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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include <cdll_client_int.h>
#include <cdll_util.h>
#include <globalvars_base.h>
#include <icvar.h>
#include <filesystem.h>
#include "commandmenu.h"
#include "vgui_controls/MenuItem.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
CommandMenu::CommandMenu( Panel *parent, const char *panelName, IViewPort * viewport) : Menu( parent, panelName )
if ( !viewport )
m_ViewPort = viewport;
SetVisible( false );
m_CurrentMenu = this;
m_MenuKeys = NULL;
bool CommandMenu::LoadFromFile( const char * fileName) // load menu from KeyValues
KeyValues * kv = new KeyValues(fileName);
if ( !kv->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, fileName, "GAME" ) )
return false;
bool ret = LoadFromKeyValues( kv );
return ret;
void CommandMenu::OnMessage(const KeyValues *params, VPANEL fromPanel)
char text[255];
bool bHandled = false;
KeyValues *param1 = const_cast<KeyValues *>(params);
// toggle attached cvar, if any
Q_strncpy( text, param1->GetString("toggle"), sizeof( text ) );
if ( text[0] )
ConVarRef convar( text );
if ( convar.IsValid() )
// toggle cvar
if ( convar.GetInt() )
convar.SetValue( 0 );
convar.SetValue( 1 );
Msg("CommandComboBox::OnMessage: cvar %s not found.\n", param1->GetString("typedata") );
bHandled = true;
// execute attached command, if any
Q_strncpy( text, param1->GetString("command"), sizeof( text ) );
if ( text[0] )
engine->ClientCmd( text );
bHandled = true;
// fire custom message, if any
Q_strncpy( text, param1->GetString("custom"), sizeof( text ) );
if ( text[0] )
OnCustomItem( param1 ); // let derived class decide what to do
bHandled = true;
if ( bHandled )
PostMessage( GetParent(), new KeyValues("CommandMenuClosed") );
BaseClass::OnMessage( params, fromPanel );
void CommandMenu::StartNewSubMenu(KeyValues * params)
CommandMenuItem menuitem;
menuitem.menu = m_CurrentMenu;
Menu * menu = new Menu( this, params->GetString("name") ); // create new menu
menuitem.itemnr = m_CurrentMenu->AddCascadingMenuItem( params->GetString("label"), this, menu, params ); // add to current menu as item
m_MenuItems.AddToTail( menuitem ); // add to global list
m_pMenuStack.Push( m_CurrentMenu ); // remember current menu
m_CurrentMenu = menu; // continue adding items in new menu
void CommandMenu::FinishSubMenu()
m_CurrentMenu = m_pMenuStack.Top(); // get menu one level above
m_pMenuStack.Pop(); // remove it from stack
void CommandMenu::AddMenuCommandItem(KeyValues * params)
CommandMenuItem menuitem; // create new menuItem
menuitem.menu = m_CurrentMenu; // save the current menu context
menuitem.itemnr = m_CurrentMenu->AddMenuItem( params->GetString("label"), params->MakeCopy(), this, params ); // add it
m_MenuItems.AddToTail( menuitem ); // add to global list
void CommandMenu::AddMenuToggleItem(KeyValues * params)
CommandMenuItem menuitem; // create new menuItem
menuitem.menu = m_CurrentMenu; // save the current menu context
menuitem.itemnr = m_CurrentMenu->AddCheckableMenuItem( params->GetString("label"), params->MakeCopy(), this, params ); // add it
m_MenuItems.AddToTail( menuitem ); // add to global list
void CommandMenu::AddMenuCustomItem(KeyValues * params)
CommandMenuItem menuitem; // create new menuItem
menuitem.menu = m_CurrentMenu; // save the current menu context
menuitem.itemnr = AddCustomItem( params, m_CurrentMenu );
m_MenuItems.AddToTail( menuitem ); // add to global list
void CommandMenu::ClearMenu()
SetVisible( false );
// DeleteAllItems();
if ( m_MenuKeys )
m_MenuKeys = NULL;
void CommandMenu::RebuildMenu()
if ( !m_MenuKeys )
LoadFromKeyValues( m_MenuKeys ); // and reload respecting new team, mapname etc.
void CommandMenu::UpdateMenu()
char text[255];
int num = m_MenuItems.Count();
for (int i=0; i < num; i++)
CommandMenuItem menuitem = m_MenuItems.Element(i);
KeyValues * keys = menuitem.menu->GetItemUserData( menuitem.itemnr );
if ( !keys )
// let custom menu items update themself
Q_strncpy( text, keys->GetString("custom"), sizeof(text) );
if ( text[0] )
// let derived class modify the menu item
UpdateCustomItem( keys, menuitem.menu->GetMenuItem(menuitem.itemnr) );
// update toggle buttons
Q_strncpy( text, keys->GetString("toggle"), sizeof(text) );
if ( text[0] )
// set toggle state equal to cvar state
ConVarRef convar( text );
if ( convar.IsValid() )
menuitem.menu->SetMenuItemChecked( menuitem.itemnr, convar.GetBool() );
void CommandMenu::SetVisible(bool state)
if ( state && !IsVisible() )
BaseClass::SetVisible( state );
bool CommandMenu::CheckRules(const char *rule, const char *ruledata)
if ( !rule || !ruledata )
return true; // no rule defined, show item
if ( Q_strcmp( rule, "team") == 0 )
// if team is same as specified in rule, show item
return ( Q_strcmp( m_CurrentTeam, ruledata ) == 0 );
else if ( Q_strcmp( rule, "map") == 0 )
// if team is same as specified in rule, show item
return ( Q_strcmp( m_CurrentMap, ruledata ) == 0 );
return true;
KeyValues * CommandMenu::GetKeyValues()
return m_MenuKeys;
bool CommandMenu::LoadFromKeyValues( KeyValues * params )
if ( !params )
return false;
Q_snprintf( m_CurrentTeam, 4, "%i", GetLocalPlayerTeam() );
Q_FileBase( engine->GetLevelName(), m_CurrentMap, sizeof(m_CurrentMap) );
if ( params != m_MenuKeys )
if ( m_MenuKeys )
m_MenuKeys = params->MakeCopy(); // save keyvalues
// iterate through all menu items
KeyValues * subkey = m_MenuKeys->GetFirstSubKey();
while ( subkey )
if ( subkey->GetDataType() == KeyValues::TYPE_NONE )
if ( !LoadFromKeyValuesInternal( subkey, 0 ) ) // recursive call
return false;
subkey = subkey->GetNextKey();
return true;
bool CommandMenu::LoadFromKeyValuesInternal(KeyValues * key, int depth)
char text[255];
KeyValues * subkey = NULL;
if ( depth > 100 )
Msg("CommandMenu::LoadFromKeyValueInternal: depth > 100.\n");
return false;
Q_strncpy( text, key->GetString("custom"), sizeof(text) ); // get type
if ( text[0] )
AddMenuCustomItem( key ); // do whatever custom item wants to
return true;
if ( !CheckRules( key->GetString("rule"), key->GetString("ruledata") ) )
return true;
// rules OK add subkey
Q_strncpy( text, key->GetString("toggle"), sizeof(text) ); // get type
if ( text[0] )
AddMenuToggleItem( key );
return true;
Q_strncpy( text, key->GetString("command"), sizeof(text) ); // get type
if ( text[0] )
AddMenuCommandItem( key );
return true;
// not a command, nor a toggle. Must be a submenu:
StartNewSubMenu( key ); // create submenu
// iterate through all subkeys
subkey = key->GetFirstSubKey();
while ( subkey )
if ( subkey->GetDataType() == KeyValues::TYPE_NONE )
LoadFromKeyValuesInternal( subkey, depth+1 ); // recursive call
subkey = subkey->GetNextKey();
FinishSubMenu(); // go one level back
return true;