diff --git a/Source-Engine-(EN).md b/Source-Engine-(EN).md index 2a2496a..2a11aa4 100644 --- a/Source-Engine-(EN).md +++ b/Source-Engine-(EN).md @@ -22,11 +22,12 @@ Welcome to the Source Engine wiki! #### Required dependencies - Install `git python gcc gcc-multilib sdl2 freetype2 fontconfig zlib bzip2 libjpeg libpng curl openal opus`. - For 32 bit install `lib32-gcc-libs lib32-sdl2 lib32-freetype2 lib32-fontconfig lib32-zlib lib32-bzip2 lib32-libjpeg lib32-libpng lib32-curl lib32-openal lib32-opus` -- Follow common build instructions. +- Follow [common build instructions](https://github.com/nillerusr/source-engine/wiki/Source-Engine-(EN)#common-build-instructions-for-all-os). ## Windows - Install MSVC 15.9 and Windows SDK from Visual Studio Installer. Or you can install full version of Visual Studio 2017 and use his MSVC 15.9. - Install [Python 3](https://python.org/downloads) and add it to Path. -- Build works for some reason only in PowerShell. Next follow common build instructions. +- Build works for some reason only in PowerShell. +- Follow [common build instructions](https://github.com/nillerusr/source-engine/wiki/Source-Engine-(EN)#common-build-instructions-for-all-os). ## OSX #### Preparing - Install Xcode frop AppStore. @@ -34,12 +35,12 @@ Welcome to the Source Engine wiki! - Install [HomeBrew](https://brew.sh/). #### Required dependencies - Run `brew install sdl2 freetype2 fontconfig pkg-config opus libpng libedit` -- Follow common build instructions. +- Follow [common build instructions](https://github.com/nillerusr/source-engine/wiki/Source-Engine-(EN)#common-build-instructions-for-all-os). ## BSD ### FreeBSD ##### Required dependencies - Use `pkg ins python sdl2 freetype2 fontconfig curl pkgconf openal-soft jpeg-turbo png`. -- Follow common build instructions. +- Follow [common build instructions](https://github.com/nillerusr/source-engine/wiki/Source-Engine-(EN)#common-build-instructions-for-all-os). # Common build instructions (For all OS) - Using a WAF build system you need to install python. I've recommend to use Python 3. - Run `./waf configure -T BUILDMODE`, where `BUILDMODE` is `release` or `debug`.