2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $Header: $
// $NoKeywords: $
# include "server_pch.h"
# include <time.h>
# include "server.h"
# include "sv_log.h"
# include "filesystem.h"
# include "filesystem_engine.h"
# include "tier0/vcrmode.h"
# include "sv_main.h"
# include "tier0/icommandline.h"
# include <proto_oob.h>
# include "GameEventManager.h"
# include "netadr.h"
# include "zlib/zlib.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
# include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
static ConVar sv_logsdir ( " sv_logsdir " , " logs " , FCVAR_ARCHIVE , " Folder in the game directory where server logs will be stored. " ) ;
static ConVar sv_logfile ( " sv_logfile " , " 1 " , FCVAR_ARCHIVE , " Log server information in the log file. " ) ;
static ConVar sv_logflush ( " sv_logflush " , " 0 " , FCVAR_ARCHIVE , " Flush the log file to disk on each write (slow) . " ) ;
static ConVar sv_logecho ( " sv_logecho " , " 1 " , FCVAR_ARCHIVE , " Echo log information to the console. " ) ;
static ConVar sv_log_onefile ( " sv_log_onefile " , " 0 " , FCVAR_ARCHIVE , " Log server information to only one file. " ) ;
static ConVar sv_logbans ( " sv_logbans " , " 0 " , FCVAR_ARCHIVE , " Log server bans in the server logs. " ) ; // should sv_banid() calls be logged in the server logs?
static ConVar sv_logsecret ( " sv_logsecret " , " 0 " , 0 , " If set then include this secret when doing UDP logging (will use 0x53 as packet type, not usual 0x52) " ) ;
static ConVar sv_logfilename_format ( " sv_logfilename_format " , " " , FCVAR_ARCHIVE , " Log filename format. See strftime for formatting codes. " ) ;
static ConVar sv_logfilecompress ( " sv_logfilecompress " , " 0 " , FCVAR_ARCHIVE , " Gzip compress logfile and rename to logfilename.log.gz on close. " ) ;
CLog g_Log ; // global Log object
CON_COMMAND ( log , " Enables logging to file, console, and udp < on | off >. " )
if ( args . ArgC ( ) ! = 2 )
ConMsg ( " Usage: log < on | off > \n " ) ;
if ( g_Log . IsActive ( ) )
bool bHaveFirst = false ;
ConMsg ( " currently logging to: " ) ;
if ( sv_logfile . GetInt ( ) )
ConMsg ( " file " ) ;
bHaveFirst = true ;
if ( sv_logecho . GetInt ( ) )
if ( bHaveFirst )
ConMsg ( " , console " ) ;
ConMsg ( " console " ) ;
bHaveFirst = true ;
if ( g_Log . UsingLogAddress ( ) )
if ( bHaveFirst )
ConMsg ( " , udp " ) ;
ConMsg ( " udp " ) ;
bHaveFirst = true ;
if ( ! bHaveFirst )
ConMsg ( " no destinations! (file, console, or udp) \n " ) ;
ConMsg ( " check \" sv_logfile \" , \" sv_logecho \" , and \" logaddress_list \" " ) ;
ConMsg ( " \n " ) ;
ConMsg ( " not currently logging \n " ) ;
return ;
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( args [ 1 ] , " off " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( args [ 1 ] , " 0 " ) )
if ( g_Log . IsActive ( ) )
g_Log . Close ( ) ;
g_Log . SetLoggingState ( false ) ;
ConMsg ( " Server logging disabled. \n " ) ;
else if ( ! Q_stricmp ( args [ 1 ] , " on " ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( args [ 1 ] , " 1 " ) )
g_Log . SetLoggingState ( true ) ;
ConMsg ( " Server logging enabled. \n " ) ;
g_Log . Open ( ) ;
ConMsg ( " log: unknown parameter %s, 'on' and 'off' are valid \n " , args [ 1 ] ) ;
// changed log_addaddress back to logaddress_add to be consistent with GoldSrc
CON_COMMAND ( logaddress_add , " Set address and port for remote host <ip:port>. " )
netadr_t adr ;
const char * pszIP , * pszPort ;
if ( args . ArgC ( ) ! = 4 & & args . ArgC ( ) ! = 2 )
ConMsg ( " Usage: logaddress_add ip:port \n " ) ;
return ;
pszIP = args [ 1 ] ;
if ( args . ArgC ( ) = = 4 )
pszPort = args [ 3 ] ;
pszPort = Q_strstr ( pszIP , " : " ) ;
// if we have "IP:port" as one argument inside quotes
if ( pszPort )
// add one to remove the :
pszPort + + ;
// default port
pszPort = " 27015 " ;
if ( ! Q_atoi ( pszPort ) )
ConMsg ( " logaddress_add: must specify a valid port \n " ) ;
return ;
if ( ! pszIP | | ! pszIP [ 0 ] )
ConMsg ( " logaddress_add: unparseable address \n " ) ;
return ;
char szAdr [ 32 ] ;
Q_snprintf ( szAdr , sizeof ( szAdr ) , " %s:%s " , pszIP , pszPort ) ;
if ( NET_StringToAdr ( szAdr , & adr ) )
if ( g_Log . AddLogAddress ( adr ) )
ConMsg ( " logaddress_add: %s \n " , adr . ToString ( ) ) ;
ConMsg ( " logaddress_add: %s is already in the list \n " , adr . ToString ( ) ) ;
ConMsg ( " logaddress_add: unable to resolve %s \n " , szAdr ) ;
CON_COMMAND ( logaddress_delall , " Remove all udp addresses being logged to " )
g_Log . DelAllLogAddress ( ) ;
CON_COMMAND ( logaddress_del , " Remove address and port for remote host <ip:port>. " )
netadr_t adr ;
const char * pszIP , * pszPort ;
if ( args . ArgC ( ) ! = 4 & & args . ArgC ( ) ! = 2 )
ConMsg ( " Usage: logaddress_del ip:port \n " ) ;
return ;
pszIP = args [ 1 ] ;
if ( args . ArgC ( ) = = 4 )
pszPort = args [ 3 ] ;
pszPort = Q_strstr ( pszIP , " : " ) ;
// if we have "IP:port" as one argument inside quotes
if ( pszPort )
// add one to remove the :
pszPort + + ;
// default port
pszPort = " 27015 " ;
if ( ! Q_atoi ( pszPort ) )
ConMsg ( " logaddress_del: must specify a valid port \n " ) ;
return ;
if ( ! pszIP | | ! pszIP [ 0 ] )
ConMsg ( " logaddress_del: unparseable address \n " ) ;
return ;
char szAdr [ 32 ] ;
Q_snprintf ( szAdr , sizeof ( szAdr ) , " %s:%s " , pszIP , pszPort ) ;
if ( NET_StringToAdr ( szAdr , & adr ) )
if ( g_Log . DelLogAddress ( adr ) )
ConMsg ( " logaddress_del: %s \n " , adr . ToString ( ) ) ;
ConMsg ( " logaddress_del: address %s not found in the list \n " , adr . ToString ( ) ) ;
ConMsg ( " logaddress_del: unable to resolve %s \n " , szAdr ) ;
CON_COMMAND ( logaddress_list , " List all addresses currently being used by logaddress. " )
g_Log . ListLogAddress ( ) ;
CLog : : CLog ( )
Reset ( ) ;
CLog : : ~ CLog ( )
void CLog : : Reset ( void ) // reset all logging streams
m_LogAddresses . RemoveAll ( ) ;
m_LogFilename = NULL ;
m_bActive = false ;
m_flLastLogFlush = realtime ;
m_bFlushLog = false ;
# ifndef _XBOX
if ( CommandLine ( ) - > CheckParm ( " -flushlog " ) )
m_bFlushLog = true ;
# endif
void CLog : : Init ( void )
Reset ( ) ;
// listen to these events
g_GameEventManager . AddListener ( this , " server_spawn " , true ) ;
g_GameEventManager . AddListener ( this , " server_shutdown " , true ) ;
g_GameEventManager . AddListener ( this , " server_cvar " , true ) ;
g_GameEventManager . AddListener ( this , " server_message " , true ) ;
g_GameEventManager . AddListener ( this , " server_addban " , true ) ;
g_GameEventManager . AddListener ( this , " server_removeban " , true ) ;
void CLog : : Shutdown ( )
Close ( ) ;
Reset ( ) ;
g_GameEventManager . RemoveListener ( this ) ;
void CLog : : SetLoggingState ( bool state )
m_bActive = state ;
void CLog : : RunFrame ( )
if ( m_bFlushLog & & m_hLogFile ! = FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE & & ( realtime - m_flLastLogFlush ) > 1.0f )
m_flLastLogFlush = realtime ;
g_pFileSystem - > Flush ( m_hLogFile ) ;
bool CLog : : AddLogAddress ( netadr_t addr )
int i = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < m_LogAddresses . Count ( ) ; + + i )
if ( m_LogAddresses . Element ( i ) . CompareAdr ( addr , false ) )
// found!
break ;
if ( i < m_LogAddresses . Count ( ) )
// already in the list
return false ;
m_LogAddresses . AddToTail ( addr ) ;
return true ;
bool CLog : : DelLogAddress ( netadr_t addr )
int i = 0 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < m_LogAddresses . Count ( ) ; + + i )
if ( m_LogAddresses . Element ( i ) . CompareAdr ( addr , false ) )
// found!
break ;
if ( i < m_LogAddresses . Count ( ) )
m_LogAddresses . Remove ( i ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
void CLog : : ListLogAddress ( void )
netadr_t * pElement ;
const char * pszAdr ;
int count = m_LogAddresses . Count ( ) ;
if ( count < = 0 )
ConMsg ( " logaddress_list: no addresses in the list \n " ) ;
if ( count = = 1 )
ConMsg ( " logaddress_list: %i entry \n " , count ) ;
ConMsg ( " logaddress_list: %i entries \n " , count ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; + + i )
pElement = & m_LogAddresses . Element ( i ) ;
pszAdr = pElement - > ToString ( ) ;
ConMsg ( " %s \n " , pszAdr ) ;
bool CLog : : UsingLogAddress ( void )
return ( m_LogAddresses . Count ( ) > 0 ) ;
void CLog : : DelAllLogAddress ( void )
if ( m_LogAddresses . Count ( ) > 0 )
ConMsg ( " logaddress_delall: all addresses cleared \n " ) ;
m_LogAddresses . RemoveAll ( ) ;
ConMsg ( " logaddress_delall: no addresses in the list \n " ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void CLog : : PrintServerVars ( void )
const ConCommandBase * var ; // Temporary Pointer to cvars
if ( ! IsActive ( ) )
return ;
Printf ( " server cvars start \n " ) ;
// Loop through cvars...
for ( var = g_pCVar - > GetCommands ( ) ; var ; var = var - > GetNext ( ) )
if ( var - > IsCommand ( ) )
continue ;
if ( ! ( var - > IsFlagSet ( FCVAR_NOTIFY ) ) )
continue ;
Printf ( " \" %s \" = \" %s \" \n " , var - > GetName ( ) , ( ( ConVar * ) var ) - > GetString ( ) ) ;
Printf ( " server cvars end \n " ) ;
bool CLog : : IsActive ( void )
return m_bActive ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Prints a log message to the server ' s log file , console , and possible a UDP address
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void CLog : : Printf ( const char * fmt , . . . )
va_list argptr ;
static char string [ 1024 ] ;
if ( ! IsActive ( ) )
return ;
va_start ( argptr , fmt ) ;
Q_vsnprintf ( string , sizeof ( string ) , fmt , argptr ) ;
va_end ( argptr ) ;
Print ( string ) ;
void CLog : : Print ( const char * text )
if ( ! IsActive ( ) | | ! text | | ! text [ 0 ] )
return ;
tm today ;
VCRHook_LocalTime ( & today ) ;
if ( Q_strlen ( text ) > 1024 )
// Spew a warning, but continue and print the truncated stuff we have.
DevMsg ( 1 , " CLog::Print: string too long (>1024 bytes). " ) ;
static char string [ 1100 ] ;
V_sprintf_safe ( string , " L %02i/%02i/%04i - %02i:%02i:%02i: %s " ,
today . tm_mon + 1 , today . tm_mday , 1900 + today . tm_year ,
today . tm_hour , today . tm_min , today . tm_sec , text ) ;
// Echo to server console
if ( sv_logecho . GetInt ( ) )
ConMsg ( " %s " , string ) ;
// Echo to log file
if ( sv_logfile . GetInt ( ) & & ( m_hLogFile ! = FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE ) )
g_pFileSystem - > FPrintf ( m_hLogFile , " %s " , string ) ;
if ( sv_logflush . GetBool ( ) )
g_pFileSystem - > Flush ( m_hLogFile ) ;
// Echo to UDP port
if ( m_LogAddresses . Count ( ) > 0 )
// out of band sending
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_LogAddresses . Count ( ) ; i + + )
if ( sv_logsecret . GetInt ( ) ! = 0 )
NET_OutOfBandPrintf ( NS_SERVER , m_LogAddresses . Element ( i ) , " %c%s%s " , S2A_LOGSTRING2 , sv_logsecret . GetString ( ) , string ) ;
NET_OutOfBandPrintf ( NS_SERVER , m_LogAddresses . Element ( i ) , " %c%s " , S2A_LOGSTRING , string ) ;
void CLog : : FireGameEvent ( IGameEvent * event )
if ( ! IsActive ( ) )
return ;
// log server events
const char * name = event - > GetName ( ) ;
if ( ! name | | ! name [ 0 ] )
return ;
if ( Q_strcmp ( name , " server_spawn " ) = = 0 )
Printf ( " Started map \" %s \" (CRC \" %s \" ) \n " , sv . GetMapName ( ) , MD5_Print ( sv . worldmapMD5 . bits , MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH ) ) ;
else if ( Q_strcmp ( name , " server_shutdown " ) = = 0 )
Printf ( " server_message: \" %s \" \n " , event - > GetString ( " reason " ) ) ;
else if ( Q_strcmp ( name , " server_cvar " ) = = 0 )
Printf ( " server_cvar: \" %s \" \" %s \" \n " , event - > GetString ( " cvarname " ) , event - > GetString ( " cvarvalue " ) ) ;
else if ( Q_strcmp ( name , " server_message " ) = = 0 )
Printf ( " server_message: \" %s \" \n " , event - > GetString ( " text " ) ) ;
else if ( Q_strcmp ( name , " server_addban " ) = = 0 )
if ( sv_logbans . GetInt ( ) > 0 )
const int userid = event - > GetInt ( " userid " ) ;
const char * pszName = event - > GetString ( " name " ) ;
const char * pszNetworkid = event - > GetString ( " networkid " ) ;
const char * pszIP = event - > GetString ( " ip " ) ;
const char * pszDuration = event - > GetString ( " duration " ) ;
const char * pszCmdGiver = event - > GetString ( " by " ) ;
const char * pszResult = NULL ;
if ( Q_strlen ( pszIP ) > 0 )
pszResult = event - > GetInt ( " kicked " ) > 0 ? " was kicked and banned by IP " : " was banned by IP " ;
if ( userid > 0 )
Printf ( " Addip: \" %s<%i><%s><> \" %s \" %s \" by \" %s \" (IP \" %s \" ) \n " ,
pszName ,
userid ,
pszNetworkid ,
pszResult ,
pszDuration ,
pszCmdGiver ,
pszIP ) ;
Printf ( " Addip: \" <><><> \" %s \" %s \" by \" %s \" (IP \" %s \" ) \n " ,
pszResult ,
pszDuration ,
pszCmdGiver ,
pszIP ) ;
pszResult = event - > GetInt ( " kicked " ) > 0 ? " was kicked and banned " : " was banned " ;
if ( userid > 0 )
Printf ( " Banid: \" %s<%i><%s><> \" %s \" %s \" by \" %s \" \n " ,
pszName ,
userid ,
pszNetworkid ,
pszResult ,
pszDuration ,
pszCmdGiver ) ;
Printf ( " Banid: \" <><%s><> \" %s \" %s \" by \" %s \" \n " ,
pszNetworkid ,
pszResult ,
pszDuration ,
pszCmdGiver ) ;
else if ( Q_strcmp ( name , " server_removeban " ) = = 0 )
if ( sv_logbans . GetInt ( ) > 0 )
const char * pszNetworkid = event - > GetString ( " networkid " ) ;
const char * pszIP = event - > GetString ( " ip " ) ;
const char * pszCmdGiver = event - > GetString ( " by " ) ;
if ( Q_strlen ( pszIP ) > 0 )
Printf ( " Removeip: \" <><><> \" was unbanned by \" %s \" (IP \" %s \" ) \n " ,
pszCmdGiver ,
pszIP ) ;
Printf ( " Removeid: \" <><%s><> \" was unbanned by \" %s \" \n " ,
pszNetworkid ,
pszCmdGiver ) ;
struct TempFilename_t
bool IsGzip ;
CUtlString Filename ;
FileHandle_t file ;
gzFile gzfile ;
} fh ;
} ;
// Given a base filename and an extension, try to find a file that doesn't exist which we can use. This is
// accomplished by appending 000, 001, etc. Set IsGzip to use gzopen instead of filesystem open.
static bool CreateTempFilename ( TempFilename_t & info , const char * filenameBase , const char * ext , bool IsGzip )
// Check if a logfilename format has been specified - if it has, kick in new behavior.
const char * logfilename_format = sv_logfilename_format . GetString ( ) ;
bool bHaveLogfilenameFormat = logfilename_format & & logfilename_format [ 0 ] ;
info . fh . file = NULL ;
info . fh . gzfile = 0 ;
info . IsGzip = IsGzip ;
CUtlString fname = CUtlString ( filenameBase ) . StripExtension ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 1000 ; i + + )
if ( bHaveLogfilenameFormat )
// For the first pass, let's try not adding the index.
if ( i = = 0 )
info . Filename . Format ( " %s.%s " , fname . Get ( ) , ext ) ;
info . Filename . Format ( " %s_%03i.%s " , fname . Get ( ) , i - 1 , ext ) ;
info . Filename . Format ( " %s%03i.%s " , fname . Get ( ) , i , ext ) ;
// Make sure the path exists.
info . Filename . FixSlashes ( ) ;
COM_CreatePath ( info . Filename ) ;
if ( ! g_pFileSystem - > FileExists ( info . Filename , " LOGDIR " ) )
// If the path doesn't exist, try opening the file. If that succeeded, return our filehandle and filename.
if ( ! IsGzip )
info . fh . file = g_pFileSystem - > Open ( info . Filename , " wt " , " LOGDIR " ) ;
if ( info . fh . file )
return true ;
2023-04-24 22:19:49 +00:00
2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
info . fh . gzfile = gzopen ( info . Filename , " wb6 " ) ;
if ( info . fh . gzfile )
return true ;
2023-04-24 22:19:49 +00:00
# endif
2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
info . Filename = NULL ;
return false ;
// Gzip Filename to Filename.gz.
static bool gzip_file_compress ( const CUtlString & Filename )
2022-08-19 20:19:53 +00:00
2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
bool bRet = false ;
// Try to find a unique temp filename.
TempFilename_t info ;
bRet = CreateTempFilename ( info , Filename , " log.gz " , true ) ;
if ( ! bRet )
return false ;
Msg ( " Compressing %s to %s... \n " , Filename . Get ( ) , info . Filename . Get ( ) ) ;
FILE * in = fopen ( Filename , " rb " ) ;
if ( in )
for ( ; ; )
char buf [ 16384 ] ;
size_t len = fread ( buf , 1 , sizeof ( buf ) , in ) ;
if ( ferror ( in ) )
Msg ( " %s: fread failed. \n " , __FUNCTION__ ) ;
break ;
if ( len = = 0 )
bRet = true ;
break ;
if ( ( size_t ) gzwrite ( info . fh . gzfile , buf , len ) ! = len )
Msg ( " %s: gzwrite failed. \n " , __FUNCTION__ ) ;
break ;
if ( gzclose ( info . fh . gzfile ) ! = Z_OK )
Msg ( " %s: gzclose failed. \n " , __FUNCTION__ ) ;
bRet = false ;
fclose ( in ) ;
return bRet ;
2022-08-19 20:19:53 +00:00
# else
return false ;
# endif
2020-04-22 16:56:21 +00:00
static void FixupInvalidPathChars ( char * filename )
if ( ! filename )
return ;
for ( ; filename [ 0 ] ; filename + + )
switch ( filename [ 0 ] )
case ' : ' :
case ' \n ' :
case ' \r ' :
case ' \t ' :
case ' . ' :
case ' \\ ' :
case ' / ' :
filename [ 0 ] = ' _ ' ;
break ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Close logging file
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void CLog : : Close ( void )
Printf ( " Log file closed. \n " ) ;
g_pFileSystem - > Close ( m_hLogFile ) ;
if ( sv_logfilecompress . GetBool ( ) )
// Try to compress m_LogFilename to m_LogFilename.gz.
if ( gzip_file_compress ( m_LogFilename ) )
Msg ( " Success. Removing %s. \n " , m_LogFilename . Get ( ) ) ;
g_pFileSystem - > RemoveFile ( m_LogFilename , " LOGDIR " ) ;
m_LogFilename = NULL ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Flushes the log file to disk
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void CLog : : Flush ( void )
g_pFileSystem - > Flush ( m_hLogFile ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Open logging file
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void CLog : : Open ( void )
if ( ! m_bActive | | ! sv_logfile . GetBool ( ) )
return ;
// Do we already have a log file (and we only want one)?
if ( m_hLogFile & & sv_log_onefile . GetBool ( ) )
return ;
Close ( ) ;
// Find a new log file slot.
tm today ;
VCRHook_LocalTime ( & today ) ;
// safety check for invalid paths
const char * pszLogsDir = sv_logsdir . GetString ( ) ;
if ( ! COM_IsValidPath ( pszLogsDir ) )
pszLogsDir = " logs " ;
// Get the logfilename format string.
char szLogFilename [ MAX_OSPATH ] ;
szLogFilename [ 0 ] = 0 ;
const char * logfilename_format = sv_logfilename_format . GetString ( ) ;
if ( logfilename_format & & logfilename_format [ 0 ] )
// Call strftime with the logfilename format.
strftime ( szLogFilename , sizeof ( szLogFilename ) , logfilename_format , & today ) ;
// Make sure it's nil terminated.
szLogFilename [ sizeof ( szLogFilename ) - 1 ] = 0 ;
// Trim any leading and trailing whitespace.
Q_AggressiveStripPrecedingAndTrailingWhitespace ( szLogFilename ) ;
if ( ! szLogFilename [ 0 ] )
// If we got nothing, default to old month / day of month behavior.
V_sprintf_safe ( szLogFilename , " L%02i%02i " , today . tm_mon + 1 , today . tm_mday ) ;
// Replace any screwy characters with underscores.
FixupInvalidPathChars ( szLogFilename ) ;
char szFileBase [ MAX_OSPATH ] ;
V_sprintf_safe ( szFileBase , " %s/%s " , pszLogsDir , szLogFilename ) ;
// Try to get a free file.
TempFilename_t info ;
if ( ! CreateTempFilename ( info , szFileBase , " log " , false ) )
ConMsg ( " Unable to open logfiles under %s \n Logging disabled \n " , szFileBase ) ;
return ;
m_hLogFile = info . fh . file ;
m_LogFilename = info . Filename ;
ConMsg ( " Server logging data to file %s \n " , m_LogFilename . Get ( ) ) ;
Printf ( " Log file started (file \" %s \" ) (game \" %s \" ) (version \" %i \" ) \n " , m_LogFilename . Get ( ) , com_gamedir , build_number ( ) ) ;