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synced 2025-03-04 00:41:04 +00:00
98 lines
3.1 KiB
V Shell
98 lines
3.1 KiB
V Shell
![]() |
# STATIC: "INTRO" "0..1"
; $SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_0 = xyz = mouth forward direction vector, w = illum factor
#include "macros.vsh"
; Vertex blending
alloc $worldPos
alloc $worldNormal
&SkinPositionAndNormal( $worldPos, $worldNormal );
; Optional intro warping
if ( $INTRO == 1 )
alloc $tmp
sub $tmp.xyz, $worldPos, $ENTITY_ORIGIN
mul $tmp.xy, $tmp, $WARPPARAM
add $worldPos.xyz, $tmp, $ENTITY_ORIGIN
free $tmp
; Transform the position from world to view space
alloc $projPos
dp4 $projPos.x, $worldPos, $cViewProj0
dp4 $projPos.y, $worldPos, $cViewProj1
dp4 $projPos.z, $worldPos, $cViewProj2
dp4 $projPos.w, $worldPos, $cViewProj3
mov oPos, $projPos
; Fog
&CalcFog( $worldPos, $projPos );
free $projPos
; Lighting
alloc $linearColor
&DoDynamicLightingToLinear( $worldPos, $worldNormal, $linearColor );
; Factor in teeth darkening factors
alloc $tmp
mul $linearColor.xyz, $SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_0.w, $linearColor ; FIXME Color darkened by illumination factor
dp3 $tmp, $worldNormal, $SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_0 ; Figure out mouth forward dot normal
max $tmp, $cZero, $tmp ; clamp from 0 to 1
mul $linearColor.xyz, $tmp, $linearColor ; Darken by forward dot normal too
; Output color (gamma correction)
alloc $gammaColor
&LinearToGamma( $linearColor, $gammaColor );
free $linearColor
mul oD0.xyz, $gammaColor.xyz, $cOverbrightFactor
mov oD0.w, $cOne ; make sure all components are defined
free $gammaColor
free $worldPos
free $worldNormal
free $tmp
; Texture coordinates
mov oT0, $vTexCoord0