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#include "cbase.h"
#include "asw_rocket.h"
#include "smoke_trail.h"
#include "IEffects.h"
#include "te_effect_dispatch.h"
#include "explode.h"
#include "fmtstr.h"
#include "asw_gamerules.h"
#include "asw_marine.h"
#include "particle_parse.h"
#include "asw_shareddefs.h"
#include "asw_parasite.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#define ASW_ROCKET_MODEL "models/swarm/MiniRocket/MiniRocket.mdl"
extern int g_sModelIndexFireball; // (in combatweapon.cpp) holds the index for the smoke cloud
PRECACHE_REGISTER( asw_rocket );
DEFINE_FIELD( m_flGracePeriodEndsAt, FIELD_TIME ),
DEFINE_FIELD( m_bCreateDangerSounds, FIELD_BOOLEAN ),
// Function Pointers
DEFINE_FUNCTION( MissileTouch ),
DEFINE_FUNCTION( AccelerateThink ),
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( asw_rocket, CASW_Rocket );
ConVar asw_rocket_min_speed("asw_rocket_min_speed", "280", FCVAR_CHEAT);
ConVar asw_rocket_max_speed("asw_rocket_max_speed", "600", FCVAR_CHEAT);
ConVar asw_rocket_acceleration("asw_rocket_acceleration", "60", FCVAR_CHEAT);
ConVar asw_rocket_hover_thrust("asw_rocket_hover_thrust", "60", FCVAR_CHEAT);
ConVar asw_rocket_hover_height("asw_rocket_hover_height", "10", FCVAR_CHEAT);
ConVar asw_rocket_drag("asw_rocket_drag", "0.90", FCVAR_CHEAT);
ConVar asw_rocket_lifetime("asw_rocket_lifetime", "3.0", FCVAR_CHEAT);
ConVar asw_rocket_homing_range("asw_rocket_homing_range", "640000", FCVAR_CHEAT);
ConVar asw_rocket_wobble_freq("asw_rocket_wobble_freq", "0.25", FCVAR_CHEAT);
ConVar asw_rocket_wobble_amp("asw_rocket_wobble_amp", "90", FCVAR_CHEAT);
ConVar asw_rocket_debug("asw_rocket_debug", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT);
#define ASW_ROCKET_MIN_SPEED asw_rocket_min_speed.GetFloat()
#define ASW_ROCKET_MAX_SPEED asw_rocket_max_speed.GetFloat()
#define ASW_ROCKET_ACCELERATION asw_rocket_acceleration.GetFloat()
#define ASW_ROCKET_DRAG asw_rocket_drag.GetFloat()
#define ASW_ROCKET_LIFETIME asw_rocket_lifetime.GetFloat();
#define ASW_ROCKET_MAX_HOMING_RANGE asw_rocket_homing_range.GetFloat()
#define ROCKET_HOVER_HEIGHT asw_rocket_hover_height.GetFloat()
#define ASW_ROCKET_HOVER_THRUST asw_rocket_hover_thrust.GetFloat()
CASW_Rocket::CASW_Rocket() : m_bFlyingWild(false)
m_bCreateDangerSounds = false;
m_szFlightSound = NULL; // this sound doesn't exist any more: "ASWRocket.Ignite";
m_szDetonationSound = "ASWRocket.Explosion";
m_CreatorWeaponClass = (Class_T)CLASS_ASW_UNKNOWN;
if ( m_hHomingTarget.Get() )
m_RocketAssigner.Deallocate( m_hHomingTarget.Get(), this );
void CASW_Rocket::Precache( void )
if ( m_szFlightSound )
PrecacheScriptSound( m_szFlightSound );
// not used: PrecacheScriptSound("ASWRocket.Accelerate");
PrecacheModel( ASW_ROCKET_MODEL );
PrecacheParticleSystem( "rocket_trail_small" );
PrecacheParticleSystem( "explosion_air_small" );
void CASW_Rocket::Spawn( void )
SetSolid( SOLID_BBOX );
UTIL_SetSize( this, -Vector(4,4,4), Vector(4,4,4) );
SetTouch( &CASW_Rocket::MissileTouch );
SetThink( &CASW_Rocket::IgniteThink );
SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.01f );
SetDamage( 200.0f );
AddEffects( EF_NOSHADOW );
m_takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
m_iHealth = m_iMaxHealth = 100;
m_bloodColor = DONT_BLEED;
m_flGracePeriodEndsAt = 0;
m_flNextWobbleTime = gpGlobals->curtime + asw_rocket_wobble_freq.GetFloat();
m_fSpawnTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
m_fDieTime = gpGlobals->curtime + ASW_ROCKET_LIFETIME;
AddFlag( FL_OBJECT );
void CASW_Rocket::Activate( void )
if ( m_szFlightSound )
EmitSound( m_szFlightSound );
void CASW_Rocket::StopLoopingSounds( void )
if ( m_szFlightSound )
StopSound( m_szFlightSound );
void CASW_Rocket::Event_Killed( const CTakeDamageInfo &info )
m_takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
unsigned int CASW_Rocket::PhysicsSolidMaskForEntity( void ) const
return BaseClass::PhysicsSolidMaskForEntity() | CONTENTS_HITBOX;
int CASW_Rocket::OnTakeDamage_Alive( const CTakeDamageInfo &info )
return 0; // rocket can't be damaged for now. This could be expanded into shooting rockets down, etc. later if we want
void CASW_Rocket::DumbFire( void )
SetThink( NULL );
SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_FLY );
UTIL_SetSize( this, vec3_origin, vec3_origin );
void CASW_Rocket::SetGracePeriod( float flGracePeriod )
m_flGracePeriodEndsAt = gpGlobals->curtime + flGracePeriod;
// Go non-solid until the grace period ends
AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID );
void CASW_Rocket::AccelerateThink( void )
Vector vecForward;
// !!!UNDONE - make this work exactly the same as HL1 RPG, lest we have looping sound bugs again!
//EmitSound( "ASWRocket.Accelerate" );
// SetEffects( EF_LIGHT );
AngleVectors( GetLocalAngles(), &vecForward );
SetAbsVelocity( vecForward * ASW_ROCKET_MIN_SPEED );
SetThink( &CASW_Rocket::SeekThink );
SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f );
void CASW_Rocket::DoExplosion( bool bHitWall )
Vector vecExplosionPos = GetAbsOrigin();
CPASFilter filter( vecExplosionPos );
EmitSound( m_szDetonationSound );
DispatchParticleEffect( "explosion_air_small", GetAbsOrigin(), vec3_angle );
CTakeDamageInfo info( this, GetOwnerEntity(), GetDamage(), DMG_BLAST );
info.SetWeapon( m_hCreatorWeapon );
ASWGameRules()->RadiusDamage( info, GetAbsOrigin(), 50, CLASS_NONE, NULL );
void CASW_Rocket::Explode( void )
// Don't explode against the skybox. Just pretend that
// the missile flies off into the distance.
Vector forward;
GetVectors( &forward, NULL, NULL );
trace_t tr;
UTIL_TraceLine( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() + forward * 16, MASK_SHOT, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
m_takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
SetSolid( SOLID_NONE );
if( tr.fraction == 1.0 || !(tr.surface.flags & SURF_SKY) )
bool bHitCreature = tr.m_pEnt && tr.m_pEnt->IsNPC();
//UTIL_Remove( this );
SetTouch( NULL );
SetSolid( SOLID_NONE );
SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.2f );
SetThink( &CASW_Rocket::SUB_Remove );
void CASW_Rocket::MissileTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther )
Assert( pOther );
// Don't touch triggers (but DO hit weapons)
if ( pOther->IsSolidFlagSet(FSOLID_TRIGGER|FSOLID_VOLUME_CONTENTS) && pOther->GetCollisionGroup() != COLLISION_GROUP_WEAPON )
if (pOther == GetOwnerEntity())
// make sure we don't die on things we shouldn't
if ( !ASWGameRules() || !ASWGameRules()->ShouldCollide( GetCollisionGroup(), pOther->GetCollisionGroup() ) )
if (asw_rocket_debug.GetBool())
Msg("Rocket exploding on %d:%s\n", pOther->entindex(), pOther->GetClassname());
//Msg("owner is %d:%s\n", GetOwnerEntity() ? GetOwnerEntity()->entindex() : -1,
//GetOwnerEntity() ? GetOwnerEntity()->GetClassname() : "unknown");
void CASW_Rocket::IgniteThink( void )
SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_FLY );
UTIL_SetSize( this, vec3_origin, vec3_origin );
RemoveSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID );
//TODO: Play opening sound
Vector vecForward;
AngleVectors( GetLocalAngles(), &vecForward );
SetAbsVelocity( vecForward * ASW_ROCKET_MIN_SPEED );
SetThink( &CASW_Rocket::SeekThink );
SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime );
CBaseEntity * CASW_Rocket::FindPotentialTarget( void ) const
float bestdist = 0;
CBaseEntity *bestent = NULL;
Vector v_forward, v_right, v_up;
AngleVectors( GetAbsAngles(), &v_forward, &v_right, &v_up );
// find the aimtarget nearest us
int count = AimTarget_ListCount();
if ( count )
CBaseEntity **pList = (CBaseEntity **)stackalloc( sizeof(CBaseEntity *) * count );
AimTarget_ListCopy( pList, count );
CTraceFilterSkipTwoEntities filter(this, GetOwnerEntity(), COLLISION_GROUP_NONE);
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
CBaseEntity *pEntity = pList[i];
if (!pEntity || !pEntity->IsAlive() || !pEntity->edict() || !pEntity->IsNPC() )
//Msg("not alive or not an edict, skipping\n");
if (!pEntity || !pEntity->IsAlive() || !pEntity->edict() || !pEntity->IsNPC() )
//Msg("not alive or not an edict, skipping\n");
// don't autoaim onto marines
if (pEntity->Classify() == CLASS_ASW_MARINE)
if ( pEntity->Classify() == CLASS_ASW_PARASITE )
CASW_Parasite *pParasite = static_cast< CASW_Parasite* >( pEntity );
if ( pParasite->m_bInfesting )
Vector center = pEntity->BodyTarget( GetAbsOrigin() );
Vector center_flat = center;
center_flat.z = GetAbsOrigin().z;
Vector dir = (center - GetAbsOrigin());
VectorNormalize( dir );
Vector dir_flat = (center_flat - GetAbsOrigin());
VectorNormalize( dir_flat );
// make sure it's in front of the rocket
float dot = DotProduct (dir, v_forward );
//if (dot < 0)
float dist = (pEntity->GetAbsOrigin() - GetAbsOrigin()).LengthSqr();
// check another marine isn't between us and the target to reduce FF
trace_t tr;
UTIL_TraceLine(GetAbsOrigin(), pEntity->WorldSpaceCenter(), MASK_SHOT, &filter, &tr);
if (tr.fraction < 1.0f && tr.m_pEnt != pEntity && tr.m_pEnt && tr.m_pEnt->Classify() == CLASS_ASW_MARINE)
// does this critter already have enough rockets to kill it?
CASW_DamageAllocationMgr::IndexType_t assignmentIndex = m_RocketAssigner.Find( pEntity );
if ( m_RocketAssigner.IsValid(assignmentIndex) )
if ( m_RocketAssigner[assignmentIndex].m_flAccumulatedDamage > pEntity->GetHealth() )
// check another marine isn't between us and the target to reduce FF
UTIL_TraceLine(GetAbsOrigin(), pEntity->WorldSpaceCenter(), MASK_SHOT, &filter, &tr);
if (tr.fraction < 1.0f && tr.m_pEnt != pEntity && tr.m_pEnt && tr.m_pEnt->Classify() == CLASS_ASW_MARINE)
// increase distance if dot isn't towards us
dist += (1.0f - dot) * 150; // bias of x units when object is 90 degrees to the side
if (bestdist == 0 || dist < bestdist)
bestdist = dist;
bestent = pEntity;
if ( bestent && asw_rocket_debug.GetBool() )
Vector center = bestent->BodyTarget( GetAbsOrigin() );
Vector center_flat = center;
center_flat.z = GetAbsOrigin().z;
Vector dir = (center - GetAbsOrigin());
VectorNormalize( dir );
Msg( "Rocket[%d] starting homing in on %s(%d) dir = %f %f %f\n", entindex(), bestent->GetClassname(), bestent->entindex(), VectorExpand( dir ) );
return bestent;
void CASW_Rocket::SetTarget( CBaseEntity *pTarget )
if ( m_hHomingTarget.Get() )
// if I had an old target, strike me from its list
m_RocketAssigner.Deallocate( m_RocketAssigner.Find(pTarget), this );
m_hHomingTarget = pTarget;
if ( pTarget )
m_RocketAssigner.Allocate( m_RocketAssigner.Insert(pTarget), this, GetDamage() );
void CASW_Rocket::FindHomingPosition( Vector *pTarget )
CBaseEntity *pHomingTarget = m_hHomingTarget.Get();
if ( !pHomingTarget )
SetTarget( pHomingTarget = FindPotentialTarget() );
m_bFlyingWild = false;
if ( pHomingTarget )
*pTarget = pHomingTarget->WorldSpaceCenter();
// just fly straight if there's nothing to home in on
Vector vecDir = GetAbsVelocity();
vecDir.z = 0;
*pTarget = GetAbsOrigin() + vecDir * 200.0f;
VectorAngles( vecDir, m_vWobbleAngles );
m_bFlyingWild = true;
Vector CASW_Rocket::IntegrateRocketThrust( const Vector &vTargetDir, ///< direction of target
float flDist ) ///< distance to target
Vector vNewVelocity;
const float flSimulateScale = IsSimulatingOnAlternateTicks() ? 2 : 1 ;
// apply thrust in our desired direction
Vector vecThrust = vTargetDir * ASW_ROCKET_ACCELERATION * flSimulateScale;
if (asw_rocket_debug.GetInt() == 2)
Msg("vecThrust = %s\n", VecToString(vecThrust));
vNewVelocity = GetAbsVelocity() + vecThrust;
// apply drag
float fDrag = ASW_ROCKET_DRAG - (0.1f * GetLifeFraction()); // increase drag as lifetime goes on (to help stop rockets spinning around their target)
if (flDist < 300.0f && flDist > 0)
fDrag -= (1.0f - (flDist / 300.0f)) * 0.1f; // reduce drag further as we get close
vNewVelocity *= ASW_ROCKET_DRAG;
// cap velocity to our min/max
float speed = vNewVelocity.Length();
&& speed > 0)
vNewVelocity *= (ASW_ROCKET_MAX_SPEED / speed);
// thrust away from the ground if we get too low
trace_t tr;
UTIL_TraceLine( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() - Vector( 0, 0, ROCKET_HOVER_HEIGHT ), MASK_SHOT, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
if ( tr.fraction != 1.0f )
if ( vNewVelocity.z < 0 )
vNewVelocity.z += tr.fraction * ASW_ROCKET_HOVER_THRUST;
if ( asw_rocket_debug.GetBool() )
Msg( "Rocket[%d] hover thrusting %f vel.z is now %f\n", entindex(), tr.fraction * ASW_ROCKET_HOVER_THRUST, vNewVelocity.z );
if ( vNewVelocity.z > 0 )
vNewVelocity.z = 0;
return vNewVelocity;
void CASW_Rocket::SeekThink( void )
// If we have a grace period, go solid when it ends
if ( m_flGracePeriodEndsAt )
if ( m_flGracePeriodEndsAt < gpGlobals->curtime )
RemoveSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID );
m_flGracePeriodEndsAt = 0;
Vector vNewVelocity = GetAbsVelocity();
if ( m_bFlyingWild )
// wobble crazily. Poll for a new target every quarter second, and if none is found, go
// careering off.
if ( gpGlobals->curtime >= m_flNextWobbleTime )
Assert( !m_hHomingTarget.Get() );
CBaseEntity *pHomingTarget = FindPotentialTarget();
if ( pHomingTarget )
SetTarget( pHomingTarget );
m_bFlyingWild = false;
// pick a new wobble direction
m_vWobbleAngles = GetAbsAngles();
m_vWobbleAngles.y = m_vWobbleAngles.y + RandomFloat( -asw_rocket_wobble_amp.GetFloat(), asw_rocket_wobble_amp.GetFloat() ) ;
if ( m_vWobbleAngles.y < 0 )
m_vWobbleAngles.y = 360 + m_vWobbleAngles.y;
else if ( m_vWobbleAngles.y > 360 )
m_vWobbleAngles.y = fmod( m_vWobbleAngles.y, 360 );
m_vWobbleAngles = GetAbsAngles();
m_vWobbleAngles.y = fmodf( m_vWobbleAngles.y + RandomFloat( -asw_rocket_wobble_amp.GetFloat(), asw_rocket_wobble_amp.GetFloat() ), 360 );
m_flNextWobbleTime = gpGlobals->curtime + asw_rocket_wobble_freq.GetFloat();
if ( !m_bFlyingWild )
Vector targetPos;
FindHomingPosition( &targetPos );
// find target direction
Vector vTargetDir;
VectorSubtract( targetPos, GetAbsOrigin(), vTargetDir );
float flDist = VectorNormalize( vTargetDir );
// find current direction
Vector vDir = GetAbsVelocity();
//float flSpeed = VectorNormalize( vDir );
vNewVelocity = IntegrateRocketThrust( vTargetDir, flDist );
// face direction of movement
QAngle finalAngles;
VectorAngles( vNewVelocity, finalAngles );
SetAbsAngles( finalAngles );
// set to the new calculated velocity
SetAbsVelocity( vNewVelocity );
else // wobble crazily
#pragma message("TODO: straighten out this math")
if ( gpGlobals->curtime >= m_flNextWobbleTime )
// pick a new wobble direction
m_vWobbleAngles = GetAbsAngles();
m_vWobbleAngles.y = fmodf( m_vWobbleAngles.y + RandomFloat( -asw_rocket_wobble_amp.GetFloat(), asw_rocket_wobble_amp.GetFloat() ), 360 );
m_flNextWobbleTime = gpGlobals->curtime + asw_rocket_wobble_freq.GetFloat();
QAngle finalAngles = GetAbsAngles();
finalAngles.y = ApproachAngle( m_vWobbleAngles.y, finalAngles.y, 360.f * (gpGlobals->curtime - GetLastThink()) );
Vector forward;
AngleVectors( finalAngles, &forward );
vNewVelocity = forward * FastSqrtEst( vNewVelocity.LengthSqr() );
if ( IsWallDodging() )
ComputeWallDodge( vNewVelocity );
finalAngles.y = ApproachAngle( m_vWobbleAngles.y, finalAngles.y, 360.f * (gpGlobals->curtime - GetLastThink()) );
vNewVelocity = IntegrateRocketThrust( forward, 0 );
// face direction of movement
SetAbsAngles( finalAngles );
// set to the new calculated velocity
SetAbsVelocity( vNewVelocity );
// blow us up after our lifetime
if (GetLifeFraction() >= 1.0f)
// Think as soon as possible
SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime );
void CASW_Rocket::ComputeWallDodge( const Vector &vCurVel )
// trace to see if I'll hit a wall in the next second
trace_t tr;
UTIL_TraceLine( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() + ( vCurVel * 0.8f ), MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
if ( tr.fraction < 1.0f )
// find a vector perpendicular to the wall
Vector perp = tr.plane.normal.Cross( Vector(0,0,1) );
Vector antiperp = -perp;
// figure out whether to turn left or right!
if ( antiperp.Dot(vCurVel) > perp.Dot(vCurVel) )
perp = antiperp;
// push the direction a little further away from the wall
perp += fsel( vCurVel.Dot(tr.plane.normal) , -0.1f , 0.1f ) * tr.plane.normal;
// work out new angles based on this direction
VectorAngles( perp, m_vWobbleAngles );
CASW_Rocket * CASW_Rocket::Create( float fDamage, const Vector &vecOrigin, const QAngle &vecAngles, CBaseCombatCharacter *pentOwner /*= NULL */, CBaseEntity * pCreatorWeapon /*= NULL*/, const char *className /*= "asw_rocket" */ )
CASW_Rocket *pMissile = (CASW_Rocket *) CBaseEntity::Create( className, vecOrigin, vecAngles, pentOwner );
pMissile->SetDamage( fDamage );
pMissile->ChangeFaction( pentOwner->GetFaction() );
if (asw_rocket_debug.GetBool())
Msg("Rocket ang=%s\n", VecToString(vecAngles));
pMissile->m_debugOverlays |= OVERLAY_TEXT_BIT;
Vector vecForward;
AngleVectors( vecAngles, &vecForward );
pMissile->SetAbsVelocity( vecForward * ASW_ROCKET_MIN_SPEED ); // + Vector( 0,0, 128 )
pMissile->m_hCreatorWeapon.Set( pCreatorWeapon );
if( pCreatorWeapon )
pMissile->m_CreatorWeaponClass = pCreatorWeapon->Classify();
return pMissile;
float CASW_Rocket::GetLifeFraction() const
if (m_fDieTime <= m_fSpawnTime)
return 0;
return clamp<float>( (gpGlobals->curtime - m_fSpawnTime) / (m_fDieTime - m_fSpawnTime), 0.0f, 1.0f);
void CASW_Rocket::DrawDebugGeometryOverlays()
if (m_hHomingTarget.Get())
NDebugOverlay::Line(GetAbsOrigin(), m_hHomingTarget->WorldSpaceCenter(), 255, 0, 0, true, 0.1f);
Vector vecTarget;
NDebugOverlay::Line(GetAbsOrigin(), vecTarget, 0, 255, 0, true, 0.1f);
bool CASW_Rocket::IsWallDodging() const
return m_bFlyingWild;
CASW_DamageAllocationMgr CASW_Rocket::m_RocketAssigner;
CASW_DamageAllocationMgr::IndexType_t CASW_DamageAllocationMgr::Find( const EHANDLE &handle )
for ( int i = m_Targets.Count() - 1; i >= 0 ; --i )
if ( m_Targets[i].m_hTargeted == handle )
return (&m_Targets[i]);
// didn't find
return InvalidIndex();
CASW_DamageAllocationMgr::IndexType_t CASW_DamageAllocationMgr::Insert( CBaseEntity* pTarget )
IndexType_t i = Find( pTarget );
if ( IsValid(i) )
// AssertMsg1( false, "Tried to double-insert %s into a damage allocation manager\n", pTarget->GetDebugName() );
return i;
i = &m_Targets[m_Targets.AddToTail(tuple_t(pTarget))];
return i;
void CASW_DamageAllocationMgr::Remove( const EHANDLE &handle )
IndexType_t i = Find( handle );
if ( IsValid(i) )
// strike all projectiles for this target
ProjectilePool_t::IndexLocalType_t j = i->m_nProjectiles;
while ( m_ProjectileLists.IsValidIndex(j) )
ProjectilePool_t::IndexLocalType_t old = j;
j = m_ProjectileLists.Next(j);
m_ProjectileLists.Remove( old );
int vectoridx = i - m_Targets.Base();
Assert( &m_Targets[vectoridx] == i );
m_Targets.FastRemove( vectoridx );
AssertMsg1( false, "Tried to remove %s from a damage allocation manager whence it was absent.\n",
handle->GetDebugName() );
float CASW_DamageAllocationMgr::Allocate( IndexType_t iTarget, CBaseEntity *pProjectile, float flDamage )
if ( !IsValid( iTarget ) )
return 0;
Rebuild( iTarget );
AssertMsg2( !IsProjectileForTarget( iTarget, pProjectile ), "Double-allocated %s to %s\n", pProjectile->GetDebugName(),
iTarget->m_hTargeted->GetDebugName() );
tuple_t * RESTRICT ptarget = &Elem(iTarget);
ProjectilePool_t::IndexLocalType_t projIdx = m_ProjectileLists.Alloc( true );
m_ProjectileLists[projIdx].m_hHandle = pProjectile;
m_ProjectileLists[projIdx].m_flDamage = flDamage;
if ( m_ProjectileLists.IsValidIndex(ptarget->m_nProjectiles) )
m_ProjectileLists.LinkBefore( ptarget->m_nProjectiles, projIdx );
ptarget->m_nProjectiles = projIdx;
return ptarget->m_flAccumulatedDamage += flDamage;
float CASW_DamageAllocationMgr::Deallocate( IndexType_t iTarget, CBaseEntity *pProjectile )
if ( !IsValid( iTarget ) )
return 0;
Rebuild( iTarget );
tuple_t * RESTRICT ptarget = &Elem(iTarget);
ProjectilePool_t::IndexLocalType_t projIdx = iTarget->m_nProjectiles;
const EHANDLE hProj = pProjectile; // for faster comparison
while ( m_ProjectileLists.IsValidIndex(projIdx) )
if ( m_ProjectileLists[projIdx].m_hHandle == hProj )
ptarget->m_flAccumulatedDamage -= m_ProjectileLists[projIdx].m_flDamage;
ptarget->m_nProjectiles = m_ProjectileLists.Next(projIdx);
m_ProjectileLists.Remove( projIdx );
return ptarget->m_flAccumulatedDamage; // better than break bc of load-hit-store
// clean up any dead projectiles (note the work to advance
// the iterator while also deleting an element)
if ( !m_ProjectileLists[projIdx].m_hHandle.Get() )
ProjectilePool_t::IndexLocalType_t toRemove = projIdx;
ptarget->m_flAccumulatedDamage -= m_ProjectileLists[projIdx].m_flDamage;
ptarget->m_nProjectiles = projIdx = m_ProjectileLists.Next( projIdx );
m_ProjectileLists.Remove( toRemove );
Assert( static_cast<CASW_Rocket *>(m_ProjectileLists[projIdx].m_hHandle.Get())->GetTarget() == ptarget->m_hTargeted );
projIdx = m_ProjectileLists.Next( projIdx );
return ptarget->m_flAccumulatedDamage;
CASW_DamageAllocationMgr::ProjectilePool_t::IndexType_t CASW_DamageAllocationMgr::GetProjectileIndexInTarget( IndexType_t iTarget, CBaseEntity *pProjectile )
for ( CASW_DamageAllocationMgr::ProjectilePool_t::IndexLocalType_t i = iTarget->m_nProjectiles;
m_ProjectileLists.IsValidIndex( i );
i = m_ProjectileLists.Next(i) )
if ( m_ProjectileLists[i].m_hHandle.Get() == pProjectile )
return i;
return m_ProjectileLists.InvalidIndex();
void CASW_DamageAllocationMgr::Rebuild( IndexType_t iTarget )
float flRecompedDamage = 0;
for ( CASW_DamageAllocationMgr::ProjectilePool_t::IndexLocalType_t i = iTarget->m_nProjectiles;
m_ProjectileLists.IsValidIndex( i );
i = m_ProjectileLists.Next(i) )
// clean up any dead projectiles (note the work to advance
// the iterator while also deleting an element)
if ( !m_ProjectileLists[i].m_hHandle.Get() )
ProjectilePool_t::IndexLocalType_t toRemove = i;
iTarget->m_flAccumulatedDamage -= m_ProjectileLists[i].m_flDamage;
iTarget->m_nProjectiles = i = m_ProjectileLists.Next( i );
m_ProjectileLists.Remove( toRemove );
flRecompedDamage += m_ProjectileLists[i].m_flDamage;
// Assert( flRecompedDamage == iTarget->m_flAccumulatedDamage );
iTarget->m_flAccumulatedDamage = flRecompedDamage;