//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 
// $NoKeywords: $

#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include "IAdminServer.h"
#include "IVGuiModule.h"

#include <utlvector.h>

class CServerPage;

// Purpose: Handles the UI and pinging of a half-life game server list
class CAdminServer : public IAdminServer, public IVGuiModule

	// IVGui module implementation
	virtual bool Initialize(CreateInterfaceFn *factorylist, int numFactories);
	virtual bool PostInitialize(CreateInterfaceFn *modules, int factoryCount);
	virtual vgui::VPANEL GetPanel();
	virtual bool Activate();
	virtual bool IsValid();
	virtual void Shutdown();
	virtual void Deactivate();
	virtual void Reactivate();
	virtual void SetParent(vgui::VPANEL parent);

	// IAdminServer implementation
	// opens a manage server dialog for a local server
	virtual ManageServerUIHandle_t OpenManageServerDialog(const char *serverName, const char *gameDir);

	// opens a manage server dialog to a remote server
	virtual ManageServerUIHandle_t OpenManageServerDialog(unsigned int gameIP, unsigned int gamePort, const char *password);

	// forces the game info dialog closed
	virtual void CloseManageServerDialog(ManageServerUIHandle_t gameDialog);

	// Gets a handle to the interface
	virtual IManageServer *GetManageServerInterface(ManageServerUIHandle_t handle);

	struct OpenedManageDialog_t
		unsigned long handle;
		IManageServer *manageInterface;
	CUtlVector<OpenedManageDialog_t> m_OpenedManageDialog;
	vgui::VPANEL m_hParent;

class IVProfExport;
extern IVProfExport *g_pVProfExport;

#endif // AdminServer_H