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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "c_baseanimatingoverlay.h"
#include "bone_setup.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "engine/ivdebugoverlay.h"
#include "datacache/imdlcache.h"
#include "eventlist.h"
#include "dt_utlvector_recv.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern ConVar r_sequence_debug;
// FIXME: where does this initialization go now?
//for ( int i=0; i < MAX_OVERLAYS; i++ )
// memset( &m_Layer[i], 0, sizeof(m_Layer[0]) );
// m_Layer[i].m_nOrder = MAX_OVERLAYS;
// FIXME: where does this initialization go now?
// AddVar( m_Layer, &m_iv_AnimOverlay, LATCH_ANIMATION_VAR );
#undef CBaseAnimatingOverlay
BEGIN_RECV_TABLE_NOBASE(CAnimationLayer, DT_Animationlayer)
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO_NAME(m_nSequence, m_nSequence)),
RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO_NAME(m_flCycle, m_flCycle)),
RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO_NAME(m_flPrevCycle, m_flPrevCycle)),
RecvPropFloat( RECVINFO_NAME(m_flWeight, m_flWeight)),
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO_NAME(m_nOrder, m_nOrder))
const char *s_m_iv_AnimOverlayNames[C_BaseAnimatingOverlay::MAX_OVERLAYS] =
void ResizeAnimationLayerCallback( void *pStruct, int offsetToUtlVector, int len )
C_BaseAnimatingOverlay *pEnt = (C_BaseAnimatingOverlay*)pStruct;
CUtlVector < C_AnimationLayer > *pVec = &pEnt->m_AnimOverlay;
CUtlVector< CInterpolatedVar< C_AnimationLayer > > *pVecIV = &pEnt->m_iv_AnimOverlay;
Assert( (char*)pVec - (char*)pEnt == offsetToUtlVector );
Assert( pVec->Count() == pVecIV->Count() );
Assert( pVec->Count() <= C_BaseAnimatingOverlay::MAX_OVERLAYS );
int diff = len - pVec->Count();
if ( diff == 0 )
// remove all entries
for ( int i=0; i < pVec->Count(); i++ )
pEnt->RemoveVar( &pVec->Element( i ) );
// adjust vector sizes
if ( diff > 0 )
pVec->AddMultipleToTail( diff );
pVecIV->AddMultipleToTail( diff );
pVec->RemoveMultiple( len, -diff );
pVecIV->RemoveMultiple( len, -diff );
// Rebind all the variables in the ent's list.
for ( int i=0; i < len; i++ )
IInterpolatedVar *pWatcher = &pVecIV->Element( i );
pWatcher->SetDebugName( s_m_iv_AnimOverlayNames[i] );
pEnt->AddVar( &pVec->Element( i ), pWatcher, LATCH_ANIMATION_VAR, true );
// FIXME: need to set historical values of nOrder in pVecIV to MAX_OVERLAY
BEGIN_RECV_TABLE_NOBASE( C_BaseAnimatingOverlay, DT_OverlayVars )
RECVINFO_UTLVECTOR_SIZEFN( m_AnimOverlay, ResizeAnimationLayerCallback ),
RecvPropDataTable(NULL, 0, 0, &REFERENCE_RECV_TABLE( DT_Animationlayer ) ) )
IMPLEMENT_CLIENTCLASS_DT( C_BaseAnimatingOverlay, DT_BaseAnimatingOverlay, CBaseAnimatingOverlay )
RecvPropDataTable( "overlay_vars", 0, 0, &REFERENCE_RECV_TABLE( DT_OverlayVars ) )
BEGIN_PREDICTION_DATA( C_BaseAnimatingOverlay )
DEFINE_FIELD( C_BaseAnimatingOverlay, m_Layer[0][2].m_nSequence, FIELD_INTEGER ),
DEFINE_FIELD( C_BaseAnimatingOverlay, m_Layer[0][2].m_flCycle, FIELD_FLOAT ),
DEFINE_FIELD( C_BaseAnimatingOverlay, m_Layer[0][2].m_flPlaybackRate, FIELD_FLOAT),
DEFINE_FIELD( C_BaseAnimatingOverlay, m_Layer[0][2].m_flWeight, FIELD_FLOAT),
DEFINE_FIELD( C_BaseAnimatingOverlay, m_Layer[1][2].m_nSequence, FIELD_INTEGER ),
DEFINE_FIELD( C_BaseAnimatingOverlay, m_Layer[1][2].m_flCycle, FIELD_FLOAT ),
DEFINE_FIELD( C_BaseAnimatingOverlay, m_Layer[1][2].m_flPlaybackRate, FIELD_FLOAT),
DEFINE_FIELD( C_BaseAnimatingOverlay, m_Layer[1][2].m_flWeight, FIELD_FLOAT),
DEFINE_FIELD( C_BaseAnimatingOverlay, m_Layer[2][2].m_nSequence, FIELD_INTEGER ),
DEFINE_FIELD( C_BaseAnimatingOverlay, m_Layer[2][2].m_flCycle, FIELD_FLOAT ),
DEFINE_FIELD( C_BaseAnimatingOverlay, m_Layer[2][2].m_flPlaybackRate, FIELD_FLOAT),
DEFINE_FIELD( C_BaseAnimatingOverlay, m_Layer[2][2].m_flWeight, FIELD_FLOAT),
DEFINE_FIELD( C_BaseAnimatingOverlay, m_Layer[3][2].m_nSequence, FIELD_INTEGER ),
DEFINE_FIELD( C_BaseAnimatingOverlay, m_Layer[3][2].m_flCycle, FIELD_FLOAT ),
DEFINE_FIELD( C_BaseAnimatingOverlay, m_Layer[3][2].m_flPlaybackRate, FIELD_FLOAT),
DEFINE_FIELD( C_BaseAnimatingOverlay, m_Layer[3][2].m_flWeight, FIELD_FLOAT),
C_AnimationLayer* C_BaseAnimatingOverlay::GetAnimOverlay( int i )
Assert( i >= 0 && i < MAX_OVERLAYS );
return &m_AnimOverlay[i];
void C_BaseAnimatingOverlay::SetNumAnimOverlays( int num )
if ( m_AnimOverlay.Count() < num )
m_AnimOverlay.AddMultipleToTail( num - m_AnimOverlay.Count() );
else if ( m_AnimOverlay.Count() > num )
m_AnimOverlay.RemoveMultiple( num, m_AnimOverlay.Count() - num );
int C_BaseAnimatingOverlay::GetNumAnimOverlays() const
return m_AnimOverlay.Count();
void C_BaseAnimatingOverlay::GetRenderBounds( Vector& theMins, Vector& theMaxs )
BaseClass::GetRenderBounds( theMins, theMaxs );
if ( !IsRagdoll() )
CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = GetModelPtr();
if ( !pStudioHdr || !pStudioHdr->SequencesAvailable() )
int nSequences = pStudioHdr->GetNumSeq();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < m_AnimOverlay.Count(); i++)
if (m_AnimOverlay[i].m_flWeight > 0.0)
if ( m_AnimOverlay[i].m_nSequence >= nSequences )
mstudioseqdesc_t &seqdesc = pStudioHdr->pSeqdesc( m_AnimOverlay[i].m_nSequence );
VectorMin( seqdesc.bbmin, theMins, theMins );
VectorMax( seqdesc.bbmax, theMaxs, theMaxs );
void C_BaseAnimatingOverlay::CheckForLayerChanges( CStudioHdr *hdr, float currentTime )
bool bLayersChanged = false;
// FIXME: damn, there has to be a better way than this.
int i;
for (i = 0; i < m_iv_AnimOverlay.Count(); i++)
CDisableRangeChecks disableRangeChecks;
int iHead, iPrev1, iPrev2;
m_iv_AnimOverlay[i].GetInterpolationInfo( currentTime, &iHead, &iPrev1, &iPrev2 );
// fake up previous cycle values.
float t0;
C_AnimationLayer *pHead = m_iv_AnimOverlay[i].GetHistoryValue( iHead, t0 );
// reset previous
float t1;
C_AnimationLayer *pPrev1 = m_iv_AnimOverlay[i].GetHistoryValue( iPrev1, t1 );
// reset previous previous
float t2;
C_AnimationLayer *pPrev2 = m_iv_AnimOverlay[i].GetHistoryValue( iPrev2, t2 );
if ( pHead && pPrev1 && pHead->m_nSequence != pPrev1->m_nSequence )
bLayersChanged = true;
#if 1 // _DEBUG
if (/* Q_stristr( hdr->pszName(), r_sequence_debug.GetString()) != NULL || */ r_sequence_debug.GetInt() == entindex())
DevMsgRT( "(%7.4f : %30s : %5.3f : %4.2f : %1d)\n", t0, hdr->pSeqdesc( pHead->m_nSequence ).pszLabel(), (float)pHead->m_flCycle, (float)pHead->m_flWeight, i );
DevMsgRT( "(%7.4f : %30s : %5.3f : %4.2f : %1d)\n", t1, hdr->pSeqdesc( pPrev1->m_nSequence ).pszLabel(), (float)pPrev1->m_flCycle, (float)pPrev1->m_flWeight, i );
if (pPrev2)
DevMsgRT( "(%7.4f : %30s : %5.3f : %4.2f : %1d)\n", t2, hdr->pSeqdesc( pPrev2->m_nSequence ).pszLabel(), (float)pPrev2->m_flCycle, (float)pPrev2->m_flWeight, i );
if (pPrev1)
pPrev1->m_nSequence = pHead->m_nSequence;
pPrev1->m_flCycle = pHead->m_flPrevCycle;
pPrev1->m_flWeight = pHead->m_flWeight;
if (pPrev2)
float num = 0;
if ( fabs( t0 - t1 ) > 0.001f )
num = (t2 - t1) / (t0 - t1);
pPrev2->m_nSequence = pHead->m_nSequence;
float flTemp;
if (IsSequenceLooping( hdr, pHead->m_nSequence ))
flTemp = LoopingLerp( num, (float)pHead->m_flPrevCycle, (float)pHead->m_flCycle );
flTemp = Lerp( num, (float)pHead->m_flPrevCycle, (float)pHead->m_flCycle );
pPrev2->m_flCycle = flTemp;
pPrev2->m_flWeight = pHead->m_flWeight;
if (stricmp( r_seq_overlay_debug.GetString(), hdr->name ) == 0)
DevMsgRT( "(%30s %6.2f : %6.2f : %6.2f)\n", hdr->pSeqdesc( pHead->nSequence ).pszLabel(), (float)pPrev2->m_flCycle, (float)pPrev1->m_flCycle, (float)pHead->m_flCycle );
m_iv_AnimOverlay[i].SetLooping( IsSequenceLooping( hdr, pHead->m_nSequence ) );
m_iv_AnimOverlay[i].Interpolate( currentTime );
// reset event indexes
m_flOverlayPrevEventCycle[i] = pHead->m_flPrevCycle - 0.01;
if (bLayersChanged)
// render bounds may have changed
void C_BaseAnimatingOverlay::AccumulateLayers( IBoneSetup &boneSetup, Vector pos[], Quaternion q[], float currentTime )
BaseClass::AccumulateLayers( boneSetup, pos, q, currentTime );
int i;
// resort the layers
int layer[MAX_OVERLAYS];
for (i = 0; i < MAX_OVERLAYS; i++)
layer[i] = MAX_OVERLAYS;
for (i = 0; i < m_AnimOverlay.Count(); i++)
if (m_AnimOverlay[i].m_nOrder < MAX_OVERLAYS)
Assert( layer[m_AnimOverlay[i].m_nOrder] == MAX_OVERLAYS );
layer[m_AnimOverlay[i].m_nOrder] = i;
// hacky code until initialization of new layers is finished
if (layer[m_AnimOverlay[i].m_nOrder] != MAX_OVERLAYS)
m_AnimOverlay[i].m_nOrder = MAX_OVERLAYS;
layer[m_AnimOverlay[i].m_nOrder] = i;
CheckForLayerChanges( boneSetup.GetStudioHdr(), currentTime );
int nSequences = boneSetup.GetStudioHdr()->GetNumSeq();
// add in the overlay layers
int j;
for (j = 0; j < MAX_OVERLAYS; j++)
i = layer[ j ];
if (i < m_AnimOverlay.Count())
if ( m_AnimOverlay[i].m_nSequence >= nSequences )
DevMsgRT( 1 , "%.3f %.3f %.3f\n", currentTime, fWeight, dadt );
debugoverlay->AddTextOverlay( GetAbsOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, 64 ), -j - 1, 0,
"%2d(%s) : %6.2f : %6.2f",
hdr->pSeqdesc( m_AnimOverlay[i].m_nSequence )->pszLabel(),
float fWeight = m_AnimOverlay[i].m_flWeight;
if (fWeight > 0)
// check to see if the sequence changed
// FIXME: move this to somewhere more reasonable
// do a nice spline interpolation of the values
// if ( m_AnimOverlay[i].m_nSequence != m_iv_AnimOverlay.GetPrev( i )->nSequence )
float fCycle = m_AnimOverlay[ i ].m_flCycle;
fCycle = ClampCycle( fCycle, IsSequenceLooping( m_AnimOverlay[i].m_nSequence ) );
if (fWeight > 1)
fWeight = 1;
boneSetup.AccumulatePose( pos, q, m_AnimOverlay[i].m_nSequence, fCycle, fWeight, currentTime, m_pIk );
#if 1 // _DEBUG
if (/* Q_stristr( hdr->pszName(), r_sequence_debug.GetString()) != NULL || */ r_sequence_debug.GetInt() == entindex())
if (1)
DevMsgRT( "%8.4f : %30s : %5.3f : %4.2f : %1d\n", currentTime, boneSetup.GetStudioHdr()->pSeqdesc( m_AnimOverlay[i].m_nSequence ).pszLabel(), fCycle, fWeight, i );
int iHead, iPrev1, iPrev2;
m_iv_AnimOverlay[i].GetInterpolationInfo( currentTime, &iHead, &iPrev1, &iPrev2 );
// fake up previous cycle values.
float t0;
C_AnimationLayer *pHead = m_iv_AnimOverlay[i].GetHistoryValue( iHead, t0 );
// reset previous
float t1;
C_AnimationLayer *pPrev1 = m_iv_AnimOverlay[i].GetHistoryValue( iPrev1, t1 );
// reset previous previous
float t2;
C_AnimationLayer *pPrev2 = m_iv_AnimOverlay[i].GetHistoryValue( iPrev2, t2 );
if ( pHead && pPrev1 && pPrev2 )
DevMsgRT( "%6.2f : %30s %6.2f (%6.2f:%6.2f:%6.2f) : %6.2f (%6.2f:%6.2f:%6.2f) : %1d\n", currentTime, boneSetup.GetStudioHdr()->pSeqdesc( m_AnimOverlay[i].m_nSequence ).pszLabel(),
fCycle, (float)pPrev2->m_flCycle, (float)pPrev1->m_flCycle, (float)pHead->m_flCycle,
fWeight, (float)pPrev2->m_flWeight, (float)pPrev1->m_flWeight, (float)pHead->m_flWeight,
i );
DevMsgRT( "%6.2f : %30s %6.2f : %6.2f : %1d\n", currentTime, boneSetup.GetStudioHdr()->pSeqdesc( m_AnimOverlay[i].m_nSequence ).pszLabel(), fCycle, fWeight, i );
#if defined( DEBUG_TF2_OVERLAYS )
engine->Con_NPrintf( 10 + j, "%30s %6.2f : %6.2f : %1d", boneSetup.GetStudioHdr()->pSeqdesc( m_AnimOverlay[i].m_nSequence ).pszLabel(), fCycle, fWeight, i );
engine->Con_NPrintf( 10 + j, "%30s %6.2f : %6.2f : %1d", " ", 0.f, 0.f, i );
#if defined( DEBUG_TF2_OVERLAYS )
engine->Con_NPrintf( 10 + j, "%30s %6.2f : %6.2f : %1d", " ", 0.f, 0.f, i );
void C_BaseAnimatingOverlay::DoAnimationEvents( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr )
if ( !pStudioHdr || !pStudioHdr->SequencesAvailable() )
int nSequences = pStudioHdr->GetNumSeq();
BaseClass::DoAnimationEvents( pStudioHdr );
bool watch = false; // Q_strstr( hdr->name, "rifle" ) ? true : false;
CheckForLayerChanges( pStudioHdr, gpGlobals->curtime ); // !!!
int j;
for (j = 0; j < m_AnimOverlay.Count(); j++)
if ( m_AnimOverlay[j].m_nSequence >= nSequences )
mstudioseqdesc_t &seqdesc = pStudioHdr->pSeqdesc( m_AnimOverlay[j].m_nSequence );
if ( seqdesc.numevents == 0 )
// stalled?
if (m_AnimOverlay[j].m_flCycle == m_flOverlayPrevEventCycle[j])
bool bLoopingSequence = IsSequenceLooping( m_AnimOverlay[j].m_nSequence );
bool bLooped = false;
//in client code, m_flOverlayPrevEventCycle is set to -1 when we first start an overlay, looping or not
if ( bLoopingSequence &&
m_flOverlayPrevEventCycle[j] > 0.0f &&
m_AnimOverlay[j].m_flCycle <= m_flOverlayPrevEventCycle[j] )
if (m_flOverlayPrevEventCycle[j] - m_AnimOverlay[j].m_flCycle > 0.5)
bLooped = true;
// things have backed up, which is bad since it'll probably result in a hitch in the animation playback
// but, don't play events again for the same time slice
mstudioevent_t *pevent = seqdesc.pEvent( 0 );
// This makes sure events that occur at the end of a sequence occur are
// sent before events that occur at the beginning of a sequence.
if (bLooped)
for (int i = 0; i < (int)seqdesc.numevents; i++)
// ignore all non-client-side events
if ( pevent[i].type & AE_TYPE_NEWEVENTSYSTEM )
if ( !( pevent[i].type & AE_TYPE_CLIENT ) )
else if ( pevent[i].event < 5000 ) //Adrian - Support the old event system
if ( pevent[i].cycle <= m_flOverlayPrevEventCycle[j] )
if ( watch )
Msg( "%i FE %i Looped cycle %f, prev %f ev %f (time %.3f)\n",
gpGlobals->curtime );
FireEvent( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsAngles(), pevent[ i ].event, pevent[ i ].pszOptions() );
// Necessary to get the next loop working
m_flOverlayPrevEventCycle[j] = -0.01;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)seqdesc.numevents; i++)
if ( pevent[i].type & AE_TYPE_NEWEVENTSYSTEM )
if ( !( pevent[i].type & AE_TYPE_CLIENT ) )
else if ( pevent[i].event < 5000 ) //Adrian - Support the old event system
if ( (pevent[i].cycle > m_flOverlayPrevEventCycle[j] && pevent[i].cycle <= m_AnimOverlay[j].m_flCycle) )
if ( watch )
Msg( "%i (seq: %d) FE %i Normal cycle %f, prev %f ev %f (time %.3f)\n",
gpGlobals->curtime );
FireEvent( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsAngles(), pevent[ i ].event, pevent[ i ].pszOptions() );
m_flOverlayPrevEventCycle[j] = m_AnimOverlay[j].m_flCycle;
// Purpose:
CStudioHdr *C_BaseAnimatingOverlay::OnNewModel()
CStudioHdr *hdr = BaseClass::OnNewModel();
// Clear out animation layers
for ( int i=0; i < m_AnimOverlay.Count(); i++ )
m_AnimOverlay[i].m_nOrder = MAX_OVERLAYS;
return hdr;