/* File: Files.h Contains: File Manager (MFS, HFS, and HFS+) Interfaces. Version: QuickTime 7.3 Copyright: (c) 2007 (c) 1985-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on the World Wide Web: http://developer.apple.com/bugreporter/ */ #ifndef __FILES__ #define __FILES__ #ifndef __MACTYPES__ #include <MacTypes.h> #endif #ifndef __MIXEDMODE__ #include <MixedMode.h> #endif #ifndef __OSUTILS__ #include <OSUtils.h> #endif #ifndef __TEXTCOMMON__ #include <TextCommon.h> #endif #ifndef __UTCUTILS__ #include <UTCUtils.h> #endif /* Finder constants were moved to Finder.* */ #ifndef __FINDER__ #include <Finder.h> #endif #if PRAGMA_ONCE #pragma once #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #if PRAGMA_IMPORT #pragma import on #endif #if PRAGMA_STRUCT_ALIGN #pragma options align=mac68k #elif PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACKPUSH #pragma pack(push, 2) #elif PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACK #pragma pack(2) #endif #if TARGET_API_MAC_OSX #include <sys/types.h> #else // #if TARGET_OS_WIN32 typedef int pid_t; #endif /* HFSUniStr255 is the Unicode equivalent of Str255 */ struct HFSUniStr255 { UInt16 length; /* number of unicode characters */ UniChar unicode[255]; /* unicode characters */ }; typedef struct HFSUniStr255 HFSUniStr255; typedef const HFSUniStr255 * ConstHFSUniStr255Param; enum { fsCurPerm = 0x00, /* open access permissions in ioPermssn */ fsRdPerm = 0x01, fsWrPerm = 0x02, fsRdWrPerm = 0x03, fsRdWrShPerm = 0x04, fsRdDenyPerm = 0x10, /* for use with OpenDeny and OpenRFDeny */ fsWrDenyPerm = 0x20 /* for use with OpenDeny and OpenRFDeny */ }; enum { fsRtParID = 1, fsRtDirID = 2 }; enum { fsAtMark = 0, /* positioning modes in ioPosMode */ fsFromStart = 1, fsFromLEOF = 2, fsFromMark = 3 }; enum { /* ioPosMode flags */ pleaseCacheBit = 4, /* please cache this request */ pleaseCacheMask = 0x0010, noCacheBit = 5, /* please don't cache this request */ noCacheMask = 0x0020, rdVerifyBit = 6, /* read verify mode */ rdVerifyMask = 0x0040, rdVerify = 64, /* old name of rdVerifyMask */ forceReadBit = 6, forceReadMask = 0x0040, newLineBit = 7, /* newline mode */ newLineMask = 0x0080, newLineCharMask = 0xFF00 /* newline character */ }; enum { /* CatSearch Search bitmask Constants */ fsSBPartialName = 1, fsSBFullName = 2, fsSBFlAttrib = 4, fsSBFlFndrInfo = 8, fsSBFlLgLen = 32, fsSBFlPyLen = 64, fsSBFlRLgLen = 128, fsSBFlRPyLen = 256, fsSBFlCrDat = 512, fsSBFlMdDat = 1024, fsSBFlBkDat = 2048, fsSBFlXFndrInfo = 4096, fsSBFlParID = 8192, fsSBNegate = 16384, fsSBDrUsrWds = 8, fsSBDrNmFls = 16, fsSBDrCrDat = 512, fsSBDrMdDat = 1024, fsSBDrBkDat = 2048, fsSBDrFndrInfo = 4096, fsSBDrParID = 8192 }; enum { /* CatSearch Search bit value Constants */ fsSBPartialNameBit = 0, /*ioFileName points to a substring*/ fsSBFullNameBit = 1, /*ioFileName points to a match string*/ fsSBFlAttribBit = 2, /*search includes file attributes*/ fsSBFlFndrInfoBit = 3, /*search includes finder info*/ fsSBFlLgLenBit = 5, /*search includes data logical length*/ fsSBFlPyLenBit = 6, /*search includes data physical length*/ fsSBFlRLgLenBit = 7, /*search includes resource logical length*/ fsSBFlRPyLenBit = 8, /*search includes resource physical length*/ fsSBFlCrDatBit = 9, /*search includes create date*/ fsSBFlMdDatBit = 10, /*search includes modification date*/ fsSBFlBkDatBit = 11, /*search includes backup date*/ fsSBFlXFndrInfoBit = 12, /*search includes extended finder info*/ fsSBFlParIDBit = 13, /*search includes file's parent ID*/ fsSBNegateBit = 14, /*return all non-matches*/ fsSBDrUsrWdsBit = 3, /*search includes directory finder info*/ fsSBDrNmFlsBit = 4, /*search includes directory valence*/ fsSBDrCrDatBit = 9, /*directory-named version of fsSBFlCrDatBit*/ fsSBDrMdDatBit = 10, /*directory-named version of fsSBFlMdDatBit*/ fsSBDrBkDatBit = 11, /*directory-named version of fsSBFlBkDatBit*/ fsSBDrFndrInfoBit = 12, /*directory-named version of fsSBFlXFndrInfoBit*/ fsSBDrParIDBit = 13 /*directory-named version of fsSBFlParIDBit*/ }; enum { /* vMAttrib (GetVolParms) bit position constants */ bLimitFCBs = 31, bLocalWList = 30, bNoMiniFndr = 29, bNoVNEdit = 28, bNoLclSync = 27, bTrshOffLine = 26, bNoSwitchTo = 25, bNoDeskItems = 20, bNoBootBlks = 19, bAccessCntl = 18, bNoSysDir = 17, bHasExtFSVol = 16, bHasOpenDeny = 15, bHasCopyFile = 14, bHasMoveRename = 13, bHasDesktopMgr = 12, bHasShortName = 11, bHasFolderLock = 10, bHasPersonalAccessPrivileges = 9, bHasUserGroupList = 8, bHasCatSearch = 7, bHasFileIDs = 6, bHasBTreeMgr = 5, bHasBlankAccessPrivileges = 4, bSupportsAsyncRequests = 3, /* asynchronous requests to this volume are handled correctly at any time*/ bSupportsTrashVolumeCache = 2 }; enum { /* vMExtendedAttributes (GetVolParms) bit position constants */ bIsEjectable = 0, /* volume is in an ejectable disk drive */ bSupportsHFSPlusAPIs = 1, /* volume supports HFS Plus APIs directly (not through compatibility layer) */ bSupportsFSCatalogSearch = 2, /* volume supports FSCatalogSearch */ bSupportsFSExchangeObjects = 3, /* volume supports FSExchangeObjects */ bSupports2TBFiles = 4, /* volume supports supports 2 terabyte files */ bSupportsLongNames = 5, /* volume supports file/directory/volume names longer than 31 characters */ bSupportsMultiScriptNames = 6, /* volume supports file/directory/volume names with characters from multiple script systems */ bSupportsNamedForks = 7, /* volume supports forks beyond the data and resource forks */ bSupportsSubtreeIterators = 8, /* volume supports recursive iterators not at the volume root */ bL2PCanMapFileBlocks = 9 /* volume supports Lg2Phys SPI correctly */ }; enum { /* vMExtendedAttributes (GetVolParms) bit position constants */ bSupportsSymbolicLinks = 13, /* volume supports the creation and use of symbolic links (Mac OS X only) */ bIsAutoMounted = 14, /* volume was mounted automatically (Mac OS X only) */ bAllowCDiDataHandler = 17, /* allow QuickTime's CDi data handler to examine this volume */ bSupportsExclusiveLocks = 18 /* volume supports exclusive opens for writing */ }; enum { /* Desktop Database, ffsGetIconMessage and fsmGetFSIconMessage icon type and size Constants */ kLargeIcon = 1, kLarge4BitIcon = 2, kLarge8BitIcon = 3, kSmallIcon = 4, kSmall4BitIcon = 5, kSmall8BitIcon = 6, kicnsIconFamily = 239 /* Note: The 'icns' icon family record is variable sized. */ }; enum { kLargeIconSize = 256, kLarge4BitIconSize = 512, kLarge8BitIconSize = 1024, kSmallIconSize = 64, kSmall4BitIconSize = 128, kSmall8BitIconSize = 256 }; enum { /* Large Volume Constants */ kWidePosOffsetBit = 8, kUseWidePositioning = (1 << kWidePosOffsetBit), kMaximumBlocksIn4GB = 0x007FFFFF }; enum { /* Foreign Privilege Model Identifiers */ fsUnixPriv = 1 }; enum { /* Authentication Constants */ kNoUserAuthentication = 1, kPassword = 2, kEncryptPassword = 3, kTwoWayEncryptPassword = 6 }; /* mapping codes (ioObjType) for MapName & MapID */ enum { kOwnerID2Name = 1, kGroupID2Name = 2, kOwnerName2ID = 3, kGroupName2ID = 4, /* types of oj object to be returned (ioObjType) for _GetUGEntry */ kReturnNextUser = 1, kReturnNextGroup = 2, kReturnNextUG = 3 }; /* vcbFlags bits */ enum { kVCBFlagsIdleFlushBit = 3, /* Set if volume should be flushed at idle time */ kVCBFlagsIdleFlushMask = 0x0008, kVCBFlagsHFSPlusAPIsBit = 4, /* Set if volume implements HFS Plus APIs itself (not via emulation) */ kVCBFlagsHFSPlusAPIsMask = 0x0010, kVCBFlagsHardwareGoneBit = 5, /* Set if disk driver returned a hardwareGoneErr to Read or Write */ kVCBFlagsHardwareGoneMask = 0x0020, kVCBFlagsVolumeDirtyBit = 15, /* Set if volume information has changed since the last FlushVol */ kVCBFlagsVolumeDirtyMask = 0x8000 }; /* ioVAtrb bits returned by PBHGetVInfo and PBXGetVolInfo */ enum { kioVAtrbDefaultVolumeBit = 5, /* Set if the volume is the default volume */ kioVAtrbDefaultVolumeMask = 0x0020, kioVAtrbFilesOpenBit = 6, /* Set if there are open files or iterators */ kioVAtrbFilesOpenMask = 0x0040, kioVAtrbHardwareLockedBit = 7, /* Set if volume is locked by a hardware setting */ kioVAtrbHardwareLockedMask = 0x0080, kioVAtrbSoftwareLockedBit = 15, /* Set if volume is locked by software */ kioVAtrbSoftwareLockedMask = 0x8000 }; /* ioFlAttrib bits returned by PBGetCatInfo */ enum { /* file and directory attributes in ioFlAttrib */ kioFlAttribLockedBit = 0, /* Set if file or directory is locked */ kioFlAttribLockedMask = 0x01, kioFlAttribResOpenBit = 2, /* Set if resource fork is open */ kioFlAttribResOpenMask = 0x04, kioFlAttribDataOpenBit = 3, /* Set if data fork is open */ kioFlAttribDataOpenMask = 0x08, kioFlAttribDirBit = 4, /* Set if this is a directory */ kioFlAttribDirMask = 0x10, ioDirFlg = 4, /* Set if this is a directory (old name) */ ioDirMask = 0x10, kioFlAttribCopyProtBit = 6, /* Set if AppleShare server "copy-protects" the file */ kioFlAttribCopyProtMask = 0x40, kioFlAttribFileOpenBit = 7, /* Set if file (either fork) is open */ kioFlAttribFileOpenMask = 0x80, /* ioFlAttrib for directories only */ kioFlAttribInSharedBit = 2, /* Set if the directory is within a shared area of the directory hierarchy */ kioFlAttribInSharedMask = 0x04, kioFlAttribMountedBit = 3, /* Set if the directory is a share point that is mounted by some user */ kioFlAttribMountedMask = 0x08, kioFlAttribSharePointBit = 5, /* Set if the directory is a share point */ kioFlAttribSharePointMask = 0x20 }; /* ioFCBFlags bits returned by PBGetFCBInfo */ enum { kioFCBWriteBit = 8, /* Data can be written to this file */ kioFCBWriteMask = 0x0100, kioFCBResourceBit = 9, /* This file is a resource fork */ kioFCBResourceMask = 0x0200, kioFCBWriteLockedBit = 10, /* File has a locked byte range */ kioFCBWriteLockedMask = 0x0400, kioFCBLargeFileBit = 11, /* File may grow beyond 2GB; cache uses file blocks, not bytes */ kioFCBLargeFileMask = 0x0800, kioFCBSharedWriteBit = 12, /* File is open for shared write access */ kioFCBSharedWriteMask = 0x1000, kioFCBFileLockedBit = 13, /* File is locked (write-protected) */ kioFCBFileLockedMask = 0x2000, kioFCBOwnClumpBit = 14, /* File has clump size specified in FCB */ kioFCBOwnClumpMask = 0x4000, kioFCBModifiedBit = 15, /* File has changed since it was last flushed */ kioFCBModifiedMask = 0x8000 }; /* ioACUser bits returned by PBGetCatInfo */ /* Note: you must clear ioACUser before calling PBGetCatInfo because some file systems do not use this field */ enum { kioACUserNoSeeFolderBit = 0, /* Set if user does not have See Folder privileges */ kioACUserNoSeeFolderMask = 0x01, kioACUserNoSeeFilesBit = 1, /* Set if user does not have See Files privileges */ kioACUserNoSeeFilesMask = 0x02, kioACUserNoMakeChangesBit = 2, /* Set if user does not have Make Changes privileges */ kioACUserNoMakeChangesMask = 0x04, kioACUserNotOwnerBit = 7, /* Set if user is not owner of the directory */ kioACUserNotOwnerMask = 0x80 }; /* Folder and File values of access privileges in ioACAccess */ enum { kioACAccessOwnerBit = 31, /* User is owner of directory */ kioACAccessOwnerMask = (long)0x80000000, kioACAccessBlankAccessBit = 28, /* Directory has blank access privileges */ kioACAccessBlankAccessMask = 0x10000000, kioACAccessUserWriteBit = 26, /* User has write privileges */ kioACAccessUserWriteMask = 0x04000000, kioACAccessUserReadBit = 25, /* User has read privileges */ kioACAccessUserReadMask = 0x02000000, kioACAccessUserSearchBit = 24, /* User has search privileges */ kioACAccessUserSearchMask = 0x01000000, kioACAccessEveryoneWriteBit = 18, /* Everyone has write privileges */ kioACAccessEveryoneWriteMask = 0x00040000, kioACAccessEveryoneReadBit = 17, /* Everyone has read privileges */ kioACAccessEveryoneReadMask = 0x00020000, kioACAccessEveryoneSearchBit = 16, /* Everyone has search privileges */ kioACAccessEveryoneSearchMask = 0x00010000, kioACAccessGroupWriteBit = 10, /* Group has write privileges */ kioACAccessGroupWriteMask = 0x00000400, kioACAccessGroupReadBit = 9, /* Group has read privileges */ kioACAccessGroupReadMask = 0x00000200, kioACAccessGroupSearchBit = 8, /* Group has search privileges */ kioACAccessGroupSearchMask = 0x00000100, kioACAccessOwnerWriteBit = 2, /* Owner has write privileges */ kioACAccessOwnerWriteMask = 0x00000004, kioACAccessOwnerReadBit = 1, /* Owner has read privileges */ kioACAccessOwnerReadMask = 0x00000002, kioACAccessOwnerSearchBit = 0, /* Owner has search privileges */ kioACAccessOwnerSearchMask = 0x00000001, kfullPrivileges = 0x00070007, /* all privileges for everybody and owner*/ kownerPrivileges = 0x00000007 /* all privileges for owner only*/ }; /* values of user IDs and group IDs */ enum { knoUser = 0, kadministratorUser = 1 }; enum { knoGroup = 0 }; struct GetVolParmsInfoBuffer { short vMVersion; /*version number*/ long vMAttrib; /*bit vector of attributes (see vMAttrib constants)*/ Handle vMLocalHand; /*handle to private data*/ long vMServerAdr; /*AppleTalk server address or zero*/ /* vMVersion 1 GetVolParmsInfoBuffer ends here */ long vMVolumeGrade; /*approx. speed rating or zero if unrated*/ short vMForeignPrivID; /*foreign privilege model supported or zero if none*/ /* vMVersion 2 GetVolParmsInfoBuffer ends here */ long vMExtendedAttributes; /*extended attribute bits (see vMExtendedAttributes constants)*/ /* vMVersion 3 GetVolParmsInfoBuffer ends here */ void * vMDeviceID; /* device id name for interoperability with IOKit */ /* vMVersion 4 GetVolParmsInfoBuffer ends here */ UniCharCount vMMaxNameLength; /* vMVersion 5 GetVolParmsInfoBuffer ends here */ }; typedef struct GetVolParmsInfoBuffer GetVolParmsInfoBuffer; typedef union ParamBlockRec ParamBlockRec; typedef ParamBlockRec * ParmBlkPtr; typedef CALLBACK_API_REGISTER68K( void , IOCompletionProcPtr, (ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ); typedef REGISTER_UPP_TYPE(IOCompletionProcPtr) IOCompletionUPP; struct IOParam { QElemPtr qLink; /*queue link in header*/ short qType; /*type byte for safety check*/ short ioTrap; /*FS: the Trap*/ Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*FS: address to dispatch to*/ IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)*/ volatile OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/ StringPtr ioNamePtr; /*ptr to Vol:FileName string*/ short ioVRefNum; /*volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)*/ short ioRefNum; /*refNum for I/O operation*/ SInt8 ioVersNum; /*version number*/ SInt8 ioPermssn; /*Open: permissions (byte)*/ Ptr ioMisc; /*Rename: new name (GetEOF,SetEOF: logical end of file) (Open: optional ptr to buffer) (SetFileType: new type)*/ Ptr ioBuffer; /*data buffer Ptr*/ long ioReqCount; /*requested byte count; also = ioNewDirID*/ long ioActCount; /*actual byte count completed*/ short ioPosMode; /*initial file positioning*/ long ioPosOffset; /*file position offset*/ }; typedef struct IOParam IOParam; typedef IOParam * IOParamPtr; struct FileParam { QElemPtr qLink; /*queue link in header*/ short qType; /*type byte for safety check*/ short ioTrap; /*FS: the Trap*/ Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*FS: address to dispatch to*/ IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)*/ volatile OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/ StringPtr ioNamePtr; /*ptr to Vol:FileName string*/ short ioVRefNum; /*volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)*/ short ioFRefNum; /*reference number*/ SInt8 ioFVersNum; /*version number*/ SInt8 filler1; short ioFDirIndex; /*GetFInfo directory index*/ SInt8 ioFlAttrib; /*GetFInfo: in-use bit=7, lock bit=0*/ SInt8 ioFlVersNum; /*file version number*/ FInfo ioFlFndrInfo; /*user info*/ unsigned long ioFlNum; /*GetFInfo: file number; TF- ioDirID*/ unsigned short ioFlStBlk; /*start file block (0 if none)*/ long ioFlLgLen; /*logical length (EOF)*/ long ioFlPyLen; /*physical length*/ unsigned short ioFlRStBlk; /*start block rsrc fork*/ long ioFlRLgLen; /*file logical length rsrc fork*/ long ioFlRPyLen; /*file physical length rsrc fork*/ unsigned long ioFlCrDat; /*file creation date& time (32 bits in secs)*/ unsigned long ioFlMdDat; /*last modified date and time*/ }; typedef struct FileParam FileParam; typedef FileParam * FileParamPtr; struct VolumeParam { QElemPtr qLink; /*queue link in header*/ short qType; /*type byte for safety check*/ short ioTrap; /*FS: the Trap*/ Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*FS: address to dispatch to*/ IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)*/ volatile OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/ StringPtr ioNamePtr; /*ptr to Vol:FileName string*/ short ioVRefNum; /*volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)*/ long filler2; short ioVolIndex; /*volume index number*/ unsigned long ioVCrDate; /*creation date and time*/ unsigned long ioVLsBkUp; /*last backup date and time*/ unsigned short ioVAtrb; /*volume attrib*/ unsigned short ioVNmFls; /*number of files in directory*/ unsigned short ioVDirSt; /*start block of file directory*/ short ioVBlLn; /*GetVolInfo: length of dir in blocks*/ unsigned short ioVNmAlBlks; /*for compatibilty ioVNmAlBlks * ioVAlBlkSiz <= 2 GB*/ unsigned long ioVAlBlkSiz; /*for compatibilty ioVAlBlkSiz is <= $0000FE00 (65,024)*/ unsigned long ioVClpSiz; /*GetVolInfo: bytes to allocate at a time*/ unsigned short ioAlBlSt; /*starting disk(512-byte) block in block map*/ unsigned long ioVNxtFNum; /*GetVolInfo: next free file number*/ unsigned short ioVFrBlk; /*GetVolInfo: # free alloc blks for this vol*/ }; typedef struct VolumeParam VolumeParam; typedef VolumeParam * VolumeParamPtr; struct CntrlParam { QElemPtr qLink; /*queue link in header*/ short qType; /*type byte for safety check*/ short ioTrap; /*FS: the Trap*/ Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*FS: address to dispatch to*/ IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)*/ volatile OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/ StringPtr ioNamePtr; /*ptr to Vol:FileName string*/ short ioVRefNum; /*volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)*/ short ioCRefNum; /*refNum for I/O operation*/ short csCode; /*word for control status code*/ short csParam[11]; /*operation-defined parameters*/ }; typedef struct CntrlParam CntrlParam; typedef CntrlParam * CntrlParamPtr; struct SlotDevParam { QElemPtr qLink; /*queue link in header*/ short qType; /*type byte for safety check*/ short ioTrap; /*FS: the Trap*/ Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*FS: address to dispatch to*/ IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)*/ volatile OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/ StringPtr ioNamePtr; /*ptr to Vol:FileName string*/ short ioVRefNum; /*volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)*/ short ioSRefNum; SInt8 ioSVersNum; SInt8 ioSPermssn; Ptr ioSMix; short ioSFlags; SInt8 ioSlot; SInt8 ioID; }; typedef struct SlotDevParam SlotDevParam; typedef SlotDevParam * SlotDevParamPtr; struct MultiDevParam { QElemPtr qLink; /*queue link in header*/ short qType; /*type byte for safety check*/ short ioTrap; /*FS: the Trap*/ Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*FS: address to dispatch to*/ IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)*/ volatile OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/ StringPtr ioNamePtr; /*ptr to Vol:FileName string*/ short ioVRefNum; /*volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)*/ short ioMRefNum; SInt8 ioMVersNum; SInt8 ioMPermssn; Ptr ioMMix; short ioMFlags; Ptr ioSEBlkPtr; }; typedef struct MultiDevParam MultiDevParam; typedef MultiDevParam * MultiDevParamPtr; union ParamBlockRec { IOParam ioParam; FileParam fileParam; VolumeParam volumeParam; CntrlParam cntrlParam; SlotDevParam slotDevParam; MultiDevParam multiDevParam; }; struct HFileInfo { QElemPtr qLink; /*queue link in header*/ short qType; /*type byte for safety check*/ short ioTrap; /*FS: the Trap*/ Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*FS: address to dispatch to*/ IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)*/ volatile OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/ StringPtr ioNamePtr; /*ptr to Vol:FileName string*/ short ioVRefNum; /*volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)*/ short ioFRefNum; SInt8 ioFVersNum; SInt8 filler1; short ioFDirIndex; SInt8 ioFlAttrib; SInt8 ioACUser; FInfo ioFlFndrInfo; long ioDirID; unsigned short ioFlStBlk; long ioFlLgLen; long ioFlPyLen; unsigned short ioFlRStBlk; long ioFlRLgLen; long ioFlRPyLen; unsigned long ioFlCrDat; unsigned long ioFlMdDat; unsigned long ioFlBkDat; FXInfo ioFlXFndrInfo; long ioFlParID; long ioFlClpSiz; }; typedef struct HFileInfo HFileInfo; struct DirInfo { QElemPtr qLink; /*queue link in header*/ short qType; /*type byte for safety check*/ short ioTrap; /*FS: the Trap*/ Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*FS: address to dispatch to*/ IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)*/ volatile OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/ StringPtr ioNamePtr; /*ptr to Vol:FileName string*/ short ioVRefNum; /*volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)*/ short ioFRefNum; SInt8 ioFVersNum; SInt8 filler1; short ioFDirIndex; SInt8 ioFlAttrib; SInt8 ioACUser; DInfo ioDrUsrWds; long ioDrDirID; unsigned short ioDrNmFls; short filler3[9]; unsigned long ioDrCrDat; unsigned long ioDrMdDat; unsigned long ioDrBkDat; DXInfo ioDrFndrInfo; long ioDrParID; }; typedef struct DirInfo DirInfo; union CInfoPBRec { HFileInfo hFileInfo; DirInfo dirInfo; }; typedef union CInfoPBRec CInfoPBRec; typedef CInfoPBRec * CInfoPBPtr; struct XCInfoPBRec { QElemPtr qLink; short qType; short ioTrap; Ptr ioCmdAddr; ProcPtr ioCompletion; /* --> A pointer to a completion routine */ volatile OSErr ioResult; /* --> The result code of the function */ StringPtr ioNamePtr; /* --> Pointer to pathname to object */ short ioVRefNum; /* --> A volume specification */ long filler1; StringPtr ioShortNamePtr; /* <-> A pointer to the short name string buffer - required! */ short filler2; short ioPDType; /* <-- The ProDOS file type */ long ioPDAuxType; /* <-- The ProDOS aux type */ long filler3[2]; long ioDirID; /* --> A directory ID */ }; typedef struct XCInfoPBRec XCInfoPBRec; typedef XCInfoPBRec * XCInfoPBPtr; /* Catalog position record */ struct CatPositionRec { long initialize; short priv[6]; }; typedef struct CatPositionRec CatPositionRec; struct FSSpec { short vRefNum; long parID; StrFileName name; /* a Str63 on MacOS*/ }; typedef struct FSSpec FSSpec; typedef FSSpec * FSSpecPtr; typedef FSSpecPtr * FSSpecHandle; /* pointer to array of FSSpecs */ typedef FSSpecPtr FSSpecArrayPtr; /* The only difference between "const FSSpec*" and "ConstFSSpecPtr" is that as a parameter, ConstFSSpecPtr is allowed to be NULL */ typedef const FSSpec * ConstFSSpecPtr; /* The following are structures to be filled out with the _PBGetVolMountInfo call and passed back into the _PBVolumeMount call for external file system mounts. */ /* the "signature" of the file system */ typedef OSType VolumeType; enum { /* the signature for AppleShare */ AppleShareMediaType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('afpm') }; /* VolMount stuff was once in FSM.* */ struct VolMountInfoHeader { short length; /* length of location data (including self) */ VolumeType media; /* type of media. Variable length data follows */ }; typedef struct VolMountInfoHeader VolMountInfoHeader; typedef VolMountInfoHeader * VolMountInfoPtr; /* The new volume mount info record. The old one is included for compatibility. the new record allows access by foriegn filesystems writers to the flags portion of the record. This portion is now public. */ struct VolumeMountInfoHeader { short length; /* length of location data (including self) */ VolumeType media; /* type of media (must be registered with Apple) */ short flags; /* volume mount flags. Variable length data follows */ }; typedef struct VolumeMountInfoHeader VolumeMountInfoHeader; typedef VolumeMountInfoHeader * VolumeMountInfoHeaderPtr; /* volume mount flags */ enum { volMountNoLoginMsgFlagBit = 0, /* Input to VolumeMount: If set, the file system */ volMountNoLoginMsgFlagMask = 0x0001, /* should suppresss any log-in message/greeting dialog */ volMountExtendedFlagsBit = 7, /* Input to VolumeMount: If set, the mount info is a */ volMountExtendedFlagsMask = 0x0080, /* AFPXVolMountInfo record for 3.7 AppleShare Client */ volMountInteractBit = 15, /* Input to VolumeMount: If set, it's OK for the file system */ volMountInteractMask = 0x8000, /* to perform user interaction to mount the volume */ volMountChangedBit = 14, /* Output from VoumeMount: If set, the volume was mounted, but */ volMountChangedMask = 0x4000, /* the volume mounting information record needs to be updated. */ volMountFSReservedMask = 0x00FF, /* bits 0-7 are defined by each file system for its own use */ volMountSysReservedMask = 0xFF00 /* bits 8-15 are reserved for Apple system use */ }; struct AFPVolMountInfo { short length; /* length of location data (including self) */ VolumeType media; /* type of media */ short flags; /* bits for no messages, no reconnect */ SInt8 nbpInterval; /* NBP Interval parameter (IM2, p.322) */ SInt8 nbpCount; /* NBP Interval parameter (IM2, p.322) */ short uamType; /* User Authentication Method */ short zoneNameOffset; /* short positive offset from start of struct to Zone Name */ short serverNameOffset; /* offset to pascal Server Name string */ short volNameOffset; /* offset to pascal Volume Name string */ short userNameOffset; /* offset to pascal User Name string */ short userPasswordOffset; /* offset to pascal User Password string */ short volPasswordOffset; /* offset to pascal Volume Password string */ char AFPData[144]; /* variable length data may follow */ }; typedef struct AFPVolMountInfo AFPVolMountInfo; typedef AFPVolMountInfo * AFPVolMountInfoPtr; /* AFPXVolMountInfo is the new AFP volume mount info record, requires the 3.7 AppleShare Client */ struct AFPXVolMountInfo { short length; /* length of location data (including self) */ VolumeType media; /* type of media */ short flags; /* bits for no messages, no reconnect */ SInt8 nbpInterval; /* NBP Interval parameter (IM2, p.322) */ SInt8 nbpCount; /* NBP Interval parameter (IM2, p.322) */ short uamType; /* User Authentication Method type */ short zoneNameOffset; /* short positive offset from start of struct to Zone Name */ short serverNameOffset; /* offset to pascal Server Name string */ short volNameOffset; /* offset to pascal Volume Name string */ short userNameOffset; /* offset to pascal User Name string */ short userPasswordOffset; /* offset to pascal User Password string */ short volPasswordOffset; /* offset to pascal Volume Password string */ short extendedFlags; /* extended flags word */ short uamNameOffset; /* offset to a pascal UAM name string */ short alternateAddressOffset; /* offset to Alternate Addresses in tagged format */ char AFPData[176]; /* variable length data may follow */ }; typedef struct AFPXVolMountInfo AFPXVolMountInfo; typedef AFPXVolMountInfo * AFPXVolMountInfoPtr; enum { kAFPExtendedFlagsAlternateAddressMask = 1 /* bit in AFPXVolMountInfo.extendedFlags that means alternateAddressOffset is used*/ }; enum { /* constants for use in AFPTagData.fType field*/ kAFPTagTypeIP = 0x01, /* 4 byte IP address (MSB first) */ kAFPTagTypeIPPort = 0x02, /* 4 byte IP address, 2 byte port (MSB first) */ kAFPTagTypeDDP = 0x03, /* Net,Node,Socket Sent by the server, currently unused by the client */ kAFPTagTypeDNS = 0x04 /* DNS name in address:port format (total length variable up to 254 chars of dns name) */ }; enum { /* constants for use in AFPTagData.fLength field*/ kAFPTagLengthIP = 0x06, kAFPTagLengthIPPort = 0x08, kAFPTagLengthDDP = 0x06 }; struct AFPTagData { UInt8 fLength; /* length of this data tag including the fLength field */ UInt8 fType; UInt8 fData[1]; /* variable length data */ }; typedef struct AFPTagData AFPTagData; struct AFPAlternateAddress { /* ooo.NOTE: fVersion was missing in 3.2 Universal Interfaces*/ UInt8 fVersion; /* version of the structure (currently 0x00)*/ UInt8 fAddressCount; UInt8 fAddressList[1]; /* actually variable length packed set of AFPTagData */ }; typedef struct AFPAlternateAddress AFPAlternateAddress; struct DTPBRec { QElemPtr qLink; /*queue link in header*/ short qType; /*type byte for safety check*/ short ioTrap; /*FS: the Trap*/ Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*FS: address to dispatch to*/ IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)*/ volatile OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/ StringPtr ioNamePtr; /*ptr to Vol:FileName string*/ short ioVRefNum; /*volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)*/ short ioDTRefNum; /* desktop refnum */ short ioIndex; long ioTagInfo; Ptr ioDTBuffer; long ioDTReqCount; long ioDTActCount; SInt8 ioFiller1; UInt8 ioIconType; short ioFiller2; long ioDirID; OSType ioFileCreator; OSType ioFileType; long ioFiller3; long ioDTLgLen; long ioDTPyLen; short ioFiller4[14]; long ioAPPLParID; }; typedef struct DTPBRec DTPBRec; typedef DTPBRec * DTPBPtr; struct HIOParam { QElemPtr qLink; /*queue link in header*/ short qType; /*type byte for safety check*/ short ioTrap; /*FS: the Trap*/ Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*FS: address to dispatch to*/ IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)*/ volatile OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/ StringPtr ioNamePtr; /*ptr to Vol:FileName string*/ short ioVRefNum; /*volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)*/ short ioRefNum; SInt8 ioVersNum; SInt8 ioPermssn; Ptr ioMisc; Ptr ioBuffer; long ioReqCount; long ioActCount; short ioPosMode; long ioPosOffset; }; typedef struct HIOParam HIOParam; typedef HIOParam * HIOParamPtr; struct HFileParam { QElemPtr qLink; /*queue link in header*/ short qType; /*type byte for safety check*/ short ioTrap; /*FS: the Trap*/ Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*FS: address to dispatch to*/ IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)*/ volatile OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/ StringPtr ioNamePtr; /*ptr to Vol:FileName string*/ short ioVRefNum; /*volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)*/ short ioFRefNum; SInt8 ioFVersNum; SInt8 filler1; short ioFDirIndex; SInt8 ioFlAttrib; SInt8 ioFlVersNum; FInfo ioFlFndrInfo; long ioDirID; unsigned short ioFlStBlk; long ioFlLgLen; long ioFlPyLen; unsigned short ioFlRStBlk; long ioFlRLgLen; long ioFlRPyLen; unsigned long ioFlCrDat; unsigned long ioFlMdDat; }; typedef struct HFileParam HFileParam; typedef HFileParam * HFileParamPtr; struct HVolumeParam { QElemPtr qLink; /*queue link in header*/ short qType; /*type byte for safety check*/ short ioTrap; /*FS: the Trap*/ Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*FS: address to dispatch to*/ IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)*/ volatile OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/ StringPtr ioNamePtr; /*ptr to Vol:FileName string*/ short ioVRefNum; /*volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)*/ long filler2; short ioVolIndex; unsigned long ioVCrDate; unsigned long ioVLsMod; short ioVAtrb; unsigned short ioVNmFls; unsigned short ioVBitMap; unsigned short ioAllocPtr; unsigned short ioVNmAlBlks; unsigned long ioVAlBlkSiz; unsigned long ioVClpSiz; unsigned short ioAlBlSt; unsigned long ioVNxtCNID; unsigned short ioVFrBlk; unsigned short ioVSigWord; short ioVDrvInfo; short ioVDRefNum; short ioVFSID; unsigned long ioVBkUp; short ioVSeqNum; unsigned long ioVWrCnt; unsigned long ioVFilCnt; unsigned long ioVDirCnt; long ioVFndrInfo[8]; }; typedef struct HVolumeParam HVolumeParam; typedef HVolumeParam * HVolumeParamPtr; struct XIOParam { QElemPtr qLink; short qType; short ioTrap; Ptr ioCmdAddr; IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; volatile OSErr ioResult; StringPtr ioNamePtr; short ioVRefNum; short ioRefNum; SInt8 ioVersNum; SInt8 ioPermssn; Ptr ioMisc; Ptr ioBuffer; long ioReqCount; long ioActCount; short ioPosMode; /* must have kUseWidePositioning bit set */ wide ioWPosOffset; /* wide positioning offset */ }; typedef struct XIOParam XIOParam; typedef XIOParam * XIOParamPtr; struct XVolumeParam { QElemPtr qLink; short qType; short ioTrap; Ptr ioCmdAddr; IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; volatile OSErr ioResult; StringPtr ioNamePtr; short ioVRefNum; unsigned long ioXVersion; /* this XVolumeParam version (0) */ short ioVolIndex; unsigned long ioVCrDate; unsigned long ioVLsMod; short ioVAtrb; unsigned short ioVNmFls; unsigned short ioVBitMap; unsigned short ioAllocPtr; unsigned short ioVNmAlBlks; unsigned long ioVAlBlkSiz; unsigned long ioVClpSiz; unsigned short ioAlBlSt; unsigned long ioVNxtCNID; unsigned short ioVFrBlk; unsigned short ioVSigWord; short ioVDrvInfo; short ioVDRefNum; short ioVFSID; unsigned long ioVBkUp; short ioVSeqNum; unsigned long ioVWrCnt; unsigned long ioVFilCnt; unsigned long ioVDirCnt; long ioVFndrInfo[8]; UInt64 ioVTotalBytes; /* total number of bytes on volume */ UInt64 ioVFreeBytes; /* number of free bytes on volume */ }; typedef struct XVolumeParam XVolumeParam; typedef XVolumeParam * XVolumeParamPtr; struct AccessParam { QElemPtr qLink; /*queue link in header*/ short qType; /*type byte for safety check*/ short ioTrap; /*FS: the Trap*/ Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*FS: address to dispatch to*/ IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)*/ volatile OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/ StringPtr ioNamePtr; /*ptr to Vol:FileName string*/ short ioVRefNum; /*volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)*/ short filler3; short ioDenyModes; /*access rights data*/ short filler4; SInt8 filler5; SInt8 ioACUser; /*access rights for directory only*/ long filler6; long ioACOwnerID; /*owner ID*/ long ioACGroupID; /*group ID*/ long ioACAccess; /*access rights*/ long ioDirID; }; typedef struct AccessParam AccessParam; typedef AccessParam * AccessParamPtr; struct ObjParam { QElemPtr qLink; /*queue link in header*/ short qType; /*type byte for safety check*/ short ioTrap; /*FS: the Trap*/ Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*FS: address to dispatch to*/ IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)*/ volatile OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/ StringPtr ioNamePtr; /*ptr to Vol:FileName string*/ short ioVRefNum; /*volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)*/ short filler7; short ioObjType; /*function code*/ StringPtr ioObjNamePtr; /*ptr to returned creator/group name*/ long ioObjID; /*creator/group ID*/ }; typedef struct ObjParam ObjParam; typedef ObjParam * ObjParamPtr; struct CopyParam { QElemPtr qLink; /*queue link in header*/ short qType; /*type byte for safety check*/ short ioTrap; /*FS: the Trap*/ Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*FS: address to dispatch to*/ IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)*/ volatile OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/ StringPtr ioNamePtr; /*ptr to Vol:FileName string*/ short ioVRefNum; /*volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)*/ short ioDstVRefNum; /*destination vol identifier*/ short filler8; StringPtr ioNewName; /*ptr to destination pathname*/ StringPtr ioCopyName; /*ptr to optional name*/ long ioNewDirID; /*destination directory ID*/ long filler14; long filler15; long ioDirID; }; typedef struct CopyParam CopyParam; typedef CopyParam * CopyParamPtr; struct WDParam { QElemPtr qLink; /*queue link in header*/ short qType; /*type byte for safety check*/ short ioTrap; /*FS: the Trap*/ Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*FS: address to dispatch to*/ IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)*/ volatile OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/ StringPtr ioNamePtr; /*ptr to Vol:FileName string*/ short ioVRefNum; /*volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)*/ short ioWDCreated; short ioWDIndex; long ioWDProcID; short ioWDVRefNum; short filler10; long filler11; long filler12; long filler13; long ioWDDirID; }; typedef struct WDParam WDParam; typedef WDParam * WDParamPtr; struct FIDParam { QElemPtr qLink; /*queue link in header*/ short qType; /*type byte for safety check*/ short ioTrap; /*FS: the Trap*/ Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*FS: address to dispatch to*/ IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)*/ volatile OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/ StringPtr ioNamePtr; /*ptr to Vol:FileName string*/ short ioVRefNum; /*volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)*/ long filler14; StringPtr ioDestNamePtr; /* dest file name */ long filler15; long ioDestDirID; /* dest file's directory id */ long filler16; long filler17; long ioSrcDirID; /* source file's directory id */ short filler18; long ioFileID; /* file ID */ }; typedef struct FIDParam FIDParam; typedef FIDParam * FIDParamPtr; struct ForeignPrivParam { QElemPtr qLink; /*queue link in header*/ short qType; /*type byte for safety check*/ short ioTrap; /*FS: the Trap*/ Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*FS: address to dispatch to*/ IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)*/ volatile OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/ StringPtr ioNamePtr; /*ptr to Vol:FileName string*/ short ioVRefNum; /*volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)*/ long ioFiller21; long ioFiller22; Ptr ioForeignPrivBuffer; long ioForeignPrivActCount; long ioForeignPrivReqCount; long ioFiller23; long ioForeignPrivDirID; long ioForeignPrivInfo1; long ioForeignPrivInfo2; long ioForeignPrivInfo3; long ioForeignPrivInfo4; }; typedef struct ForeignPrivParam ForeignPrivParam; typedef ForeignPrivParam * ForeignPrivParamPtr; struct CSParam { QElemPtr qLink; /*queue link in header*/ short qType; /*type byte for safety check*/ short ioTrap; /*FS: the Trap*/ Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*FS: address to dispatch to*/ IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)*/ volatile OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/ StringPtr ioNamePtr; /*ptr to Vol:FileName string*/ short ioVRefNum; /*volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)*/ FSSpecPtr ioMatchPtr; /* match array */ long ioReqMatchCount; /* maximum allowable matches */ long ioActMatchCount; /* actual match count */ long ioSearchBits; /* search criteria selector */ CInfoPBPtr ioSearchInfo1; /* search values and range lower bounds */ CInfoPBPtr ioSearchInfo2; /* search values and range upper bounds */ long ioSearchTime; /* length of time to run search */ CatPositionRec ioCatPosition; /* current position in the catalog */ Ptr ioOptBuffer; /* optional performance enhancement buffer */ long ioOptBufSize; /* size of buffer pointed to by ioOptBuffer */ }; typedef struct CSParam CSParam; typedef CSParam * CSParamPtr; union HParamBlockRec { HIOParam ioParam; HFileParam fileParam; HVolumeParam volumeParam; AccessParam accessParam; ObjParam objParam; CopyParam copyParam; WDParam wdParam; FIDParam fidParam; CSParam csParam; ForeignPrivParam foreignPrivParam; }; typedef union HParamBlockRec HParamBlockRec; typedef HParamBlockRec * HParmBlkPtr; struct CMovePBRec { QElemPtr qLink; short qType; short ioTrap; Ptr ioCmdAddr; IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; volatile OSErr ioResult; StringPtr ioNamePtr; short ioVRefNum; long filler1; StringPtr ioNewName; long filler2; long ioNewDirID; long filler3[2]; long ioDirID; }; typedef struct CMovePBRec CMovePBRec; typedef CMovePBRec * CMovePBPtr; struct WDPBRec { QElemPtr qLink; short qType; short ioTrap; Ptr ioCmdAddr; IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; volatile OSErr ioResult; StringPtr ioNamePtr; short ioVRefNum; short filler1; short ioWDIndex; long ioWDProcID; short ioWDVRefNum; short filler2[7]; long ioWDDirID; }; typedef struct WDPBRec WDPBRec; typedef WDPBRec * WDPBPtr; struct FCBPBRec { QElemPtr qLink; short qType; short ioTrap; Ptr ioCmdAddr; IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; volatile OSErr ioResult; StringPtr ioNamePtr; short ioVRefNum; short ioRefNum; short filler; short ioFCBIndx; short filler1; long ioFCBFlNm; short ioFCBFlags; unsigned short ioFCBStBlk; long ioFCBEOF; long ioFCBPLen; long ioFCBCrPs; short ioFCBVRefNum; long ioFCBClpSiz; long ioFCBParID; }; typedef struct FCBPBRec FCBPBRec; typedef FCBPBRec * FCBPBPtr; struct VCB { QElemPtr qLink; short qType; short vcbFlags; unsigned short vcbSigWord; unsigned long vcbCrDate; unsigned long vcbLsMod; short vcbAtrb; unsigned short vcbNmFls; short vcbVBMSt; short vcbAllocPtr; unsigned short vcbNmAlBlks; long vcbAlBlkSiz; long vcbClpSiz; short vcbAlBlSt; long vcbNxtCNID; unsigned short vcbFreeBks; Str27 vcbVN; short vcbDrvNum; short vcbDRefNum; short vcbFSID; short vcbVRefNum; Ptr vcbMAdr; Ptr vcbBufAdr; short vcbMLen; short vcbDirIndex; short vcbDirBlk; unsigned long vcbVolBkUp; unsigned short vcbVSeqNum; long vcbWrCnt; long vcbXTClpSiz; long vcbCTClpSiz; unsigned short vcbNmRtDirs; long vcbFilCnt; long vcbDirCnt; long vcbFndrInfo[8]; unsigned short vcbVCSize; unsigned short vcbVBMCSiz; unsigned short vcbCtlCSiz; unsigned short vcbXTAlBlks; unsigned short vcbCTAlBlks; short vcbXTRef; short vcbCTRef; Ptr vcbCtlBuf; long vcbDirIDM; short vcbOffsM; }; typedef struct VCB VCB; typedef VCB * VCBPtr; struct DrvQEl { QElemPtr qLink; short qType; short dQDrive; short dQRefNum; short dQFSID; unsigned short dQDrvSz; unsigned short dQDrvSz2; }; typedef struct DrvQEl DrvQEl; typedef DrvQEl * DrvQElPtr; /* * NewIOCompletionUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( IOCompletionUPP ) NewIOCompletionUPP(IOCompletionProcPtr userRoutine); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES enum { uppIOCompletionProcInfo = 0x00009802 }; /* register no_return_value Func(4_bytes:A0) */ #ifdef __cplusplus inline DEFINE_API_C(IOCompletionUPP) NewIOCompletionUPP(IOCompletionProcPtr userRoutine) { return (IOCompletionUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppIOCompletionProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture()); } #else #define NewIOCompletionUPP(userRoutine) (IOCompletionUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppIOCompletionProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture()) #endif #endif /* * DisposeIOCompletionUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( void ) DisposeIOCompletionUPP(IOCompletionUPP userUPP); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES #ifdef __cplusplus inline DEFINE_API_C(void) DisposeIOCompletionUPP(IOCompletionUPP userUPP) { DisposeRoutineDescriptor((UniversalProcPtr)userUPP); } #else #define DisposeIOCompletionUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP) #endif #endif /* * InvokeIOCompletionUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter InvokeIOCompletionUPP(__A0, __A1) #endif EXTERN_API_C( void ) InvokeIOCompletionUPP( ParmBlkPtr paramBlock, IOCompletionUPP userUPP) ONEWORDINLINE(0x4E91); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES && (!TARGET_OS_MAC || !TARGET_CPU_68K || TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM) #ifdef __cplusplus inline DEFINE_API_C(void) InvokeIOCompletionUPP(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock, IOCompletionUPP userUPP) { CALL_ONE_PARAMETER_UPP(userUPP, uppIOCompletionProcInfo, paramBlock); } #else #define InvokeIOCompletionUPP(paramBlock, userUPP) CALL_ONE_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppIOCompletionProcInfo, (paramBlock)) #endif #endif #if CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON || OLDROUTINENAMES /* support for pre-Carbon UPP routines: New...Proc and Call...Proc */ #define NewIOCompletionProc(userRoutine) NewIOCompletionUPP(userRoutine) #define CallIOCompletionProc(userRoutine, paramBlock) InvokeIOCompletionUPP(paramBlock, userRoutine) #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */ /* PBOpenSync(), PBOpenAsync(), PBOpenImmed() were moved to Devices.h PBCloseSync(), PBCloseAsync(), PBCloseImmed() were moved to Devices.h PBReadSync(), PBReadAsync(), PBReadImmed() were moved to Devices.h PBWriteSync(), PBWriteAsync(), PBWriteImmed() were moved to Devices.h */ #if CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON /* * PBGetVInfoSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetVInfoSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetVInfoSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA007); /* * PBGetVInfoAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetVInfoAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetVInfoAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA407); #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */ /* * PBXGetVolInfoSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 8.5 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBXGetVolInfoSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBXGetVolInfoSync(XVolumeParamPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7012, 0xA060); /* * PBXGetVolInfoAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 8.5 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBXGetVolInfoAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBXGetVolInfoAsync(XVolumeParamPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7012, 0xA460); #if CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON /* * PBGetVolSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetVolSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetVolSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA014); /* * PBGetVolAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetVolAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetVolAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA414); /* * PBSetVolSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBSetVolSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBSetVolSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA015); /* * PBSetVolAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBSetVolAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBSetVolAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA415); #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */ /* * PBFlushVolSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBFlushVolSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBFlushVolSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA013); /* * PBFlushVolAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBFlushVolAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBFlushVolAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA413); #if CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON /* * PBHTrashVolumeCachesSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHTrashVolumeCachesSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHTrashVolumeCachesSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA213); /* * PBCreateSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBCreateSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBCreateSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA008); /* * PBCreateAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBCreateAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBCreateAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA408); /* * PBDeleteSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDeleteSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDeleteSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA009); /* * PBDeleteAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDeleteAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDeleteAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA409); /* * PBOpenDFSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBOpenDFSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBOpenDFSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x701A, 0xA060); /* * PBOpenDFAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBOpenDFAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBOpenDFAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x701A, 0xA460); /* * PBOpenRFSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBOpenRFSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBOpenRFSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA00A); /* * PBOpenRFAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBOpenRFAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBOpenRFAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA40A); /* * PBRenameSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBRenameSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBRenameSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA00B); /* * PBRenameAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBRenameAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBRenameAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA40B); /* * PBGetFInfoSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetFInfoSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetFInfoSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA00C); /* * PBGetFInfoAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetFInfoAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetFInfoAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA40C); /* * PBSetFInfoSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBSetFInfoSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBSetFInfoSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA00D); /* * PBSetFInfoAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBSetFInfoAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBSetFInfoAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA40D); /* * PBSetFLockSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBSetFLockSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBSetFLockSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA041); /* * PBSetFLockAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBSetFLockAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBSetFLockAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA441); /* * PBRstFLockSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBRstFLockSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBRstFLockSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA042); /* * PBRstFLockAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBRstFLockAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBRstFLockAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA442); /* * PBSetFVersSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBSetFVersSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBSetFVersSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA043); /* * PBSetFVersAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBSetFVersAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBSetFVersAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA443); #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */ /* * PBAllocateSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBAllocateSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBAllocateSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA010); /* * PBAllocateAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBAllocateAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBAllocateAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA410); /* * PBGetEOFSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetEOFSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetEOFSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA011); /* * PBGetEOFAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetEOFAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetEOFAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA411); /* * PBSetEOFSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBSetEOFSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBSetEOFSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA012); /* * PBSetEOFAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBSetEOFAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBSetEOFAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA412); /* * PBGetFPosSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetFPosSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetFPosSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA018); /* * PBGetFPosAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetFPosAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetFPosAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA418); /* * PBSetFPosSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBSetFPosSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBSetFPosSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA044); /* * PBSetFPosAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBSetFPosAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBSetFPosAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA444); /* * PBFlushFileSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBFlushFileSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBFlushFileSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA045); /* * PBFlushFileAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBFlushFileAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBFlushFileAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA445); #if CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON /* * PBMountVol() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBMountVol(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBMountVol(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA00F); #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */ /* * PBUnmountVol() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBUnmountVol(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBUnmountVol(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA00E); #if CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON /* * PBUnmountVolImmed() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 8.5 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBUnmountVolImmed(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBUnmountVolImmed(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA20E); /* * PBEject() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBEject(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBEject(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA017); /* * PBOffLine() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBOffLine(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBOffLine(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA035); #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */ /* * PBCatSearchSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBCatSearchSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBCatSearchSync(CSParamPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7018, 0xA260); /* * PBCatSearchAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBCatSearchAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBCatSearchAsync(CSParamPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7018, 0xA660); #if CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON /* * SetVol() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) SetVol( ConstStr63Param volName, /* can be NULL */ short vRefNum); #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */ /* * UnmountVol() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) UnmountVol( ConstStr63Param volName, /* can be NULL */ short vRefNum); #if CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON /* * Eject() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) Eject( ConstStr63Param volName, /* can be NULL */ short vRefNum); #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */ /* * FlushVol() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FlushVol( ConstStr63Param volName, /* can be NULL */ short vRefNum); /* * HSetVol() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) HSetVol( ConstStr63Param volName, /* can be NULL */ short vRefNum, long dirID); /* AddDrive() was moved to Devices.h*/ #if CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON /* * FSOpen() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSOpen( ConstStr255Param fileName, short vRefNum, short * refNum); /* * OpenDF() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) OpenDF( ConstStr255Param fileName, short vRefNum, short * refNum); #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */ /* * FSClose() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSClose(short refNum); /* * FSRead() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSRead( short refNum, long * count, void * buffPtr); /* * FSWrite() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSWrite( short refNum, long * count, const void * buffPtr); #if CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON /* * GetVInfo() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) GetVInfo( short drvNum, StringPtr volName, short * vRefNum, long * freeBytes); /* * GetFInfo() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) GetFInfo( ConstStr255Param fileName, short vRefNum, FInfo * fndrInfo); /* * GetVol() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) GetVol( StringPtr volName, short * vRefNum); /* * Create() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) Create( ConstStr255Param fileName, short vRefNum, OSType creator, OSType fileType); /* * FSDelete() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSDelete( ConstStr255Param fileName, short vRefNum); /* * OpenRF() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) OpenRF( ConstStr255Param fileName, short vRefNum, short * refNum); /* * Rename() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) Rename( ConstStr255Param oldName, short vRefNum, ConstStr255Param newName); /* * SetFInfo() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) SetFInfo( ConstStr255Param fileName, short vRefNum, const FInfo * fndrInfo); /* * SetFLock() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) SetFLock( ConstStr255Param fileName, short vRefNum); /* * RstFLock() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) RstFLock( ConstStr255Param fileName, short vRefNum); #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */ /* * Allocate() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) Allocate( short refNum, long * count); /* * GetEOF() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) GetEOF( short refNum, long * logEOF); /* * SetEOF() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) SetEOF( short refNum, long logEOF); /* * GetFPos() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) GetFPos( short refNum, long * filePos); /* * SetFPos() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) SetFPos( short refNum, short posMode, long posOff); /* * GetVRefNum() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) GetVRefNum( short fileRefNum, short * vRefNum); #if CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON /* * fsopen() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API_C( OSErr ) fsopen( const char * fileName, short vRefNum, short * refNum); /* * getvinfo() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API_C( OSErr ) getvinfo( short drvNum, char * volName, short * vRefNum, long * freeBytes); /* * getfinfo() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API_C( OSErr ) getfinfo( const char * fileName, short vRefNum, FInfo * fndrInfo); /* * getvol() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API_C( OSErr ) getvol( char * volName, short * vRefNum); /* * setvol() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API_C( OSErr ) setvol( const char * volName, short vRefNum); /* * unmountvol() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API_C( OSErr ) unmountvol( const char * volName, short vRefNum); /* * eject() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API_C( OSErr ) eject( const char * volName, short vRefNum); /* * flushvol() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API_C( OSErr ) flushvol( const char * volName, short vRefNum); /* * create() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API_C( OSErr ) create( const char * fileName, short vRefNum, OSType creator, OSType fileType); /* * fsdelete() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API_C( OSErr ) fsdelete( const char * fileName, short vRefNum); /* * openrf() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API_C( OSErr ) openrf( const char * fileName, short vRefNum, short * refNum); /* * fsrename() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API_C( OSErr ) fsrename( const char * oldName, short vRefNum, const char * newName); /* * setfinfo() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API_C( OSErr ) setfinfo( const char * fileName, short vRefNum, const FInfo * fndrInfo); /* * setflock() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API_C( OSErr ) setflock( const char * fileName, short vRefNum); /* * rstflock() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API_C( OSErr ) rstflock( const char * fileName, short vRefNum); #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */ #if CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON /* * PBOpenWDSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBOpenWDSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBOpenWDSync(WDPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7001, 0xA260); /* * PBOpenWDAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBOpenWDAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBOpenWDAsync(WDPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7001, 0xA660); /* * PBCloseWDSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBCloseWDSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBCloseWDSync(WDPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7002, 0xA260); /* * PBCloseWDAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBCloseWDAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBCloseWDAsync(WDPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7002, 0xA660); #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */ /* * PBHSetVolSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHSetVolSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHSetVolSync(WDPBPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA215); /* * PBHSetVolAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHSetVolAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHSetVolAsync(WDPBPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA615); /* * PBHGetVolSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHGetVolSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHGetVolSync(WDPBPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA214); /* * PBHGetVolAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHGetVolAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHGetVolAsync(WDPBPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA614); /* * PBCatMoveSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBCatMoveSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBCatMoveSync(CMovePBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7005, 0xA260); /* * PBCatMoveAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBCatMoveAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBCatMoveAsync(CMovePBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7005, 0xA660); /* * PBDirCreateSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDirCreateSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDirCreateSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7006, 0xA260); /* * PBDirCreateAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDirCreateAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDirCreateAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7006, 0xA660); #if CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON /* * PBGetWDInfoSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetWDInfoSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetWDInfoSync(WDPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7007, 0xA260); /* * PBGetWDInfoAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetWDInfoAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetWDInfoAsync(WDPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7007, 0xA660); #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */ /* * PBGetFCBInfoSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetFCBInfoSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetFCBInfoSync(FCBPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7008, 0xA260); /* * PBGetFCBInfoAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetFCBInfoAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetFCBInfoAsync(FCBPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7008, 0xA660); /* * PBGetCatInfoSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetCatInfoSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetCatInfoSync(CInfoPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7009, 0xA260); /* * PBGetCatInfoAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetCatInfoAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetCatInfoAsync(CInfoPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7009, 0xA660); /* * PBSetCatInfoSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBSetCatInfoSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBSetCatInfoSync(CInfoPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x700A, 0xA260); /* * PBSetCatInfoAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBSetCatInfoAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBSetCatInfoAsync(CInfoPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x700A, 0xA660); /* * PBAllocContigSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBAllocContigSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBAllocContigSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA210); /* * PBAllocContigAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBAllocContigAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBAllocContigAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA610); /* * PBLockRangeSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBLockRangeSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBLockRangeSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7010, 0xA260); /* * PBLockRangeAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBLockRangeAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBLockRangeAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7010, 0xA660); /* * PBUnlockRangeSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBUnlockRangeSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBUnlockRangeSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7011, 0xA260); /* * PBUnlockRangeAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBUnlockRangeAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBUnlockRangeAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7011, 0xA660); /* * PBSetVInfoSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBSetVInfoSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBSetVInfoSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x700B, 0xA260); /* * PBSetVInfoAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBSetVInfoAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBSetVInfoAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x700B, 0xA660); /* * PBHGetVInfoSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHGetVInfoSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHGetVInfoSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA207); /* * PBHGetVInfoAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHGetVInfoAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHGetVInfoAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA607); /* * PBHOpenSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHOpenSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHOpenSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA200); /* * PBHOpenAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHOpenAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHOpenAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA600); /* * PBHOpenRFSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHOpenRFSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHOpenRFSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA20A); /* * PBHOpenRFAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHOpenRFAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHOpenRFAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA60A); /* * PBHOpenDFSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHOpenDFSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHOpenDFSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x701A, 0xA260); /* * PBHOpenDFAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHOpenDFAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHOpenDFAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x701A, 0xA660); /* * PBHCreateSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHCreateSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHCreateSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA208); /* * PBHCreateAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHCreateAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHCreateAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA608); /* * PBHDeleteSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHDeleteSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHDeleteSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA209); /* * PBHDeleteAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHDeleteAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHDeleteAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA609); /* * PBHRenameSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHRenameSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHRenameSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA20B); /* * PBHRenameAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHRenameAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHRenameAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA60B); /* * PBHRstFLockSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHRstFLockSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHRstFLockSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA242); /* * PBHRstFLockAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHRstFLockAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHRstFLockAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA642); /* * PBHSetFLockSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHSetFLockSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHSetFLockSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA241); /* * PBHSetFLockAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHSetFLockAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHSetFLockAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA641); /* * PBHGetFInfoSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHGetFInfoSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHGetFInfoSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA20C); /* * PBHGetFInfoAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHGetFInfoAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHGetFInfoAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA60C); /* * PBHSetFInfoSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHSetFInfoSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHSetFInfoSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA20D); /* * PBHSetFInfoAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHSetFInfoAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHSetFInfoAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA60D); /* * PBMakeFSSpecSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBMakeFSSpecSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBMakeFSSpecSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x701B, 0xA260); /* * PBMakeFSSpecAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBMakeFSSpecAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBMakeFSSpecAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x701B, 0xA660); #if CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON /* * FInitQueue() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( void ) FInitQueue(void) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA016); #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */ #if CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON /* * GetFSQHdr() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( QHdrPtr ) GetFSQHdr(void) THREEWORDINLINE(0x2EBC, 0x0000, 0x0360); /* * GetVCBQHdr() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( QHdrPtr ) GetVCBQHdr(void) THREEWORDINLINE(0x2EBC, 0x0000, 0x0356); /* GetDrvQHdr was moved to Devices.h*/ #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */ /* * HGetVol() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) HGetVol( StringPtr volName, short * vRefNum, long * dirID); /* * HOpen() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) HOpen( short vRefNum, long dirID, ConstStr255Param fileName, SInt8 permission, short * refNum); /* * HOpenDF() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) HOpenDF( short vRefNum, long dirID, ConstStr255Param fileName, SInt8 permission, short * refNum); /* * HOpenRF() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) HOpenRF( short vRefNum, long dirID, ConstStr255Param fileName, SInt8 permission, short * refNum); /* * AllocContig() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) AllocContig( short refNum, long * count); /* * HCreate() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) HCreate( short vRefNum, long dirID, ConstStr255Param fileName, OSType creator, OSType fileType); /* * DirCreate() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) DirCreate( short vRefNum, long parentDirID, ConstStr255Param directoryName, long * createdDirID); /* * HDelete() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) HDelete( short vRefNum, long dirID, ConstStr255Param fileName); /* * HGetFInfo() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) HGetFInfo( short vRefNum, long dirID, ConstStr255Param fileName, FInfo * fndrInfo); /* * HSetFInfo() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) HSetFInfo( short vRefNum, long dirID, ConstStr255Param fileName, const FInfo * fndrInfo); /* * HSetFLock() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) HSetFLock( short vRefNum, long dirID, ConstStr255Param fileName); /* * HRstFLock() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) HRstFLock( short vRefNum, long dirID, ConstStr255Param fileName); /* * HRename() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) HRename( short vRefNum, long dirID, ConstStr255Param oldName, ConstStr255Param newName); /* * CatMove() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) CatMove( short vRefNum, long dirID, ConstStr255Param oldName, long newDirID, ConstStr255Param newName); #if CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON /* * OpenWD() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) OpenWD( short vRefNum, long dirID, long procID, short * wdRefNum); /* * CloseWD() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) CloseWD(short wdRefNum); /* * GetWDInfo() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) GetWDInfo( short wdRefNum, short * vRefNum, long * dirID, long * procID); /* shared environment */ #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */ /* * PBHGetVolParmsSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHGetVolParmsSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHGetVolParmsSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7030, 0xA260); /* * PBHGetVolParmsAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHGetVolParmsAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHGetVolParmsAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7030, 0xA660); /* * PBHGetLogInInfoSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHGetLogInInfoSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHGetLogInInfoSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7031, 0xA260); /* * PBHGetLogInInfoAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHGetLogInInfoAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHGetLogInInfoAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7031, 0xA660); /* * PBHGetDirAccessSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHGetDirAccessSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHGetDirAccessSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7032, 0xA260); /* * PBHGetDirAccessAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHGetDirAccessAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHGetDirAccessAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7032, 0xA660); /* * PBHSetDirAccessSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHSetDirAccessSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHSetDirAccessSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7033, 0xA260); /* * PBHSetDirAccessAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHSetDirAccessAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHSetDirAccessAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7033, 0xA660); /* * PBHMapIDSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHMapIDSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHMapIDSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7034, 0xA260); /* * PBHMapIDAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHMapIDAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHMapIDAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7034, 0xA660); /* * PBHMapNameSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHMapNameSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHMapNameSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7035, 0xA260); /* * PBHMapNameAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHMapNameAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHMapNameAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7035, 0xA660); /* * PBHCopyFileSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHCopyFileSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHCopyFileSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7036, 0xA260); /* * PBHCopyFileAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHCopyFileAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHCopyFileAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7036, 0xA660); /* * PBHMoveRenameSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHMoveRenameSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHMoveRenameSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7037, 0xA260); /* * PBHMoveRenameAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHMoveRenameAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHMoveRenameAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7037, 0xA660); /* * PBHOpenDenySync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHOpenDenySync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHOpenDenySync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7038, 0xA260); /* * PBHOpenDenyAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHOpenDenyAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHOpenDenyAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7038, 0xA660); /* * PBHOpenRFDenySync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHOpenRFDenySync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHOpenRFDenySync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7039, 0xA260); /* * PBHOpenRFDenyAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBHOpenRFDenyAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBHOpenRFDenyAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7039, 0xA660); /* * PBGetXCatInfoSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 8.5 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetXCatInfoSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetXCatInfoSync(XCInfoPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x703A, 0xA260); /* * PBGetXCatInfoAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 8.5 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetXCatInfoAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetXCatInfoAsync(XCInfoPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x703A, 0xA660); /* * PBExchangeFilesSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBExchangeFilesSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBExchangeFilesSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7017, 0xA260); /* * PBExchangeFilesAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBExchangeFilesAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBExchangeFilesAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7017, 0xA660); /* * PBCreateFileIDRefSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBCreateFileIDRefSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBCreateFileIDRefSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7014, 0xA260); /* * PBCreateFileIDRefAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBCreateFileIDRefAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBCreateFileIDRefAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7014, 0xA660); /* * PBResolveFileIDRefSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBResolveFileIDRefSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBResolveFileIDRefSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7016, 0xA260); /* * PBResolveFileIDRefAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBResolveFileIDRefAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBResolveFileIDRefAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7016, 0xA660); /* * PBDeleteFileIDRefSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDeleteFileIDRefSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDeleteFileIDRefSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7015, 0xA260); /* * PBDeleteFileIDRefAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDeleteFileIDRefAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDeleteFileIDRefAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7015, 0xA660); /* * PBGetForeignPrivsSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetForeignPrivsSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetForeignPrivsSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7060, 0xA260); /* * PBGetForeignPrivsAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetForeignPrivsAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetForeignPrivsAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7060, 0xA660); /* * PBSetForeignPrivsSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBSetForeignPrivsSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBSetForeignPrivsSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7061, 0xA260); /* * PBSetForeignPrivsAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBSetForeignPrivsAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBSetForeignPrivsAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7061, 0xA660); /* Desktop Manager */ /* * PBDTGetPath() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTGetPath(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTGetPath(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7020, 0xA260); /* * PBDTCloseDown() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTCloseDown(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTCloseDown(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7021, 0xA260); /* * PBDTAddIconSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTAddIconSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTAddIconSync(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7022, 0xA260); /* * PBDTAddIconAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTAddIconAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTAddIconAsync(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7022, 0xA660); /* * PBDTGetIconSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTGetIconSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTGetIconSync(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7023, 0xA260); /* * PBDTGetIconAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTGetIconAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTGetIconAsync(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7023, 0xA660); /* * PBDTGetIconInfoSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTGetIconInfoSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTGetIconInfoSync(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7024, 0xA260); /* * PBDTGetIconInfoAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTGetIconInfoAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTGetIconInfoAsync(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7024, 0xA660); /* * PBDTAddAPPLSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTAddAPPLSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTAddAPPLSync(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7025, 0xA260); /* * PBDTAddAPPLAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTAddAPPLAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTAddAPPLAsync(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7025, 0xA660); /* * PBDTRemoveAPPLSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTRemoveAPPLSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTRemoveAPPLSync(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7026, 0xA260); /* * PBDTRemoveAPPLAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTRemoveAPPLAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTRemoveAPPLAsync(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7026, 0xA660); /* * PBDTGetAPPLSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTGetAPPLSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTGetAPPLSync(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7027, 0xA260); /* * PBDTGetAPPLAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTGetAPPLAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTGetAPPLAsync(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7027, 0xA660); /* * PBDTSetCommentSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTSetCommentSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTSetCommentSync(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7028, 0xA260); /* * PBDTSetCommentAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTSetCommentAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTSetCommentAsync(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7028, 0xA660); /* * PBDTRemoveCommentSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTRemoveCommentSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTRemoveCommentSync(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7029, 0xA260); /* * PBDTRemoveCommentAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTRemoveCommentAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTRemoveCommentAsync(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7029, 0xA660); /* * PBDTGetCommentSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTGetCommentSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTGetCommentSync(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x702A, 0xA260); /* * PBDTGetCommentAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTGetCommentAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTGetCommentAsync(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x702A, 0xA660); /* * PBDTFlushSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTFlushSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTFlushSync(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x702B, 0xA260); /* * PBDTFlushAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTFlushAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTFlushAsync(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x702B, 0xA660); /* * PBDTResetSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTResetSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTResetSync(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x702C, 0xA260); /* * PBDTResetAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTResetAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTResetAsync(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x702C, 0xA660); /* * PBDTGetInfoSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTGetInfoSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTGetInfoSync(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x702D, 0xA260); /* * PBDTGetInfoAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTGetInfoAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTGetInfoAsync(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x702D, 0xA660); /* * PBDTOpenInform() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTOpenInform(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTOpenInform(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x702E, 0xA060); /* * PBDTDeleteSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTDeleteSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTDeleteSync(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x702F, 0xA060); /* * PBDTDeleteAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDTDeleteAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDTDeleteAsync(DTPBPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x702F, 0xA460); /* VolumeMount traps */ /* * PBGetVolMountInfoSize() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetVolMountInfoSize(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetVolMountInfoSize(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x703F, 0xA260); /* * PBGetVolMountInfo() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetVolMountInfo(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetVolMountInfo(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7040, 0xA260); /* * PBVolumeMount() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBVolumeMount(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBVolumeMount(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7041, 0xA260); /* FSp traps */ /* * FSMakeFSSpec() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSMakeFSSpec( short vRefNum, long dirID, ConstStr255Param fileName, FSSpec * spec) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7001, 0xAA52); /* * FSpOpenDF() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSpOpenDF( const FSSpec * spec, SInt8 permission, short * refNum) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7002, 0xAA52); /* * FSpOpenRF() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSpOpenRF( const FSSpec * spec, SInt8 permission, short * refNum) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7003, 0xAA52); /* * FSpCreate() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSpCreate( const FSSpec * spec, OSType creator, OSType fileType, ScriptCode scriptTag) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7004, 0xAA52); /* * FSpDirCreate() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSpDirCreate( const FSSpec * spec, ScriptCode scriptTag, long * createdDirID) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7005, 0xAA52); /* * FSpDelete() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSpDelete(const FSSpec * spec) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7006, 0xAA52); /* * FSpGetFInfo() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSpGetFInfo( const FSSpec * spec, FInfo * fndrInfo) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7007, 0xAA52); /* * FSpSetFInfo() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSpSetFInfo( const FSSpec * spec, const FInfo * fndrInfo) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7008, 0xAA52); /* * FSpSetFLock() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSpSetFLock(const FSSpec * spec) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7009, 0xAA52); /* * FSpRstFLock() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSpRstFLock(const FSSpec * spec) TWOWORDINLINE(0x700A, 0xAA52); /* * FSpRename() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSpRename( const FSSpec * spec, ConstStr255Param newName) TWOWORDINLINE(0x700B, 0xAA52); /* * FSpCatMove() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSpCatMove( const FSSpec * source, const FSSpec * dest) TWOWORDINLINE(0x700C, 0xAA52); /* * FSpExchangeFiles() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSpExchangeFiles( const FSSpec * source, const FSSpec * dest) TWOWORDINLINE(0x700F, 0xAA52); /* * PBShareSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBShareSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBShareSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7042, 0xA260); /* * PBShareAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBShareAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBShareAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7042, 0xA660); /* * PBUnshareSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBUnshareSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBUnshareSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7043, 0xA260); /* * PBUnshareAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBUnshareAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBUnshareAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7043, 0xA660); /* * PBGetUGEntrySync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetUGEntrySync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetUGEntrySync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7044, 0xA260); /* * PBGetUGEntryAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetUGEntryAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetUGEntryAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7044, 0xA660); #if TARGET_CPU_68K /* PBGetAltAccess and PBSetAltAccess are obsolete and will not be supported on PowerPC. Equivalent functionality is provided by the routines PBGetForeignPrivs and PBSetForeignPrivs. */ #if CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON /* * PBGetAltAccessSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: not available * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetAltAccessSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetAltAccessSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7060, 0xA060); /* * PBGetAltAccessAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: not available * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetAltAccessAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetAltAccessAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7060, 0xA460); /* * PBSetAltAccessSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: not available * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBSetAltAccessSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBSetAltAccessSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7061, 0xA060); /* * PBSetAltAccessAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: not available * CarbonLib: not available * Mac OS X: not available */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBSetAltAccessAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBSetAltAccessAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7061, 0xA460); #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */ #define PBSetAltAccess(pb, async) ((async) ? PBSetAltAccessAsync(pb) : PBSetAltAccessSync(pb)) #define PBGetAltAccess(pb, async) ((async) ? PBGetAltAccessAsync(pb) : PBGetAltAccessSync(pb)) #endif /* TARGET_CPU_68K */ /* The PBxxx() routines are obsolete. Use the PBxxxSync() or PBxxxAsync() version instead. */ #define PBGetVInfo(pb, async) ((async) ? PBGetVInfoAsync(pb) : PBGetVInfoSync(pb)) #define PBXGetVolInfo(pb, async) ((async) ? PBXGetVolInfoAsync(pb) : PBXGetVolInfoSync(pb)) #define PBGetVol(pb, async) ((async) ? PBGetVolAsync(pb) : PBGetVolSync(pb)) #define PBSetVol(pb, async) ((async) ? PBSetVolAsync(pb) : PBSetVolSync(pb)) #define PBFlushVol(pb, async) ((async) ? PBFlushVolAsync(pb) : PBFlushVolSync(pb)) #define PBCreate(pb, async) ((async) ? PBCreateAsync(pb) : PBCreateSync(pb)) #define PBDelete(pb, async) ((async) ? PBDeleteAsync(pb) : PBDeleteSync(pb)) #define PBOpenDF(pb, async) ((async) ? PBOpenDFAsync(pb) : PBOpenDFSync(pb)) #define PBOpenRF(pb, async) ((async) ? PBOpenRFAsync(pb) : PBOpenRFSync(pb)) #define PBRename(pb, async) ((async) ? PBRenameAsync(pb) : PBRenameSync(pb)) #define PBGetFInfo(pb, async) ((async) ? PBGetFInfoAsync(pb) : PBGetFInfoSync(pb)) #define PBSetFInfo(pb, async) ((async) ? PBSetFInfoAsync(pb) : PBSetFInfoSync(pb)) #define PBSetFLock(pb, async) ((async) ? PBSetFLockAsync(pb) : PBSetFLockSync(pb)) #define PBRstFLock(pb, async) ((async) ? PBRstFLockAsync(pb) : PBRstFLockSync(pb)) #define PBSetFVers(pb, async) ((async) ? PBSetFVersAsync(pb) : PBSetFVersSync(pb)) #define PBAllocate(pb, async) ((async) ? PBAllocateAsync(pb) : PBAllocateSync(pb)) #define PBGetEOF(pb, async) ((async) ? PBGetEOFAsync(pb) : PBGetEOFSync(pb)) #define PBSetEOF(pb, async) ((async) ? PBSetEOFAsync(pb) : PBSetEOFSync(pb)) #define PBGetFPos(pb, async) ((async) ? PBGetFPosAsync(pb) : PBGetFPosSync(pb)) #define PBSetFPos(pb, async) ((async) ? PBSetFPosAsync(pb) : PBSetFPosSync(pb)) #define PBFlushFile(pb, async) ((async) ? PBFlushFileAsync(pb) : PBFlushFileSync(pb)) #define PBCatSearch(pb, async) ((async) ? PBCatSearchAsync(pb) : PBCatSearchSync(pb)) #define PBOpenWD(pb, async) ((async) ? PBOpenWDAsync(pb) : PBOpenWDSync(pb)) #define PBCloseWD(pb, async) ((async) ? PBCloseWDAsync(pb) : PBCloseWDSync(pb)) #define PBHSetVol(pb, async) ((async) ? PBHSetVolAsync(pb) : PBHSetVolSync(pb)) #define PBHGetVol(pb, async) ((async) ? PBHGetVolAsync(pb) : PBHGetVolSync(pb)) #define PBCatMove(pb, async) ((async) ? PBCatMoveAsync(pb) : PBCatMoveSync(pb)) #define PBDirCreate(pb, async) ((async) ? PBDirCreateAsync(pb) : PBDirCreateSync(pb)) #define PBGetWDInfo(pb, async) ((async) ? PBGetWDInfoAsync(pb) : PBGetWDInfoSync(pb)) #define PBGetFCBInfo(pb, async) ((async) ? PBGetFCBInfoAsync(pb) : PBGetFCBInfoSync(pb)) #define PBGetCatInfo(pb, async) ((async) ? PBGetCatInfoAsync(pb) : PBGetCatInfoSync(pb)) #define PBSetCatInfo(pb, async) ((async) ? PBSetCatInfoAsync(pb) : PBSetCatInfoSync(pb)) #define PBAllocContig(pb, async) ((async) ? PBAllocContigAsync(pb) : PBAllocContigSync(pb)) #define PBLockRange(pb, async) ((async) ? PBLockRangeAsync(pb) : PBLockRangeSync(pb)) #define PBUnlockRange(pb, async) ((async) ? PBUnlockRangeAsync(pb) : PBUnlockRangeSync(pb)) #define PBSetVInfo(pb, async) ((async) ? PBSetVInfoAsync(pb) : PBSetVInfoSync(pb)) #define PBHGetVInfo(pb, async) ((async) ? PBHGetVInfoAsync(pb) : PBHGetVInfoSync(pb)) #define PBHOpen(pb, async) ((async) ? PBHOpenAsync(pb) : PBHOpenSync(pb)) #define PBHOpenRF(pb, async) ((async) ? PBHOpenRFAsync(pb) : PBHOpenRFSync(pb)) #define PBHOpenDF(pb, async) ((async) ? PBHOpenDFAsync(pb) : PBHOpenDFSync(pb)) #define PBHCreate(pb, async) ((async) ? PBHCreateAsync(pb) : PBHCreateSync(pb)) #define PBHDelete(pb, async) ((async) ? PBHDeleteAsync(pb) : PBHDeleteSync(pb)) #define PBHRename(pb, async) ((async) ? PBHRenameAsync(pb) : PBHRenameSync(pb)) #define PBHRstFLock(pb, async) ((async) ? PBHRstFLockAsync(pb) : PBHRstFLockSync(pb)) #define PBHSetFLock(pb, async) ((async) ? PBHSetFLockAsync(pb) : PBHSetFLockSync(pb)) #define PBHGetFInfo(pb, async) ((async) ? PBHGetFInfoAsync(pb) : PBHGetFInfoSync(pb)) #define PBHSetFInfo(pb, async) ((async) ? PBHSetFInfoAsync(pb) : PBHSetFInfoSync(pb)) #define PBMakeFSSpec(pb, async) ((async) ? PBMakeFSSpecAsync(pb) : PBMakeFSSpecSync(pb)) #define PBHGetVolParms(pb, async) ((async) ? PBHGetVolParmsAsync(pb) : PBHGetVolParmsSync(pb)) #define PBHGetLogInInfo(pb, async) ((async) ? PBHGetLogInInfoAsync(pb) : PBHGetLogInInfoSync(pb)) #define PBHGetDirAccess(pb, async) ((async) ? PBHGetDirAccessAsync(pb) : PBHGetDirAccessSync(pb)) #define PBHSetDirAccess(pb, async) ((async) ? PBHSetDirAccessAsync(pb) : PBHSetDirAccessSync(pb)) #define PBHMapID(pb, async) ((async) ? PBHMapIDAsync(pb) : PBHMapIDSync(pb)) #define PBHMapName(pb, async) ((async) ? PBHMapNameAsync(pb) : PBHMapNameSync(pb)) #define PBHCopyFile(pb, async) ((async) ? PBHCopyFileAsync(pb) : PBHCopyFileSync(pb)) #define PBHMoveRename(pb, async) ((async) ? PBHMoveRenameAsync(pb) : PBHMoveRenameSync(pb)) #define PBHOpenDeny(pb, async) ((async) ? PBHOpenDenyAsync(pb) : PBHOpenDenySync(pb)) #define PBHOpenRFDeny(pb, async) ((async) ? PBHOpenRFDenyAsync(pb) : PBHOpenRFDenySync(pb)) #define PBExchangeFiles(pb, async) ((async) ? PBExchangeFilesAsync(pb) : PBExchangeFilesSync(pb)) #define PBCreateFileIDRef(pb, async) ((async) ? PBCreateFileIDRefAsync(pb) : PBCreateFileIDRefSync(pb)) #define PBResolveFileIDRef(pb, async) ((async) ? PBResolveFileIDRefAsync(pb) : PBResolveFileIDRefSync(pb)) #define PBDeleteFileIDRef(pb, async) ((async) ? PBDeleteFileIDRefAsync(pb) : PBDeleteFileIDRefSync(pb)) #define PBGetForeignPrivs(pb, async) ((async) ? PBGetForeignPrivsAsync(pb) : PBGetForeignPrivsSync(pb)) #define PBSetForeignPrivs(pb, async) ((async) ? PBSetForeignPrivsAsync(pb) : PBSetForeignPrivsSync(pb)) #define PBDTAddIcon(pb, async) ((async) ? PBDTAddIconAsync(pb) : PBDTAddIconSync(pb)) #define PBDTGetIcon(pb, async) ((async) ? PBDTGetIconAsync(pb) : PBDTGetIconSync(pb)) #define PBDTGetIconInfo(pb, async) ((async) ? PBDTGetIconInfoAsync(pb) : PBDTGetIconInfoSync(pb)) #define PBDTAddAPPL(pb, async) ((async) ? PBDTAddAPPLAsync(pb) : PBDTAddAPPLSync(pb)) #define PBDTRemoveAPPL(pb, async) ((async) ? PBDTRemoveAPPLAsync(pb) : PBDTRemoveAPPLSync(pb)) #define PBDTGetAPPL(pb, async) ((async) ? PBDTGetAPPLAsync(pb) : PBDTGetAPPLSync(pb)) #define PBDTSetComment(pb, async) ((async) ? PBDTSetCommentAsync(pb) : PBDTSetCommentSync(pb)) #define PBDTRemoveComment(pb, async) ((async) ? PBDTRemoveCommentAsync(pb) : PBDTRemoveCommentSync(pb)) #define PBDTGetComment(pb, async) ((async) ? PBDTGetCommentAsync(pb) : PBDTGetCommentSync(pb)) #define PBDTFlush(pb, async) ((async) ? PBDTFlushAsync(pb) : PBDTFlushSync(pb)) #define PBDTReset(pb, async) ((async) ? PBDTResetAsync(pb) : PBDTResetSync(pb)) #define PBDTGetInfo(pb, async) ((async) ? PBDTGetInfoAsync(pb) : PBDTGetInfoSync(pb)) #define PBDTDelete(pb, async) ((async) ? PBDTDeleteAsync(pb) : PBDTDeleteSync(pb)) typedef SInt16 FSVolumeRefNum; enum { kFSInvalidVolumeRefNum = 0 }; #if TARGET_OS_WIN32 struct FSRef { UInt8 hidden[600]; /* private to File Manager; oo need symbolic constant */ }; typedef struct FSRef FSRef; #else struct FSRef { UInt8 hidden[80]; /* private to File Manager; oo need symbolic constant */ }; typedef struct FSRef FSRef; #endif /* TARGET_OS_WIN32 */ typedef FSRef * FSRefPtr; /* * FSPermissionInfo * * Discussion: * This structure is used when kFSCatInfoPermissions is passed to * the HFSPlus API. On return from GetCatalogInfo and * GetCatalogInfoBulk, the userID, groupID, and mode fields are * returned. When passed to SetCatalogInfo, only the mode field is * set. See chmod(2) for details about the mode field. This is * supported on Mac OS X only. */ struct FSPermissionInfo { UInt32 userID; UInt32 groupID; UInt8 reserved1; UInt8 userAccess; UInt16 mode; UInt32 reserved2; }; typedef struct FSPermissionInfo FSPermissionInfo; /* CatalogInfoBitmap describes which fields of the CatalogInfo you wish to get or set.*/ typedef UInt32 FSCatalogInfoBitmap; enum { kFSCatInfoNone = 0x00000000, kFSCatInfoTextEncoding = 0x00000001, kFSCatInfoNodeFlags = 0x00000002, /* Locked (bit 0) and directory (bit 4) only */ kFSCatInfoVolume = 0x00000004, kFSCatInfoParentDirID = 0x00000008, kFSCatInfoNodeID = 0x00000010, kFSCatInfoCreateDate = 0x00000020, kFSCatInfoContentMod = 0x00000040, kFSCatInfoAttrMod = 0x00000080, kFSCatInfoAccessDate = 0x00000100, kFSCatInfoBackupDate = 0x00000200, kFSCatInfoPermissions = 0x00000400, /* Should this be finer granularity? */ kFSCatInfoFinderInfo = 0x00000800, kFSCatInfoFinderXInfo = 0x00001000, kFSCatInfoValence = 0x00002000, /* Folders only, zero for files */ kFSCatInfoDataSizes = 0x00004000, /* Data fork logical and physical size */ kFSCatInfoRsrcSizes = 0x00008000, /* Resource fork logical and physical size */ kFSCatInfoSharingFlags = 0x00010000, /* sharingFlags: kioFlAttribMountedBit, kioFlAttribSharePointBit */ kFSCatInfoUserPrivs = 0x00020000, /* userPrivileges */ kFSCatInfoUserAccess = 0x00080000, /* (OS X only) */ kFSCatInfoAllDates = 0x000003E0, kFSCatInfoGettableInfo = 0x0003FFFF, kFSCatInfoSettableInfo = 0x00001FE3, /* flags, dates, permissions, Finder info, text encoding */ kFSCatInfoReserved = (long)0xFFFC0000 /* bits that are currently reserved */ }; /* Constants for nodeFlags field of FSCatalogInfo */ enum { kFSNodeLockedBit = 0, /* Set if file or directory is locked */ kFSNodeLockedMask = 0x0001, kFSNodeResOpenBit = 2, /* Set if the resource fork is open */ kFSNodeResOpenMask = 0x0004, kFSNodeDataOpenBit = 3, /* Set if the data fork is open */ kFSNodeDataOpenMask = 0x0008, kFSNodeIsDirectoryBit = 4, /* Set if the object is a directory */ kFSNodeIsDirectoryMask = 0x0010, kFSNodeCopyProtectBit = 6, kFSNodeCopyProtectMask = 0x0040, kFSNodeForkOpenBit = 7, /* Set if the file or directory has any open fork */ kFSNodeForkOpenMask = 0x0080, kFSNodeHardLinkBit = 8, /* Set if the file is a hard link */ kFSNodeHardLinkMask = 0x00000100 }; /* Constants for sharingFlags field of FSCatalogInfo */ enum { kFSNodeInSharedBit = 2, /* Set if a directory is within a share point */ kFSNodeInSharedMask = 0x0004, kFSNodeIsMountedBit = 3, /* Set if a directory is a share point currently mounted by some user */ kFSNodeIsMountedMask = 0x0008, kFSNodeIsSharePointBit = 5, /* Set if a directory is a share point (exported volume) */ kFSNodeIsSharePointMask = 0x0020 }; struct FSCatalogInfo { UInt16 nodeFlags; /* node flags */ FSVolumeRefNum volume; /* object's volume ref */ UInt32 parentDirID; /* parent directory's ID */ UInt32 nodeID; /* file/directory ID */ UInt8 sharingFlags; /* kioFlAttribMountedBit and kioFlAttribSharePointBit */ UInt8 userPrivileges; /* user's effective AFP privileges (same as ioACUser) */ UInt8 reserved1; UInt8 reserved2; UTCDateTime createDate; /* date and time of creation */ UTCDateTime contentModDate; /* date and time of last fork modification */ UTCDateTime attributeModDate; /* date and time of last attribute modification */ UTCDateTime accessDate; /* date and time of last access (for Mac OS X) */ UTCDateTime backupDate; /* date and time of last backup */ UInt32 permissions[4]; /* permissions (for Mac OS X) */ UInt8 finderInfo[16]; /* Finder information part 1 */ UInt8 extFinderInfo[16]; /* Finder information part 2 */ UInt64 dataLogicalSize; /* files only */ UInt64 dataPhysicalSize; /* files only */ UInt64 rsrcLogicalSize; /* files only */ UInt64 rsrcPhysicalSize; /* files only */ UInt32 valence; /* folders only */ TextEncoding textEncodingHint; }; typedef struct FSCatalogInfo FSCatalogInfo; typedef FSCatalogInfo * FSCatalogInfoPtr; struct FSRefParam { QElemPtr qLink; /*queue link in header*/ short qType; /*type byte for safety check*/ short ioTrap; /*FS: the Trap*/ Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*FS: address to dispatch to*/ IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)*/ volatile OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/ ConstStringPtr ioNamePtr; /*ptr to Vol:FileName string*/ short ioVRefNum; /*volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)*/ SInt16 reserved1; /* was ioRefNum */ UInt8 reserved2; /* was ioVersNum */ UInt8 reserved3; /* was ioPermssn */ const FSRef * ref; /* Input ref; the target of the call */ FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo; FSCatalogInfo * catInfo; UniCharCount nameLength; /* input name length for create/rename */ const UniChar * name; /* input name for create/rename */ long ioDirID; FSSpec * spec; FSRef * parentRef; /* ref of directory to move another ref to */ FSRef * newRef; /* Output ref */ TextEncoding textEncodingHint; /* for Rename, MakeFSRefUnicode */ HFSUniStr255 * outName; /* Output name for GetCatalogInfo */ }; typedef struct FSRefParam FSRefParam; typedef FSRefParam * FSRefParamPtr; typedef struct OpaqueFSIterator* FSIterator; enum { kFSIterateFlat = 0, /* Immediate children of container only */ kFSIterateSubtree = 1, /* Entire subtree rooted at container */ kFSIterateDelete = 2, kFSIterateReserved = (long)0xFFFFFFFC }; typedef OptionBits FSIteratorFlags; enum { /* CatalogSearch constants */ fsSBNodeID = 0x00008000, /* search by range of nodeID */ fsSBAttributeModDate = 0x00010000, /* search by range of attributeModDate */ fsSBAccessDate = 0x00020000, /* search by range of accessDate */ fsSBPermissions = 0x00040000, /* search by value/mask of permissions */ fsSBNodeIDBit = 15, fsSBAttributeModDateBit = 16, fsSBAccessDateBit = 17, fsSBPermissionsBit = 18 }; struct FSSearchParams { Duration searchTime; /* a Time Manager duration */ OptionBits searchBits; /* which fields to search on */ UniCharCount searchNameLength; const UniChar * searchName; FSCatalogInfo * searchInfo1; /* values and lower bounds */ FSCatalogInfo * searchInfo2; /* masks and upper bounds */ }; typedef struct FSSearchParams FSSearchParams; typedef FSSearchParams * FSSearchParamsPtr; struct FSCatalogBulkParam { QElemPtr qLink; /*queue link in header*/ short qType; /*type byte for safety check*/ short ioTrap; /*FS: the Trap*/ Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*FS: address to dispatch to*/ IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)*/ volatile OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/ Boolean containerChanged; /* true if container changed since last iteration */ UInt8 reserved; /* make following fields 4-byte aligned */ FSIteratorFlags iteratorFlags; FSIterator iterator; const FSRef * container; /* directory/volume to iterate */ ItemCount maximumItems; ItemCount actualItems; FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo; FSCatalogInfo * catalogInfo; /* returns an array */ FSRef * refs; /* returns an array */ FSSpec * specs; /* returns an array */ HFSUniStr255 * names; /* returns an array */ const FSSearchParams * searchParams; }; typedef struct FSCatalogBulkParam FSCatalogBulkParam; typedef FSCatalogBulkParam * FSCatalogBulkParamPtr; typedef UInt16 FSAllocationFlags; enum { kFSAllocDefaultFlags = 0x0000, /* as much as possible, not contiguous */ kFSAllocAllOrNothingMask = 0x0001, /* allocate all of the space, or nothing */ kFSAllocContiguousMask = 0x0002, /* new space must be one contiguous piece */ kFSAllocNoRoundUpMask = 0x0004, /* don't round up allocation to clump size */ kFSAllocReservedMask = 0xFFF8 /* these bits are reserved and must not be set */ }; struct FSForkIOParam { QElemPtr qLink; /*queue link in header*/ short qType; /*type byte for safety check*/ short ioTrap; /*FS: the Trap*/ Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*FS: address to dispatch to*/ IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)*/ volatile OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/ void * reserved1; /* was ioNamePtr */ SInt16 reserved2; /* was ioVRefNum */ SInt16 forkRefNum; /* same as ioRefNum */ UInt8 reserved3; /* was ioVersNum */ SInt8 permissions; /* desired access to the fork */ const FSRef * ref; /* which object to open */ Ptr buffer; /*data buffer Ptr*/ UInt32 requestCount; /*requested byte count*/ UInt32 actualCount; /*actual byte count completed*/ UInt16 positionMode; /*initial file positioning*/ SInt64 positionOffset; /*file position offset*/ FSAllocationFlags allocationFlags; UInt64 allocationAmount; UniCharCount forkNameLength; /* input; length of fork name */ const UniChar * forkName; /* input; name of fork */ CatPositionRec forkIterator; HFSUniStr255 * outForkName; /* output; name of fork */ }; typedef struct FSForkIOParam FSForkIOParam; typedef FSForkIOParam * FSForkIOParamPtr; struct FSForkInfo { SInt8 flags; /* copy of FCB flags */ SInt8 permissions; FSVolumeRefNum volume; UInt32 reserved2; UInt32 nodeID; /* file or directory ID */ UInt32 forkID; /* fork ID */ UInt64 currentPosition; UInt64 logicalEOF; UInt64 physicalEOF; UInt64 process; /* should be ProcessSerialNumber */ }; typedef struct FSForkInfo FSForkInfo; typedef FSForkInfo * FSForkInfoPtr; struct FSForkCBInfoParam { QElemPtr qLink; /*queue link in header*/ short qType; /*type byte for safety check*/ short ioTrap; /*FS: the Trap*/ Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*FS: address to dispatch to*/ IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)*/ volatile OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/ SInt16 desiredRefNum; /* 0 to iterate, non-0 for specific refnum */ SInt16 volumeRefNum; /* volume to match, or 0 for all volumes */ SInt16 iterator; /* 0 to start iteration */ SInt16 actualRefNum; /* actual refnum found */ FSRef * ref; FSForkInfo * forkInfo; HFSUniStr255 * forkName; }; typedef struct FSForkCBInfoParam FSForkCBInfoParam; typedef FSForkCBInfoParam * FSForkCBInfoParamPtr; typedef UInt32 FSVolumeInfoBitmap; enum { kFSVolInfoNone = 0x0000, kFSVolInfoCreateDate = 0x0001, kFSVolInfoModDate = 0x0002, kFSVolInfoBackupDate = 0x0004, kFSVolInfoCheckedDate = 0x0008, kFSVolInfoFileCount = 0x0010, kFSVolInfoDirCount = 0x0020, kFSVolInfoSizes = 0x0040, /* totalBytes and freeBytes */ kFSVolInfoBlocks = 0x0080, /* blockSize, totalBlocks, freeBlocks */ kFSVolInfoNextAlloc = 0x0100, kFSVolInfoRsrcClump = 0x0200, kFSVolInfoDataClump = 0x0400, kFSVolInfoNextID = 0x0800, kFSVolInfoFinderInfo = 0x1000, kFSVolInfoFlags = 0x2000, kFSVolInfoFSInfo = 0x4000, /* filesystemID, signature */ kFSVolInfoDriveInfo = 0x8000, /* driveNumber, driverRefNum */ kFSVolInfoGettableInfo = 0xFFFF, /* This seems like it is here just for completeness */ kFSVolInfoSettableInfo = 0x3004 /* backup date, Finder info, flags */ }; /* FSVolumeInfo.flags bits. These are the same as for ioVAtrb, but with nicer names. */ enum { kFSVolFlagDefaultVolumeBit = 5, /* Set if the volume is the default volume */ kFSVolFlagDefaultVolumeMask = 0x0020, kFSVolFlagFilesOpenBit = 6, /* Set if there are open files or iterators */ kFSVolFlagFilesOpenMask = 0x0040, kFSVolFlagHardwareLockedBit = 7, /* Set if volume is locked by a hardware setting */ kFSVolFlagHardwareLockedMask = 0x0080, kFSVolFlagSoftwareLockedBit = 15, /* Set if volume is locked by software */ kFSVolFlagSoftwareLockedMask = 0x8000 }; struct FSVolumeInfo { /* Dates -- zero means "never" or "unknown" */ UTCDateTime createDate; UTCDateTime modifyDate; UTCDateTime backupDate; UTCDateTime checkedDate; /* File/Folder counts -- return zero if unknown */ UInt32 fileCount; /* total files on volume */ UInt32 folderCount; /* total folders on volume */ /* Note: no root directory counts */ UInt64 totalBytes; /* total number of bytes on volume */ UInt64 freeBytes; /* number of free bytes on volume */ /* HFS and HFS Plus specific. Set fields to zero if not appropriate */ UInt32 blockSize; /* size (in bytes) of allocation blocks */ UInt32 totalBlocks; /* number of allocation blocks in volume */ UInt32 freeBlocks; /* number of unused allocation blocks */ UInt32 nextAllocation; /* start of next allocation search */ UInt32 rsrcClumpSize; /* default resource fork clump size */ UInt32 dataClumpSize; /* default data fork clump size */ UInt32 nextCatalogID; /* next unused catalog node ID ooo OYG ooo need to make HFSVolumes.h work Should be HFSCatalogNodeID*/ UInt8 finderInfo[32]; /* information used by Finder */ /* Identifying information */ UInt16 flags; /* ioVAtrb */ UInt16 filesystemID; /* ioVFSID */ UInt16 signature; /* ioVSigWord, unique within an FSID */ UInt16 driveNumber; /* ioVDrvInfo */ short driverRefNum; /* ioVDRefNum */ }; typedef struct FSVolumeInfo FSVolumeInfo; typedef FSVolumeInfo * FSVolumeInfoPtr; struct FSVolumeInfoParam { QElemPtr qLink; /*queue link in header*/ short qType; /*type byte for safety check*/ short ioTrap; /*FS: the Trap*/ Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*FS: address to dispatch to*/ IOCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)*/ volatile OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/ StringPtr ioNamePtr; /* unused */ FSVolumeRefNum ioVRefNum; /* volume refnum */ UInt32 volumeIndex; /* index, or 0 to use ioVRefNum */ FSVolumeInfoBitmap whichInfo; /* which volumeInfo fields to get/set */ FSVolumeInfo * volumeInfo; /* information about the volume */ HFSUniStr255 * volumeName; /* output; pointer to volume name */ FSRef * ref; /* volume's FSRef */ }; typedef struct FSVolumeInfoParam FSVolumeInfoParam; typedef FSVolumeInfoParam * FSVolumeInfoParamPtr; /* MakeFSRef Create an FSRef for an existing object specified by a combination of volume refnum, parent directory, and pathname. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function -> ioNamePtr A pointer to a pathname -> ioVRefNum A volume specification -> ioDirID A directory ID <- newRef A pointer to an FSRef */ /* * FSpMakeFSRef() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSpMakeFSRef( const FSSpec * source, FSRef * newRef) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x041A, 0xAA52); /* * PBMakeFSRefSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBMakeFSRefSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBMakeFSRefSync(FSRefParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x706E, 0xA260); /* * PBMakeFSRefAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBMakeFSRefAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBMakeFSRefAsync(FSRefParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x706E, 0xA660); /* MakeFSRefUnicode Create an FSRef for an existing object specified by Parent FSRef and Unicode name. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function -> ref A pointer to the parent directory FSRef -> name A pointer to Unicde name -> nameLength The length of the Unicode Name -> textEncodingHint A suggested text encoding to use for the name <- newRef A pointer to an FSRef */ /* * FSMakeFSRefUnicode() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSMakeFSRefUnicode( const FSRef * parentRef, UniCharCount nameLength, const UniChar * name, TextEncoding textEncodingHint, FSRef * newRef) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0A1B, 0xAA52); /* * PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBMakeFSRefUnicodeSync(FSRefParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x707A, 0xA260); /* * PBMakeFSRefUnicodeAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBMakeFSRefUnicodeAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBMakeFSRefUnicodeAsync(FSRefParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x707A, 0xA660); /* CompareFSRefs Test whether two FSRefs refer to the same file or directory. If they do, noErr is returned. Otherwise, an appropriate error (such as errFSRefsDifferent) is returned. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function -> ref A pointer to the first FSRef -> parentRef A pointer to the second FSRef */ /* * FSCompareFSRefs() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSCompareFSRefs( const FSRef * ref1, const FSRef * ref2) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0435, 0xAA52); /* * PBCompareFSRefsSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBCompareFSRefsSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBCompareFSRefsSync(FSRefParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x707C, 0xA260); /* * PBCompareFSRefsAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBCompareFSRefsAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBCompareFSRefsAsync(FSRefParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x707C, 0xA660); /* CreateFileUnicode Creates a new file. The input filename is in Unicode. You can optionally set catalog info for the file. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function -> ref The directory where the file is to be created -> whichInfo Which catalog info fields to set -> catInfo The values for catalog info fields to set; may be NULL -> nameLength Number of Unicode characters in the file's name -> name A pointer to the Unicode name <- spec A pointer to the FSSpec for the new directory; may be NULL <- newRef A pointer to the FSRef for the new file; may be NULL */ /* * FSCreateFileUnicode() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSCreateFileUnicode( const FSRef * parentRef, UniCharCount nameLength, const UniChar * name, FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo, const FSCatalogInfo * catalogInfo, /* can be NULL */ FSRef * newRef, /* can be NULL */ FSSpec * newSpec) /* can be NULL */ THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0E1C, 0xAA52); /* * PBCreateFileUnicodeSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBCreateFileUnicodeSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBCreateFileUnicodeSync(FSRefParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7070, 0xA260); /* * PBCreateFileUnicodeAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBCreateFileUnicodeAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBCreateFileUnicodeAsync(FSRefParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7070, 0xA660); /* CreateDirectoryUnicode Creates a new directory. The input directory name is in Unicode. You can optionally set catalog info for the directory. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function -> ref The parent directory where the directory is to be created -> whichInfo Which catalog info fields to set -> catInfo The values for catalog info fields to set; may be NULL -> nameLength Number of Unicode characters in the directory's name -> name A pointer to the Unicode name <- ioDirID The DirID of the new directory <- spec A pointer to the FSSpec for the new directory; may be NULL <- newRef A pointer to the FSRef for the new directory; may be NULL */ /* * FSCreateDirectoryUnicode() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSCreateDirectoryUnicode( const FSRef * parentRef, UniCharCount nameLength, const UniChar * name, FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo, const FSCatalogInfo * catalogInfo, /* can be NULL */ FSRef * newRef, /* can be NULL */ FSSpec * newSpec, /* can be NULL */ UInt32 * newDirID) /* can be NULL */ THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x101D, 0xAA52); /* * PBCreateDirectoryUnicodeSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBCreateDirectoryUnicodeSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBCreateDirectoryUnicodeSync(FSRefParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7071, 0xA260); /* * PBCreateDirectoryUnicodeAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBCreateDirectoryUnicodeAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBCreateDirectoryUnicodeAsync(FSRefParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7071, 0xA660); /* DeleteObject Deletes an existing file or directory. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function -> ref The file or directory to be deleted */ /* * FSDeleteObject() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSDeleteObject(const FSRef * ref) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x021E, 0xAA52); /* * PBDeleteObjectSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDeleteObjectSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDeleteObjectSync(FSRefParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7072, 0xA260); /* * PBDeleteObjectAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBDeleteObjectAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBDeleteObjectAsync(FSRefParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7072, 0xA660); /* MoveObject Move an existing file or directory into a different directory. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function -> ref The file or directory to be moved -> parentRef The file or directory will be moved into this directory <- newRef A new FSRef for the file or directory in its new location; optional, may be NULL NOTE: Moving an object may change its FSRef. If you want to continue to refer to the object, you should pass a non-NULL pointer in newRef and use that returned FSRef to access the object after the move. The FSRef passed in "ref" may or may not be usable to access the object after it is moved. "newRef" may point to the same storage as "parentRef" or "ref". */ /* * FSMoveObject() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSMoveObject( const FSRef * ref, const FSRef * destDirectory, FSRef * newRef) /* can be NULL */ THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x061F, 0xAA52); /* * PBMoveObjectSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBMoveObjectSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBMoveObjectSync(FSRefParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7073, 0xA260); /* * PBMoveObjectAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBMoveObjectAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBMoveObjectAsync(FSRefParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7073, 0xA660); /* ExchangeObjects swap the contents of two files. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function -> ref The first file -> parentRef The second file */ /* * FSExchangeObjects() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSExchangeObjects( const FSRef * ref, const FSRef * destRef) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0421, 0xAA52); /* * PBExchangeObjectsSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBExchangeObjectsSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBExchangeObjectsSync(FSRefParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7075, 0xA260); /* * PBExchangeObjectsAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBExchangeObjectsAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBExchangeObjectsAsync(FSRefParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7075, 0xA660); /* RenameUnicode Change the name of an existing file or directory. The new name is in Unicode. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function -> ref The file or directory to be moved -> nameLength Number of Unicode characters in the new name -> name A pointer to the new Unicode name -> textEncodingHint A suggested text encoding to use for the name <- newRef A new FSRef for the file or directory; may be NULL NOTE: Renaming an object may change its FSRef. If you want to continue to refer to the object, you should pass a non-NULL pointer in newRef and use that returned FSRef to access the object after the rename. The FSRef passed in "ref" may or may not be usable to access the object after it is renamed. "newRef" may point to the same storage as "ref". */ /* * FSRenameUnicode() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSRenameUnicode( const FSRef * ref, UniCharCount nameLength, const UniChar * name, TextEncoding textEncodingHint, FSRef * newRef) /* can be NULL */ THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0A20, 0xAA52); /* * PBRenameUnicodeSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBRenameUnicodeSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBRenameUnicodeSync(FSRefParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7074, 0xA260); /* * PBRenameUnicodeAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBRenameUnicodeAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBRenameUnicodeAsync(FSRefParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7074, 0xA660); /* GetCatalogInfo Returns various information about a given file or directory. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function -> ref The file or directory whose information is to be returned -> whichInfo Which catalog info fields to get <- catInfo The returned values of catalog info fields; may be NULL <- spec A pointer to the FSSpec for the object; may be NULL <- parentRef A pointer to the FSRef for the object's parent directory; may be NULL <- outName The Unicode name is returned here. This pointer may be NULL. Note: All of the outputs are optional; if you don't want that particular output, just set its pointer to NULL. This is the call to use to map from an FSRef to an FSSpec. */ /* * FSGetCatalogInfo() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSGetCatalogInfo( const FSRef * ref, FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo, FSCatalogInfo * catalogInfo, /* can be NULL */ HFSUniStr255 * outName, /* can be NULL */ FSSpec * fsSpec, /* can be NULL */ FSRef * parentRef) /* can be NULL */ THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0C22, 0xAA52); /* * PBGetCatalogInfoSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetCatalogInfoSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetCatalogInfoSync(FSRefParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7076, 0xA260); /* * PBGetCatalogInfoAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBGetCatalogInfoAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBGetCatalogInfoAsync(FSRefParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7076, 0xA660); /* SetCatalogInfo Set catalog information about a given file or directory. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function -> ref The file or directory whose information is to be changed -> whichInfo Which catalog info fields to set -> catInfo The new values of catalog info fields Note: Only some of the catalog info fields may be set. The settable fields are given by the constant kFSCatInfoSettableInfo; no other bits may be set in whichInfo. */ /* * FSSetCatalogInfo() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSSetCatalogInfo( const FSRef * ref, FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo, const FSCatalogInfo * catalogInfo) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0623, 0xAA52); /* * PBSetCatalogInfoSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBSetCatalogInfoSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBSetCatalogInfoSync(FSRefParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7077, 0xA260); /* * PBSetCatalogInfoAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBSetCatalogInfoAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBSetCatalogInfoAsync(FSRefParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7077, 0xA660); /* OpenIterator Creates an FSIterator to iterate over a directory or subtree. The iterator can then be passed to GetCatalogInfoBulk or CatalogSearch. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function <- iterator The returned FSIterator -> iteratorFlags Controls whether the iterator iterates over subtrees or just the immediate children of the container. -> container An FSRef for the directory to iterate (or root of the subtree to iterate). */ /* * FSOpenIterator() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSOpenIterator( const FSRef * container, FSIteratorFlags iteratorFlags, FSIterator * iterator) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0624, 0xAA52); /* * PBOpenIteratorSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBOpenIteratorSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBOpenIteratorSync(FSCatalogBulkParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7078, 0xA260); /* * PBOpenIteratorAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBOpenIteratorAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBOpenIteratorAsync(FSCatalogBulkParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7078, 0xA660); /* CloseIterator Invalidates and disposes an FSIterator. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function -> iterator The returned FSIterator */ /* * FSCloseIterator() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSCloseIterator(FSIterator iterator) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0225, 0xAA52); /* * PBCloseIteratorSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBCloseIteratorSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBCloseIteratorSync(FSCatalogBulkParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x705B, 0xA260); /* * PBCloseIteratorAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBCloseIteratorAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBCloseIteratorAsync(FSCatalogBulkParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x705B, 0xA660); /* GetCatalogInfoBulk Iterates over catalog objects and returns information about them. For now, iterator must have been created with kFSIterateFlat option. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function -> iterator The iterator -> maximumItems The maximum number of items to return <- actualItems The actual number of items returned <- containerChanged Set to true if the container's contents changed -> whichInfo The catalog information fields to return for each item <- catalogInfo An array of catalog information; one for each returned item <- refs An array of FSRefs; one for each returned item <- specs An array of FSSpecs; one for each returned item <- names An array of filenames; one for each returned item Note: The catalogInfo, refs, specs, names, and containerChanged are all optional outputs; if you don't want that particular output, set its pointer to NULL. */ /* * FSGetCatalogInfoBulk() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSGetCatalogInfoBulk( FSIterator iterator, ItemCount maximumObjects, ItemCount * actualObjects, Boolean * containerChanged, /* can be NULL */ FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo, FSCatalogInfo * catalogInfos, /* can be NULL */ FSRef * refs, /* can be NULL */ FSSpec * specs, /* can be NULL */ HFSUniStr255 * names) /* can be NULL */ THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x1226, 0xAA52); /* * PBGetCatalogInfoBulkSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetCatalogInfoBulkSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetCatalogInfoBulkSync(FSCatalogBulkParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x705C, 0xA260); /* * PBGetCatalogInfoBulkAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBGetCatalogInfoBulkAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBGetCatalogInfoBulkAsync(FSCatalogBulkParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x705C, 0xA660); /* CatalogSearch Iterates over catalog objects, searching for objects that match given search criteria. Returns various information about matching objects. For now, iterator must have been created with kFSIterateSubtree option and the container must have been the root directory of a volume. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function -> iterator The iterator -> maximumItems The maximum number of items to return <- actualItems The actual number of items returned <- containerChanged Set to true if the container's contents changed -> whichInfo The catalog information fields to return for each item <- catalogInfo An array of catalog information; one for each returned item <- refs An array of FSRefs; one for each returned item <- specs An array of FSSpecs; one for each returned item <- names An array of filenames; one for each returned item -> searchParams The criteria that controls the matching, including timeout, a bitmap controlling the fields to compare, and the (Unicode) name to compare. Note: The catalogInfo, refs, specs, and names are all optional outputs; if you don't want that particular output, set its pointer to NULL. */ /* * FSCatalogSearch() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSCatalogSearch( FSIterator iterator, const FSSearchParams * searchCriteria, ItemCount maximumObjects, ItemCount * actualObjects, Boolean * containerChanged, /* can be NULL */ FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo, FSCatalogInfo * catalogInfos, /* can be NULL */ FSRef * refs, /* can be NULL */ FSSpec * specs, /* can be NULL */ HFSUniStr255 * names) /* can be NULL */ THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x1427, 0xAA52); /* * PBCatalogSearchSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBCatalogSearchSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBCatalogSearchSync(FSCatalogBulkParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x705D, 0xA260); /* * PBCatalogSearchAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBCatalogSearchAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBCatalogSearchAsync(FSCatalogBulkParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x705D, 0xA660); /* CreateFork Create a named fork for a file or directory. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function -> ref The file or directory -> forkNameLength The length of the fork name (in Unicode characters) -> forkName The name of the fork to open (in Unicode) */ /* * FSCreateFork() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSCreateFork( const FSRef * ref, UniCharCount forkNameLength, const UniChar * forkName) /* can be NULL */ THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0636, 0xAA52); /* * PBCreateForkSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBCreateForkSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBCreateForkSync(FSForkIOParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x707D, 0xA260); /* * PBCreateForkAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBCreateForkAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBCreateForkAsync(FSForkIOParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x707D, 0xA660); /* DeleteFork Delete a named fork of a file or directory. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function -> ref The file or directory -> forkNameLength The length of the fork name (in Unicode characters) -> forkName The name of the fork to open (in Unicode) */ /* * FSDeleteFork() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSDeleteFork( const FSRef * ref, UniCharCount forkNameLength, const UniChar * forkName) /* can be NULL */ THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0637, 0xAA52); /* * PBDeleteForkSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBDeleteForkSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBDeleteForkSync(FSForkIOParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x707E, 0xA260); /* * PBDeleteForkAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBDeleteForkAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBDeleteForkAsync(FSForkIOParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x707E, 0xA660); /* IterateForks Return the names and sizes of the forks of a file or directory. One fork is returned per call. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine. <- ioResult The result code of the function. -> ref The file or directory containing the forks. <- positionOffset The length of the fork, in bytes. <- allocationAmount The space allocated to the fork (physical length). <- outForkName The name of the fork in Unicode. <> forkIterator Maintains state between calls for a given FSRef. Before the first call, set the initialize field to zero. */ /* * FSIterateForks() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSIterateForks( const FSRef * ref, CatPositionRec * forkIterator, HFSUniStr255 * forkName, /* can be NULL */ SInt64 * forkSize, /* can be NULL */ UInt64 * forkPhysicalSize) /* can be NULL */ THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0A38, 0xAA52); /* * PBIterateForksSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBIterateForksSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBIterateForksSync(FSForkIOParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x707F, 0xA260); /* * PBIterateForksAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBIterateForksAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBIterateForksAsync(FSForkIOParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x707F, 0xA660); /* OpenFork Open a fork for reading and/or writing. Allows the opened fork to grow beyond 2GB in size. All volumes should support data and resource forks. Other named forks may be supported by some volumes. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function -> ref The file or directory containing the fork to open -> forkNameLength The length of the fork name (in Unicode characters) -> forkName The name of the fork to open (in Unicode) -> permissions The access (read and/or write) you want <- forkRefNum The reference number for accessing the open fork */ /* * FSOpenFork() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSOpenFork( const FSRef * ref, UniCharCount forkNameLength, const UniChar * forkName, /* can be NULL */ SInt8 permissions, SInt16 * forkRefNum) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0928, 0xAA52); /* * PBOpenForkSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBOpenForkSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBOpenForkSync(FSForkIOParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7079, 0xA260); /* * PBOpenForkAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBOpenForkAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBOpenForkAsync(FSForkIOParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7079, 0xA660); /* ReadFork Read data from a fork opened via OpenFork. The first byte to read is indicated by a combination of positionMode and positionOffset. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function -> forkRefNum The reference number of the fork to read from <- buffer Pointer to buffer where data will be returned -> requestCount The number of bytes to read <- actualCount The number of bytes actually read -> positionMode The base location for start of read -> positionOffset The offset from base location for start of read */ /* * FSReadFork() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSReadFork( SInt16 forkRefNum, UInt16 positionMode, SInt64 positionOffset, ByteCount requestCount, void * buffer, ByteCount * actualCount) /* can be NULL */ THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0A29, 0xAA52); /* * PBReadForkSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBReadForkSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBReadForkSync(FSForkIOParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7051, 0xA2A8); /* * PBReadForkAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBReadForkAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBReadForkAsync(FSForkIOParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7051, 0xA6A8); /* WriteFork Write data to a fork opened via OpenFork. The first byte to write is indicated by a combination of positionMode and positionOffset. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function -> forkRefNum The reference number of the fork to write to -> buffer Pointer to data to write -> requestCount The number of bytes to write <- actualCount The number of bytes actually written -> positionMode The base location for start of write -> positionOffset The offset from base location for start of write */ /* * FSWriteFork() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSWriteFork( SInt16 forkRefNum, UInt16 positionMode, SInt64 positionOffset, ByteCount requestCount, const void * buffer, ByteCount * actualCount) /* can be NULL */ THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0A2A, 0xAA52); /* * PBWriteForkSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBWriteForkSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBWriteForkSync(FSForkIOParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7052, 0xA2A8); /* * PBWriteForkAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBWriteForkAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBWriteForkAsync(FSForkIOParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7052, 0xA6A8); /* GetForkPosition Get the current (default) position of a fork that was opened via OpenFork. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function -> forkRefNum The reference number of the fork <- positionOffset The current position of the fork */ /* * FSGetForkPosition() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSGetForkPosition( SInt16 forkRefNum, SInt64 * position) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x032B, 0xAA52); /* * PBGetForkPositionSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetForkPositionSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetForkPositionSync(FSForkIOParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7053, 0xA260); /* * PBGetForkPositionAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBGetForkPositionAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBGetForkPositionAsync(FSForkIOParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7053, 0xA660); /* SetForkPosition Set the current (default) position of a fork that was opened via OpenFork. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function -> forkRefNum The reference number of the fork -> positionMode The base location for the new position -> positionOffset The offset of the new position from the base */ /* * FSSetForkPosition() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSSetForkPosition( SInt16 forkRefNum, UInt16 positionMode, SInt64 positionOffset) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x042C, 0xAA52); /* * PBSetForkPositionSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBSetForkPositionSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBSetForkPositionSync(FSForkIOParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7054, 0xA260); /* * PBSetForkPositionAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBSetForkPositionAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBSetForkPositionAsync(FSForkIOParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7054, 0xA660); /* GetForkSize Get the current logical size (end-of-file) of an open fork. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function -> forkRefNum The reference number of the fork <- positionOffset The logical size of the fork, in bytes */ /* * FSGetForkSize() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSGetForkSize( SInt16 forkRefNum, SInt64 * forkSize) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x032D, 0xAA52); /* * PBGetForkSizeSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetForkSizeSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetForkSizeSync(FSForkIOParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7055, 0xA260); /* * PBGetForkSizeAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBGetForkSizeAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBGetForkSizeAsync(FSForkIOParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7055, 0xA660); /* SetForkSize Set the logical size (end-of-file) of an open fork. This may cause space to be allocated or deallocated. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function -> forkRefNum The reference number of the fork -> positionMode The base location for the new size -> positionOffset The offset of the new size from the base */ /* * FSSetForkSize() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSSetForkSize( SInt16 forkRefNum, UInt16 positionMode, SInt64 positionOffset) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x042E, 0xAA52); /* * PBSetForkSizeSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBSetForkSizeSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBSetForkSizeSync(FSForkIOParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7056, 0xA260); /* * PBSetForkSizeAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBSetForkSizeAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBSetForkSizeAsync(FSForkIOParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7056, 0xA660); /* AllocateFork Allocate space to an open fork. Typically, the space to be allocated is beyond the current size of the fork, to reserve space so the file will be able to grow later. Some volume formats are unable to allocate space beyond the logical size of the fork. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function -> forkRefNum The reference number of the fork -> positionMode The base location for start of allocation -> positionOffset The offset of the start of allocation -> allocationFlags Zero or more of the following flags: kFSAllocContiguousMask Any newly allocated space must be one contiguous piece. kFSAllocAllOrNothingMask All of the request space must be available, or the call will fail. (If not set, the call may succeed even though some of the requested space wasn't allocated.) kFSAllocNoRoundUpMask Do not allocate additional space. (If not set, a volume may allocate additional space in order to reduce fragmentation.) <> allocationAmount The number of bytes to allocate On output, the number of bytes actually added */ /* * FSAllocateFork() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSAllocateFork( SInt16 forkRefNum, FSAllocationFlags flags, UInt16 positionMode, SInt64 positionOffset, UInt64 requestCount, UInt64 * actualCount) /* can be NULL */ THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x092F, 0xAA52); /* * PBAllocateForkSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBAllocateForkSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBAllocateForkSync(FSForkIOParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7057, 0xA260); /* * PBAllocateForkAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBAllocateForkAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBAllocateForkAsync(FSForkIOParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7057, 0xA660); /* FlushFork Flush a fork. Any data written to this fork refnum is flushed to the device. The volume's control structures are also flushed to the device. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function -> forkRefNum The reference number of the fork to flush */ /* * FSFlushFork() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSFlushFork(SInt16 forkRefNum) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0130, 0xAA52); /* * PBFlushForkSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBFlushForkSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBFlushForkSync(FSForkIOParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7058, 0xA260); /* * PBFlushForkAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBFlushForkAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBFlushForkAsync(FSForkIOParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7058, 0xA660); /* CloseFork Flush and close a fork. Any data written to this fork refnum is flushed to the device. The volume's control structures are also flushed to the device. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function -> forkRefNum The reference number of the fork to close */ /* * FSCloseFork() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSCloseFork(SInt16 forkRefNum) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0131, 0xAA52); /* * PBCloseForkSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBCloseForkSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBCloseForkSync(FSForkIOParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7059, 0xA260); /* * PBCloseForkAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBCloseForkAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBCloseForkAsync(FSForkIOParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7059, 0xA660); /* GetForkCBInfo Return information about an open fork. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function <> desiredRefNum If non-zero on input, then get information for this refnum; unchanged on output. If zero on input, iterate over all open forks (possibly limited to a single volume); on output, contains the fork's refnum. -> volumeRefNum Used when desiredRefNum is zero on input. Set to 0 to iterate over all volumes, or set to a FSVolumeRefNum to limit iteration to that volume. <> iterator Used when desiredRefNum is zero on input. Set to 0 before iterating. Pass the iterator returned by the previous call to continue iterating. <- actualRefNum The refnum of the open fork. <- ref The FSRef for the file or directory that contains the fork. <- forkInfo Various information about the open fork. <- outForkName The name of the fork Note: the foundRefNum, ref, forkInfo, and fork name outputs are all optional; if you don't want a particular output, then set its pointer to NULL. If forkName is NULL, then forkNameLength will be undefined. Note: Returning the forkInfo generally does not require a disk access. Returning the ref or forkName may cause disk access for some volume formats. */ /* * FSGetForkCBInfo() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSGetForkCBInfo( SInt16 desiredRefNum, FSVolumeRefNum volume, SInt16 * iterator, /* can be NULL */ SInt16 * actualRefNum, /* can be NULL */ FSForkInfo * forkInfo, /* can be NULL */ FSRef * ref, /* can be NULL */ HFSUniStr255 * outForkName) /* can be NULL */ THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0C32, 0xAA52); /* * PBGetForkCBInfoSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetForkCBInfoSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetForkCBInfoSync(FSForkCBInfoParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x705A, 0xA260); /* * PBGetForkCBInfoAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBGetForkCBInfoAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBGetForkCBInfoAsync(FSForkCBInfoParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x705A, 0xA660); /* GetVolumeInfo Returns various information about a given volume, or indexing over all volumes. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function <> ioVRefNum On input, the volume reference number or drive number whose information is to be returned (if volumeIndex is 0); same as "volume" input to FSGetVolumeInfo. On output, the actual volume reference number; same as "actualVolume" output of FSGetVolumeInfo. -> volumeIndex The index of the desired volume, or 0 to use ioVRefNum -> whichInfo Which volInfo info fields to get <- volumeInfo The returned values of Volume info fields; may be NULL <- name The Unicode name is returned here. This pointer may be NULL. Note: All of the outputs are optional; if you don't want that particular output, just set its pointer to NULL. */ /* * FSGetVolumeInfo() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSGetVolumeInfo( FSVolumeRefNum volume, ItemCount volumeIndex, FSVolumeRefNum * actualVolume, /* can be NULL */ FSVolumeInfoBitmap whichInfo, FSVolumeInfo * info, /* can be NULL */ HFSUniStr255 * volumeName, /* can be NULL */ FSRef * rootDirectory) /* can be NULL */ THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0D33, 0xAA52); /* * PBGetVolumeInfoSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBGetVolumeInfoSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBGetVolumeInfoSync(FSVolumeInfoParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x701D, 0xA260); /* * PBGetVolumeInfoAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBGetVolumeInfoAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBGetVolumeInfoAsync(FSVolumeInfoParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x701D, 0xA660); /* SetVolumeInfo Set information about a given volume. -> ioCompletion A pointer to a completion routine <- ioResult The result code of the function -> ioVRefNum The volume whose information is to be changed -> whichInfo Which catalog info fields to set -> volumeInfo The new values of volume info fields Note: Only some of the volume info fields may be set. The settable fields are given by the constant kFSVolInfoSettableInfo; no other bits may be set in whichInfo. */ /* * FSSetVolumeInfo() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSSetVolumeInfo( FSVolumeRefNum volume, FSVolumeInfoBitmap whichInfo, const FSVolumeInfo * info) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0534, 0xAA52); /* * PBSetVolumeInfoSync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter __D0 PBSetVolumeInfoSync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( OSErr ) PBSetVolumeInfoSync(FSVolumeInfoParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x701E, 0xA260); /* * PBSetVolumeInfoAsync() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ #if TARGET_OS_MAC && TARGET_CPU_68K && !TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM #pragma parameter PBSetVolumeInfoAsync(__A0) #endif EXTERN_API( void ) PBSetVolumeInfoAsync(FSVolumeInfoParam * paramBlock) TWOWORDINLINE(0x701E, 0xA660); /* FSGetDataForkName Returns the constant for the name of the data fork (the empty string) */ /* * FSGetDataForkName() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSGetDataForkName(HFSUniStr255 * dataForkName) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0218, 0xAA52); /* FSGetResourceForkName Returns the constant for the name of the resource fork (currently "RESOURCE_FORK"). */ /* * FSGetResourceForkName() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 9.0 and later * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSErr ) FSGetResourceForkName(HFSUniStr255 * resourceForkName) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0219, 0xAA52); /* * FSRefMakePath() * * Summary: * converts an FSRef to a POSIX path * * Parameters: * * ref: * the file/dir to get the POSIX path for * * path: * a pointer to a buffer which FSRefMakePath will fill with a UTF8 * encoded C string representing the path the the specified FSRef * * maxPathSize: * the maximum size path length in bytes that path can hold * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: not available * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.1 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSStatus ) FSRefMakePath( const FSRef * ref, UInt8 * path, UInt32 maxPathSize); /* * FSPathMakeRef() * * Summary: * converts a POSIX path to an FSRef * * Parameters: * * path: * a pointer to a UTF8 encoded C String that is a POSIX path * * ref: * a pointer to an FSRef to fill in * * isDirectory: * an optional pointer to a Boolean that will be filled in with * whether the specified path is a directory (vs. a file) * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: not available * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.1 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API( OSStatus ) FSPathMakeRef( const UInt8 * path, FSRef * ref, Boolean * isDirectory); /* can be NULL */ /* * FNMessage * * Discussion: * Messages broadcast about a directory. If system clients (such as * the Finder) are interested in changes to a directory, they will * receive notifications when application code broadcasts change * messages about that directory. */ typedef UInt32 FNMessage; enum { kFNDirectoryModifiedMessage = 1 }; /* * FNNotify() * * Summary: * Broadcasts notification of changes to the specified directory. * * Discussion: * FNNotify is used to notify system clients (such as the Finder) of * modifications to the contents of a directory, specifically * addition or removal of files or folders from the directory. The * Finder and other system clients will refresh their views of the * specified directory when they receive the change notification. * FNNotify is not meant to notify the Finder of changes to a * specific file (for example, changes to a file's type or creator); * for that purpose, use a kAESync AppleEvent sent to the Finder. * * Parameters: * * ref: * The directory for which to broadcast the notification * * message: * An indication of what happened to the target directory * * flags: * Options about delivery of the notification (specify kNilOptions * for default behaviour) * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: not available * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus ) FNNotify( const FSRef * ref, FNMessage message, OptionBits flags); /* * FNNotifyByPath() * * Summary: * Broadcasts notification of changes to the specified directory. * * Parameters: * * path: * Path to the directory for which to broadcast the notification * * message: * An indication of what happened to the target directory * * flags: * Options about delivery of the notification (specify kNilOptions * for default behaviour) * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: not available * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus ) FNNotifyByPath( const UInt8 * path, FNMessage message, OptionBits flags); /* * FNNotifyAll() * * Discussion: * Broadcasts notification of changes to the filesystem (should only * be used by installers or programs which make lots of changes and * only send one broadcast). * * Parameters: * * message: * An indication of what happened * * flags: * Options about delivery of the notification (specify kNilOptions * for default behaviour) * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: not available * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus ) FNNotifyAll( FNMessage message, OptionBits flags); /* * FNSubscriptionRef * * Discussion: * A token associated with a notification subscription. The * subscriber gets one back when they subscribe to notifications for * a particular directory, and they supply it when the unsubscribe. * It is also delivered along with the notifications for that * subscription. */ typedef struct OpaqueFNSubscriptionRef* FNSubscriptionRef; /* * Discussion: * Options that can be specified at subscription time. */ enum { /* * Specify this option if you do not want to receive notifications on * this subscription when FNNotifyAll is called; by default any * subscription is also implicitly a subscription to wildcard * notifications */ kFNNoImplicitAllSubscription = (1 << 0) }; /* * FNSubscriptionProcPtr * * Discussion: * Callback delivered for directory notifications. * * Parameters: * * message: * An indication of what happened * * flags: * Options about delivery of the notification (typically * kNilOptions) * * refcon: * User reference supplied with subscription * * subscription: * Subscription corresponding to this notification */ typedef CALLBACK_API_C( void , FNSubscriptionProcPtr )(FNMessage message, OptionBits flags, void *refcon, FNSubscriptionRef subscription); typedef TVECTOR_UPP_TYPE(FNSubscriptionProcPtr) FNSubscriptionUPP; /* * NewFNSubscriptionUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( FNSubscriptionUPP ) NewFNSubscriptionUPP(FNSubscriptionProcPtr userRoutine); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES enum { uppFNSubscriptionProcInfo = 0x00003FC1 }; /* no_return_value Func(4_bytes, 4_bytes, 4_bytes, 4_bytes) */ #ifdef __cplusplus inline DEFINE_API_C(FNSubscriptionUPP) NewFNSubscriptionUPP(FNSubscriptionProcPtr userRoutine) { return userRoutine; } #else #define NewFNSubscriptionUPP(userRoutine) (userRoutine) #endif #endif /* * DisposeFNSubscriptionUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( void ) DisposeFNSubscriptionUPP(FNSubscriptionUPP userUPP); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES #ifdef __cplusplus inline DEFINE_API_C(void) DisposeFNSubscriptionUPP(FNSubscriptionUPP) {} #else #define DisposeFNSubscriptionUPP(userUPP) #endif #endif /* * InvokeFNSubscriptionUPP() * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.0 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( void ) InvokeFNSubscriptionUPP( FNMessage message, OptionBits flags, void * refcon, FNSubscriptionRef subscription, FNSubscriptionUPP userUPP); #if !OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES #ifdef __cplusplus inline DEFINE_API_C(void) InvokeFNSubscriptionUPP(FNMessage message, OptionBits flags, void * refcon, FNSubscriptionRef subscription, FNSubscriptionUPP userUPP) { (*userUPP)(message, flags, refcon, subscription); } #else #define InvokeFNSubscriptionUPP(message, flags, refcon, subscription, userUPP) (*userUPP)(message, flags, refcon, subscription) #endif #endif /* * FNSubscribe() * * Summary: * Subscribe to change notifications for the specified directory. * * Parameters: * * directoryRef: * Directory for which the caller wants notifications * * callback: * Function to call back when a notification arrives * * refcon: * User state carried with the subscription * * flags: * Options for future use (specify kNilOptions, or one of the * FNSubscriptionOptions) * * subscription: * Subscription token for subsequent query or unsubscription * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: not available * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.1 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.1 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus ) FNSubscribe( const FSRef * directoryRef, FNSubscriptionUPP callback, void * refcon, OptionBits flags, FNSubscriptionRef * subscription); /* * FNSubscribeByPath() * * Summary: * Subscribe to change notifications for the specified directory. * * Parameters: * * directoryPath: * Directory for which the caller wants notifications * * callback: * Function to call back when a notification arrives * * refcon: * User state carried with the subscription * * flags: * Options for future use (specify kNilOptions, or one of the * FNSubscriptionOptions) * * subscription: * Subscription token for subsequent query or unsubscription * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: not available * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.1 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.1 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus ) FNSubscribeByPath( const UInt8 * directoryPath, FNSubscriptionUPP callback, void * refcon, OptionBits flags, FNSubscriptionRef * subscription); /* * FNUnsubscribe() * * Summary: * Release a subscription which is no longer needed. * * Parameters: * * subscription: * Subscription previously returned from FNSubscribe or * FNSubscribeForPath * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: not available * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.1 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.1 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus ) FNUnsubscribe(FNSubscriptionRef subscription); /* * FNGetDirectoryForSubscription() * * Summary: * Fetch the directory for which this subscription was originally * entered. There is no path variant because paths are fragile, and * the path may have changed. If the caller does not care about * this subtlety, she can call FSRefMakePath to get a path from the * returned ref. * * Parameters: * * subscription: * Subscription previously returned from FNSubscribe or * FNSubscribeForPath * * ref: * Directory for which this subscription was created * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: not available * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.1 and later * Mac OS X: in version 10.1 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus ) FNGetDirectoryForSubscription( FNSubscriptionRef subscription, FSRef * ref); /* Async Volume Operation Status return values*/ enum { kAsyncMountInProgress = 1, kAsyncMountComplete = 2, kAsyncUnmountInProgress = 3, kAsyncUnmountComplete = 4, kAsyncEjectInProgress = 5, kAsyncEjectComplete = 6 }; typedef UInt32 FSMountStatus; typedef UInt32 FSEjectStatus; typedef UInt32 FSUnmountStatus; typedef struct OpaqueFSVolumeOperation* FSVolumeOperation; /* * FSEjectVolumeSync() * * Discussion: * This routine ejects the volume specified by vRefNum. If the * volume cannot be ejected the pid of the process which denied the * unmount will be returned in the dissenter parameter. This * routine returns after the eject is complete. Ejecting a volume * will result in the unmounting of other volumes on the same device. * * Parameters: * * vRefNum: * The volume reference number of the volume to eject. * * flags: * Options for future use. * * dissenter: * pid of the process which denied the unmount if the eject is * denied. * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: not available * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x * Mac OS X: in version 10.2 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus ) FSEjectVolumeSync( FSVolumeRefNum vRefNum, OptionBits flags, pid_t * dissenter); /* can be NULL */ /* * FSGetAsyncEjectStatus() * * Discussion: * This routine returns the current status of an asynchronous eject * operation. A return value of noErr signifies that the status * parameter has been filled with valid information. * * Parameters: * * volumeOp: * The async volume operation to get status about. * * status: * The status of the operation. * * volumeOpStatus: * If status is kAsyncEjectComplete then this contains the * OSStatus for the operation. * * volumeRefNum: * volume reference number of volume being ejected. * * dissenter: * pid of the process which denied the unmount if the eject is * denied. * * clientData: * client data associated with the original * FSMountServerVolumeAsync operation. * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: not available * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x * Mac OS X: in version 10.2 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus ) FSGetAsyncEjectStatus( FSVolumeOperation volumeOp, FSEjectStatus * status, OSStatus * volumeOpStatus, /* can be NULL */ FSVolumeRefNum * volumeRefNum, /* can be NULL */ pid_t * dissenter, /* can be NULL */ void ** clientData); /* can be NULL */ /* * FSCopyDiskIDForVolume() * * Discussion: * This routine returns a copy of the diskID for the passed in * volume. The caller is responsible for releasing the CFString * later. * * Parameters: * * vRefNum: * FSVolumeRefNum of the target volume. * * diskID: * The diskID string associated with the target volume. * * Availability: * Non-Carbon CFM: not available * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x * Mac OS X: in version 10.2 and later */ EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus ) FSCopyDiskIDForVolume( FSVolumeRefNum vRefNum, CFStringRef * diskID); #if PRAGMA_STRUCT_ALIGN #pragma options align=reset #elif PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACKPUSH #pragma pack(pop) #elif PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACK #pragma pack() #endif #ifdef PRAGMA_IMPORT_OFF #pragma import off #elif PRAGMA_IMPORT #pragma import reset #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __FILES__ */