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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Display a list of achievements for the current game
#include "cbase.h"
#include "achievements_page.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Button.h"
#include "vgui/ILocalize.h"
#include "ixboxsystem.h"
#include "iachievementmgr.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ImagePanel.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ComboBox.h"
#include "vgui_controls/CheckButton.h"
#include "fmtstr.h"
#include "c_cs_playerresource.h"
#include "stat_card.h"
#include <vgui/IInput.h>
#include "../../../public/steam/steam_api.h"
#include "achievementmgr.h"
#include "../../../../public/vgui/IScheme.h"
#include "../vgui_controls/ScrollBar.h"
#include "achievements_cs.h"
extern CAchievementMgr g_AchievementMgrCS;
using namespace vgui;
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
KeyValues *g_pPreloadedCSAchievementPageItemLayout = NULL;
KeyValues *g_pPreloadedCSAchievementPageGroupLayout = NULL;
// Shared helper functions so xbox and pc can share as much code as possible while coming from different bases.
// Purpose: Sets the parameter pIconPanel to display the specified achievement's icon file.
bool CSLoadAchievementIconForPage( vgui::ImagePanel* pIconPanel, CCSBaseAchievement* pAchievement, const char *pszExt /*= NULL*/ )
char imagePath[_MAX_PATH];
Q_strncpy( imagePath, "achievements\\", sizeof(imagePath) );
Q_strncat( imagePath, pAchievement->GetName(), sizeof(imagePath), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
if ( pszExt )
Q_strncat( imagePath, pszExt, sizeof(imagePath), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
Q_strncat( imagePath, ".vtf", sizeof(imagePath), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
char checkFile[_MAX_PATH];
Q_snprintf( checkFile, sizeof(checkFile), "materials\\vgui\\%s", imagePath );
if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( checkFile ) )
Q_snprintf( imagePath, sizeof(imagePath), "hud\\icon_locked.vtf" );
pIconPanel->SetShouldScaleImage( true );
pIconPanel->SetImage( imagePath );
pIconPanel->SetVisible( true );
return pIconPanel->IsVisible();
// Purpose: Sets the parameter pIconPanel to display the specified achievement's icon file.
bool CSLoadIconForPage( vgui::ImagePanel* pIconPanel, const char* pFilename, const char *pszExt /*= NULL*/ )
char imagePath[_MAX_PATH];
Q_strncpy( imagePath, "achievements\\", sizeof(imagePath) );
Q_strncat( imagePath, pFilename, sizeof(imagePath), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
if ( pszExt )
Q_strncat( imagePath, pszExt, sizeof(imagePath), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
Q_strncat( imagePath, ".vtf", sizeof(imagePath), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
char checkFile[_MAX_PATH];
Q_snprintf( checkFile, sizeof(checkFile), "materials\\vgui\\%s", imagePath );
if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( checkFile ) )
Q_snprintf( imagePath, sizeof(imagePath), "hud\\icon_locked.vtf" );
pIconPanel->SetShouldScaleImage( true );
pIconPanel->SetImage( imagePath );
pIconPanel->SetVisible( true );
return pIconPanel->IsVisible();
// The bias is to ensure the percentage bar gets plenty orange before it reaches the text,
// as the white-on-grey is hard to read.
Color CSLerpColorsForPage ( Color cStart, Color cEnd, float flPercent )
float r = (float)((float)(cStart.r()) + (float)(cEnd.r() - cStart.r()) * Bias( flPercent, 0.75 ) );
float g = (float)((float)(cStart.g()) + (float)(cEnd.g() - cStart.g()) * Bias( flPercent, 0.75 ) );
float b = (float)((float)(cStart.b()) + (float)(cEnd.b() - cStart.b()) * Bias( flPercent, 0.75 ) );
float a = (float)((float)(cStart.a()) + (float)(cEnd.a() - cStart.a()) * Bias( flPercent, 0.75 ) );
return Color( r, g, b, a );
// Purpose: Shares common percentage bar calculations/color settings between xbox and pc.
// Not really intended for robustness or reuse across many panels.
// Input : pFrame - assumed to have certain child panels (see below)
// *pAchievement - source achievement to poll for progress. Non progress achievements will not show a percentage bar.
void CSUpdateProgressBarForPage( vgui::EditablePanel* pPanel, CCSBaseAchievement* pAchievement, Color clrProgressBar )
if ( pAchievement->GetGoal() > 1 )
bool bShowProgress = true;
// if this achievement gets saved with game and we're not in a level and have not achieved it, then we do not have any state
// for this achievement, don't show progress
if ( ( pAchievement->GetFlags() & ACH_SAVE_WITH_GAME ) && /*!GameUI().IsInLevel() &&*/ !pAchievement->IsAchieved() )
bShowProgress = false;
float flCompletion = 0.0f;
// Once achieved, we can't rely on count. If they've completed the achievement just set to 100%.
int iCount = pAchievement->GetCount();
if ( pAchievement->IsAchieved() )
flCompletion = 1.0f;
iCount = pAchievement->GetGoal();
else if ( bShowProgress )
flCompletion = ( ((float)pAchievement->GetCount()) / ((float)pAchievement->GetGoal()) );
// In rare cases count can exceed goal and not be achieved (switch local storage on X360, take saved game from different user on PC).
// These will self-correct with continued play, but if we're in that state don't show more than 100% achieved.
flCompletion = MIN( flCompletion, 1.0 );
char szPercentageText[ 256 ] = "";
if ( bShowProgress )
Q_snprintf( szPercentageText, 256, "%d/%d", iCount, pAchievement->GetGoal() );
pPanel->SetControlString( "PercentageText", szPercentageText );
pPanel->SetControlVisible( "PercentageText", true );
pPanel->SetControlVisible( "CompletionText", true );
vgui::ImagePanel *pPercentageBar = (vgui::ImagePanel*)pPanel->FindChildByName( "PercentageBar" );
vgui::ImagePanel *pPercentageBarBkg = (vgui::ImagePanel*)pPanel->FindChildByName( "PercentageBarBackground" );
if ( pPercentageBar && pPercentageBarBkg )
pPercentageBar->SetFillColor( clrProgressBar );
pPercentageBar->SetWide( pPercentageBarBkg->GetWide() * flCompletion );
pPanel->SetControlVisible( "PercentageBarBackground", IsX360() ? bShowProgress : true );
pPanel->SetControlVisible( "PercentageBar", true );
// TODO: revisit this once other games are rebuilt using the updated IAchievement interface
bool CSGameSupportsAchievementTrackerForPage()
const char *pGame = Q_UnqualifiedFileName( engine->GetGameDirectory() );
return ( !Q_stricmp( pGame, "cstrike" ) );
// PC Implementation
int AchivementSortPredicate( CCSBaseAchievement* const* pLeft, CCSBaseAchievement* const* pRight )
if ( (*pLeft)->IsAchieved() && !(*pRight)->IsAchieved() )
return -1;
if ( !(*pLeft)->IsAchieved() && (*pRight)->IsAchieved() )
return 1;
if ( (*pLeft)->GetAchievementID() < (*pRight)->GetAchievementID() )
return -1;
if ( (*pLeft)->GetAchievementID() > (*pRight)->GetAchievementID() )
return 1;
return 0;
// Purpose: creates child panels, passes down name to pick up any settings from res files.
CAchievementsPage::CAchievementsPage(vgui::Panel *parent, const char *name) : BaseClass(parent, "CSAchievementsDialog")
m_iFixedWidth = 900; // Give this an initial value in order to set a proper size
SetBounds(0, 0, 900, 780);
SetMinimumSize( 256, 780 );
m_pStatCard = new StatCard(this, "ignored");
m_pAchievementsList = new vgui::PanelListPanel( this, "listpanel_achievements" );
m_pAchievementsList->SetFirstColumnWidth( 0 );
m_pGroupsList = new vgui::PanelListPanel( this, "listpanel_groups" );
m_pGroupsList->SetFirstColumnWidth( 0 );
m_pListBG = new vgui::ImagePanel( this, "listpanel_background" );
m_pPercentageBarBackground = SETUP_PANEL( new ImagePanel( this, "PercentageBarBackground" ) );
m_pPercentageBar = SETUP_PANEL( new ImagePanel( this, "PercentageBar" ) );
ListenForGameEvent( "player_stats_updated" );
ListenForGameEvent( "achievement_earned_local" );
// int that holds the highest number achievement id we've found
int iHighestAchievementIDSeen = -1;
int iNextGroupBoundary = 1000;
Q_memset( m_AchievementGroups, 0, sizeof(m_AchievementGroups) );
m_iNumAchievementGroups = 0;
// Base groups
int iCount = g_AchievementMgrCS.GetAchievementCount();
for ( int i = 0; i < iCount; ++i )
CCSBaseAchievement* pAchievement = dynamic_cast<CCSBaseAchievement*>(g_AchievementMgrCS.GetAchievementByIndex( i ));
if ( !pAchievement )
int iAchievementID = pAchievement->GetAchievementID();
if ( iAchievementID > iHighestAchievementIDSeen )
// if it's crossed the next group boundary, create a new group
if ( iAchievementID >= iNextGroupBoundary )
int iNewGroupBoundary = iAchievementID;
CreateNewAchievementGroup( iNewGroupBoundary, iNewGroupBoundary+99 );
iNextGroupBoundary = iNewGroupBoundary + 100;
iHighestAchievementIDSeen = iAchievementID;
CreateOrUpdateComboItems( true );
// Default display shows the first achievement group
UpdateAchievementList(1001, 1100);
m_bStatsDirty = true;
m_bAchievementsDirty = true;
g_AchievementMgrCS.SaveGlobalStateIfDirty( false ); // check for saving here to store achievements we want pinned to HUD
delete m_pAchievementsList;
delete m_pPercentageBarBackground;
delete m_pPercentageBar;
void CAchievementsPage::CreateNewAchievementGroup( int iMinRange, int iMaxRange )
m_AchievementGroups[m_iNumAchievementGroups].m_iMinRange = iMinRange;
m_AchievementGroups[m_iNumAchievementGroups].m_iMaxRange = iMaxRange;
// Get the width we're going to lock at
void CAchievementsPage::ApplySettings( KeyValues *pResourceData )
m_iFixedWidth = pResourceData->GetInt( "wide", 512 );
BaseClass::ApplySettings( pResourceData );
// Preserve our width to the one in the .res file
void CAchievementsPage::OnSizeChanged(int newWide, int newTall)
// Lock the width, but allow height scaling
if ( newWide != m_iFixedWidth )
SetSize( m_iFixedWidth, newTall );
BaseClass::OnSizeChanged(newWide, newTall);
// Re-populate the achievement list with the selected group
void CAchievementsPage::UpdateAchievementList(CAchievementsPageGroupPanel* groupPanel)
if (!groupPanel)
UpdateAchievementList( groupPanel->GetFirstAchievementID(), groupPanel->GetLastAchievementID() );
vgui::IScheme *pGroupScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );
// Update active status for button display
for (int i = 0; i < m_pGroupsList->GetItemCount(); i++)
CAchievementsPageGroupPanel *pPanel = (CAchievementsPageGroupPanel*)m_pGroupsList->GetItemPanel(i);
if ( pPanel )
if ( pPanel != groupPanel )
pPanel->SetGroupActive( false );
pPanel->SetGroupActive( true );
pPanel->UpdateAchievementInfo( pGroupScheme );
void CAchievementsPage::UpdateTotalProgressDisplay()
// Set up total completion percentage bar
float flCompletion = 0.0f;
int iCount = g_AchievementMgrCS.GetAchievementCount();
int nUnlocked = 0;
if ( iCount > 0 )
for ( int i = 0; i < iCount; ++i )
CCSBaseAchievement* pAchievement = dynamic_cast<CCSBaseAchievement*>(g_AchievementMgrCS.GetAchievementByIndex( i ));
if ( pAchievement && pAchievement->IsAchieved() )
flCompletion = (((float)nUnlocked) / ((float)g_AchievementMgrCS.GetAchievementCount()));
char szPercentageText[64];
V_sprintf_safe( szPercentageText, "%d / %d",
nUnlocked, g_AchievementMgrCS.GetAchievementCount() );
SetControlString( "PercentageText", szPercentageText );
SetControlVisible( "PercentageText", true );
SetControlVisible( "CompletionText", true );
vgui::IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );
Color clrHighlight = pScheme->GetColor( "NewGame.SelectionColor", Color(255, 255, 255, 255) );
Color clrWhite(255, 255, 255, 255);
Color cProgressBar = Color( static_cast<float>( clrHighlight.r() ) * ( 1.0f - flCompletion ) + static_cast<float>( clrWhite.r() ) * flCompletion,
static_cast<float>( clrHighlight.g() ) * ( 1.0f - flCompletion ) + static_cast<float>( clrWhite.g() ) * flCompletion,
static_cast<float>( clrHighlight.b() ) * ( 1.0f - flCompletion ) + static_cast<float>( clrWhite.b() ) * flCompletion,
static_cast<float>( clrHighlight.a() ) * ( 1.0f - flCompletion ) + static_cast<float>( clrWhite.a() ) * flCompletion );
m_pPercentageBar->SetFgColor( cProgressBar );
m_pPercentageBar->SetWide( m_pPercentageBarBackground->GetWide() * flCompletion );
SetControlVisible( "PercentageBarBackground", true );
SetControlVisible( "PercentageBar", true );
// Re-populate the achievement list with the selected group
void CAchievementsPage::UpdateAchievementList(int minID, int maxID)
int iMinRange = minID;
int iMaxRange = maxID;
int iCount = g_AchievementMgrCS.GetAchievementCount();
CUtlVector<CCSBaseAchievement*> sortedAchivementList;
for ( int i = 0; i < iCount; ++i )
CCSBaseAchievement* pAchievement = dynamic_cast<CCSBaseAchievement*>(g_AchievementMgrCS.GetAchievementByIndex(i));
if ( !pAchievement )
int iAchievementID = pAchievement->GetAchievementID();
if ( iAchievementID < iMinRange || iAchievementID > iMaxRange )
// don't show hidden achievements if not achieved
if ( pAchievement->ShouldHideUntilAchieved() && !pAchievement->IsAchieved() )
FOR_EACH_VEC(sortedAchivementList, i)
CCSBaseAchievement* pAchievement = sortedAchivementList[i];
CAchievementsPageItemPanel *pAchievementItemPanel = new CAchievementsPageItemPanel( m_pAchievementsList, "AchievementDialogItemPanel");
// force all our new panel to have the correct internal layout and size so that our parent container can layout properly
pAchievementItemPanel->InvalidateLayout(true, true);
m_pAchievementsList->AddItem( NULL, pAchievementItemPanel );
// Purpose: Loads settings from achievementsdialog.res in hl2/resource/ui/
// Sets up progress bar displaying total achievement unlocking progress by the user.
void CAchievementsPage::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
// Set text color for percentage
Panel *pPanel;
pPanel = FindChildByName("PercentageText");
if (pPanel)
pPanel->SetFgColor(Color(157, 194, 80, 255));
// Set text color for achievement earned label
pPanel = FindChildByName("AchievementsEarnedLabel");
if (pPanel)
pPanel->SetFgColor(Color(157, 194, 80, 255));
// Purpose: Each sub-panel gets its data updated
void CAchievementsPage::UpdateAchievementDialogInfo( void )
// Hide the group list scrollbar
if (m_pGroupsList->GetScrollbar())
int iCount = m_pAchievementsList->GetItemCount();
vgui::IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < iCount; i++ )
CAchievementsPageItemPanel *pPanel = (CAchievementsPageItemPanel*)m_pAchievementsList->GetItemPanel(i);
if ( pPanel )
pPanel->UpdateAchievementInfo( pScheme );
// Update all group panels
int iGroupCount = m_pGroupsList->GetItemCount();
for ( i = 0; i < iGroupCount; i++ )
CAchievementsPageGroupPanel *pPanel = (CAchievementsPageGroupPanel*)m_pGroupsList->GetItemPanel(i);
if ( pPanel )
pPanel->UpdateAchievementInfo( pScheme );
if ( pPanel->IsGroupActive() )
UpdateAchievementList( pPanel );
// update the groups and overall progress bar
CreateOrUpdateComboItems( false ); // update them with new achieved counts
m_bAchievementsDirty = false;
m_bStatsDirty = false;
void CAchievementsPage::CreateOrUpdateComboItems( bool bCreate )
// Build up achievement group names
for ( int i=0;i<m_iNumAchievementGroups;i++ )
char buf[128];
int achievementRangeStart = (m_AchievementGroups[i].m_iMinRange / 1000) * 1000;
Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "#Achievement_Group_%d", achievementRangeStart );
wchar_t *wzGroupName = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( buf );
if ( !wzGroupName )
wzGroupName = L"Need Title ( %s1 of %s2 )";
wchar_t wzGroupTitle[128];
if ( wzGroupName )
// Determine number of achievements in the group which have been awarded
int numAwarded = 0;
int numTested = 0;
for (int j = m_AchievementGroups[i].m_iMinRange; j < m_AchievementGroups[i].m_iMaxRange; j++)
IAchievement* pCur = g_AchievementMgrCS.GetAchievementByID( j );
if ( !pCur )
if ( pCur->IsAchieved() )
wchar_t wzNumUnlocked[8];
V_snwprintf( wzNumUnlocked, ARRAYSIZE( wzNumUnlocked ), L"%d", numAwarded );
wchar_t wzNumAchievements[8];
V_snwprintf( wzNumAchievements, ARRAYSIZE( wzNumAchievements ), L"%d", numTested );
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wzGroupTitle, sizeof( wzGroupTitle ), wzGroupName, 0 );
KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( "grp" );
pKV->SetInt( "minrange", m_AchievementGroups[i].m_iMinRange );
pKV->SetInt( "maxrange", m_AchievementGroups[i].m_iMaxRange );
if ( bCreate )
// Create an achievement group instance
CAchievementsPageGroupPanel *achievementGroupPanel = new CAchievementsPageGroupPanel( m_pGroupsList, this, "AchievementDialogGroupPanel", i );
achievementGroupPanel->SetGroupInfo( wzGroupTitle, m_AchievementGroups[i].m_iMinRange, m_AchievementGroups[i].m_iMaxRange );
if (i == 0)
m_pGroupsList->AddItem( NULL, achievementGroupPanel );
// Purpose: creates child panels, passes down name to pick up any settings from res files.
CAchievementsPageItemPanel::CAchievementsPageItemPanel( vgui::PanelListPanel *parent, const char* name) : BaseClass( parent, name )
m_pParent = parent;
m_pSchemeSettings = NULL;
m_pAchievementIcon = SETUP_PANEL(new vgui::ImagePanel( this, "AchievementIcon" ));
m_pAchievementNameLabel = new vgui::Label( this, "AchievementName", "name" );
m_pAchievementDescLabel = new vgui::Label( this, "AchievementDesc", "desc" );
m_pPercentageBar = SETUP_PANEL( new ImagePanel( this, "PercentageBar" ) );
m_pPercentageText = new vgui::Label( this, "PercentageText", "" );
m_pAwardDate = new vgui::Label( this, "AwardDate", "date" );
m_pShowOnHUDButton = new vgui::CheckButton( this, "ShowOnHudToggle", "" );
m_pShowOnHUDButton->SetMouseInputEnabled( true );
m_pShowOnHUDButton->SetEnabled( true );
m_pShowOnHUDButton->SetCheckButtonCheckable( true );
m_pShowOnHUDButton->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
m_pHiddenHUDToggleButton = new CHiddenHUDToggleButton( this, "HiddenHUDToggle", "" );
m_pHiddenHUDToggleButton->SetPaintBorderEnabled( false );
SetMouseInputEnabled( true );
parent->SetMouseInputEnabled( true );
delete m_pAchievementIcon;
delete m_pAchievementNameLabel;
delete m_pAchievementDescLabel;
delete m_pPercentageBar;
delete m_pPercentageText;
delete m_pAwardDate;
delete m_pShowOnHUDButton;
delete m_pHiddenHUDToggleButton;
void CAchievementsPageItemPanel::ToggleShowOnHUDButton()
if (m_pShowOnHUDButton)
m_pShowOnHUDButton->SetSelected( !m_pShowOnHUDButton->IsSelected() );
// Purpose: Updates displayed achievement data. In applyschemesettings, and when gameui activates.
void CAchievementsPageItemPanel::UpdateAchievementInfo( vgui::IScheme* pScheme )
if ( m_pSourceAchievement && m_pSchemeSettings )
// [dwenger] Get achievement name and description text from the localized file
// Set name, description and unlocked state text
m_pAchievementNameLabel->SetText( ACHIEVEMENT_LOCALIZED_NAME( m_pSourceAchievement ) );
m_pAchievementDescLabel->SetText( ACHIEVEMENT_LOCALIZED_DESC( m_pSourceAchievement ) );
// Setup icon
// get the vtfFilename from the path.
// Display percentage completion for progressive achievements
// Set up total completion percentage bar. Goal > 1 means its a progress achievement.
CSUpdateProgressBarForPage( this, m_pSourceAchievement, m_clrProgressBar );
if ( m_pSourceAchievement->IsAchieved() )
CSLoadAchievementIconForPage( m_pAchievementIcon, m_pSourceAchievement );
SetBgColor( pScheme->GetColor( "AchievementsLightGrey", Color(255, 0, 0, 255) ) );
m_pAchievementNameLabel->SetFgColor( pScheme->GetColor( "SteamLightGreen", Color(255, 255, 255, 255) ) );
Color fgColor = pScheme->GetColor( "Label.TextBrightColor", Color(255, 255, 255, 255) );
m_pAchievementDescLabel->SetFgColor( fgColor );
m_pPercentageText->SetFgColor( fgColor );
m_pShowOnHUDButton->SetVisible( false );
m_pShowOnHUDButton->SetSelected( false );
m_pHiddenHUDToggleButton->SetVisible( false );
m_pAwardDate->SetVisible( true );
m_pAwardDate->SetFgColor( pScheme->GetColor( "SteamLightGreen", Color(255, 255, 255, 255) ) );
// Assign the award date text
int year, month, day, hour, minute, second;
if ( m_pSourceAchievement->GetAwardTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) )
char dateBuffer[32] = "";
Q_snprintf( dateBuffer, 32, "%4d-%02d-%02d", year, month, day );
m_pAwardDate->SetText( dateBuffer );
m_pAwardDate->SetText( "" );
CSLoadAchievementIconForPage( m_pAchievementIcon, m_pSourceAchievement, "_bw" );
SetBgColor( pScheme->GetColor( "AchievementsDarkGrey", Color(255, 0, 0, 255) ) );
Color fgColor = pScheme->GetColor( "AchievementsInactiveFG", Color(255, 255, 255, 255) );
m_pAchievementNameLabel->SetFgColor( fgColor );
m_pAchievementDescLabel->SetFgColor( fgColor );
m_pPercentageText->SetFgColor( fgColor );
if ( CSGameSupportsAchievementTrackerForPage() )
m_pShowOnHUDButton->SetVisible( !m_pSourceAchievement->ShouldHideUntilAchieved() );
m_pShowOnHUDButton->SetSelected( m_pSourceAchievement->ShouldShowOnHUD() );
m_pHiddenHUDToggleButton->SetVisible( !m_pSourceAchievement->ShouldHideUntilAchieved() );
m_pShowOnHUDButton->SetVisible( false );
m_pHiddenHUDToggleButton->SetVisible( false );
// Purpose: Makes a local copy of a pointer to the achievement entity stored on the client.
void CAchievementsPageItemPanel::SetAchievementInfo( CCSBaseAchievement* pAchievement )
if ( !pAchievement )
Assert( 0 );
m_pSourceAchievement = pAchievement;
m_iSourceAchievementIndex = pAchievement->GetAchievementID();
// Purpose:
void CAchievementsPageItemPanel::PreloadResourceFile( void )
const char *controlResourceName = "resource/ui/AchievementItem.res";
g_pPreloadedCSAchievementPageItemLayout = new KeyValues(controlResourceName);
g_pPreloadedCSAchievementPageItemLayout->LoadFromFile(g_pFullFileSystem, controlResourceName);
// precache all achievement icons
int iCount = g_AchievementMgrCS.GetAchievementCount();
for ( int i = 0; i < iCount; ++i )
CCSBaseAchievement* pAchievement = dynamic_cast<CCSBaseAchievement*>(g_AchievementMgrCS.GetAchievementByIndex( i ));
char imagePath[_MAX_PATH];
Q_strncpy( imagePath, "achievements\\", sizeof(imagePath) );
Q_strncat( imagePath, pAchievement->GetName(), sizeof(imagePath), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
Q_strncat( imagePath, "_bw", sizeof(imagePath), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
Q_strncat( imagePath, ".vtf", sizeof(imagePath), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
scheme()->GetImage(imagePath, true);
Q_strncpy( imagePath, "achievements\\", sizeof(imagePath) );
Q_strncat( imagePath, pAchievement->GetName(), sizeof(imagePath), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
Q_strncat( imagePath, ".vtf", sizeof(imagePath), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
scheme()->GetImage(imagePath, true);
// Purpose: Loads settings from hl2/resource/ui/achievementitem.res
// Sets display info for this achievement item.
void CAchievementsPageItemPanel::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme* pScheme )
if ( !g_pPreloadedCSAchievementPageItemLayout )
LoadControlSettings( "", NULL, g_pPreloadedCSAchievementPageItemLayout );
m_pSchemeSettings = pScheme;
if ( !m_pSourceAchievement )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
// m_pSchemeSettings must be set for this.
UpdateAchievementInfo( pScheme );
void CAchievementsPageItemPanel::OnCheckButtonChecked(Panel *panel)
if ( CSGameSupportsAchievementTrackerForPage() && panel == m_pShowOnHUDButton && m_pSourceAchievement )
m_pSourceAchievement->SetShowOnHUD( m_pShowOnHUDButton->IsSelected() );
// Purpose: creates child panels, passes down name to pick up any settings from res files.
CAchievementsPageGroupPanel::CAchievementsPageGroupPanel( vgui::PanelListPanel *parent, CAchievementsPage *owner, const char* name, int iListItemID ) : BaseClass( parent, name )
m_pParent = parent;
m_pOwner = owner;
m_pSchemeSettings = NULL;
m_pGroupIcon = SETUP_PANEL(new vgui::ImagePanel( this, "GroupIcon" ));
m_pAchievementGroupLabel = new vgui::Label( this, "GroupName", "name" );
m_pPercentageText = new vgui::Label( this, "GroupPercentageText", "1/1" );
m_pPercentageBar = SETUP_PANEL( new ImagePanel( this, "GroupPercentageBar" ) );
m_pGroupButton = new CGroupButton( this, "GroupButton", "" );
m_pGroupButton->SetPos( 0, 0 );
m_pGroupButton->SetZPos( 20 );
m_pGroupButton->SetWide( 256 );
m_pGroupButton->SetTall( 64 );
SetMouseInputEnabled( true );
parent->SetMouseInputEnabled( true );
m_bActiveButton = false;
delete m_pAchievementGroupLabel;
delete m_pPercentageBar;
delete m_pPercentageText;
delete m_pGroupIcon;
// Purpose: Loads settings from hl2/resource/ui/achievementitem.res
// Sets display info for this achievement item.
void CAchievementsPageGroupPanel::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme* pScheme )
if ( !g_pPreloadedCSAchievementPageGroupLayout )
LoadControlSettings( "", NULL, g_pPreloadedCSAchievementPageGroupLayout );
m_pSchemeSettings = pScheme;
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
// m_pSchemeSettings must be set for this.
UpdateAchievementInfo( pScheme );
// Purpose: Updates displayed achievement data. In ApplySchemeSettings(), and
// when gameui activates.
void CAchievementsPageGroupPanel::UpdateAchievementInfo( vgui::IScheme* pScheme )
if ( m_pSchemeSettings )
int numAwarded = 0;
int numTested = 0;
char buf[128];
int achievementRangeStart = (m_iFirstAchievementID / 1000) * 1000;
Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "#Achievement_Group_%d", achievementRangeStart );
wchar_t *wzGroupName = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( buf );
if ( !wzGroupName )
wzGroupName = L"Need Title ( %s1 of %s2 )";
wchar_t wzGroupTitle[128];
if ( wzGroupName )
// Determine number of achievements in the group which have been awarded
for (int i = m_iFirstAchievementID; i < m_iLastAchievementID; i++)
IAchievement* pCur = g_AchievementMgrCS.GetAchievementByID( i );
if ( !pCur )
if ( pCur->IsAchieved() )
wchar_t wzNumUnlocked[8];
V_snwprintf( wzNumUnlocked, ARRAYSIZE( wzNumUnlocked ), L"%d", numAwarded );
wchar_t wzNumAchievements[8];
V_snwprintf( wzNumAchievements,ARRAYSIZE( wzNumAchievements ), L"%d", numTested );
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( wzGroupTitle, sizeof( wzGroupTitle ), wzGroupName, 2, wzNumUnlocked, wzNumAchievements );
// Set group name text
m_pAchievementGroupLabel->SetText( wzGroupTitle );//m_pGroupName );
m_pAchievementGroupLabel->SetFgColor(Color(157, 194, 80, 255));
char* buff[32];
Q_snprintf( (char*)buff, 32, "%d / %d", numAwarded, numTested );
m_pPercentageText->SetText( (const char*)buff );
m_pPercentageText->SetFgColor(Color(157, 194, 80, 255));
if ( !m_bActiveButton )
CSLoadIconForPage( m_pGroupIcon, "achievement-btn-up" );
CSLoadIconForPage( m_pGroupIcon, "achievement-btn-select" );
// Update the percentage complete bar
vgui::ImagePanel *pPercentageBar = (vgui::ImagePanel*)FindChildByName( "GroupPercentageBar" );
vgui::ImagePanel *pPercentageBarBkg = (vgui::ImagePanel*)FindChildByName( "GroupPercentageBarBackground" );
if ( pPercentageBar && pPercentageBarBkg )
float flCompletion = (float)numAwarded / (float)numTested;
pPercentageBar->SetFillColor( Color(157, 194, 80, 255) );
pPercentageBar->SetWide( pPercentageBarBkg->GetWide() * flCompletion );
SetControlVisible( "GroupPercentageBarBackground", true );
SetControlVisible( "GroupPercentageBar", true );
// Purpose:
void CAchievementsPageGroupPanel::PreloadResourceFile( void )
const char *controlResourceName = "resource/ui/AchievementGroup.res";
g_pPreloadedCSAchievementPageGroupLayout = new KeyValues(controlResourceName);
g_pPreloadedCSAchievementPageGroupLayout->LoadFromFile(g_pFullFileSystem, controlResourceName);
// Purpose: Assigns a name and achievement id bounds for an achievement group.
void CAchievementsPageGroupPanel::SetGroupInfo( const wchar_t* name, int firstAchievementID, int lastAchievementID )
// Store away the group name
short _textLen = (short)wcslen(name) + 1;
m_pGroupName = new wchar_t[_textLen];
Q_memcpy( m_pGroupName, name, _textLen * sizeof(wchar_t) );
// Store off the start & end achievement IDs
m_iFirstAchievementID = firstAchievementID;
m_iLastAchievementID = lastAchievementID;
CGroupButton::CGroupButton( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pName, const char *pText ) :
BaseClass( pParent, pName, pText )
// Purpose: Handle the case where the user presses an achievement group button.
void CGroupButton::DoClick( void )
// Process when a group button is hit
CAchievementsPageGroupPanel* pParent = static_cast<CAchievementsPageGroupPanel*>(GetParent());
if (pParent)
CAchievementsPage* pAchievementsPage = static_cast<CAchievementsPage*>(pParent->GetOwner());
if (pAchievementsPage)
// Update the list of group achievements
pAchievementsPage->UpdateAchievementList( pParent );
void CAchievementsPage::OnPageShow()
void CAchievementsPage::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event )
const char *type = event->GetName();
if ( 0 == Q_strcmp( type, "achievement_earned_local" ) )
m_bAchievementsDirty = true;
if ( 0 == Q_strcmp( type, "player_stats_updated" ) )
m_bStatsDirty = true;
void CAchievementsPage::OnThink()
vgui::IScheme *pScheme = scheme()->GetIScheme( GetScheme() );
if ( m_bAchievementsDirty )
else if ( m_bStatsDirty )
// Update progress for currently displayed achievements
int itemId = m_pAchievementsList->FirstItem();
while (itemId != m_pAchievementsList->InvalidItemID() )
CAchievementsPageItemPanel *pAchievementItem = dynamic_cast<CAchievementsPageItemPanel*>(m_pAchievementsList->GetItemPanel(itemId));
itemId = m_pAchievementsList->NextItem(itemId);
m_bStatsDirty = false;
CHiddenHUDToggleButton::CHiddenHUDToggleButton( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pName, const char *pText ) :
BaseClass( pParent, pName, pText )
// Purpose: Handle the case where the user shift-clicks on an un-awarded achievement.
void CHiddenHUDToggleButton::DoClick( void )
if ( input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_LSHIFT) || input()->IsKeyDown(KEY_RSHIFT) )
// Process when a group button is hit
CAchievementsPageItemPanel* pParent = static_cast<CAchievementsPageItemPanel*>(GetParent());
if (pParent)