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//====== Copyright <20> 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose:
// STATIC: "CONVERT_TO_SRGB" "0..1" [ps20b][= g_pHardwareConfig->NeedsShaderSRGBConversion()] [PC]
// STATIC: "CONVERT_TO_SRGB" "0..0" [= 0] [XBOX]
// STATIC: "CUBEMAP" "0..1"
// STATIC: "FLOWMAP" "0..1"
// STATIC: "REFRACT" "0..1"
#include "common_ps_fxc.h"
sampler RefractSampler : register( s2 );
sampler NormalSampler : register( s3 );
sampler EnvmapSampler : register( s4 );
sampler FlowmapSampler : register( s6 );
sampler CoreColorSampler : register( s7 );
const HALF3 g_EnvmapTint : register( c0 );
const HALF3 g_RefractTint : register( c1 );
const HALF3 g_EnvmapContrast : register( c2 );
const HALF3 g_EnvmapSaturation : register( c3 );
const HALF2 g_RefractScale : register( c5 );
const float g_Time : register( c6 );
const float2 g_FlowScrollRate : register( c7 );
//const float3 g_SphereCenter : register( c9 );
//const float3 g_SphereRadius : register( c10 );
const float g_CoreColorTexCoordOffset : register( c9 );
const float3 g_EyePos : register( c8 );
const float4 g_FogParams : register( c11 );
float LengthThroughSphere( float3 vecRayOrigin, float3 vecRayDelta,
float3 vecSphereCenter, float flRadius, out float alpha )
// Solve using the ray equation + the sphere equation
// P = o + dt
// (x - xc)^2 + (y - yc)^2 + (z - zc)^2 = r^2
// (ox + dx * t - xc)^2 + (oy + dy * t - yc)^2 + (oz + dz * t - zc)^2 = r^2
// (ox - xc)^2 + 2 * (ox-xc) * dx * t + dx^2 * t^2 +
// (oy - yc)^2 + 2 * (oy-yc) * dy * t + dy^2 * t^2 +
// (oz - zc)^2 + 2 * (oz-zc) * dz * t + dz^2 * t^2 = r^2
// (dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2) * t^2 + 2 * ((ox-xc)dx + (oy-yc)dy + (oz-zc)dz) t +
// (ox-xc)^2 + (oy-yc)^2 + (oz-zc)^2 - r^2 = 0
// or, t = (-b +/- sqrt( b^2 - 4ac)) / 2a
// a = DotProduct( vecRayDelta, vecRayDelta );
// b = 2 * DotProduct( vecRayOrigin - vecCenter, vecRayDelta )
// c = DotProduct(vecRayOrigin - vecCenter, vecRayOrigin - vecCenter) - flRadius * flRadius;
float3 vecSphereToRay;
vecSphereToRay = vecRayOrigin - vecSphereCenter;
float a = dot( vecRayDelta, vecRayDelta );
// This would occur in the case of a zero-length ray
// if ( a == 0.0f )
// {
// *pT1 = *pT2 = 0.0f;
// return vecSphereToRay.LengthSqr() <= flRadius * flRadius;
// }
float b = 2 * dot( vecSphereToRay, vecRayDelta );
float c = dot( vecSphereToRay, vecSphereToRay ) - flRadius * flRadius;
float flDiscrim = b * b - 4 * a * c;
// if ( flDiscrim < 0.0f )
// return 0.0f;
float hack = flDiscrim;
flDiscrim = sqrt( flDiscrim );
float oo2a = 0.5f / a;
//if( hack < 0.0f )
// alpha = 0.0f;
// return 0.0f;
// alpha = 1.0f;
// return abs( flDiscrim ) * 2 * oo2a;
//replacing the if's above because if's in hlsl are bad.....
float fHackGreaterThanZero = step( 0.0f, hack );
alpha = fHackGreaterThanZero;
return (fHackGreaterThanZero * (abs( flDiscrim ) * 2 * oo2a));
// *pT1 = ( - b - flDiscrim ) * oo2a;
// *pT2 = ( - b + flDiscrim ) * oo2a;
// return true;
struct PS_INPUT
float2 vBumpTexCoord : TEXCOORD0; // dudvMapAndNormalMapTexCoord
HALF3 vWorldVertToEyeVector : TEXCOORD1;
HALF3x3 tangentSpaceTranspose : TEXCOORD2;
float3 vRefractXYW : TEXCOORD5;
float3 projNormal : TEXCOORD6;
float4 worldPos_projPosZ : TEXCOORD7;
float4 main( PS_INPUT i ) : COLOR
HALF3 result = 0.0f;
HALF blend = 1.0f;
// hack
float3 g_SphereCenter = { 2688.0f, 12139.0f, 5170.0f };
float g_SphereDiameter = 430.0f;
float g_SphereRadius = g_SphereDiameter * 0.5f;
float3 tmp = i.worldPos_projPosZ.xyz - g_SphereCenter;
float hackRadius = 1.05f * sqrt( dot( tmp, tmp ) );
float sphereAlpha;
float lengthThroughSphere = LengthThroughSphere( g_EyePos, normalize( i.worldPos_projPosZ.xyz - g_EyePos ),
g_SphereCenter, /*g_SphereRadius*/ hackRadius, sphereAlpha );
float normalizedLengthThroughSphere = lengthThroughSphere / g_SphereDiameter;
float3 hackWorldSpaceNormal = normalize( i.worldPos_projPosZ.xyz - g_SphereCenter );
float3 realFuckingNormal = abs( hackWorldSpaceNormal );
hackWorldSpaceNormal = 0.5f * ( hackWorldSpaceNormal + 1.0f );
// hackWorldSpaceNormal = abs( hackWorldSpaceNormal );
// return float4( hackWorldSpaceNormal.x, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
i.vBumpTexCoord.xy = 0.0f;
i.vBumpTexCoord.xy = realFuckingNormal.z * tex2D( FlowmapSampler, hackWorldSpaceNormal.xy );
i.vBumpTexCoord.xy += realFuckingNormal.y * tex2D( FlowmapSampler, hackWorldSpaceNormal.xz );
i.vBumpTexCoord.xy += realFuckingNormal.x * tex2D( FlowmapSampler, hackWorldSpaceNormal.yz );
i.vBumpTexCoord.xy += g_Time * g_FlowScrollRate;
// return float4( i.vBumpTexCoord.xy, 0.0f, 0.0f );
// Load normal and expand range
HALF4 vNormalSample = tex2D( NormalSampler, i.vBumpTexCoord );
// return vNormalSample;
HALF3 tangentSpaceNormal = vNormalSample * 2.0 - 1.0;
HALF3 refractTintColor = g_RefractTint;
// Perform division by W only once
float ooW = 1.0f / i.vRefractXYW.z;
// Compute coordinates for sampling refraction
float2 vRefractTexCoordNoWarp = i.vRefractXYW.xy * ooW;
float2 vRefractTexCoord = tangentSpaceNormal.xy;
HALF scale = vNormalSample.a * g_RefractScale.x;
scale *= normalizedLengthThroughSphere;
vRefractTexCoord *= scale;
float2 hackOffset = vRefractTexCoord;
vRefractTexCoord += vRefractTexCoordNoWarp;
float3 colorWarp = tex2D( RefractSampler, vRefractTexCoord.xy );
float3 colorNoWarp = tex2D( RefractSampler, vRefractTexCoordNoWarp.xy );
colorWarp *= refractTintColor;
result = lerp( colorNoWarp, colorWarp, blend );
// return float4( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
HALF specularFactor = vNormalSample.a;
HALF3 worldSpaceNormal = mul( i.tangentSpaceTranspose, tangentSpaceNormal );
HALF3 reflectVect = CalcReflectionVectorUnnormalized( worldSpaceNormal, i.vWorldVertToEyeVector );
HALF3 specularLighting = texCUBE( EnvmapSampler, reflectVect );
specularLighting *= specularFactor;
specularLighting *= g_EnvmapTint;
HALF3 specularLightingSquared = specularLighting * specularLighting;
specularLighting = lerp( specularLighting, specularLightingSquared, g_EnvmapContrast );
HALF3 greyScale = dot( specularLighting, HALF3( 0.299f, 0.587f, 0.114f ) );
specularLighting = lerp( greyScale, specularLighting, g_EnvmapSaturation );
result += specularLighting;
float4 coreColorTexel = tex2D( CoreColorSampler, hackOffset + float2( normalizedLengthThroughSphere, g_CoreColorTexCoordOffset ) );
HALF4 rgba = HALF4( lerp( result, coreColorTexel, coreColorTexel.a /*normalizedLengthThroughSphere*/ ), sphereAlpha );
HALF4 rgba = HALF4( result, vNormalSample.a );
float fogFactor = CalcPixelFogFactor( PIXELFOGTYPE, g_FogParams, g_EyePos.z, i.worldPos_projPosZ.z, i.worldPos_projPosZ.w );
return FinalOutput( rgba, fogFactor, PIXELFOGTYPE, TONEMAP_SCALE_NONE );