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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "audio_pch.h"
#include <AudioToolbox/AudioQueue.h>
#include <AudioToolbox/AudioFile.h>
#include <AudioToolbox/AudioFormat.h>
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern bool snd_firsttime;
extern bool MIX_ScaleChannelVolume( paintbuffer_t *ppaint, channel_t *pChannel, int volume[CCHANVOLUMES], int mixchans );
extern void S_SpatializeChannel( int volume[6], int master_vol, const Vector *psourceDir, float gain, float mono );
#define BUFFER_SIZE 0x0400
// NOTE: This only allows 16-bit, stereo wave out
class CAudioDeviceAudioQueue : public CAudioDeviceBase
bool IsActive( void );
bool Init( void );
void Shutdown( void );
void PaintEnd( void );
int GetOutputPosition( void );
void ChannelReset( int entnum, int channelIndex, float distanceMod );
void Pause( void );
void UnPause( void );
float MixDryVolume( void );
bool Should3DMix( void );
void StopAllSounds( void );
int PaintBegin( float mixAheadTime, int soundtime, int paintedtime );
void ClearBuffer( void );
void UpdateListener( const Vector& position, const Vector& forward, const Vector& right, const Vector& up );
void MixBegin( int sampleCount );
void MixUpsample( int sampleCount, int filtertype );
void Mix8Mono( channel_t *pChannel, char *pData, int outputOffset, int inputOffset, fixedint rateScaleFix, int outCount, int timecompress );
void Mix8Stereo( channel_t *pChannel, char *pData, int outputOffset, int inputOffset, fixedint rateScaleFix, int outCount, int timecompress );
void Mix16Mono( channel_t *pChannel, short *pData, int outputOffset, int inputOffset, fixedint rateScaleFix, int outCount, int timecompress );
void Mix16Stereo( channel_t *pChannel, short *pData, int outputOffset, int inputOffset, fixedint rateScaleFix, int outCount, int timecompress );
void TransferSamples( int end );
void SpatializeChannel( int volume[CCHANVOLUMES/2], int master_vol, const Vector& sourceDir, float gain, float mono);
void ApplyDSPEffects( int idsp, portable_samplepair_t *pbuffront, portable_samplepair_t *pbufrear, portable_samplepair_t *pbufcenter, int samplecount );
const char *DeviceName( void ) { return "AudioQueue"; }
int DeviceChannels( void ) { return 2; }
int DeviceSampleBits( void ) { return 16; }
int DeviceSampleBytes( void ) { return 2; }
int DeviceDmaSpeed( void ) { return SOUND_DMA_SPEED; }
int DeviceSampleCount( void ) { return m_deviceSampleCount; }
void BufferCompleted() { m_buffersCompleted++; }
void SetRunning( bool bState ) { m_bRunning = bState; }
void OpenWaveOut( void );
void CloseWaveOut( void );
bool ValidWaveOut( void ) const;
bool BIsPlaying();
AudioStreamBasicDescription m_DataFormat;
AudioQueueRef m_Queue;
AudioQueueBufferRef m_Buffers[NUM_BUFFERS_SOURCES];
int m_SndBufSize;
void *m_sndBuffers;
CInterlockedInt m_deviceSampleCount;
int m_buffersSent;
int m_buffersCompleted;
int m_pauseCount;
bool m_bSoundsShutdown;
bool m_bFailed;
bool m_bRunning;
CAudioDeviceAudioQueue *wave = NULL;
static void AudioCallback(void *pContext, AudioQueueRef pQueue, AudioQueueBufferRef pBuffer)
if ( wave )
IAudioDevice *Audio_CreateMacAudioQueueDevice( void )
wave = new CAudioDeviceAudioQueue;
if ( wave->Init() )
return wave;
delete wave;
wave = NULL;
return NULL;
void OnSndSurroundCvarChanged2( IConVar *pVar, const char *pOldString, float flOldValue );
void OnSndSurroundLegacyChanged2( IConVar *pVar, const char *pOldString, float flOldValue );
// Init, shutdown
bool CAudioDeviceAudioQueue::Init( void )
m_SndBufSize = 0;
m_sndBuffers = NULL;
m_pauseCount = 0;
m_bSurround = false;
m_bSurroundCenter = false;
m_bHeadphone = false;
m_buffersSent = 0;
m_buffersCompleted = 0;
m_pauseCount = 0;
m_bSoundsShutdown = false;
m_bFailed = false;
m_bRunning = false;
m_Queue = NULL;
static bool first = true;
if ( first )
snd_surround.SetValue( 2 );
snd_surround.InstallChangeCallback( &OnSndSurroundCvarChanged2 );
snd_legacy_surround.InstallChangeCallback( &OnSndSurroundLegacyChanged2 );
first = false;
if ( snd_firsttime )
DevMsg( "Wave sound initialized\n" );
return ValidWaveOut() && !m_bFailed;
void CAudioDeviceAudioQueue::Shutdown( void )
// WAV out device
inline bool CAudioDeviceAudioQueue::ValidWaveOut( void ) const
return m_sndBuffers != 0 && m_Queue;
// called by the mac audioqueue code when we run out of playback buffers
void AudioQueueIsRunningCallback( void* inClientData, AudioQueueRef inAQ, AudioQueuePropertyID inID)
CAudioDeviceAudioQueue* audioqueue = (CAudioDeviceAudioQueue*)inClientData;
UInt32 running = 0;
UInt32 size;
OSStatus err = AudioQueueGetProperty(inAQ, kAudioQueueProperty_IsRunning, &running, &size);
audioqueue->SetRunning( running != 0 );
//DevWarning( "AudioQueueStart %d\n", running );
// Opens the windows wave out device
void CAudioDeviceAudioQueue::OpenWaveOut( void )
if ( m_Queue )
m_buffersSent = 0;
m_buffersCompleted = 0;
m_DataFormat.mSampleRate = 44100;
m_DataFormat.mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM;
m_DataFormat.mFormatFlags = kAudioFormatFlagIsSignedInteger|kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked;
m_DataFormat.mBytesPerPacket = 4; // 16-bit samples * 2 channels
m_DataFormat.mFramesPerPacket = 1;
m_DataFormat.mBytesPerFrame = 4; // 16-bit samples * 2 channels
m_DataFormat.mChannelsPerFrame = 2;
m_DataFormat.mBitsPerChannel = 16;
m_DataFormat.mReserved = 0;
// Create the audio queue that will be used to manage the array of audio
// buffers used to queue samples.
OSStatus err = AudioQueueNewOutput(&m_DataFormat, AudioCallback, this, NULL, NULL, 0, &m_Queue);
if ( err != noErr)
DevMsg( "Failed to create AudioQueue output %d\n", (int)err );
m_bFailed = true;
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_BUFFERS_SOURCES; ++i)
err = AudioQueueAllocateBuffer( m_Queue, BUFFER_SIZE,&(m_Buffers[i]));
if ( err != noErr)
DevMsg( "Failed to AudioQueueAllocateBuffer output %d (%i)\n",(int)err,i );
m_bFailed = true;
m_Buffers[i]->mAudioDataByteSize = BUFFER_SIZE;
Q_memset( m_Buffers[i]->mAudioData, 0, BUFFER_SIZE );
err = AudioQueuePrime( m_Queue, 0, NULL);
if ( err != noErr)
DevMsg( "Failed to create AudioQueue output %d\n", (int)err );
m_bFailed = true;
AudioQueueSetParameter( m_Queue, kAudioQueueParam_Volume, 1.0);
err = AudioQueueAddPropertyListener( m_Queue, kAudioQueueProperty_IsRunning, AudioQueueIsRunningCallback, this );
if ( err != noErr)
DevMsg( "Failed to create AudioQueue output %d\n", (int)err );
m_bFailed = true;
m_deviceSampleCount = m_SndBufSize / DeviceSampleBytes();
if ( !m_sndBuffers )
m_sndBuffers = malloc( m_SndBufSize );
memset( m_sndBuffers, 0x0, m_SndBufSize );
// Closes the windows wave out device
void CAudioDeviceAudioQueue::CloseWaveOut( void )
if ( ValidWaveOut() )
AudioQueueStop(m_Queue, true);
m_bRunning = false;
AudioQueueRemovePropertyListener( m_Queue, kAudioQueueProperty_IsRunning, AudioQueueIsRunningCallback, this );
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_BUFFERS_SOURCES; i++ )
AudioQueueFreeBuffer( m_Queue, m_Buffers[i]);
AudioQueueDispose( m_Queue, true);
m_Queue = NULL;
if ( m_sndBuffers )
free( m_sndBuffers );
m_sndBuffers = NULL;
// Mixing setup
int CAudioDeviceAudioQueue::PaintBegin( float mixAheadTime, int soundtime, int paintedtime )
// soundtime - total samples that have been played out to hardware at dmaspeed
// paintedtime - total samples that have been mixed at speed
// endtime - target for samples in mixahead buffer at speed
unsigned int endtime = soundtime + mixAheadTime * DeviceDmaSpeed();
int samps = DeviceSampleCount() >> (DeviceChannels()-1);
if ((int)(endtime - soundtime) > samps)
endtime = soundtime + samps;
if ((endtime - paintedtime) & 0x3)
// The difference between endtime and painted time should align on
// boundaries of 4 samples. This is important when upsampling from 11khz -> 44khz.
endtime -= (endtime - paintedtime) & 0x3;
return endtime;
// Actually performs the mixing
void CAudioDeviceAudioQueue::PaintEnd( void )
int cblocks = 4 << 1;
if ( m_bRunning && m_buffersSent == m_buffersCompleted )
// We are running the audio queue but have become starved of buffers.
// Stop the audio queue so we force a restart of it.
AudioQueueStop( m_Queue, true );
// submit a few new sound blocks
// 44K sound support
while (((m_buffersSent - m_buffersCompleted) >> SAMPLE_16BIT_SHIFT) < cblocks)
int iBuf = m_buffersSent&BUFF_MASK;
m_Buffers[iBuf]->mAudioDataByteSize = BUFFER_SIZE;
Q_memcpy( m_Buffers[iBuf]->mAudioData, (char *)m_sndBuffers + iBuf*BUFFER_SIZE, BUFFER_SIZE);
// Queue the buffer for playback.
OSStatus err = AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer( m_Queue, m_Buffers[iBuf], 0, NULL);
if ( err != noErr)
DevMsg( "Failed to AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer output %d\n", (int)err );
if ( !m_bRunning )
DevMsg( "Restarting sound playback\n" );
m_bRunning = true;
AudioQueueStart( m_Queue, NULL);
int CAudioDeviceAudioQueue::GetOutputPosition( void )
int s = m_buffersSent * BUFFER_SIZE;
s &= (DeviceSampleCount()-1);
return s / DeviceChannels();
// Pausing
void CAudioDeviceAudioQueue::Pause( void )
if (m_pauseCount == 1)
m_bRunning = false;
AudioQueueStop(m_Queue, true);
void CAudioDeviceAudioQueue::UnPause( void )
if ( m_pauseCount > 0 )
if ( m_pauseCount == 0 )
m_bRunning = true;
AudioQueueStart( m_Queue, NULL);
bool CAudioDeviceAudioQueue::IsActive( void )
return ( m_pauseCount == 0 );
float CAudioDeviceAudioQueue::MixDryVolume( void )
return 0;
bool CAudioDeviceAudioQueue::Should3DMix( void )
return false;
void CAudioDeviceAudioQueue::ClearBuffer( void )
if ( !m_sndBuffers )
Q_memset( m_sndBuffers, 0x0, DeviceSampleCount() * DeviceSampleBytes() );
void CAudioDeviceAudioQueue::UpdateListener( const Vector& position, const Vector& forward, const Vector& right, const Vector& up )
bool CAudioDeviceAudioQueue::BIsPlaying()
UInt32 isRunning;
UInt32 propSize = sizeof(isRunning);
OSStatus result = AudioQueueGetProperty( m_Queue, kAudioQueueProperty_IsRunning, &isRunning, &propSize);
return isRunning != 0;
void CAudioDeviceAudioQueue::MixBegin( int sampleCount )
MIX_ClearAllPaintBuffers( sampleCount, false );
void CAudioDeviceAudioQueue::MixUpsample( int sampleCount, int filtertype )
paintbuffer_t *ppaint = MIX_GetCurrentPaintbufferPtr();
int ifilter = ppaint->ifilter;
Assert (ifilter < CPAINTFILTERS);
S_MixBufferUpsample2x( sampleCount, ppaint->pbuf, &(ppaint->fltmem[ifilter][0]), CPAINTFILTERMEM, filtertype );
void CAudioDeviceAudioQueue::Mix8Mono( channel_t *pChannel, char *pData, int outputOffset, int inputOffset, fixedint rateScaleFix, int outCount, int timecompress )
int volume[CCHANVOLUMES];
paintbuffer_t *ppaint = MIX_GetCurrentPaintbufferPtr();
if (!MIX_ScaleChannelVolume( ppaint, pChannel, volume, 1))
Mix8MonoWavtype( pChannel, ppaint->pbuf + outputOffset, volume, (byte *)pData, inputOffset, rateScaleFix, outCount );
void CAudioDeviceAudioQueue::Mix8Stereo( channel_t *pChannel, char *pData, int outputOffset, int inputOffset, fixedint rateScaleFix, int outCount, int timecompress )
int volume[CCHANVOLUMES];
paintbuffer_t *ppaint = MIX_GetCurrentPaintbufferPtr();
if (!MIX_ScaleChannelVolume( ppaint, pChannel, volume, 2 ))
Mix8StereoWavtype( pChannel, ppaint->pbuf + outputOffset, volume, (byte *)pData, inputOffset, rateScaleFix, outCount );
void CAudioDeviceAudioQueue::Mix16Mono( channel_t *pChannel, short *pData, int outputOffset, int inputOffset, fixedint rateScaleFix, int outCount, int timecompress )
int volume[CCHANVOLUMES];
paintbuffer_t *ppaint = MIX_GetCurrentPaintbufferPtr();
if (!MIX_ScaleChannelVolume( ppaint, pChannel, volume, 1 ))
Mix16MonoWavtype( pChannel, ppaint->pbuf + outputOffset, volume, pData, inputOffset, rateScaleFix, outCount );
void CAudioDeviceAudioQueue::Mix16Stereo( channel_t *pChannel, short *pData, int outputOffset, int inputOffset, fixedint rateScaleFix, int outCount, int timecompress )
int volume[CCHANVOLUMES];
paintbuffer_t *ppaint = MIX_GetCurrentPaintbufferPtr();
if (!MIX_ScaleChannelVolume( ppaint, pChannel, volume, 2 ))
Mix16StereoWavtype( pChannel, ppaint->pbuf + outputOffset, volume, pData, inputOffset, rateScaleFix, outCount );
void CAudioDeviceAudioQueue::ChannelReset( int entnum, int channelIndex, float distanceMod )
void CAudioDeviceAudioQueue::TransferSamples( int end )
int lpaintedtime = g_paintedtime;
int endtime = end;
// resumes playback...
if ( m_sndBuffers )
S_TransferStereo16( m_sndBuffers, PAINTBUFFER, lpaintedtime, endtime );
void CAudioDeviceAudioQueue::SpatializeChannel( int volume[CCHANVOLUMES/2], int master_vol, const Vector& sourceDir, float gain, float mono )
S_SpatializeChannel( volume, master_vol, &sourceDir, gain, mono );
void CAudioDeviceAudioQueue::StopAllSounds( void )
m_bSoundsShutdown = true;
m_bRunning = false;
AudioQueueStop(m_Queue, true);
void CAudioDeviceAudioQueue::ApplyDSPEffects( int idsp, portable_samplepair_t *pbuffront, portable_samplepair_t *pbufrear, portable_samplepair_t *pbufcenter, int samplecount )
//SX_RoomFX( endtime, filter, timefx );
DSP_Process( idsp, pbuffront, pbufrear, pbufcenter, samplecount );
static uint32 GetOSXSpeakerConfig()
return 2;
static uint32 GetSpeakerConfigForSurroundMode( int surroundMode, const char **pConfigDesc )
uint32 newSpeakerConfig = 2;
*pConfigDesc = "stereo speaker";
return newSpeakerConfig;
void OnSndSurroundCvarChanged2( IConVar *pVar, const char *pOldString, float flOldValue )
// if the old value is -1, we're setting this from the detect routine for the first time
// no need to reset the device
if ( flOldValue == -1 )
// get the user's previous speaker config
uint32 speaker_config = GetOSXSpeakerConfig();
// get the new config
uint32 newSpeakerConfig = 0;
const char *speakerConfigDesc = "";
ConVarRef var( pVar );
newSpeakerConfig = GetSpeakerConfigForSurroundMode( var.GetInt(), &speakerConfigDesc );
// make sure the config has changed
if (newSpeakerConfig == speaker_config)
// set new configuration
Msg("Speaker configuration has been changed to %s.\n", speakerConfigDesc);
// restart sound system so it takes effect
void OnSndSurroundLegacyChanged2( IConVar *pVar, const char *pOldString, float flOldValue )