//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> #include "tier0/dbg.h" #include "strtools.h" #include "utlvector.h" bool verbose = false; SpewRetval_t SpewFunc( SpewType_t type, char const *pMsg ) { printf( "%s", pMsg ); OutputDebugString( pMsg ); if ( type == SPEW_ERROR ) { printf( "\n" ); OutputDebugString( "\n" ); } return SPEW_CONTINUE; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void printusage( ) { printf( "usage: obj2mdl <modelname.obj file> \n\n" ); printf( "The directory containing the <modelname>.obj file must also contain a\n" ); printf( "<modelname>.mtl file.\n" ); } void CreateTemplateQC( const char *pcDirectory, const char *pcBaseName, const char *pcSteamName ) { char sz_Buffer[MAX_PATH]; V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "%s%s.qc", pcDirectory, pcBaseName ); FILE *fp = fopen( sz_Buffer, "w" ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "$modelname \"contrib\\%s\\%s.mdl\"\n", pcSteamName, pcBaseName ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); fputs( "$upaxis Y\n", fp ); fputs( "$scale 1.00\n", fp ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "$body \"Body\" \"%s.obj\"\n", pcBaseName ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); fputs( "$surfaceprop \"cloth\"\n", fp ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "$cdmaterials \"models\\contrib\\%s\\%s\"\n", pcSteamName, pcBaseName ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "$sequence \"idle\" \"%s.obj\" fps 30 numframes 30 loop\n", pcBaseName ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "$collisionmodel \"%s.obj\" {\n", pcBaseName ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); fputs( "$mass 5.0\n", fp ); fputs( "}\n", fp ); fclose( fp ); } void CreateTemplateVMT( const char *pcDirectory, const char *pcBaseName, const char *pcTGAColorFile, const char *pcTGANormalFile, const char *pcSteamName ) { char sz_Buffer[MAX_PATH]; char szTGAColorFileBase[MAX_PATH]; char szTGANormalFileBase[MAX_PATH]; V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "%s%s.vmt", pcDirectory, pcBaseName ); FILE *fp = fopen( sz_Buffer, "w" ); /* fputs( "\"UnlitGeneric\"\n", fp ); fputs( "{\n", fp ); V_StripExtension( pcTGAColorFile, szTGAColorFileBase, sizeof( szTGAColorFileBase ) ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "\t\"$baseTexture\" \"models/contrib/%s/%s/%s\"\n", pcSteamName, pcBaseName, szTGAColorFileBase ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); fputs( "\t\$translucent\t1\n", fp ); fputs( "\t\"$vertexcolor\"\t1\n}\n", fp ); */ fputs( "\"VertexlitGeneric\"\n", fp ); fputs( "{\n", fp ); V_StripExtension( pcTGAColorFile, szTGAColorFileBase, sizeof( szTGAColorFileBase ) ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "\t\"$baseTexture\" \"models/contrib/%s/%s/%s\"\n", pcSteamName, pcBaseName, szTGAColorFileBase ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); if ( pcTGANormalFile && ( V_strlen( pcTGANormalFile ) > 0 ) ) { V_StripExtension( pcTGANormalFile, szTGANormalFileBase, sizeof( szTGANormalFileBase ) ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "\t\"$bumpmap\" \"models/contrib/%s/%s/%s\"\n", pcSteamName, pcBaseName, szTGANormalFileBase ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); } V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "\t\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", "$detail", "effects/tiledfire/fireLayeredSlowTiled512.vtf" ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "\t\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", "$detailscale", "5" ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "\t\"%s\" %s\n", "$detailblendfactor", ".01" ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "\t\"%s\" %s\n", "$detailblendmode", "6" ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "\t\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", "$yellow", "0" ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "\t\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", "$phong", "1" ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "\t\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", "$phongexponent", "25" ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "\t\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", "$phongboost", "5" ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "\t\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", "$lightwarptexture", "models\\lightwarps\\weapon_lightwarp" ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "\t\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", "$phongfresnelranges", "[.25 .5 1]" ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "\t\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", "$basemapalphaphongmask", "1" ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "\t\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", "$rimlight", "1" ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "\t\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", "$rimlightexponent", "4" ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "\t\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", "$rimlightboost", "2" ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "\t\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", "$cloakPassEnabled", "1" ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); fputs( "\t\"Proxies\"\n", fp ); fputs( "\t{\n", fp ); fputs( "\t\t\"weapon_invis\"\n", fp ); fputs( "\t\t{\n", fp ); fputs( "\t\t}\n", fp ); fputs( "\t\t\"AnimatedTexture\"\n", fp ); fputs( "\t\t{\n", fp ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "\t\t\t\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", "animatedtexturevar", "$detail" ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "\t\t\t\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", "animatedtextureframenumvar", "$detailframe" ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "\t\t\t\"%s\" %s\n", "animatedtextureframerate", "30" ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); fputs( "\t\t}\n", fp ); fputs( "\t\t\"BurnLevel\"\n", fp ); fputs( "\t\t{\n", fp ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "\t\t\t\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", "resultVar", "$detailblendfactor" ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); fputs( "\t\t}\n", fp ); fputs( "\t\t\"YellowLevel\"\n", fp ); fputs( "\t\t{\n", fp ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "\t\t\t\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", "resultVar", "$yellow" ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); fputs( "\t\t}\n", fp ); fputs( "\t\t\"Equals\"\n", fp ); fputs( "\t\t{\n", fp ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "\t\t\t\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", "srcVar1", "$yellow" ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); V_snprintf( sz_Buffer, MAX_PATH, "\t\t\t\"%s\" \"%s\"\n", "resultVar", "$color2" ); fputs( sz_Buffer, fp ); fputs( "\t\t}\n", fp ); fputs( "\t}\n", fp ); fputs( "}\n", fp ); fclose( fp ); } bool CheckFilesExist( const char *pcDirectory, const char *pcOBJFile, const char *pcMTLFile ) { WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; HANDLE ff; char szSearchFile[MAX_PATH]; V_snprintf( szSearchFile, MAX_PATH, "%s%s", pcDirectory, pcOBJFile ); if ( ( ff = FindFirstFile( szSearchFile, &wfd ) ) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { V_snprintf( szSearchFile, MAX_PATH, "%s%s", pcDirectory, pcMTLFile ); if ( ( ff = FindFirstFile( szSearchFile, &wfd ) ) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { return true; } } return false; } bool ParseMTL( const char *pcDirectory, const char *pcOBJFile, const char *pcMTLFile, char *pcTGAColorFile, size_t nTGAColorBufSize, char *pcTGASpecularFile, size_t nTGASpecularBufSize ) { char szMTLFile[MAX_PATH]; V_snprintf( szMTLFile, MAX_PATH, "%s%s", pcDirectory, pcMTLFile ); FILE *fp = fopen( szMTLFile, "r" ); char szLine[MAX_PATH]; while( fgets( szLine, sizeof( szLine ), fp ) ) { char szToken[MAX_PATH]; char szValue[MAX_PATH]; char cTab; sscanf( szLine, "%s%c%s", szToken, &cTab, szValue ); if ( V_stristr( szToken, "map_Kd" ) ) { V_strncpy( pcTGAColorFile, V_UnqualifiedFileName( szValue ), nTGAColorBufSize ); } else if ( V_stristr( szLine, "map_Ks" ) ) { V_strncpy( pcTGASpecularFile, V_UnqualifiedFileName( szValue ), nTGASpecularBufSize ); } } fclose( fp ); return true; } bool ParseArguments( int argc, char* argv[], char *pcDirectory, size_t nDirectoryBufSize, char *pcBaseName, size_t nBaseNameBufSize, char *pcOBJFile, size_t nOBJFileBufSize, char *pcMTLFile, size_t nMTLFileBufSize ) { if ( argc < 2) { printusage(); return false; } else { // // Setup OBJ and MTL globals. Exit if neither type is passed in // char szFile[MAX_PATH]; V_ExtractFilePath( argv[1], pcDirectory, nDirectoryBufSize ); V_strncpy( szFile, V_UnqualifiedFileName( argv[1] ), MAX_PATH ); // Make sure that the file passed in was an OBJ if ( V_stristr( szFile, ".obj" ) ) { V_FileBase( szFile, pcBaseName, nBaseNameBufSize ); V_strncpy( pcOBJFile, szFile, nOBJFileBufSize ); V_snprintf( pcMTLFile, nMTLFileBufSize, "%s.mtl", pcBaseName ); } else { // Invalid file type passed in printusage(); return false; } } return true; } bool GetSteamUserName( char *pcSteamName, size_t nSteamNameBufSize ) { HKEY hKey; char szModInstallPath[MAX_PATH]; pcSteamName[0] = NULL; if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKey( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Valve\\Steam", &hKey ) ) { DWORD dwSize = sizeof( szModInstallPath ); RegQueryValueEx( hKey, "ModInstallPath", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szModInstallPath, &dwSize ); RegCloseKey( hKey ); V_StripFilename( szModInstallPath ); V_FileBase( szModInstallPath, pcSteamName, nSteamNameBufSize ); } return ( V_strlen( pcSteamName ) > 0 ); } bool GetSDKBinDirectory( char *pcSDKBinDir, size_t nBuffSize ) { HKEY hKey; char szEngineVersion[MAX_PATH]; char szSDKPath[MAX_PATH]; *pcSDKBinDir = szEngineVersion[0] = szSDKPath[0] = NULL; if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKey( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Valve\\Source SDK", &hKey ) ) { DWORD dwSize = sizeof( szEngineVersion ); RegQueryValueEx( hKey, "EngineVer", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szEngineVersion, &dwSize ); RegCloseKey( hKey ); } if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKey( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Environment", &hKey ) ) { DWORD dwSize = sizeof( szSDKPath ); RegQueryValueEx( hKey, "sourcesdk", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szSDKPath, &dwSize ); RegCloseKey( hKey ); } if ( szEngineVersion[0] && szSDKPath[0] ) { V_snprintf( pcSDKBinDir, nBuffSize, "%s\\bin\\%s\\bin", szSDKPath, szEngineVersion ); return true; } return false; } bool GetSDKSourcesDirectory( char *pcSDKSourcesDir, size_t nBufSize ) { HKEY hKey; char szSDKPath[MAX_PATH]; char szVProjectPath[MAX_PATH]; *pcSDKSourcesDir = NULL; if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKey( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Environment", &hKey ) ) { DWORD dwSize = sizeof( szSDKPath ); RegQueryValueEx( hKey, "sourcesdk", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szSDKPath, &dwSize ); dwSize = sizeof( szVProjectPath ); RegQueryValueEx( hKey, "vproject", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szVProjectPath, &dwSize ); RegCloseKey( hKey ); V_snprintf( pcSDKSourcesDir, nBufSize, "%s_content\\%s", szSDKPath, V_UnqualifiedFileName( szVProjectPath ) ); return true; } return false; } void RunCommandLine( const char *pCmdLine, const char *pWorkingDir ) { STARTUPINFO startupInfo; memset( &startupInfo, 0, sizeof( startupInfo ) ); startupInfo.cb = sizeof( startupInfo ); PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; memset( &pi, 0, sizeof( pi ) ); CreateProcess( NULL, (char*)pCmdLine, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, pWorkingDir, &startupInfo, &pi ); WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE); } void CompileVTEX( const char *pcDirectory, const char *pcTGAColorFile, const char *pcSteamName, const char *pcBaseName ) { char szCmdLine[MAX_PATH]; char szSDKBinDir[MAX_PATH]; char szSDKSourcesDir[MAX_PATH]; GetSDKBinDirectory( szSDKBinDir, sizeof( szSDKBinDir ) ); GetSDKSourcesDirectory( szSDKSourcesDir, sizeof( szSDKSourcesDir ) ); V_snprintf( szCmdLine, sizeof( szCmdLine ), "\"%s\\vtex.exe\" -nopause \"%s\\materialsrc\\models\\contrib\\%s\\%s\\%s\"", szSDKBinDir, szSDKSourcesDir, pcSteamName, pcBaseName, pcTGAColorFile ); RunCommandLine( szCmdLine, szSDKBinDir ); } void CompileMDL( const char *pcObjFile, const char *pcSteamName, const char *pcBaseName ) { char szCmdLine[MAX_PATH]; char szSDKBinDir[MAX_PATH]; char szSDKSourcesDir[MAX_PATH]; GetSDKBinDirectory( szSDKBinDir, sizeof( szSDKBinDir ) ); GetSDKSourcesDirectory( szSDKSourcesDir, sizeof( szSDKSourcesDir ) ); V_snprintf( szCmdLine, sizeof( szCmdLine ), "\"%s\\studiomdl.exe\" -nop4 \"%s\\modelsrc\\contrib\\%s\\%s\\%s.qc\"", szSDKBinDir, szSDKSourcesDir, pcSteamName, pcBaseName, pcBaseName ); RunCommandLine( szCmdLine, szSDKBinDir ); } bool GetVProjectDirectory( char *pcVProjectPath, size_t nBufSize ) { bool bRetVal = false; HKEY hKey; pcVProjectPath[0] = NULL; if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKey( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Environment", &hKey ) ) { DWORD dwSize = nBufSize; RegQueryValueEx( hKey, "vproject", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)pcVProjectPath, &dwSize ); RegCloseKey( hKey ); bRetVal = true; } return bRetVal; } void LaunchHLMV( const char *pcSteamName, const char *pcBaseName ) { char szCmdLine[MAX_PATH]; char szSDKBinDir[MAX_PATH]; char szVProjectPath[MAX_PATH]; GetSDKBinDirectory( szSDKBinDir, sizeof( szSDKBinDir ) ); GetVProjectDirectory( szVProjectPath, sizeof( szVProjectPath ) ); V_snprintf( szCmdLine, sizeof( szCmdLine ), "\"%s\\hlmv.exe\" -game \"%s\" \"%s\\models\\contrib\\%s\\%s\\%s.mdl\"", szSDKBinDir, szVProjectPath, szVProjectPath, pcSteamName, pcBaseName, pcBaseName ); RunCommandLine( szCmdLine, szSDKBinDir ); } void CopyVMT( const char *pcDirectory, const char *pcBaseName, const char *pcSteamName ) { char szVProjectPath[MAX_PATH]; char szSourceVMT[MAX_PATH]; char szDestVMT[MAX_PATH]; GetVProjectDirectory( szVProjectPath, sizeof( szVProjectPath ) ); V_snprintf( szSourceVMT, sizeof( szSourceVMT), "%s%s.vmt", pcDirectory, pcBaseName ); V_snprintf( szDestVMT, sizeof( szDestVMT), "%s\\materials\\models\\contrib\\%s\\%s\\%s.vmt", szVProjectPath, pcSteamName, pcBaseName, pcBaseName ); DeleteFile( szDestVMT ); CopyFile( szSourceVMT, szDestVMT, false ); } bool FileExists( const char* filePathName ) { DWORD attribs = ::GetFileAttributesA( filePathName ); if (attribs == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { return false; } return ( ( attribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) == 0 ); } bool DirectoryExists(const char* dirName) { DWORD attribs = ::GetFileAttributesA(dirName); if (attribs == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { return false; } return ( ( attribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) != 0 ); } bool CopyFiles( const char *pcSourceDir, const char *pcPattern, const char *pcDestDir ) { char szFindPattern[MAX_PATH]; bool bAllSucceeded = true; V_snprintf( szFindPattern, sizeof( szFindPattern ), "%s%s", pcSourceDir, pcPattern ); WIN32_FIND_DATA findData; HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile( szFindPattern, &findData ); if ( hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { return false; } else { do { char szSrcPath[MAX_PATH]; char szDestPath[MAX_PATH]; V_snprintf( szSrcPath, sizeof( szSrcPath ), "%s%s", pcSourceDir, findData.cFileName ); V_snprintf( szDestPath, sizeof( szDestPath ), "%s\\%s", pcDestDir, findData.cFileName ); DeleteFile( szDestPath ); CopyFile( szSrcPath, szDestPath, false ); bAllSucceeded &= FileExists( szDestPath ); } while ( FindNextFile( hFind, &findData ) ); FindClose( hFind ); return bAllSucceeded; } } bool CopyMaterialSourcesToSrcTree( const char *pcDirectory, const char *pcSteamName, const char *pcBaseName ) { char szSDKSourcesDir[MAX_PATH]; char szBuffer[MAX_PATH]; bool bAllSucceeded = true; GetSDKSourcesDirectory( szSDKSourcesDir, sizeof( szSDKSourcesDir ) ); // Root CreateDirectory( szSDKSourcesDir, NULL ); bAllSucceeded &= DirectoryExists( szSDKSourcesDir ); // // Materials // V_snprintf( szBuffer, sizeof( szBuffer ), "%s%s", szSDKSourcesDir, "\\materialsrc" ); CreateDirectory( szBuffer, NULL ); bAllSucceeded &= DirectoryExists( szBuffer ); V_snprintf( szBuffer, sizeof( szBuffer ), "%s%s", szSDKSourcesDir, "\\materialsrc\\models" ); CreateDirectory( szBuffer, NULL ); bAllSucceeded &= DirectoryExists( szBuffer ); V_snprintf( szBuffer, sizeof( szBuffer ), "%s%s", szSDKSourcesDir, "\\materialsrc\\models\\contrib" ); CreateDirectory( szBuffer, NULL ); bAllSucceeded &= DirectoryExists( szBuffer ); V_snprintf( szBuffer, sizeof( szBuffer ), "%s%s%s", szSDKSourcesDir, "\\materialsrc\\models\\contrib\\", pcSteamName ); CreateDirectory( szBuffer, NULL ); bAllSucceeded &= DirectoryExists( szBuffer ); V_snprintf( szBuffer, sizeof( szBuffer ), "%s%s%s\\%s", szSDKSourcesDir, "\\materialsrc\\models\\contrib\\", pcSteamName, pcBaseName ); CreateDirectory( szBuffer, NULL ); bAllSucceeded &= DirectoryExists( szBuffer ); if ( bAllSucceeded ) { CopyFiles( pcDirectory, "*.tga", szBuffer ); } return bAllSucceeded; } bool ReplaceLineInTXTFile( const char *pcFilePath, const char* pcFirstChars, const char* pcReplacement ) { char sz_Buffer[MAX_PATH]; CUtlStringList fileContents; // Read the old FILE *fp = fopen( pcFilePath, "r" ); if ( !fp ) { return false; } while( fgets( sz_Buffer, sizeof( sz_Buffer ), fp ) ) { if ( !V_strncmp( sz_Buffer, pcFirstChars, V_strlen( pcFirstChars ) ) ) { V_strncpy( sz_Buffer, pcReplacement, V_strlen( pcReplacement ) + 1 ); } fileContents.CopyAndAddToTail( sz_Buffer ); } fclose( fp ); // // Write the new // fp = fopen( pcFilePath, "w" ); if ( !fp ) { fileContents.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); return false; } FOR_EACH_VEC( fileContents, i ) { fputs( fileContents[i], fp ); } fclose( fp ); fileContents.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); return true; } bool CopyModelSourcesToSrcTree( const char *pcDirectory, const char *pcSteamName, const char *pcBaseName ) { char szSDKSourcesDir[MAX_PATH]; char szBuffer[MAX_PATH]; bool bAllSucceeded = true; GetSDKSourcesDirectory( szSDKSourcesDir, sizeof( szSDKSourcesDir ) ); // Root CreateDirectory( szSDKSourcesDir, NULL ); bAllSucceeded &= DirectoryExists( szSDKSourcesDir ); // // Models // V_snprintf( szBuffer, sizeof( szBuffer ), "%s%s", szSDKSourcesDir, "\\modelsrc" ); CreateDirectory( szBuffer, NULL ); bAllSucceeded &= DirectoryExists( szBuffer ); V_snprintf( szBuffer, sizeof( szBuffer ), "%s%s", szSDKSourcesDir, "\\modelsrc\\contrib" ); CreateDirectory( szBuffer, NULL ); bAllSucceeded &= DirectoryExists( szBuffer ); V_snprintf( szBuffer, sizeof( szBuffer ), "%s%s%s", szSDKSourcesDir, "\\modelsrc\\contrib\\", pcSteamName ); CreateDirectory( szBuffer, NULL ); bAllSucceeded &= DirectoryExists( szBuffer ); V_snprintf( szBuffer, sizeof( szBuffer ), "%s%s%s\\%s", szSDKSourcesDir, "\\modelsrc\\contrib\\", pcSteamName, pcBaseName ); CreateDirectory( szBuffer, NULL ); bAllSucceeded &= DirectoryExists( szBuffer ); if ( bAllSucceeded ) { CopyFiles( pcDirectory, "*.obj", szBuffer ); CopyFiles( pcDirectory, "*.mtl", szBuffer ); CopyFiles( pcDirectory, "*.qc", szBuffer ); } // Replace some tags in the OBJ and MTL to satisfy some assumptions made by studiomdl char szFileToChange[MAX_PATH]; char szReplacementLine[MAX_PATH]; V_snprintf( szFileToChange, sizeof( szFileToChange ), "%s\\%s.mtl", szBuffer, pcBaseName ); V_snprintf( szReplacementLine, sizeof( szReplacementLine ), "newmtl %s\n", pcBaseName ); ReplaceLineInTXTFile( szFileToChange, "newmtl", szReplacementLine ); V_snprintf( szReplacementLine, sizeof( szReplacementLine ), "map_Kd %s.tga\n", pcBaseName ); ReplaceLineInTXTFile( szFileToChange, "map_Kd", szReplacementLine ); V_snprintf( szFileToChange, sizeof( szFileToChange ), "%s\\%s.obj", szBuffer, pcBaseName ); V_snprintf( szReplacementLine, sizeof( szReplacementLine ), "g %s\n", pcBaseName ); ReplaceLineInTXTFile( szFileToChange, "g ", szReplacementLine ); V_snprintf( szReplacementLine, sizeof( szReplacementLine ), "usemtl %s\n", pcBaseName ); ReplaceLineInTXTFile( szFileToChange, "usemtl ", szReplacementLine ); return bAllSucceeded; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : argc - // argv[] - // Output : int //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { char szDirectory[MAX_PATH]; char szOBJFile[MAX_PATH]; char szMTLFile[MAX_PATH]; char szTGAColorFile[MAX_PATH]; char szTGANormalFile[MAX_PATH]; char szTGATransparencyFile[MAX_PATH]; char szTGASpecularFile[MAX_PATH]; char szBaseName[MAX_PATH]; char szSteamName[64]; SpewOutputFunc( SpewFunc ); szDirectory[0] = szMTLFile[0] = szOBJFile[0] = szSteamName[0] = szTGAColorFile[0] = szTGANormalFile[0] = szTGATransparencyFile[0] = szTGASpecularFile[0] = NULL; if ( ParseArguments( argc, argv, szDirectory, sizeof( szDirectory ), szBaseName, sizeof( szBaseName ), szOBJFile, sizeof( szOBJFile ), szMTLFile, sizeof( szMTLFile ) ) ) { if ( CheckFilesExist(szDirectory, szOBJFile, szMTLFile ) ) { printf( "Valve Software - obj2mdl.exe (%s)\n", __DATE__ ); printf( "--- OBJ to MDL file conversion helper ---\n" ); if ( !GetSteamUserName( szSteamName, sizeof( szSteamName ) ) ) { printf( "--- Unable to get Steam user name. Exiting. ---\n" ); } printf( "--- Reading MTL file ---\n" ); ParseMTL( szDirectory, szOBJFile, szMTLFile, szTGAColorFile, sizeof( szTGAColorFile ), szTGASpecularFile, sizeof( szTGASpecularFile ) ); printf( "--- Creating VMT and QC files ---\n" ); CreateTemplateVMT( szDirectory, szBaseName, szTGAColorFile, szTGANormalFile, szSteamName ); CreateTemplateQC( szDirectory, szBaseName, szSteamName ); CopyMaterialSourcesToSrcTree( szDirectory, szSteamName, szBaseName ); printf( "--- Compiling TGAs into a VTEX with vtex.exe---\n" ); CompileVTEX( szDirectory, szTGAColorFile, szSteamName, szBaseName ); CopyVMT( szDirectory, szBaseName, szSteamName ); printf( "--- Compiling OBJs into an MDL with studiomdl.exe---\n" ); CopyModelSourcesToSrcTree( szDirectory, szSteamName, szBaseName ); CompileMDL( szOBJFile, szSteamName, szBaseName ); // printf( "--- Launching model viewer ---\n" ); // LaunchHLMV( szSteamName, szBaseName ); return 0; } } return 1; }