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//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "NetChannel.h"
#include "UDP_Socket.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
#include "networksystem/inetworkmessage.h"
#include "networksystem.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Construction/Destruction
m_pSocket = NULL; // invalid
last_received = 0;
connect_time = 0;
Q_strncpy( m_Name, "", sizeof(m_Name) );
m_MessageHandler = NULL;
m_StreamUnreliable.StartWriting(m_UnreliableDataBuffer, sizeof(m_UnreliableDataBuffer));
m_StreamUnreliable.SetDebugName( "netchan_t::unreliabledata" );
m_StreamReliable.StartWriting(m_ReliableDataBuffer, sizeof(m_ReliableDataBuffer));
m_StreamReliable.SetDebugName( "netchan_t::reliabledata" );
m_Timeout = SIGNON_TIME_OUT;
m_PacketDrop = 0;
// Prevent the first message from getting dropped after connection is set up.
m_nOutSequenceNr = 1; // otherwise it looks like a
m_nInSequenceNr = 0;
m_nOutSequenceNrAck = 0;
m_nOutReliableState = 0; // our current reliable state
m_nInReliableState = 0; // last remote reliable state
// FlowReset();
Shutdown( "NetChannel removed." );
// called to open a channel to a remote system
void CNetChannel::Setup( bool serverSide, const netadr_t *adr, CUDPSocket *sendSocket, char const *name, INetworkMessageHandler *handler )
Assert( name );
Assert( handler );
Assert( adr );
m_pSocket = sendSocket;
// remote_address may be NULL for fake channels (demo playback etc)
remote_address = *adr;
last_received = g_pNetworkSystemImp->GetTime();
connect_time = last_received;
Q_strncpy( m_Name, name, sizeof(m_Name) );
m_MessageHandler = handler;
m_StreamUnreliable.StartWriting(m_UnreliableDataBuffer, sizeof(m_UnreliableDataBuffer));
m_StreamUnreliable.SetDebugName( "netchan_t::unreliabledata" );
m_ReliableDataBufferMP.EnsureCapacity( NET_MAX_PAYLOAD );
m_StreamReliable.StartWriting( m_ReliableDataBufferMP.Base(), NET_MAX_PAYLOAD );
m_StreamReliable.SetDebugName( "netchan_t::reliabledata" );
m_Timeout = SIGNON_TIME_OUT;
m_PacketDrop = 0;
// Prevent the first message from getting dropped after connection is set up.
m_nOutSequenceNr = 1; // otherwise it looks like a
m_nInSequenceNr = 0;
m_nOutSequenceNrAck = 0;
m_nOutReliableState = 0; // our current reliable state
m_nInReliableState = 0; // last remote reliable state
m_nChokedPackets = 0;
m_fClearTime = 0.0;
// FlowReset();
// tell message handler to register know netmessages
m_MessageHandler->OnConnectionStarted( this );
void CNetChannel::Shutdown( const char *pReason )
// send discconect
if ( !m_pSocket )
Clear(); // free all buffers (reliable & unreliable)
if ( pReason )
// send disconnect message
WriteSystemNetworkMessage( m_StreamUnreliable, net_disconnect );
m_StreamUnreliable.WriteString( pReason );
Transmit(); // push message out
m_pSocket = NULL; // signals that netchannel isn't valid anymore
if ( m_MessageHandler )
m_MessageHandler->OnConnectionClosing( this, pReason );
m_MessageHandler = NULL;
// Channel connection state
ConnectionStatus_t CNetChannel::GetConnectionState( )
return m_ConnectionState;
void CNetChannel::SetConnectionState( ConnectionStatus_t state )
m_ConnectionState = state;
void CNetChannel::GetSequenceData( int &nOutSequenceNr, int &nInSequenceNr, int &nOutSequenceNrAck )
nOutSequenceNr = m_nOutSequenceNr;
nInSequenceNr = m_nInSequenceNr;
nOutSequenceNrAck = m_nOutSequenceNrAck;
void CNetChannel::SetSequenceData( int nOutSequenceNr, int nInSequenceNr, int nOutSequenceNrAck )
Assert( IsPlayback() );
m_nOutSequenceNr = nOutSequenceNr;
m_nInSequenceNr = nInSequenceNr;
m_nOutSequenceNrAck = nOutSequenceNrAck;
void CNetChannel::SetTimeout(float seconds)
m_Timeout = seconds;
if ( m_Timeout > 3600.0f )
m_Timeout = 3600.0f; // 1 hour maximum
else if ( m_Timeout < CONNECTION_PROBLEM_TIME )
m_Timeout = CONNECTION_PROBLEM_TIME; // allow at least this minimum
void CNetChannel::SetDataRate(float rate)
m_Rate = clamp( rate, (float)MIN_RATE, (float)MAX_RATE );
const char * CNetChannel::GetName() const
return m_Name;
const char * CNetChannel::GetAddress() const
return remote_address.ToString();
int CNetChannel::GetDropNumber() const
return m_PacketDrop;
Returns true if the bandwidth choke isn't active
bool CNetChannel::CanSendPacket () const
return m_fClearTime < g_pNetworkSystemImp->GetTime();
void CNetChannel::FlowReset( void )
Q_memset( m_DataFlow, 0, sizeof( m_DataFlow ) );
Q_memset( m_MsgStats, 0, sizeof( m_MsgStats ) );
void CNetChannel::FlowNewPacket(int flow, int seqnr, int acknr, int nChoked, int nSize )
netflow_t * pflow = &m_DataFlow[ flow ];
// if frame_number != ( current + 1 ) mark frames between as invalid
netframe_t *pframe = NULL;
if ( seqnr > pflow->currentindex )
for ( int i = pflow->currentindex+1; i <= seqnr; i++ )
pframe = &pflow->frames[ i & NET_FRAMES_MASK ];
pframe->time = GetTime(); // now
pframe->valid = false;
pframe->size = 0;
pframe->latency = -1.0f; // not acknowledged yet
pframe->choked = 0; // not acknowledged yet
Q_memset( &pframe->msggroups, 0, sizeof(pframe->msggroups) );
pframe->choked = nChoked;
pframe->size = nSize;
pframe->valid = true;
Assert( seqnr > pflow->currentindex );
pflow->currentindex = seqnr;
pflow->currentframe = pframe;
// updated ping for acknowledged packet
if ( acknr <= (m_DataFlow[aflow].currentindex - NET_FRAMES_BACKUP) )
return; // acknowledged packet isn't in backup buffer anymore
netframe_t * aframe = &m_DataFlow[aflow].frames[ acknr & NET_FRAMES_MASK ];
if ( aframe->valid && aframe->latency == -1.0f )
// update ping for acknowledged packet, if not already acknowledged before
aframe->latency = GetTime() - aframe->time;
if ( aframe->latency < 0.0f )
aframe->latency = 0.0f;
void CNetChannel::FlowUpdate(int flow, int addbytes)
netflow_t * pflow = &m_DataFlow[ flow ];
pflow->totalbytes += addbytes;
if ( pflow->nextcompute > GetTime() )
pflow->nextcompute = GetTime() + FLOW_INTERVAL;
int totalvalid = 0;
int totalinvalid = 0;
int totalbytes = 0;
float totallatency = 0.0f;
int totallatencycount = 0;
int totalchoked = 0;
float starttime = FLT_MAX;
float endtime = 0.0f;
netframe_t *pprev = &pflow->frames[ NET_FRAMES_BACKUP-1 ];
for ( int i = 0; i < NET_FRAMES_BACKUP; i++ )
// Most recent message then backward from there
netframe_t * pcurr = &pflow->frames[ i ];
if ( pcurr->valid )
if ( pcurr->time < starttime )
starttime = pcurr->time;
if ( pcurr->time > endtime )
endtime = pcurr->time;
totalchoked += pcurr->choked;
totalbytes += pcurr->size;
if ( pcurr->latency > -1.0f )
totallatency += pcurr->latency;
pprev = pcurr;
float totaltime = endtime - starttime;
if ( totaltime > 0.0f )
pflow->avgbytespersec *= FLOW_AVG;
pflow->avgbytespersec += ( 1.0f - FLOW_AVG ) * ((float)totalbytes / totaltime);
pflow->avgpacketspersec *= FLOW_AVG;
pflow->avgpacketspersec += ( 1.0f - FLOW_AVG ) * ((float)totalvalid / totaltime);
int totalPackets = totalvalid + totalinvalid;
if ( totalPackets > 0 )
pflow->avgloss *= FLOW_AVG;
pflow->avgloss += ( 1.0f - FLOW_AVG ) * ((float)(totalinvalid-totalchoked)/totalPackets);
if ( pflow->avgloss < 0 )
pflow->avgloss = 0;
pflow->avgchoke *= FLOW_AVG;
pflow->avgchoke += ( 1.0f - FLOW_AVG ) * ((float)totalchoked/totalPackets);
if ( totallatencycount>0 )
float newping = totallatency / totallatencycount ;
pflow->latency = newping;
pflow->avglatency*= FLOW_AVG;
pflow->avglatency += ( 1.0f - FLOW_AVG ) * newping;
void CNetChannel::SetChoked( void )
m_nOutSequenceNr++; // sends to be done since move command use sequence number
bool CNetChannel::Transmit( bool onlyReliable /* =false */ )
if ( onlyReliable )
return ( SendDatagram( NULL ) != 0 );
tries to send an unreliable message to a connection, and handles the
transmition / retransmition of the reliable messages.
A 0 length will still generate a packet and deal with the reliable messages.
int CNetChannel::SendDatagram( bf_write *datagram )
byte send_buf[ NET_MAX_MESSAGE ];
// first increase out sequence number
// check, if fake client, then fake send also
if ( remote_address.GetType() == NA_NULL )
// this is a demo channel, fake sending all data
m_fClearTime = 0.0; // no bandwidth delay
m_nChokedPackets = 0; // Reset choke state
m_StreamReliable.Reset(); // clear current reliable buffer
m_StreamUnreliable.Reset(); // clear current unrelaible buffer
return m_nOutSequenceNr-1;
// process all new and pending reliable data, return true if reliable data should
// been send with this packet
if ( m_StreamReliable.IsOverflowed() )
Msg ("%s:send reliable stream overflow\n" ,remote_address.ToString());
return 0;
bf_write send( "CNetChannel_TransmitBits->send", send_buf, sizeof(send_buf) );
// Prepare the packet header
// build packet flags
unsigned char flags = 0;
// start writing packet
send.WriteLong ( m_nOutSequenceNr );
send.WriteLong ( m_nInSequenceNr );
bf_write flagsPos = send; // remember flags byte position
send.WriteByte ( 0 ); // write correct flags value later
send.WriteByte ( m_nInReliableState );
if ( m_nChokedPackets > 0 )
send.WriteByte ( m_nChokedPackets & 0xFF ); // send number of choked packets
if ( SendSubChannelData( send ) )
// Is there room for given datagram data. the datagram data
// is somewhat more important than the normal unreliable data
// this is done to allow some kind of snapshot behaviour
// weather all data in datagram is transmitted or none.
if ( datagram )
if( datagram->GetNumBitsWritten() < send.GetNumBitsLeft() )
send.WriteBits( datagram->GetData(), datagram->GetNumBitsWritten() );
DevMsg("CNetChannel::SendDatagram: data would overfow, ignoring\n");
// Is there room for the unreliable payload?
if ( m_StreamUnreliable.GetNumBitsWritten() < send.GetNumBitsLeft() )
send.WriteBits(m_StreamUnreliable.GetData(), m_StreamUnreliable.GetNumBitsWritten() );
DevMsg("CNetChannel::SendDatagram: Unreliable would overfow, ignoring\n");
m_StreamUnreliable.Reset(); // clear unreliable data buffer
// Deal with packets that are too small for some networks
while ( send.GetNumBytesWritten() < MIN_ROUTEABLE_PACKET )
// Go ahead and pad some bits as long as needed
WriteSystemNetworkMessage( send, net_nop );
// fill last bits in last byte with NOP if necessary
int nRemainingBits = send.GetNumBitsWritten() % 8;
int nHeaderSize = g_pNetworkSystemImp->GetGroupBitCount() + g_pNetworkSystemImp->GetTypeBitCount();
while ( nRemainingBits > 0 && nRemainingBits <= ( 8 - nHeaderSize ) )
WriteSystemNetworkMessage( send, net_nop );
nRemainingBits += nHeaderSize;
flagsPos.WriteByte( flags ); // write correct flags value
// Send the datagram
m_pSocket->SendTo( remote_address, send.GetData(), send.GetNumBytesWritten() );
// update stats
int nTotalSize = send.GetNumBytesWritten() + UDP_HEADER_SIZE;
// FlowNewPacket( FLOW_OUTGOING, m_nOutSequenceNr, m_nInSequenceNr, m_nChokedPackets, nTotalSize );
// FlowUpdate( FLOW_OUTGOING, nTotalSize );
float flTime = g_pNetworkSystemImp->GetTime();
if ( m_fClearTime < flTime )
m_fClearTime = flTime;
// calc cleantime when channel will be ready for next packet
Assert( m_Rate != 0.0f );
m_fClearTime += (float)( nTotalSize ) / (float) m_Rate;
m_nChokedPackets = 0;
return m_nOutSequenceNr-1; // return send seq nr
bool CNetChannel::ProcessControlMessage( int cmd, bf_read &buf )
switch( cmd )
case net_nop:
return true;
case net_disconnect:
char pReason[1024];
buf.ReadString( pReason, sizeof(pReason) );
Shutdown( pReason );
return false;
Msg( "CNetChannel: received bad control cmd %i from %s.\n", cmd, remote_address.ToString() );
return false;
bool CNetChannel::ProcessMessages( bf_read &buf )
//int startbit = buf.GetNumBitsRead();
int nGroupCount = g_pNetworkSystemImp->GetGroupBitCount();
int nTypeCount = g_pNetworkSystemImp->GetTypeBitCount();
while ( true )
if ( buf.IsOverflowed() )
return false;
// Are we at the end?
if ( buf.GetNumBitsLeft() < ( nGroupCount + nTypeCount ) )
unsigned int group = buf.ReadUBitLong( nGroupCount );
unsigned int type = buf.ReadUBitLong( nTypeCount );
if ( group == net_group_networksystem )
if ( !ProcessControlMessage( type, buf ) )
return g_pNetworkSystemImp->IsNetworkEventCreated(); // disconnect or error
// see if we have a registered message object for this type
INetworkMessage *pNetMessage = g_pNetworkSystemImp->FindNetworkMessage( group, type );
if ( !pNetMessage )
Msg( "Netchannel: unknown net message (%i:%i) from %s.\n", group, type, remote_address.ToString() );
Assert ( 0 );
return false;
// Attach it to the correct netchannel
pNetMessage->SetNetChannel( this );
// let message parse itself from buffe
const char *pGroupName = pNetMessage->GetGroupName();
const char *pMessageName = pNetMessage->GetName();
//int startbit = buf.GetNumBitsRead();
if ( !pNetMessage->ReadFromBuffer( buf ) )
Msg( "Netchannel: failed reading message %s [%s] from %s.\n", pMessageName, pGroupName, remote_address.ToString() );
Assert ( 0 );
return false;
// UpdateMessageStats( netmsg->GetGroup(), buf.GetNumBitsRead() - startbit );
// Create a network event
NetworkMessageReceivedEvent_t *pReceived = g_pNetworkSystemImp->CreateNetworkEvent< NetworkMessageReceivedEvent_t >( );
pReceived->m_pChannel = this;
pReceived->m_pNetworkMessage = pNetMessage;
return true; // ok fine
return false; // ok fine, but don't keep processing this packet
int CNetChannel::ProcessPacketHeader( bf_read& message )
// get sequence numbers
int sequence = message.ReadLong();
int sequence_ack= message.ReadLong();
int flags = message.ReadByte();
int relState = message.ReadByte(); // reliable state of 8 subchannels
int nChoked = 0; // read later if choked flag is set
//int i,j;
NOTE_UNUSED( relState );
if ( flags & PACKET_FLAG_CHOKED )
nChoked = message.ReadByte();
// discard stale or duplicated packets
if (sequence <= m_nInSequenceNr )
if ( net_showdrop.GetInt() )
if ( sequence == m_nInSequenceNr )
Msg ("%s:duplicate packet %i at %i\n"
, remote_address.ToString ()
, sequence
, m_nInSequenceNr);
Msg ("%s:out of order packet %i at %i\n"
, remote_address.ToString ()
, sequence
, m_nInSequenceNr);
return -1;
// dropped packets don't keep the message from being used
m_PacketDrop = sequence - (m_nInSequenceNr + nChoked + 1);
if ( m_PacketDrop > 0 )
if ( net_showdrop.GetInt() )
Msg ("%s:Dropped %i packets at %i\n"
,remote_address.ToString(), m_PacketDrop, sequence );
m_nInSequenceNr = sequence;
m_nOutSequenceNrAck = sequence_ack;
// Update data flow stats
// FlowNewPacket( FLOW_INCOMING, m_nInSequenceNr, m_nOutSequenceNrAck, nChoked, packet->size + UDP_HEADER_SIZE );
return flags;
// CNetChannel::ProcessPacket
// called when a new packet has arrived for this netchannel
// sequence numbers are extracted, fragments/file streams stripped
// and then the netmessages processed
bool CNetChannel::StartProcessingPacket( CNetPacket *packet )
if ( !m_MessageHandler )
return false;
netadr_t from = packet->m_From;
if ( remote_address.IsValid() && !from.CompareAdr ( remote_address ) )
return false;
// Update data flow stats
//FlowUpdate( FLOW_INCOMING, msg.TellPut() + UDP_HEADER_SIZE );
int flags = ProcessPacketHeader( packet->m_Message );
if ( flags == -1 )
return false; // invalid header/packet
if ( net_showudp.GetInt() && net_showudp.GetInt() != 3 )
Msg ("UDP <- %s: sz=%i seq=%i ack=%i rel=%i tm=%f\n"
, GetName()
, packet->m_nSizeInBytes
, m_nInSequenceNr & 63
, m_nOutSequenceNrAck & 63
, flags & PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE ? 1 : 0
, GetTime() );
last_received = g_pNetworkSystemImp->GetTime();
// tell message handler that a new packet has arrived
m_MessageHandler->OnPacketStarted( m_nInSequenceNr, m_nOutSequenceNrAck );
int i, bit = 1<<msg.ReadUBitLong( 3 );
for ( i=0; i<MAX_STREAMS; i++ )
if ( msg.ReadOneBit() != 0 )
if ( !ReadSubChannelData( msg, i ) )
return false; // error while reading fragments, drop whole packet
// flip subChannel bit to signal successfull receiving
FLIPBIT(m_nInReliableState, bit);
for ( i=0; i<MAX_STREAMS; i++ )
if ( !CheckReceivingList( i ) )
return false; // error while processing
return true;
bool CNetChannel::ProcessPacket( CNetPacket *packet )
return ProcessMessages( packet->m_Message );
void CNetChannel::EndProcessingPacket( CNetPacket *packet )
// tell message handler that packet is completely parsed
if ( m_MessageHandler )
bool CNetChannel::AddNetMsg( INetworkMessage *msg, bool bForceReliable )
if ( msg->IsReliable() || bForceReliable )
WriteNetworkMessage( m_StreamReliable, msg );
if ( m_StreamReliable.IsOverflowed() )
return false;
return msg->WriteToBuffer( m_StreamReliable );
WriteNetworkMessage( m_StreamUnreliable, msg );
if ( m_StreamUnreliable.IsOverflowed() )
return false;
return msg->WriteToBuffer( m_StreamUnreliable );
bool CNetChannel::AddData( bf_write &msg, bool bReliable )
// Always queue any pending reliable data ahead of the fragmentation buffer
if ( msg.GetNumBitsWritten() <= 0 )
return true;
bf_write * buf = bReliable ? &m_StreamReliable : &m_StreamUnreliable;
if ( msg.GetNumBitsWritten() > buf->GetNumBitsLeft() )
if ( bReliable )
Msg( "ERROR! SendData reliabe data too big (%i)", msg.GetNumBytesWritten() );
return false;
return buf->WriteBits( msg.GetData(), msg.GetNumBitsWritten() );
int CNetChannel::GetDataRate() const
return m_Rate;
bool CNetChannel::HasPendingReliableData( void )
return ( m_StreamReliable.GetNumBitsWritten() > 0 );
float CNetChannel::GetTimeConnected() const
float t = g_pNetworkSystemImp->GetTime() - connect_time;
return (t>0.0f) ? t : 0.0f ;
const netadr_t & CNetChannel::GetRemoteAddress() const
return remote_address;
bool CNetChannel::IsTimedOut() const
if ( m_Timeout == -1.0f )
return false;
return ( last_received + m_Timeout ) < g_pNetworkSystemImp->GetTime();
bool CNetChannel::IsTimingOut() const
if ( m_Timeout == -1.0f )
return false;
return (last_received + CONNECTION_PROBLEM_TIME) < g_pNetworkSystemImp->GetTime();
float CNetChannel::GetTimeSinceLastReceived() const
float t = g_pNetworkSystemImp->GetTime() - last_received;
return (t>0.0f) ? t : 0.0f ;
bool CNetChannel::IsOverflowed() const
return m_StreamReliable.IsOverflowed();
void CNetChannel::Clear()
void CNetChannel::Reset()
// FlowReset();
m_StreamUnreliable.Reset(); // clear any pending unreliable data messages
m_StreamReliable.Reset(); // clear any pending reliable data messages
m_fClearTime = 0.0; // ready to send
m_nChokedPackets = 0;
CUDPSocket *CNetChannel::GetSocket()
return m_pSocket;
float CNetChannel::GetAvgData( int flow ) const
return 0.0f;
// return m_DataFlow[flow].avgbytespersec;
float CNetChannel::GetAvgPackets( int flow ) const
return 0.0f;
// return m_DataFlow[flow].avgpacketspersec;
// Purpose:
// Input : *chan -
int CNetChannel::GetTotalData(int flow ) const
return 0;
// return m_DataFlow[flow].totalbytes;
int CNetChannel::GetSequenceNr( int flow ) const
if ( flow == FLOW_OUTGOING )
return m_nOutSequenceNr;
else if ( flow == FLOW_INCOMING )
return m_nInSequenceNr;
return 0;
float CNetChannel::GetLatency( int flow ) const
return 0.0f;
// return m_DataFlow[flow].latency;
float CNetChannel::GetAvgChoke( int flow ) const
return 0.0f;
//return m_DataFlow[flow].avgchoke;
float CNetChannel::GetAvgLatency( int flow ) const
return 0.0f;
//return m_DataFlow[flow].avglatency;
float CNetChannel::GetAvgLoss( int flow ) const
return 0.0f;
//return m_DataFlow[flow].avgloss;