# ========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============

import subprocess
import re
import os
import sys

reValve = re.compile( "valve", flags = re.IGNORECASE )
reTurtleRock = re.compile( "turtle rock", flags = re.IGNORECASE )
reCopyright = re.compile( "copyright", flags = re.IGNORECASE )
sOutputCopyright = "//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//\n"

def IsOldCopyrightLine( line ):
	if( len( reCopyright.findall( line ) ) == 0 ):
		return False
	if( len( reValve.findall( line ) ) == 0 
		and len( reTurtleRock.findall( line ) ) == 0 ):
		return False
	return True

rFilesWithNoCopyrightNotice = []

def FixCopyrightNotice( sFullPath ):
	nLine = 0

	f = open( sFullPath, "r" )
	if( not f ):
		print( "Unable to open file " + sFullPath + "\n" )

	rFileContents = f.readlines()
	nOldCopyright = -1
	for line in rFileContents:
		if( nLine < 10 ):
			if( line == sOutputCopyright ):
				# File already has the right notice
			if( IsOldCopyrightLine( line ) ):
				nOldCopyright = nLine

		nLine += 1
	if( nOldCopyright == -1 ):
		rFilesWithNoCopyrightNotice.append( sFullPath )
		rFileContents.insert( 0, sOutputCopyright )
		rFileContents[ nOldCopyright ] = sOutputCopyright

	# open the file for edit
	subprocess.call( [ "p4", "edit", sFullPath ], stdout = subprocess.PIPE )

	# open the file for writing
	f = open( sFullPath, "w" )
	f.writelines( rFileContents )

rDirsToSkip = [ 

rFileExtensionsToSkip = [

def FixCopyrightNoticeWalk( sPath ):
	for root, dirs, files in os.walk( sPath ):
		print "Walking directory", root
		#print root, dirs
		for sDir in rDirsToSkip:
			if sDir in dirs:
				print "Skipping dir ", os.path.join( root, sDir )
				dirs.remove( sDir )

		for sFilename in files:
			sShortFilename, sFileExt = os.path.splitext( sFilename )

			if( sFileExt in [ '.cpp', '.h' ] ):
				bSkip = False
				for sExt in rFileExtensionsToSkip:
					if sExt in sFilename:
						bSkip = True

				#print "filename=", sFilename 
				if( bSkip ):
					print "Skipping ", sFilename, "because of its extension"
					FixCopyrightNotice( os.path.join( root, sFilename ) )

#FixCopyrightNotice( os.path.join( "..", "..", "bitmap", "bitmap.cpp" ) )
#FixCopyrightNoticeWalk( os.path.join( "..", "..", "bitmap" ) )

if( len( sys.argv ) != 2 ):
	print "Usage: fixcopyrights.py <path>"

FixCopyrightNoticeWalk( sys.argv[1] )

if( len( rFilesWithNoCopyrightNotice ) ):

	f = open( "newcopyrights.txt", "w" )
	for file in rFilesWithNoCopyrightNotice:
		f.write( file + "\n" )

	print "Copyright notices added to", len( rFilesWithNoCopyrightNotice ), "files. See newcopyrights.txt for a list\n"