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import re
import os, ezxmlfile
# Until I find a better XML parser, this one acts like xml.parsers.expat but it preserves the \r's and \n's inside
# attribute strings in .vcproj files.
class VSDotNetXMLParserError:
def GetLineNumber( data, filePos ):
lines = data.split( '\n' )
testOffset = 0
for i,x in enumerate( lines ):
testOffset += len(x) + 1
if testOffset >= filePos:
return i+1
return -1
verbose = 0
class VSDotNetXMLParser:
def __init__( self ):
self.XmlDeclHandler = None
self.StartElementHandler = None
self.EndElementHandler = None
self.reStartElement = re.compile( r'\s*<(?P<blockName>[^ /\t\n\r\f\v>]+)(?P<noAttrs>>)?' )
self.reEndElement = re.compile( r'\s*</(?P<blockName>\S+)>' )
self.reAttribute = re.compile( r'\s*(?P<attrName>\S+)="(?P<attrValue>.*?)"', re.DOTALL )
self.reEndAttributes = re.compile( r'\s*>' )
self.reEndAttributesNoSubElements = re.compile( r'\s*(\/|\?)>' )
def Parse( self, data, final ):
curFilePos = 0
elementDepth = 0
self.__bReadXMLHeader = 0
# First read the XML header.
while 1:
m = self.reStartElement.match( data, curFilePos )
if m:
curFilePos = m.end()
# Read the element name and get all its attributes.
elementName = m.group('blockName')
attributes = []
# No attributes?
if m.group('noAttrs') == '>':
elementDepth += 1
self.__CallElementHandler( elementName, [], 0 )
if verbose:
print 'elem: ' + elementName
while 1:
m = self.reAttribute.match( data, curFilePos )
if m:
if verbose:
print 'attr: %s, value: %s' % (m.group('attrName'), m.group('attrValue'))
curFilePos = m.end()
attributes.append( m.group('attrName') )
attributes.append( m.group('attrValue') )
m = self.reEndAttributesNoSubElements.match( data, curFilePos )
if m:
if verbose:
print 'endattr'
curFilePos = m.end()
self.__CallElementHandler( elementName, attributes, 1 )
m = self.reEndAttributes.match( data, curFilePos )
if m:
if verbose:
print 'endattr2'
curFilePos = m.end()
elementDepth += 1
self.__CallElementHandler( elementName, attributes, 0 )
raise VSDotNetXMLParserError
m = self.reEndElement.match( data, curFilePos )
if m:
if verbose:
print 'endelem'
curFilePos = m.end()
elementDepth -= 1
self.EndElementHandler( '<end element name not supported>' )
# When we're done with the file, the depth should be 0.
if elementDepth != 0:
print 'line %d, depth: %d' % (GetLineNumber( data, curFilePos ), elementDepth)
raise VSDotNetXMLParserError
# Must at least have a header!
if not self.__bReadXMLHeader:
raise VSDotNetXMLParserError
def __CallElementHandler( self, elementName, attributes, bEnd ):
if self.__bReadXMLHeader:
self.StartElementHandler( elementName, attributes )
if bEnd:
self.EndElementHandler( '<end element name not supported>' )
# First element must be the XML header.
if elementName != '?xml' or not bEnd:
raise VSDotNetXMLParserError
versionString = encodingString = None
for(i,a) in enumerate( attributes ):
if (i & 1) == 0:
if a == 'version':
versionString = attributes[i+1]
elif a == 'encoding':
encodingString = attributes[i+1]
if not versionString or not encodingString:
raise VSDotNetXMLParserError
self.XmlDeclHandler( versionString, encodingString, 1 )
self.__bReadXMLHeader = 1
def LoadVCProj( filename ):
f = open( filename, 'rb' )
return ezxmlfile.EZXMLFile( f.read() )
def FindInList( theList, elem ):
for i,val in enumerate( theList ):
if val == elem:
return i
return -1
def IsExcludedFromProjects( e, validProjects ):
for c in e.Children:
if c.Name == "FileConfiguration":
if FindInList( validProjects, c.GetAttributeValue( 'Name' ) ) != -1:
if c.GetAttributeValue( 'ExcludedFromBuild' ) == 'TRUE':
return 1
return 0
def StripConfigBlocks_R( e, validProjects ):
newChildren = []
# Strip out unwanted configuration blocks.
if e.Name == 'Configuration' or e.Name == 'FileConfiguration':
bValid = 0
v = e.GetAttributeValue( 'Name' )
for p in validProjects:
if p == v:
bValid = 1
if not bValid:
return 0
# Strip out files that are excluded from the validProjects.
if e.Name == "File":
if IsExcludedFromProjects( e, validProjects ):
return 0
# Recurse..
newChildren = []
for child in e.Children:
if StripConfigBlocks_R( child, validProjects ):
newChildren.append( child )
e.Children = newChildren
return 1
def RemoveEmptyFilterBlocks_R( e ):
if e.Name == "Filter" and len( e.Children ) == 0:
return 0
# Recurse..
newChildren = []
for child in e.Children:
if RemoveEmptyFilterBlocks_R( child ):
newChildren.append( child )
e.Children = newChildren
return 1
def WriteSeparateVCProj( f, validProjects, outFilename ):
outFile = open( outFilename, 'wb' )
# Make a copy of f so we're not trashing its data.
#f = copy.deepcopy( f )
# Strip out the source control crap.
e = f.GetElement( 'VisualStudioProject' )
e.RemoveAttribute( 'SccProjectName' )
e.RemoveAttribute( 'SccAuxPath' )
e.RemoveAttribute( 'SccLocalPath' )
e.RemoveAttribute( 'SccProvider' )
# Now strip out blocks that are for
StripConfigBlocks_R( f.RootElement, validProjects )
RemoveEmptyFilterBlocks_R( f.RootElement )
f.WriteFile( outFile )
print "Wrote %s" % outFilename