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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include "dod_shareddefs.h"
#include "dodoverview.h"
#include "c_playerresource.h"
#include "c_dod_objective_resource.h"
#include "usermessages.h"
#include "coordsize.h"
#include "clientmode.h"
#include <vgui_controls/AnimationController.h>
#include "voice_status.h"
#include "spectatorgui.h"
#include "dod_hud_freezepanel.h"
using namespace vgui;
void __MsgFunc_UpdateRadar(bf_read &msg)
if ( !g_pMapOverview )
int iPlayerEntity = msg.ReadByte();
while ( iPlayerEntity > 0 )
int x = msg.ReadSBitLong( COORD_INTEGER_BITS-1 ) * 4;
int y = msg.ReadSBitLong( COORD_INTEGER_BITS-1 ) * 4;
int a = msg.ReadSBitLong( 9 );
Vector origin( x, y, 0 );
QAngle angles( 0, a, 0 );
g_pMapOverview->SetPlayerPositions( iPlayerEntity-1, origin, angles );
iPlayerEntity = msg.ReadByte(); // read index for next player
extern ConVar _overview_mode;
ConVar _cl_minimapzoom( "_cl_minimapzoom", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
ConVar _overview_mode( "_overview_mode", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Overview mode - 0=off, 1=inset, 2=full\n", true, 0, true, 2 );
CDODMapOverview *GetDODOverview( void )
return dynamic_cast<CDODMapOverview *>(g_pMapOverview);
// overview_togglezoom rotates through 3 levels of zoom for the small map
void ToggleZoom( void )
if ( !GetDODOverview() )
static ConCommand overview_togglezoom( "overview_togglezoom", ToggleZoom );
// overview_largemap toggles showing the large map
void ShowLargeMap( void )
if ( !GetDODOverview() )
static ConCommand overview_showlargemap( "+overview_largemap", ShowLargeMap );
void HideLargeMap( void )
if ( !GetDODOverview() )
static ConCommand overview_hidelargemap( "-overview_largemap", HideLargeMap );
// map border ?
// icon minimum zoom
// flag swipes
// grenades
// chatting icon
// voice com icon
ConVar dod_overview_voice_icon_size( "dod_overview_voice_icon_size", "64", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
CDODMapOverview::CDODMapOverview( const char *pElementName ) : BaseClass( pElementName )
m_flIconSize = 96.0f;
m_iLastMode = MAP_MODE_OFF;
usermessages->HookMessage( "UpdateRadar", __MsgFunc_UpdateRadar );
void CDODMapOverview::Update()
void CDODMapOverview::VidInit( void )
m_pC4Icon = gHUD.GetIcon( "icon_c4" );
m_pExplodedIcon = gHUD.GetIcon( "icon_c4_exploded" );
m_pC4PlantedBG = gHUD.GetIcon( "icon_c4_planted_bg" );
m_pIconDefended = gHUD.GetIcon( "icon_defended" );
void CDODMapOverview::UpdateCapturePoints()
if ( !g_pObjectiveResource )
Color colorGreen(0,255,0,255);
if ( !g_pObjectiveResource )
for( int i=0;i<g_pObjectiveResource->GetNumControlPoints();i++ )
// check if CP is visible at all
if( !g_pObjectiveResource->IsCPVisible(i) )
if ( m_CapturePoints[i] != 0 )
// remove capture point from map
RemoveObject( m_CapturePoints[i] );
m_CapturePoints[i] = 0;
// ok, show CP
int iOwningTeam = g_pObjectiveResource->GetOwningTeam(i);
int iCappingTeam = g_pObjectiveResource->GetCappingTeam(i);
int iOwningIcon = g_pObjectiveResource->GetIconForTeam( i, iOwningTeam );
if ( iOwningIcon <= 0 )
continue; // baah
const char *textureName = GetMaterialNameFromIndex( iOwningIcon );
int objID = m_CapturePoints[i];
if ( objID == 0 )
// add object if not already there
objID = m_CapturePoints[i] = AddObject( textureName, 0, -1 );
// objective positions never change (so far)
SetObjectPosition( objID, g_pObjectiveResource->GetCPPosition(i), vec3_angle );
AddObjectFlags( objID, MAP_OBJECT_ALIGN_TO_MAP );
SetObjectIcon( objID, textureName, 128.0 );
int iBombs = g_pObjectiveResource->GetBombsRemaining( i );
if ( iBombs > 0 )
char text[8];
Q_snprintf( text, sizeof(text), "%d", iBombs );
SetObjectText( objID, text, colorGreen );
//Draw the number of cappers below the icon
else if ( iCappingTeam != TEAM_UNASSIGNED )
int numPlayers = g_pObjectiveResource->GetNumPlayersInArea( i, iCappingTeam );
int requiredPlayers = g_pObjectiveResource->GetRequiredCappers( i, iCappingTeam );
if( requiredPlayers > 1 )
char text[8];
Q_snprintf( text, sizeof(text), "%d/%d", numPlayers, requiredPlayers );
SetObjectText( objID, text, colorGreen );
SetObjectText( objID, NULL, colorGreen );
SetObjectText( objID, NULL, colorGreen );
float flBombTime = g_pObjectiveResource->GetBombTimeForPoint( i );
//Draw cap percentage
if( iCappingTeam != TEAM_UNASSIGNED )
SetObjectStatus( objID, g_pObjectiveResource->GetCPCapPercentage(i), colorGreen );
else if ( flBombTime > 0 )
float flPercentRemaining = ( flBombTime / DOD_BOMB_TIMER_LENGTH );
SetObjectStatus( objID, flPercentRemaining, colorGreen );
SetObjectStatus( objID, -1, colorGreen ); // turn it off
void CDODMapOverview::InitTeamColorsAndIcons()
m_TeamIcons[TEAM_ALLIES] = AddIconTexture( "sprites/minimap_icons/aplayer" );
m_CameraIcons[TEAM_ALLIES] = AddIconTexture( "sprites/minimap_icons/allies_camera" );
m_TeamIcons[TEAM_AXIS] = AddIconTexture( "sprites/minimap_icons/gplayer" );
m_CameraIcons[TEAM_AXIS] = AddIconTexture( "sprites/minimap_icons/axis_camera" );
Q_memset( m_flPlayerChatTime, 0, sizeof(m_flPlayerChatTime ) );
m_iVoiceIcon = AddIconTexture( "voice/icntlk_pl" );
m_iChatIcon = AddIconTexture( "sprites/minimap_icons/voiceIcon" );
Q_memset( m_CapturePoints, 0, sizeof(m_CapturePoints) );
void CDODMapOverview::DrawCamera()
C_BasePlayer *localPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( !localPlayer )
int iTexture = m_CameraIcons[localPlayer->GetTeamNumber()];
if ( localPlayer->IsObserver() || iTexture <= 0 )
MapObject_t obj;
memset( &obj, 0, sizeof(MapObject_t) );
obj.icon = iTexture;
obj.position = localPlayer->GetAbsOrigin();
obj.size = m_flIconSize * 1.5;
obj.angle = localPlayer->EyeAngles();
obj.status = -1;
DrawIcon( &obj );
DrawVoiceIconForPlayer( localPlayer->entindex() - 1 );
void CDODMapOverview::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event )
const char * type = event->GetName();
if ( Q_strcmp(type, "player_death") == 0 )
MapPlayer_t *player = GetPlayerByUserID( event->GetInt("userid") );
if ( player && CanPlayerBeSeen( player ) )
// create skull icon for 3 seconds
int handle = AddObject( "sprites/minimap_icons/death", 0, 3 );
SetObjectText( handle, player->name, player->color );
SetObjectPosition( handle, player->position, player->angle );
else if ( Q_strcmp(type, "game_newmap") == 0 )
SetMode( _overview_mode.GetInt() );
BaseClass::FireGameEvent( event );
// rules that define if you can see a player on the overview or not
bool CDODMapOverview::CanPlayerBeSeen(MapPlayer_t *player)
C_BasePlayer *localPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( !localPlayer || !player )
return false;
// don't draw ourselves
if ( localPlayer->entindex() == (player->index+1) )
return false;
// if local player is on spectator team, he can see everyone
if ( localPlayer->GetTeamNumber() <= TEAM_SPECTATOR )
return true;
// we never track unassigned or real spectators
if ( player->team <= TEAM_SPECTATOR )
return false;
// ingame and as dead player we can only see our own teammates
return (localPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == player->team );
void CDODMapOverview::ShowLargeMap( void )
// remember old mode
m_iLastMode = GetMode();
// if we hit the toggle while full, set to disappear when we release
if ( m_iLastMode == MAP_MODE_FULL )
m_iLastMode = MAP_MODE_OFF;
void CDODMapOverview::HideLargeMap( void )
SetMode( m_iLastMode );
void CDODMapOverview::ToggleZoom( void )
if ( GetMode() != MAP_MODE_INSET )
int iZoomLevel = ( _cl_minimapzoom.GetInt() + 1 ) % DOD_MAP_ZOOM_LEVELS;
_cl_minimapzoom.SetValue( iZoomLevel );
switch( _cl_minimapzoom.GetInt() )
case 0:
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( "MapZoomLevel1" );
case 1:
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( "MapZoomLevel2" );
void CDODMapOverview::SetMode(int mode)
m_flChangeSpeed = 0; // change size instantly
if ( mode == MAP_MODE_OFF )
ShowPanel( false );
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( "MapOff" );
else if ( mode == MAP_MODE_INSET )
switch( _cl_minimapzoom.GetInt() )
case 0:
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( "MapZoomLevel1" );
case 1:
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( "MapZoomLevel2" );
case 2:
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( "MapZoomLevel3" );
C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( pPlayer )
SetFollowEntity( pPlayer->entindex() );
ShowPanel( true );
if ( m_nMode == MAP_MODE_FULL )
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( "MapScaleToSmall" );
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( "SnapToSmall" );
else if ( mode == MAP_MODE_FULL )
SetFollowEntity( 0 );
ShowPanel( true );
if ( m_nMode == MAP_MODE_INSET )
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( "ZoomToLarge" );
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( "SnapToLarge" );
// finally set mode
m_nMode = mode;
// save in a cvar for archive
_overview_mode.SetValue( m_nMode );
void CDODMapOverview::UpdateSizeAndPosition()
// move back up if the spectator menu is not visible
if ( !g_pSpectatorGUI || ( !g_pSpectatorGUI->IsVisible() && GetMode() == MAP_MODE_INSET ) )
int x,y,w,h;
GetBounds( x,y,w,h );
y = YRES(5); // hax, align to top of the screen
SetBounds( x,y,w,h );
void CDODMapOverview::AddGrenade( C_DODBaseGrenade *pGrenade )
C_BasePlayer *localPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( !localPlayer )
int localTeam = localPlayer->GetTeamNumber();
// Spectators can see all grenades
// players can only see them if they are on the same team
if ( localTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR || ( localTeam == pGrenade->GetTeamNumber() ) )
AddObject( pGrenade->GetOverviewSpriteName(), pGrenade->entindex(), -1 );
void CDODMapOverview::RemoveGrenade( C_DODBaseGrenade *pGrenade )
RemoveObjectByIndex( pGrenade->entindex() );
ConVar cl_voicetest( "cl_voicetest", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar cl_overview_chat_time( "cl_overview_chat_time", "2.0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
void CDODMapOverview::PlayerChat( int index )
m_flPlayerChatTime[index-1] = gpGlobals->curtime + cl_overview_chat_time.GetFloat();
void CDODMapOverview::DrawMapPlayers()
C_BasePlayer *localPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
Assert( localPlayer );
int iLocalPlayer = localPlayer->entindex() - 1;
for (int i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if ( i == iLocalPlayer )
MapPlayer_t *player = &m_Players[i];
if ( !CanPlayerBeSeen( player ) )
if ( player->health <= 0 ) // don't draw dead players / spectators
DrawVoiceIconForPlayer( i );
void CDODMapOverview::DrawVoiceIconForPlayer( int playerIndex )
Assert( playerIndex >= 0 && playerIndex < MAX_PLAYERS );
MapPlayer_t *player = &m_Players[playerIndex];
// if they just sent a chat msg, or are using voice, or did a hand signal or voice command
// draw a chat icon
if ( cl_voicetest.GetInt() || GetClientVoiceMgr()->IsPlayerSpeaking( player->index+1 ) )
MapObject_t obj;
memset( &obj, 0, sizeof(MapObject_t) );
obj.icon = m_iVoiceIcon;
obj.position = player->position;
obj.size = dod_overview_voice_icon_size.GetFloat();
obj.status = -1;
DrawIcon( &obj );
else if ( m_flPlayerChatTime[player->index] > gpGlobals->curtime )
MapObject_t obj;
memset( &obj, 0, sizeof(MapObject_t) );
obj.icon = m_iChatIcon;
obj.position = player->position;
obj.size = dod_overview_voice_icon_size.GetFloat();
obj.status = -1;
DrawIcon( &obj );
bool CDODMapOverview::DrawIcon( MapObject_t *obj )
for ( int i=0;i<MAX_CONTROL_POINTS;i++ )
if ( obj->objectID == m_CapturePoints[i] && obj->objectID != 0 )
return DrawCapturePoint( i, obj );
return BaseClass::DrawIcon( obj );
void CDODMapOverview::DrawQuad( Vector pos, int scale, float angle, int textureID, int alpha )
Vector offset;
offset.z = 0;
offset.x = -scale; offset.y = scale;
VectorYawRotate( offset, angle, offset );
Vector2D pos1 = WorldToMap( pos + offset );
offset.x = scale; offset.y = scale;
VectorYawRotate( offset, angle, offset );
Vector2D pos2 = WorldToMap( pos + offset );
offset.x = scale; offset.y = -scale;
VectorYawRotate( offset, angle, offset );
Vector2D pos3 = WorldToMap( pos + offset );
offset.x = -scale; offset.y = -scale;
VectorYawRotate( offset, angle, offset );
Vector2D pos4 = WorldToMap( pos + offset );
Vertex_t points[4] =
Vertex_t( MapToPanel ( pos1 ), Vector2D(0,0) ),
Vertex_t( MapToPanel ( pos2 ), Vector2D(1,0) ),
Vertex_t( MapToPanel ( pos3 ), Vector2D(1,1) ),
Vertex_t( MapToPanel ( pos4 ), Vector2D(0,1) )
surface()->DrawSetColor( 255, 255, 255, alpha );
surface()->DrawSetTexture( textureID );
surface()->DrawTexturedPolygon( 4, points );
bool CDODMapOverview::DrawCapturePoint( int iCP, MapObject_t *obj )
int textureID = obj->icon;
Vector pos = obj->position;
float scale = obj->size;
float angle = 0;
Vector2D pospanel = WorldToMap( pos );
pospanel = MapToPanel( pospanel );
if ( !IsInPanel( pospanel ) )
return false; // player is not within overview panel
int iBombsRequired = g_pObjectiveResource->GetBombsRequired( iCP );
if ( iBombsRequired )
if ( g_pObjectiveResource->IsBombSetAtPoint( iCP ) )
// draw swipe over blank icon
// 'white' icon
int iBlankIcon = g_pObjectiveResource->GetCPTimerCapIcon( iCP );
const char *textureName = GetMaterialNameFromIndex( iBlankIcon );
DrawQuad( pos, scale, 0, AddIconTexture( textureName ), 255 );
// the circular swipe
float flBombTime = g_pObjectiveResource->GetBombTimeForPoint( iCP );
float flPercentRemaining = ( flBombTime / DOD_BOMB_TIMER_LENGTH );
DrawBombTimerSwipeIcon( pos, scale, textureID, flPercentRemaining );
DrawQuad( pos, scale, 0, textureID, 255 );
// draw capture swipe
DrawQuad( pos, scale, 0, textureID, 255 );
int iCappingTeam = g_pObjectiveResource->GetCappingTeam( iCP );
if ( iCappingTeam != TEAM_UNASSIGNED )
int iCapperIcon = g_pObjectiveResource->GetCPCappingIcon( iCP );
const char *textureName = GetMaterialNameFromIndex( iCapperIcon );
float flCapPercent = g_pObjectiveResource->GetCPCapPercentage(iCP);
bool bSwipeLeft = ( iCappingTeam == TEAM_AXIS ) ? true : false;
DrawHorizontalSwipe( pos, scale, AddIconTexture( textureName ), flCapPercent, bSwipeLeft );
// fixup for noone is capping, but someone is in the area
int iNumAllies = g_pObjectiveResource->GetNumPlayersInArea( iCP, TEAM_ALLIES );
int iNumAxis = g_pObjectiveResource->GetNumPlayersInArea( iCP, TEAM_AXIS );
int iOwningTeam = g_pObjectiveResource->GetOwningTeam( iCP );
if ( iCappingTeam == TEAM_UNASSIGNED )
if ( iNumAllies > 0 && iNumAxis == 0 && iOwningTeam != TEAM_ALLIES )
iCappingTeam = TEAM_ALLIES;
else if ( iNumAxis > 0 && iNumAllies == 0 && iOwningTeam != TEAM_AXIS )
iCappingTeam = TEAM_AXIS;
if ( iCappingTeam != TEAM_UNASSIGNED )
// Draw the number of cappers below the icon
int numPlayers = g_pObjectiveResource->GetNumPlayersInArea( iCP, iCappingTeam );
int requiredPlayers = g_pObjectiveResource->GetRequiredCappers( iCP, iCappingTeam );
if ( requiredPlayers > 1 )
numPlayers = MIN( numPlayers, requiredPlayers );
wchar_t wText[6];
_snwprintf( wText, sizeof(wText)/sizeof(wchar_t), L"%d/%d", numPlayers, requiredPlayers );
int wide, tall;
surface()->GetTextSize( m_hIconFont, wText, wide, tall );
int x = pospanel.x-(wide/2);
int y = pospanel.y;
// match the offset that MapOverview uses
y += GetPixelOffset( scale ) + 4;
// draw black shadow text
surface()->DrawSetTextColor( 0, 0, 0, 255 );
surface()->DrawSetTextPos( x+1, y );
surface()->DrawPrintText( wText, wcslen(wText) );
// draw name in color
surface()->DrawSetTextColor( g_PR->GetTeamColor( iCappingTeam ) );
surface()->DrawSetTextPos( x, y );
surface()->DrawPrintText( wText, wcslen(wText) );
// draw bombs underneath if necessary
if ( iBombsRequired > 0 )
int iBombsRemaining = g_pObjectiveResource->GetBombsRemaining( iCP );
bool bBombPlanted = g_pObjectiveResource->IsBombSetAtPoint( iCP );
// draw bomb state underneath
float flBombIconScale = scale * 0.5;
switch( iBombsRequired )
case 1:
Vector bombPos = pos;
bombPos.y -= scale * 1.5;
switch( iBombsRemaining )
case 0:
DrawQuad( bombPos, flBombIconScale, angle, m_pExplodedIcon->textureId, 255 );
case 1:
if ( bBombPlanted )
// draw the background behind 1
int alpha = (float)( abs( sin(2*gpGlobals->curtime) ) * 205.0 + 50.0 );
DrawQuad( bombPos, flBombIconScale*2, angle, m_pC4PlantedBG->textureId, alpha );
DrawQuad( bombPos, flBombIconScale, angle, m_pC4Icon->textureId, 255 );
case 2:
Vector bombPos1, bombPos2;
bombPos1 = bombPos2 = pos;
bombPos1.y = bombPos2.y = pos.y - scale * 1.5;
bombPos1.x = pos.x - scale * 0.5;
bombPos2.x = pos.x + scale * 0.5;
switch( iBombsRemaining )
case 0:
DrawQuad( bombPos1, flBombIconScale, angle, m_pExplodedIcon->textureId, 255 );
DrawQuad( bombPos2, flBombIconScale, angle, m_pExplodedIcon->textureId, 255 );
case 1:
if ( bBombPlanted )
// draw the background behind 1
int alpha = (float)( abs( sin(2*gpGlobals->curtime) ) * 205.0 + 50.0 );
DrawQuad( bombPos1, flBombIconScale*2, angle, m_pC4PlantedBG->textureId, alpha );
DrawQuad( bombPos1, flBombIconScale, angle, m_pC4Icon->textureId, 255 );
DrawQuad( bombPos2, flBombIconScale, angle, m_pExplodedIcon->textureId, 255 );
case 2:
if ( bBombPlanted )
// draw the background behind 2
int alpha = (float)( abs( sin(2*gpGlobals->curtime) ) * 205.0 + 50.0 );
DrawQuad( bombPos2, flBombIconScale*2, angle, m_pC4PlantedBG->textureId, alpha );
DrawQuad( bombPos1, flBombIconScale, angle, m_pC4Icon->textureId, 255 );
DrawQuad( bombPos2, flBombIconScale, angle, m_pC4Icon->textureId, 255 );
// draw shield over top
if ( g_pObjectiveResource->IsBombBeingDefused( iCP ) )
DrawQuad( pos, scale * 0.75, angle, m_pIconDefended->textureId, 255 );
return true;
void CDODMapOverview::DrawBombTimerSwipeIcon( Vector pos, int scale, int textureID, float flPercentRemaining )
const float flCompleteCircle = ( 2.0f * M_PI );
const float fl90degrees = flCompleteCircle * 0.25f;
const float fl45degrees = fl90degrees * 0.5f;
float flEndAngle = flCompleteCircle * flPercentRemaining; // clockwise
typedef struct
Vector2D vecTrailing;
Vector2D vecLeading;
} icon_quadrant_t;
Quadrants are numbered 0 - 7 counter-clockwise
| 0 | 7 |
| | |
| 1 | 6 |
| 2 | 5 |
| | |
| 3 | 4 |
// Encode the leading and trailing edge of each quadrant
// in the range 0.0 -> 1.0
icon_quadrant_t quadrants[8];
quadrants[0].vecTrailing.Init( 0.5, 0.0 );
quadrants[0].vecLeading.Init( 0.0, 0.0 );
quadrants[1].vecTrailing.Init( 0.0, 0.0 );
quadrants[1].vecLeading.Init( 0.0, 0.5 );
quadrants[2].vecTrailing.Init( 0.0, 0.5 );
quadrants[2].vecLeading.Init( 0.0, 1.0 );
quadrants[3].vecTrailing.Init( 0.0, 1.0 );
quadrants[3].vecLeading.Init( 0.5, 1.0 );
quadrants[4].vecTrailing.Init( 0.5, 1.0 );
quadrants[4].vecLeading.Init( 1.0, 1.0 );
quadrants[5].vecTrailing.Init( 1.0, 1.0 );
quadrants[5].vecLeading.Init( 1.0, 0.5 );
quadrants[6].vecTrailing.Init( 1.0, 0.5 );
quadrants[6].vecLeading.Init( 1.0, 0.0 );
quadrants[7].vecTrailing.Init( 1.0, 0.0 );
quadrants[7].vecLeading.Init( 0.5, 0.0 );
surface()->DrawSetColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
surface()->DrawSetTexture( textureID );
Vector2D uvMid( 0.5, 0.5 );
Vector2D newPos( pos.x - scale, pos.y + scale );
int j;
for ( j=0;j<=7;j++ )
float flMinAngle = j * fl45degrees;
float flAngle = clamp( flEndAngle - flMinAngle, 0, fl45degrees );
if ( flAngle <= 0 )
// past our quadrant, draw nothing
// draw our segment
vgui::Vertex_t vert[3];
// vert 0 is mid ( 0.5, 0.5 )
Vector2D pos0 = WorldToMap( pos );
vert[0].Init( MapToPanel( pos0 ), uvMid );
int xdir = 0, ydir = 0;
switch( j )
case 0:
case 7:
xdir = 1;
ydir = 0;
case 1:
case 2:
xdir = 0;
ydir = -1;
case 3:
case 4:
xdir = -1;
ydir = 0;
case 5:
case 6:
xdir = 0;
ydir = 1;
Vector vec1;
Vector2D uv1;
// vert 1 is the variable vert based on leading edge
vec1.x = newPos.x + quadrants[j].vecTrailing.x * scale*2 - xdir * tan(flAngle) * scale;
vec1.y = newPos.y - quadrants[j].vecTrailing.y * scale*2 + ydir * tan(flAngle) * scale;
uv1.x = quadrants[j].vecTrailing.x - xdir * abs( quadrants[j].vecLeading.x - quadrants[j].vecTrailing.x ) * tan(flAngle);
uv1.y = quadrants[j].vecTrailing.y - ydir * abs( quadrants[j].vecLeading.y - quadrants[j].vecTrailing.y ) * tan(flAngle);
Vector2D pos1 = WorldToMap( vec1 );
vert[1].Init( MapToPanel( pos1 ), uv1 );
// vert 2 is our trailing edge
Vector vec2;
vec2.x = newPos.x + quadrants[j].vecTrailing.x * scale*2;
vec2.y = newPos.y - quadrants[j].vecTrailing.y * scale*2;
Vector2D pos2 = WorldToMap( vec2 );
vert[2].Init( MapToPanel( pos2 ), quadrants[j].vecTrailing );
surface()->DrawTexturedPolygon( 3, vert );
void CDODMapOverview::DrawHorizontalSwipe( Vector pos, int scale, int textureID, float flCapPercentage, bool bSwipeLeft )
float flIconSize = scale * 2;
float width = ( flIconSize * flCapPercentage );
float uv1 = 0.0f;
float uv2 = 1.0f;
Vector2D uv11( uv1, uv2 );
Vector2D uv21( flCapPercentage, uv2 );
Vector2D uv22( flCapPercentage, uv1 );
Vector2D uv12( uv1, uv1 );
// reversing the direction of the swipe effect
if ( bSwipeLeft )
uv11.x = uv2 - flCapPercentage;
uv21.x = uv2;
uv22.x = uv2;
uv12.x = uv2 - flCapPercentage;
float flXPos = pos.x - scale;
float flYPos = pos.y - scale;
Vector upperLeft( flXPos, flYPos, 0 );
Vector upperRight( flXPos + width, flYPos, 0 );
Vector lowerRight( flXPos + width, flYPos + flIconSize, 0 );
Vector lowerLeft ( flXPos, flYPos + flIconSize, 0 );
/// reversing the direction of the swipe effect
if ( bSwipeLeft )
upperLeft.x = flXPos + flIconSize - width;
upperRight.x = flXPos + flIconSize;
lowerRight.x = flXPos + flIconSize;
lowerLeft.x = flXPos + flIconSize - width;
vgui::Vertex_t vert[4];
Vector2D pos0 = WorldToMap( upperLeft );
vert[0].Init( MapToPanel( pos0 ), uv11 );
Vector2D pos3 = WorldToMap( lowerLeft );
vert[1].Init( MapToPanel( pos3 ), uv12 );
Vector2D pos2 = WorldToMap( lowerRight );
vert[2].Init( MapToPanel( pos2 ), uv22 );
Vector2D pos1 = WorldToMap( upperRight );
vert[3].Init( MapToPanel( pos1 ), uv21 );
surface()->DrawSetColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
surface()->DrawSetTexture( textureID );
surface()->DrawTexturedPolygon( 4, vert );
bool CDODMapOverview::IsVisible( void )
if ( IsTakingAFreezecamScreenshot() )
return false;
return BaseClass::IsVisible();