//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: Dota specific GC based party // //============================================================================= #ifndef DOTA_PARTY_H #define DOTA_PARTY_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #include "gcsdk/protobufsharedobject.h" #include "tf_gcmessages.h" #include "party.h" #include "tf_matchmaking_shared.h" #ifdef GC namespace GCSDK { CWebAPIValues; } #endif const int k_nTFPartyMaxSize = 6; class CTFParty : public GCSDK::CProtoBufSharedObject<CSOTFParty, k_EProtoObjectTFParty>, public GCSDK::IParty { #ifdef GC DECLARE_CLASS_MEMPOOL( CTFParty ); #endif typedef GCSDK::CProtoBufSharedObject<CSOTFParty, k_EProtoObjectTFParty> BaseClass; public: CTFParty(); virtual ~CTFParty(); const static int k_nTypeID = k_EProtoObjectTFParty; virtual bool BShouldDeleteByCache() const { return false; } virtual GCSDK::PlayerGroupID_t GetGroupID() const { return Obj().party_id(); } // Parties are their own SharedObject for all involved virtual CSharedObject* GetSharedObjectForMember( const CSteamID &steamID ) OVERRIDE { return this; } // Ambiguous between ISharedObject and IPlayerGroup. virtual void Dump() const OVERRIDE { return BaseClass::Dump(); } virtual const CSteamID GetLeader() const; virtual int GetNumMembers() const { return Obj().member_ids_size(); } virtual const CSteamID GetMember( int i ) const; virtual int GetMemberIndexBySteamID( const CSteamID &steamID ) const; virtual int GetNumPendingInvites() const { return Obj().pending_invites_size(); } virtual const CSteamID GetPendingInvite( int i ) const; virtual int GetPendingInviteIndexBySteamID( const CSteamID &steamID ) const; RTime32 GetStartedMatchmakingTime() const; CSOTFParty_State GetState() const { CSOTFParty_State result = Obj().state(); #ifndef GC // The client really never needs to see this state. Let's // treat it as equivalent to the finding match state if ( result == CSOTFParty_State_AWAITING_RESERVATION_CONFIRMATION ) { result = CSOTFParty_State_FINDING_MATCH; } #endif return result; } CSteamID GetSteamLobbyID() const { return CSteamID( Obj().steam_lobby_id() ); } int GetNumSearchingPlayers( int group ); int GetMaxNumSearchingPlayers(); // Returns the group with the largest number of players searching virtual bool AllowInvites() const { return false; } // we are using Steam invites void SpewDebug(); bool BAnyMemberWithoutTicket() const; bool BAnyMemberWithoutCompetitiveAccess() const; bool BAnyMemberWithLowPriority() const; inline bool GetSearchLateJoinOK() const { return Obj().search_late_join_ok(); } inline bool GetSearchPlayForBraggingRights() const { return Obj().search_play_for_bragging_rights(); } TF_MatchmakingMode GetMatchmakingMode() const { return Obj().matchmaking_mode(); } uint32 GetSearchQuickplayGameType() const { return Obj().search_quickplay_game_type(); } EMatchGroup GetMatchGroup() const; void GetSearchChallenges( CMvMMissionSet &challenges ) const; uint32 GetSearchLadderGameType() const { return Obj().search_ladder_game_type(); } #ifdef USE_MVM_TOUR /// Return name of tour we are searching for. Returns NULL if we are not manned up const char *GetSearchMannUpTourName() const; /// Return index of tour we are searching for. Might return one of the k_iMvmTourIndex_xxx values int GetSearchMannUpTourIndex() const; #endif // USE_MVM_TOUR #ifdef GC virtual void SetGroupID( GCSDK::PlayerGroupID_t nGroupID ); virtual void SetLeader( const CSteamID &steamID ); virtual void AddMember( const CSteamID &steamID ); virtual void RemoveMember( const CSteamID &steamID ); //virtual void SetSearchKey( const char *key ); void SetMatchmakingMode( TF_MatchmakingMode mode ); void SetSearchChallenges( const ::google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< ::std::string> &challenges ); #ifdef USE_MVM_TOUR void SetSearchMannUpTourName( const char *pszTourName ); #endif // USE_MVM_TOUR void CheckRemoveInvalidSearchChallenges(); void SetSearchQuickplayGameType( uint32 nType ); void SetSearchPlayForBraggingRights( bool bPlayForBraggingRights ); void SetSearchLadderGameType( uint32 nType ); void SetCasualSearchCriteria( const CMsgCasualMatchmakingSearchCriteria& msg ); void SetCustomPingTolerance( uint32 nPingTolerance ); uint32 GetCustomPingTolerance() const { return Obj().custom_ping_tolerance(); } void SetState( CSOTFParty_State newState ); //virtual void SetMatchingPlayers( uint32 unMatchingPlayers ); //virtual void SetSearchFraction( float flFraction ); virtual void SetLateJoinOK( bool bLateJoinOK ); virtual void SetMemberUseSquadSurplus( int nMemberIndex, bool bUseVoucher ); virtual void AddPendingInvite( const CSteamID &steamID ); virtual void RemovePendingInvite( const CSteamID &steamID ); void SetStartedMatchmakingTime( RTime32 time ); void AssociatePartyWithLobby( CTFLobby* pLobby ); void DissociatePartyFromLobby( CTFLobby* pLobby ); CTFLobby* GetAssociatedLobby() const; void SetUIStateAndWizardStep( TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep eWizardStep ); void SetNumSearchingPlayers( int group, uint32 nPlayers ); void SetSteamLobbyID( const CSteamID &steamIDLobby ); bool IsIntroModeEligible(); bool IsProModeEligible(); void UpdatePreventMatchmakingDate(); // sets prevent_match variables to match the party member blocked from matchmaking the longest void YldUpdateMemberData( int nMemberIndex ); void SetWebAPIDebugValues( GCSDK::CWebAPIValues *pPartyObject ); protected: void SetStateInternal( CSOTFParty_State newState ); void DirtyParty(); #endif #ifdef CLIENT_DLL // We mark a party as offline when we dont get any response from the GC regarding // changes to the party while messing with the MM UI. If we get an update for an // offline party and we no longer want to be in MM, then we leave matchmaking to // match the user's intent. If it comes back and we're still in the MM UI, it'll // just update like normal. void SetOffline( bool bOffLine ) { m_bOffLine = bOffLine; } bool BOffline() const { return m_bOffLine; } private: bool m_bOffLine; #endif }; class CTFPartyInvite : public GCSDK::CProtoBufSharedObject<CSOTFPartyInvite, k_EProtoObjectTFPartyInvite>, public GCSDK::IPlayerGroupInvite { #ifdef GC DECLARE_CLASS_MEMPOOL( CTFPartyInvite ); #endif typedef GCSDK::CProtoBufSharedObject<CSOTFPartyInvite, k_EProtoObjectTFPartyInvite> BaseClass; public: const static int k_nTypeID = k_EProtoObjectTFPartyInvite; virtual const CSteamID GetSenderID() const { return Obj().sender_id(); } virtual GCSDK::PlayerGroupID_t GetGroupID() const { return Obj().group_id(); } virtual const char* GetSenderName() const { return Obj().sender_name().c_str(); } virtual int GetNumMembers() const { return Obj().members_size(); } virtual const CSteamID GetMember( int i ) const; virtual const char* GetMemberName( int i ) const; virtual uint16 GetMemberAvatar( int i ) const; virtual GCSDK::CSharedObject* GetSharedObject() { return this; } #ifdef GC virtual void YldInitFromPlayerGroup( GCSDK::IPlayerGroup *pPlayerGroup ); // NOTE: These do not dirty fields virtual void SetSenderID( const CSteamID &steamID ) { Obj().set_sender_id( steamID.ConvertToUint64() ); } virtual void SetGroupID( GCSDK::PlayerGroupID_t nGroupID ) { Obj().set_group_id( nGroupID ); } virtual void SetSenderName( const char *szName ) { Obj().set_sender_name( szName ); } virtual void AddMember( const CSteamID &steamID, const char *szPersonaName, uint16 unAvatar ); #endif }; #endif