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306 lines
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use String::CRC32;
BEGIN {use File::Basename; push @INC, dirname($0); }
require "valve_perl_helpers.pl";
$dynamic_compile = defined $ENV{"dynamic_shaders"} && $ENV{"dynamic_shaders"} != 0;
$depnum = 0;
$baseSourceDir = ".";
my %dep;
sub GetAsmShaderDependencies_R
local( $shadername ) = shift;
local( *SHADER );
open SHADER, "<$shadername";
while( <SHADER> )
if( m/^\s*\#\s*include\s+\"(.*)\"/ )
# make sure it isn't in there already.
if( !defined( $dep{$1} ) )
$dep{$1} = 1;
GetAsmShaderDependencies_R( $1 );
close SHADER;
sub GetAsmShaderDependencies
local( $shadername ) = shift;
undef %dep;
GetAsmShaderDependencies_R( $shadername );
# local( $i );
# foreach $i ( keys( %dep ) )
# {
# print "$shadername depends on $i\n";
# }
return keys( %dep );
sub GetShaderType
my $shadername = shift;
my $shadertype;
if( $shadername =~ m/\.vsh/i )
$shadertype = "vsh";
elsif( $shadername =~ m/\.psh/i )
$shadertype = "psh";
elsif( $shadername =~ m/\.fxc/i )
$shadertype = "fxc";
return $shadertype;
sub GetShaderSrc
my $shadername = shift;
if ( $shadername =~ m/^(.*)-----/i )
return $1;
return $shadername;
sub GetShaderBase
my $shadername = shift;
if ( $shadername =~ m/-----(.*)$/i )
return $1;
my $shadertype = &GetShaderType( $shadername );
$shadername =~ s/\.$shadertype//i;
return $shadername;
sub DoAsmShader
my $argstring = shift;
my $shadername = &GetShaderSrc( $argstring );
my $shaderbase = &GetShaderBase( $argstring );
my $shadertype = &GetShaderType( $argstring );
my $incfile = "";
if( $shadertype eq "fxc" || $shadertype eq "vsh" )
$incfile = $shadertype . "tmp9" . $g_tmpfolder . "\\$shaderbase.inc ";
my $vcsfile = $shaderbase . $g_vcsext;
my $bWillCompileVcs = 1;
if( ( $shadertype eq "fxc") && $dynamic_compile )
$bWillCompileVcs = 0;
if( $shadercrcpass{$argstring} )
$bWillCompileVcs = 0;
if( $bWillCompileVcs )
&output_makefile_line( $incfile . "shaders\\$shadertype\\$vcsfile: $shadername @dep\n") ;
# psh files don't need a rule at this point since they don't have inc files and we aren't compiling a vcs.
if( $shadertype eq "fxc" || $shadertype eq "vsh" )
&output_makefile_line( $incfile . ": $shadername @dep\n") ;
my $x360switch = "";
my $moreswitches = "";
if( !$bWillCompileVcs && $shadertype eq "fxc" )
$moreswitches .= "-novcs ";
if( $g_x360 )
$x360switch = "-x360";
if( $bWillCompileVcs && ( $shaderbase =~ m/_ps20$/i ) )
$moreswitches .= "-novcs ";
$bWillCompileVcs = 0;
# if we are psh and we are compiling the vcs, we don't need this rule.
if( !( $shadertype eq "psh" && !$bWillCompileVcs ) )
&output_makefile_line( "\tperl $g_SourceDir\\devtools\\bin\\" . $shadertype . "_prep.pl $moreswitches $x360switch -source \"$g_SourceDir\" $argstring\n") ;
if( $bWillCompileVcs )
&output_makefile_line( "\techo $shadername>> filestocopy.txt\n") ;
my $dep;
foreach $dep( @dep )
&output_makefile_line( "\techo $dep>> filestocopy.txt\n") ;
&output_makefile_line( "\n") ;
if( scalar( @ARGV ) == 0 )
die "Usage updateshaders.pl shaderprojectbasename\n\tie: updateshaders.pl stdshaders_dx6\n";
$g_x360 = 0;
$g_tmpfolder = "_tmp";
$g_vcsext = ".vcs";
while( 1 )
$inputbase = shift;
if( $inputbase =~ m/-source/ )
$g_SourceDir = shift;
elsif( $inputbase =~ m/-x360/ )
$g_x360 = 1;
$g_tmpfolder = "_360_tmp";
$g_vcsext = ".360.vcs";
elsif( $inputbase =~ m/-execute/ )
$g_execute = 1;
elsif( $inputbase =~ m/-nv3x/ )
$nv3x = 1;
my @srcfiles = &LoadShaderListFile( $inputbase );
open MAKEFILE, ">makefile\.$inputbase";
open COPYFILE, ">makefile\.$inputbase\.copy";
open INCLIST, ">inclist.txt";
open VCSLIST, ">vcslist.txt";
# make a default dependency that depends on all of the shaders.
&output_makefile_line( "default: ") ;
foreach $shader ( @srcfiles )
my $shadertype = &GetShaderType( $shader );
my $shaderbase = &GetShaderBase( $shader );
my $shadersrc = &GetShaderSrc( $shader );
if( $shadertype eq "fxc" || $shadertype eq "vsh" )
# We only generate inc files for fxc and vsh files.
my $incFileName = "$shadertype" . "tmp9" . $g_tmpfolder . "\\" . $shaderbase . "\.inc";
&output_makefile_line( " $incFileName" );
&output_inclist_line( "$incFileName\n" );
my $vcsfile = $shaderbase . $g_vcsext;
my $compilevcs = 1;
if( $shadertype eq "fxc" && $dynamic_compile )
$compilevcs = 0;
if( $g_x360 && ( $shaderbase =~ m/_ps20$/i ) )
$compilevcs = 0;
if( $compilevcs )
my $vcsFileName = "..\\..\\..\\game\\hl2\\shaders\\$shadertype\\$shaderbase" . $g_vcsext;
# We want to check for perforce operations even if the crc matches in the event that a file has been manually reverted and needs to be checked out again.
&output_vcslist_line( "$vcsFileName\n" );
$shadercrcpass{$shader} = &CheckCRCAgainstTarget( $shadersrc, $vcsFileName, 0 );
if( $shadercrcpass{$shader} )
$compilevcs = 0;
if( $compilevcs )
&output_makefile_line( " shaders\\$shadertype\\$vcsfile" );
# emit a list of vcs files to copy to the target since we want to build them.
&output_copyfile_line( GetShaderSrc($shader) . "-----" . GetShaderBase($shader) . "\n" );
&output_makefile_line( "\n\n") ;
# Insert all of our vertex shaders and depencencies
$lastshader = "";
foreach $shader ( @srcfiles )
my $currentshader = &GetShaderSrc( $shader );
if ( $lastshader ne $currentshader )
$lastshader = $currentshader;
@dep = &GetAsmShaderDependencies( $lastshader );
&DoAsmShader( $shader );
close VCSLIST;
close INCLIST;
# nuke the copyfile if it is zero length
if( ( stat "makefile\.$inputbase\.copy" )[7] == 0 )
unlink "makefile\.$inputbase\.copy";
sub output_makefile_line
local ($_)=@_;
print MAKEFILE $_;
sub output_copyfile_line
local ($_)=@_;
print COPYFILE $_;
sub output_vcslist_line
local ($_)=@_;
print VCSLIST $_;
sub output_inclist_line
local ($_)=@_;
print INCLIST $_;