//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "DemoPage.h"

#include <VGUI/IVGui.h>
//#include <vgui_controls/Controls.h>

#include <vgui_controls/WizardPanel.h>
#include <vgui_controls/WizardSubPanel.h>
#include <vgui_controls/PHandle.h>

#include <vgui_controls/RadioButton.h>
#include <vgui_controls/TextEntry.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>

using namespace vgui;

// This is a demo of a Wizard.
// A wizard is an interactive utility within an application that guides the user through 
// each step of a task.
// Wizards typically display a sequence of steps, the user fills in information
// or makes selections and then clicks a "next" button to go to the next panel
// in the sequence. After all panels have been completed, the user clicks "finish"
// and the wizard exits.
// In VGUI, the Wizard class is the panel that holds the wizard navigation buttons
// to move to the previous or next panel, and the finish and cancel buttons to 
// exit. It also creates the panels that display when the buttons are pressed, called
// WizardSubPanels. These panels have thier own layout and functions that determine
// when to enable/disable the Wizard's navigation buttons.
// In this demo we have a Wizard class, called CWonderfulWizard, that contains
// two WizardSubPanel classes, called CSomeSelections and CMoreSelections.

// CSomeSelections: First sub panel of the Wonderful wizard
//			Provide some user options that we load from a resource file.
class CSomeSelections : public WizardSubPanel
	CSomeSelections(Panel *parent, const char *panelName);
	virtual WizardSubPanel *GetNextSubPanel();
	virtual void OnDisplayAsPrev();
	// Called when the wizard 'next' button is pressed.
	// Return true if the wizard should advance.
	virtual bool OnNextButton()	{ return true;}
	virtual void PerformLayout();
	TextEntry *m_pFirstNameEdit;
	TextEntry *m_pLastNameEdit;
	TextEntry *m_pUserNameEdit;
	TextEntry *m_pEmailEdit;

// Purpose: Constructor
CSomeSelections::CSomeSelections(Panel *parent, const char *panelName) : 
WizardSubPanel(parent, panelName)
	// create the controls
	m_pUserNameEdit = new TextEntry(this, "UserNameEdit");
	m_pFirstNameEdit = new TextEntry(this, "FirstNameEdit");
	m_pLastNameEdit = new TextEntry(this, "LastNameEdit");
	m_pEmailEdit = new TextEntry(this, "EmailEdit");
	// The layout of the controls is loaded from a resource file.

// Purpose: Return a pointer to the next subpanel that should be displayed
// Output : WizardSubPanel *
WizardSubPanel *CSomeSelections::GetNextSubPanel()
	// The next panel to be displayed is called 'CMoreSelections'
	return dynamic_cast<WizardSubPanel *>(GetWizardPanel()->FindChildByName("CMoreSelections"));

// Purpose: Execute this code when a panel has had the 'prev' button pressed
// and the panel to be displayed is this one.
// Input  :  
void CSomeSelections::OnDisplayAsPrev()
	// Enable the 'next' button
	// Buttons are disabled by default, so the prev button will be disabled,
	// which is correct since there are no panels before this one.

// Purpose: Layout the window.
void CSomeSelections::PerformLayout()
	// Set the title of the Wizard.
	GetWizardPanel()->SetTitle("Some Selections", false);
	// Make sure the 'finish' button is disabled, since we are not on the last panel.

// CMoreSelections: Second and last sub panel of the Wonderful wizard
//			Just one radio button in here. If the button is selected
//          The 'finish' button becomes enabled.
class CMoreSelections : public WizardSubPanel
	CMoreSelections(Panel *parent, const char *panelName);
	virtual WizardSubPanel *GetNextSubPanel();
	virtual void OnDisplayAsNext();
	virtual bool OnPrevButton() { return true;}
	virtual void PerformLayout();
	void OnRadioButtonChecked(Panel *panel);

	RadioButton *m_pDoneRadio;

// Purpose: Constructor
CMoreSelections::CMoreSelections(Panel *parent, const char *panelName) : 
WizardSubPanel(parent, panelName)
	// create the controls
	// a radio button
	m_pDoneRadio = new RadioButton(this, "DoneRadio", "Are you done?");

// Purpose: The wizard tried to get the subpanel after this one.
//  There is no panel to be displayed after this one. So return NULL
WizardSubPanel *CMoreSelections::GetNextSubPanel()
	return NULL;

// Purpose: Called when the subpanel is displayed
// All controls & data should be reinitialized at this time
void CMoreSelections::OnDisplayAsNext()
	// There is no next panel so disable this button.
	// We want the finish button disabled until the radio button is set.

// Purpose: Layout the window and enable/disable buttons as appropriate.
void CMoreSelections::PerformLayout()
	// Set the title of the Wizard.
	GetWizardPanel()->SetTitle("All finished?", false);

	// Check if the radio button is selected.
	if ( m_pDoneRadio->IsSelected())
		// If it is, we will enable the 'finish' button.


// Purpose: Upon checking the radio button, enable the 'finish' button.
void CMoreSelections::OnRadioButtonChecked(Panel *panel)
	if ( m_pDoneRadio->IsSelected())


// Purpose: Message map
MessageMapItem_t CMoreSelections::m_MessageMap[] =
	MAP_MESSAGE_PTR( CMoreSelections, "RadioButtonChecked", OnRadioButtonChecked, "panel" ),	// custom message
IMPLEMENT_PANELMAP(CMoreSelections, Panel);

// Purpose: A wizard panel containing two 
// wizard sub panels
class CWonderfulWizard : public WizardPanel
	void Run(void);
	void Open();

// Purpose: Constructor
CWonderfulWizard::CWonderfulWizard() : WizardPanel(NULL, "WonderfulWizard")
	// The size of the Wizard.
	//SetBounds(0, 0, 480, 360);
	// The first panel to be displayed.
	WizardSubPanel *subPanel = new CSomeSelections(this, "CSomeSelections");
	// The second panel to be displayed.
	subPanel = new CMoreSelections(this, "CMoreSelections");

// Purpose: Start the wizard, starting with the startPanel
void CWonderfulWizard::Run( void )

	// Call run, with the name of the first panel to be displayed.
	WizardPanel::Run(dynamic_cast<WizardSubPanel *>(FindChildByName("CSomeSelections")));
	SetTitle("A Wizard Panel ", true);

// Purpose: Display the wizard.
void CWonderfulWizard::Open()
	surface()->SetMinimized(this->GetVPanel(), false);

// Purpose: A demonstration of a wizard panel containing two 
// wizard sub panels
class WizardPanelDemo: public DemoPage
	WizardPanelDemo(Panel *parent, const char *name);
	void SetVisible(bool status);
	// We use a handle because the window could be destroyed if someone
	// closed the wizard. 
	DHANDLE<CWonderfulWizard> m_hWizardPanel;

// Purpose: Constructor
WizardPanelDemo::WizardPanelDemo(Panel *parent, const char *name) : DemoPage(parent, name)

// Purpose: When we make this this demo page visible we make the wizard visible.
void WizardPanelDemo::SetVisible(bool status)
	if (status)
		// Pop up the dialog
		if (m_hWizardPanel.Get())
			CWonderfulWizard *pWizardPanel = new CWonderfulWizard();
			pWizardPanel->SetPos(100, 100);
			pWizardPanel->SetSize(480, 360);

			surface()->CreatePopup(pWizardPanel->GetVPanel(), false);
			m_hWizardPanel = pWizardPanel;
		if (m_hWizardPanel.Get())


Panel* WizardPanelDemo_Create(Panel *parent)
	return new WizardPanelDemo(parent, "WizardPanelDemo");