// These provide access to special behavior like font and color.
// Puts this string in the edit control and selects it in the combo box.
void SelectItem( const char *pStr );
// Returns the same value as the last call to OnTextChanged().
CString GetCurrentItem();
// Get/set the font in the edit control.
void SetEditControlFont( HFONT hFont );
HFONT GetEditControlFont() const;
// Get/set the color that the edit text is drawn in.
void SetEditControlTextColor( COLORREF clr );
COLORREF GetEditControlTextColor() const;
// General windows functions.
// Enable/disable the window.
bool IsWindowEnabled() const;
void EnableWindow( bool bEnable );
// Helper functions.
// This takes the string the user has entered (pStringToMatch passed into GetItemsMatchingString)
// and returns true if pTestString matches it. It ignores underscores in both strings.
bool MatchString( const char *pStringToMatch, const char *pTestString );
// Does this string match one of the suggestions?
// Returns the suggestion index or -1.
int FindSuggestion( const char *pTest ) const;
// Returns the closest-matching suggestion (the first one that would appear
// in the autocomplete list) or the last known good suggestion.
CString GetBestSuggestion( const char *pTest );
void SubclassDlgItem(UINT nID, CWnd *pParent);
// Get the base font it's using.
CFont& GetNormalFont();
// Get/set the text in the edit control.
void SetEditControlText( const char *pText );
CString GetEditControlText() const;
bool m_bNotifyParent; // Whether we allow our parent to hook our notification messages.
// This is necessary because CControlBar-derived classes result in multiple
// message reflections unless we disable parent notification.
// Put all suggestions into the dropdown list.
void FillDropdownList( const char *pInitialSel, bool bEnableRedraw=true );
// CBN_ notification handlers.
virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow( CREATESTRUCT& cs );
BOOL OnDropDown();
BOOL OnSelEndOK();
BOOL OnCloseUp();
BOOL OnSelChange();
virtual BOOL OnEditChange();
afx_msg HBRUSH OnCtlColor(CDC *pDC, CWnd *pWnd, UINT nCtlColor);
void OnEnterKeyPressed( const char *pForceText );
void OnEscapeKeyPressed();
void DoTextChangedCallback( const char *pText );
// Gets the items matching the string and sorts the list alphabetically.
virtual void GetItemsMatchingString( const char *pStringToMatch, CUtlVector<CString> &matchingItems );
static int SortFn( const CString *pItem1, const CString *pItem2 );
virtual LRESULT DefWindowProc(
UINT message,
WPARAM wParam,
LPARAM lParam );
// Overrides for owner draw.
virtual void MeasureItem(LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT pStruct);
virtual void DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct);
void InternalSetEditControlFont( HFONT hFont, const char *pEditText, DWORD sel );
void CreateFonts();
bool InternalSelectItemByName( const char *pName );
CUtlVector<CString> m_Suggestions;
HFONT m_hEditControlFont;
CFont m_NormalFont;
CFilteredComboBox::ICallbacks *m_pCallbacks;
bool m_bWasEditing;
DWORD m_dwTextColor;
bool m_bOnlyProvideSuggestions;
bool m_bInEnterKeyPressedHandler;
HFONT m_hQueuedFont;
bool m_bInSelChange;
// We go back here if they type text that we can't give a suggestion on and press enter (or lose focus).
CString m_LastTextChangedValue;